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We investigated the phenotypic plasticity of renal function in three South American coastal passerine Cinclodes (ovenbirds) differing in the proportion of marine prey they consume. Individuals were acclimated to two regimes of salinity for 15 days, and then the maximal urine-concentrating ability (Umax), hematological parameters and kidney morphology of each species were determined. The proportion of kidney mass occupied by medullary tissue, the number of medullary cones in the kidneys, plasma osmolality and Umax differed among the three species, supporting the hypothesis of an adaptation for excretion of the high salt load in the strictly marine C. nigrofumosus. Our results indicate that species of Cinclodes are able to modify the proportion of medullary tissue and the Umax. In addition, we found interspecific differences in the magnitude to which these osmoregulatory parameters can be modified. The greater ability to modify the osmoregulatory features in the migrant species C. oustaleti may enable it to cope with seasonal changes in salt load imposed by the winter consumption of hypertonic prey.Abbreviations Umax maximal urine concentration - SW salt water - TW tap waterCommunicated by I.D. Hume  相似文献   

Two types of genicular development (designated Types I and II) are present in South African species of Amphiroa. Genicula of both types originate when medullary tissue near branch endings softens by decalcification. In Type I decalcification does not progress to the branch surface and the joint therefore does not become flexible until the cortex, which remains calcified, cracks and partly sloughs. This type occurs in all species of Amphiroa in South Africa except one, and possibly occurs in those in the rest of the world as well. In Type II decalcification continues centrifugally to the surface of the branch; this results in a geniculum comprising medullary and cortical tissue. As far as is known this type occurs only in Amphiroa ephedraea. Type I appears to be more primitive than Type II.  相似文献   

We compared the proportions of mammalian-type and reptilian-type nephrons in the kidneys of two species of passerine birds. The desert house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is relatively well adapted for water conservation, whereas the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) is more mesic adapted. The two species do not differ in body mass, but the kidneys of P. domesticus are significantly smaller than those of Z. leucophrys. Associated with its smaller size, the house sparrow kidney has significantly fewer glomeruli (35,700 per kidney) than does the white-crowned sparrow kidney (53,000 per kidney). The medullary cones, which contain the loops of Henle of the mammalian-type nephrons, are significantly longer in house sparrows than in white-crowned sparrows (2.2 vs. 1.9 mm). The number of medullary cones, the number of nephrons per medullary cone, and, hence, the number of mammalian-type nephrons do not differ between the two species. The smaller number of nephrons in the kidney of the house sparrow therefore represents a smaller number of reptilian-type nephrons. Desert house sparrows have 18% mammalian-type nephrons, whereas white-crowned sparrows have 10% mammaliantype nephrons. The relative reduction of reptilian-type nephrons in P. domesticus may reduce the flow of dilute urine through the collecting ducts, thereby permitting a greater concentration gradient to be established along the length of the medullary cones.  相似文献   

Morphological and culture studies were carried out on the genus Scytosiphon (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyceae) growing in Japan. Morphologies of plurilocular zo-idangia and sporophytic thalli were found to be useful as taxonomic characters. Two types of plurilocular zo-idangial sori were recognized: (i) loosely coherent plurilocular zoidangia without a cuticular layer (loose type); (ii) tightly coherent plurilocular zoidangia with a cuticular layer (coherent type). The sporophytic thallus morphology was different among species in general appearance (tufted or discoid), degree of cohesion of erect filaments, and presence or absence of paraphyses. Two new species are described, Scytosiphon gracilis sp. nov. and Scytosiphon tenellus sp. nov, Scytosiphon gracilis is distinguished from other species by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, no ascocysts associated with plurilocular zoidangia, and Compsonema-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon tenellus is characterized by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, ascocysts among plurilocular zoidangial sori, and Stragularia-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon lo-mentaria (Lyngbye) Link is characterized by a constricted gametophytic thallus, loose plurilocular zoidangia, the presence of ascocysts, and sporophytic thaili identified with Microspongium gelatlnosum Reinke.  相似文献   

