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中国石爬鮡属鱼类的形态变异及物种有效性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
石爬属鱼类的青石爬和黄石爬的物种界限一直不清楚。采用形态判别和线粒体 16SrRNA基因序列分析相结合的方法 ,分别研究分析了青石爬和黄石爬的物种划分、地理分化及遗传多态性。结果表明 :(1)区别青石爬和黄石爬的重要特征腹鳍起点至臀鳍起点的距离是否大于至鳃孔下角的距离 ,腹鳍相对位置 ,头部相对大小与上颌须的须状延长部分等相互之间有一定的相关性 ,但是在研究的样本中没有截然的界限 ,而是有较大的重叠 ,难以区分 ;(2 )从地埋分布看 ,金沙江不同支流的样本在上述特征上有一定的区别 ,但是没有发现青衣江的样本与其他支流的样本有截然的界限和明显的地理变化规律 ;(3) 5 4 8bp序列中 ,检测出 2个多态位点 ,多态位点的比例为 0 .36 5 % ;(4)青石爬和黄石爬间的遗传差异极小 ,平均遗传距离仅为 0 .0 75 % ;(5 )石爬属鱼类个体间也无明显差异 ,遗传距离为 0— 0 .381% ,平均为 0 .0 6 9%。因此石爬属鱼类划分为一个种更为客观 ,黄石爬为青石爬的同物异名  相似文献   

本文报告了黑龙江水系鮈亚科8属11种鱼的染色体组型,认为鮈亚科鱼类的核型具有明显的属的特异性。其中条纹似白鮈、东北鳈、东北黑鳍鳈、兴凯颌须鮈、高体鮈、细体鮈和突吻鮈等7种鱼的核型为初次报道。  相似文献   

石爬(鱼兆)属鱼类的青石爬(鱼兆)和黄石爬(鱼兆)的物种界限一直不清楚.采用形态判别和线粒体16S rRNA基因序列分析相结合的方法,分别研究分析了青石爬(鱼兆)和黄石爬(鱼兆)的物种划分、地理分化及遗传多态性.结果表明:(1)区别青石爬(鱼兆)和黄石爬(鱼兆)的重要特征腹鳍起点至臀鳍起点的距离是否大于至鳃孔下角的距离,腹鳍相对位置,头部相对大小与上颌须的须状延长部分等相互之间有一定的相关性,但是在研究的样本中没有截然的界限,而是有较大的重叠,难以区分;(2)从地埋分布看,金沙江不同支流的样本在上述特征上有一定的区别,但是没有发现青衣江的样本与其他支流的样本有截然的界限和明显的地理变化规律;(3)548 bp序列中,检测出2个多态位点,多态位点的比例为0.365%;(4)青石爬(鱼兆)和黄石爬(鱼兆)间的遗传差异极小,平均遗传距离仅为0.075%;(5)石爬(鱼兆)属鱼类个体间也无明显差异,遗传距离为0-0.381%,平均为0.069%.因此石爬(鱼兆)属鱼类划分为一个种更为客观,黄石爬(鱼兆)为青石爬(鱼兆)的同物异名.  相似文献   

小鳔(鱼句)属鱼类一新种(鲤形目:鲤科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1982年5月,我们在进行辽宁西部诸河鱼类资源调查时,在小凌河采到16尾鲤科鮈亚科鱼类,经鉴定,认为是小鳔鮈Microphysogobio属一新种,现描述如下: 凌河小鳔鮈,新种Microphysogobio linghensis sp.nov. 正模标本:编号8222011,体长44.0毫米,1982年5月30日采自辽宁锦州;副模标  相似文献   

Zhu DG  Zhu Y  Lan JH 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):204-207
该文记述了采自广西贺州市贺江水系——洞穴的鲤科鲃亚科金线鲃属鱼类一新种,命名为黄田金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus huangtianensis Zhu,Zhu et Lan sp.nov.)。新种眼睛正常,背鳍末根不分枝鳍条柔软,后缘无锯齿,与属内同分布在贺江水系的已知种季氏金线鲃及邻近漓江水系的桂林金线鲃相似,但新种侧线鳞为52~59枚,侧线上鳞17~23,侧线下鳞16~17,围尾柄鳞40~46,鳃耙9~10,眼径为体长的4.3%~5.4%,眼间距为体长的9.2%~9.6%,口宽为体长的6.0%~7.3%,与季氏金线鲃和桂林金线鲃有明显区别。  相似文献   

