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记述了采集自伊朗的腺水螨总科Lebertioidea 3新种:光足腺水螨Lebertia(Pseudolebertia)abseta sp.nov.,羽足尼罗螨Nilotonia(Dartia)pinnata sp.nov.,双羽激流水螨Torrenticola(Monoatractides)diploseta sp.nov.光足腺水螨Lebertia(Pseudolebertia)abseta sp.nov.P-Ⅱ羽状腹毛和无游泳毛的各足等形态特征可与其它种类明显区别;羽足尼罗螨Nilotonia(Dartia)pinnata sp.nov.鉴别性特征为O1的位置,P-Ⅱ羽状毛的数量和结构等;双羽激流水螨Torrenticola(Monoatractides)diploseta sp.nov.其P-Ⅱ具2腹毛,其中较为粗壮1毛羽状,此外P-Ⅱ和P-Ⅲ具数量不等的羽状毛等特征可与其他种类区别.同时文中对上述3新种的腺毛和眼毛的体位特征作了详细描述.  相似文献   

记述了采自贵州茂兰急流水螨科Torrenticolidae中国新纪录亚科龟水螨亚科Testudacarinae 1新种:双瘤须龟水螨Testudacarus binodipalpis sp.nov..新种与美洲龟水螨Testudacarus americanus Marshall很相似,但是新种P-Ⅳ具2瘤突;P-Ⅱ和P-Ⅲ各有1羽状毛;背突和腹突尖端圆滑;E4具1个三角形基座,所有这些特征可以将之与美洲龟水螨明显区分开来.文中对其腺毛和眼毛的体位特征作了详细描述.  相似文献   

本文记述我国腺水螨科Lebertiidae、腺水螨属Lebertia二新种。该属腺毛分布以E1位移于1基节板前端背方为显著特点,基于对两新种的详细观察,描述了腺毛分布体位。三叉腺水螨Lebertia(Piloleberia)trifurcillaJin,sp.nov.本新种近似于印度种Lebertia(P.)carmamayaCook1967,但其E1具发达的毛状表皮突、殖吸盘板后缘刚毛少而短等特征明显别于后者。刷电腺水螨Lebertia(Pilolebertia)ciliaaJin,sp.nov.本新种近似于非洲种L.algeriensisLundblad1942,其以颚底背突长而尖、腹突尖锐等特征显著别于后者。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国腺水螨科1新纪录亚属,拟腺水螨亚属Pseudolebertia Thor,1897及1新纪录种,光足腺水螨Lebertia(Pseudolebertia)abseta Guo,Jin et Asadi,2006.检视标本存放于贵州大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

记述了采自黑龙江省伊春市呼兰河的中国软滑水螨一新纪录属:妖水螨属嘞Tiphys Koch,1836,及1新种:伊春妖水螨 Tiphys yichunensis sp.nov,.新种与分布于俄罗斯的近疤妖水螨Tiphys scaurellus Tuzovskij,1983近似,区别在于:新种P-Ⅳ背面起始端亚中部具1栓毛,近疤妖水螨缺失;新种足雄螨足Ⅲ爪特化,其中一爪为钩状简单爪,另一爪中、基部膨大,近疤妖水螨雄螨足Ⅲ爪均具腹小爪;新种雄螨Ⅳ.L4近筒状,近疤妖水螨雄螨Ⅳ.L-4从基部至端部逐渐膨大.  相似文献   

记述了中国新纪录科条顿螨科Teutoniidae Koenike.1910条顿螨属Teutonia亚条顿螨亚属Subteutonia及其1新种多毛条顿螨Teutonia(Subteutonia)piloseta sp.nov.。新种须肢羽状栓毛及栓毛数量以及呈半包围状态的EpⅣ可以将之与其他亚条顿螨亚属种类区别。文中对其腺毛和眼毛的体位特征做了详细描述。  相似文献   

贵州软滑水螨属二新种记述:(蜱螨亚纲:软滑水螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述软滑水螨科Pionidae二新种。新种多盘软滑水螨Pipma polyacetabula sp.nov.以其两性具极多殖吸盘(雄螨68—72个,雌螨45—50个)为其显著特征。新种宽殖软滑水螨P.platyura sp.nov.两性殖吸盘数目较多(雄螨35—42个,雌螨约48个),两性殖吸盘板宽近与Ⅳ足基节板等宽。两新种间以雄性殖吸盘数差异显著;两新种亦以殖吸盘数与本属已知种有显著差异而易于鉴别。  相似文献   

