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橄榄片盾蚧的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈尚进 《昆虫知识》2003,40(3):266-267
研究表明库尔勒香梨上发生的蚧壳虫优势种 ,并非习惯上称呼的梨圆蚧Quadraspidiotuspernicio sus (Comstock) ,而是橄榄片盾蚧Parlatoriaoleae (Colv e)。橄榄片盾蚧 1年发生 2代 ,以受精雌成虫在枝干上越冬 ,产卵繁殖后代 ,严重危害寄主枝条、果实及叶片。防治的关键时期是 5月中旬  相似文献   

【目的】提供仙人掌粉蚧Pseudococcus nakaharai Gimpel&Miller的鉴定方法,填补国内尚无该虫研究报道的空白。【方法】显微玻片制作、形态特征分析、测量和二歧法检索。【结果】详细描述了仙人掌粉蚧的形态特征和结构测量值,提出其鉴别特征,构建与近似种的检索表;提供了仙人掌粉蚧寄主和分布情况、田间特征照片、显微特征图片。【结论】仙人掌粉蚧为我国口岸首次检出,研究结果可为进口仙人掌科、天南星科等植物产品或种苗携带该类蚧虫的检疫鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】提供仙人掌粉蚧Pseudococcus nakaharai GimpelMiller的鉴定方法,填补国内尚无该虫研究报道的空白。【方法】显微玻片制作、形态特征分析、测量和二歧法检索。【结果】详细描述了仙人掌粉蚧的形态特征和结构测量值,提出其鉴别特征,构建与近似种的检索表;提供了仙人掌粉蚧寄主和分布情况、田间特征照片、显微特征图片。【结论】仙人掌粉蚧为我国口岸首次检出,研究结果可为进口仙人掌科、天南星科等植物产品或种苗携带该类蚧虫的检疫鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

油杉蚧类三新种乃在昆明附近氟严重污染区内采集,寄主是受污染严重的油杉。过去国内关于这个地区的油杉蚧虫报道很少。 早在1953年美国斯坦福大学Ferris教授,曾在云南安宁温泉附近油杉上记录过两种蚧虫。其中一种误定为广泛发生在日本、严重为害各种针叶树的Aspidiotus cryptomcriae  相似文献   

【背景】蚧虫是半翅目胸喙亚目蚧总科下的一类昆虫的总称。蚧虫个体小、食性广,极易随货物扩散传播。【方法】分别从疫情概况、截获种类、产地、截获载体、截获年份等方面对10年来我国各口岸截获蚧虫的信息数据进行了比对和统计,并对之前容易被忽视的非检疫性蚧虫疫情进行了统计和分析。【结果】2005年以来,我国从进口植物和植物产品中截获蚧虫共计171978批次,其中,检疫性蚧虫12种共7071批次;南洋臀纹粉蚧截获量最大,达2848批次,大洋臀纹粉蚧次之,为2442批次,第3是新菠萝灰粉蚧,为1714批次。东南亚是蚧虫的主要来源地,截获量居前3位的蚧类几乎都来自该地区;水果是截获蚧虫的主要载体,占所有植物及植物产品总截获量的99.0%;总体来看,蚧虫截获量从2006年开始逐年下降,到2010年后又呈暴发性上升趋势。比较3种截获量较大的蚧虫发现,2005~2008年,截获主要以南洋臀纹粉蚧为主;自2009年起,大洋臀纹粉蚧截获量逐年上升,成为截获量最多的蚧虫;2011年以来,新菠萝灰粉蚧截获量激增。2005年至今,我国口岸共截获其他非检疫性蚧类68797批次,鉴定到种的有46个属105种共68712批次,其中,在我国内陆地区尚未报道的有23个种,入侵风险高,需要引起重视。【结论与意义】了解我国口岸蚧类害虫截获情况,有利于针对性地开展疫情检疫与监测,有效防范蚧类害虫的传入与扩散。  相似文献   

南洋臀纹粉蚧作为广州一种新近发现的外来检疫性有害生物,为掌握该虫在广州发生分布情况,为其防控提供参考依据,本文首次报道了南洋臀纹粉蚧在广州市所辖11个区的发生分布、寄主种类和相关生物学特征。调查表明,该虫在广州市各区均有零星分布,主要寄主为紫荆,在秋枫、杨梅、大花紫薇和番石榴上偶有发生,该虫在寄主树上与蚂蚁具有共生关系,其传播来源可能与宫粉紫荆种苗调运有关。调查结果为该虫制定检疫防控措施提供了依据。  相似文献   

蚧虫的病原真菌及其在生物防治中的潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚧虫(半翅目:蚧总科)是农林果树和花卉的一类重要害虫。作者综述了寄生蚧虫的虫生真菌及其在生物防治中的潜力。总结了昆虫病原真菌作为生物杀虫剂的研究历史,并将其划分为3个发展阶段,即开创阶段、缓慢发展阶段和快速发展阶段。讨论了该领域在中国的研究现状。列出了世界上目前已记录的蚧虫病原真菌,包括55属140种,及其寄主蚧虫的名录。对虫生真菌未来的研究和开发提出了4点建议。  相似文献   

