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SYNOPSIS. Single megaloschizonts give rise to elongate and round gametocytes, the former outnumbering the latter. Male and female elongate gametocytes develop from merozoites of a single megaloschizont. Elongate gametocytes were seen 2–7 days and round gametocytes 6–11 days after megaloschizonts had been inoculated into ducklings. Experimental evidence indicates that merozoites of megaloschizonts invade blood cells and develop into elongate gametocytes. Other merozoites infect tissue cells and develop into secondary exoerythrocytic schizonts which give rise to round gametocytes. Relapse in Leucocytozoon simondi infections is discussed in relation to megaloschizont-induced exoerythrocytic schizogony.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The schizogonic development of Leucocytozoon smithi in the liver of experimentally infected turkey poults was examined by electron microscopy. Following intraperitoneal injection, sporozoites migrated to the liver and entered hepatic cells to become intracellular trophozoites. Three to four days post inoculation (PI), trophozoites underwent asexual multiple fission known as merogony or schizogony. Two generations of schizonts were observed. The primary or first generation schizonts, abundant on day 4 PI, appeared as interconnected cytoplasmic masses (pseudocytomeres). Each pseudocytomere was enclosed by a membranous vacuole and contained varying numbers of nuclei. As nuclear division and growth of the schizonts continued, larger discrete cytoplasmic masses or cytomeres were formed with rhoptries and multiple nuclei in various stages of division. Synchronous multiple cytoplasmic cleavage of the schizont resulted in the formation of numerous uninucleate merozoites. Second generation schizonts, which developed from hepatic merozoites released from primary schizonts, were abundant in hepatocytes on day 6 PI. Although tissue samples from liver, lung, spleen, kidney, intestine, brain, blood vessels and lymph nodes were examined, schizogonous forms were observed in liver only. No megaloschizonts were detected in any host tissue examined. Schizogonic development was completed by day 7 PI as merozoites developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   

The schizogonic development of Leucocytozoon smithi in the liver of experimentally infected turkey poults was examined by electron microscopy. Following intraperitoneal injection, sporozoites migrated to the liver and entered hepatic cells to become intracellular trophozoites. Three to four days post inoculation (PI), trophozoites underwent asexual multiple fission known as merogony or schizogony. Two generations of schizonts were observed. The primary or first generation schizonts, abundant on day 4 PI, appeared as interconnected cytoplasmic masses (pseudocytomeres). Each pseudocytomere was enclosed by a membranous vacuole and contained varying numbers of nuclei. As nuclear division and growth of the schizonts continued, larger discrete cytoplasmic masses or cytomeres were formed with rhoptries and multiple nuclei in various stages of division. Synchronous multiple cytoplasmic cleavage of the schizont resulted in the formation of numerous uninucleate merozoites. Second generation schizonts, which developed from hepatic merozoites released from primary schizonts, were abundant in hepatocytes on day 6 PI. Although tissue samples from liver, lung, spleen, kidney, intestine, brain, blood vessels and lymph nodes were examined, schizogonous forms were observed in liver only. No megaloschizonts were detected in any host tissue examined. Schizogonic development was completed by day 7 PI as merozoites developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The development of Leucocytozoon dubreuili and L. fringillinarum was studied on successive days in simuliid and avian hosts. Sporogony of both parasites is completed in at least 5 species of sylvatic Simuliidae in a minimum of 4-5 days at 21 C. The pattern of development of the 2 species is similar but the size of the oocysts and the number of sporozoites differ. Sporozoites of L. dubreuili and L. fringillinarum were injected into uninfected robins (Turdus m. migratorius) and grackles (Quiscalus quiscula versicolor), respectively. Hepatic biopsies were performed on some of the injected birds. These and others were killed at intervals following inoculation and their tissues examined to detect stages of schizogony. Blood and macerated tissues from birds injected with sporozoites were transferred to uninfected