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野生扬子鳄种群及栖息地现状研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
1999年7~8月及2000年8~9月,利用GPS、激光测距仪等,采用夜间灯光照射计数方法,对 有野生扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)存在的安徽省宣州、泾县、广德、郎溪、南陵等5 县市的26个地点进行了调查,包括扬子鳄国家级自然保护区的13个指定保护点。结果发现: 目前野生扬子鳄主要生存在第一类栖息地(1999年50.7%、2000年40.0%),面积为17.38 hm2;其他两类栖息地的野生扬子鳄分布比率较小(各为1999年24.0%、2000年30.9%、1999 年25.3% 、2000年29.1%),面积分别为22.04hm2、19.03hm2。两年的平均生态密度分别为1.28条/hm2和1.79条/hm2,野生扬子鳄种群数量为145条。其种群已明显分为至少18个数 量不等且相互隔离的地方种群。建议恢复足够大的栖息地,并放饲养鳄于其中以重新 建立有效野生种群。  相似文献   

为了研究野生扬子鳄种群数量急剧下降的原因,于2002~2003年在安徽省南部对野生扬子鳄栖息地现状进行了调查,采集了21个样地的水样,测定了重金属元素(Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb)含量及pH值.结果表明,野生扬子鳄栖息地水环境中的pH值为7.84±0.62,2组样地(有鳄分布、无鳄分布)pH值差异不显著(F=3.26,P>0.05),而3种类型栖息地的pH值差异显著(F=7.32,P<0.01).2组样地水环境中Cu、Zn、Cd元素差异不显著,野生扬子鳄栖息地重金属Pb含量为0.0233±0.016 mg·L-1,Pb元素差异显著(F=5.77,P<0.05).最后分析了野生扬子鳄栖息地内重金属Pb的污染源.  相似文献   

1994年8~9月,对安徽扬子鳄国家级自然保护区扬子鳄资源进行了抽样调查,见到有鳄活动痕迹的洞口104个,用光点计数法实见鳄77条,访问法计数为253条,由此分析保护区内有鳄667~740条,其种群年龄锥体为上宽下窄,反映出扬子鳄在野外生存形势严峻。该年,安徽省扬子鳄繁殖研究中心存鳄4376条,其中种鳄248条,孵化幼鳄1542条,其它不等龄鳄2586条,种群年龄锥体为上窄下宽,是一个迅速增长的种群,生存形势良好。  相似文献   

1994年8~9月,对安徽扬子鳄国家级自然保护区扬子鳄资源进行了抽样调查,见到有鳄活动痕迹的洞口104个,用光点计数法实见鳄77条,访问法计数为253条,由此分析保护区内有鳄667~740条,其种群年龄锥体为上宽下窄,反映出扬子鳄在野外生存形势严峻。该年,安徽省扬子鳄繁殖研究中心存鳄4376条,其中种鳄248条,孵化幼鳄1542条,其它不等龄鳄2586条,种群年龄锥体为上窄下宽,是一个迅速增长的种群,生存形势良好  相似文献   

扬子鳄一野生种群的观察   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
朱红星 《四川动物》1997,16(1):40-41
扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)俗称土龙,属爬行纲、鳄目后科、短吻鳄亚科、题属。1879年由A.AhaVe命名而公诸于世。1972年我国政府将其列为国家一级保护动物,1973年被联合国列为濒危种和禁运种。这种最早出现于三叠纪、生活在我国的淡水鳄,迄今已有两亿三千多万年的生活史。近百年来,随着社会的发展,人为的干扰和破坏,使种群数量锐减,栖息地现仅分布在安徽省宣城地区的宣州、郎溪、广德、经县4县(市)以及芜湖市的南陵县境内;且由过去生活在河湖沼泽迁到现在的山地丘陵的山塘水库和圩区沟塘中。笔者于lop年5月一1996年5月间,对…  相似文献   