广西薄鳅属鱼类一新种(鲤形目,鳅科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2007年10月,在广西桂平黔江采集到鳅科鱼类6尾,经鉴定为薄鳅属Leptobotia1新种,定名为斑点薄鳅Leptobotia punctatus sp.nov.。新种须3对,眼下刺不分叉,颊部有鳞。这些特征与薄鳅属一致。新种颏下无1对纽状突起,眼小,口角须短,背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点后方等特征与同属的桂林薄鳅L.guilinensis和后鳍薄鳅L.posterodorsalis最为相似。但有如下鉴别特征:新种体侧无垂直条纹,脊椎数目多,腹鳍末端不达肛门等特征,与桂林薄鳅相区别;体侧有斑点,外侧鳃耙数多,体较高,尾鳍深分叉,有3~4道黑色条纹等特征,与后鳍薄鳅相区别。新种仅分布于西江水系黔江。  相似文献   

以盘鮈属鱼类作为内群,以巴马拟缨鱼作为外群。通过形态比较共筛选出85个稳定的特征,形成形态特征状态矩阵表。以PAUP4.0b软件,采用均权方式,在无序和有序状态下分别按Heuristic、Branch-and-Bound以及Bootstrap等3种方式计算和构树。每种方法计算均得到唯一的1棵树,最大简约树与严格一致树、Bootstrap值检测树呈现微小差异。但仅最大简约树体现了各种之间先后分化的次序以及各姐妹群之间的关系,所以选择最大简约树作为盘鮈鱼类的系统发育树。其结果显示,盘鮈具小吸盘的种类与具大吸盘的种类分别构成了A、B两支。B支又可分为C、D两支。其中,C支的种类以吻端形成1对明显珠星,甚至形成吻突而区别于同属中具大吸盘的其他种类。运用Component(2.0)软件计算,得到盘鮈属种类分布河流的唯一分支树,其结构基本与水系的地理分布成对应关系。盘鮈属鱼类祖先的形成时期应为第4纪中期之初或更早。古云贵高原是盘鮈属鱼类的起源、分布和分化中心。云贵高原面的抬升与河流的袭夺促成了盘鮈属鱼类的多次分化和扩散,由此形成了该属鱼类的现今分布格局。  相似文献   

稀有鮈鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)已作为新型实验动物而逐渐成为生物学研究各领域的热门对象,但是,其系统分类位置仍存在争议。本研究制作了稀有鮈鲫的透明骨骼标本,对其骨骼特征进行描述;选取47个形态特征,与鲤科各亚科鱼类的典型特征进行比较,建立了分支分析特征矩阵,并使用PAUP4.0软件中的最大简约法(MP)构建系统发育树。结果显示,稀有鮈鲫和鮈亚科鱼类聚在一起,属于鮈亚科。  相似文献   

逗亚科似逗属鱼类的物种界定保持争议, 系统发育关系尚待解决。研究取样似逗属鱼类所有种, 使用核基因多位点序列重建似逗属鱼类的系统发育关系, 运用分子的物种界定方法并结合形态特征分析厘定我国似逗属鱼类的分类。贝叶斯系统发育树结果表明: 桂林似逗与平江似逗是单系种; 似逗与扁嘴似逗是多系种, 前者包括五个谱系A至E, 后者包括两个谱系A与B。POFAD距离分析和Structurama分析的结果表明似逗和扁嘴似逗的每个谱系是独立遗传种群, BP & P分析结果强烈支持它们是不同种。*Beast物种树结果揭示: 扁嘴似逗谱系B位于似逗属鱼类的基部位置; 似逗谱系A与B是姊妹群关系, 似逗谱系C是扁嘴似逗谱系A的姊妹群, 它们一起与桂林似逗形成姊妹群关系; 似逗谱系D与E是姊妹群关系, 它们一起是平江似逗的姊妹群。结合形态证据, 对我国似逗属鱼类分类厘定如下: 限定严格意义似逗包括似逗谱系A+B; 恢复长吻似逗(Pseudogobio longirostris Mori, 1934)给予似逗谱系C分类名; 似逗谱系D与E是隐存种, 桂林似逗与平江似逗是有效种。  相似文献   

蛇鮈属鱼类的形态度量学研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
对蛇Ju属鱼类进行形态度量学及主成分分析的研究结果表明:蛇Ju属共有6个有效种,分别是长蛇Ju(Sauro-gobio dumerili Bleeker)、蛇Ju(S.dabryi Bleeker)、无斑蛇Ju(S.immaculatus Koller)、细尾蛇Ju(S.gracilicaudatus Yao et Yang)湘江蛇Ju(S.xiangjiangensis Tang)和光唇蛇Ju(S.gymnocheilus Lo,Yao et Chen)。云南程海蛇Ju和其他地理区域的蛇Ju在形态上没有显著的差异,不能单列为一个种,蛇Ju属鱼类种间形态上的差异主要表现在与游泳、摄食有关的射体纵轴、头部和尾柄的性状特征上,这些都是蛇Ju属鱼类长期适应其生活环境的结果。  相似文献   

