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新疆甘草属(Glycyrrhiza) 的生态分布及其经济利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 新疆分布的甘草属植物共五种:甘草(Clycyrrhiza uralensis)、光果甘草(G.glabra)、粗毛甘草(G. aspera)、胀果甘草(G.inflata)、科氏甘草(G.korshinskyi)。出现于新疆88%的县市,各大河流沿岸、泉水溢出带及冲积平原。在区系上与中亚关系密切。空气干燥度、年平均温度及土壤盐碱含量对不同种甘草的分布都有影响。甘草虽然在南、北、东疆都有分布,但以北疆为主。甘草分布地区的大气干燥度从1.37—237.3,而以3—6最佳;年均温度为0.4—14℃,而以4—8℃为最适宜。甘草常与苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides)、芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)、芦苇(Phragmites communis)、大叶白麻(Poacynum hendersonii)等组成群落。光果甘草可与灰杨(Populus pruinosa)、柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)、假苇拂子茅(Calamagrostis Pseudophragmites)等组成群落。胀果甘草常与不同比例的胡杨(Populus diversifolia)、铃铛刺(Halimodendron halodendron)、柽柳、芦苇、大叶白麻、骆驼刺(Alhagi pseudalhagi)、花花柴(Karelinia caspica)等组成群落。粗毛甘草多为田间、果园及路旁荒地杂草。为了保持甘草资源的持续利用并充分发挥其效益,应建立合理的挖采制度,建立甘草生产基地,并开展甘草的综合利用研究。  相似文献   

芦苇生态型研究进展   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
芦苇生态幅极广,适生于多种生境类型。不同的环境选择压力如水深、盐度、养分、气候等交互影响致使芦苇个体及种群间发生不同程度的分化和变异,形成了形态、生理或遗传上互有差异、异地性的不同生态型。尽管基于芦苇表型变异以及遗传变异进行生态型划分的研究已开展很多,但针对芦苇生态型变异规律及其可能的形成机制的认知仍存在较多分歧。在总结近年来有关芦苇生态型研究文献的基础上,通过对影响芦苇生态型变异的主要因素——环境因素和遗传因素的分析,以期为芦苇生态型的划分及其可能的形成机制提供新的研究思路。(1)空间尺度的选择应成为研究者分析、划分芦苇生态型的首要定位。在较大的地理空间尺度上,高度异质性的生境导致某些性状的变异式样具有相对的不连续性,可作为不同芦苇生态型鉴别与描述的主要依据;(2)在合理的尺度定位、取样设计和统计分析的基础上开展的表型变异研究,及进一步基于种群水平的分子标记研究(分子指纹特征或特有等位基因),可为芦苇生态型的鉴定、划分提供更为可靠的参考数据,并且可以甄别生境差异(环境响应)和遗传变异对芦苇不同生态型分化的贡献;(3)应同时进行不同生态型的特定性状与功能(株高、茎粗、生物量、生理抗逆性、水体污染物净化能力等)的定位,推动优良基因型的选育与扩繁。  相似文献   

光还原的硫氧还蛋白对6—磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶的钝化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了豌豆(Pisum sativum)幼苗的重组叶绿体中光还原的硫氧还蛋白(Td)对6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PDH)的钝化作用.结果表明,Td在叶绿体G6PDH的光抑制和暗激活中均起重要的调节作用.在其绿色叶片和黄化组织中,G6PDH都存在着两种同工酶,但二硫苏糖醇(DTT)和Td对黄化幼苗中G6PDH活性的影响与叶绿体的明显不同,DTT对黄化幼苗G6PDH的钝化作用和氧化Td的活化作用均低于对叶绿体中的这两种作用.  相似文献   

研究了剑叶金鸡菊及其伴生植物鬼针草、羊蹄幼苗的生物量分配、生长和生理特性在不同强度的光生境中(全光照和31%光照)的响应特征,探讨了这些特征与其入侵性的关系.结果表明:(1)光强是影响剑叶金鸡菊入侵的重要环境因子,高光环境下其幼苗较高的相对生长速率( RGR)和植物单位重量的光合效率(Am)与其入侵性密切相关.遮荫下,...  相似文献   

