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Body condition threshold for breeding in a viviparous snake   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One major goal of physiological ecology is to seek links between life history traits. Identification of a body condition threshold for breeding (e.g. critical level of body reserves) provides a link between the physiological process involved in storage of body reserves and the ability to reproduce. One hundred and twenty-nine freeranging adult female Vipera aspis, a viviparous snake, were marked with electronic identification tags and/or by scale clipping, weighed, and measured at the onset of vitellogenesis, and immediately released in the field in western central France (47°03N; 02°00W). The 129 snakes were recaptured 2–6 months later between ovulation and parturition, and individual reproductive status was then determined. Eighty-four females (65%) captured at the onset of vitellogenesis became vitellogenic, 45 did not. There was no difference in mean body length between reproductive and non-reproductive females. Initial body condition influenced reproductive outcome: we found a precise threshold in body condition necessary for the induction of vitellogenesis. Almost all females (88%) with a body condition greater than the observed threshold became vitellogenic, 12% did not, and no female with a body condition under the threshold became vitellogenic. Body reserves were estimated in the 129 living females using data gathered on 69 autopsied females. Females which became vitellogenic had large body reserves, but females which did not were not particularly emaciated (whilst postparturiant females had few body reserves remaining). This precise condition threshold for breeding is discussed in terms of the reproductive ecology of this species.  相似文献   

In seasonal environments, parturition of most vertebrates generally occurs within a short time‐window each year. This synchrony is generally interpreted as being adaptive, as early born young survive better over the critical season than late born young. Among large herbivores, the factors involved in driving among‐ and within‐individual variation in parturition date are poorly understood. We explored this question by analyzing the relative importance of attributes linked to female quality (longevity, median adult body mass and cohort), time‐dependent attributes linked to female condition (reproductive success the previous year, relative annual body mass and offspring cohort (year)), and age in shaping observed variation in parturition date of roe deer. A measure of quality combining the effects of female longevity and median adult body mass accounted for 11% of the observed among‐individual variation in parturition date. Females of 2 yr old give birth 5 d later than older females. Our study demonstrates that high quality (heavy and long‐lived) females give birth earlier than low quality females. Temporally variable attributes linked to female condition, such as reproductive success in the previous year and relative annual body mass, had no detectable influence on parturition date. We conclude that parturition date, a crucial determinant of reproductive success, is shaped by attributes linked to female quality rather than by time‐dependent attributes linked to female condition in income breeders (individuals that rely on current resource intake rather than on accumulated body reserves to offset the increased energy requirements due to reproduction) such as roe deer.  相似文献   

Abstract Data from a 12‐year field study have allowed us to quantify ‘costs of reproduction’ in a natural population of water pythons (Liasis fuscus) in tropical Australia. Both sexes of pythons cease feeding during the reproductive season. For males, this involves fasting for a 6 week period. Adult males lose weight rapidly over this period (approximately 17% of their body mass) but regain condition in the following months, and do not experience reduced survival. In contrast, reproductive adult females cease feeding for 3 months, lose an average of 44% of their body mass over this period, and experience increased mortality. A causal link between reproductive output and reduced female survival is supported by (i) a decrease in survival rates at female maturation; (ii) a correlation between survival rates and frequency of reproduction, in a comparison among different size classes of adult pythons; and (iii) a lowered survival rate for females that allocated more energy to reproduction. Hence, both sexes experience substantial energy costs of reproduction, but a relatively higher energy cost translates into a survival cost only in females. Such non‐linearities in the relationship between energy costs and survival costs may be widespread, and challenge the value of simple energy‐based measures of 'reproductive effort’.  相似文献   

