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黄土高原半湿润易旱区降水资源短缺且年际分配不均,研究水分供应对饲草作物生长的影响对该区饲草栽培具有重要的指导意义。在遮雨棚中采用盆栽控水的方法,研究了箭筈豌豆单作、燕麦单作、饲用玉米单作、燕麦/箭筈豌豆间作、燕麦/饲用玉米间作5种种植模式在高水(70%田间持水量)、中水(55%田间持水量)、低水(40%田间持水量)3个供水水平下的群体产量、根冠比以及水分利用效率。结果表明: 在高、中、低3个供水水平下,燕麦/箭筈豌豆间作群体的土地当量比分别为1.20、1.21和1.19,燕麦/饲用玉米间作群体的土地当量比分别为1.17、1.11和1.03,均表现为间作优势。同一供水水平下,5种种植模式中单作饲用玉米总干物质产量最高,单作箭筈豌豆最低。单作燕麦的干物质产量和粗蛋白产量均随水分供应量的减少而增加,而单作箭筈豌豆和单作玉米则表现出相反的趋势。在个体水平上,间作提高了燕麦干物质产量和粗蛋白产量,而降低了箭筈豌豆和饲用玉米的产量,燕麦表现为间作优势。燕麦/箭筈豌豆间作群体干物质产量在中水和低水处理下比高水处理分别增加4.1%和4.8%,但差异不显著;而燕麦/饲用玉米间作群体干物质产量在中水和低水处理比高水处理分别显著降低8.0%和13.0%。燕麦/箭筈豌豆间作群体的根冠比在中水和低水处理下分别比高水处理显著增加33.4%和58.4%,中水和低水处理显著降低了燕麦/饲用玉米间作群体的根冠比。燕麦/箭筈豌豆间作群体的水分利用效率在中水和低水处理下分别比高水处理显著增加11.7%和12.9%,而燕麦/饲用玉米间作群体的水分利用效率在中水和低水处理下与高水处理相比变化不显著。单作玉米和燕麦/饲用玉米间作群体的产量较高,但其对水分变化较为敏感、产量稳定性差,燕麦/箭筈豌豆间作群体在水分变化条件下产量稳定、粗蛋白产量占优、水分利用效率较高,建议在研究区使用。  相似文献   

留茬方式对小麦间作玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小麦/玉米间作是河西绿洲灌区主要间作模式,但传统间作和套种需水量大,使该地区水资源紧张.2010年在甘肃河西走廊石羊河绿洲灌区进行大田试验,研究传统小麦秸秆焚烧、秸秆翻还和秸秆立茬3种留茬方式对小麦/玉米间作作物籽粒产量、水分利用效率(WUE)和经济效益的影响.结果表明:与焚烧和翻还的籽粒产量相比,立茬小麦单作分别增加7.2%和5.1%,立茬小麦间作分别增加6.2%和5.1%,立茬玉米单作分别增加4.7%和2.5%,立茬玉米间作分别增加7.2%和3.3%;与焚烧和翻还的WUE相比,立茬小麦单作分别增加20.4%和16.2%,立茬小麦间作分别增加17.9%和14.6%,立茬玉米单作分别增加16.7%和10.9%,立茬玉米间作分别增加11.8%和17.0%.就单作小麦、单作玉米和小麦/玉米平均值而言,焚烧、翻还、立茬处理的纯收益分别为10946、11471和13454元·hm-2.从籽粒产量、水分利用效率和纯收益等方面考虑,立茬种植方式为甘肃省河西绿洲灌区小麦/玉米最佳种植模式.  相似文献   

小麦/玉米间作是河西绿洲灌区主要间作模式,但传统间作和套种需水量大,使该地区水资源紧张.2010年在甘肃河西走廊石羊河绿洲灌区进行大田试验,研究传统小麦秸秆焚烧、秸秆翻还和秸秆立茬3种留茬方式对小麦/玉米间作作物籽粒产量、水分利用效率(WUE)和经济效益的影响.结果表明: 与焚烧和翻还的籽粒产量相比,立茬小麦单作分别增加7.2%和5.1%,立茬小麦间作分别增加6.2%和5.1%,立茬玉米单作分别增加4.7%和2.5%,立茬玉米间作分别增加7.2%和3.3%;与焚烧和翻还的WUE相比,立茬小麦单作分别增加20.4%和16.2%,立茬小麦间作分别增加17.9%和14.6%,立茬玉米单作分别增加16.7%和10.9%,立茬玉米间作分别增加11.8%和17.0%.就单作小麦、单作玉米和小麦/玉米平均值而言,焚烧、翻还、立茬处理的纯收益分别为10946、11471和13454元·hm-2.从籽粒产量、水分利用效率和纯收益等方面考虑,立茬种植方式为甘肃省河西绿洲灌区小麦/玉米最佳种植模式.  相似文献   

