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目的:建立双抗体夹心ELISA 法检测日本血吸虫硫氧还蛋白(Thioredoxin,Trx)。方法:用重组日本血吸虫Trx(rTrx)蛋白免疫BALB/c 小鼠,筛选高滴度、高特异性的单克隆抗体建立双抗体夹心ELISA法。通过检测日本血吸虫排泄- 分泌物(excretorysecretions,ES)与rTrx的浓度评价该方法的敏感性;通过对健康人血清的检测确定其特异性;通过对布氏姜片吸虫病、华支睾吸虫病、卫氏并殖吸虫病、囊虫病患者血清进行交叉反应试验,评价该方法的特异性。结果:获得2 株稳定分泌抗rTrx 蛋白单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,命名为McTrx1 和McTrx2。以McTrx1 为包被抗体,HRP-McTrx2 为酶标抗体,建立的双抗体夹心ELISA 可检测出ES的最低浓度为4.8 μg/ml,检测出rTrx 的最低浓度为1.2 滋g/ml。该方法的特异性为96 %。结论:以抗rTrx 蛋白单克隆抗体McTrx1 与McTrx2为基础建立的双抗体夹心ELISA 法具有较高的特异性。  相似文献   

目的:为检测血清中HSA-GLP-1融合蛋白整体分子的浓度,建立一种特异、灵敏的定量检测食蟹猴体内HSA-GLP-1融合蛋白浓度的双抗体夹心ELISA的方法。方法:采用双抗体夹心ELISA方法,以GLP-1单克隆抗体为包被抗体、HSA-GLP-1融合蛋白为夹心抗原、anti-HSA-Biotin为检测抗体,用Streptavidin-HRP进行免疫放大,TMB显色。结果:建立了检测HSA-GLP-1融合蛋白的ELISA方法,其线性范围为15.6~1000 ng/mL,最低检测限为15.6 ng/mL,与GLP-1、HSA、IL2-HSA均无交叉反应,板内和板间精密度均小于15%,准确度为±15%,冻融稳定性和稀释稳定性良好。结论:建立的HSA-GLP-1蛋白检测方法符合新生物制品临床前药代动力学研究指导原则要求,可用于HSA-GLP-1融合蛋白在临床前药代动力学试验的定量检测。  相似文献   

目的:建立检测HIV-1gp41抗原的双抗体夹心ELISA,并探讨其临床应用的可行性。方法:用饱和硫酸铵(SAS)纯化抗HIV-1gp41-5单克隆抗体(mAb),用HRP标记后建立双抗体夹心ELISA法,对其灵敏度及特异性进行检测,并用该方法对40份HIV-1阳性血清进行了检测。结果:用mAbE12(5μg/mL)为包被抗体,2H6为酶标记抗体(1∶900)建立了双抗体夹心ELISA法,检测gp41-5多肽的灵敏度是100pg/mL。对HIV-1阳性血清中gp41抗原的检出率为67.5%(27/40)。结论:建立了特异性强、灵敏度良好的检测HIV-1gp41抗原的双抗体夹心ELISA法。  相似文献   

抗HIV-p24单克隆抗体细胞株的建立及初步应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
拟建立抗HIV-P24蛋白的单克隆抗体细胞株及双抗体夹心法,用于检测艾滋病人血清中的P24抗原。用纯化的基因工程表达的HIV-P24蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠。取免疫小鼠的脾细胞和小鼠骨髓瘤Sp2/0的细胞融合,有限稀释法克隆细胞,ELISA筛选特异性抗体。结果克隆筛选出12株细胞,初步建立了检测HIV-P24抗原的双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验。本方法为监控艾滋病病毒感染的窗口期和艾滋病病人临床治疗效果提供了检测手段。  相似文献   

目的 通过免疫白兔和小鼠获得抗汉逊酵母菌体全蛋白血清,建立测定残余宿主汉逊酵母菌体蛋白含量的双抗体夹心ELISA的方法.方法 由免疫动物得到抗血清,分别作为包被抗体和检测抗体,通过方阵滴定实验确定双抗体夹心ELISA最佳条件.结果 获得的兔、小鼠抗血清经间接ELISA检测效价均达到1:10000.作为包被抗体小鼠抗血清的最佳包被浓度为10 μg/ml,在30~500 ng/ml范围内测定呈直线关系,相关系数为0.9985.可用于测定基因工程产品中汉逊酵母菌体蛋白的残余量.  相似文献   

