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原生质体紫外诱变选育白地霉GXU08脂肪酶高产菌株   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
目的:初步筛选脂肪酶高产菌株。方法:以白地霉GXU08为出发菌,对其进行原生质体紫外诱变选育。结果:筛选得到6株脂肪酶活力比出发菌株GXU08高的突变株,其中菌株4-39的酶活达14.2U,比GXU08提高了63.2%。突变株经9次传代,3次摇瓶复筛,其脂肪酶酶活性保持稳定,为今后进一步研究不同的育种方法进一步提高脂肪酶的产量打下基础。  相似文献   

筛选出可提高石油采收率的降解菌株。采用富集培养和稀释平板法,从陕北某采油厂附近长期受原油污染的水域和油污泥中筛选获得以原油为唯一碳源的降油菌株,并对其生长条件、排油圈能力、代谢产物表面活性物质、表面张力与乳化性及原油降解实验进行一系列的研究。含油废水和油污泥中筛选出10株细菌,从中选择了6株优势菌作为供试菌株进行后续研究,6株供试菌株均可使原油的理化性质发生变化。菌株B与原油作用后,使原油黏度降低了49.02%,菌株A-08、菌株5-13、菌株1-2及菌株A和菌株A-08复合菌群可使原油乳化为细小的圆型颗粒,与原油作用后,降解率达到43.25%-60.00%。  相似文献   

以法夫酵母为出发菌株,采用紫外线及甲基磺酸乙酯对其进行诱变育种,筛选出1株最适生长温度比诱变前提高10℃且虾青素产量可达到5.08mg/L的突变菌株,该菌株经多次传代生产性能稳定。  相似文献   

构建2型猪链球菌(Streptococcus suis serotype 2,S.suis 2)中国强毒株05ZYH33的sao基因敲除突变株。构建中间为壮观霉素抗性基因,两侧为sao编码基因上下游同源序列的基因敲除载体,同源重组筛选sao基因敲除突变株。PCR、RT-PCR、Western Blot对疑似突变株进行验证,实验结果均证实sao基因完全被spc抗性基因替代,成功构建了突变株05ZYH33-sao。对野生型菌株和突变株进行菌落溶血活性、生长特性、小鼠致病性比较,结果表明sao基因的敲除并未使野生型菌株在以上三方面产生明显的变化。筛选获得的05ZYH33 sao基因突变株为进一步研究sao基因在05ZYH33致病过程中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

通过原生质体去细胞壁技术,以血红铆钉菇原生质体为材料,利用紫外线对其进行诱变处理,筛选出6株氨基酸营养缺陷型突变株,经稳定性试验确认1株突变株性状可以稳定遗传,利用生长谱法对缺陷型进行了鉴定、分析。结果表明,该菌株为L-半胱氨酸缺陷型菌株,为营养缺陷型突变株的筛选奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:通过对野生型枯草芽孢杆菌NO122的诱变筛选,选育出胞苷产生菌株。方法:以野生型枯草芽孢杆菌为出发菌株进行紫外线、硫酸二乙酯诱变,经3-脱杂氮尿嘧啶、5-氟胞苷结构类似物平板定向筛选产胞苷突变株;研究碳源、氮源、温度、初始pH值等发酵条件对该突变菌株产胞苷的影响。结果:经诱变传代后得到突变株TZM1012,该突变株在发酵温度37℃、初始pH7.2、摇床转速220r/min的条件下,摇瓶发酵72h,发酵液中的胞苷可达1.873g/L,并具有较好的遗传稳定性。结论:获得产胞苷生产菌株,并具有较好的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

【目的】对野生菌株Aurantiochytrium sp.PKU#SW7诱变育种,筛选高产DHA突变株。【方法】采用UV诱变和化学药物胁迫筛选方式,以菌株的生物量、油脂产量、DHA产量作为筛选指标,获得高产DHA突变株。【结果】经鉴定获得一株DHA高产突变株PKU#PM003,该菌株传代4次后仍保持较好的遗传稳定性。摇瓶发酵后,PKU#PM003生物量产量高达6.62 g/L,比原始菌株5.95 g/L提高了11.26%,脂肪酸含量高达4.01 g/L,比原始菌株3.18 g/L提高了26.1%,DHA在脂肪酸中所占比例由29.97%增加到33.43%,产量提高了41.01%,油脂突变效果显著。【结论】突变株PKU#PM003可作为性状优良的工业化发酵生产菌种,并在DHA产量提升上仍具有巨大的空间。  相似文献   