1. Recent studies have shown that optimal reproductive allocation depends on both climatic conditions and population density. We tested this hypothesis using six years of demographic data from eight reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) populations coupled with data on population abundance and vegetation greenness [measured using the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)]. 2. Female spring body mass positively affected summer body mass gain, and lactating females were unable to compensate for harsh winters as efficiently as barren ones. Female spring body mass was highly sensitive to changes in population abundance and vegetation greenness and less dependent on previous autumn body mass and reproductive status. Lactating females were larger than barren females in the spring. Moreover, female autumn body mass was positively related to female autumn body mass and reproductive success and was not very sensitive to changes in vegetation greenness and population abundance. 3. Offspring autumn body mass was positively related to both maternal spring and autumn body mass, and as predicted from theory, offspring were more sensitive to changes in vegetation greenness and population abundance than adult females. A lagged cost of reproduction was present as larger females who were barren, the previous year produced larger offspring than equally sized females that successfully reproduced the previous year. 4. Reproductive success was negatively related to female autumn body mass and positively related to female spring body mass. Moreover, females who successfully reproduced the previous year experienced the highest reproductive success. The fact that negative density-dependence was only present for females that had successfully reproduced the previous year further support the hypothesis that reproduction is costly. 5. This study shows that female reindeer buffer their reproductive allocation according to expected winter conditions and that their buffering abilities were limited by population abundance and a lagged cost of reproduction and enhanced by vegetation greenness.  相似文献   

Madsen T  Ujvari B  Olsson M 《Oecologia》2005,142(3):407-412
We document the impact of blood parasite infections caused by Hepatozoon sp. on water python (Liasis fuscus) life history traits such as growth rates, condition, reproductive output and survival. Individual snakes maintained similar among-year parasite loads. Hepatozoon infections affected python growth rate, i.e. snakes suffering from high infection levels exhibited significantly slower growth compared to individuals with low parasite loads. Our results suggest that the parasites also affected the pythons nutritional status (condition), as snakes with low condition scores suffered from higher parasite infection levels than snakes with high scores. Furthermore, our data suggest that parasitaemia may affect female reproductive output, as reproductive female pythons harboured lower parasite loads compared to non-reproductive adult females. High levels of parasite infections also affected juvenile python survival, as recaptured snakes harboured significantly lower parasite loads compared to non-recaptured yearling pythons. In our study area, water python have very few natural predators and, hence, experience low mortality rates and commonly reach an age of >15 years. In contrast to results obtained in other studies, parasite loads in larger/older pythons were lower compared to younger snakes, suggesting that only snakes harbouring lower levels of parasitaemia were able to survive to old age. We suggest that a possible cause for the opposing results regarding parasite prevalence and host age may be due to different levels of extrinsic mortality rates and longevity. Long-lived organisms, such as water pythons, may invest relatively more into crucial self-maintenance functions such as parasite defence, compared to short-lived organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract: All natural populations fluctuate in abundance and age structure through time; understanding why they do so is a critical step towards their effective management and conservation. However, the long‐term data sets needed for such an understanding are rarely available, especially for tropical organisms. A 17‐year capture‐mark–recapture study yielded detailed information on the demography of water pythons (Liasis fuscus) and their main prey, the dusky rat (Rattus colletti), on the Adelaide River flood plain in tropical Australia. The link between annual rainfall patterns and rat demography was highly non‐linear. Rat numbers were low during years with low and high rainfall at the end of the wet season (April). Numbers of both predators and prey fluctuated considerably among years. Annual fluctuations in rat numbers generated a corresponding variation in rates of female python reproduction, python body condition and survival. Although variation in recruitment, survival and prey abundance all had a significant impact on annual fluctuations in python numbers, our analyses suggest that recruitment constituted the main determinant in driving the population dynamics of these large tropical predators. In combination with our other studies on this system, the data show that population dynamics of the water python population is ultimately driven by annual variation in rainfall, mediated via shifts in prey availability. The water pythons and the dusky rats of the Adelaide River flood plain thus demonstrate an unusually clear and direct link between an abiotic factor (rainfall) and predator–prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

Body condition may predict individual fitness because those in better condition have more resources to allocate towards improving their fitness. However, the hypothesis that condition indices are meaningful proxies for fitness has been questioned. Here, we ask if intraspecific variation in condition indices predicts annual reproductive success and survival. We monitored a population of Neochmia phaeton (crimson finch), a sedentary, tropical passerine, for reproductive success and survival over four breeding seasons, and sampled them for commonly used condition indices: mass adjusted for body size, muscle and fat scores, packed cell volume, hemoglobin concentration, total plasma protein, and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio. Our study population is well suited for this research because individuals forage in common areas and do not hold territories such that variation in condition between individuals is not confounded by differences in habitat quality. Furthermore, we controlled for factors that are known to impact condition indices in our study population (e.g., breeding stage) such that we assessed individual condition relative to others in the same context. Condition indices that reflect energy reserves predicted both the probability of an individual fledging young and the number of young produced that survived to independence, but only during some years. Those that were relatively heavy for their body size produced about three times more independent young compared to light individuals. That energy reserves are a meaningful predictor of reproductive success in a sedentary passerine supports the idea that energy reserves are at least sometimes predictors of fitness. However, hematological indices failed to predict reproductive success and none of the indices predicted survival. Therefore, some but not all condition indices may be informative, but because we found that most indices did not predict any component of fitness, we question the ubiquitous interpretation of condition indices as surrogates for individual quality and fitness.  相似文献   

