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动物传播者对植物更新的促进与限制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宁  王征  潘扬  白冰  鲁长虎 《应用生态学报》2012,23(9):2602-2608
在动物 植物的关系网络中,传播者对植物更新具有促进与限制两方面作用.本文从种群尺度总结了传播者取食、空间利用等行为对植物更新的影响;从群落尺度分析了多种传播者传播有效性对植物更新的促进与限制.传播者对食物的处理方式决定了种子的命运,且具有明显的种间差异;植物在传播者食谱中的地位亦决定其更新的成败,成为动物偏好的食物可助其摆脱森林破碎化等不利事件的影响.动物的空间行为可导致种子命运发生改变.传播者移动距离能否逃逸同种成树对种子的距离限制,影响种子的更新命运;动物偏好的适宜生境与适于植物萌发生境的空间一致性程度影响传播者传播的成效.有效传播者的非冗余性促使种子传播网络更稳定,利于植物更新;无效传播直接限制植物更新,但为其他植物定殖提供了可用空间.今后应将传播者行为融入植物种群更新研究,而从生态系统服务角度揭示传播者在植被恢复的作用应是未来恢复生态学研究的重点.  相似文献   

传播有效性是评估食果动物对植物种群更新贡献的关键指标,它决定了植物种群的续存,影响着群落生物多样性的维系。本文从种子传播数量、质量角度分析了影响动物传播有效性的因素,并从有效传播动物组合角度分析了其对植物种群更新的影响。传播数量的多少与动物的取食行为有关。以整吞取食的食果动物常被认为是植物的有效传播动物,而植物的果实为动物偏好选择的食物时,势必导致该种植物拥有高的种子传播数量。传播质量与食果动物肠道种子滞留时间以及其后的种子传播距离和排放地相关。体型较大、生境适应能力和迁徙性较强的动物常为植物提供较远的传播距离,而被认为传播质量较高。取食后动物的生境选择决定了种子的排放地,进而影响它们的种子传播质量。如果取食后动物偏好利用植物适宜更新的生境时,动物则拥有较高的传播质量。有效传播动物通常在传播数量和传播质量以互补形成一些组合对植物种群更新起贡献。今后工作应将动物行为野外监测和种子萌发实验相结合、取食后多种行为相结合来分析动物的传播有效性;而以一些国内特有濒危植物为研究对象开展传播有效性研究应是今后恢复生态学研究的重点。  相似文献   

梁振玲  马建章  戎可 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1162-1169
分散贮食是许多动物取食行为策略的重要组成部分。对以植物种子为主要贮食对象的动物来说,种子内营养物质含量、种子大小以及种子内次生化合物的含量等因素都直接影响动物的贮食行为。动物偏爱贮藏个体较大的种子,大种子多被搬运并分散贮藏在远离种源的地方,而小种子则多被就地取食,以补充动物贮食过程中的能量消耗。贮食动物主要通过空间记忆、特殊路线以及贮藏点周围的直接线索等途径重新获取贮藏点内食物。在重取过程中,一些贮藏点被遗忘,其中的种子成为植物种群更新的潜在种子库。因此,分散贮食动物不仅是种子捕食者,还是种子传播者,它们对植物种子的捕食、搬运和贮藏,影响了植物种子的存活和幼苗的建成,从而在一定程度上影响植物种群的更新、分布。植物种群为了促进种子的传播,在进化过程中逐渐形成了形式多样的适应性策略,降低种子的直接被捕食率,提高种子的被贮藏率。研究动物分散贮食行为对植物种群更新的影响,将有助于理解贮食动物与植物之间的互惠关系,从而认识贮食动物种群在生态系统中的作用,为生物多样性的保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

