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研究了包括旅游,宗教活动及工厂废气等不同类型的人类活动对亚热带森林大气CO2浓度及两种木本植物荷木和马尾松碳水化合物代谢的影响,结果表明,人类不同形式的活动不但影响了CO2日进程变化,而且使CO2的垂直分布发生了改变,与对照相比,人类活动引起森林大气(5~15m)CO2上升了4~11μl.L^-1马尾松和荷木叶片的可溶性糖和非结构性碳水化合物随人类活动的加强而下降,其下降趋势与CO2上升趋势基本一  相似文献   

SNP抑制5-HT诱导的胞内游离钙浓度升高和内钙释放   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用Fura - 2/AM 荧光测量技术研究了5 - 羟色胺(5- HT) 诱导的大鼠尾动脉平滑肌细胞胞内钙升高和一氧化氮(NO) 的抑制效应。实验表明, 胞外0m mol/ L Ca2 + 时胞内静息[Ca2 + ] i 为20 .2±8 .6nmol/L(n = 8) 。10μmol/L 5- HT 可诱导出胞内钙库释放引起的瞬态[Ca2 +]i 升高,其峰值达245 .7 ±71.6nmol/ L(n = 6) 。10 - 7 mol/L 硝普钠(SNP) 可抑制5- HT 诱导的[Ca2 +]i 升高,其峰值浓度降为75.1±35 .9nmol/L(n = 5) 。当细胞浴液含2.5m mol/L Ca2 + 时,静息[Ca2 +]i为112 .8 ±10 .3nmol/ L(n = 5) , 这时10μmol/ L 5 - HT 可诱导[Ca2 + ] i 的峰值为252 .3 ±80 .6nmol/L(n = 4) ,以及其后平台浓度为143 .0 ±37 .6nmol/L(n = 4) ,略大于[Ca2 +]i 为112.8 ±10 .3nmol/L 的静息浓度,为外钙内流引起。10 - 7 mol/L SNP 也可抑制5- HT 诱导[Ca2 + ]i 平台相浓度。平台浓度由143 ±47  相似文献   

蒋高明 《生态学报》1995,15(4):407-412
本文分析了承德市油松(PinustabutaeformisCarr.)针叶硫和重金属含量变化及其与大气SO_2浓度之间的相关性,探讨了油松针叶对大气SO_2的生物监测作用,结果认为:植物S含量生长末期>休眠期>生长初期>生长旺盛期(p<0.001);重金属中Pb表现为类似的规律,S和Pb含量分别从0.75mg·g ̄(-1)和0.7μg·g ̄(-1)上升到1.58mg·g ̄(-1)和2.0μg·g ̄(-1)。Ni变化不明显;Zn、Cu和Fe呈下降趋势,但Zn在休眠期略有回升。Mn在休眠期最高,但生长期也很高,其余季节相对较低。这种变化特点与大气中SO_2和总悬浮颗植物(TSP)的变化趋势基本一致;油松针叶S含量与大气SO_2浓度之间具有很显著的相关性,其中火车站监测点生长季节相关公式Y=-0.0263+0.0965X(r=0.8911,p<0.001);城区Y=0.0126+0.0618X(r=0.7841,p<0.01)。利用后者可对整个承德市区的大气SO_2污染状况进行生物监测。  相似文献   

Metylomonassp.GYJ3菌的甲烷单加氧酶(MMO)粗酶提取液经DEAE-SepharoseCL-6B阴离子交换层析、SephadexG-100凝胶过滤层析和DEAE-TSKgelHPLC分离纯化出MMO还原酶组分.经HPLC分析,纯度大于95%,纯化倍数为4.4,加入至MMO羟基化酶和调节蛋白B的体系中表现比活为228nmol环氧丙烷每分钟毫克蛋白.SDS-PAGE电泳表明还原酶由一种亚基组成,分子量42kD.ICP-AES测定还原酶的Fe含量为1.83molFe每mol蛋白.UV-Vis光谱表明还原酶除280nm蛋白质特征峰外在460nm有最大吸收峰,且A280nm/A460nm为2.50,与其它黄素一铁硫蛋白相似,推测还原酶可能含一个FAD辅基和Fe2S2中心.在厌氧条件下,还原酶能够和NADH作用,UV-Vis光谱分析表明还原酶460nm处特征吸收峰消失,说明在MMO催化过程中还原酶接受NADH的电子.DEAE-SepharoseCL-6B阴离子交换层析分离出调节蛋白B,部分纯化的调节蛋白B的分子量大约在20kD,它能够提高MMO比活性40倍,MMO还原酶和调节蛋白B单独存在时不具有MMO  相似文献   