Reproductive allocation at one age is predicted to reduce the probability of surviving to the next year or to lead to a decrease in future reproduction. This prediction assumes that reproduction involves fitness costs. However, few empirical studies have assessed whether such costs may vary with the age at primiparity or might be overridden by heterogeneities in individual quality. We used data from 35 years’ monitoring of individually marked semi-domestic reindeer females to investigate fitness costs of reproduction. Using multi-state statistical models, we compared age-specific survival and reproduction among four reproductive states (never reproduced, experienced non-breeders, reproduced but did not wean offspring, and reproduced and weaned offspring) and among contrasted age at primiparity. We assessed whether reproductive costs occurred, resulting in a trade-off between current reproduction and future reproduction or survival, and whether early maturation was costly or rather reflected differences in individual quality of survival and reproduction capabilities. We did not find any evidence for fitness costs of reproduction in female reindeer. We found no cost of gestation and lactation in terms of future reproduction and survival. Conversely, successful breeders had higher survival and subsequent reproductive success than experienced non-breeders and unsuccessful breeders, independently of the age at primiparity. Moreover, it was beneficial to mature earlier, especially for females that successfully weaned their first offspring. Successful females at early primiparity remained successful throughout their life, clearly supporting the existence of marked among-female differences in quality. The weaning success peaked for multiparous females and was lower for first-time breeders, indicating a positive effect of experience on reproductive performance. Our findings emphasize an overwhelming importance of individual quality and experience to account for observed variation in survival and reproductive patterns of female reindeer that override trade-offs between current reproduction and future performance, at least in the absence of harsh winters.  相似文献   

1. Reproductive traits were studied in seven wild populations of resident brown trout in Spain. We examined whether growth, and certain environmental conditions such as water temperature or food abundance, could explain interpopulation variation in the reproductive characters.
2. The results indicated that nearby populations subjected to a wide variation in environmental conditions exhibited a similar reproductive performance.
3. Age distributions and sex ratios were not significantly different among populations. Age ranged from 0+ to 4+ years but the populations were dominated by the 0+ to 2+ groups. In all rivers females matured at age 2+ as opposed to age 1+ and 2+ for males. Mean length at the end of the growth period differed significantly among populations. However, annual growth rate was similar among rivers and was not significantly correlated with either biomass of the benthos or water temperature during the growth season.
4. Reproductive effort, body condition, fecundity and egg size did not correlate significantly with either the abundance of benthic invertebrates or water temperature. Once the effect of body length on both egg size and number was removed, a significant negative correlation was found between these two traits among populations.  相似文献   

When female winter flounder ( Pleuronectes americanus ) were subjected to periods of satiation feeding alternating with starvation it was found that the first part of their normal six-month feeding period could be associated with subsequent gametogenesis, whereas feeding in the later part of the normal feeding period was not necessary. Conversely if females were not fed during the first part of the normal feeding season they were likely to become non-reproductive, although high condition fish or a non-spawner could become gametogenic in spite of starvation at this time. Feeding restricted to the later part of the normal feeding season was therefore not generally associated with successful gametogenesis for the following year's spawn. When the first part of the feeding period was further subdivided with satiation feeding limited to one or more months within it, most fish became non-reproductive. The exceptions which became reproductive were females which had high post-spawn condition maintained in the month following the immediate spawning period for the individual fish. A nutritionally sensitive period for early gametogenesis in female winter flounder therefore appears to occur in the early part of the normal feeding season, close to the normal spawning period. The experimentally produced non-reproductive females were generally halted in a previtellogenic stage of development for the most advanced oocytes which is consistent with a nutritionally related inhibition of gametogenesis close to the previous spawning period.  相似文献   

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