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云南省人口的性比   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王洪林 《人类学学报》1996,15(3):225-232
对云南省1990年人口普查时的性比(男:女100)进行了分析研究,发现:(1)云南省总人口的性比(105.67)比1982年人口普查时提高了2.89,比全国的(106.60)仅低0.93,开始高出“性比较为严衡状态”(1003.5:1000),为1005.3:1000,且后8年年均递升速度为1982年的18年的2.19倍。(2)景颇族的性比特别低(95.77),而汉族0—14岁儿童性比则为107.27。(3)云南“大跃进”与“国民经济暂时旧难”时期出生的人,1982年”三普”时(20—24岁)性比特别低(101.11),可1990年“四普”时(28—32岁)却达107.84。(4)城镇人口的性比(113.01),比农村入门的性比(105.67)高得多,但差异在减小,(5)全省各地人口性比不同。  相似文献   

出生性比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 1971— 1993年云南昆明、玉溪、红河、思茅、西双版纳、大理、楚雄、丽江等 8地、州、市 66个医疗单位接生的新生儿资料进行调查 ,获取401454例新生儿性别等有关资料。发现 :( 1 )出生性比在上升 ,由 1971年的 104 .06上升到 1993年的 108.57;1974年最低 ,为 101 .11 ,1991年最高 ,为 111 .87。 23年中 ,平均每年上升 0 .47。 ( 2 )一年之中 ,新生儿出生人数的高峰期为 10、 11、 12等 3个月 ,峰顶为 11月 ,占 11 .01% ;出生性比的峰顶为 3、4、6、7、9等5个月 ,最高为 9月 ,达 109.47。 ( 3)城、乡出生性比差异显著。不论胎次 (一、二胎 )和月份 ( 8、 9两月除外 ) ,市、县城区 ,出生性比均显著高于农村。 ( 4) 1 979年以前的出生性比在101 .11— 105 .67之间 ,1980年以后的出生性比在 104 .17— 111 .87之间。 ( 5 )提出了维持性平衡的6点对策。  相似文献   

作者于1986年在《人类学学报》第5卷2期上发表了《云南玉溪地区人口的性比》一文,对云南玉溪地区1982年人口普查时的性比进行了分析,现将云南大理白族自治州同年人口普查时的性比材料报道如下。  相似文献   

目的:总结分析湖南省长株潭地区儿童烧伤的流行病学特征。方法:采用分层随机抽样法抽取湖南省长株潭地区3所医院,收集其2010年1月至2010年12月间收治的0—14岁烧伤患儿病历资料,并对烧伤患儿或其家长进行问卷调查。、结果:各年龄段患儿烧伤构成比依次为0-3岁(62.1%)、4-6岁(24.2%)以及7—14岁(13.6%)。致伤原因构成比依次为热液烧伤(56.1%)、火焰烧伤(31.8%)、其他原因烧伤(12.1%)。83.3%的烧伤发生在室内,客厅为最主要的烧伤发生场所占47.3%。75.8%的患儿烧伤发生在白天(6:00-18:00)。62.5%的患儿烧伤发生在夏、秋两季(6月-11月)。结论:在长株潭地区,婴幼儿时期(0-3岁)为儿童烧伤的易发年龄段;热液/热蒸汽造成的烧烫伤是儿童烧伤最常见的类型;室内特别是客厅为儿童烧伤最容易发生的地点。白天和夏、秋两季为儿童烧伤的好发时段和季节。  相似文献   