birds to determine whether asexual stages would develop in the latter as a result of the inoculations. The 1st asexual cycle of L. dubreuili is completed in hepatic parenchymal cells in a minimum of 84 hr. Merozoites produced by the hepatic schizonts apparently follow one of 3 courses: invade hepatic parenchymal cells to initiate another cycle; penetrate blood cells and become gametocytes; penetrate tubular cells of the kidneys and grow into renal schizonts. The minimum prepatent period in infections with L. fringillinarum is 76 hr. The 1st asexual cycle occurs in hepatic parenchymal cells and in tubular cells of the kidney. A schizogonic cycle is completed in a minimum of 72 hr in the former and 96 hr in the kidney. Merozoites from the primary hepatic schizonts apparently give rise to (a) gametocytes; (b) secondary hepatic schizonts; (c) renal schizonts. Thus the schizogonic cycles of L. dubreuili and L. fringillinarum differ from each other and from those of L. simondi in ducks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Two generations of pre-erythrocytic schizogony occurred in skeletal and cardiac muscle of domestic turkeys infected with sporozoites of Haemoproteus meleagridis. First generation schizonts reached maturity approximately five days post-inoculation (DPI) and developed in capillary endothelial cells and myofibroblasts. The schizonts ranged from 12 to 20 μm in diameter and produced long (5–6 μm), slender merozoites. Early second generation schizonts were first detected in capillary endothelial cells between 5 and 8 DPI. They were cylindrical and ranged in size from 5 to 8 μm in diameter and up to 28 μm in length. Second generation schizonts which reached maturity by 17 DPI were surrounded by a thick, hyaline wall and were packed with numerous spherical merozoites less than 1 μm in diameter. Mature megaloschizonts were fusiform, ranged from 30 to 113 μm in diameter, and extended as much as 465 μm along the long axis of muscle fibers. Merozoites developed as buds from cytomeres that formed between 8 and 14 DPI. Infected turkeys developed a moderate to severe myositis within 5 DPI and were lame in one or both legs. The myositis was associated with the necrosis of scattered groups of muscle fibers. Muscle fibers surrounding mature megaloschizonts were swollen and hyaline. Megaloschizonts were surrounded occasionally by fibroblasts and infiltrates of mononuclear cells. The morphology and site of development of mature megaloschizonts of Haemoproteus meleagridis are contrasted with those of other avian haemosporidians.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Haemogregarina balli sp. n. is described from the blood and organs of the common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina serpentina and from the gastric and intestinal ceca of the presumed invertebrate hosts, the leeches Placobdella parasitica and Placobdella ornata. In the peripheral blood of the turtle, male and female gametocytes and immature erythrocytic schizonts are found within erythrocytes. The maturation of erythrocytic schizonts containing 6–8 merozoites is recorded from liver imprints. Schizonts with 13–25 merozoites are found in various cells of the liver, lung and spleen. In the gastric ceca of the leeches the host erythrocytes are digested, releasing the gametocytes and immature erythrocytic schizonts. Immature erythrocytic schizonts degenerate. Association of the gametocytes occurs in the intestinal ceca. The microgametocyte apparently gives rise to 4 nonmotile microgametes, one of which fertilizes the macrogamete while the other remain as condensed, residual nuclei on the periphery of the developing oocyst. The oocyst increases in size with maturity. A mature oocyst produces 8 sporozoites from a single germinal center. Sporozoites liberated from the oocyst are found in the tissues of the leech. Transovarial transmission of the parasite does not occur in the turtle. Attempts at experimental transmission failed. Previously unfed (control) leeches were negative for the parasite. Haemogregarina balli is compared with other haemogregarines described from C. serpentina. Features of species of Haemogregarina and Hepatozoon as well as the taxonomy of these genera are discussed.  相似文献   

A new Mexican species of saurian malaria parasite,Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) pelaezi, is described from the iguanid lizardUrosaurus bicarinatus bicarinatus. Two out of 12 specimens collected at Chila de la Sal (Puebla, México) were found infected. The species is characterized by round and oval gametocytes. Schizonts are mostly round with a single mass of pigment and with 16 merozoites in mature forms. Gametocytes cause shrinkage of infected cells and schizonts render the host cell nuclei spherical.  相似文献   