为探讨番茄与玉米间套作对烟粉虱的趋避效应及控制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的效果,设置番茄品种‘金山511'以固定株行距与玉米品种‘先玉335'分别以10、20、30 cm的播种株距进行间作套种,调查3种栽培方式对烟粉虱屏障效应及黄化曲叶病毒病发生的影响。结果表明: 与番茄单作相比,玉米植株建立起的自然屏障使番茄生长环境相对稳定,玉米播种株距为10、20、30 cm时,番茄植株在6:00—20:00的平均温度分别降低3.01、2.26和1.45 ℃,平均相对湿度分别提高13.0%、8.8%、6.0%,平均光照强度分别降低26.1%、20.4%和14.5%;在每日的高温时段可显著降低番茄温度,提高湿度,减少光照强度,有效缓解强光、高温和干旱等有利于病毒病发生的不良环境条件,且在玉米播种距离为10 cm时效果最好。番茄间作玉米对烟粉虱有趋避效应,能抑制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的发生,玉米株距为10、20、30 cm时,烟粉虱虫口数分别比单作减少88.7%、82.0%、73.9%,对病毒病的抑制作用呈减弱趋势,间作病情指数分别显著降低67.3%、59.4%和44.5%。玉米/番茄间作的种植模式有利于番茄植株生长和坐果,可提升番茄产量,玉米种植密度越高,效果越好,本试验条件下以玉米种植株距10 cm效果最好。  相似文献   

通过顶置光源植物生长室控制380和760 μmol·mol-1 2个CO2浓度水平,研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度升高对玉米/大豆间作、玉米单作和大豆单作3种种植模式下作物株高、茎粗、叶面积及干物质积累的影响.结果表明:(1)CO2浓度升高能显著增加单/间作玉米、大豆的株高、茎粗、叶面积、根干重、地上部干重及总干重.(2)CO2浓度升高对供磷水平下单、间作玉米大豆的株高、茎粗、叶面积及干物质积累量增加的正效应均大于缺磷处理.(3)两种CO2浓度下,间作大豆与单作大豆生长差异不显著,而间作玉米较单作玉米有明显的生长优势,且供磷和CO2浓度的升高均能够促进这种优势.  相似文献   

种植密度对玉米-大豆间作群体产量和经济产值的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用二次饱和D最优设计,研究了种植密度对玉米 大豆间作群体产量和经济产值的影响,并建立了以玉米和大豆密度为变量,以间作群体籽粒产量、干物质积累和经济产值为目标函数的二元二次数学模型.模型解析表明: 种植密度对玉米 大豆间作群体籽粒产量、干物质积累和经济产值影响显著,玉米密度对群体各指标的影响大于大豆密度.在低密度水平下,群体籽粒产量、干物质积累和经济产值均随密度的增加而增加.群体籽粒产量达到8101.31 kg·hm-2,最优措施组合为:玉米密度72023株·hm-2+大豆密度99924株·hm-2;群体干物质积累达到15282.45 kg·hm-2,最优措施组合为:玉米密度75000株·hm-2+大豆密度93372株·hm-2;群体经济产值达到23494.50元·hm-2,最优措施组合为:玉米密度73758株·hm-2+大豆密度87597株·hm-2.通过计算机模拟得出,在本试验条件下,玉米-大豆间作群体籽粒产量≥7500kg·hm-2、干物质积累≥14250 kg·hm-2、经济产值≥22500元·hm-2的最佳密度组合为:玉米种植密度58554~71547株·hm-2,大豆种植密度82217~100303株·hm-2.  相似文献   