本文报道了鲤科鲃亚科5种鱼和(鱼句)亚科4种鱼的染色体组型考察结果,并对这两个亚科鱼类的染色体数日和臂数进行了统计分析,讨论了其染色体进化及系统关系等问题。  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-population variability was studied in three species of tropical African estrildid finches comprising the genus Pyrenestes. Eleven characters were measured on P. ostrinus captured on a study area in Cameroon. Most of these same characters were also measured on museum specimens of this species and P. saguineus and P. minor. Data were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistical methods in order to characterize variation within and between populations and species.
Variation in all three species of Pyrenestes is greatest in bill size, resulting from an exceptional non-sex-linked polymorphism. Bill size differences between morphs are as high as between congeneric species, with extremely large coefficients of variation, while other body characters show comparatively little variation. Sexual dimorphisms and differences in size due to age occur, but contribute little to overall size variation. Distributions of bill characters in each age and sex class are bimodal or greatly skewed, and in some geographical regions tend to be trimodal. Distributions of other body characters tend not to be significantly different from normal. Bill morphs differ in both shape and size and may be separated using principal component analysis. Static allometries of bill morphs differ significantly: relative to body size, bill size increases more rapidly in the large morph. Bill size and shape also vary geographically. The three species differ in mean size but show much overlap. Bill size is negatively correlated with total annual rainfall. In regions characterized by ecotonal transition zones between forest and savanna, tentative evidence suggests that a third, yet larger bill mode occurs. This third mode apparently results from the presence of a distinct larger species of hard-seeded sedge found only in these regions. The taxonomic implications of the polymorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

The scincid lizards of the Cape Verde islands comprise the extinct endemic giant Macroscincus coctei and at least five species of Mabuya, one of which, Mabuya vaillanti, also had populations with large body size. Phylogenetic analysis based on DNA sequences derived from the mitochondrial cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase I and 12S rRNA genes (711, 498 and 378 base pairs (bp), respectively) corroborates morphological evidence that these species constitute a clade and that Macroscincus is unrelated to very large skinks in other areas. The relationships are ((M. vaillanti and Mabuya delalandii) (Mabuya spinalis and Macroscincus coctei (Mabuya fogoensis nicolauensis (Mabuya fogoensis antaoensis and Mabuya stangeri)))). The Cape Verde archipelago was colonized from West Africa, probably in the Late Miocene or Early Pliocene period. The north-eastern islands were probably occupied first, after which the ancestor of M. vaillanti and M. delalandii may have originated on Boavista, the ancestor of the latter species arriving on Santiago or Fogo later. The M. fogoensis--M. stangeri clade colonized the islands of Branco, Razo, Santa Luzia and São Vicente from São Nicolau and reached Santo Antão after this. Colonization of these northeastern islands was slow, perhaps because the recipient islands had not developed earlier or because colonization cut across the path of the Canary Current and the Northeast Trade Winds, the main dispersing agents in the region. Rapid extension of range into the southwestern islands occurred later in M. spinalis and then in M. vaillanti and M. delalandii. The long apparent delay between the origin of these species and their southwestern dispersal may have been because there were earlier colonizations of the southern islands which excluded later ones until the earlier inhabitants were exterminated by volcanic or climatic events. The evolution of large size in Macroscincus occurred in the northwestern islands and was paralleled in the eastern and southern islands by populations of M. vaillanti. Both cases of size increase in Cape Verde skinks were accompanied by the development of herbivory.  相似文献   

Colonization probabilities of parasite species often are determined by the habitat preference and vagility of host individuals. Although extinction-based interpretations have been investigated for nested subset patterns of parasite infracommunities, the low relative frequency of nestedness in colonization-dominated systems makes the determination and interpretation of nested infracommunities of broad ecological importance. In these systems, ontogenetic shifts in habitat preference or diet of the host have the potential to produce nested subset patterns of parasite infracommunities. Helminth infracommunity structure was investigated for 76 Rana vaillanti individuals collected from Laguna Escondida, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, in 1998. Pooled helminth infracommunities were significantly nested, as were penetrating and ingested helminth infracommunities when considered separately. Richness, diversity, and evenness of the helminth infracommunities were not correlated with host size, and did not differ between host sexes, suggesting that the structure of infracommunities simply is a product of the interaction between host individuals and their landscape mediated by individual differences in vagility. It is hypothesized that individual differences in recruitment can produce nested subset infracommunity patterns when the habitats or habitat preferences of hosts are themselves nested.  相似文献   