现已证实,Nodal参与了肿瘤恶性生物学过程,但对其高敏感检测法尚未建立。采用基因工程表达人源Nodal作为抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过经典PEG诱导的细胞融合技术筛选出针对Nodal的特异性单克隆抗体7株。夹心ELISA确证7株抗体组成了15种可配对的抗体对。经筛选后选取抗体对AF12-DG5建立标准化夹心ELISA法,结合生物素-亲和素检测系统,DG5抗体标记生物素,采用链亲和素与辣根过氧化物酶标记的生物素(HRP-Biotin)按质量比4∶1预先混合孵育的ABC混合物进行检测,以提高ELISA法的灵敏度。棋盘滴定确定抗体工作最佳浓度为:捕获抗体(AF12)2μg/ml,检测抗体(生物素化DG5)2μg/ml。此条件下的夹心ELISA法线性范围为0~3 000pg/ml,检测限为68pg/ml,平均回收率为99.6%,精密度准确度良好。以正常人血清作为阴性对照,使用该夹心ELISA法测定结直肠癌、鼻咽癌和胆囊癌患者血清,发现三种肿瘤患者血清与正常人血清中的Nodal浓度均存在明显的统计学差异,可作为临床使用参考。  相似文献   

目的:制备针对嗜肺军团茵血清8型的单克隆抗体,并建立双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测方法。方法:用甲醛灭活的嗜肺军团菌血清8型菌免疫BALB/c小鼠,采用杂交瘤技术制备抗嗜肺军团菌血清8型单克隆抗体,建立双抗夹心ELISA检测方法。结果:研制出8株能特异性分泌抗嗜肺军团菌血清8型单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,Ig类型分别为IgM(2株)、IgG,(1株)和IgG,(5株);利用IgG1型单抗6G10与6C7配对,建立了双抗夹心ELISA检测方法,该方法的最低检出浓度为2.6×10^5cfu/mL,除与金黄色葡萄球菌有微弱的交叉反应外,与14株其他血清型嗜肺军团菌、17株非嗜肺军团菌及11株非军团菌均无交叉反应,具有较高的特异性。结论:制备了具有高特异性和亲和力的抗嗜肺军团菌血清8型单克隆抗体,并建立了双抗夹心EUSA检测方法。  相似文献   

目的:制备抗埃博拉病毒核蛋白(EBOV NP)单克隆抗体和多克隆抗体,建立针对EBOV NP的ELISA检测方法。方法:以重组EBOV NP免疫动物并制备多克隆抗体和单克隆抗体。在此基础上,通过优化抗体浓度、包被液等条件建立检测EBOV NP的双抗夹心ELISA方法。结果:制备出了兔多克隆抗体,筛选出2株可分泌单克隆抗体的鼠源杂交瘤细胞株。Western blot实验结果表明兔多抗与鼠单抗的结合区域均为N端1~35氨基酸。通过优化,建立了针对EBOV NP的双抗夹心ELISA检测方法。其线性范围是31.2~1 000 ng/ml,最低检测限为2.6 ng/ml。结论:制备出了抗EBOV核蛋白的高特异性多克隆抗体和单克隆抗体,建立了定量检测EBOV核蛋白的方法。  相似文献   

目的:制备分泌特异性抗人甲状腺球蛋白(thyroglobulin,Tg)单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,为建立高灵敏度的Tg检测方法做准备。方法:以天然人源甲状腺球蛋白为抗原经皮下免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过细胞融合制备分泌抗人甲状腺球蛋白单克隆抗体,并对其进行特异性鉴定,建立检测Tg的双抗体ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)夹心法。结果:获得7株可稳定分泌抗人甲状腺球蛋白单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,经ELISA鉴定,筛选抗体可与Tg抗原有良好的特异性反应。建立的双抗体夹心ELISA方法敏感性可达1 ng/mL。结论:成功制备了抗人Tg单克隆抗体并建立了检测人Tg双抗体夹心ELISA方法,为进一步研发Tg快速诊断试剂盒提供了原料。  相似文献   

制备抗细小病毒B19-VP2单克隆抗体,用于检测人血清中的B19抗原,辅助诊断相关疾病;也可用于制备人类细小病毒基因工程疫苗。用纯化的基因工程表达的B19-VP2蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,取免疫小鼠的脾细胞和小鼠骨髓瘤Sp2/0细胞融合,有限稀释法克隆细胞。ELISA及IF证明抗体特异性。克隆筛选出4株细胞,并初步建立了检测B19-VP2抗原的双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验,为双抗体夹心法检测B19抗原为临床相关疾病诊断提供了检测手段。  相似文献   

