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钉螺的基础组分及φ溴乙酰胺对它的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对安徽省贵池地区钉螺软体的生化组成进行了分析,并进一步探讨杀螺药溴乙酰胺对钉螺的作用。溴乙酰胺浸泡钉螺不同时间后,钉螺组织内糖原含量随作用时间不同而异。杀螺药氯乙酰胺与氯硝柳胺同样也可减少钉螺体内的糖原含量。  相似文献   

钉螺的基础组分及溴乙酰胺对它的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对安徽省贵池地区钉螺软体的生化组成进行了分析,并进一步探讨杀螺药溴乙酰胺对钉螺的怍用。溴乙酰胺浸泡钉螺不同时间后,钉螺组织内糖原含量随作用时间不同而异。杀螺药氯乙酰胺与氯硝柳胺同样拉可减少钉螺体内的糖原含量。  相似文献   

湖北钉螺是日本血吸虫的唯一中间宿主,生物杀螺具有环保、成本较低以及对钉螺定向特异的优点。从鄱阳湖草洲土壤及病螺体内分离出4株对钉螺具有高毒性作用的细菌。革兰氏染色和显微镜观察表明,一株为芽孢杆菌,其余3株均为革兰氏阴性杆菌。16srDNA扩增及序列比对鉴定其种属类型,结果显示分别为Enterobactersp.、B.cereus、S.putrefaciens和Aeromonassp.。杀螺研究结果表明,4株细菌的发酵液、发酵上清液和菌体对钉螺均表现出不同程度的毒杀作用,其中S.putrefaciens和Aeromonassp.的杀螺效果最好,72h发酵液和发酵上清液对钉螺的毒杀作用分别达100%和95%以上。各细菌发酵上清SDS-PAGE结果发现了丰富蛋白带,推测这些蛋白中存在对钉螺具有毒杀功效的组分。  相似文献   

分别从醉鱼草和水菖蒲中分离出99、103株内生真菌,按照WHO杀螺剂浸泡试验法观察不同内生真菌以及不同浓度发酵液杀螺效果.用河虾急性毒性试验评价其对非靶水生生物毒性.结果表明LL3026、S38、S21菌株发酵液有较高的杀螺活性,发酵液浓度为10%时,钉螺死亡率为100.0%;对河虾急性毒性较小.  相似文献   

夹竹桃对钉螺酯酶同工酶作用的初步分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
夹竹桃 (Nerium indicum)为夹竹桃科 (Apocynaceae)常绿大灌木 ,被广泛栽培用于观赏、绿化〔1〕。因其资源广泛 ,取材方便 ,叶含强心苷、欧夹竹桃苷等有效成分 ,可杀虫 〔2 ,3〕,故被我们用作杀钉螺 (Oncomelania hupensis)试验材料。从试验结果发现其有较强的杀螺作用 ,但其杀螺的机理尚不明。因此 ,为探讨其杀螺的生理生化机制 ,笔者从钉螺对外界环境反应强烈 〔4〕且具有解毒作用的酯酶 〔5,6〕着手 ,报道夹竹桃对钉螺酯酶同工酶的作用。1  材料和方法1 .1 材料夹竹桃于 1 998年 4月采自湖北大学校内 ,取其当年萌生枝上部叶 ,洗净 ,…  相似文献   

我国常用的灭螺方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
介绍了常用的消灭钉螺的方法:物理灭螺,主要有土埋吹沙、沟渠硬化、翻耕种植、蓄水养殖、开新填旧、热力杀螺等;化学灭螺,包括化学合成药物灭螺和植物性药物灭螺;生物灭螺主要有捕食灭螺、微生物灭螺和竞争灭螺。并对几种方法的实际效果进行了比较。  相似文献   

