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为探讨中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)蜕壳前后肌肉组织的形态特征变化, 采用石蜡切片、电镜及生物化学方法, 研究了中华绒螯蟹蜕皮过程中步行足和腹部肌肉的组织学、超微结构及主要蛋白质含量的变化。结果显示: 相对于蜕皮间期, 步行足在蜕皮前后组织学形态特征无明显变化; 超微结构在蜕皮前无明显变化, 蜕皮后可见肌原纤维纵裂及肌小节横裂现象, 表明蜕皮后外骨骼硬化的过程伴随着肌肉的生长。相对于蜕皮间期, 腹部肌肉在蜕皮前后组织学特征变化明显: 蜕皮前肌束间隙增大, 蜕皮后肌束内肌纤维间隙增大。电子显微镜观察显示, 蜕皮前肌原纤维在内部降解, 出现空洞, 肌原纤维边缘降解, 导致肌原纤维间隙增大; 蜕皮后肌原纤维重新组装、重建, 恢复到间期正常形态。生物化学研究发现, 蜕皮前后步行足和腹部肌肉中肌原纤维蛋白和可溶性蛋白含量的变化同其结构特征的变化相一致。以上研究结果表明, 中华绒螯蟹肌肉组织的结构特征同蜕皮周期密切相关。  相似文献   

通过向水中添加不同浓度的铜(Cu2 ),观察其对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)Ⅰ期幼蟹(0.020±0.01g)和12月龄扣蟹(3.34±0.26 g)的毒性影响。Cu2 对Ⅰ期幼蟹24,48,72和96h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为0.70,0.43,0.33和0.22 mg/L,而对12月龄扣蟹相应的LC50分别是18.20,10.23,9.12和8.51mg/L。中华绒螯蟹Ⅰ期幼蟹在0.00,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05和0.08mg/L Cu2 的水环境中的蜕皮率、增重率和存活率的比较研究结果表明,虽然各浓度组存活率均高于50%,但其随着Cu2 浓度的增高而降低。增重率和蜕皮率的变化趋势与存活率相似。此外,研究了中华绒螯蟹12月龄扣蟹在0.00,0.01,0.05,0.10,0.50,1.00和2.50 mg/L Cu2 的水环境中蜕皮率、增重率和存活率的变化。结果显示,各组存活率均高于50%,除0.01mg/L处理组的存活率略高于对照组外,总的变化趋势是随着Cu2 浓度的增高而降低。增重率和蜕皮率随着Cu2 浓度的增高,总的变化趋势亦逐渐降低。相关性分析表明,中华绒螯蟹Ⅰ期幼蟹和12月龄扣蟹的生长、蜕皮和存活与水中添加Cu2 的浓度增加有极显著的负相关(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

饥饿对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)幼体发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对刚孵化的中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体经不同时间的饥饿后再投喂,发现饥饿可以明显降低幼体的存活率和延长幼体的发育期。实验表明:对中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体的饥饿时间(t)和发育期长(D)呈线性关系(D=4.6303+1.3226t r=0.970p<0.01)。对于中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体,当起始饥饿时间超过了4d,再予以投饵,幼体均不能恢复正常的发育和蜕皮功能,得出中华绒螯蟹的不可恢复点(the point of no-return,PNR)大约为4d。通常以产生50%的幼体死亡的饥饿期即PNR50,来表明幼体对饥饿的抵抗能力,实验得出中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体的PNR50大约为48h。  相似文献   

