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【目的】为了探讨花翅摇蚊ChironomuskiiensisTokunaga对重金属Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)胁迫响应。【方法】测定Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)对花翅摇蚊4龄幼虫的急性毒性、联合毒性以及体内3种生物化学标志物(CAT、SOD活性和MT含量)的影响。【结果】花翅摇蚊幼虫暴露于重金属Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)及混合离子中表现出典型的中毒症状,且24 h和48 h重金属Cd~(2+)致死中浓度LC50显著低于Pb~(2+)的LC50。混合离子Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)的联合毒性随着不同配比和作用时间呈现差异性;24hCd~(2+)+Pb~(2+)1︰1配比表现为部分相加作用,Cd~(2+)+Pb~(2+)2︰1和1︰2配比表现为拮抗作用;而作用48 h不同配比联合毒性均为部分相加作用。2种单一和混合重金属Cd~(2+)+Pb~(2+)均不同程度对摇蚊体内SOD和CAT产生抑制作用,而暴露于Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)及其混合离子作用下MT含量显著高于对照,且随着时间表现为先增加后降低。【结论】重金属Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)对摇蚊幼虫具有急性和联合毒性,体内抗氧化酶系CAT、SOD及体内MT参与了重金属污染物的胁迫的应答响应,并表现出时间-剂量效应,可作为水体环境质量监测的生化标志物。  相似文献   

【目的】对所筛选的1株耐镉甲基营养芽胞杆菌NTGB29进行了环境抗逆性的研究,及影响菌株吸附镉离子效率的条件优化。【方法】以发酵液活菌数为指标,研究其对不同NaCl浓度、酸碱度、镉离子浓度的耐受情况;进一步通过单因素实验和响应面法优化影响菌株镉离子吸附效率的发酵条件;以有效镉离子含量为指标,验证菌株在镉污染土壤中的吸附效果。【结果】结果表明,菌株NTGB29对NaCl浓度、酸碱度、Cd~(2+)浓度的最大耐受值分别为10%、pH11.0、50mg/L;菌株在发酵液初始Cd~(2+)浓度10 mg/L、起始pH 6.4、培养温度37°C、NaCl浓度4.2%、装液量50 mL/250 mL、培养时间24 h时,对Cd~(2+)的吸附率达到79.70%;菌株能有效降低镉污染土壤中的有效镉离子含量,吸附率为29.65%。【结论】菌株NTGB29在较高浓度Cd~(2+)浓度、NaCl浓度及强碱环境条件下仍然能够生长,具有良好的环境抗逆性及Cd~(2+)吸附能力,在镉污染土壤调理剂及微生物功能菌剂的研制方面能够提供有价值的菌种资源。  相似文献   

重金属废水是对环境污染最严重和对人类危害最大的工业废水之一。丝状真菌生物富集重金属是处理废水的一种重要的方法,近十几年来一直是研究热点。首先介绍了去除废水中重金属的常规方法 :化学沉淀法、离子交换法和吸附法的优缺点。尤其是生物吸附法的独特优点:吸附剂材料廉价,耗费少,吸附重金属离子效率高,适用条件广,生物体吸附剂可重复使用,特别适合于微量重金属废水的处理;其次,介绍了应用到富集重金属的丝状真菌种类,如根霉(Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Cr5+)、毛霉(Pb~(2+)、Ni~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Zn~(2+))、曲霉(Pb~(2+))、木霉(Zn~(2+)、Pb~(2+))和担子菌(Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+))等都在重金属废水中取得较理想的效果;介绍了生物富集重金属的机理,主要是细胞外、细胞表面和细胞内富集重金属离子的机理;最后介绍了影响生物富集重金属效果的几种因素:p H值、重金属离子初始浓度和吸附剂的比例、富集温度、共存离子,展望了丝状真菌富集重金属的研究,旨为推广丝状真菌在富集重金属废水中的应用,并为即将投入新品种的丝状真菌富集重金属的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