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的迁地保护工作已开展了近70年,基本实现了圈养种群的自我维持。根据2019年大熊猫谱系,现存圈养大熊猫种群(n=612)的总性比为1.22∶1 (♀336/♂276),与1∶1的性比有显著性差异(P=0.015),目前尚未开展性比失衡现象产生机制的探究工作。本研究以全国最大的圈养大熊猫种群为研究对象,梳理了该种群36年的出生性比、11年的分年龄雌雄个体数量和分年龄死亡雌雄个体数量,计算了出生性比和预期寿命等数据,旨在探究性比失衡的内在原因。结果显示,圈养大熊猫种群的出生性比为1.01∶1,与1∶1的性比无显著性差异(P=0.926);雄性大熊猫在幼年阶段死亡的比例高于雌性(♀38.24%/♂48.72%);圈养大熊猫的出生预期寿命中位数为21.4岁,其中雌性为23.5岁,雄性为19.8岁,雌性预期寿命比雄性长3.7岁。研究表明,圈养大熊猫种群性比失衡的内在原因是雄性大熊猫幼年阶段的死亡比例高于雌性,且雌性大熊猫预期寿命更长。本研究聚焦圈养大熊猫种群的性比失衡问题,首次计算了圈养大熊猫的预期寿命,可为圈养大熊猫种群的饲养管理和野外大熊...  相似文献   

调查青海省0~14岁健康儿童百日咳、白喉、破伤风抗体水平,抽样评价预防接种质量。在全省六州一地一市各选择1个县,对0~14岁健康儿童进行抗体检测。结果显示,百日咳、白喉、破伤风抗体阳性率分别为93.42%、94.96%和92.93%。不同地区0~14岁健康儿童百日咳、白喉和破伤风抗体阳性率虽有差别,但都达到较高的抗体水平;个别地区抗体水平低,说明青海省儿童计划免疫工作存在薄弱环节。  相似文献   

蝶蛹金小蜂性比的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡萃  万兴生 《昆虫学报》1988,(3):332-335
性比是决定昆虫种群盛衰的重要因子之一。考察了解自然条件下的性比,明确其影响因子、变动规律以及调节机理,争取按人类需要予以调节控制,不论对害虫防治或益虫利用来说,无疑都是重要的。Whiting在答复Jackson时曾说过:“性别决定是性比的基础,就小蜂总科来说,这是一个尚未阐明的问题”(Doutt.1964)。遗憾的是二、三十年后的今天,情况并无明显改变。对于蝶蛹金小蜂Pteromalus puparum(L.),George(1927)曾发现在夏季雌性比高,而秋季世代则低;Bouletreau(1976)曾试验光周期对其性比的影响。此外,一般多为零星记载。本文调查了杭州地区自然界蝶蛹金小峰的性比及其变化规律,研究了温度、光周期、寄主蛹性别以及寄生蛹中子蜂密度等对其性比的影响。现扼要报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 了解宁波市0~14岁儿童伤害死亡的流行病学特征,为开展儿童伤害的预防工作提供科学依据.方法 利用描述性流行病学的方法对宁波市2002-2009年死亡登记资料进行统计分析.结果 2002-2009年宁波市0~14岁儿童伤害死亡率为21.10/10万,占儿童死亡的31.59%,其中伤害占婴儿死亡的8.27%.农村儿童伤害死亡率(24.05/10万)高于城市儿童(15.89/10万),男童伤害死亡率(27.90/10万)高于女童(14.18/10万),儿童伤害死亡率随着年龄的增加呈下降趋势(P<0.05).意外机械性窒息是婴儿死亡的首位原因,占婴儿伤害死亡的46.20%.淹溺和机动车辆交通事故是1~14岁儿童伤害死亡的前2位原因,所占比例分别为59.30%和19.23%.儿童伤害YPLL标化率为79.91‰.结论 伤害已成为宁波市0~14岁儿童死亡的首位原因,尤其是淹溺、机动车辆交通事故对儿童的生命健康危害更大,亟待开展预防控制工作.  相似文献   

引 言 过去很多学者的研究都表明,鲫鱼的性比是较低的。Berndt(1928)在柏林调查了309条鱼,其性比为31.07%;佐佐木(1926)在仙台采集了1,733条鱼,其性比为11.42%;松井(1931)在丰桥观察了1,094条鱼,其性比为11.62%,而且存在着年令的变异;加籐(1932)在青森统计了696条鱼,其性比为8.24%,而且存在着与体长相关的变异。陈桢教授在中国科学院动物研究所的金鱼场所饲养的鲫鱼中,也发现雄鱼较少(个人通信)。1955年冬,他曾于饲养的鲫鱼中选留较大的个体作为种鱼,当1956年春、  相似文献   