Paleal notochaetae belonging to a number of Chrysopetalum species (Chrysopetalidae) were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Paleae are composed of broad medullary channels stacked with a regular series of horizontal fibrous diaphragms. The medullary part of the palea is surrounded by irregular rows of narrow tubular channels within the chaetal cortex. The origin and function of camerate chaetae is discussed.  相似文献   

Nomimoscolex semenasae n. sp. is described from the primitive fish Diplomystes viedmensis (Siluriformes) from the Patagonian region of Argentina. The new species is placed in Nomimoscolex because of the cortical position of the vitelline follicles, medullary position of the testes, ovary and uterus, and having a scolex with four uniloculate suckers. N. semenasae differs from all other species in the genus by the following combination of characters: (1) apical organ absent; (2) strobila acraspedote; (3) vagina anterior or posterior to cirrus-sac and lacking a sphincter; (4) testes in one irregular layer and in two fields connected anteriorly; (5) uterine stem cortical in immature proglottides, growing from cortical stem into medullary region in mature proglottides; (6) long uteroduct; and (7) presence of spiniform microtriches on all regions of the scolex, proliferation zone and immature proglottis. This is the first record of a proteocephalidean tapeworm in D. viedmensis and in the family Diplomystidae.  相似文献   

A new sorediate lichen, Menegazzia hypernota Bjerke, is described from New Zealand. This new species is characterised by convex, crescent‐shaped to fabi‐form soralia that are occasionally associated with perforations; apothecia with 2‐spored asci; the small perforations; the numerous secondary lobules; the presence of inconspicuous, yellow spots in the internal cavity; and fumarprotocetraric acid as principal medullary constituent. Menegazzia caliginosa, a species associated with M. hypernota, is reported for the first time from the Auckland Islands.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and morphological reinvestigation of Chondrus verrucosus Mikami was conducted in the Pacific coast of southeastern Honshu, Japan, including the holotype specimen and samples near the type locality. Two entities were recognized by phylogenetic analyses of plastid rbcL and nuclear EF2 sequences. In morphological analyses, the two entities were distinguished by: (i) thallus size and form, and (ii) cell shape of the medullary layer surrounding young carposporangia: one has larger thalli, is regularly canaliculated, with linear medullary cells (large‐type); the other is smaller, canaliculated with crispation and has roundish medullary cells (small‐type). The large‐type was common in southern to eastern Boso Peninsula including near the type locality; the small‐type was typical in the southwest Boso Peninsula and Sagami Bay. The large‐type was shown to be equivalent to C. verrucosus by examination of the holotype specimen. The small‐type is described as a new species, C. retortus Matsumoto et Shimada.  相似文献   

Ahnfeltia plicata (Hudson) Fries, the type species of Ahnfeltia Fries, is reported to be a widespread alga which is an important source of agar. However, after characterizing type material and representative populations of A. plicata, we found that several taxa usually considered to be synonyms of A. plicata instead represent separate species with differing geographic distributions. Ahnfeltia plicata sensu stricto is characterized by the development of external carposporophytes on female sori that are present only on mature axes. Pseudocarposporophytes bearing monosporangia and cortical monosporangial sori occur on both young and old axes. Characteristic vegetative features include long medullary cells and cortical growth rings. Ahnfeltia plicata s.s. is circumpolar in both hemispheres and is harvested for agar in the White Sea. Ahnfeltia setacea (Kútzing) Schmitz from the Falkland Islands, Gymnogongrus comosus Kützing from Chile and Gymnogongrus filiformis Kützing from southern Argentina appear to be synonymous with A. plicata. Ahnfeltia fastigiata (Postels et Ruprecht) Makienko, from the North Pacific, differs from A. plicata principally in the development of female sori and carposporophytes only near apices; medullary cells are shorter and cortical growth rings, cortical monosporangia and pseudocarposporophytes are not formed. It is dioecious and its life history involves the development from carpospores of a crustose Porphyrodiscus tetrasporophyte. We suggest that A. plicata var. tobuchiensis Kanno et Matsubara, the principal form of Ahnfeltia utilized for agar production in the North Pacific, represents an unattached ecad of A. fastigiata. Ahnfeltia elongata Montagne, known only from Chile and with carposporophytes restricted to main axes, is more closely related to A. plicata than to A. fastigiata. Thalli are large and regularly dichotomous, with long medullary cells, and do not form pseudocarposporophytes or monosporangia.  相似文献   