补充限制基于生态位理论, 从种子萌发、幼苗存活和生长、繁殖体扩散等生活史阶段的种群统计特征及环境因素(土壤水分、养分、凋落物等)着手, 探讨种群的更新问题。种源限制和微生境限制是补充限制理论研究的核心内容, 但是哪个更为重要并没有统一的结论。种源限制与种子生产、土壤种子库和地下芽库中的繁殖体数量不足有关。其中, 气候的年际波动、土壤种子库寿命和动物的捕食都会影响种子生产在种群更新中的作用; 土壤种子库常被视为种群更新的保险库, 与地上种子雨共同促进种群更新, 但是, 如果土壤里种子具有较高的死亡率和休眠率, 将会降低种子库的作用; 地下芽库及其产生的无性分株对于种群更新的意义更多地体现在干扰后种群更强的恢复能力上。扩散限制是种群更新中的普遍现象, 与种子产量、散布能力、传播媒介、幼苗密度等因素有关。微生境限制主要表现为水分、养分、凋落物等非生物因素以及竞争、捕食等生物因素对种子的活力、萌发性、幼苗的存活力、物质分配等过程的影响, 其重要性随着植物生活史阶段而发生变化。未来需要进行综合的、长期的实验, 并应着重加强种源限制及相关生态过程的进化与生态相结合的机理性研究, 从而更深刻地认识和理解种群更新问题, 建立更为综合、系统的种群更新理论体系。  相似文献   

食果动物与依赖其传播种子的植物间在进化过程中形成互惠关系,生境破碎化往往干扰种子传播过程,继而破坏这种关系.生境破碎化通常降低食果动物的多样性,但亦有相反的情况出现.食果动物对生境破碎化的适应能力不同,泛性森林动物和广食性动物具有较强的适应性.生境破碎化对依赖动物传播的植物影响有差异,多数植物受到负面影响,但也有一些植物不受影响,甚至受益.动物在破碎生境中对种子传播的有效性是种子搬运量、传播距离、种子萌发及种群建立等环节的综合效果.破碎化生境中种子的搬运量与动物的觅食行为和食物选择有关;种子传播距离受食物资源可获得性的改变和生境斑块异质性的影响;种子萌发和更新种群建立成功与否决定于是否存在有效的种子传播者.生境破碎化如何影响种子传播以及动植物相互关系,尤其是异质斑块的空间分布如何影响食果动物的传播有效性、破碎化生境下动植物互惠共生关系如何建立,生境破碎化导致的植物入侵对本地植物种子传播的影响是未来需要深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

潘扬  罗芳  鲁长虎 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2490-2497
在种子植物-动物的互惠关系中,植物果实成熟后需要吸引种子传播者取食果实,传播其种子至适宜萌发的生境,同时又要防御种子捕食者过度消耗种子。果实内的次生物质(如:配糖生物碱、大黄素、辣椒素)在此过程中起到重要的调控作用。依赖脊椎动物传播的肉质果中往往含有与植物茎、叶内相同的次生物质,其种类繁多,主要分为含氮化合物、酚类化合物和萜类化合物。未成熟果实内富含次生物质(如:单宁、大黄素),主要保护未成熟种子不被潜在的捕食者和食果动物取食,这些次生物质的含量通常随果实成熟而降低;其它次生物质(如:脱辅基类胡萝卜素)的含量随果实成熟而增多,可能起到吸引食果动物的作用。在对脊椎动物捕食的抵御中,果实内不同类型的次生物质促使成熟果实对所有脊椎动物都有毒性(专毒性)或者仅对种子捕食者有毒性(泛毒性)。肉质果内的次生物质对植物-食果动物相互关系的调控作用,还可以通过调节动物取食频次和数量、抑制和促进种子萌发、改变种子在肠道的滞留时间、吸引传播者等生态作用而实现。某种次生物质往往集多种生态作用于一身。目前对肉质果内次生物质与脊椎动物相互关系的探讨还不够深入。未来研究需要综合考虑植物次生物质与果实生理生化、形态学等特征对食果者的综合调控机理;次生物质在种子传播后的调控作用对植物种群或群落结构和分布格局的影响;从动植物协同进化角度探讨植物次生物质的产生、防御和吸引策略与脊椎动物对果实的选择和消费之间的关系等。开展脊椎动物传播肉质果实中次生物质的研究,对完善种子传播机制、植物繁殖和更新格局,丰富动植物相互作用、协同进化理论具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