目的:用甲基磺酸乙酯(Ethylmethylsulfone,EMS)诱导D型沙眼衣原体突变,利用间接免疫荧光法筛选出突变菌株,为研究不同衣原体基因的功能提供实验依据。方法:将D型沙眼衣原体标准株接种Mc Coy细胞,加入EMS诱导突变,收集存活菌株,利用空斑实验进行衣原体的分离和纯化,并用不同衣原体蛋白单克隆抗体做间接免疫荧光实验筛选突变株。结果:用间接免疫荧光筛选经EMS作用的沙眼衣原体,筛选出三株包涵体形态偏小的菌株(56#、58#、95#),一株圆形包涵体的突变株(61#)和一株D413N表达阴性的突变菌株(83#)。结论:用EMS作为诱导剂诱导D型沙眼衣原体突变,并成功筛选出三种突变株。为寻找衣原体功能基因与衣原体表型之间的联系奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

真菌Termitomyces albuminosusTA-SD能产生具有抗凝活性的蛋白质TA-P。本实验采用紫外诱变法对TA-SD菌株进行诱变育种,筛选高活性的突变株。出发菌株TA-SD紫外照射40s时,正突变率和抗凝活性提高的幅度最大,分别为33.3%和104.7%。N型突变株和放线菌酮抗性突变株的正突变率和活性提高的幅度均大于S型突变株和非抗性突变株。经筛选突变株SD-A-8的抗凝活性比出发菌株提高了2.3倍。该突变株传代稳定。  相似文献   

捷安肽素高产突变株96孔板筛选方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了一种快速灵敏地筛选出捷安肽素(JAA)高产突变株的方法。主要利用96多孔板固体培养菌体,用50%乙醇为最佳浸提液浸提4h,滤纸片法检测JAA生物活性的点样量为100μL,筛选出5株高产突变株,经摇瓶复筛选出2株高产突变株,经一剂量法检测,其抑菌圈直径较出发菌株提高了14%左右。  相似文献   

Mutants resistant to phenylalanine analogs (L-tyrosine, p-fluoro-D, L-phenylalanine (PFP) and trans-cinnamic acid) were isolated from a wild type strain of Rhodotorula glutinis A-97 by mutagenic treatment with gamma radiation and screened for phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) production. One such mutant, gammaT11 (resistant to L-tyrosine), exhibited four times the PAL activity of the parent wild strain A-97. Mutant isolate gammaTFP5.6 which was selected as L-tyrosine and PFP resistant isolate, produced inducible PAL activity at levels 5.94-fold higher than the wild-type A-97 and 2.66-fold higher than its parent mutant isolate gammaT5 which was resistant to L-tyrosine. The mutant isolate gammaTC5d which was resistant to L-tyrosine and trans-cinnamic acid, exhibited 3.48 and 1.56-fold increase in PAL activity compared to the parent wild strain A-97 and its parent mutant isolate gammaT5, respectively. Different media have been examined for the induction of PAL.  相似文献   

We have reported increased glutamate production by a mutant of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC14067 (strain F172-8) with reduced H(+)-ATPase activity under biotin-limiting culture conditions (Aoki et al. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 69, 1466-1472 (2005)). In the present study, we examined valine production by an H(+)-ATPase-defective mutant of C. glutamicum. Using the double-crossover chromosome replacement technique, we constructed a newly defined H(+)-ATPase-defective mutant from ATCC13032. After transforming the new strain (A-1) with a C-terminal truncation of acetohydroxyacid synthase gene (ilvBN), valine production increased from 21.7 mM for the wild-type strain to 46.7 mM for the A-1 in shaking flask cultures with 555 mM glucose. Increased production of the valine intermediate acetoin was also observed in A-1, and was reduced by inserting acetohydroxyacid isomeroreductase gene (ilvC) into the ilvBN plasmid. After transformation with this new construct, valine production increased from 38.3 mM for the wild-type strain to 95.7 mM for A-1 strain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report indicating that an H(+)-ATPase-defective mutant of C. glutamicum is capable of valine production. Our combined results with glutamate and valine suggest that the H(+)-ATPase defect is also effective in the fermentative production of other practical compounds.  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae A-11 is a transposon mutant of strain 501R3 that was deficient in cucumber spermosphere colonization and in the utilization of certain carbohydrates (D. P. Roberts, C. J. Sheets, and J. S. Hartung, Can. J. Microbiol. 38:1128-1134, 1992). In vitro growth of strain A-11 was reduced or deficient on most carbohydrates that supported growth of strain 501R3 but was unaffected on fructose, glycerol, and all amino acids and organic acids tested. Colonization by strain A-11 was significantly reduced (P 相似文献   