玉米与籽粒苋不同种植模式下植物生长及Cd累积特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭楠  迟光宇  史奕  陈欣 《应用生态学报》2019,30(9):3164-3174
为实现Cd污染农田边生产边修复的目标,采用田间原位修复的方式,将玉米与籽粒苋在Cd污染农田中以5种不同的间作模式种植: 交替宽窄行玉米宽行间作单行籽粒苋(T1)、交替宽窄行玉米宽行间作双行籽粒苋(T2)、等行距双行玉米间作单行籽粒苋(T3)、等行距双行玉米间作双行籽粒苋(T4)、玉米/籽粒苋等4行距间作(T5),并以玉米(CK1)和籽粒苋(CK2)单作种植作为对照,探究不同间作结构配置对作物与超富集植物生长及Cd累积特征的影响.结果表明: 1)与CK1相比,各间作模式单株玉米的籽粒产量呈增加趋势;T1间作模式玉米的籽粒产量较CK1增加10.5%,T4和T5间作模式玉米的籽粒产量较CK1分别减少6.3%和5.4%,T2和T3间作模式基本稳产;间作籽粒苋地上部单株生物量及单位面积产量较CK2分别显著减少69.5%~95.7%和83.9%~96.9%. 2)各间作模式玉米籽粒Cd含量较CK1呈减少趋势,而间作籽粒苋Cd含量较CK2呈增加趋势. 3)与CK2相比,各间作模式籽粒苋的富集系数、转运系数、有效转运系数均呈增加趋势;间作籽粒苋地上部Cd的单株及单位面积提取量较CK2分别显著减少40.4%~86.7%和70.4%~88.9%;各间作模式玉米与籽粒苋地上部Cd的单位面积提取总量高于单作玉米,但低于单作籽粒苋. 4)各间作模式玉米根际土有效态Cd含量及籽粒苋根际土总Cd、有效态Cd含量分别较单作玉米及单作籽粒苋呈增加趋势,但对非根际土没有显著影响.本研究中,T1间作模式有利于玉米籽粒产量的提高,T5间作模式有利于籽粒苋Cd提取量的最大化.  相似文献   

间作对玉米品质、产量及土壤微生物数量和酶活性的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
为了进一步深入了解禾本科作物和豆科作物间作的优势机理,研究了在不同施肥条件下玉米单作、玉米‖花生间作和玉米‖大豆间作对玉米籽粒品质、单株经济产量和生物产量﹑产量及土壤中细菌、真菌、放线菌和固氮菌数量及酶活性的影响。结果表明,在不施肥条件下玉米间作可以显著提高玉米籽粒蛋白质、油分和赖氨酸含量,但对淀粉含量影响不显著;在施肥条件下玉米间作可以显著提高淀粉和赖氨酸含量,但对油分和蛋白质含量的增加却影响不显著;间作在提高玉米籽粒淀粉、蛋白质和赖氨酸含量方面的效果没有该施氮水平(50kg/km2)显著。间作可以增加玉米产量及其单株经济产量和生物产量,其中在不施肥和施肥条件下产量分别比单作增加了3.7%、9.7%、19.0%和18.6%,但间作在增加产量方面的效果没有该施氮水平显著。间作在不同施肥条件下可明显增加土壤中细菌、真菌、放线菌和固氮菌的数量,且效果达到显著水平。土壤中的酶活性也显著受到间作的影响,在不施肥条件下玉米间作和单作土壤中的转化酶活性差异达到显著水平,在施肥条件下间作和单作土壤中转化酶和磷酸酶活性差异达到显著水平。4种微生物数量和4种酶活性之间呈显著或极显著正相关,玉米籽粒品质、产量及单株生物产量除与转化酶及磷酸酶活性部分相关不显著外,与土壤中的其它酶活性及微生物数量皆显著或极显著正相关。  相似文献   

在农田尺度下,如何提升农田生态系统自身的控害能力,探索有利于害虫生态调控的农田种植模式是时下的研究热点之一,而间作作为一种能提高农田生态系统生物多样性以及控害能力的种植模式,已被广泛的应用于农作物生产.为进一步明确马铃薯-玉米间作种植模式对马铃薯甲虫种群动态的影响,在马铃薯甲虫发生期,对马铃薯-玉米2:2间作、马铃薯-玉米4:2间作、马铃薯-玉米-马铃薯2:2:2间作、马铃薯单作4种作物种植模式进行调查.结果表明:在第一代高龄幼虫为害高峰期(6月28日-7月19日)与第一代高龄幼虫为害末期(7月26日-8月16)时,单作田高龄幼虫数量均高于3种间作田,差异不显著(P>0.05).在第一代成虫羽化高峰期(7月12日-8月2日)与第一代成虫羽化末期(8月2日-8月23日)时,单作田成虫数量均高于3种间作田,差异不显著(P>0.05).整个调查期间,就高龄幼虫与成虫而言,3种马铃薯间作田虫量均小于单作田.此外,对3种间作田的天敌昆虫种群调查表明,优势天敌多异瓢虫的平均虫量马铃薯-玉米-马铃薯2:2:2间作田比马铃薯-玉米4:2间作田高,且差异显著(P<0.05).在马铃薯-玉米间作后期,间作田的马铃薯甲虫种群数量低于单作田,通过间作会对迁移能力较强的高龄幼虫与成虫有一定阻隔与调控作用.  相似文献   