Summary Hassall's corpuscles represent a subset of medullary thymic epithelial cells whose origin and function within the thymus still remain largely unknown. The present study shows that Hassall's corpuscles can be defined by their intracellular content in specific keratin subunits. Two monoclonal anti-keratin antibodies were used: KL1, directed to high molecular weight keratins, and KL4, specific for high and medium molecular weight polypeptides.In vivo, KL1 exclusively binds to Hassall's corpuscles of five mammalian species including mouse, rat, guinea-pig, rabbit and pig. Thus KL1 appears as an exclusive marker of Hassall's corpuscles in a large number of mammals.In vitro, thymic epithelial cells gave rise in certain species to Hassall's corpuscles. In contrast to itsin vivo reactivity, KL1 never labelled Hassall's corpuscles developedin vitro. These data strongly support the following conclusions: (1) Hassall's corpuscles derive from medullary epithelial cells; (2) they represent advanced stages of thymic epithelial maturation; (3) thymic epithelial cell differentiation is impairedin vitro. Furthermore, this study provides additional evidence that thymic epithelium heterogeneity reflects different stages in epithelial maturation.  相似文献   


The liverwort Mastigolejeunea gradsteinii Sukkharak sp. nov. (Lejeuneaceae) is described from Malaysia. The new species is characterised by (1) rigid stem with epidermal cells as large as medullary cells, (2) apiculate leaf apex, (3) curved lobules without teeth, and (4) perianths with 7–8 keels.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recording and labeling of cells from the toad's (Bufo bufo spinosus) medulla oblongata in response to moving visual (and tactual) stimuli yield the following results. (i) Various response types characterized by extracellular recording in medullary neurons were also identified intracellularly and thus assigned to properties of medullary cell somata. (ii) Focussing on monocular small-field and cyclic bursting properties, somata of such neurons were recorded most frequently in the medial reticular formation and in the branchiomotor column but less often in the lateral reticular formation. (iii) Visual object disrimination established in pretectal/tectal networks is increased in its acuity in 4 types of medullary small-field neurons. The excitatory and inhibitory inputs to these neurons evoked by moving visual objects suggest special convergence likely to increase the filter properties. (iv) Releasing conditions, temporal pattern, and refractoriness of cyclic bursting neurons resemble membrane characteristics of vertebrate and invertebrate neurons known to play a role in premotor/motor activity. (v) Integrating functions of medullary cells have an anatomical correlate in the extensive arborizations of their dendritic trees; 5 morphological types of medullary neurons have been distinguished.Abbreviations A stripe moving in antiworm configuration - (W) moving in worm configuration - S square - BMC branchiomotor column - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - RetF medullary reticular formation - RF receptive field - M neurons response properties of medullary neurons - T neurons classes of tectal neurons - TH neurons classes of thalamic/pretectal neurons - tr.tb.d. tractus tecto-bulbaris directus - tr.tbs.c. tractus tecto-bulbaris et spinalis cruciatus  相似文献   

