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草地资源缀块聚集分布时草食动物时空分布模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对草地上草食动物(家畜)种群空间格局—缀块型,综合考虑整体和局部两种信息,运用渗透理论及数学分析方法研究了草地资源点(缀块)在空间上聚集分布时草食动物的分布,建立了描述草地资源与草食动物时空分布的扩散模型.研究结果表明:资源利用尺度n随资源浓度p的降低而增大,随资源聚集程度q的增大而增大.资源浓度越低,资源利用尺度越大;资源聚集程度越高,资源利用尺度也越大、只有能够在较大尺度上利用资源的动物才能利用破碎化的低浓度资源、这将为草原放牧及管理提供科学依据、  相似文献   

对我国牧草种质资源中心库入库资源的多样性进行了综述。入库资源种类及种质类型多样,特有牧草种质资源突出,栽培牧草的野生祖型及野生近缘种、优良牧草种类多;对牧草种质资源中心库入库资源的开发利用情况进行了介绍;建议今后扩大种质搜集、加强研究、规范入库资源的质量控制,为牧草种质资源的高效利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

湖南省农作物种质资源收集保护和创新利用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据湖南省第一次(1956-1957年)和第二次(1979-1983年)全国农作物种质资源调查、收集及研究利用的工作开展情况,总结了湖南省种质资源保护和利用的现状及取得的成果,特别是水稻、油菜、辣椒、茶叶等在资源创新利用上取得了优异成绩;分析了湖南省农作物种质资源保护仍存在地方品种资源日益减少、资源收集困难、农作物种质资源保存体系不够完善、资源专业团队缺乏、资源利用率低等限制本地区农作物种质资源创新利用的问题。提出了以"第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动"为契机,建立完善的种质资源保护体系、精准评价体系及共享共用机制等促进农作物种质资源保存与利用工作良性循环的建议。  相似文献   

调查了广西沿海地区的北海、防城港、钦州3市8县(区)1975-2010年耕地面积、干旱受灾面积和咸酸田面积的动态变化以及抗旱、耐盐作物种类和分布;收集了一批水稻、木薯及芋头的地方种质资源,并对其进行了抗旱性和耐盐性的鉴定评价。本研究对广西沿海种质资源保护及利用,对抗旱、耐盐性研究及育种利用有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>我国幅员辽阔,由于地理及气候的差异而形成了南北方各具特点的遗传资源。遗传资源的保护与合理利用是人类社会可持续发展的必要措施之一。为此,中国遗传学会拟于2010年8月在内蒙古呼和浩特市召开主题为"北方遗传资源的保护与利用"研讨会。会议将邀请我国遗传学及其相关研究领域的专家和学者,就近年来国内外遗传学最新研究进展和我国北方遗传资源保护与利用进行研讨和交流。希望通过本次研讨会,促进我国遗传资源的保护与利用,欢迎从事遗传学及其相关学科的学者与研究生踊跃参加。  相似文献   

中国人类遗传资源平台是国家自然资源科技共享平台的一部分。为规范我国人类遗传资源的收集、整理、整合、保存及共享利用, 在我国相关法律法规的支持下, 作者参照国内外资源整合成功的经验, 对我国人类遗传资源的整理整合及共享利用的标准化进行了研究, 文中简要报道人类遗传资源整理整合、数据库建设及共享利用的标准化研究结果。  相似文献   

<正>项目名称:重要菌物资源保育与可持续利用研究(编号:IRT1134) 学术带头人:李玉院士主持人:图力古尔教授骨干成员:王琦教授姚方杰教授包海鹰教授王大为教授本团队将继续对重要菌物资源保育与可持续利用进行深入研究,主要从物种资源及其利用、品种资源及其利用、功能成分资源及其利用和基因资源及其利用四个方向开展研究。  相似文献   

中国鸢尾属观赏植物资源的研究与利用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
对中国鸢尾属现赏植物资源的研究与利用的情况进行了总体概述。并从三个方面提出了目前和今后一段时期对该属现赏植物资源研究与利用的思考。加快现有野生植物资源丰富、优良的绿化地被类鸢尾的立接利用;系统收集和保存野生资源,建立野生活植物资源圃,并对其资源进行包括DNA分子标记研究手段在内的遗传多样性、遗传特性以及亲缘关系等系统、全面的研究,建立相关数据库和技术档案;充分有效地利用优良植物(基因)资源,运用现代生物技术手段进行种质改良——遗传育种与基因工程的研究。  相似文献   