以福建梅花山自然保护区濒危乔木红豆杉(Taxus chinensis(Pilger)Rehd.)为对象,对红豆杉的种子排放、幼苗更新、幼树更新3个更新阶段的生境特征进行研究,并比较生态位的变化,以此评价红豆杉不同更新阶段的生境需求。结果显示:随着个体发育生长,红豆杉更新生境发生了明显转变,种子排放地与幼苗生境空间一致性较高,而它们与幼树生境存在明显的空间不一致性。从生态位角度来看,种子排放地和幼苗生境重叠指数≤0.5的仅有海拔和坡度2个因子,这说明幼苗的空间格局受到鸟类传播的强烈影响,鸟类传播所排放的种子能萌发并生长成幼苗。幼苗和幼树生境重叠指数≤0.5的因子有海拔、坡向、植被类型,说明在大尺度景观因子和庇护植被层面上,植物的更新需求出现了明显的不一致。研究结果表明红豆杉的更新生境存在明显的阶段变化,可能造成植物更新出现建成限制,使幼树阶段成为更新的瓶颈阶段。  相似文献   

在浇水和未浇水的塑料管中栽培了 2 0个植物种 ,测量了其幼苗的根深、根重和茎重。这些种的原始生境含水状况差异较大 ,是从沼泽到沙漠的系列。植物种原始生境的水分状况用Ellenberg水分序数定量。幼苗首先在湿沙中生长 2 1d ,然后进入为期也是 2 1d的处理阶段 (浇水和不浇水 )。浇水植株的根深与Ellenberg水分序数无关。在旱化的沙层中 ,源于干旱生境的植物的根深趋向于增加 ,来自湿润生境的则减少。根深塑性 (即未浇水的根深 /浇水的根深 )与Ellenberg水分序数显著相关 (R2 =0 .5 6 ) ,茎 /根比值塑性也与Ellenberg水分序数相关 ,但不如根深塑性的关系明显。根深塑性表现最为明显的植物种具有在未浇水沙层中维持茎生长的最大能力。有迹象表明 ,在浇水处理时 ,来自很干旱生境的植物生长减弱。研究结果表明 :幼苗利用深层水分的能力是植物对干旱生境的主要适应。  相似文献   

Survivin是在肿瘤组织及胚胎中发现的一类细胞因子,它是IAPs(inhibitorsofapoptosisprotein)家族的成员之一,具有其独特的分子结构和组织表达特异性,在细胞中参与细胞周期的调控,主要在细胞周期的G2/M期通过抑制caspase-3及caspase-7的活性发挥作用.Survivin在细胞中的活性可能受p53的调节.Survivin也是胚胎发育早期过程中调节细胞分裂分化的一类重要的因子.对Survivin的研究对于肿瘤治疗的研究及揭示胚胎早期的发育机制有重要的意义.  相似文献   

表型可塑性与外来植物的入侵能力   总被引:54,自引:4,他引:50  
外来植物的入侵能力与其性状之间的关系是入侵生态学中的基本问题之一。成功的入侵种常常能占据多样化的生境,并以广幅的环境耐受性为特征。遗传分化(包括生态型分化)和表型可塑性是广布性物种适应变化、异质性生境的两种不同但并不矛盾和排斥的策略。越来越多的实验证据表明,表型可塑性具有确定的遗传基础,本身是一种可以独立进化的性状。许多入侵种遗传多样性比较低,但同时又占据了广阔的地理分布区和多样化的生境,表型可塑性可能在这些物种的入侵成功和随后的扩散中起到了关键作用。本文首先介绍表型可塑性的含义,简述表型可塑性和生物适应的关系,然后从理论分析和实验证据两个方面论述了表型可塑性与外来植物入侵能力的相关性,最后针对进一步的研究工作进行了讨论。当然,并非所有入侵种的成功都能归因于表型可塑性,作者认为对于那些遗传多样性比较低同时又占据多样化生境的入侵种,表型可塑性和入侵能力的正相关可能是一条普遍法则,而非特例。  相似文献   