扬子鳄Alligatorsinensis属于爬行纲鳄目鼍科 ,它是我国特有的珍稀物种。近几十年 ,由于其栖息地片段化、岛屿化 ,加之农药污染等人类生产活动的影响 ,使得野生扬子鳄种群数量明显下降 (Thorb jarnarson&Wang ,1999)。王小明等 (1999)的调查结果表明 ,野生扬子鳄数目不足 2 0 0条 ,处境十分危险。深入研究野生扬子鳄种群的致危因素及其机制 ,是避免野生扬子鳄遭受灭绝的关键。有关扬子鳄的繁殖 (顾文仪和张海生 ,1983;陈壁辉和王朝林 ,1984;汪国宏等 ,2 0 0 0 )、栖息地类型 (渡部摩娜等 ,1982 ;黄祝坚…  相似文献   

扬子鳄的越冬管理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)是我国特有的珍稀爬行动物。安徽省扬子鳄繁殖研究中心经过20年的发展,现有扬子鳄8000余条,是国内外驯养、繁殖扬子鳄的最大种群基地。冬眠是扬子鳄适应寒冷气候的一种生理现象,其越冬管理的好坏直接影响到幼鳄的成活率和成鳄的繁殖率,故其越冬技术一直很受重视,并不断得以完善,现将其总结,供引种扬子鳄饲养者参考。由于不同年龄扬子鳄的生理特点和管理要求不同,所以将扬子鳄的越冬管理分成当年孵出鳄、2-6龄鳄和成鳄3个年龄段来叙述。1 当年孵出鳄的越冬管理当年孵出的幼鳄,身体各器官的功能尚…  相似文献   

野生扬子鳄栖息地植被多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2003年6~7月,采用样方法,对野生扬子鳄在安徽省南陵县、泾县、广德县、郎溪县和宣城地区等5县市的22个栖息地的植被进行了野外实地调查,并对植物种类作了详细的记录和分析,结果发现,野生扬子鳄栖息地植被均属于次生性植被,共有维管束植物92科294种;苦竹(Pteioblastus amarus)灌丛广泛分布于每个栖息地;22个调查点的植被多样性存在一定的差异.同时还初步分析了野生扬子鳄与栖息地植被多样性之间的关系,为野生扬子鳄的保护提供植物生态学基础资料。  相似文献   

通过对宣城扬子鳄繁殖研究中心三代繁殖鳄1982—2003年繁殖力有关参数的分析,结果表明近三年来繁殖研究中心扬子鳄产卵量明显减少;亲代受精率为(83.80±2.37)%、孵化率为(89.53±0.86)%;发现F1受精率为(79.38±2.74)%、孵化率为(83.78±1.95)%;F2代个体受精率为(68.7±1.84)%、孵化率为(88.16±1.68)%;通过单因素方差分析F(受精率)=4.33(P<0.05)、F(孵化率)=4.56(P<0.05)差异显著。分析影响扬子鳄繁殖的因素发现:产卵量明显减少可能与亲代鳄逐渐退出繁殖期、F1代鳄整体产卵能力有下降趋势、F2代鳄没有大规模进入繁殖期有关;分析历史资料发现扬子鳄产卵窝数与4月份的温度相关性高(R=0.979,P<0.01);作者认为F1、F2代个体与亲代之间的受精率、孵化率有显著差异,近交衰退、遗传多样性的丧失有密切关系。利用时间序列分析建立理想状态下饲养扬子鳄种群数量估计模型,预测10年内扬子鳄饲养将可能达到19000尾;根据该种群增长模式及种群年龄结构特点,应扩大饲养规模,特别是育成鳄饲养池及幼鳄饲养池的建设。  相似文献   

扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)是我国特有的古老而珍稀的爬行动物,现阶段野生扬子鳄的分布区域进一步萎缩,成为彼此孤立的点状,残存栖息地的生态环境趋于恶化,野生鳄数量估计为120~150条,老年化程度高。扬子鳄的保护管理依据现实状况及时加以调整,加大了野外保护力度,逐步改善野生鳄的栖息生境,实施野外放归工程,初步遏制了野生鳄数量迅速下滑的局面。人工饲养种群数量已逾10 000条,当前人工饲养繁殖的重点是管理好有限的遗传多样性资源。扬子鳄的研究主要涉及形态学、解剖学、组织胚胎学、生态学、生理生化、细胞及分子生物学,人工饲养繁殖技术等方面。营养生理和保护遗传学的应用研究有待加强。  相似文献   