青海高原地区作物种质资源的收集保护和创新利用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青海高原地区作物种质资源是指青海境内以及周边生态类似地区内的分布资源。根据近十多年来该地区作物种质资源调查、收集及研究的工作基础,分析了本地作物种质资源保护与利用的现状,认为本地区资源的保护及利用工作已取得了一定的成果,有了较好的基础工作积累,研究团队和力量得以加强和完善,资源保护与利用的意识不断得以强化,但资源的保护和利用与现今飞速发展的农业产业化、以及突破性的种质创新和利用的要求仍然相去甚远,特别表现在对库存资源的精准评价和鉴定方面,难以为育种工作提供有效的服务与支持。借助于国家种质复份库的平台优势和现代生物学技术手段,发挥高原特异资源优势,引进和借助外来优异资源进行种质创制、和具有高原特色的生态农业种质资源研究,以期为高原农业的可持续发展提供支撑,应作为今后本地资源研究的方向。  相似文献   

白蚁是世界性害虫,但白蚁资源有着很高的利用价值。文章简要论述我国白蚁资源利用的研究现状及研究进展,主要包括白蚁本身、蚁巢及菌圃、蚁巢共生物--鸡榕菌Termitomyces albuminosus(Berk.)Heim、乌灵参Xylaria nigripes等直接利用价值及白蚁活动加速自然界物质循环、改善土壤理化性质、探矿等间接利用价值。同时还对白蚁资源研究利用的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Previous studies have discussed the evolution of ownership using the Hawk–Dove–Bourgeois game. Decisive parameters are resource values (V) and contest costs (C). However, ownership may also evolve as a result of the effects of population density. To compare the effects of population density with those of resource values, I created a learning-based model of a revised Hawk–Dove–Bourgeois game. The game simulates the dynamics of agents that struggle for regions (“territories”) along a line. With appropriate sets of r (resource value) and l (reciprocal of the population density), the model showed that ownership is more likely to evolve when the resource value is small and population density is high. An area containing high-value resources is likely to accompany high population density. However, simulations showed that population density has stronger effects than resource value on the evolution of ownership.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The diversity, value and status of the trout resource within the Welsh Water Authority area is described.
2. Reported angling catches of sea trout have increased in recent years but there is an apparent decline in brown trout stocks. Factors affecting the distribution, status and diversity of the trout resource are identified and discussed.
3. Investigations are being carried out to evaluate the apparent problems and to provide information required to formulate management solutions. A management strategy is proposed which allows for the maintenance and development of the resource, whilst ensuring the preservation of strains of trout which have conservation value in their own right.  相似文献   

虾脊兰具有很高的观赏价值,是一类待开发的兰花资源。我国的野生资源十分丰富,本文参考前人的研究文献,结合本身工作,着重介绍虾脊兰的分布与研究概况,对虾脊兰引种栽培和繁殖技术做简要论述,并提出我国虾脊兰属植物今后利用及研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

1. Aggressive behaviour is widely exhibited by animals to acquire important resources and usually shows a dangerous or nondangerous pattern. Dangerous fighting patterns are usually characterized by fights ending with contestants being severely injured or killed. Resource value is an important nonstrategic factor influencing fighting behaviour. Studies of many species addressing nondangerous fighting behaviour have shown that when resource values change, organisms usually adjust their fighting behaviour accordingly. Only a few species show dangerous fighting patterns. Thus, few relevant studies have addressed how variation in resource value affects aggression with a dangerous fighting pattern. 2. Here, an egg parasitoid wasp, Anastatus disparis, which exhibits a dangerous fighting pattern to acquire mating opportunities, was used as an experimental model to study the adjustment of fighting behaviour resulting from a change in resource value. 3. Our results show that the female properties of body size and age affect their objective resource value and that males increased their fighting intensity for relatively large and young females. However, male mating status in A. disparis may not influence the subjective value of mate resources, and fighting intensity did not significantly differ between mated and virgin males. In addition, the number of times a male had previously mated had no significant effect. These results suggest that mating opportunities are important for both virgin and mated males, resulting in neither of them showing any adjustment in fighting for mating opportunities. 4. Generally, A. disparis males with extreme fighting patterns adjust their fighting behaviour according to the variation in resource value, which avoids the meaningless costs of injury and death.  相似文献   