Two generations of pre-erythrocytic schizogony occurred in skeletal and cardiac muscle of domestic turkeys infected with sporozoites of Haemoproteus meleagridis. First generation schizonts reached maturity approximately five days post-inoculation (DPI) and developed in capillary endothelial cells and myofibroblasts. The schizonts ranged from 12 to 20 microns in diameter and produced long (5-6 microns), slender merozoites. Early second generation schizonts were first detected in capillary endothelial cells between 5 and 8 DPI. They were cylindrical and ranged in size from 5 to 8 microns in diameter and up to 28 microns in length. Second generation schizonts which reached maturity by 17 DPI were surrounded by a thick, hyaline wall and were packed with numerous spherical merozoites less than 1 micron in diameter. Mature megaloschizonts were fusiform, ranged from 30 to 113 microns in diameter, and extended as much as 465 microns along the long axis of muscle fibers. Merozoites developed as buds from cytomeres that formed between 8 and 14 DPI. Infected turkeys developed a moderate to severe myositis within 5 DPI and were lame in one or both legs. The myositis was associated with the necrosis of scattered groups of muscle fibers. Muscle fibers surrounding mature megaloschizonts were swollen and hyaline. Megaloschizonts were surrounded occasionally by fibroblasts and infiltrates of mononuclear cells. The morphology and site of development of mature megaloschizonts of Haemoproteus meleagridis are contrasted with those of other avian haemosporidians.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The iguanid lizard Basiliscus basiliscus in Panama is parasitized by Plasmodium basilisci and P. achiotense sp. nov. P. basilisci in this host is characterized by schizonts containing 4–14 merozoites, with schizonts parasitizing proerythrocytes containing more merozoites than those in erythrocytes. Asexual parasites lack cytoplasmic projections, while mature gametocytes are round or oval with regular margins.
P. achiotense is characterized by the combination of prominently pigmented, large schizonts containing 36–56 merozoites and oval or round gametocytes which are about 1/3 larger than those of P. basilisci.
EE-schizonts of P. basilisci were observed commonly in thrombocytes and occasionally in lymphocytes, and appeared early in experimental infections induced by blood inoculation.  相似文献   

Telford S. P., Jr. 1978. The saurian malarias of Venezuela: haemosporidian parasites of gekkonid lizards. International Journal for Parasitology8: 341–353. Five haemosporidian species were found among 185 gekkonid lizards from Estados Portuguesa, Cojedes and Aragua, Venezuela, four of which were new to science. A pigmented Plasmodium species is described from Gonatodes taniae of Estado Aragua. It produces 8–20 merozoites in variably shaped schizonts, and elongate, irregularly margined prematuration gametocytes which contract to form round to broadly elongate mature gametocytes. Phyllodactylus ventralis of Estado Portuguesa is parasitized by two new unpigmented malarial species. One produces 11–35 merozoites in schizonts which are often rounded or elongated, occasionally fan-shaped. Gametocytes are always elongated and usually lie diagonally across one end of the host cell or laterally to the nucleus. The second species forms rounded mature schizonts nearly filled with 14–32 merozoites. The sexual stages are usually round or oval, rarely elongate. Plasmodium aurulentum Telford, 1971 was found in Thecadactylus raplcaudus of Estados Portuguesa and Cojedes. A single Thecadactylus from Cojedes was infected by a haemosporidian species of uncertain generic identity which resembles a parasite found earlier in a Panamanian gecko.