刘勇  陈进 《生物多样性》2002,10(2):213-218
在种子传播过程中动植物是否存在协同进化关系一直是争论的焦点。有观点认为,植物通过食果动物对其种子的传播可能获得逃避种子捕食者、占据新的生境斑块和基因流动等好处,而动物通过消化果肉获得营养和能量作为回报,动植物彼此相互作用,进而可能建立协同进化关系。动植物之间还可能发生在种、属或科水平以上的多物种的多配协同进化,或者通过关键种的协同进化来带动其他食果动物和植物相关性状的进化。“果肉防御假说”则认为果肉原本是保护种子的防御组织,后来才进化成为吸引食果动物以促进种子传播的物质。然而,食果动物和植物一对一的协同进化的例证并不多见;适合种子萌发和生长的环境在时空上难以确定;食果动物和植物的进化速度不一致;植物与种子传播者的选择压力存在着高度的不对称和不平衡,加上环境因素的重要影响,这种选择压力受到极大的限制而有可能变得不显著。种子传播中动植物在进化意义上的关系尚需进一步研究。未来研究应对食果动物和植物关系的复杂性和多样性有足够的认识。通过对系统发育中相联系的不同种的动植物关系的比较研究来揭示动植物关系对物种分化的影响,有可能为检验食果动物和植物之间的协同进化关系提供新的证据。食果动物传播种子对植物群落动态变化的影响、动植物关系和生物多样性保护等仍将是该领域研究的热点。  相似文献   

食果鸟类在红豆杉天然种群形成中的作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
朱琼琼  鲁长虎 《生态学杂志》2007,26(8):1238-1243
2005年10月初至2006年2月,在南京中山植物园研究了红豆杉(Taxus chinensis)天然更新种群的分布格局,野外定点观察了鸟类对红豆杉种子的取食行为,记录了红豆杉落果的命运,分析了食果鸟类在红豆杉种群形成中的作用。结果表明:红豆杉天然更新种群集中分布于距母树群10m以外面积约0.5hm2的山坡上,全部红豆杉幼苗、幼树共213株,主要分布在中下坡;幼苗和幼树的空间水平格局符合聚集分布特征。"果实"成熟后,一部分被鸟类直接在树上取食,一部分掉落母树下地面。经过对结实母树的定点、连续观察,记录到4种鸟类取食红豆杉"果实",其中红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)和白头鹎(Pyc-nonotus sinensis)为主要的取食者和传播者。食果鸟类整吞"果实",消化果肉(假种皮)后,种子经消化道随粪便排出,以此过程传播种子。在取食完红豆杉"果实"后,食果鸟类多飞向坡上。坡上排水良好,有适量的荫蔽,生境适宜红豆杉种子萌发和幼苗的成长。因此,食果鸟类将种子传播至适宜萌发和生长的环境中,对该红豆杉种群的天然更新起主要作用。同时,鸟类传播对于红豆杉种群扩散、占据新的生境也有着特殊的意义。  相似文献   

肉质果植物通常依赖食果鸟类等取食果实后经消化道过程传播种子, 以完成种群的更新。红楠(Machilus thunbergii)是亚热带森林的代表性种类, 其果实具有依赖鸟类等动物取食后传播的特点。2012 年、2013 年在梅花山国家级自然保护区,研究了鸟类对红楠果实的取食及种子的传播作用。结果如下: 取食红楠种实的鸟类共计18 种, 其中整吞果实的鸟类12 种,啄取果肉的鸟类5 种, 啄食种子的鸟类1 种。整吞果实鸟类中4 种鹎科和2 种鸦科鸟类访问频次和取食量较大, 是主要的种子传播者。鸟类主要以呕吐方式传播种子。取食后初停栖点与母树距离及地面种子散布地点的分析结果表明, 鸟类可以远距离扩散种子。地面种实可被啮齿动物或蚁类再次捕食或搬运。研究表明, 红楠可以借助鸟类实现种子传播和种群更新。  相似文献   

海南蒲桃(Syzygium cumini)是亚热带地区城市绿地中常见的绿化植物, 其果实数量多、果期长, 可为鸟类提供大量食物资源。2020年6月—8月借助 Safari 10×26 变焦双筒望远镜, 采用焦点扫描法对访问海南蒲桃果实(种子)的鸟类行为进行观察, 详细记录鸟类的种类、取食基质、访问频次、取食时间、取食数量和取食方式等信息, 探讨鸟类在海南蒲桃种子传播及种群更新中的生态作用。结果表明: 成熟的海南蒲桃能吸引7种食果鸟类对其种子进行取食,其中白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、红耳鹎(Pycnonotus jocosus)、白喉红臀鹎(Pycnonotus aurigaster)和黄臀鹎(Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)4种鸟类以整吞的方式取食海南蒲桃的种子, 属于种子潜在传播者。不同种鸟类对海南蒲桃果实的取食频次间存在显著差异(t=4.310, df=6, P < 0.01), 平均访问只数、平均取食时间和平均取食量间存在极显著差异(P < 0.001)。食果鸟类的形态特征(体长、体重和嘴峰大小)与取食数量间均呈正相关。鸟类主要以呕吐的方式传播海南蒲桃的种子, 观察期间在鸟类取食后停歇的树木下方地面上常散落着较多表面洁净、无果肉包裹的裸露种子, 且有大量的海南蒲桃幼苗成功更新, 说明城市绿地中的植物是可以借助鸟类的取食和传播来实现其种群的更新。  相似文献   