提高CO2浓度对两种亚热带树苗光合作用的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林的主要优势乔木树种裂壳锥(Castanopsisfissa (Cham p.ex Benth.) Rehd.etWils.)和荷木(Schim a superba Gardn.etCham p.)幼苗,盆栽于自然条件(CO2 浓度350 μL·L- 1)或高CO2 浓度为500 μL·L- 1和空气CO2(350 μL·L- 1)的半开顶式气罩中。在生长最旺盛的6~9 月份,高浓度CO2 条件下生长的叶片,其光合速率比在自然条件下生长的提高79% ~95% 。当叶片在350 μL·L- 1和500 μL·L- 1的CO2 浓度下测定时,其光合速率无明显差异。高浓度CO2 下生长的叶片其光合速率-CO2 浓度响应曲线比对照(350 μL·L- 1)高,叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量低,但叶绿素a 和b 的比值及类胡萝卜素和叶绿素的比值不变。高浓度CO2 下生长的叶片气孔导度明显降低。两种植物在85 d 的高浓度CO2 的生长过程中,并未出现光合速率下调现象  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对土壤微生物的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
自人类进入工业化时代以来,由于化石燃料的燃烧和森林的大面积破坏,大气中CO2的浓度已由工业革命以前的280μl·L-1增加到现在的350μl·L-1,仅从1957年至今的几十年间,大气中CO2的浓度就增加了20%,预计到下个世纪下半叶,大气中CO2的...  相似文献   

镧对烟草愈伤组织和油菜幼根钙含量的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
MS培养基中添加镧(La)(0 .01 ~0 .10m mol·L- 1) 培养烟草愈伤组织,其总Ca2 + 及原生质体Ca2 + 含量明显比对照( 不加La) 低;长时间( 继代培养30d) 较短时间培养( 悬浮培养24h) 低.低浓度(0 .01 ~0 .051mol·L- 1)La3 + 使细胞壁中Ca2 + 含量高于对照并随浓度提高而增加,高浓度(0 .101mol·L- 1) 则减少.与Ce2 + 相比较,La3 + 的排Ca2 + 作用稍弱于Ce3 + .以不同浓度La(NO3)3 溶液浸种,油菜幼根总Ca2 + 及原生质体中Ca2 + 含量变化与上述类似.La3 + 使烟草愈伤组织褐化明显,生长量比对照低.  相似文献   

建立了纯化光合膜蛋白质复合体Cytb6f的新方法。与现有方法相比,新方法简单明了,只包括透析离心和用硫酸铵分级沉淀两个步骤,而且适于大批量制备。按此方法从菠菜叶绿体分离纯化的制剂含9.8nmolCytf·mg-1;SDSPAGE显示4条主要区带及1条低分子量区带,背景干净;Cytb6(b型血红素)∶Cytf=2∶1(mol∶mol),Chla∶Cytf=1∶1(mol∶mol);酶活性(PQ2H2→Cytc)80μmolCytc·nmolCytf-1·h-1左右;产率可达38%。  相似文献   

新麦草的组织培养及染色体分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新麦草的组织培养及染色体分析孙震晓,夏光敏,陈惠民(山东大学生物系.济南250100)TISSUECULTUREANDCHROMOMEANALYSISOFPsATHYROSACHYSJUNCEA(FISCH.)NEVSKIsunZhen-xiao;x...  相似文献   