A V Ferreira  Z An  R L Metzenberg  N L Glass 《Genetics》1998,148(3):1069-1079
The mating-type locus of Neurospora crassa regulates mating identity and entry into the sexual cycle. The mat A idiomorph encodes three genes, mat A-1, mat A-2, and mat A-3. Mutations in mat A-1 result in strains that have lost mating identity and vegetative incompatibility with mat a strains. A strain containing mutations in both mat A-2 and mat A-3 is able to mate, but forms few ascospores. In this study, we describe the isolation and characterization of a mutant deleted for mat (deltamatA), as well as mutants in either mat A-2 or mat A-3. The deltamatA strain is morphologically wild type during vegetative growth, but it is sterile and heterokaryon compatible with both mat A and mat a strains. The mat A-2 and mat A-3 mutants are also normal during vegetative growth, mate as a mat A strain, and produce abundant biparental asci in crosses with mat a, and are thus indistinguishable from a wild-type mat A strain. These data and the fact that the mat A-2 mat A-3 double mutant makes few asci with ascospores indicate that MAT A-2 and MAT A-3 are redundant and may function in the same pathway. Analysis of the expression of two genes (sdv-1 and sdv-4) in the various mat mutants suggests that the mat A polypeptides function in concert to regulate the expression of some sexual development genes.  相似文献   

麦迪霉素产生菌具有启动功能的DNA片段的克隆和分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金红  王以光 《微生物学报》1994,34(6):415-421
利用启动子探针质粒载体pIJ486从麦迪霉素产生菌总DNA中克隆得到了一段具有启动功能的DNA片段.通过限制性酶酶切分析,测定插入DNA片段大小为2.3kb.又利用载体pIJ486和pIJ487的新霉素抗性结构基因上游有多酶切点方向相反的性质,分析了插入片段在两个不同方向上的启动能力.结果表明,在两个方向上均有启动功能,但强弱相差六倍.其中在XbaI-HindIII方向上具有较强的启动能力,在变铅青链霉菌中新霉素抗性水平可达20mg/ml以上.进一步对插入片段的三个BamHI小片段进行分析的结果表明,较强启动子区域集中在BamHI-BamHI 0.79kb DNA片段上.  相似文献   

目的:敲除2型猪链球菌(SS2)强毒株05ZYH33中的Fbps基因,研究该基因敲除对菌株生物活性及毒力的影响,为深入探讨猪链球菌致病机制提供实验基础。方法:从05ZYH33基因组中扩增Fbps基因上、下游同源臂,从pSET1质粒中扩增氯霉素抗性基因Cm,通过重叠PCR的方法将3个片段整合后连接到温敏自杀载体pSET4s上,电转入05ZYH33感受态细胞,通过改变培养温度实现双交换和质粒丢失,最后经抗性筛选获得敲除株05ZYH33ΔFBPS,分析敲除株的生物学性状,以CD1小鼠作为体外感染模型对突变株和野生株进行毒力比较。结果:PCR分析和测序结果均显示Fbps基因敲除成功,动物实验结果显示Fbps基因敲除后05ZYH33的毒力有所下降。结论:与野生株相比,突变株对小鼠的毒力有所降低。  相似文献   

目的:构建猪链球菌2型强毒株05ZYH33转录调控因子Rgg的基因敲除突变体,观察其生物学性状,并在动物感染实验中比较敲除株与野生株的毒力差异,为进一步研究猪链球菌转录调控因子在致病中的作用提供实验基础。方法:分别以猪链球菌2型05ZYH33基因组和pSET1质粒为模板,扩增基因SSU05_1997两侧各约500 bp的片段为上下游同源臂,氯霉素(Cm)抗性基因为中间片段,采用重叠PCR方法连接3个片段;连接产物先克隆到T载体上,再经过酶切克隆到温度敏感自杀载体pSET4S上;将构建的基因敲除载体pSET4S-1997电转化入05ZYH33感受态细胞,通过改变培养温度筛选出基因敲除突变体05Z33△rgg;对敲除株和野生株的生物学性状及小鼠和猪的致病性进行了初步比较。结果:PCR分析和测序结果均显示基因SSU05_1997完全被Cm抗性基因所替代,基因敲除突变体构建成功;05ZYH33△rgg对小鼠和猪的致病性与野生株相比无明显差异。结论:转录调控因子Rgg可能和猪链球菌2型的毒力无关。  相似文献   

It has been reported that Bacillus vitellinus, a butirosin A-producing bacterium, has two enzymes: butirosin A-3′-phosphotransferase, catalyzing phosphorylation of butirosin A, and phosphatase, catalyzing dephosphorylation of butirosin A-3′-phosphate.

