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剩余污泥资源化利用新工艺研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市化进程加速, 污水处理厂剩余污泥大量产生, 如何对其进行处理并有效资源化利用成为广泛关注的问题。文章在综述我国城市污水处理厂剩余污泥特征、相应处理与综合利用方法的基础上, 进一步综述了污泥干化芦苇床、人工湿地、微生物燃料电池以及相关组合工艺等剩余污泥资源化利用新工艺。总结了各种新工艺的优势以及当前尚未解决的关键问题, 对未来新工艺的潜在应用进行了展望, 以期开发出低能耗、低成本、高效率、绿色生态的技术, 真正实现剩余污泥的减量化、无害化、稳定化和资源化。  相似文献   

畜类血液是一种富于营养的蛋白资源,蛋白质含量约16%。据不完全统计,我国年屠宰商品猪1亿头以上。一般说,每头猪可出血4—5斤。但是,现在我国对这种丰富的资源利用率很低。一些国家利用动物血作为食品配料,制作各种红血肠、布丁、血汤面包或薄脆饼  相似文献   

而无害化处理是城市生活垃圾处理的必然选择。本文概述了六种目前常见的无害化处理方式, 及其各自的优越性和局限性。  相似文献   

为了对屠宰血液进行有效处理与利用,以甘南藏族自治州美仁草原秃鹫粪便为分离基质,筛选并鉴定能够降解牦牛血液蛋白的菌株,并探究其生长条件及酶学特性。通过酪蛋白平板和血平板筛选能够分解血液蛋白的菌株,应用液体培养菌株探究碳源、氮源、温度、pH对菌株生长的影响,采用福林酚法测定蛋白酶活性,并提取蛋白酶研究其最适pH、最适温度以及热稳定性和pH稳定性。结果显示,通过选择培养基筛选得到1株高效降解血液蛋白的菌株,编号为NwMCC01910069,经过形态学鉴定、生理生化鉴定和16S rRNA基因鉴定,该菌株属于Providencia属,其生长的最适条件:碳源麦芽糖、氮源酵母粉、温度30℃及pH 8.5,该菌株产蛋白酶最适温度为40℃,当pH值为7~10时,该酶具有较高的酶活性且所产碱性蛋白酶具有较好的温度和pH稳定性。此外,通过菌株对牛血液蛋白降解效果的初步验证,当血液添加量为95%时,发现其降解率达到18.35%。说明该菌株对牦牛血液蛋白有一定的降解能力,有潜力作为废弃血液分解为氨基酸从而生产有机水溶肥的候选功能菌株。  相似文献   

抗生素发酵废菌渣的无害化及资源再利用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗生素发酵每年产生大量有毒菌渣,处理不当将导致环境和健康问题。概述近来抗生素菌渣无害化处理及重新用作发酵培养基氮源,生产能源、饲料、可降解生物薄膜、石膏缓凝剂等资源化利用研究进展,提高抗生素危废菌渣的无害化处理及资源化利用效率。  相似文献   

大连市屠宰厂职业人群旋毛虫感染的调查大连市沙河口区卫生防疫站大连116023叶定平为了解屠宰厂职业人群旋毛虫感染情况,我们于一九九二年抽样检测了大连市屠宰厂职业人群血样96份,检出抗体阳性者8份,平均感染率为8.33%,现报告如下:1材料与方法1.1...  相似文献   

[背景]我国生猪病死率较高,建立高效的病死猪尸体无害化处理方式尤为重要.[目的]提高病死猪尸体堆肥无害化处理效率.[方法]筛选具有蛋白质和脂肪降解功能的菌株,并构建复合菌剂,利用单因素和响应面方法对其菌种配比及降解条件进行优化,对其接种于病死猪和锯末堆肥进行应用效果评价.[结果]经鉴定,菌株DB1为粘质沙雷氏菌,所产蛋...  相似文献   

有机溶剂/去污剂处理血浆的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机溶剂/去污剂处理技术已广泛用于血液制剂的病毒灭活。本文对此项技术用于血浆中病毒灭活的可靠性、处理血液制剂的安全性以及处理血浆的临床应用作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