黑曲霉生产β-葡萄糖苷酶发酵条件的研究产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经多项式回归分析,研究了不同浓度N 源、C 源、无机盐等对酶产量的影响,确定出最佳培养基配方为:麸皮4 .9 % ,(NH4)2SO4 0 .4 % ,KH2PO4 0 .29 % ,CaCl2 0 .05 % ,MgSO4·7H2O0 .04 % ,FeSO4·7H2 O5mg·L- 1 ,ZnCl2 1 .4mg·L- 1 ,0 .2 % 油酸钠.并对培养温度、时间、培养基初始pH、通气量、接种量、接种方式等培养条件进行优化,使黑曲霉生产β葡萄糖苷酶的产量由17U·ml- 1 增至21 .3U·ml- 1 .  相似文献   

鸽血变虫(Haemoproteus columbae Kruse,1980)生活史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪凌仙  林宇光 《动物学报》1989,35(3):306-312
本文首次报告我国鸽血变虫的生活史。自然和人工感染实验证明虱蝇是其昆虫媒介。本虫的配子体进入虱蝇体内6—10天后完成孢子有性增殖。 实验观察了本虫在鸽体内无性增殖期的形态、部位及在末梢血液中配子体的发育过程,并证明其潜隐期(prepatent period)为28—30天。 本工作亦对羽虱体腔中的卵囊和子孢子作了描述,提示羽虱也可能是本虫的媒介昆虫,有待今后研究证实。  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of several inhibitors, including vinblastine and colchicine, on the accumulation of a number of putative transmitters by a rat brain synaptosomal preparation and their subsequent release by excess K+ was examined. In addition, the effect of the alkaloids on the ATPase activity of the actomyosin-like protein, neurostenin, isolated from the synaptosomal preparation, was studied. The uptakes of radioactive glutamate, GABA, dopamine and norepinephrine were energy-dependent, as evidenced by their susceptibility to 0.01 mM carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (Cl-CCP), 01 mM ouabain and temperature. The active accumulations of GABA, dopamine and norepinephrine were also greatly inhibited by 1 mM6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), 01 mM mersalyl, 0.05–0.25mM vinblastine and 0.1–1.0 mM colchicine. Vinblastine was approximately 10-fold more potent (K1, ?0.1 mM) than colchicine as an inhibitor. The release of actively accumulated dopamine or norepinephrine by excess K+ (increasing the [K+] from 5 to 30 mM) was inhibited somewhat when vinblastine was present during the entire incubation period. If the synaptosomes were preloaded with the radioactive compounds prior to addition of vinblastine, there was no discernible effect on the relative amount of material released by excess K+. However, the addition of inhibitor under the latter conditions caused a leakage of radioactivity into the medium even without excess K+ being present. Glutamate accumulation was somewhat different from that of GABA, dopamine or norepinephrine. Although it required energy for uptake, 6-OHDA, mersalyl, vinblastine or colchicine were not inhibitory. Studies of the oxidative metabolism of glutamate and GABA by this synaptosomal preparation indicated that the mechanisms of inhibition by vinblastine was not attributable to a metabolic effect. Both vinblastine and colchicine inhibited the Mg2+-stimulated, but not the Ca2+-activated ATPase of neurostenin. This effect was probably attributable to an interaction of the vinblastine with the neurin moiety of this actomyosin-like protein. We suggest that the inhibitory phenomena exhibited by vinblastine and colchicine in this synaptosomal preparation arose from the effect of these alkaloids on the neurin associated with the synaptic membrane.  相似文献   

1. The tripeptide glycyl-levo-alanyl-glycine in solution of either one or ten equivalents of alkali does not undergo racemization on standing. 2. The dipeptide levo-alanyl-glycine under the conditions given in (1) does not undergo racemization. 3. In ketopiperazines, levo-alanyl-glycine anhydride and in levo-prolyl-glycine anhydride under the influence of dilute alkalies, racemization takes place. 4. Racemization in the present experiments was never complete. The degree of racemization seems to depend, on the one hand, on the stability of the ketopiperazine ring; on the other, on the concentration of the alkali. 5. The significance of these observations will depend on the outcome of the work on a larger number of polypeptides and ketopiperazines. The work is now in progress in this laboratory.  相似文献   