一株耐Cd菌株的分离、鉴定及基本特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】从活性污泥中筛选耐镉(Cd)菌株,并研究其生长特性及对溶液中Cd~(2+)吸附的最佳条件,以期为重金属Cd污染水体的微生物修复提供菌株资源和应用技术参考。【方法】采用平板划线法,从活性污泥中分离、筛选、驯化出耐Cd菌株,通过16SrRNA基因序列分析及溶血试验、蛋白质毒素结晶试验进行初步鉴定,并采用单因素实验优化菌株的培养条件,通过正交实验确定菌粉吸附溶液中Cd~(2+)的最佳条件,同时利用SEM-EDS及FTIR分析探讨菌粉吸附Cd~(2+)的机理。【结果】经分离、驯化得到1株耐Cd细菌菌株,命名为H6,初步鉴定为蜡样芽孢杆菌(Bacilluscereus),最大Cd~(2+)耐受浓度为350 mg/L。菌株H6的最佳生长条件为:pH 6.0–8.0,温度28°C,转速120–210 r/min,接种量1%–5%;菌株H6在生长过程中,培养液pH值先稍微下降然后不断上升。菌粉吸附Cd~(2+)的正交优化条件为:菌粉用量0.125 g/L,吸附时间2 h,pH 5.0,温度30°C,此条件下吸附量为205 mg/g。SEM-EDS分析和红外光谱(FTIR)分析表明,在吸附过程中主要作用基团有羟基、羧基、羰基、酰胺基和烷基,此外,Ca~(2+)与Cd~(2+)发生了离子交换。【结论】从活性污泥中分离出的菌株H6,初步鉴定为蜡样芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus),是1株具有较强Cd~(2+)吸附能力的细菌菌株。  相似文献   

筛选可有效降解矿区土壤重金属的抗性细菌,在土壤环境的生物修复中应用前景广阔。从陕西商洛铅锌矿重金属污染土壤中筛选获得一株对重金属锌有高抗性的菌株,命名为ZS2。通过形态特征、生理生化特性及16S r RNA序列分析,初步鉴定该菌为不解糖假苍白杆菌(Pseudochrobactrum asaccharolyticum)。研究其抗重金属及重金属吸附特性,结果表明:ZS2对Zn~(2+)具有较高抗性,最大耐受浓度20 mmol/L,且对多种重金属(Pb~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Cr6+和Cd~(2+))也具有耐受性;对低浓度Zn~(2+)去除效果最佳,Zn~(2+)浓度为2.0 mmol/L时吸附率高达55.25%;同时对高浓度Zn~(2+)仍具有去除作用。不解糖假苍白杆菌ZS2是鲜有的抗重金属假苍白杆菌属细菌,具有优良的修复土壤重金属污染应用价值。  相似文献   

以附生西南树平藓(Homaliodendron montagneanum(C.Muell.)Fleisch)为供试材料,采用浸没培养法,研究Pb~(2+)、Zn~(2+)以及二者复合胁迫对西南树平藓的生长状况、叶绿素含量和叶绿素荧光特性的影响。结果表明:在Pb~(2+)、Zn~(2+)以及二者复合胁迫下,西南树平藓的健康状况不良,叶绿素含量显著降低,其中以Pb~(2+)胁迫下降最为明显,其次是Pb~(2+)-Zn~(2+)的复合胁迫,而Zn~(2+)胁迫的影响较小;西南树平藓的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、天线效率(Fv'/Fm')、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)、光化学淬灭系数(qP)、光合电子传递速率(ETR)的下降程度与重金属浓度和胁迫时间存在明显的效应关系,随着重金属胁迫浓度增加和胁迫时间延长,上述各项指标下降幅度越明显;而随着胁迫时间的延长,低浓度时非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)呈现先上升后下降的趋势,但在高浓度下NPQ持续下降;西南树平藓的叶绿素含量和叶绿素荧光参数对于Pb~(2+)、Zn~(2+)以及二者复合胁迫的响应存在差异,单一的Pb~(2+)胁迫和Pb~(2+)-Zn~(2+)复合胁迫在低浓度时即对西南树平藓光合作用产生显著抑制作用,而Zn~(2+)胁迫在中浓度时才对西南树平藓光合作用产生显著抑制作用;叶绿素含量和叶绿素荧光参数的变化情况表明,Pb~(2+)、Zn~(2+)及其复合胁迫的毒性大小为Pb~(2+)Pb~(2+)-Zn~(2+)复合Zn~(2+)。  相似文献   