It is well established that all camelids have unique antibodies circulating in their blood. Unlike antibodies from all other species, these special antibodies are devoid of light chains, and are composed of a heavy chain homodimer. These so-called heavy-chain antibodies (HCAbs) are expressed after a V-D-J rearrangement and require dedicated constant gamma genes. An immune response is raised in these HCAbs following a classical immunization protocol. These HCAbs are easily purified from serum, and their antigen-binding fragment interacts with parts of the target that are less antigenic to conventional antibodies. The antigen binding site of the dromedary HCAb comprises one single domain, referred to as VHH or nanobody (Nb), therefore, a strategy was designed to clone the Nb repertoire of an immunized dromedary and to select the Nb with specificity for our target antigens. The monoclonal Nb is produced well in bacteria, is very stable and highly soluble, and it binds the antigen with high affinity and specificity. Currently, the recombinant Nb has been developed successfully for research purposes, as a probe in biosensors, to diagnose infections, or to treat diseases such as cancer or trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

The recognition that few human diseases are thoroughly addressed by mono-specific, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) continues to drive the development of antibody therapeutics with additional specificities and enhanced activity. Historically, efforts to engineer additional antigen recognition into molecules have relied predominantly on the reformatting of immunoglobulin domains. In this report we describe a series of fully functional mAbs to which additional specificities have been imparted through the recombinant fusion of relatively short polypeptides sequences. The sequences are selected for binding to a particular target from combinatorial libraries that express linear, disulfide-constrained, or domain-based structures. The potential for fusion of peptides to the N- and C- termini of both the heavy and light chains affords the bivalent expression of up to four different peptides. The resulting molecules, called zybodies, can gain up to four additional specificities, while retaining the original functionality and specificity of the scaffold antibody. We explore the use of two clinically significant oncology antibodies, trastuzumab and cetuximab, as zybody scaffolds and demonstrate functional enhancements in each case. The affect of fusion position on both peptide and scaffold function is explored, and penta-specific zybodies are demonstrated to simultaneously engage five targets (ErbB2, EGFR, IGF-1R, Ang2 and integrin αvβ3). Bispecific, trastuzumab-based zybodies targeting ErbB2 and Ang2 are shown to exhibit superior efficacy to trastuzumab in an angiogenesis-dependent xenograft tumor model. A cetuximab-based bispecific zybody that targeting EGFR and ErbB3 simultaneously disrupted multiple intracellular signaling pathways; inhibited tumor cell proliferation; and showed efficacy superior to that of cetuximab in a xenograft tumor model.  相似文献   

梁琍 《生物技术通讯》2006,17(5):799-802
作为一种具有靶向性的生物大分子,单克隆抗体始终是人们关注的热点之一,被广泛用于治疗肿瘤、病毒感染和抗移植排斥等。但鼠源单克隆抗体的临床应用受限于诱导产生人抗鼠抗体、肿瘤渗入量低、亲和力低和半衰期短等。随着分子生物学技术的发展及其向各学科的渗透,通过基因操作技术对抗体进行改造,可使其适用于多种疾病的治疗。抗体人源化已经成为治疗性抗体的发展趋势,同时各种抗体衍生物也不断涌现,它们从不同角度克服了抗体本身的应用局限,也为治疗人类疾病提供了利器。本文简要介绍上述技术的基本原理、特点和治疗性抗体的研究进展。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to develop an immunodiagnostic test of active human schistosomiasis mansoni using a monoclonal antibody which targets urinary schistosomal antigen. Polyclonal antisera raised in rabbits against the processed urine of Schistosoma mansoni-infected patients showed very high and significant reactivity with ES product of ova compared with other different S. mansoni antigens. The monoclonal antibody (4.23) was reactive with repetitive epitopes of S. mansoni soluble egg antigen and ES product of ova with molecular mass range of 65–23 kDa and 80–23 kDa, respectively. It recognised different stages of the parasite life-cycle, with no cross reaction with Fasciola or hydatid antigen. MAbs were characterised by isotyping, immunoelectrophoresis, SDS–PAGE and the enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot technique, ELISA, and their recognition of carbohydrate or protein antigenic epitopes by periodate oxidation and trichloroacetic acid treatment of the antigen. It was used for detection of circulating schistosomal antigen in an antigen capture antibody sandwich ELISA on sera and urines of 58 S. mansoni-infected patients, 17 S. haematobium-infected patients, 15 parasite-free negative healthy controls and sera from 13 schistosomiasis-free patients harbouring Fasciola or hydatid infections. The percentage sensitivity of the assay in the serum of S. mansoni-infected patients was 98.4% and in urine 94.8%. A positive correlation was found between the number of faecal S. mansoni eggs and the circulating antigen, both in serum and in urine. Antigen circulating in urine correlated with that in the sera of S. mansoni patients. These data provide a sensitive and non-invasive method almost comparable with the use of sera for immunodiagnosis of schistosomiasis and an indirect way to reflect the intensity of infection. Australian Society for Parasitology.  相似文献   