饥饿胁迫对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)仔蟹的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在26.2 ~28.4℃水温条件下,研究了饥饿对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)仔蟹的形态、行为、存活及体重损失的影响,同时确定了仔Ⅱ的营养饱和储存点(PRS)和不可恢复点(PNR).结果表明:饥饿胁迫下中华绒螯蟹仔Ⅰ、仔Ⅱ、仔Ⅲ的初次死亡时间(T1)分别为8.0、14.0和20.3 d,50%死亡时间(Ts0)分别为11.4、16.0和25.5 d,100%死亡时间(T100)分别为15.0、22.0和32.3 d,耐饥饿能力为仔Ⅲ>仔Ⅱ>仔Ⅰ;饥饿期间中华绒螯蟹体内水分含量持续升高,干重量降低显著,干重损失速率也随时间延长逐渐减小;先饱食后饥饿的给饵模式中仔Ⅱ蜕皮率随初始饱食时间延长而升高,50%个体完成蜕皮所需饱食时间(PRS50)为2.10d,各处理组仔Ⅱ的蜕皮周期与持续饱食组均无显著差异(P>0.05),但只有饱食3d以上才能达到持续饱食饲养蟹的增重率;先饥饿后饱食的给饵模式中,仔Ⅱ的蜕皮率随着初始饥饿时间的延长而下降,其中仔Ⅱ50%不能蜕皮的初始饥饿时间(PNR50)和100%不能蜕皮的初始饥饿时间(PNR100)分别为10 d和14 d,并且蜕皮周期相对延长,延长时间约等于初始饥饿时间,不存在额外的摄食时间来弥补饥饿期间损失的能量,各处理组蜕皮后仔蟹与对照组体重无显著差异(P>0.05).  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹血淋巴20-羟蜕皮酮诱发蜕皮和卵巢发育的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过放射免疫法测定了中华绒螯蟹蜕皮周期血淋巴20-羟蜕皮酮(20-HE)含量的变化。血淋巴20-HE同卵母细胞发育各个阶段有密切的时相关系:在卵母细胞小生长期血淋巴20-HE持续上升,经青春蜕皮进入卵母细胞大生长期后又迅速降低。不能及时青春蜕皮的青春期前雌蟹,稍后仍出现20-HE下降的趋势。对不同实验条件和生理状态下雌蟹的比较表明,20-HE具有诱发蜕皮的特性。卵母细胞早期生长必需高浓度的血淋巴20-HE。外源注射的20-HE有刺激卵巢增重的作用。  相似文献   

为研究长期不同水体盐度对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis以下简称河蟹)成体雄蟹渗透压调节和生理代谢的影响, 在不同水体盐度条件下(0、6、12和18)对河蟹雄体进行为期60d的养殖实验, 并分别检测其渗透调节及生理代谢相关指标。结果显示: (1)血清渗透压、Na+、Mg2+和Cl-含量随水体盐度上升而显著上升(P0.05), K+和Ca2+含量有上升趋势, 但各盐度组差异不显著(P0.05); 无论何组雄蟹, 其血清渗透压均显著高于对应的水体渗透压; (2)0组雄蟹后鳃Na+/K+-ATP酶活性显著高于其他组(P0.05), 其他各组间差异不显著(P0.05); (3)就血清生理代谢指标而言, 12组雄蟹血清中甘油三酯(TG)含量显著高于其他组(P0.05), 而尿酸(UA)、葡萄糖(Glu)、丙二醛(MDA)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性相对较低; 所有组尿素(Urea)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)含量差异不显著(P0.05); (4)就肝胰腺生理代谢指标而言, 6组肝胰腺MDA含量和-谷氨酰转肽酶(-GT)活力最低, 12组酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和-GT活性显著高于其他盐度组(P0.05)。因此, 适当提高水体盐度可提高河蟹成体雄蟹的血清渗透压及其主要离子含量, 同时降低其后鳃中Na+/K+-ATP酶活性。肝胰腺和血清代谢指标暗示12盐度组雄体的代谢水平相对较低, 具有较强的免疫性能和抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