Plant recruitment is limited by dispersal, if seeds cannot arrive at potential recruitment sites, and by establishment, due to a low availability of safe sites for recruitment. Seed-sowing experiments, scarcely applied along gradients of landscape alteration, are very useful to assess these limitations. Habitat loss and fragmentation may foster recruitment limitations by affecting all the processes from seed dispersal to seedling establishment. In this study, we perform a seed-sowing experiment to disentangle the importance of dispersal and establishment limitations in different stages of recruitment of the perennial herb Primula vulgaris in fragmented forests of the Cantabrian Range (Northwestern Spain). We evaluated the influence of ecological gradients resulting from habitat loss and fragmentation (modifications of habitat amount at the landscape and microhabitat scales, changes in the species’ population size, changes in seed predation and seedling herbivory) on seedling emergence, survival and early growth. We found strong evidence of dispersal limitation, as seedling emergence was very low in experimental replicates where no seeds were added. This limitation was independent of landscape alterations, as we found no relation with any of the ecological gradients studied. Establishment limitations at the germination phase were also unrelated to ecological gradients, probably because these limitations are more related to fine-scale environmental gradients. However, further monitoring revealed that seedling survival after summer and winter periods and seedling growth were conditioned by landscape alteration, as we found effects of habitat amount at the landscape and microhabitat scales, of presence of populations of P. vulgaris and of seedling herbivory. These effects were complex and sometimes opposite to what can be expected for adult plants, revealing the presence of different requirements between life stages.  相似文献   

Ana Mellado  Regino Zamora 《Oecologia》2014,176(1):139-147
Mistletoes constitute instructive study cases with which to address the role of generalist consumers in the study of plant–animal interactions. Their ranges of safe sites for recruitment are among the most restricted of any plant; therefore, frugivores specializing in mistletoe have been considered almost indispensable for the seed dispersal of these parasitic plants. However, the absence of such specialists in numerous regions inhabited by many mistletoe species raises the question of whether unspecialized vectors may successfully disperse mistletoe seeds to narrowly defined safe sites. Using the European mistletoe Viscum album subsp. austriacum as a study case, we recorded a broad range of 11 bird species that disperse mistletoe seeds. For these species, we studied the mistletoe-visitation rate and feeding behavior to estimate the quantity component of dispersal effectiveness, and the post-foraging microhabitat use, seed handling, and recruitment probabilities of different microhabitats as a measure of the quality component of effectiveness. Both endozoochory and ectozoochory are valid dispersal mechanisms, as the seeds do not need to be ingested to germinate, increasing seed-dispersal versatility. Thrushes were the most effective dispersers, although they were rather inefficient, whereas small birds (both frugivores and non-frugivores) offered low-quantity but high-quality services for depositing seeds directly upon safe sites. As birds behave similarly on parasitized and non-parasitized hosts, and vectors have broad home ranges, reinfection within patches and the colonization of new patches are ensured by an ample assemblage of generalist birds. Thus, a parasitic plant requiring precision in seed dispersal can rely on unspecialized dispersers.  相似文献   