田新民  张明海 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6249-6254
为分析黑龙江省完达山林区马鹿种群生存状态,制定科学有效地保护措施,从分子水平研究了种群数量和性比。2006、2007两年冬季跟踪马鹿足迹链,于五泡林场共搜集210份粪便,以成功提取DNA的167份作为分析样本。通过多态性较高的7个微卫星位点进行了基因分型分析,显示167份粪便DNA分属66只个体。基于非损伤性标志重捕法,统计出林场内马鹿数量2a平均47(39—60)只,密度0.302(0.251—0.386)只/km2,与2002年大样方法调查结果相比有减无增。SRY基因性别鉴定显示,种群雌雄性比1.00∶2.00(22♀,44♂),存在较多雄性个体,分析认为偷猎是导致性比失衡的最主要原因。数量的持续下降和性比失衡提示完达山林区马鹿种群数量的恢复需要更好地保护工作。  相似文献   

Information on the sex, age, and ethnic compositions; reproductive parameters; intensity of natural selection (Crow's indices); and surname diversity of three rural populations (the Byadi, Dyupsya, and Cheriktey villages) of the Ust-Aldan ulus (district) of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) has been analyzed. The rural Yakut population of the Ust-Aldan ulus is demographically young (the mean age 25-31 years) and characterized by low outbreeding, unfavorable sex ratio in both prereproductive and reproductive ages, and high fertility (3.58-5.45 children surviving until the reproductive age per woman that has completed the reproductive period), although the actual reproductively active period is shorter than half its physiological duration. In the structure of total selection, the differential-fertility component is considerably greater than the differential-mortality component (Itot = 0.625, Im = 0.093, and If = 0.487). In the villages studied, some surnames are accumulated (45-65% of the population have five most frequent surnames), which determines the low surname diversity (alpha = 11.62-25.19) and high random isonymy (Ir = 0.0391-0.0823).  相似文献   

Kucher AN  Soltobaeva ZhO 《Genetika》2004,40(11):1540-1548
The genetic demographic parameters of rural populations of Kyrgyzstan have been studied. The rural population of Kyrgyzstan has the following demographic characteristics: (1) it is demographically young (the population mean age is 25-28 years); (2) the sex ratio in reproductive age groups is unfavorable; (3) the fertility is high (5.78-7.68 pregnancies and 4.27-5.20 surviving children per woman of postreproductive age; (4) interethnic marriages are rare (1.0-5.9%), whereas consanguineous marriages are frequent (1.4-12%); (5) Crow's indices are relatively low (I(tot) = 0.24-0.29, I(m) = 0.05-0.13, I(f) = 0.14-0.22); and (6) both male and female contributions of different regions of the republic make unequal contributions to the gametic structure of the population, with the gametic structure varying from generation to generation. Demographic parameters vary in rural populations of different geographic regions and with different ethnic compositions.  相似文献   

Information on the sex, age, and ethnic compositions; reproductive parameters; intensity of natural selection (Crow's indices); and surname diversity of three rural populations (the Byadi, Dyupsya, and Cheriktey villages) of the Ust-Aldan ulus (district) of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) has been analyzed. The rural Yakut population of the Ust-Aldan ulus is demographically young (the mean age 25–31 years) and characterized by low outbreeding, unfavorable sex ratio in both prereproductive and reproductive ages, and high fertility (3.58–5.45 children surviving until the reproductive age per woman that has completed the reproductive period), although the actual reproductively active period is shorter than half its physiological duration. In the structure of index of total selection, the differential-fertility component is considerably greater than the differential-mortality component (I tot = 0.625, I m = 0.093, and I f = 0.487). In the villages studied, some surnames are accumulated (45–65% of the population have five most frequent surnames), which determines the low surname diversity ( = 11.62–25.19) and high random isonymy (I r= 0.0391–0.0823).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To discover whether the wartime government evacuation of children from London and other population centres to rural districts was associated with any increase in childhood leukaemia. DESIGN--Observational study of mortality from leukaemia among the childhood population of England and Wales in relation to the unique population movements during the second world war. The 476 rural districts of England and Wales were ranked according to the ratio of government evacuees (two thirds of them children) to local children in September 1941. The districts were divided into three categories, each with similar numbers of children in 1947 but with different ratios of evacuees to local children ("low," "intermediate," "high"). Mortality from childhood leukaemia was examined in these three rural categories in 1945-9. Urban areas were also examined according to their exposure to evacuees. SETTING--Local authority areas of England and Wales. SUBJECTS--Children aged under 15. RESULTS--47% excess of leukaemia at ages 0-14 years occurred in 1945-9 in the rural "high" category for evacuees relative to the "low" category, with a significant trend across the three categories. There were increases in both the 0-4 and 5-14 year age groups, but these were larger in the older age group. Rates 25% lower than average occurred in rural areas with few evacuees. CONCLUSION--These findings suggest that wartime evacuation increased the incidence of childhood leukaemia in rural areas and that other forms of population mixing may have contributed to the increases in past decades. Overall, they add to the appreciable evidence for an infective basis in childhood leukaemia.  相似文献   