植物长期生长在重金属污染的生境中,逐渐进化成不同的生态型.通过调查中国东南部古老Pb/Zn矿和非矿山生境中的植物种群,发现生长在古老Pb/Zn矿的东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)是一种新的Zn超积累植物.在自然和控制条件下,古老Pb/Zn矿生态型比非矿山生态型植株的茎粗、叶片大、植株高.在矿山土壤Zn有效含量为105.5~325.4 mg·kg-1时,矿山生态型东南景天植株地上部Zn含量为4134~5000 mg·  相似文献   

从美国引种成功的三种类型互花米草在不同NaCl浓度的盐渍生境中,叶细胞膜透性、渗透调节物(主要是K+、Na+)和氨基酸的变化以及光合作用、呼吸作用的变化都存在明显的差异,这是由于长期不同生境的选择和互花米草的基因型适应所造成的生态型分化的结果。按抗盐性分:G型抗性最强、F型最弱、N型居中。  相似文献   

人为扰动对甘草不同部位甘草酸含量和总黄酮含量均有较大的影响。即使是轻度的人为扰动 (土壤翻松 1次 )也会导致野生甘草的甘草酸含量明显下降 ,尤其对地下根茎 (兼有运输和储存功能 )中的甘草酸的积累影响最大。重度扰动栽培甘草各部位的甘草酸含量均较低 ,相对而言黄酮类物质的积累速率高于甘草酸 ,表明土壤扰动因素对甘草酸的形成与积累的影响大于总黄酮的形成与积累。无扰动野生甘草和轻度扰动野生甘草总黄酮含量从地上到地下呈下降趋势 ,而重度扰动栽培甘草的叶和不定根各有一个含量较高的部位 ,据此推断叶和不定根 (含毛状根 )是黄酮类物质的主要产生部位 ;具有输导功能的地上茎、复叶柄中总黄酮含量较低且波动较大。人为扰动对不同土壤深度甘草主根中甘草酸含量和甘草总黄酮含量的变化规律影响较小。无扰动野生甘草和轻度扰动野生甘草主根在 1.0~ 2 .0 m深度甘草酸含量分布较高是对该生境不同土壤深度长期适应的结果 ,而重度扰动栽培甘草主根可能尚未达到相应的土壤深度 ,因而表现为 1.0 m以下深层土壤中甘草酸含量较高。总之 ,旨在改善甘草生长条件的人为扰动对甘草酸和总黄酮的积累具有消极影响 ,适当的胁迫环境条件对提高药用植物的品质有益  相似文献   

本文利用扫描电子显微镜对乌拉尔甘草、光果甘草和胀果甘草花粉的超微结构进行观察;利用荧光显微镜确定乌拉尔甘草的授粉方式、花粉生活力和柱头活性以及授粉后受精时间。结果表明花粉超微结构为甘草的鉴别提供了一定的形态学依据;甘草的授粉方式属于闭花受精;花粉生活力在每天12:00时最强,去雄后超过四天的柱头已经不具备接受花粉的能力;对授粉后不同时间的雌蕊进行研究得出授粉后6h花粉管进入胚珠进行受精。本文主要对甘草的有性生殖特性进行了研究,为未来制定正确的选、育种策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文利用扫描电子显微镜对乌拉尔甘草、光果甘草和胀果甘草花粉的超微结构进行观察;利用荧光显微镜确定乌拉尔甘草的授粉方式、花粉生活力和柱头活性以及授粉后受精时间。结果表明花粉超微结构为甘草的鉴别提供了一定的形态学依据;甘草的授粉方式属于闭花受精;花粉生活力在每天12:00时最强,去雄后超过四天的柱头已经不具备接受花粉的能力;对授粉后不同时间的雌蕊进行研究得出授粉后6h花粉管进入胚珠进行受精。本文主要对甘草的有性生殖特性进行了研究,为未来制定正确的选、育种策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