野生扬子鳄种群动态变化及致危因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1998—2003年,采用问卷调查、走访居民、夜间灯光照射计数等方法,对可能有野生扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)分布的安徽省、浙江省和江苏省的45个地点进行了调查。结果发现:目前野生扬子鳄呈点状分布在至少23个地点,个体总数约120条,主要集中分布在安徽扬子鳄国家级自然保护区内。通过连续调查和对比分析表明:自20世纪50年代扬子鳄数量急剧下降(从5000—6000条下降为120条),但1998年至今其数量保持相对稳定(120条),种群的致危因素主要是栖息地破坏、人为捕杀、环境污染、自然灾害、繁殖力低等。在不同时期导致数量下降的因素不同:1950—1990年问,主要是由于栖息地丧失、人为捕杀等;目前的主要致危因素是缺乏适宜的自然栖息地,环境污染和遗传多样性丧失是潜在的致危因素。旱灾对野生扬子鳄生存的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) has made a remarkable recovery throughout its range during the last half-century. In Texas, USA, current inland alligator population and harvest management strategies rely on generalized and often site-specific habitat and population data generated from coastal populations, because it is assumed that habitat and demographic similarities exist between inland and coastal populations. These assumptions have not been verified, however, and no studies have specifically examined inland alligator habitat use in Texas. We quantified alligator habitat use in East Texas during 2003–2004 to address this information gap and to facilitate development of regionally specific management strategies. Although habitat was variable among study areas, alligators used habitats with >50% open water, substantial floating vegetation, and emergent vegetation close (<12 m) to dry ground and cover. Adults used habitats further from dry ground and cover, in open water (75–85%), with less floating vegetation (6–22%) than did subadults, which used habitats that were closer to dry ground and cover, with less open water (52–68%), and more floating vegetation (8–40%). Although habitat use mirrored coastal patterns, we estimated alligator densities to be 3–5 times lower than reported in coastal Texas, likely a result of inland habitat deviations from optimal coastal alligator habitat, particularly in the preponderance of open water and floating vegetation. Our findings that 1) inland habitats varied among sites and did not exactly match assumed optimal coastal habitats, 2) alligators used these inland habitats slightly differently than coastal areas, and 3) inland alligator densities were lower than coastal populations, all highlight the need for regionally specific management approaches. Because alligator populations are influenced by habitat quality and availability, any deviations from assumed optimal habitat may magnify harvest impacts upon inland populations.  相似文献   

Growth rates of Chinese and American alligators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Growth rates in two closely related species, Alligator mississippiensis (American alligator) and Alligator sinensis (Chinese alligator), were compared under identical conditions for at least 1 year after hatching. When hatched, Chinese alligators were approximately 2/3 the length and approximately 1/2 the weight of American alligator hatchlings. At the end of 1 year of growth in captivity in heated chambers, the Chinese alligators were approximately 1/2 as long and weighed approximately 1/10 as much as American alligator yearlings. When the animals were maintained at 31 degrees C, Chinese alligator food consumption and length gain rates dropped to near zero during autumn and winter and body weights decreased slightly, apparently in response to the change in day length. At constant temperature (31 degrees C), food consumption by American alligators remained high throughout the year. Length gain rates in American alligators decreased slowly as size increased, but were not affected by photoperiod. Daily weight gains in American alligators increased steadily throughout the year. In autumn, provision of artificial light for 18 h a day initially stimulated both length and weight gain in Chinese alligators, but did not affect growth in American alligators. Continuation of the artificial light regimen seemed to cause deleterious effects in the Chinese alligators after several months, however, so that animals exposed to the normal light cycle caught up to and then surpassed the extra-light group in size. Even after removal of the artificial light, it was several months before these extra-light animals reverted to a normal growth pattern. These findings may be of interest to those institutions engaged in captive growth programs intended to provide animals for reintroduction to the wild or to protected habitat.  相似文献   