为了弄清重金属通过寄主植物紫茎泽兰累积后对专性寄生天敌泽兰实蝇的生理影响,采用模拟Cd~(2+)、Pb~(2+)或Zn~(2+)污染的土壤培养法胁迫紫茎泽兰,让泽兰实蝇低龄幼虫寄生取食,利用原子吸收分光光度法测定泽兰实蝇老熟幼虫中Cd~(2+)、Pb~(2+)或Zn~(2+)的含量,同时测定分析泽兰实蝇老熟幼虫的体长、鲜重、能量物质和保护酶的变化。结果表明,实验处理的Cd~(2+)、Pb~(2+)或Zn~(2+)均可通过紫茎泽兰传递并累积到泽兰实蝇老熟幼虫体内,引起老熟幼虫一系列生理变化:长度和鲜重降低;总糖、总蛋白和总脂的含量降低,相应的热量值也降低;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)等保护酶的活性降低。本研究为进一步阐明重金属污染对食物链各环节的影响提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

从南海海绵Dysidea avara中分离筛选得到一株产弱碱性脲酶菌株Bacillus atrophaeus C89,为探究其在海洋环境重金属离子检测中的应用,在人工海水体系中研究Hg~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)四种重金属离子对脲酶活性的影响。研究发现四种重金属离子的浓度与脲酶抑制率呈显著的正相关性,当仅有单一重金属离子存在时,各重金属离子对脲酶活性的抑制效应顺次为Hg~(2+)Cu~(2+)Cd~(2+)Pb~(2+);当有多种重金属离子同时存在时,联合抑制效应与抑制率较高的重金属离子接近,且不同组合存在不同的协同或拮抗效应,Hg~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Cd~(2+)呈现协同效应,而Pb~(2+)表现出一定的拮抗效应。与刀豆脲酶对比发现,海洋微生物脲酶在p H和盐度等方面具有更高的耐受性,更适用于海洋环境重金属离子的检测。  相似文献   

一株耐铅镉真菌的分离鉴定及其吸附特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
【目的】以扎龙湿地污染的土壤为材料,进行耐铅镉菌株的分离鉴定,研究不同条件对菌株吸附铅镉的影响。【方法】采用平板划线法,逐级驯化,筛选出一株耐铅镉菌株,通过生理生化特征及ITS序列分析对菌株进行鉴定,探究该菌吸附的最佳条件,并进行Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附模型拟合。【结果】本研究分离得到一株菌株JB15,最高耐受浓度为Pb~(2+)1200 mg/L、Cd~(2+)200 mg/L,经鉴定为球孢白僵菌,最佳吸附条件温度为30°C,pH为7.0,接菌量为8.0 g/L,吸附时间为60 min,铅镉吸附率分别为52.27%和62.38%;铅镉吸附量分别为19.60 mg/g和3.98 mg/g,符合Langmuir等温吸附模型。【结论】菌株JB15具有较好的吸附效果,可为微生物修复重金属土壤污染提供理论基础。  相似文献   

重金属铜、锌、镉复合胁迫对麻疯树幼苗生理生化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究以Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)单一胁迫为对照,探讨不同浓度的Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)复合胁迫对麻疯树幼苗生理生化指标的影响。结果表明:随着Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)浓度的增加,麻疯树幼苗叶片中的蛋白质(Pro)、丙二醛(MDA)含量均逐渐增加,其叶片叶绿素含量随着Zn~(2+)胁迫浓度的增加呈现出先降后升的趋势,在中等浓度(100 mg·L-1)的Zn~(2+)胁迫时含量最低、随着Cu~(2+)胁迫浓度的增加叶绿素含量先升高后降低,在Cu~(2+)浓度为200 mg·L-1时含量最高,达到1 200 mg·g-1FW; Cd~(2+)胁迫对叶绿素含量和根系活力无明显影响。根系活力在Zn~(2+)浓度为100 mg·L~(-1)时最强,随着Cu~(2+)浓度的增加而减弱。低浓度的Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)对过氧化物酶活性和可溶性糖含量都具有促进作用。Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)复合胁迫时对可溶性蛋白、叶绿素和丙二醛含量均无明显影响,随着复合胁迫时浓度的增加,可溶性糖含量和根系活力先增后减。这表明麻疯树对三种重金属的胁迫具有一定的抗性,过高浓度的胁迫会影响麻疯树幼苗生理生化的一些指标,但是麻疯树可以通过自身的防御系统使伤害降到最小。此外,重金属复合胁迫可以在一定程度上减轻单一胁迫对麻疯树幼苗造成的毒害作用。  相似文献   