A comparative ecological study of closely related invasive and non-invasive species, Senecio madagascariensis and S. lautus (Asteraceae), investigated what traits might confer invasive ability in very similar species. Life-history attributes of the weed S. madagascariensis were compared to five habitat-specific subspecies of S. lautus: S. l. alpinus, S. l. dissectifolius, S. l. lanceolatus and two forms of S. l. maritimus. Field populations of each taxon were monitored to compare their population ecology. Relative rates of phenological development were compared at a single location. Seed germination was studied in a laboratory experiment. Transplant experiments were conducted in a range of S. madagascariensis and S. lautus habitats to compare performance in different environments. In monitored field populations S. madagascariensis produced seedlings and reproductive cohorts more frequently, flowered for longer periods, produced more seeds and had fewer germinable achenes in the soil compared to S. lautus taxa. S. madagascariensis achenes had higher rates of germination than S. lautus in both light and dark conditions. S. madagascariensis was found to have higher rates of survival than S. lautus taxa in a range of habitats and to be faster to flower in both transplant and standard glasshouse environments. Overall S. madagascariensis performed better than S. lautus ecotypes in terms of seedling, growth and fecundity measurements and second best for achenes. Despite relatively good performance in terms of life-history traits there is no evidence that S. madagascariensis is invading S. lautus habitats. We speculate that physiological and morphological adaptations to specialised environments are a better explanation for success of Senecio taxa/ecotypes than generalised life-history trait performance. We suggest that invasiveness is essentially unpredictable, due to habitat/plant specific interactions between invader and area of introduction. In the absence of predictive theory, quarantine authorities should use a combination of methods to assess invasive potential including a database of known weeds, performance comparisons between congeneric natives and exotics in a range of habitats at proposed point of introduction and monitoring of introduced species to determine if they spread.  相似文献   

Low energy (25 keV) N+ ions were implanted into liquorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) seeds at a fluency of either zero (control) or 900 × (2.6 × 1013) ions/cm2. After irradiation, all the seeds were planted in the plastic pots for a growth period of one month. Thereafter, the seedlings in the pot were subjected to saline stress at 600 mM for about 3 days. The morphological and physiological characteristics such as total chlorophyll content, proline level, activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), ATPase, and triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) reduction in seedling roots were investigated. Our results indicated that ion irradiation significantly increased the shoot height, leaflet number, taproot lenght, lateral root number, and shoot and root weights of liquorice seedlings with or without saline stress. Furthermore, the total chlorophyll content, proline level, SOD, POD, CAT, ATPase activities, and root TTC reduction vigor of seedlings were all found to be significantly increased under saline stress by ion irradiation compared with their corresponding controls. These results indicated that ion irradiation can strengthen the resistance of liquorice seedlings to saline stress and may have a potential application for the improvement of plants in sand areas.  相似文献   

Positive interactions among plants have rarely been investigated with respect to their evolutionary consequences and vice versa. The outcome of facilitative interactions depends on the competitive ability and stress tolerance of the species. We tested whether this also applies to populations of conspecifics that are locally adapted to different environments and thereby differ in these traits. We hypothesised that ecotypes from less stressful environments experience a greater effect of facilitation when grown in stressful environments compared to populations adapted to these conditions.Seeds of two ecotypes of the annual grass species, Brachypodium distachyon, were collected from Mediterranean and arid origins and transplanted at an arid environment within the species’ distribution range. To examine the effect of biotic interactions on these ecotypes, we transplanted the individuals with and without the presence of the shrub Gymnocarpos decander (underneath or away from the shrub), and with and without the presence of annual vegetation (removal experiment). We examined the effect of these interactions on the two B. distachyon ecotypes by comparison of emergence success, biomass, and survival to reproduction.The presence of shrubs had a positive effect on all three variables in both ecotypes. Facilitation by shrubs enabled individuals from Mediterranean origin to grow and reproduce in arid conditions. Unlike the locals, they failed to survive to reproduction away from the shrubs, because of the markedly shorter growing season in open areas. The annual vegetation did not affect emergence or survival to reproduction in either ecotype; however, the positive effect of shrubs on biomass was reduced in the presence annual vegetation in the Mediterranean ecotype.This demonstrates that ecotypes adapted to arid conditions respond differently to these biotic interactions compared to Mediterranean populations. We argue that facilitation may have important evolutionary consequences by enabling maladapted ecotypes to invade and colonize stressful habitats.  相似文献   