可持续的污水处理过程与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张凯松  周启星 《生态学杂志》2006,25(9):1129-1135
传统上,污水在处理过程中其所含有的能源和营养物质等也被消耗了。可持续的水处理不仅包括污水无害化处理,还包括能源和营养物的综合回收利用。综合论述了可持续的污水处理概念、理论、方法和污水处理过程中物质回收技术的发展。  相似文献   

刘晓燕 《生物磁学》2003,3(4):41-43
而无害化处理是城市生活垃圾处理的必然选择。本概述了六种目前常见的无害化处理方式,及其各自的优越性和局限性。  相似文献   

Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is a common component of animal cell culture media. It is harvested from bovine fetuses taken from pregnant cows during slaughter. FBS is commonly harvested by means of a cardiac puncture without any form of anaesthesia. Fetuses are probably exposed to pain and/or discomfort, so the current practice of fetal blood harvesting is inhumane. Apart from moral concerns, several scientific and technical problems exist with regard to the use of FBS in cell culture. Efforts should be made to reduce the use of FBS or, preferably, to replace it with synthetic alternatives.  相似文献   

An investigation (clinical, immunological and epidemiological) of the workers of various fowl-farms was carried out in various regions of Kazakhstan for a number for years; the sera of domestic fowl and birds was studied as well. On the basis of examination of 6264 persons the greatest percentage of ornithosis was revealed among the workers of the slaughter house and the shop for the processing of the fowl. Examination of 4749 sera of bird blood showed that the highest incidence of ornithosis was among doves and ducks (43.2 and 11.6%), and the least--in chickens (5.3%); there proved to be a direct relationship between the infection of man and birds. Thus, it was shown that domestic fowl and also doves served as the source of ornithosis infection; foci of ornithosis were revealed in a number of Kazakhstan regions as a result of these investigations.  相似文献   

The working, health and zoohygiene problems of keeping chickens (45,000) in TEROZ type windowless houses on deep litter with controlled light regimen and hens (75,000) in cages were the subject of study for 3 years. The poultry was fed on factory-produced feedstuffs with the then permitted addition of CTC in amounts of 20 g/l tonne. Except for the low intensity of illumination in the chicken house (10-1.1 1x) and with the observation of the prescribed technology, the working environment is favourable. The state of health of the employees did not differ essentially from that of other groups of workers in aggriculture. The use of CTC resulted in a growing number of resistant microbial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, E. coli, etc) which led to the banning of its use and replacement by other biostimulants. Every type of large-scale poultry farm should be designed as a whole including the chicken incubator, the egg sorting station, the slaughter house, the use of waste matter and sewage disposal and should be previously tried out experimentally by a group of experts concerned with the given problems, before being introduced into wider use.  相似文献   

Testis mediated gene transfer (TMGT) is a potential tool for making transgenic mice having more than 90% success rate. However, this method needs further standardization before it can be adapted in other species including livestock. In order to standardize the TMGT in goat, buck testes (n = 20) collected from the slaughter house were injected with a vector driving green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression under a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Then, the testes were subjected to electroporation with predetermined voltage, pulse length, pulse interval and number of pulses. Seminiferous tubules were isolated from the electroporated testis and cultured in-vitro. The expression was checked at regular intervals. Green fluorescence was observed on different days in different samples. It suggests transient integration of the plasmid into the seminiferous tubules. This in-vitro transfection of seminiferous tubule using electroporation will provide valuable baseline information.  相似文献   

Goats are traditionally slaughtered to celebrate marriages and births, venerate ancestors, address personal problems, or perform a ritual during funerals. The objective of this study was to assess nonhuman animal welfare issues associated with the traditional slaughter of goats in and around Pretoria, South Africa. Participatory research methods were used to interview 105 respondents. Four of those interviewed were visited to observe the slaughter process. The most common method of transport was a vehicle (47%), followed by transport on foot (30%). The distance traveled (68%) was usually less than 10 km, and in all cases, it was less than 50 km. The most common (57%) method of restraining goats during transport was tying all 4 legs together. During slaughter, assistants held the head and legs of the goat (55%). Prior to slaughter, the majority of goats were tied under a tree (66%). In total, 97% of the goats were slaughtered within 24 hr, and no stunning was performed. In this study, animal welfare problems were widespread. Research should be undertaken to find practical ways to address animal welfare issues during traditional slaughter.  相似文献   