The effects of essential (Zn+2) and non-essential (Cd+2 and Pb+2) heavy metals on morphogenesis of two represantatives of informal group zoosporic fungi namely; Saprolegnia delica Coker and Dictyuchus carpophorus Zopf. were studied. These two species varied in their tolerance of each amended heavy metal. Lead had the most potent effect amongst the tested heavy metals in inhibiting the radial extension of the vegetative hyphae of the two tested species. The vegetative hyphae of S. delica and D. carpophorus assumed different morphological alterations compared with that at controls depending upon the applied heavy metal and the dose concentration. Both zoosporangial formation and discharges of the two tested fungi were greatly inhibited even at the low concentrations of Cd. Zoosporangia of D. carpophorus appeared curved at high concentrations of Cd. Zoosporangial formation and discharge of the two zoosporic fungi showed variable deformation when treated with Pb. The different applications of Zn nearly stimulated sporangial elongation in both zoosporic fungi. Sex organs varied in their numbers and morphogenesis at each treatment of the applied heavy metal. The gemmae of S. delica were greatly reduced or missed at the elevated toxic levels of Cd whereas they enhanced in numbers and size at most Pb treatments and little affected at Zn applications.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fungal mycelial by-products from fermentation industries present a considerable affinity for soluble metal ions (e.g. Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr, Ag) and could be used in biosorption processes for purification of contaminated effluents. In this work the influence of pH on sorption parameters is characterized by measuring the isotherms of five heavy metals (Ni, Zn, Cd, Ag and Pb) with Rhizopus arrhizus biomass under pH-controlled conditions. The maximum sorption capacity for lead was observed at pH 7.0 (200 mg g-l), while silver uptake was weakly affected. The stability of metal-biosorbent complexes is regularly enhanced by pH neutralization, except for lead. A transition in sorption mechanism was observed above pH 6.0. In addition, comparison of various industrial fungal biomasses ( R. arrhizus, Mucor miehei and Penicillium chrysogenum indicated important variations in zinc-binding and buffering properties (0.24, 0.08 and 0.05 mmol g−l, respectively). Without control, the equilibrium pH (5.8, 3.9 and 4.0) is shown to be related to the initial calcium content of the biosorbent, pH neutralization during metal adsorption increases zinc sorption in all fungi (0.57, 0.52 and 0.33 mmol g-l) but an improvement was also obtained (0.34, 0.33 and 0.10 mmol g−1) by calcium saturation of the biomass before heavy metal accumulation. Breakthrough curves of fixed bed biosorbent columns demonstrated the capacity of the biosorbent process to purify zinc and lead solutions in continuous-flow systems, and confirmed the necessity for cationic activation of the biosorbent before contact with the heavy-metal solution.  相似文献   

Removal of lead from aqueous solutions by Penicillium biomass   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption on nonliving Penicillium chrysogenum biomass was studied. Biosorption of the Pb(+2) ion was strongly affected by pH. Within a pH range of 4 to 5, the saturated sorption uptake of Pb(+2) was 116 mg/g dry biomass, higher than that of activated charcoal and some other microorganisms. At pH 4.5, P. chrysogenum biomass exhibited selectivity for Pb(+2) over other metal ions such as Cd(+2), Cu(+2), Zn(+2), and As(+3) Sorption preference for metals decreased in the following order: Pb > Cd > Cu > Zn > As. The sorption uptake of Pb(+2) remained unchanged in the presence of Cu(+2) and As(+3), it decreased in the presence of Zn(+2), and increased in the presence of Cd(+2). (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