The geographical distributions and habitats of JapanesePotamogeton were studied by extensive field survey throughout Japan. According to the distribution pattern, the species were classified into 3 groups: (1) the species widespread throughout Japan, (2) the ones distributed in northern Japan and (3) the ones distributed in central to south-western Japan. The habitats of each species were investigated in relation to water body type and pH, alkalinity, Ca++, Cl? and conductivity of water. Flow condition and the degree of water level fluctuation seemed to be important habitat factors affecting the occurrence of some species. Each species had its preference regarding the five chemical parameters of water. Especially, significance of alkalinity is discussed in relation to the inorganic carbon contents of water. Interspecific associations were examined. Floating-leaved species were shown to be mutually exclusive. Submerged species showed somewhat intricate associations. Also it was remarkable that, while in lentic environments 29 pairs with significant associations were revealed, only 2 pairs were significantly associated in lotic environments.  相似文献   

Four ecotypes of Phragmites australis from different habitats in northwest China were examined to compare their photosynthetic characteristics. In a swamp ecotype, the Δ 13C value of leaf materials was −34.0‰, and bundle sheath cells contained a small amount of organelles and round-shaped chloroplasts, as being similar to typical C3 plants. In a dune ecotype, the Δ 13C value was −20.9‰ and bundle sheath cells contained oval-shaped chloroplasts with poorly-developed grana. In light and heavy salt meadow ecotypes, Δ 13C values were −30.6‰ and −35.6‰, respectively. The shape of bundle sheath chloroplasts in the light salt meadow ecotype was intermediate between those of the swamp and dune ecotypes. Abundance of bundle sheath organelles in the heavy salt meadow ecotype was intermediate. The swamp ecotype had photosynthetic enzyme activities typical of C3 type plants, whereas the dune ecotype had an increased activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), a key C4 enzyme, and a decreased ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity. The light salt meadow and heavy salt meadow ecotypes had substantial activities of PEPC, which indicates potential for C4 photosynthesis. These data suggest that this species evolved the C3-like ecotype in swamp environments and the C4-like C3-C4 intermediate in dune desert environments, and C3-like C3-C4 intermediates in salt environments.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity and drought on the antioxidative system (SOD, POD, CAT) were studied in liquorice seedlings (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch). The results showed that both salt and drought stresses could induce oxidative stress, as indicated by the increase level of lipid peroxidation. The activities of SOD and POD were up-regulated by salt and drought stress, while CAT activity decreased. An additional MnSOD isoenzyme was detected in liquorice subjected to 2%NaCl stress. The data also showed that although the activity of SOD was differentially influenced by drought and salinity, the changes of antioxidant enzyme activities subjected to drought stress follow a pattern similar to that subjected to salt stress, indicating that similar defensive systems might be involved in the oxidative stress injury in liquorice.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette transporter genes include the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) family found only in fungi and plants. These transporters transport toxic compounds across biological membranes. Here, we investigated the evolution of the PDR1 gene in Brachypodium distachyon, a widely distributed temperate grass species that belongs to the Poaceae (Gramineae) family, which also contains the domesticated cereal crops. Because this species has multiple ploidy levels, investigating PDR1 evolution in B. distachyon will offer insights into the formation and evolution of polyploidy. From 23 B. distachyon ecotypes, 39 PDR1 homologs were identified. All ecotypes had either one or two PDR1 copies. Based on restriction site analysis, the PDR1 homologs were classified as E or H type. All but one diploid and tetraploid ecotypes had only a single H type PDR1. All but one hexaploid ecotypes had both an E and a H type PDR1. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that each type formed a well-supported cluster. The two PDR1 types appeared to evolve differently. These different evolutionary patterns could indicate a difference in age between the two types or might indicate different mutation rates or selection pressures on the two types. The phylogenetic analysis also revealed that the hexaploid ecotypes shared a genomic origin for their E type PDR1, but there were multiple origins for hexaploid H type PDR1 homologs. Overall, the results suggest that tetraploid and hexaploid might be misnomers in B. distachyon and suggest a complex polyploidization history during B. distachyon evolution.  相似文献   

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