本实验研究分别采用益母草的根、茎、叶的0.10、0.25、0.50、2.00、1.00g/L和水苏碱的0.20、0.40、0.60、0.80、1.00g/L5个不同浓度梯度的处理液处理钉螺,设清水和0.001g/L浓度的氯硝柳胺溶液为对照。结果表明:(1)益母草各部分的水浸液均有很好的灭螺效果,用不同浓度的处理液浸杀钉螺,在不同时间的处理下,钉螺死亡率存在差异,其钉螺死亡率是随处理浓度的增加和时间的延长呈上升趋势,0.5g/L以上的益母草根、茎、叶、化水浸液和浓度达0.60g/L以上的水苏碱处理液均可达到100%的明显毒杀钉螺致死效果,与通常使用浓度0.0001g/L氯硝柳胺溶液的灭螺效果相当,不过益母草根、茎、叶水浸液的毒效较氯硝柳胺略慢,用0.0001g/L氯硝柳胺溶液处理钉螺2~3d可达100%的死亡率,而用0.5g/L以上的益母草根、茎、叶水浸液水溶液处理需要3~5d才能达到同样的效果;灭螺效果顺序依次为:叶>茎>根。(2)钉螺趋避性研究表明水苏碱和益母草根、茎和叶的处理液对钉螺具有明显的驱逐作用,而盐酸益母草碱几乎没有作用。由此获得化感作用植物益母草灭螺的化学生态学证据,为研制新的具中国特色的植物成份灭螺剂打下了基础,并为合成仿生灭螺剂以及最终构建生态工程中强化感作用植物群落灭螺提供理论依据。  相似文献   

采用静水法测定了不同温度、不同个体大小的单齿螺耗氧率和排氨率。结果表明:在16-33℃的实验温度范围内单齿螺的耗氧率(RO)和排氨率(RN)与软体部干重(W)都呈负相关,它们之间关系可以分别用幂函数RO=aW-b和RN=a1W-b1表示。16~29℃温度范围内单齿螺的耗氧率和排氨率均随温度的升高而增加,29℃时耗氧率和排氨率达到最大值,当温度继续升高超过29℃后,耗氧率和排氨率则随温度的升高而下降,耗氧率、排氨率与温度之间呈显著的指数函数关系RO=cedT和RN=c1ed1T;不同个体大小单齿螺的O:N比在16~20℃时较大,Q10取值范围0.56-3.74,平均值为1.64。方差分析表明,温度、软体部干重对单齿螺的耗氧率和排氨率均有极显著的影响(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

钉螺柠檬酸代谢酶系及琥珀酸脱氢酶的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用比色法测得钉螺体内有柠檬酸缩合酶、顺乌头酸酶及异柠檬酸酶的活力。新杀螺剂溴乙酰胺作用后,钉螺的柠檬酸缩合酶活力减低26%,而对顺乌头酸酶及异柠檬酸酶无影响。体外试验丙二酸及二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠都可抑制钉螺琥珀酸脱氢酶,而钉螺在后者2ppm的溶液中浸泡48小时,有90—100%的死亡。  相似文献   

本实验研充分别采用益母草的根、茎、叶的0.10、0.25、0.50、2.00、1.00g/L和水苏碱的0.20、0.40、0.60、0.80、1.00g/L 5个不同浓度梯度的处理液处理钉螺,设清水和0.001g/L浓度的氯硝柳胺溶液为对照。结果表明:(1)益母草各部分的水浸液均有很好的灭螺效果。用不同浓度的处理液浸杀钉螺,在不同时间的处理下,钉螺死亡率存在差异,其钉螺死亡率是随处理浓度的增加和时间的延长呈上升趋势,0.5g/L以上的益母草根、茎、叶、化水浸液和浓度达0.60g/L以上的水苏碱处理液均可达到100%的明显毒杀钉螺致死效果,与通常使用浓度0.0001g/L氯硝柳胺溶液的灭螺效果相当,不过益母苹根、茎、叶水浸液的毒效较氯硝柳胺略慢,用0.0001g/L氯硝柳胺溶液处理钉螺2—3d可达100%的死亡率,而用0.5g/L以上的益母草根、茎、叶水浸液水溶液处理需要3—5d才能达到同样的效果;灭螺效果顺序依次为:叶〉茎〉根。(2)钉螺趋避性研究表明水苏碱和益母草根、茎和叶的处理液对钉螺具有明显的驱逐作用,而盐酸益母草碱几乎没有作用。由此获得化感作用植物益母草灭螺的化学生态学证据。为研制新的具中国特色的植物成份灭螺剂打下了基础。并为合成仿生灭螺剂以及最终构建生态工程中强化感作用植物群落灭螺提供理论依据。  相似文献   