A phosphatase-negative mutant, P-15, was derived from a potent butirosin A producer, BA-44, by NTG treatment. The mutant, P-15, was found to produce a butirosin A derivative when it was grown in a medium containing a relatively high concentration of inorganic phosphate. This compound was isolated and confirmed to be butirosin A-6′-N-diphosphate by physico-chemical analysis and 13C-NMR spectrometry.

Furthermore, a mutant strain, AP-165, was derived from the phosphatase-negative mutant, P-15. This strain, AP-165, was isolated as a nonproducer on an agar piece of bouillon medium, but was found to accumulate a major product, 6′-deamino-6′-hydroxybutirosin A-6′-O-diphosphate, and a minor one, 6′-deamino-6′-hydroxybutirosin A-6′-O-monophosphate.

It seems likely that these phosphorylated compounds are possible intermediates of butirosin A biosynthesis in B. vitellinus.  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae A-11 is a transposon mutant of strain 501R3 that was deficient in cucumber spermosphere colonization and in the utilization of certain carbohydrates (D. P. Roberts, C. J. Sheets, and J. S. Hartung, Can. J. Microbiol. 38:1128–1134, 1992). In vitro growth of strain A-11 was reduced or deficient on most carbohydrates that supported growth of strain 501R3 but was unaffected on fructose, glycerol, and all amino acids and organic acids tested. Colonization by strain A-11 was significantly reduced (P ≤ 0.05) for cucumber and radish seeds compared to that of strain 501R3, but colonization of pea, soybean, sunflower, and sweet corn seeds was not reduced. Pea seeds released several orders of magnitude more total carbohydrates and amino acids than cucumber and radish seeds and approximately 4,000-fold more fructose. Fructose was the only carbohydrate detected in the seed exudates which supported wild-type levels of in vitro growth of strain A-11. Soybean, sunflower, and sweet corn seeds also released significantly greater amounts of fructose and total carbohydrates and amino acids than cucumber or radish seeds. The exogenous addition of fructose to cucumber and radish seeds at quantities similar to the total quantity of carbohydrates released from pea seeds over 96 h increased the populations of strain A-11 to levels comparable to those of strain 501R3 in sterile sand. Molecular characterization of strain A-11 indicated that the mini-Tn5 kanamycin transposon was inserted in a region of the genome with significant homology to pfkA, which encodes phosphofructo kinase. A comparison of strain A-11 with Escherichia coli DF456, a known pfkA mutant, indicated that the nutritional loss phenotypes were identical. Furthermore, the pfkA homolog cloned from E. cloacae 501R3 complemented the nutritional loss phenotypes of both E. coli DF456 and E. cloacae A-11 and restored colonization by strain A-11 to near wild-type levels. These genetic and biochemical restoration experiments provide strong evidence that the quantities of reduced carbon sources found in seed exudates and the ability of microbes to use these compounds play important roles in the colonization of the spermosphere.  相似文献   

Obligately commensal interaction between a new gram-negative thermophile and a thermophilic Bacillus strain was investigated. From compost samples, a mixed culture showing tyrosine phenol-lyase activity was enriched at 60°C. The mixed culture consisted of a thermophilic gram-negative strain, SC-1, and a gram-positive spore-forming strain, SK-1. In mixed cultures, strain SC-1 started to grow only when strain SK-1 entered the stationary phase. Although strain SC-1 showed tyrosine phenol lyase activity, we could not isolate a colony with any nutrient medium. For the isolation and cultivation of strain SC-1, we added culture supernatant and cell extract of the mixed culture to the basal medium. The supernatant and cell extract of the mixed culture contained heat-stable and heat-labile factors, respectively, that are essential to the growth of strain SC-1. During pure cultures of strain SK-1, the heat-stable growth factors were released during the growth phase and the heat-labile growth factors were produced intracellularly at the early stationary phase. Strain SC-1 was gram-negative and microaerophilic, and grows optimally at 60°C. Based on these results, we propose a novel commensal interaction between a new gram-negative thermophile, strain SC-1, and Bacillus sp. strain SK-1. Received: November 18, 1999 / Accepted: December 2, 1999  相似文献   

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