The purposes of the current study were: (1) to describe growth and physical development and establish norms for schoolchildren from Rostov region in Russia; (2) to compare major characteristics of development between urban and rural children by sex and age.Nearly 200,000 children (198,712) aged between 7 and 17 years from 232 urban and rural schools of Rostov region (Southern Federal District of Russia) participated in the study. School age is a period of intensive growth and physiological and psychological development. Irregularities of personal development are caused by a multitude of factors, such as sex differences, heredity, socio-economic status of a family, standard of living, particular environmental conditions, and lifestyle.It has been established that children from the Southern Federal District of Russia had body mass index values higher than age-appropriate norms for all Russians (Total Russian, Rudnev et al., 2014) and World Health Organization charts. Children from urban settings were taller and heavier than children from rural settings.Sex is one of the most influential factors which play key role in determining specific characteristics of growth and personal development. According to our results, boys and girls both had similar age-related changes in weight and height, but their respective dynamics differed. Girls’ height and weight values accelerated at the age 10 to 12 years and plateaued after the age fourteen, whereas in boys height and weight steadily increased with age, showing slight acceleration at the age 12 to 13 years, and reached a plateau by the age of seventeen.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess longitudinal trends in admissions, management, and inpatient mortality from acute myocardial infarction over 10 years. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis based on the Nottingham heart attack register. SETTING: Two district general hospitals serving a defined urban and rural population. SUBJECTS: All patients admitted with a confirmed acute myocardial infarction during 1982-4 and 1989-92 (excluding 1991, when data were not collected). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Numbers of patients, background characteristics, time from onset of symptoms to admission, ward of admission, treatment, and inpatient mortality. RESULTS: Admissions with acute myocardial infarction increased from 719 cases in 1982 to 960 in 1992. The mean age increased from 62.1 years to 66.6 years (P < 0.001), the duration of stay fell from 8.7 days to 7.2 days (P < 0.001), and the proportion of patients aged 75 years and over admitted to a coronary care unit increased significantly from 29.1% to 61.2%. A higher proportion of patients were admitted to hospital within 6 hours of onset of their symptoms in 1989-92 than in 1982-4, but 15% were still admitted after the time window for thrombolysis. Use of beta blockers increased threefold between 1982 and 1992, aspirin was used in over 70% of patients after 1989, and thrombolytic use increased 1.3-fold between 1989 and 1992. Age and sex adjusted odds ratios for inpatient mortality remained unchanged over the study period. CONCLUSIONS: Despite an increasing uptake of the "proved" treatments, inpatient mortality from myocardial infarction did not change between 1982 and 1992.  相似文献   