湘江长沙段洲滩钉螺防治后的种群动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用以系统抽样结合环境抽查的查螺方法,对湘江长沙段洲滩进行连续6年的螺情调查.2003-2008年跟踪调查了湘江长沙段24个洲滩,其中20个洲滩有钉螺分布,占洲滩总数的83.3%,4个洲滩从未查见钉螺.活螺洲滩数分别占当年调查洲滩的62.50%、66.67%、66.67%、70.83%、33.33%、37.50%;2008年与2003年相比,活螺洲滩数下降了40.00%,有螺框出现率、钉螺平均密度、活螺率分别下降了99.10%、99.74%、51.09%.经统计学处理,各洲滩有螺框出现率(Z=91.56,P<0.01)、活螺率(Z=65.13,P<0.01)不相同,但年度下降趋势明显.在20个有螺洲滩中,有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩5个,占有螺洲滩总数的25.00%;有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩逐年减少,平均密度和感染率逐年降低,2007-2008年所有洲滩均无感染性钉螺分布.湘江长沙段有螺洲滩采取的各种防治措施中,药物与环改灭螺相结合的效果远好于单纯的药物灭螺.各种环改灭螺措施中,又以抬洲降滩、翻耕垦种的灭螺效果更持久,更彻底.2007、2008年有螺洲滩数、钉螺总数急剧减少,有螺框出现率、活螺率大幅度下降还町能与水位和气候有关.湘江长沙段洲滩的螺情得到了较好的控制.  相似文献   

1. The ratio of dry weight to wet weight of infected snails (5.5 +/- 2.2%) is significantly smaller than that of uninfected animals (8.3 +/- 1.0%). 2. The specific values of oxygen consumption and heat-production per dry weight are significantly higher for infected snails (2.41 +/- 0.44 microliter O2/h/mg; 12.63 +/- 1.24 muW/mg) than for uninfected ones (1.88 +/- 0.24 microliter O2/h/mg, 8.94 +/- 0.91 muW/mg). 3. The rate of oxygen consumption always suffices to explain the measured heat flows for aerobic catabolism of carbohydrates or fats and proteins, respectively. Neither for infected nor for uninfected snails is it necessary to assume an anaerobic energy metabolism. 4. Structures in the calorimetrically obtained heat production curves are discussed.  相似文献   

冬季水淹对洲滩钉螺生存繁殖影响的观察   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在我国长江下游江边,采用现实验性水淹的方法,观察冬季水淹对钉螺生存影响及水淹后尚存活螺繁殖力变化。结果水淹30、60、90、120天150天后其亡率依次为1.25%、9.30%、19.23%、36.05%和36.70%。经水淹60-90天,螺的产卵量减少1/2以上,所产卵的孵化率下降约1/3。观察提示,冬季持续一定时间水淹一定时间水淹对湖沼地区钉螺生存和繁殖均为不利。  相似文献   