本文报道采自北京的中国水螨一新记录科——平盔螨科Mideopsidae,该科新记录属——平盔螨属Mideopsis,并记述此属一新种中华平盔螨Mideopsis (Mideopsis)sinensis sp.nov.。新种以背板色斑、眼后毛位置、生殖毛和足游泳毛数目等与本属已知种相区别。  相似文献   

革螨一新属新种及一新科的建立(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在云南陇川县的蜣螂体上采得一种革螨系未曾描述过的新种,并为之建立新科与新属,用其颚角呈球形膨大及躯体角化较深的特征命名。球革螨科新科Bulbogamasidae fam.nov.的主要特征:叉毛三叉,其侧具一拇指状薄膜;颚角呈球形膨大,角化弱;头盖前缘光滑;雄螨足11具强大的距状表皮突。球革螨属新属Bulbogamasus gen.nov.的主要特征:背板整块;背毛26对,板周围的长大,中部的细小;胸叉叉丝末端具刺状突,小分支端部有的分叉;雌螨具腹肛板与肛前毛;雄螨导精趾粗长,超过螯钳长的2倍以上。模式种为中华球革螨新种Bulbogamasus sinicus sp.nov.  相似文献   

中国蚌螨属水螨一新种记述(蜱螨亚纲,蚌螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了从我国江西省淡水蚌中采到的蚌螨科Unioncolidae水螨1新种,簇刺蚌螨U.(Anodontinatax)penicillatus sp.nov.,模式标本保存于南昌大学生物科学工程系.簇刺蚌螨,新种Unionicola(Anodontinatax)penicillatus sp.nov.(图1~11)正模♂,副模1♀,江西鄱阳湖,1998-11-11,文春根采自背角无齿蚌A.woodiana woodiana(Lea).鉴别特征新种近似于中间蚌螨U.(Anodontinatax)intermedia(Koenike,1882),但通过以下特征区别后者:雄螨具有背小板,雄螨Ⅳ-L-4-5的密刺毛数量为8~10和22~24(后者为18~20和17~19),射精复合体的形状和须肢的分叉腹小爪.词源:拉丁词"penicillatus"意思为"一簇毛的",指新种因雄螨Ⅳ-L-4-5有一簇刺毛而命名.  相似文献   

Four new species of corticioid fungi from Hawaii are described and illustrated. The new genus Hemmesomyces is described to accommodate the new species H. puauluensis. Radulomyces tantalusensis, Crustoderma fuscatum and Scopuloides magnacystidiata also are described as new. In addition, the new combination Crustoderma vulcanense is proposed. Keys to the species of Crustoderma, Radulomyces and Scopuloides are provided.  相似文献   

通过对西藏夜蛾科标本的研究发现委夜蛾属2新种,墨脱委夜蛾Athetis motuoensis sp.nov.和汉密委夜蛾Athetis hanmiensis sp.nov.。文中提供西藏地区委夜蛾属的分种检索表和新种特征图及新种的详细描述。模式标本保存在东北林业大学标本室。墨脱委夜蛾,新种Athetis motuoensis sp.nov.(图1,3,5,7)本种外部形态上与条委夜蛾相似,仅前翅基部、内横线区、外横线区、外缘区和中横线暗褐色。主要区别于外生殖器上:爪形突宽短;抱器端窄而圆;抱器背延伸发达,超过抱器腹缘,末端较细;抱器内突在距抱握器基部3/4处出发,可达抱握器顶端;阳茎轭片脊部短而宽,中部平滑,下端部宽圆;囊形突较窄,略呈V形;阳茎逐渐弯曲,在末端着生有硬化的齿,龙骨稍硬化且细而长;阳茎端膜基囊中等大小,在角状突带的起始部位着生有5个长而粗大的角状突。正模雄性,西藏墨脱,海拔2100m,2005-08-24~26,黄灏、周达康、唐亮采,玻片编号HHL-1012。副模:5♂♂,3♀♀,其它采集资料同正模,雌性玻片编号HHL-1011。词源:以新种模式产地命名。汉密委夜蛾,新种Athetis hanmiensis sp.nov.(图2,4,6,8)本种外部形态上与A.suffusa(Yoshimoto,1994)相似,仅前翅红褐色明显。主要区别于外生殖器上:爪形突相对大一些;抱器端宽而平直;抱器背延伸发达,末端较细,在抱器腹缘末端伸出;抱器内突在距抱握器基部3/5处出发,可达抱握器顶端;阳茎轭片较大,脊部长而宽,中下端部宽圆;囊形突较窄,呈明显的V形;阳茎逐渐变细,龙骨硬化重且细而长;阳茎端膜基囊中等大小,具有1个小角状突,在角状突带的起始部位着生有6个长而粗大的角状突。正模雄性,西藏汉密,海拔2000m,2005-08-19~23,黄灏、周达康、唐亮采,玻片编号HHL-1017。副模:4♂♂,6♀♀,其它采集资料同正模,雌性玻片编号HHL-1016。词源:以新种模式产地命名。  相似文献   