During May 1997, specimens of 7 species of anurans, that included 5 Phrynohyas venulosa Laurenti, 5 Rana forreri Boulenger, 7 Rana vaillanti Brucchi, 6 Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri Schimdt, 4 Smilisca baudinii Duméril and Bibron, 1 Leptodactylus melanonotus, and 3 Bufo marinus Linneaus, from the Guanacaste Conservation Area, Costa Rica were examined for blood parasites. Their hematozoan fauna included intraerythrocytic and intraleukocytic icosahedral viruses, a rickettsia (Aegyptianella sp.), 2 species of Hepatozoon, Lankesterella minima, 2 unknown species of apicomplexans, 9 morphologically distinct types of trypanosomes, and 2 species of microfilariae. Rana vaillanti, the most aquatic species of frog, harbored the most species of parasites. Recent evidence indicates that morphological changes in the highly pleomorphic trypanosomes of anurans from different geographical regions have not kept pace with biochemical (isozyme) and molecular (DNA sequence) changes. Describing new species based solely on bloodstream trypomastigotes is discouraged. Additional criteria described herein should be applied when naming new species of anuran trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Zhou QM  Guo SY  Huang MR  Wei JC 《Mycologia》2006,98(1):57-67
Specimens of Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca from Mount Wuling can be divided into two distinct groups based on obvious differences in morphological characters. Here we investigated 26 specimens of R. chrysoleuca from Mount Wuling, 10 specimens of this species from other areas and seven specimens of other Rhizoplaca species by analyzing morphology, chemistry and genetics. Nine chemotypes were detected among the specimens of R. chrysoleuca from Mount Wuling, and five of them were reported for the first time. Based on the ITS phylogenetic analysis, the chemotypes and the insertion distribution patterns in SSU rDNA, the samples of R. chrysoleuca from Mount Wuling were grouped in two distinct clades corresponding to two phenotypic groups and no gene flow was detected between these two groups. Our results establish all individuals of Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca are conspecific although some populations have been isolated on Mount Wuling, indicating that they are in the process of speciation. Our study also reveals that the relationships between genotypes and chemotypes are complicated and should be avoided, and we instead recommend using single individuals or few individuals from the same site to represent the population or whole species in systematics study. The results also indicate that Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca might provide a good model for studying the speciation of saxicolous lichenized fungi.  相似文献   

Partial DNA sequences from two mitochondrial (mt) and one nuclear gene (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and C-mos) were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among the six extant species of skinks endemic to the Cape Verde Archipelago. The species form a monophyletic unit, indicating a single colonization of the islands, probably from West Africa. Mabuya vaillanti and M. delalandii are sister taxa, as indicated by morphological characters. Mabuya fogoensis and M. stangeri are closely related, but the former is probably paraphyletic. Mabuya spinalis and M. salensis are also probably paraphyletic. Within species, samples from separate islands always form monophyletic groups. Some colonization events can be hypothesized, which are in line with the age of the islands. C-mos variation is concordant with the topology derived from mtDNA.  相似文献   

Previous systematic treatments of the neotropical palm genus Hyospathe have recognized from two to 18 species. An explicit, quantitative, repeatable sequence of operations for delimiting and testing groups of specimens and applying species concepts is carried out. Multivariate statistical analysis of morphological data is used to delimit and test groups of specimens. Cluster analysis is used to distinguish between characters and traits. Analysis of qualitative and quantitative characters reveals six groups of specimens, and the Phylogenetic Species Concept is applied to these groups. Two species, H. peruviana Henderson and H. frontinensis Henderson, are described as new. One of the specimen groups is large and widespread, and six geographically separate subgroups can be recognized within it. These subgroups can be distinguished by one or more significantly different quantitative characters. A Phylogenetic Subspecies Concept is applied to these subgroups. Three subspecies, H. elegans subsp. costaricensis Henderson, H. elegans subsp. sanblasensis Henderson, and H. elegans subsp. tacarcunensis Henderson are described as new, and two new combinations are made: H. elegans subsp. sodiroi (Dammer ex Burret) Henderson and H. elegans subsp. concinna (H. E. Moore) Henderson. One subspecies occurring in the Amazon region is complex morphologically and is not resolved by the methods used here.  相似文献   

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