Flattened Gracilaria species are widely distributed along the coasts of the South China Sea with more than 20 species recorded. Within the South China Sea, Gracilaria mammillaris has only been reported from Vietnam, but this species is likely restricted to the western Atlantic. This study aimed to reevaluate the taxonomic status of Vietnamese specimens of ‘G. mammillaris’ using combined morphological and molecular data. Our data clearly indicated that Vietnamese specimens were morphologically and genetically distinct from authentic G. mammillaris from the western Atlantic, and also other described flat Gracilaria species. We, therefore, propose that specimens from Vietnam originally identified as G. mammillaris be designated as a new species, Gracilaria phuquocensis sp. nov. Morphologically, G. phuquocensis can be distinguished from other flat Gracilaria species by its small thallus size, narrower blades, many medullary layers, abundant basal nutritive filaments within mature cystocarps, and tetrasporangial nemathecium. Our rbcL sequence analyses showed that the new species was sister to Gracilaria rhodymenioides from Thailand, and these two species formed a clade with cylindrical Gracilaria species. Our study contributes to clarification of the taxonomic status of misidentified specimens attributed to the flattened Gracilaria species in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Cinclodes nigrofumosus and C. oustaleti are two closely related songbirds that inhabit the northern Chilean coast during the austral fall and winter.This stretch spans a dramatic north to south latitudinal gradient in rainfall and temperature. Whereas C. nigrofumosus lives exclusively on coastal environments, C. oustaleti shifts seasonally from coastal environments to inland freshwater ones. We used the δ13C of these two species’ tissues to investigate whether the reliance on marine versus terrestrial sources varied from the hyper-arid north to the wet south. We also investigated latitudinal variation in the renal traits that mediate how these birds cope with dehydration and a salty marine diet. Both species increased the incorporation of terrestrial carbon, as measured by δ13C, as terrestrial productivity increased southwards. However, C. nigrofumosus had consistently more positive (i.e. more marine) and less variable δ13C values than C. oustaleti. The osmoregulatory traits of both species varied with latitude as well. Urine osmolality decreased from extremely high values in the north to moderate values in the south, while C. nigrofumosus produced more concentrated urine than C. oustaleti. In both species, the proportion of kidney devoted to medullary tissue decreased from north to south, and kidney size increased significantly with latitude. Cinclodes nigrofumosus had larger kidneys with larger proportions of medullary tissue than C. oustaleti. C. nigrofumosus and C. oustaleti are terrestrial organisms subsidized by a rich marine environment where it is adjacent to an unproductive terrestrial. Variation in the reliance on marine food sources seems to be accompanied by adjustments in the osmoregulatory mechanisms used by these birds to cope with salt and dehydration.  相似文献   

Few species in the genus Grateloupia have been investigated in detail with respect to the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae before or after diploidization. In this study, we document the vegetative and reproductive structures of two new species of Grateloupia, G. taiwanensis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov. and G. orientalis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov., plus a third species, G. ramosissima Okamura, from Taiwan. Two distinct patterns are reported for the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae: (1) ampullae consisting of three orders of unbranched filaments that branch after diploidization of the auxiliary cell and form a pericarp together with the surrounding secondary medullary filaments (G. taiwanensis type), and (2) ampullae composed of only two orders of unbranched filaments in which only a few cells are incorporated into a basal fusion cell after diploization of the auxiliary cell and the pericarp consists almost entirely of secondary medullary filaments (G. orientalis type). G. orientalis is positioned in a large clade based on rbcL gene sequence analysis that includes the type species of Grateloupia C. Agardh 1822 , Gfilicina. G. taiwanensis clusters with a clade that includes the generitype of Phyllymenia J. Agardh 1848 , Ph. belangeri from South Africa; that of Prionitis J. Agardh 1851 , Prlanceolata from Pacific North America; and that of Pachymeniopsis Y. Yamada ex Kawab. 1954, Palanceolata from Japan. A reexamination of the type species of the genera Grateloupia, Phyllymenia, Prionitis, and Pachymeniopsis is required to clarify the generic and interspecific relationships among the species presently placed in Grateloupia.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe Kallymenia crouaniorum Vergés & Le Gall, sp. nov. (Kallymeniaceae), a new marine red alga from the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. rbcL and LSU sequences of this species, previously misidentified in the field as Kallymenia reniformis, diverged from those of other Kallymenia species by at least 7.5% and 5.2%, respectively. Kallymenia crouaniorum also has a set of distinctive vegetative and reproductive characteristics, including a deeply lacerate frond, a short stipe, dentate margins, large cortical cells up to 110 μm in diameter, highly refractive stellate medullary cells with arms up to 1000 μm in length, and a monocarpogonial branch system. Molecular phylogenies inferred from rbcL and LSU data indicated, albeit with weak support, that this new species is a sister taxon of a lineage encompassing the generitype K. reniformis, as well as most species of Kallymenia included in the phylogenetic analysis. The main morphological characters that delineate monocarpogonial Kallymenia species are presented. Moreover, after reviewing the literature and several herbarium specimens, we found in the Weber-van Bosse Herbarium a specimen collected at Roscoff in August 1894 with the anatomical characters of the species described here, confirming that this newly described species has in fact been overlooked and is not a recent introduction.  相似文献   