治疗性单克隆抗体研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杂交瘤技术使鼠源单克隆抗体(鼠单抗)被广泛用于人类疾病的诊断和研究,建立了治疗性抗体的第一个里程碑。但随后出现的人抗鼠抗体等副作用极大地限制了鼠单抗的临床应用。随着生物学技术的发展和抗体基因结构的阐明,应用DNA重组技术和抗体库技术对鼠单抗进行人源化改造,先后出现了嵌合抗体、改型抗体和全人抗体,同时也涌现了各种单抗衍生物,它们从不同角度克服了鼠单抗临床应用的不足,未人类疾病治疗带来新的曙光。我们就上述治疗性抗体人源化的研究进展做简要综述。  相似文献   

While the concept of Quality-by-Design is addressed at the upstream and downstream process development stages, we questioned whether there are advantages to addressing the issues of biologics quality early in the design of the molecule based on fundamental biophysical characterization, and thereby reduce complexities in the product development stages. Although limited number of bispecific therapeutics are in clinic, these developments have been plagued with difficulty in producing materials of sufficient quality and quantity for both preclinical and clinical studies. The engineered heterodimeric Fc is an industry-wide favorite scaffold for the design of bispecific protein therapeutics because of its structural, and potentially pharmacokinetic, similarity to the natural antibody. Development of molecules based on this concept, however, is challenged by the presence of potential homodimer contamination and stability loss relative to the natural Fc. We engineered a heterodimeric Fc with high heterodimeric specificity that also retains natural Fc-like biophysical properties, and demonstrate here that use of engineered Fc domains that mirror the natural system translates into an efficient and robust upstream stable cell line selection process as a first step toward a more developable therapeutic.  相似文献   

Bispecific immunoglobulin‐like antibodies capable of engaging multiple antigens represent a promising new class of therapeutic agents. Engineering of these molecules requires optimization of the molecular properties of one of the domain components. Here, we present a detailed crystallographic and computational characterization of the stabilization patterns in the lymphotoxin‐beta receptor (LTβR) binding Fv domain of an anti‐LTβR/anti‐TNF‐related apoptosis inducing ligand receptor‐2 (TRAIL‐R2) bispecific immunoglobulin‐like antibody. We further describe a new hierarchical structure‐guided approach toward engineering of antibody‐like molecules to enhance their thermal and chemical stability. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

李川江  林乔等 《Virologica Sinica》1991,6(4):309-314,T003
本文介绍用流行性出血热(EHF)病毒J10株制备单克隆抗体(McAb),以及用7个McAb免疫家兔,使其产生抗EHF病毒McAb的抗体即抗独特型 抗体(Ab2).Ab2能在体外同出血热病人恢复期血清和EHF病毒免疫的兔血清发生特异性结合。再经EHF-McAb亲和层析法分离提纯Ab2,免疫BALb/c小鼠,将所获得的免疫血清(Ab3)用荧光和ELISA分别加以测定。结果表明,抗-抗独特型抗体可在体外识别EHF病毒,而不能同病病人恢复期血清发生结合,从而支持免疫网络学说,可能为我们提供一种新型的抗原来源途径。  相似文献   

随着基因工程抗体的快速发展,双特异性抗体技术也日趋成熟。双特异性抗体能够同时结合两个以上不同的抗原表位,在免疫治疗中具有独特的优势。双特异性抗体己经广泛应用于癌症治疗如黑色素瘤、霍奇金淋巴瘤以及肝癌、胃癌等,以及炎症方面的治疗如类风湿性关节炎、牛皮癣与克罗恩病等。双特异性抗体在病毒免疫治疗方面则刚刚起步。文中对双特异性抗体用于病毒免疫治疗的研究进展进行了综述,特别是在体内外效果较好的产品,为用于病毒免疫治疗的双特异性抗体药物开发与研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

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