植物的繁殖体总是面临来自各类生物(如昆虫、脊椎动物、真菌)的捕食风险。因动物捕食引起的种子死亡率影响植物的适合度、种群动态、群落结构和物种多样性的保持。种子被捕食的时间和强度成为植物生活史中发芽速度、地下种子库等特征的主要选择压力,而种子大小、生境类型等因素也影响动物对植物种子的捕食。捕食者饱和现象被认为是植物和种子捕食者之间的高度协同进化作用的结果,是限制动物破坏种子、提高被扩散种子存活率的一种选择压力。大部分群落中的大多数植物种子被动物扩散。种子扩散影响种子密度、种子被捕食率、病原体攻击率、种子与母树的距离、种子到达的生境类型以及建成的植株将与何种植物竞争,从而影响种子和幼苗的存活,最终影响母树及后代植物的适合度。种子被动物扩散后的分布一般遵循负指数分布曲线,大多数种子并没有扩散到离母树很远的地方。捕食风险、生境类型、植被盖度均影响动物对种子的扩散。植物结实的季节和果实损耗的过程也体现了其对扩散机会的适应。许多动物有贮藏植物种子的行为。动物贮藏植物繁殖体的行为,一方面调节食物的时空分布,提高了贮食动物在食物缺乏期的生存概率;另一方面也为种子萌发提供了适宜条件,促进了植物的扩散。于是,植物与贮食动物形成了一种协同进化关系,这种关系可能是自然界互惠关系(mutualism)的一种。影响幼苗存活和建成的因子包括种子贮蒇点的微生境、湿度、坡向、坡度、林冠盖度等。许多果食性动物吃掉果肉后,再将完好的种子反刍或排泄出来。种子经动物消化道处理后,发芽率常有所提高。  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by invertebrates is mostly external (e.g. by ants). However, internal dispersal (endozoochory) seems to be uncommon due to size limitations. Slugs are generalist herbivores and increasing evidence suggests that they often disperse seeds. Nevertheless, we know very little on the consequences for plant recruitment. Here, we assess the effect of slug seed passage on germination and early seedling establishment of a set of nine common plant species with limited dispersal capabilities (unassisted or ant dispersed). Germination trials were performed under natural conditions (NW of Spain). Size was a clear limitation for seed ingestion: smaller seeds were eaten more readily, whereas only the largest slugs could swallow the largest seeds. All ingested seeds were voided undamaged. Only not-ingested seeds (the biggest) were damaged, with chewing marks in the surface and 0.8% (N = 250) were broken. In some cases, slugs ate the elaiosomes but discarded the seeds. Slug seed passage had an overall positive effect on total germination and sped it up in two species. Elaiosome removal by slugs had also a positive effect in Ulex europaeus seeds (+160%). However, slugs had no effect on early seedling survival and growth of the study species. Our results show that slugs are effective dispersers in terms of seed treatment in the digestive track. However, according to their reduced movement range (in the range of tens of metres; as shown by other studies), they can only provide rather limited dispersal as compared to vertebrate dispersers. This can be nonetheless significant for species with limited dispersal, e.g. unassisted and ant-dispersed plants, for which they act as non-standard dispersers.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution of adult trees in a forest community is determined by patterns of both seed dispersal and seedling recruitment. The objectives of our study were to understand the processes of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of dominant tree species in a temperate forest of northeastern China and to identify the factors constraining seed dispersal and seedling establishment at different stages of forest succession.Methods During three summer and autumn sessions between 2006 and 2008, altogether 113080 seeds from 22 different tree species were collected in three large field plots representing different forest types in the Changbai Mountain region of northeastern China. The spatial distribution of seed abundance was analyzed using a Syrjala test. Regeneration success of nine major tree species was assessed using variables defining 'limitations' in 'seeds' and 'seedling establishment'.Important findings We found that seed production fluctuated between years and varied greatly with forest types. Four tree species, Acer spp., Fraxinus mandshurica, Tilia amurensis and Betula spp., had the greatest seed production and the widest range of seed dispersal, whereas Quercus mongolica showed the most sustained seed production pattern. The spatial patterns of seed abundance differed significantly among forest types and years. The tree species investigated in this study differed in the degree of seed limitation, as well as in limitation of seedling establishment. There were both negative and positive correlations between seed density and seedling density, depending on site and parental tree density. Seeds of 16 tree species were found in the Populus davidiana–Betula platyphylla forest (PBF) plot, 11 in the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest (CBF) plot but only 8 in the broad-leaved-Korean pine mixed forest (BKF) plot. The number of seed-contributing species was not only greater in the secondary forests (CBF and PBF plots) than in the primary forest (BKF plot) but was also more variable during the 3 years of assessment. Results from the correlations between seed density and seedling occurrence and that between parental tree density or seed weight and dispersal limitation confirm our intuitive expectations, i.e. heavy seeds had greater dispersal limitation but higher establishment success than light seeds.  相似文献   