用显微及亚显微方法研究了中华绒螯蟹雌体不同生理阶段(幼蟹、未成熟蟹、成熟蟹、抱卵蟹和流产蟹)腹肢的体壁结构变化和粘液腺发育特征。体壁的上皮细胞层常与粘液腺相连,粘液腺分泌物经导管穿过各层角膜排出。不同生理状况下中华绒螯蟹的腹肢体壁各角膜层结构的比例及致密度有明显的差异,粘液腺细胞及导管的数量不同,粘液腺与上皮细胞的连接程度也不同。粘液腺是否正常分泌、刚毛囊的开闭均与中华绒螯蟹的胚胎附着有关。比较研究发现,太湖抱卵蟹腹肢体腔内腺体比温州本地抱卵蟹腹肢内腺体发达,分泌的粘液也特别多。分析认为中华绒螯蟹腹肢组织结构、粘液腺的发育和分泌状况与胚胎流产有密切的关系。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹幼体发育阶段对淀粉营养需要的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验研究了饲料中淀粉含量对中华绒螯蟹幼体生长发育与淀粉酶活力的影响。结果表明:饲料中不同淀粉含量对中华绒螯蟹幼体存活率、变态率和增重量的影响显著(P1、Z2、Z3、Z4)或下降(Z5、M)趋势,且饲料中淀粉含量对幼体淀粉酶活力变化有显著影响(P1、Z2、Z34、Z5、M的适宜淀粉需求量分别为18%、22%、18%、18%-22%、18%、14%-18%。    相似文献   

本文报道了中华绒螯蟹越冬后肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺维生素C的含量及变化。肝胰脏为中华绒螯蟹储存维生素C的器官;越冬后的雌性中华绒螯蟹,其肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C高于雄性;正常活动雌性或雄性,其肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C含量均高于死亡的个体的维生素C含量;产卵且抱卵孵化的雌体,其肝脏维生素C的含量高于那些不产卵的雌体,维生素C含量的降低是越冬时或越冬后中华绒螯蟹死亡的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

本文报道了中华绒螯蟹越冬后肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺维生素C的含量及变化。肝胰脏为中华绒螯蟹储存维生素C的器官;越冬后的雌性中华绒螯蟹,其肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C高于雄性;正常活动雌性或雄性,其肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C含量均高于死亡的个体的维生素C含量;产卵且抱卵孵化的雌体,其肝脏维生素C的含量高于那些不产卵的雌体。维生素C含量的降低是越冬时或越冬后中华绒螯蟹死亡的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

Observations of cuticular structures mineralized with silica within the Crustacea have been limited to the opal teeth of copepods, mandibles of amphipods, and recently the teeth of the gastric mill in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Copepod teeth are deposited during premolt, with sequential elaboration of organic materials followed by secretion of silica into the tooth mold. The timing of mineralization is in stark contrast to that of the general integument of crustaceans in which calcification is completely restricted to the postmolt period. To determine the timing of molt‐related deposition and silicification of the teeth of the gastric mill, the medial tooth of the blue crab C. sapidus was examined histologically and ultrastructurally across the molt cycle. Histological data revealed deposition of the organic matrix of the epicuticle and exocuticle during premolt. No evidence of postmolt changes in the thickness of the epicuticle and exocuticle, or any deposition of endocuticle, was observed. Scanning electron microscopy revealed degradation of the outer surface of the old tooth during premolt. During premolt, epithelial structures resembling papilla appeared to secrete a fibrous web that coalesces to become the matrix of the new tooth. Semi‐quantitative elemental analyses indicated simultaneous deposition of silica and organic matrix, and demonstrated a homogeneous distribution of silicon throughout the epicuticle of the tooth at all stages. However, there is evidence of deposition (presumably silicification) during postmolt as spaces between the papillae become filled in. Thus, the pattern and timing of deposition and silicification of the tooth are different from both teeth of copepods and the general exoskeleton of decapods, and may facilitate rapid resumption of feeding and consumption of the exuvia in early postmolt. J. Morphol. 277:1648–1660, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Structure and Calcification of the Crustacean Cuticle   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The integument of decapod crustaceans consists of an outer epicuticle,an exocuticle, an endocuticle and an inner membranous layerunderlain by the hypodermis. The outer three layers of the cuticleare calcified. The mineral is in the form of calcite crystalsand amorphous calcium carbonate. In the epicuticle, mineralis in the form of spherulitic calcite islands surrounded bythe lipid-protein matrix. In the exo- and endocuticles the calcitecrystal aggregates are interspersed with chitin-protein fiberswhich are organized in lamellae. In some species, the organizationof the mineral mirrors that of the organic fibers, but suchis not the case in certain cuticular regions in the xanthidcrabs. Thus, control of crystal organization is a complex phenomenonunrelated to the gross morphology of the matrix. Since the cuticle is periodically molted to allow for growth,this necessitates a bidirectional movement of calcium into thecuticle during postmolt and out during premolt resorption ofthe cuticle. In two species of crabs studied to date, thesemovements are accomplished by active transport effected by aCa-ATPase and Na/Ca exchange mechanism. The epi- and exocuticular layers of the new cuticle are elaboratedduring premolt but do not calcify until the old cuticle is shed.This phenomenon also occurs in vitro in cuticle devoid of livingtissue and implies an alteration of the nucleating sites ofthe cuticle in the course of the molt.  相似文献   