桧柏木坚蚧Parthenolecanium fletcheri(Cockerell, 1893)原产于北美,是一种以柏科和红豆杉科植物为寄主的害虫。2018年2月,发现该虫在山东临沂为害红豆杉Taxus chinensis,是我国一种新入侵害虫。本文介绍了其形态特征、寄主植物、地理分布、生物学和经济重要性。  相似文献   

【目的】并蛎蚧属盾蚧科并蛎蚧属,该虫食性杂,危害植物种类多,极易随水果、苗木、景观花卉植物等寄主传播入境。并蛎蚧分布于美国、日本和我国台湾省,在我国大陆地区尚未见该虫的发生报道。2016年5月山西口岸从来自台北的水果释迦上截获了并蛎蚧,为我国大陆首次截获。【方法】通过显微形态特征的观察和测量进行种类鉴定,并研究并蛎蚧的生物学、生态学相关资料,对其进行风险评估。【结果】并蛎蚧与近似种的主要区别:中臀叶与第二臀叶愈合中间有腺刺,有第三对臀叶,中臀叶有向内延伸的硬化区。通过风险评估认为,来自我国台湾、日本的并蛎蚧入侵我国大陆的风险较大。并蛎蚧在大陆亚热带地区的定殖和扩散风险很大。【结论】我国大陆地区的气候条件、植物种类可为并蛎蚧的定殖提供可能的适生条件,各口岸应对进境的并蛎蚧寄主植物加强检验检疫。  相似文献   

梁铁  李志刚 《昆虫知识》1997,34(3):152-153
梨圆蚧Quadraspidiotusperniciosus(Comst-ock),又称梨笠圆蚧、梨跨圆蚧、梨枝圆蚧,是新疆近年来危害果树、果实的较为严重的害虫之一。寄主较多、危害较重、虽日渐蔓延严重,但尚未引起充分重视;为此,1994~1995年作者对该虫的分布、危害、发生规律、天敌昆虫及防治方法进行了初步研究。现将结果整理如下。1分布与危害本种为亚洲原产,现已传遍世界各地。能加害梨、苹果、红枣、桃、山殖、樱桃、海棠、葡萄、杨、柳等238种植物的干、枝、叶和果实。此虫在新疆主要分布于库尔勒、哈密、阿克苏、喀什等地区;但近年来,发现该虫的危…  相似文献   

蔡静  何家庆 《广西植物》2010,30(2):224-232
首次详细记录了鹞落坪国家级自然保护区模式地植物及其命名过程,并介绍保护区内具有较高观赏价值的乡土木本植物186种,隶属于53科104属,其中观花树木类50种;观形树木类37种;观果树木类18种;观叶树木类15种;树桩盆景与盆花类15种;行道树类21种;垂直绿化类25种;观赏竹类5种。对观赏特性和园林用途进行了初步探讨,以期为城市绿化及相关研究与资源利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The keeping of home aquaria is one of the most popular hobbies globally. In contrast to the ornamental fish trade, decapod crustaceans such as shrimps, crayfish and crabs are relatively new to the pet trade. Nevertheless, the popularity of ornamental shrimp in freshwater aquaria has rapidly increased in recent years. Indonesia is one of the leading producers and exporters of ornamental aquatic animals globally and the Czech Republic is a gateway for these animals into the European Union territory. The pathway for introductions of organisms unintentionally moved in association with ornamental shrimps via the international trade has to date not been evaluated. We examined a small number of shrimps imported from Indonesia into the Czech Republic in May 2015 and found large numbers of the protozoan Vorticella sp., one species of scutariellid temnocephalidan (Caridinicola sp.), and one species of bdelloid rotifer, associated with two species of atyid shrimps, indicating an invasion risk from fauna carried unintentionally by this vector. Although our observations were limited in scale, we estimate the total number of commensal fauna imported into the Czech Republic with ornamental shrimps via the pet trade to be in the order of hundreds of thousands per month. As attached organisms can directly or indirectly cause diseases in certain species of decapod crustaceans, we recommend five steps to reduce risks of introduction of “hitchhikers” to aquaria and wildlife.  相似文献   

The pet trade in freshwater crustaceans, including crayfish, has grown rapidly in recent decades and become an important pathway for introducing new non-indigenous species into Europe. This paper provides the first overview of non-indigenous crayfish species (NICS) traded as ornamental and their potential impact in the Czech Republic, which is the second leading importer into Europe. The paper presents a full list of traded crayfish species, their market availability, and trade names or misnomers used in the country. In total, 27 crayfish species from all three families are advertised and marketed, of which Astacus astacus is the only indigenous species. Only three NICS were recognized as very common on the market. The invasiveness and risk associated with ornamental crayfish trade were assessed using the Freshwater Invertebrate Invasiveness Scoring Kit. Five NICS were classified into the high-risk category, the highest score being for Procambarus fallax f. virginalis. The invasiveness of crayfish indigenous to North America is significantly greater than that of crayfish from the rest of the world, and therefore regulation in this regard is recommended.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic engineering techniques have so far had limited impact in the field of ornamental horticulture. As outlined in this review, transformation systems and potential genes of interest are available. As the development of new, novel varieties is an important driving force in the industry, there are, therefore, good prospects for the development of genetically modified ornamental variaties. The few products in the market to date may simply be a reflection of the relatively small scale of the industry compared to the major food crops, and the wide diversity of species within it. Commercial issues attendant to the use of gene technology in ornamental plants need careful consideration. These include careful choice of crop and background variety, the international regulatory process and freedom to operate.  相似文献   