晋西黄土区果农间作的种间主要竞争关系及土地生产力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以晋西黄土区核桃×花生、核桃×大豆、苹果×花生和苹果×大豆4种典型果农间作模式为研究对象,分析果农间作模式中作物光合有效辐射(PAR)、净光合速率(Pn)、土壤水分和产量情况.结果表明:与农作物单作相比,间作模式中作物的PAR和Pn均出现不同程度的降低,并且离树体越近,PAR和Pn越小;Pn与作物产量呈显著正相关,说明光照是影响作物产量的重要因素之一;从整体趋势来看,核桃间作农作物0~100 cm土壤水分与相应单作模式间无明显差异,而苹果间作农作物0~100 cm土壤水分与相应单作模式间差异显著,说明苹果对作物土壤水分的竞争比核桃剧烈.研究区果农间作的土地利用效率平均提高70%,经济效益平均提高14%,且核桃间作模式优于苹果间作模式.为了提高间作作物产量,应加强水肥管理、增加树体与作物的间作距离或设置根障、定期适当修剪果树并种植耐荫作物.  相似文献   

Li  Long  Yang  Sicun  Li  Xiaolin  Zhang  Fusuo  Christie  Peter 《Plant and Soil》1999,212(2):105-114
Interspecific complementary and competitive interactions between maize (Zea mays L. cv. Zhongdan No. 2) and faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Linxia Dacaidou) in maize/faba bean intercropping systems were assessed in two field experiments in Gansu province, northwestern China, plus a microplot experiment in one treatment of one of the field experiments in which root system partitions were used to determine interspecific root interactions. Intercropping effects were detected, with land equivalent ratio values of 1.21–1.23 based on total (grain+straw) yield and 1.13–1.34 based on grain yield. When two rows of maize were intercropped with two rows of faba bean, both total yield and grain yield of both crop species were significantly higher than those of sole maize and faba bean on an equivalent area basis. When two rows of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Beijing No. 5) were intercropped with two rows of faba bean, neither total yield nor grain yield of faba bean was higher than of sole faba bean on an equivalent area basis. Interspecific competition between maize and faba bean was relatively weak, with mean relative crowding coefficients of 0.99–1.02 for maize and 1.55–1.59 for faba bean. The microplot experiment in which partitions were placed between root systems showed a significant positive yield effect on maize when the root systems intermingled freely (no partition) or partly (400 mesh nylon net partition) compared with no interspecific root interaction (plastic sheet partition). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用PCR-DGGE技术研究了小麦/蚕豆、玉米/蚕豆和小麦/玉米间作对作物根际细菌群落结构的影响.结果表明:间作能够提高作物根际细菌群落多样性、改变根际细菌群落结构组成.其中,小麦/蚕豆间作对根际细菌群落结构的影响最为突出,作物花期时小麦/蚕豆间作显著提高和改变两种作物根际细菌多样性和群落结构组成.玉米/蚕豆间作主要表现出对苗期玉米根际细菌多样性的显著提高和群落结构组成的改变.小麦/玉米间作对作物根际细菌群落结构的影响程度较弱.同时,3种间作体系都具有不同程度的产量优势.结果证明了间作体系中地上部植物多样性与地下部微生物多样性存在紧密联系.  相似文献   

Mixed cultivation of crops often results in increased production per unit land area, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Plants in intercrops grow differently from plants in single crops; however, no study has shown the association between plant plastic responses and the yield advantage. Here, we assessed the productivity of wheat–maize intercropping as compared to sole wheat and sole maize, and the associated differences in wheat shoot and leaf traits. In two field experiments, intercrop wheat and maize were both grown in alternating strips consisting of six rows of wheat and two rows of maize. The traits of wheat plants in border rows of the strips were compared to the traits of plants in the inner rows as well as those in sole wheat. Leaf development, chlorophyll concentration and azimuth, as well as the final leaf and ear sizes, tiller dynamics of wheat and yield components of both crops were determined. The relative densities of wheat and maize in the intercrop were 0.33 and 0.67, respectively, but the corresponding relative yields compared to the respective monocultures were 0.46 for wheat and 0.77 for maize. Compared to wheat plants in the inner rows of the intercrop strips as well as in the monoculture, border‐row wheat plants in the intercrop strips had (a) more tillers owing to increased tiller production and survival, and thus more ears, (b) larger top leaves on the main stem and tillers, (c) higher chlorophyll concentration in leaves, (d) greater number of kernels per ear and (e) smaller thousand‐grain weight. Grain yield per metre row length of border‐row wheat was 141% higher than the sole wheat, and was 176% higher than the inner‐row wheat. The results demonstrate the importance of plasticity in architectural traits for yield advantage in multispecies cropping systems.  相似文献   