Pest problems involve people who value a resource affected by a pest that is managed by people, ideally the same as those who value the resource. Management that is not inclusive of pests, resources, people, and their interactions usually fails. Mammalian pests in New Zealand are of two sorts: those that are pests in their native land (usually r-strategists), and those that are not (usually K-strategists). The impact on New Zealand resources of r-strategists tends to be periodic and acute when their densities are high. Control works best against them when it is applied once densities become intolerable, or once such densities can be predicted. The impact of K-strategists is more stable but is chronic. Control operations against them need to be sustained and regular to retain the stability of the pest-resource interaction, but to drive it in favour of the resource. The basic strategies to deal with the impact of pests are: those for which a one-off management action has a permanent benefit (e.g., eradication); those that require ongoing action to gain a permanent benefit (e.g., sustained control); and those for which no management action is possible or justified. Idealist and cynical approaches to pest policies are discussed and rejected in favour of a pragmatic policy.  相似文献   

生态伦理与湿地保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓培雁  陈桂珠 《生态科学》2006,25(3):271-274
生态伦理对于湿地保护的重要性主要体现为促进人类对湿地及其价值的正确认识、加强人类保护湿地的自我约束与社会舆论监督、提供制定和实施湿地保护法律法规的伦理基础。生态伦理对于湿地保护的要求主要体现在:人地伦理方面要求人类应当合理利用湿地资源、反对掠夺性的湿地开发、要特别保护湿地濒危野生动植物;代内伦理方面认为当代人在利用湿地资源、满足自身利益上的机会平等,对湿地资源的保护是全人类共同的责任与义务,要求地区之间、国家之间共同协作保护湿地;代际伦理方面要求当代人在对湿地资源开发利用时,应遵循责任原则、节约原则与慎行原则,防止给后代人造成不可挽回的损害。湿地保护伦理的培育途径主要有与湿地科学研究相结合、与湿地法律法规相结合、与社会实践活动相结合、与宣传教育相结合。  相似文献   

王根旺 《四川动物》2005,24(3):407-409
在野外调查基础上,记录了分布于陇东的蛇类资源16种(隶属于2科8属),分析了其药用、食用、制革等经济价值,并就蛇类资源的保护进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Two major categories of factors are predicted to influence behaviour in dyadic contests; differences in the abilities of the contestants to acquire and retain resources (resource holding potential), and the value of the contested resource (resource value, RV; which comprises objective and subjective components). Recent studies indicate that subjective components affect contest behaviour in several animal taxa but few have simultaneously investigated objective RV components. We find that both an objective (host size) and a subjective (contestant age) component of RV affect contest intensity in the parasitoid wasp Goniozus legneri. These additively influence aggressiveness, with a larger effect from the subjective component than the objective component. The greater influence of subjective RV adds weight to the recent surge of recognition of this RV component''s importance in contest behaviour.  相似文献   

生态系统的净化服务及其价值研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
生态系统对环境的净化服务是其向人类提供的重要服务功能之一,了解生态系统的净化机理及其价值,对自然资源的保护及其可持续利用有着十分重要的作用。本文讨论了生态系统的净化服务的机理,提出了生态系统净化类型,在此基础上,运用经济学和环境经济学原理,探讨了生态系统的净化价值评估方法,以我国森林生态系统为例,对生态系统的净化价值进行了估算。  相似文献   

Summary I begin by reviewing the derivation of continuous logistic growth and dynamic consumer—resource interaction equations in terms of specific resource extraction and biomass conversion functions that are considered to hold at a population level. Evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) methods are discussed for analysing populations modelled by these equations. The question of selection trade-offs is then considered, particularly in the context of populations being efficient at extracting resources versus converting resources to their own biomass. Questions relating to single populations with high versus low conversion rates and interacting populations with high versus low self-interference rates are also considered. The models discussed here demonstrate conclusively that self-interference is an essential part of any consumption process: without it population growth and interaction processes do not make any sense. The analysis clarifies concepts relating to the somewhat discredited notion ofr—K selection.  相似文献   

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