Mobilization of calcium during the molt cycle from the cuticle to transient calcium deposits is widely spread in crustaceans. The dynamics of calcium transport to transient calcium deposits called gastroliths and to the cuticle over the course of the molt cycle were studied in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. In this species, calcium was deposited in the gastroliths during premolt and transported back to the cuticle during postmolt, shown by digital X-ray radiograph analysis. The predominant mineral in the crayfish is amorphous calcium carbonate embedded in an organic matrix composed mainly of chitin. Scanning electron micrographs of the cuticle during premolt showed that the endocuticle and parts of the exocuticle were the source of most of the labile calcium, while the epicuticle did not undergo degradation and remained mineralized throughout the molt cycle. The gastroliths are made of concentric layers of amorphous calcium carbonate intercalated between chitinous lamella. Measurements of pH and calcium levels during gastrolith deposition showed that calcium concentrations in the gastroliths, stomach, and muscle were about the same (10 to 11 mmol l(-1)). On the other hand, pH varied greatly, from 8.7+/-0.15 in the gastrolith cavity through 7.6+/-0.2 in muscle to 6.9+/-0.5 in the stomach.  相似文献   

The histological and histochemical aspects of the integument have been described and discussed during the intermoult period of Ocypoda platytarsis. Histological observations revealed that the cuticle comprises of four layers namely epicuticle, exocuticle, endocuticle and membranous layers. Various types of cells in the subepidermal tissue have also been elucidated.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and formation of the cuticle of a myodocopan ostracod, Euphilomedes japonica, are investigated utilizing scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The outer lamella cuticle consists of four layers; epicuticle, exocuticle, endocuticle, and membranous layer like in the cuticle of other arthropods. The exocuticle and endocuticle are well-calcified and the organic matrix develops within the both cuticles. The outermost layer of new cuticle (epicuticle) is secreted first and the inner layers (exocuticle, endocuticle and membranous layer) are added proximally in the pre-, and postmoult stages. The calcification takes place in the whole area of carapace at the same time together with the synthesis of organic matrix within the endocuticle. This study demonstrates that the ultrastructure and formation of the cuticle in myodocopans are different from those in podocopans, and that the myodocopan carapaces have achieved a structural diversity for adaptation to different lifestyles.  相似文献   

Zhang YF  Xie YP  Xue JL  Fu XH  Liu WM 《动物学研究》2012,33(3):e13-e17
Using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy,we studied the structure of the integument and wax glands of the mealybug,Phenacoccus fraxinus Tang(Hemiptera:Coccoidea:Pseudococcidae).We observed the ultrastructure of four wax pores including trilocular,quinquelocular,and multilocular pores as well as tubular ducts,recording characteristics of their structure,size and distribution.We found that that the integument of the mealybug consists of three main layers-the procuticle,epidermis and basement membrane-and four sub-layers of the procuticle-the epicuticle,exocuticle,endocuticle and formation zone.The waxsecreting gland cells were closely arranged in epidermis.All of them were complex and composed of one central cell and two or more lateral cells.These complex cells possess a large common reservoir for collection and storage.Synthesized by the glandular cells,the wax is excreted outside integument through canals.  相似文献   