The frutescent species of the lichen genusCaloplaca are usually united in sect.Thamnoma, but they do not form a natural group. They are derived from different species groups within sect.Gasparrinia from different parts of the world, presumable from species having scleroplectenchymes in cortex and medulla. The algal cells are concentrated between the scleroplectenchymatic strands in large and dense groups, from where medullary plectenchyme extends to the cortex and forms characteristic pseudocyphellae there.—Most of the species seem to be ornithocoprophilous; they grow on rocks along marine coasts where much fog is induced by cold currents.—Caloplaca cribrosa is endemic in Tasmania and New Zealand,C. regalis and the doubtfulC. ambitiosa belong to the antarctic element.C. fragillima from central Chile seems to be propagated by thallus fragments.C. coralloides andC. thamnodes are endemic to California and Baja California respectively.C. cladodes from the Rocky Mountains deviates in many characteristics from the other species i.a. by it different ontogenetic development, reduced spore septum, and cementing amyloid polysaccharides within the scleroplectenchymatic strands. The African species are characterized by their distinctly dorsiventral lobes and usually possess oil cells in some of the paraphyses.Caloplaca bonae-spei, C. fragillima andC. thamnodes are new to science.

The microanatomical and histological structure of Eocene Antarctic stem penguin tarsometatarsi is examined in order to characterise the bone microstructure. Eight adult tarsometatarsi belonging to eight fossil species (Palaeeudyptes gunnari, Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, Anthropornis grandis, Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi, Archaeospheniscus wimani, Marambiornis exilis, Delphinornis arctowskii and Delphinornis larseni) collected from the Antarctic A. nordenskjoeldi Biozone (La Meseta Formation, ~34.2 Ma) were examined. The thin sections revealed a distinctive microanatomical variation among taxa. Whereas Anthropornis spp., A. wimani and P. gunnari possess massive, clearly osteosclerotic bones (medullary cavities absent or strongly reduced), the bones of Delphinornis spp., P. klekowski and M. exilis exhibit well-developed medullary cavities. The cortical bone in all the specimens consists of primary, well-vascularised fibro-lamellar bone and variable amounts of secondary bone. Medullary cavities are coated by a thick layer of lamellar bone tissue and coarse compacted cancellous bone. Although several causes can explain the striking microanatomical variation (e.g. ontogeny), we interpret that such variation is related to differential adaptations to the aquatic life, for which taxa with more massive bones were possibly adapted to deeper and more prolonged diving excursions.  相似文献   

Reproductive structures of Laurencia pelagosae are described for the first time. Tetrasporangia, in parallel arrangement, are cut off from the mother cells adaxially; antheridial branches, which are unramified, are inserted in depressions lacking a row of axial cells on their bases; cystocarps are sessile and subspherical. The occurrence of secondary pit-connections between epidermal cells and of lenticular thickenings in the walls of medullary cells is documented. The species is included in the new section Pelagosae within the subgenus Laurencia.  相似文献   

The new species Tinocladia sanrikuensis sp. nov. H.Kawai, K.Takeuchi & T.Hanyuda (Ectocarpales s.l., Phaeophyceae) is described from the Pacific coast of the Tohoku region, northern Japan based on morphology and DNA sequences. The species is a spring–summer annual growing on lower intertidal to upper subtidal rocks and cobbles on relatively protected sites. T. sanrikuensis has a slimy, cylindrical, multiaxial erect thallus, slightly hollow when fully developed, branching once to twice, and resembles T. crassa in gross morphology. The erect thalli are composed of a dense medullary layer, long subcortical filaments, and assimilatory filaments of 11–35 cells, up to 425 μm long and curved in the upper portion. Unilocular zoidangia are formed on the basal part of assimilatory filaments. The species is genetically most closely related to T. crassa and has the same basic thallus structures but differs in having thinner and longer assimilatory filaments. DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cox1 and cox3, chloroplast atpB, psaA, psbA and rbcL genes support the distinctness of this species.  相似文献   

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