Summary The Warburg's manometric technique was used to measure the rate of oxygen consumption of the second generation of laboratory-reared snails, Biomphalaria alexandrina and Bulinus truncatus at two temperatures of 25° and 30°C. The individual weight of the experimental snails ranged between 40 and 78 mg for B. alexandrina, between 60 and 90 mg for B. truncatus.At 25°C, the uninfected snails B. alexandrina consumed oxygen at an average rate of 0.096 ± 0.020 ml/g wet wt/hr. The rate of oxygen consumption increased to an average of 0.147 ± 0.008 ml/g wet wt/hr for uninfected snails maintained at 30°C (about 53 per cent increase). The average RW value for uninfected snails maintained at 25°C was 0.80.The snail Bulinus truncatus showed higher oxygen requirements than the snail Biomphalaria alexandrina. At 25°C, it consumed oxygen at an average rate of 0.124 ± 0.016 ml/g wet wt/hr. At 30°C, the rate of oxygen consumption reached a value of 0.220 + 0.006 ml/g wet wt/hr. The average RQ for Bulinus truncatus maintained at 25°C was 0.87.The rate of oxygen consumption of the schistosome — infected Biomphalaria alexandrina snails, maintained at 25°C decreased to an average rate of 0.059 ± 0.010 ml/g wet wt/hr, (an average of 39 per cent decrease). The respiratory quotient (RQ) also decreased to an average value of 0.58. Further research is suggested to clarify the metabolism of both schistosome-infected and uninfected snails.Read at the Ist African Symposium on Bilharziasis, Cairo Egypt, U.A.R., February, 1969.From the Laboratory of Bilharziasis Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, Egypt, U.A.R.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the acid-base status of extra- and intracellular fluids and its possible role on the regulation of the metabolic rate of Helix lucorum during prolonged estivation. For this purpose, the rate of oxygen consumption for active and estivating snails was determined. The acid-base status was also examined in the hemolymph and tissues from active and estivating snails acclimated at 25 degrees C. In addition, the buffer values of hemolymph and tissues were determined in order to examine whether there is a change in the snails during estivation. The rate of oxygen consumption decreased significantly within the 1st 10 days of estivation from 122.51+/-10 microl.g(-1).h(-1) to 25.86+/-5.2 microl.g(-1).h(-1), indicating a marked decrease in metabolic rate. P(CO2)increased within the 1st 20 days of estivation from 13.52+/-0.68 mmHg to 25.09+/-2.05 mmHg, while the pH of hemolymph (pH(e)) decreased from 7.72+/-0.04 to 7.44+/-0.06. The level of bicarbonates decreased in the hemolymph of estivating snails, indicating a metabolic acidosis, which was moderate in extracellular fluids. In contrast to pH(e), the intracellular pH (pH(i)) was maintained in the tissues of estivating H. lucorum, indicating a regulation of pH(i) despite the developed hypercapnia. According to the results presented here, it seems that the timing of pH(e) changes does not correlate with the timing of metabolic rate reduction in estivating H. lucorum.  相似文献   

Lactate is produced by the sheep placenta and is an important metabolic substrate for fetal sheep. However, lactate uptake and release by the fetal liver have not been assessed directly. We measured lactate flux across the liver in 16 fetal sheep at 129 (120-138) days gestation that had catheters chronically maintained in the fetal descending aorta, inferior vena cava, right or left hepatic vein, and umbilical vein. Lactate and hemoglobin concentrations and oxygen saturation were measured in blood drawn from all vessels. Umbilical venous, portal venous, and hepatic blood flow were measured by injecting radionuclide-labeled microspheres into the umbilical vein while obtaining a reference sample from the descending aorta. We found net hepatic uptake of lactate (5.0 +/- 4.4 mg/min per 100 g liver). A large quantity of lactate was delivered to the liver (94.2 +/- 78.1 mg/min per 100 g), so that the hepatic extraction of lactate was only 7.7 +/- 6.5%. Hepatic oxygen consumption was 3.18 +/- 3.3 ml/min per 100 g, and the hepatic lactate/oxygen quotient was 2.07 +/- 1.54. There was no significant correlation between hepatic lactate uptake and hepatic lactate or glucose delivery, hepatic oxygen consumption, hepatic blood flow, hepatic glucose flux, total body oxygen consumption, arterial pH, oxygen content, or oxygen saturation. There was, however, a significant correlation between hepatic lactate uptake and umbilical lactate uptake (r = 0.74, P less than 0.005) such that net hepatic lactate uptake was nearly equivalent to that produced across the umbilical-placental circulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Physiological and biochemical alterations in Littorina saxatilis infected with larval trematodes were investigated and compared with the metabolism of non-parasitized snails. Oxygen consumption rates of infected snails differed from those of non-infected controls in medium sized individuals (30 to 130 mg) but not in very large infected individuals (> 200 mg). Small snails (0.5 to 8.5 mg) were seldom infected by parasites, and this size-class consisted only of non-infected specimens. The specific oxygen consumption rate of infected snails was not dependent on their mass and remained constant over the size ranges investigated. Alterations in the snail metabolism appeared to be connected to injuries to digestive gland tissues caused by the parasites. The glycogen concentration and fatty acids of neutral lipids and phospholipids in the digestive gland were determined. Infected snails differed from uninfected snails in the complete absence of glycogen in digestive gland and had proportionally higher quantities of eicosenoic (20:1) acid in the total phospholipids. It remains unclear whether infection by trematodes activates enzymes in the snail's digestive gland to synthesize eicosenoic (20:1) acid, or whether the sporocysts themselves possess these enzymes. The role of phospholipid fatty acids in the regulation and maintenance of the parasite's metabolism is briefly considered. Biochemical alterations observed in the fatty acid composition may have an adaptive significance, by helping to stabilize the host-parasite system.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine the role of nitric oxide in mediating autonomic and behavioral thermoregulatory control in rat pups on postnatal days 1-2, 5-6, and 10-11. For an experiment, each pup received a subcutaneous injection of vehicle, NG-nitro-D-arginine methyl ester (D-NAME; 100 mg/kg), or NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 mg/kg) before being placed in a metabolic chamber or in a thermocline with a linear temperature gradient of 23 to 43 degrees C. In the metabolic chamber, oxygen consumption and core temperature were measured as ambient temperature was decreased from 40 to 15 degrees C over a 60-min period. Decreasing ambient temperature elicited an increase in oxygen consumption in all age groups that received vehicle or d-NAME. The lower critical temperature and peak oxygen consumption upon exposure to cold after vehicle were 41 +/- 10 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) at 30 degrees C, 43 +/- 12 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) at 28 degrees C, and 55 +/- 11 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) at 25 degrees C in the 1- to 2-, 5- to 6-, and 10- to 11-day-old pups, respectively. Administration of L-NAME abolished the oxygen consumption response to cold in the 1- to 2- and 5- to 6-day-old pups and significantly attenuated the oxygen consumption response to cold in the 10- to 11-day-old pups. Selected ambient temperature in the thermocline was not significantly affected by prior administration of D-NAME or L-NAME compared with vehicle. Thus our data provide evidence that the nitric oxide system plays a role in mediating autonomic but not behavioral thermoregulatory control in rat pups during early postnatal maturation.  相似文献   