Videotaped recordings of adult lobsters of different molt stages were analyzed. The escape response of adults was compared with that of juveniles recorded in an earlier study. Juvenile lobsters always respond to a threat with escape behavior irrespective of their molt stage, but in adults the probability of eliciting a response was a function of molt stage: more hard-shelled (intermolt stage C) and (premolt stage D) animals tailflipped than did soft-shelled (postmolt stages A and B) animals. The number, frequency, and duration of tailflips, and the average distance swum by animals in each molt stage were measured for the entire escape response, for the initial power swim, and for the subsequent swims. These measurements were used to compute several parameters: velocity, acceleration, force, and work; average distance traveled in a tailflip for each kilogram of body weight (distance/kg/tailflip); and average distance traveled for each bodylength (distance/bodylength). Among adults, intermolt (stage C) lobsters traveled significantly farther and faster than postmolt animals (stages A and B). Among juveniles, late postmolt (stage B) animals traveled farther. Among adults, although the total number of tailflips and the duration of the response were not significantly different among molt stages, the number of tailflips/second (frequency) and distance traveled/kg/tailflip were greater for intermolt animals. In juvenile intermolts, however, frequency and distance/kg/tailflip were markedly lower than in the premolt stages. Although values were lower than intermolts and premolts, postmolt adults sustained their swimming frequency, distance/kg/tailflip, and distance/bodylength for the entire escape distance (as did postmolt juveniles). These parameters then dropped off sharply for both adult and juvenile intermolt and premolt animals in the second half of the escape distance. Post-threat behaviors reveal that stage D animals have the highest aggression index and often attack the presented stimulus, whereas stage A animals are the least likely to approach the stimulus and typically back away in a non-aggressive posture. Thus, although effects of the molt cycle on adult and juvenile escape behavior are similar in some ways, other physical characteristics of adults, such as weight, allometry, and physiology, seem to become important in determining the likelihood of escape behavior and the characteristics of the escape swim in each molt stage.  相似文献   

The crustacean integument consists of the exoskeleton and underlying epithelium and associated tissues. The epithelium, which is composed of a single layer of cells, is responsible for the cyclical breakdown and synthesis of the exoskeleton associated with molting (ecdysis). During premolt (proecdysis) the epithelial cells lengthen and secrete the two outermost layers (epicuticle and exocuticle) of the new exoskeleton while partially degrading the two innermost layers (endocuticle and membranous layer) of the overlying old exoskeleton. This increased cellular activity is associated with increased protein synthesis and a change in cell shape from cuboidal to columnar. The cytoskeleton, composed of microfilaments (actin) and microtubules (tubulin), plays important roles in the intracellular organization and motility of eukaryotic cells. Immunoblot analysis shows that the land crab exoskeleton contains actin, tubulin, and actin-related proteins (Varadaraj et al. 1996. Gene 171:177-184). In the present study, immunocytochemistry of land crab and lobster integument showed that both proteins were localized in various cell types, including epithelia, connective tissue, tendinal cells, and blood vessels. Muscle immunostained for actin and myosin, but not for tubulin. The membranous layer of land crab (the other layers of the exoskeleton were not examined) and membranous layer and endocuticle of lobster also reacted specifically with anti-beta-actin and anti-alpha-tubulin monoclonal antibodies, but not with an anti-myosin heavy chain antibody. During proecdysis immunolabeling of the membranous layer decreased probably due to protein degradation. The staining intensity for actin and tubulin in the proecdysial epithelium was similar to that in the intermolt (anecdysial) epithelium, suggesting that there was a net accumulation of both proteins proportional to the increase in cellular volume. These results support the previous biochemical analyses and, more specifically, localize actin and tubulin in exoskeletal structures, suggesting that they may serve both intracellular and extracellular functions in crustaceans. J. Exp. Zool. 286:329-342, 2000.  相似文献   

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