Knížek M 《ZooKeys》2010,(56):191-206
Fivenew species of the genus Triotemnus from Morocco and Yemen are described. Triotemnus is a new genus of Scolytinae for the Yemen region. External morphology of the new species and all morphologically related species of the genus were studied. While the new species from Morocco are morphologically similar to the known species from the corresponding region, all three newly described species from Yemen, mainly two of them living in Socotra, are morphologically very different from all other known species of the genus. Geographical distribution and the probability of endemicity are discussed.  相似文献   

The 36 species of the tribe Pronophilini known from the Cordillera de Merida, the main Andean mountain range in Venezuela, are listed, together with three others probably erroneously described or labelled as from the range. The general ecological characteristics of the tribe are described, using the Merida species as examples. These include its restriction to high altitudes, endemism in mountain 'islands', species partitioning up the altitude gradient, mimicry within the tribe, and seasonality. The evolutionary relationships of the 16 endemic species are analyzed. Two new genera, six new species, two new subspecies and one new form are described. Three new synonymies are established, three new combinations made, new status is given to two taxa and the status of one taxon is revised.  相似文献   

从江西省井冈山地区采集到的叶杯菌属(Ciborinia)两个新种──半球叶杯菌(Ciboriniahendsphaerica)和井冈山叶杯菌(Ciboriniajinggangensis),讨论了新种与相近种之间的形态学差异。新种的发现使中国已知叶杯菌属的种数明显增加。  相似文献   

We describe two new species of the nemesiid spider genus Chaco from Rocha Province, Uruguay. These new species are diagnosed based on genital morphology, male tibial apophysis spination, and burrow entrance. We test cospecificity of one species, Chaco costai,via laboratory mating experiments. The new species are diagnosed and illustrated and habitat characteristics, and capture behavior are described. We conduct a cladistic analysis based on a previously published morphological character matrix that now includes the newly described species.  相似文献   

Short M  Huynh C 《ZooKeys》2011,(156):105-122
The penicillate genus Unixenus Jones, 1944 is widespread, with species found in Africa, Madagascar, India and Australia. Each of the two Australian species was originally described from single samples from Western Australia. In this study, collections of Penicillata from museums in all states of Australia were examined to provide further details of the two described species, to revise the diagnoses for both the genus and the species, and to better understand the distribution of the two species in Australia. In addition, two new species Unixenus karajinensissp. n. and Unixenus corticolussp. n. are described.  相似文献   

Kořínek  Vladimír  Saha  Ratan K.  Bhattacharya  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1999,392(2):241-247
A new species, Bosmina tripurae is described from South India. The species shares some of the morphological traits with Bosmina fatalis from East and SE Asia, and two other species described recently from North America. They all form a subgeneric group established earlier: subgenus Sinobosmina Lieder 1957. Parthenogenetic females of the new species are superficially similar to the species Bosmina longirostris, which occurs on Indian subcontinent, only in northern high mountain lakes. All reports of the latter species from Indian lowlands are either Bosmina tripurae or some other not yet described species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Species ofAnthostomella reported from Brunei have been re-examined and the data is summarized in this paper. Five species are accepted, four are synonyms of previously described species and one is a new species. The new speciesAnthostomella oblongata is described and illustrated and a list ofAnthostomella species known from Brunei and a key to these species are provided.  相似文献   

A review and a list of eleven Iranian species of the subfamily Orgeriinae are given. Two new species are described, keys to the genera and species are provided. All the known localities are listed and mapped. Four species, including two new ones, are described in the Iranian fauna for the first time.  相似文献   

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