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Development of young gamelocytes of Leucocytozoon smithi into morphologically mature forms was studied using electron microscopy. Gametocytogenesis began on day seven post inoculation when merozoites, released from ruptured hepatic schizonts, developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes or leukocytes (monocytes or lymphocytes). No gametocytes were observed in any erythrocytes or polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Two gametocyte forms, round and elongate, were observed. Immature round gametocytes occurred on days 7-10 post inoculation in the deep vasculature of liver, lung and spleen. Mature elongate gametocytes were observed beginning on day 12 post inoculation in both the deep tissue vasculature and peripheral circulation of the turkey host. Growth and elongation of the gametocyte resulted in distortion of the host cell and its nucleus. the host cell nucleus initially was elongated and displaced to one side or indented by the growing parasite. Eventually, the nucleus was laterally compressed or split into two or three fragments. the compressed host cell cytoplasm was displaced longitudinally and stretched over the parasite to form hornlike cytoplasmic extensions from each end. the potential role of microtubules in the elongation of the gametocyte and its host cell, and possibly in the indentation and splitting of the host cell nucleus, is discussed.  相似文献   

Re-examination of tissue sections from four Takydromus tachydromoides (Sauria: Lacertidae) naturally infected with Plasmodium sasai found liver parenchymal cells, containing uninucleate parasites which may correspond to the hypnozoite stage of primate malaria parasites, schizonts and segmenters in parenchymal cells, and hepatic macrophages which contained numerous schizonts. Following destaining of the original H&E and prolonged restaining with warm Giemsa stain, encysted schizonts, protected by a hyaline wall, were discovered in the connective tissue or capillary endothelium of lung, liver, brain, heart, pancreas, kidney, intestine wall, testis, and both intra- and intermuscularly in the femoral muscles. Unencysted schizonts in the pulmonary endothelium apparently represent the phanerozoic stages, which, following encystment in the various tissues, are recognized as a new stage in the life cycle of reptilian malarial parasites, the chronozoic schizonts. A hypothesis is presented to describe the life cycle of P. sasai, which may be characteristic of other saurian malaria parasites. It interprets the sequence of pre-erythrocytic stages found as follows: sporozoites enter hepatic parenchymal cells where some may become dormant as hypnozoites, and others form cryptozoic schizonts. The cryptozoites parasitize hepatic macrophages and form metacryptozoic schizonts. Metacryptozoites produce phanerozoic schizonts in the capillary endothelium and connective tissue of the lung and other organs. Phanerozoites and possibly metacryptozoites then invade the erythrocytes to begin the erythrocytic cycle. Some of the phanerozoites in endothelium, connective tissue and skeletal muscle become encysted as chronozoic schizonts, and their progeny, chronozoites, renew the erythrocytic cycle throughout the life of the host and produce seasonal relapses of gametocytemia, in spring, at the end of hibernation by the lizard.  相似文献   

An initial natural infection of Saurocytozoon tupinambi in a juvenile Tupinambis teguixin from Venezuela was studied for 131 days following capture of the host. Intralymphocytic parasites appeared in this sequence: small uninucleate and binucleate stages (days 1–31 and again on day 41); schizonts with 3–102 nuclei (days 8–14 and 29–35); immature gametocytes (days 29–35) and apparently mature gametocytes of Saurocytozoon tupinambi from day 41. Maximum parasitemia of trophozoites and binucleate schizonts occurred on day 4 when 11% of lymphocytes were infected. Maximum parasitemia by larger schizonts occurred on day 8 at 0.13% of lymphocytes, while maximum gametocytemia was found on day 49 with 16.4% of lymphocytes parasitized. Two types of schizonts were observed: intralymphocytic and the same type free of host cells, and fragments of varying size which may have been torn from capillary endothelium.Due to presence of concurrent infection by a small Plasmodium species, identity of intralymphocytic asexual stages with S. tupinambi cannot be established. Presence of asexual and sexual stages in the same type of host cells (lymphocytes and close derivatives), sequential appearance of trophozoites, schizonts and gametocytes over a period of 40 days, and correlated fluctuations in lymphocyte density suggest they are conspecific, and that Saurocytozoon, which has a plasmodiid type of sporogony may prove to further differ from leucocytozoids by presence of an asexual cycle in circulating blood cells.