Although much work has been conducted on coastal populations of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), less is known about the population dynamics and genetic structure of populations of alligators confined to inland habitats. DNA microsatellite loci, derived from the American alligator, were used to investigate patterns of genetic variation within and between populations of alligators distributed at coastal and inland localities in Texas. These data were used to evaluate the genetic discreteness of different alligator stocks relative to their basic ecology at these sites. Observed mean heterozygosities across seven loci for both coastal and inland populations ranged from 0.50-0.61, with both inland and coastal populations revealing similar patterns of variation. Measures of F(st) revealed significant population differentiation among all populations; however, analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) failed to demonstrate any apparent geographic pattern relative to the population differentiation indicated by F(st) values. Each population contained unique alleles for at least one locus. Additionally, assignment tests based on the distribution of genotypes placed 76% of individuals to their source population. These genetic data suggest considerable subdivision among alligator populations, possibly influenced by demographic and life history differences as well as barriers to dispersal. These results have clear implications for management. Rather than managing alligators in Texas as a single panmictic population, translocation programs and harvest quotas should consider the ecological and genetic distinctiveness of local alligator populations.  相似文献   

Use of indicator species as a measure of ecosystem conditions is an established science application in environmental management. Because of its role in shaping wetland systems, the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) is one of the ecological indicators for wetland restoration in south Florida, USA. We conducted landscape-level aerial surveys of alligator holes in two different habitats in a wetland where anthropogenic modification of surface hydrology has altered the natural system. Alligator holes were scarcer in an area where modified hydrology caused draining and frequent dry-downs compared to another area that maintains a functional wetland system. Lower abundance of alligator holes indicates lack of alligator activities, lower overall species diversity, and lack of dry-season aquatic refugia for other organisms. The occupancy rate of alligator holes was lower than the current restoration target for the Everglades, and was variable by size class with large size-class alligators predominantly occupying alligator holes. This may indicate unequal size-class distribution, different habitat selection by size classes, or possibly a lack of recruitment. Our study provides pre-restoration baseline information about one indicator species for the Everglades. Success of the restoration can be assessed via effective synthesis of information derived by collective research efforts on the entire suite of selected ecological indicators.  相似文献   

Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) is a critically endangered species endemic to China. In this study, the extent of genetic variation in the captive alligators of the Changxing Reserve Center was investigated using microsatellite markers derived from American alligators. Out of 22 loci employed, 21 were successfully amplified in the Chinese alligator. Sequence analysis showed loci in American alligators had a bigger average size than that of the Chinese alligators and the longest allele of an individual locus almost always existed in the species with longer stretch of repeat units. Eight of the 22 loci were found to be polymorphic with a total of 26 alleles present among 32 animals scored, yielding an average of 3.25 alleles per polymorphic locus. The expected heterozygosity (H E) ranged at a moderate level from 0.4385 to 0.7163 in this population. Compared to that in the American alligators, a lower level of microsatellite diversity existed in the Changxing population as revealed by about 46% fewer alleles per locus and smaller H E at the homologous loci. The average exclusion power and the ability to detect shared genotypes and multiple paternity were evaluated for those markers. Results suggested that when the polymorphic loci were combined, they could be sensitive markers in genetic diversity study and relatedness inference within the Chinese alligator populations. The level of genetic diversity present in the current Changxing population indicated an important resource to complement reintroductions based on the individuals from the other population. In addition, the microsatellite markers and their associated diversity characterized in this population could be utilized to further investigate the genetic status of this species.  相似文献   

We analyzed 1317-1823 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA sequence beginning in the 5' end of cytochrome b (cyt b) and ending in the central domain of the control region for 25 American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) and compared these to a homologous sequence from a Chinese alligator (A. sinensis). Both species share a non-coding spacer between cyt b and tRNA(Thr). Chinese alligator cyt b differs from that of the American alligator by 17.5% at the nucleotide level and 13.8% for inferred amino acids, which is consistent with their presumed ancient divergence. Only two cyt b haplotypes were detected among the 25 American alligators (693-1199 bp surveyed), with one haplotype shared among 24 individuals. One alligator from Mississippi differed from all other alligators by a single silent substitution. The control region contained only slightly more variation among the 25 American alligators, with two variable positions (624 bp surveyed), yielding three haplotypes with 22, two, and one individuals in each of these groups. Previous genetic studies examining allozymes and the proportion of variable microsatellite DNA loci also found low levels of genetic diversity in American alligators. However, in contrast with allozymes, microsatellites, and morphology, the mtDNA data shows no evidence of differentiation among populations from the extremes of the species range. These results suggest that American alligators underwent a severe population bottleneck in the late Pleistocene, resulting in nearly homogenous mtDNA among all American alligators today.  相似文献   

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