1. Dominance/subordinance is a relationship between two individuals in which one defers to the other in contest situations. Each such relationship represents an adaptive compromise for each individual in which the benefits and costs of giving in or not giving in are compared. Familiar associates in groups or neighbours on nearby territories may develop relatively stable dominant-subordinate relationships based on individual recognition. Although the aggressive aspects of dominance are usually emphasized, the less conspicuous actions of the subordinate individual are actually more important in maintaining a stable relationship. 2. In evolutionary terms, dominance essentially equals priority of access to resources in short supply. Usually the subordinate, who would probably lose in combat anyway, is better off to bide its time until better able to compete at another time or another place. Both individuals save time, energy, and the risk of injury by recognizing and abiding by an established dominant-subordinate relationship. 3. Dominance can be either absolute or predictably reversible in different locations or at different times. Of the various forms of dominance behaviour, rank hierarchies and territoriality represent the two extremes of absolute and relative dominance, respectively. A dominance hierarchy is the sum total of the adaptive compromises made between individuals in an aggregation or organized group. Many animals seem to be capable of both absolute and relative dominance, and within species-specific limits the balance may shift toward one or the other. High density, or a decrease in available resources, favours a shift from relative to absolute dominance. Some species may exhibit both simultaneously. Social mammals may have intra-group hierarchies and reciprocal territoriality between groups, while the males of lek species may exhibit ‘polarized territoriality’ by defending small individual territories, with the most dominant males holding the central territories where most of the mating takes place. 4. Territoriality is a form of space-related dominance. Most biologists agree that its most important function is to provide the territory holder with an assured supply of critical resources. Territoriality is selected for only when the individual's genetic fitness is increased because its increased access to resources outweighs the time, energy, and injury costs of territorial behaviour. 5. Territoriality was first defined narrowly as an area from which conspecifics are excluded by overt defence or advertisement. The definition has been variously expanded to include all more or less exclusive areas without regard to possible defence, and finally to include all areas in which the owner is dominant. I define territory as a fixed portion of an individual's or group's range in which it has priority of access to one or more critical resources over others who have priority elsewhere or at another time. This priority of access must be achieved through social interaction. 6. My definition excludes dominance over individual space and moving resources, and includes areas of exclusive use maintained by mutual avoidance. It differs from most other definitions in its explicit recognition of time as a territorial parameter and its rejection of exclusivity and overt defence as necessary components of territorial behaviour. There is an indivisible continuum of degrees of trespass onto territories, and functionally it is priority of access to resources that is important rather than exclusive occupancy. 7. There is a similarly indivisible continuum in the intensity of behaviour needed to achieve priority of access to resources. Deciding whether or not an exclusive area is defended leads to the pointless exercise of trying to decide which cues indicating the owner's presence are conspicuous enough to merit being called defence. Concentrating on overt defence emphasizes the aggressive aspects of territorial behaviour rather than the equally or more important submissive aspects such as passive avoidance.  相似文献   

The effects of day/night temperatures and photoperiod on the growth and dormancy of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) were studied in seedlings from different geographic origins. The response of Alaskan plants to temperature and photoperiod was distinctly different from other seed sources. Alaskan plants required very long days to prevent cessation of growth while plants from southern seed sources grew on photoperiods as short as 14 hr. Low night temperature (14 C) antagonized the promotive action of long photoperiods in Alaskan plants but had little effect in other seed sources. High day temperatures offset the inhibitory effect of the cool night to a lesser degree in Alaskan plants than in plants from other locations. Dormancy induced by short photoperiods was antagonized (relieved ?) to a lesser degree by high night temperatures in Alaskan birch than in other seed sources. Betula papyrifera var. humilis from Alaska may be an incipient species since its morphological traits are accompanied by adaptive physiological responses to its environment. These responses are as distinct as its morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

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