Under current Australian industry pre-slaughter guidelines, lambs may be off feed for up to 48 h before slaughter. The purpose of this study was to examine what proportion of circulating metabolites at slaughter are due to stress and feed deprivation and if this response differs between Merino and Terminal genotypes. In addition the effect of feed deprivation on carcass weight and meat quality was examined. Jugular blood samples were collected from 88 Merino and Terminal sired lambs at rest and at slaughter following 24, 36 and 48 h of feed deprivation and plasma analysed for glucose, lactate, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHOB). From the same carcasses hot carcass weight (HCWT) were measured as well as a suite of meat quality traits measured such as M. longissimus lumborum (loin) and M. semitendinosus pH at 24 h postmortem. Loin samples were also analysed for intramuscular fat content and Warner–Bratzer Shear Force. Merino sired lambs had a higher NEFA response compared to Terminal sired lambs at slaughter after 24, 36 and 48 h of feed deprivation, with NEFA levels up to 35% higher than previously reported in the same animals at rest in animal house conditions, whereas BHOB response to feed deprivation was not affected by sire type (P>0.05) and similar to previously reported at rest. In addition to the metabolic effects, increasing feed deprivation from 36 h was associated with a 3% reduction in HCWT and dressing percentage as well as causing increased ultimate pH in the M. semitendinosus in Merino sired lambs. Findings from this study demonstrate that Merino and Terminal sired lambs differ in their metabolic response to feed deprivation under commercial slaughter conditions. In addition, commercial feed deprivation appears to have a negative effect on ultimate pH and carcass weight and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

When hens kept for commercial egg production reach the end of their economically viable life span, they are usually transported to a processing plant for conversion into meat products. In this article, we review methods used in Canada and the United States for the catching and removing of these "spent" hens from the layer house and the subsequent loading of them onto vehicles for transport, unloading, and slaughter at the processing plant. We outline welfare concerns associated with these procedures with emphasis on bone fractures. We discuss the move toward on-farm euthanasia in North America and the humaneness of the various techniques under investigation. We conclude with recommendations aimed at increasing bone strength and improving the equipment and handling methods used in the movement and slaughter of spent hens.  相似文献   

There are more senior house officers than doctors in any other training grade in Britain but nobody knows what they do in hospitals or has a clear idea what skills they should be learning. Nobody is responsible for them and they suffer from having a poor career structure and inadequate training. Now that there are government initiatives to reduce the hours that junior doctors work and to limit the time it takes to train to become a specialist, the problems that senior house officers face can no longer be ignored. A conference for senior house officers held last week talked about the problems that they face and tried to find some solutions.  相似文献   

When hens kept for commercial egg production reach the end of their economically viable life span, they are usually transported to a processing plant for conversion into meat products. In this article, we review methods used in Canada and the United States for the catching and removing of these "spent" hens from the layer house and the subsequent loading of them onto vehicles for transport, unloading, and slaughter at the processing plant. We outline welfare concerns associated with these procedures with emphasis on bone fractures. We discuss the move toward on-farm euthanasia in North America and the humaneness of the various techniques under investigation. We conclude with recommendations aimed at increasing bone strength and improving the equipment and handling methods used in the movement and slaughter of spent hens.  相似文献   

Two-cell embryos collected from synchronized prepuberal gilts either by surgical means or after slaughter were incubated in Dulbecco's medium supplemented with 20% inactivated bovine blood serum. Embryo recovery rate in situ was 89%, when flushing oviducts from slaughtered animals it was 80%.When culturing 61 two-cell embryos collected in situ, 80.3% continued to develop. Out of 63 two-cell embryos obtained after slaughter, only 44.4% continued to develop. Hardly any of the embryos developed beyond the four-cell stage.  相似文献   

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