To examine ethnic differences in postneonatal mortality and the incidence of sudden infant death in England and Wales during 1982-5 records were analysed, the mother''s country of birth being used to determine ethnic group. Postneonatal mortality was highest in infants of mothers born in Pakistan (6.4/1000 live births) followed by infants of mothers born in the Caribbean (4.5) and the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland (4.1). Crude rates were lower in infants of mothers born in India (3.9/1000), east and west Africa (3.0), and Bangladesh (2.8) than in infants of mothers born in the United Kingdom despite less favourable birth weights. Mortality ratios standardised separately for maternal age, parity, and social class were significantly higher in infants of mothers born in Pakistan and lower in those of mothers born in Bangladesh. The ratio for infants of Caribbean mothers was significantly higher when adjusted for maternal age. Ratios for infants of Indian and east African mothers did not show significant differences after standardisation. An important finding was a low incidence of sudden infant death in infants of Asian origin. This was paralleled by lower mortality from respiratory causes. During 1975-85 postneonatal mortality in all immigrant groups except Pakistanis fell to a similar or lower rate than that in the United Kingdom group; Pakistanis showed a persistent excess. During 1984-5 several immigrant groups (from the Republic of Ireland, India, west Africa, and the Caribbean) recorded an increase in postneonatal mortality. Surveillance of postneonatal mortality among ethnic communities should be continued, and research is needed to identify the causes underlying the differences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare proportions of low birthweight babies and mean heights of schoolchildren between rural and urban areas at different levels of social deprivation. DESIGN--Cross sectional population based study classifying cases by Townsend material deprivation index of enumeration district of residence and by rural areas, small towns, and large towns. SETTING--Northumberland Health District. SUBJECTS--18,930 singleton infants delivered alive during January 1985 to September 1990 and resident in Northumberland in October 1990; 9055 children aged 5 to 8 1/2 years attending Northumberland schools in the winter of 1989-90. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Odds ratios for birth weight less than 2800 g; difference in mean height measured by standard deviation (SD) score. RESULTS--Between the most deprived and most affluent 20% of enumeration districts the odds ratio for low birth weight adjusted for rural or urban setting was 1.71 (95% confidence interval 1.51 to 1.93) and the difference in mean height -0.232 SD score (-0.290 to -0.174). Between large towns and rural areas the odds ratio for low birth weight adjusted for deprivation was 1.37 (1.23 to 1.53) and the difference in mean height -0.162 SD score (-0.214 to -0.110). Results for small towns were intermediate between large towns and rural areas. CONCLUSIONS--Inequalities in birth weight and height exist in all rural and urban settings between deprived and affluent areas. In addition, there is substantial disadvantage to living in urban areas compared with rural areas which results from social or environmental factors unrelated to current levels of deprivation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess effects of fallout from Chernobyl on incidence of childhood leukaemia in Finland. DESIGN--Nationwide cohort study. External exposure measured for 455 Finnish municipalities with instruments driven 19,000 km throughout the country. Values specific to municipalities corrected for shielding due to houses and fallout from A bomb testing. Internal exposure estimated from whole body measurements on a random sample of 81 children. Mean effective dose for two years after incident calculated from these measurements. Data on childhood leukaemia obtained from Finnish cancer registry and verified through hospitals treating childhood cancers. SETTING--Finland, one of the countries most heavily contaminated by the Chernobyl accident; the population was divided into fifths by exposure. SUBJECTS--Children aged 0-14 years in 1976-92. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Standardised incidence ratio of childhood leukaemia and relative excess risk of childhood leukaemia per mSv. From incidence data of Finnish cancer registry for 1976-85, expected numbers specific to sex and age group (0-4, 5-9, and 10-14 years) were calculated for each municipality for three periods (1976-85, 1986-8, and 1989-92) and pooled as exposure fifths. Dose response was estimated as regression slope of standardised incidence ratios on mean doses for fifths for each period. RESULTS--Population weighted mean effective doses for first two years after the accident were 410 microSv for the whole country and 970 microSv for the population fifth with the highest dose. In all Finland the incidence of childhood leukaemia did not increase 1976-92. The relative excess risk 1989-92 was not significantly different from zero (7% per mSv; 95% confidence interval -27% to 41%). CONCLUSIONS--An important increase in childhood leukaemia can be excluded. Any effect is smaller than eight extra cases per million children per year in Finland. The results are consistent with the magnitude of effect expected.  相似文献   

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