The sulfide-dependent reduction of exogenous ubiquinone by membranes of the hyperthermophilic chemotrophic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus (VF5), the sulfide-dependent consumption of oxygen and the reduction of cytochromes by sulfide in membranes were studied. Sulfide reduced decyl-ubiquinone with a maximal rate of up to 3.5 micromol (mg protein)(-1) min(-1) at 20 degrees C. Rates of 220 nmol (mg protein)(-1) min(-1)] for the sulfide-dependent consumption of oxygen and 480 nmol (mg protein)(-1) min(-1) for the oxidation of sulfide at 20 C were estimated. The reactions were sensitive towards 2-n-nonyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide, but insensitive towards cyanide. Both reduction of decyl-ubiquinone and consumption of oxygen by sulfide rapidly increased with increasing temperature. For the sulfide-dependent respiratory activity, a sulfide-to-oxygen ratio of 2.3+/-0.2 was measured. This indicates that sulfide was oxidized to the level of zero-valent sulfur. Reduction of cytochromes by sulfide was monitored with an LED-array spectrophotometer. Reduction of cytochrome b was stimulated by 2-n-nonyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide in the presence of excess sulfide under oxic conditions. This "oxidant-induced reduction" of cytochrome b suggests that electron transport from sulfide to oxygen in A. aeolicus employs the cytochrome bc complex via the quinone pool. Comparison of the amino acid sequence with the sequence of the sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus and of the flavocytochrome c from Allochromatium vinosum revealed that the sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase from A. aeolicus belongs to the glutathione reductase family of flavoproteins.  相似文献   

The dynamics of cardiac output changes were studied in 23 15-year-old boys subjected to graduated loading up to maximum on an bicycle ergometer and relationships between cardiac output and other indexes of cardiorespiratory functions were determined. The correlation between cardiac output (Q in 1/min) and oxygen consumption (VO2 in 1/min) was Q = 6.84 + 5.64. VO2. CO2-rebreathing was found to be a suitable non-invasive method for determining cardiac output in loading tests in adolescents. Maximum cardiac output correlated with maximum oxygen consumption, maximum pulmonary ventilation, body weight, lean body mass and physical working capacity W 170 and did not correlate with systolic volume, the arteriovenous oxygen difference, the pulse rate and ballistocardiographic force. The absence of any statistically significant differences between the various functional indexes of the physical fitness of trained and untrained boys indicates that training was not very effective.  相似文献   

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