Nitrogen redistribution to sorghum grains as affected by plant competition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An experiment was conducted to study nitrogen absorption and translocation in grain sorghum plants during their reproductive growth. Sorghum was grown in four row spacings: 50 and 70 cm in single rows, 80 and 120cm in double rows 20 cm apart. Plant populations were 71000, 142000 and 213000 plants/ha. After flowering, samples were taken at 12 day intervals, and the plants were divided into grains and stover, where N was analyzed. There was an increase in N concentration in lower plant populations and in wider row spacings. However, total nitrogen accumulation (in kg/ha) increased as the number of plants was increased. In the vegetative parts of the plants there were higher N concentrations in lower populations showing that there was a higher N absorption and a lower translocation to the grains. When grain sorghum was grown in 50 cm rows, there was a high N accumulation, a high N translocation to the grains and the highest yield. This row spacing led to the highest N use efficiency.  相似文献   

Maize/soybean strip intercropping is a commonly used system throughout China with high crop yields at reduced nutrient input compared to sole maize. Maize is the taller crop, and due to its dominance in light capture over soybean in the intercrop, maize is expected to outperform maize in sole cropping. Conversely, soybean is the subordinate crop and intercropped soybean plants are expected to perform worse than sole soybean. Crop plants show plastic responses in plant architecture to their growing conditions to forage for light and avoid shading. There is little knowledge on plant architectural responses to growing conditions in simultaneous (non-relay) intercropping and their relationship to species yields. A two-year field experiment with two simultaneous maize/soybean intercropping systems with narrow and wide strips was conducted to characterise architectural traits of maize and soybean plants grown as intercrop and sole crops. Intercropped maize plants, especially those in border rows, had substantially greater leaf area, biomass and yield than maize plants in sole crops. Intercropped soybean plants, especially those in border rows, had lower leaf area, biomass and yield than sole soybean plants. Overall intercrop performance was similar to that of sole crops, with the land equivalent ratio (LER) being only slightly greater than one (1.03–1.08). Soybean displayed typical shade avoidance responses in the intercrop, such as greater internode elongation and changes in specific leaf area, but these responses could not overcome the consequences of the competition with the taller maize plants. Therefore, in contrast to relay intercrop systems, in the studied simultaneous maize/soybean system, plastic responses did not contribute to practically relevant increases in resource capture and yield at whole system (i.e., intercrop) level.  相似文献   

不同群体结构夏玉米灌浆期光合特征和产量变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大田试验以夏玉米为试料,采用裂裂区试验设计,密度设计包含75000、90000\,105000株/hm2 3个密度作为主区,每个密度处理包括: ①等行距60 cm×单株留苗,②等行距60 cm×双株三角留苗,③宽窄行距(宽行70 cm + 窄行距50 cm)×单株留苗和 ④宽窄行距×双株三角留苗共12种方式进行处理,测定光合及叶绿素荧光参数。研究不同群体结构对夏玉米灌浆期群体光合特性的影响。结果表明,在吐丝期,随着种植密度的增加,群体光合速率提高;蜡熟期以90000株/hm2最高,种植方式上表现为宽窄行大于等行距种植,双株留苗种植方式大于单株种植方式,差异均达到显著水平;随着种植密度的提高,群体内3个层次叶片最大光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)逐渐降低,种植方式基本表现为宽窄行大于等行距,留苗方式表现为双株大于单株。试验条件下,以90000株/hm2,宽窄行,双株三角留苗产量最高。  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of improvement of iron nutrition of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropped with maize (Zea mays L.) in calcareous soil, both greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to investigate the rhizosphere (phytosiderophores) effects from maize, barley, oats and wheat with different phytosiderophores release rates on iron nutrition and other micronutrients in calcareous soil. Six cropping treatments were examined in a greenhouse experiment: peanut grown separately in monoculture, normal peanut/maize intercropping (two genotypes: Danyu13, Zhongdan12), peanut/barley intercropping, peanut/oats intercropping, and peanut/wheat intercropping. Additionally, we investigated in a field experiment the same five cropping systems as the greenhouse experiment (maize/peanut intercropping not including Zhongdan12). Our results show that the chlorophyll and active Fe concentrations in the young leaves of the peanut in the intercropping system with different gramineous species were much higher than those of the peanut in monoculture. In greenhouse conditions, the Fe concentration in the shoots of peanut plants grown in the intercropping systems of two maize genotypes separately were 1.40–1.44, 1.47–1.64 and 1.15–1.42 times higher respectively than those of peanut plants grown in monocropping at 55, 60 and 70 days. In particular, the Fe concentration in shoots of peanut plants grown in the intercropping systems of barley, oats and wheat were not only higher than those in monocropping but also higher than those in peanut intercropped cropping with maize. In the field, the concentration of Fe in shoot of intercropped peanut plants in rows 1–3 from gramineous species were significantly higher than in monocropping at the flowering stage. Simultaneously with iron nutrition variation in peanut, Zn and Cu concentrations of intercropped grown peanut increased significantly compared to those in monocropping in the greenhouse experiment, and different intercropping treatments generally increased the Zn and Cu content in the shoot of peanut in the field. Systemic mechanisms may be involved in adaptation to nutrient stresses at the whole plant level. The study suggests that a reasonable intercropping system of nutrient efficient species should be considered to prevent or mitigate iron and zinc deficiency of plants in agricultural practice.  相似文献   