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A pure strain of Eimeria debliecki (University of Illinois strain A) established from a single oocyst was used to determine the endogenous cycle. Young parasite-free pigs 2 weeks to 3 months old were used throughout the study. The endogenous cycle was found to take place in the small intestine where the parasites were located in the distal portion of the striated simple columnar epithelial cells of the villi. The first generation schizonts were found in only the jejunum (15% of small intestine). The second generation schizonts and gametes occurred in the jejunum and ileum (70% of small intestine), a slight posterior progression occurring with each stage. The entire cycle required 6.5 days. The schizogonous cycle comprised 2 generations. The first generation schizonts required 2.5 days to reach maturity, measured 8-12 μ, contained 16 merozoites measuring 12-15 μ and had a polar residual mass. The second generation schizonts required 2 days to reach maturity, measured 13-16 μ, contained 32 rotund merozoites measuring 6–8 μ, and had only a few granules of residual material. Gametogony took place in 1.5 days. The macrogametes measured 12-16 μ, and the microgametocytes measured 9-14 μ with microgametes measuring 5–6 μ.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cell lines or established cell lines of bovine, ovine or human origin and primary cells from whole embryos of groundsquirrels were used in a study of the in vitro development of Eimeria callospermophili and E. bilamellata from the Uinta ground squirrel, Spermophilus armatus. Monolayers in Leighton tube cultures were inoculated with sporozoites of either of these 2 species and examined with phase-contrast microscopy at various intervals. After such examination, coverslips were fixed in Schaudinn's or Zenker's fluid and variously stained. E. callospermophi sporozoites penetrated cells and underwent development to mature 1st generation schizonts in most cell types. At different times after inoculation, both species formed sporozoite-shaped schizonts, which later became spheroidal. Intracellular movements of sporo zoite-shaped schizonts of E. callospermophili were observed and such schizonts penetrated cells when freed by mechanical disintegration of the host cells. Merozoites were formed at the periphery of the schizont in both species. Mature 1st generation schizonts of E. callospermophili, with 6–14 merozoites, were first seen 15 hr after inoculation; the corresponding values for E. bilamellata were 12–27 merozoites and 4 days. Merozoites of both had anterior and posterior refractile bodies. Exposure to a trypsin-bile solution stimulated motility in merozoites of E. callospermophili. Second generation trophozoites and immature schizonts of E. callospermophili were seen in cultures of primary cells of whole ground-squirrel embryos 20–24 hr and 44–48 hr, respectively, after inoculation of sporozoites.  相似文献   

Gametocytogenesis of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum was studied in monolayers of erythrocytes attached to tissue culture dishes. Merozoites produced by single schizonts in erythrocytes overlaying the monolayer infected the attached erythrocytes and produced clusters of progeny. Parasites in these readily indentifiable clusters then underwent either asexual growth or sexual differentiation. The progeny of most schizonts yielded no gametocytes. However, the progeny of those schizonts that did yield gametocytes showed a marked tendency to produce multiple gametocytes. Gametocytogenesis, therefore, was not random. Instead, the progeny of certain schizonts were committed to produce gametes. However, even those clusters containing several gametocytes also contained asexual forms. Therefore, not all merozoites of a single schizont were committed to gametocytogenesis. In those cells infected with two or more merozoites the formation of a gametocyte was usually associated with a block in the further development of other parasites.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Sporozoites and 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation merozoites of Eimeria meleagrimitis were inoculated into primary cultures of turkey kidney cells. In vitro-excysted sporozoites developed into mature macrogamonts in 8 days; in vivo-excysted sporozoites developed into 2nd- or 3rd-generation schizonts within 5 to 7 days. First-generation merozoites obtained from infected turkeys produced mature 2nd-generation schizonts within 24 h. Second-generation merozoites from turkeys produced mature macrogamonts and oocysts within 72 h, whereas 3rd-generation merozoites produced these stages within 48 h. The oocysts that developed from 3rd-generation merozoites sporulated at 25 C and were infective for turkeys. The timing of the early stages and the intervals