Western chokecherry (Prunus virginiana var. demissa, Rosaceae) is dispersed by frugivorous birds and carnivores, but it has large seeds that are potentially attractive to rodents that could act as seed predators and dispersers. Here, we quantify the benefits of primary dispersal by birds and secondary dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents. In the fall, avian frugivores (mostly American robins, Turdus migratorius, and cedar waxwings, Bombycilla cedrorum) consumed 87% of the fruit crop and dispersed 67% of the fruit crop away from parent plants. Rodents removed 89% of seeds that simulated bird-dispersed seed rain from transects in riparian zones and 58% from transects in upland habitats. Rodents scatter-hoarded 91.6% of the seeds they removed, burying most in small caches (two to eight seeds) 8?C25?mm deep. About 39% of the seeds in spring caches produced seedlings. Inside rodent-proof exclosures, 52.1% of seeds buried to simulate rodent caches produced seedlings, 29.7% of which were still alive after 1?year. In contrast, only 3.8% of seeds placed on the soil surface, simulating dispersal by avian frugivores, produced seedlings. Seed dispersal by frugivorous birds likely contributes to colonization of unoccupied habitat through long-range dispersal and to escape from distance-dependent seed mortality near the parent plant. Despite seed losses, rodents offer short-range seed dispersal and bury seeds in more favorable sites for germination, improving seedling emergence and establishment. The combined mechanisms of seed dispersal significantly enhanced chokecherry seedling recruitment by providing more dispersal-related benefits than either frugivorous bird or scatter-hoarding rodents could provide alone.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat alteration may affect the dispersal service provided by avian seed dispersers, ultimately causing regeneration collapse, through a decay in both the quantitative (seed removal) and qualitative (seed arrival to safe sites) components of seed dispersal effectiveness. However, despite its implications for management in real-world landscapes, few studies have investigated the shifts in components of seed dispersal effectiveness resulting from habitat alteration. We advocate the use of stage-specific transition probabilities, combined with data on seed shadows and bird abundance and mobility, for a mechanistic inference of the consequences for recruitment of the disruption of plant-frugivore mutualism in altered habitats. Such an approach allows the identification of regeneration bottlenecks, evaluates the differential contribution to recruitment of quantitative and qualitative components of seed dispersal, and provides the means to compare seed dispersal limitation. We exemplify our conceptual approach with studies of seed dispersal and recruitment in the wild olive tree in unaltered and severely altered adjacent sites. We show that simplification of the habitat substantially affected bird abundance, diversity and mobility, which caused a reduction in fruit removal and a concomitant simplification of the seed shadows compared to the unaltered site. Linked to these shifts, postdispersal seed survival and seedling emergence and survival were affected. The final outcome of habitat alteration was the collapse of the regeneration dynamics with very few seeds escaping the influence of maternal plants and reaching the safest sites for recruitment (dispersal limitation). As predicted, the collapse in the regeneration dynamics resulted from severe decays in the quantitative but especially in the qualitative components of seed dispersal effectiveness. Management of fleshy-fruited plant populations in altered habitats should thus pay attention to landscape elements that promote frugivore abundance, diversity and mobility and that alleviate the dispersal limitation.  相似文献   

Predicting how forest species composition may change in response to global change is essential for meaningful management. Which species are most likely to successfully recruit depends on a multitude of factors, but processes operating at the seed-to-seedling transition being especially important. Here, we explore how insufficient seed dispersal (dispersal limitation) and ecological filtering of seedlings (establishment limitation) influence species recruitment in an Afromontane Forest. We combined census data from seeds in seed traps and seed-seedling transition plots in a Nigerian montane forest to measure dispersal and establishment limitation across species, life history strategies, and seed sizes. From 106 seed traps and 318 seedling plots, we recorded 11,278 seeds from 38 species and 2688 seedlings of 61 species. All species except for one liana showed strong dispersal limitation while 23 out of the 30 species showed establishment limitation. The two lianas sampled had significantly lower dispersal limitation compared to the trees investigated in the study. Our results suggest that both dispersal and establishment limitation are markedly high in this Afromontane forest than would be expected in a lowland counterpart.  相似文献   

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