In the tropics, cowpea is often intercropped with maize. Little is known about the effect of the intercropped maize on N2-fixation by cowpea or how intercropping affects nitrogen fertilizer use effiency or soil N-uptake of both crops. Cowpea and maize were grown as a monocrop at row spacings of 40, 50, 60, 80, and 120 cm and intercropped at row spacing of 40, 50, and 60 cm. Plots were fertilized with 50 kg N as (NH4)2SO4; microplots within each plot received the same amount of15N-depleted (NH4)2SO4. Using the15N-dilution method, the percentage of N derived from N2-fixation by cowpea and the recovery of N-fertilizer and soil N-uptake was measured for both crops at 50 and 80 days after planting.Significant differences in yield and total N for cowpea and maize at both harvest periods were dependent on row spacing and cropping systems. Maize grown at the closer row spacing accumulated most of its N during the first 50 days after planting, whereas maize grown at the widest row spacing accumulated a significant portion of its N during the last 30 days before the final harvest, 80 days after planting.Overall, no significant differences in the percentage of N derived from N2-fixation for monocropped or intercropped cowpea was observed and between 30 and 50% of its N was derived from N2.At 50 DAP, fertilizer and soil N uptake was dependent on row spacing with maize grown at the narrowest row spacing having a higher fertilizer and soil N recovery than maize grown at wider spacings. At 50 and 80 DAP, intercropped maize/cowpea did not have a higher fertilizer and soil N uptake than monocropped cowpea or maize at the same row spacing. Monocropped maize and cowpea at the same row spacing took up about the same amount of fertilizer or soil N. When intercropped, maize took up twice as much soil and fertilizer N as cowpea. Apparently intercropped cowpea was not able to maintain its yield potential.Whereas significant differences in total N for maize was observed at 50 and 80 DAP, no significant differences in the atom %14N excess were observed. Therefore, in this study, the atom %14N excess of the reference crop was yield independent. Furthermore, the similarity in the atom %14N excess for intercropped and monocropped maize indicated that transfer of N from the legume to the non-legume was small or not detectable.  相似文献   

Given the growing challenges to food and eco-environmental security as well as sustainable development of animal husbandry in the farming and pastoral areas of northeast China, it is crucial to identify advantageous intercropping modes and some constraints limiting its popularization. In order to assess the performance of various intercropping modes of maize and alfalfa, a field experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with five treatments: maize monoculture in even rows, maize monoculture in alternating wide and narrow rows, alfalfa monoculture, maize intercropped with one row of alfalfa in wide rows and maize intercropped with two rows of alfalfa in wide rows. Results demonstrate that maize monoculture in alternating wide and narrow rows performed best for light transmission, grain yield and output value, compared to in even rows. When intercropped, maize intercropped with one row of alfalfa in wide rows was identified as the optimal strategy and the largely complementary ecological niches of alfalfa and maize were shown to account for the intercropping advantages, optimizing resource utilization and improving yield and economic incomes. These findings suggest that alfalfa/maize intercropping has obvious advantages over monoculture and is applicable to the farming and pastoral areas of northeast China.  相似文献   

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