between schizogonic generations in cultures were comparable with those in turkeys. Morphologic parameters, however, indicated that some differences existed between in vitro and in vivo development. Second- and 3rd-generation schizonts and gamonts that developed after inoculation of cultures with merozoites were similar to stages in turkeys. Oocysts, however, were significantly smaller (P < 0.05) in cultures. All stages that developed after inoculation of cultures with sporozoites were smaller (P < 0.05) than their in vivo counter parts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A pure strain of Isospora felis derived from a single oocyst was used to study the endogenous cycle. One and a half to two-month-old laboratory-reared, coccidia-free kittens were used thruout the study. The endogenous stages occurred in the epithelial cells of the distal parts of the villi in the ileum and occasionally duodenum and jejunum. All stages lay above the host cell nucleus. There were 3 asexual generations. The 1st generation schizonts were 11–30 by 10–23 μ when mature and contained 16–17 banana-shaped merozoites 11–15 by 3–5 μ. They became mature in 96 or sometimes in 120 hours. The 1st generation merozoites entered new host cells, rounded up and formed 2nd generation schizonts. These formed within themselves 2–10 or more spindle-shaped bodies resembling 1st generation merozoites in shape and size. These were 2nd generation merozoites. They were uninucleate 120 hours after inoculation, but by 144 hours they became larger, multinucleate and some lost their elongate shape and became ovoid. They were then 3rd generation schizonts. They were 12–16 by 4–5 μ. Each formed up to 6 or more banana-shaped merozoites 6–8 by 1–2 μ. The 3rd generation schizonts and merozoites developed within the same host cell and parasitophorous vacuole as the 2nd generation schizonts and merozoites. Mature schizonts containing only 3rd generation merozoites appeared 144 hours after inoculation, were most abundant 168 hours after inoculation, and might be present as late as 216 hours after inoculation. They were 14–36 by 13–22 μ and contained 36 to more than 70 merozoites. The 3rd generation merozoites entered the sexual cycle. The mature microgametocytes were 24–72 by 18–32 μ and contained a central residuum and a large number of microgametes 5–7 by 0.8 μ with 2 posteriorly-directed flagella. The mature macrogametes were 16–22 by 8–13 μ. Gametogony occurred 144–216 hours after inoculation. The prepatent period was 168–192 hours and the patent period 10–11 days. Peak oocyst production occurred on the 6th day of the patent period.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The life cycle of Eimeria vermiformis from the mouse Mus musculus is described from experimental infections. The prepatent period was 7 days, and the patent period 7–22+ days. Endogenous stages were in the lower 2/3 of the small intestine. Two generations of schizonts were found. Mature 1st generation schizonts, seen 4 days after inoculation, were 16–25 × 9–16 μ and had long vermiform merozoites. Mature 2nd generation schizonts were first seen 5 days after inoculation. They were 8–18 × 7–14 μ (mean 11.2 × 13.1 μ). Mature microgametocytes, 17–32 × 12–25 μ, were present 6 days after inoculation. Macrogametes with plastic granules were found at the same time. The life cycle of E. vermiformis is compared with those of other species of Eimeria from Mus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. First and second generation schizogony of Leucocytozoon caulleryi occurred in chickens infected with sporozoites. First generation schizogony was studied by light and electron microscopy. First-generation schizonts were first detected in capillary endothelial cells in the spleen, lung, liver, and bursa of Fabricius between 3 and 6 d post-sporozoite inoculation (DPI). The schizonts ranged from 15 to 65 μm in diameter and were surrounded by a thin pellicle. Early schizonts contained numerous round or oval nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. The schizonts reached maturity 5 DPI and produced first-generation merozoites which were released into the peripheral bloodstream. The merozoites. which were infective to chickens, measured 7.1 μm in length. They were slender and had a large nucleus, a mitochondrion, and an apical complex consisting of three polar rings, rhoptries, numerous micronemes. The morphology of first-generation merozoites was different from that of second-generation merozoites.  相似文献   

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