湖南野生木本观赏植物资源及利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湖南有维管束植物5500余种(含变种,下同),其中野生木本观赏植物1200余种。笔者根据湖南木本观赏植物自然分布规律.将湖南野生木本观赏植物划分为4个类型.即中温型、低温型、耐寒型、广温型。对湖南主要的野生木本观赏植物如针叶类(39种)、茶属(31种).冬青属(68种)、兰花类(86种)、杜鹃花属(54种)、槭树属(42种)等种类较多的类群进行了探讨,并对它们的观赏特性、抗寒性和选育潜力也进行了研究.提出了开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

在研究鸭跖草料植物的基础上,对三种常见栽培植物——吊竹梅、紫竹梅和紫万年青的学名作了修正,并介绍了其用途。  相似文献   

The nature of species names has been a source of controversy, and has played a role in developing ideas about the status of species, such as the species‐as‐individuals hypothesis. Some argue that species names are Millian proper names: names that have no meaning. Others have countered that species names are Millian general names that have stipulative definitions. Here I argue that species names belong to neither category. In particular, unlike Millian proper names, species names have unique referents and are connotative. Further, species names are names of intension that, unlike Millian general names, refer to specific collective entities. Because species names have unique properties not associated with Millian general or proper names, but recognizing the similarity to proper names in most respects, I propose that they be categorized as extra‐proper names.

The marine ornamental fish trade began in the 1930s in Sri Lanka, spread to Hawaii and the Philippines in the 1950s, and expanded to a multi-million dollar industry in the 1970s with fisheries established throughout the tropical Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Currently, 45 countries supply global markets an estimated 14-30 million fish annually, with an import value of US$28-44 million. The largest suppliers are Indonesia and the Philippines, followed by Brazil, Maldives, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Hawaii. In the tropical Western Atlantic, 16 countries have export fisheries, including the U.S. (Florida and Puerto Rico). The U.S. is the world's largest buyer, followed by the European Union and Japan. The global trade consists of over 1400 species of reef fishes, of which only about 25 are captive bred on a commercial scale. Damselfish, anemonefish, and angelfish constitute over 50% of the global volume; butterflyfish, wrasses, blennies, gobies, triggerfish, filcfish, hawkfishes, groupers and basselets account for 31% of the trade, and the remaining 16% is represented by 33 families. The most important fishes from the Caribbean are angelfish (six species), seahorses (two species), royal gramma, jawfish, queen triggerfish, redlip blenny, puddingwife, bluehead wrasse, and blue chromis. The Caribbean currently supplies a small percentage of the global trade in marine ornamental species, but ornamental fisheries in this region represent important emerging industries. It is critical that effective ornamental fishery management plans and regulations are developed and enforced, and fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data are collected and utilized in decision making processes to ensure sustainable ornamental fisheries throughout the region.  相似文献   

美国在华采集竹类植物标本的历史(1840-2010年)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物标本采集是植物学研究的重要内容, 与植物引种密切相关。自19世纪以来, 美国植物采集者在全球尤其是中国进行了广泛的植物采集。在众多的植物类群中, 中国的竹类植物引起了美国采集者的极大关注, 并开展了大量调查研究和标本采集工作。研究美国植物采集者在中国采集竹类植物标本的历史, 对了解竹类植物从中国引种到美国的历史具有重要意义。本文基于国内外有关美国在华采集的竹类植物标本数据, 对其学名、采集地、采集人以及采集时间进行整理校对, 分析了美国采集者在华采集竹类植物标本的历史。结果表明: 1840-2010年, 美国在华共采集竹类植物标本960号2,238份, 隶属于25属120种(含变种和变型), 分别占中国竹类属和种数的73.5%和22.5%; 有45位(支)采集者(采集队), 在这些采集者中莫古礼最为重要; 采集地涉及20个省级行政区; 采集时间前后跨度约170年, 主要集中在20世纪上半叶。  相似文献   

浙江北雁荡山野生蕨类植物资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对浙江北雁荡山的蕨类植物进行专题研究。浙江乐清北雁荡山共有蕨类植物147种,隶属于37科70属。蕨类植物物种密度为42.13/100 km2。比西双版纳的密度1.71/100 km2要高。远大于全国蕨类植物密度0.027/1 000 km2,是我国东南沿海蕨类植物物种密度较高的地区之一。按照用途分为药用、食用、观赏和其他用途4大类型。并记录本地常用蕨类的俗名,统计草药市场药用蕨类资源销售量,为进一步开发利用蕨类植物资源提出建议。  相似文献   

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