黑曲霉菊糖酶的纯化及性质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)319发酵液经硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE-纤维素52离子交换层析和Sephadex G-100分子筛层析,得到了电泳纯的菊糖酶组分。提纯倍数为67,收率为25.5%。菊糖酶的最适pH为5.0,最适温度为60℃。此酶为单亚基蛋白,凝胶过滤法测得分子量为28000,含糖13.9%,用等电聚焦法测得等电点为5.4,该酶对温度有较高的稳定性,对pH的稳定范围较窄。Hg2+、Pb2+和Cu2+对该酶有强烈的抑制作用。此酶对菊糖有较强的底物专一性,产物为果糖,但它也可作用于蔗糖,I/S值为0.348。当以菊糖为底物时,K_m为6.25mmol/L,V_m为67.11 μmol·mg~(-1)·min~(-1)。  相似文献   

微生物对植物修复重金属污染土壤的促进效果   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以印度芥菜作为超富集植物,通过盆栽试验研究了巨大芽胞杆菌和胶质芽胞杆菌的混合微生物制剂、黑曲霉30177发酵液对植物修复Cd、Pb、Zn污染土壤的作用.结果表明:巨大芽胞杆菌和胶质芽胞杆菌的混合微生物制剂不仅可以促进超富集植物的生长,增强超富集植物对土壤Cd、Pb、Zn的吸收,而且大幅度提高了植物的修复效率,在添加外源可溶性Cd、Pb、Zn的污染土壤上,可分别使印度芥菜提取量(以植物干质量计)提高1.18、1.54和0.85倍,在添加底泥Cd、Pb、Zn污染的土壤上,可分别使印度芥菜提取量提高4.00、0.64和0.65倍,在底泥污染的土壤上的促进效果明显强于外源添加污染的土壤.黑曲霉30177发酵液能显著促进印度芥菜对土壤Cd、Pb、Zn的吸收,在添加外源可溶性Cd、Pb、Zn的污染土壤上,印度芥菜地上部Cd、Pb、Zn的吸收量分别比对照提高了88.82%、129.04%和16.80%;在添加底泥Cd、Pb、Zn污染的土壤上,可分别比对照提高78.95%、113.63%和33.85%;但它可导致印度芥菜生物量的大幅度降低,起不到提高植物修复提取量的效果.经反相高效液相色谱初步分析发现,胶质芽胞杆菌、巨大芽胞杆菌发酵液中含有草酸、柠檬酸等有机酸,有机酸对重金属有一定的溶解作用,从而提高了重金属的生物有效性.  相似文献   

Complexation of the hexapeptide Hys-Cys-Lys-Phe-Trp-Trp, inhibitor of the human immunodeficiency virus integrase protein, with the heavy metal ions Cd2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ has been investigated using differential pulse polarography. In the case of Pb2+, no significant complexation is detected, whereas in the cases of Cd2+ and Zn2+, strong and electrochemically inert ML2 complexes predominate. In contrast, ML complexes are present in a low proportion or are absent. When possible, the corresponding conditional stability constants have been determined at both pH 7.0 and pH 7.5, showing that Zn2+ complexes are slightly more stable than Cd2+ complexes.  相似文献   

To understand the possible role of the plant root associated fungi on metal tolerance, their role in the uptake of heavy metals and the potential transfer of these metal ions to the plant, three strains of dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi were isolated from a waste smelter site in southwest China, and one strain was isolated from a non-contaminated site. According to molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ITS 1-5.8S rDNA-ITS 2 gene regions and morphological characteristics, one is identified as Exophiala pisciphila, and the other three are non-sporulating fungi under the experiment condition with the nearest phylogenetic affinities to the Thysanorea papuana strain EU041814. Tolerance and accumulation abilities of the three DSE strains for metals were investigated in liquid culture. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of Pb, Zn, and Cd were determined. It was demonstrated that the tolerance of the DSE strains varied between metal species and strains. The E. pisciphila strain is able to accumulate lead and cadmium over 20% and 5% of dry weight of biomass, respectively. Partial of the sequestrated metals can be washed with CaCh. Morphological and enzyme activity changes taking place in the presence of excessive Pb, Cd, and/or Zn also indicate that the mechanism of heavy metal tolerance and accumulation of the DSE strains would be a complex process. The findings indicated promising tolerance and accumulation of the DSE strains with potential values in metal cycling and restoration of soil and water system.  相似文献   

【背景】道路重金属污染问题日益严峻,寻找高效的微生物资源用于环境修复已迫在眉睫。【目的】从乌鲁木齐市道路林带土壤中筛选抗重金属菌株,并对其重金属去除能力进行探究。【方法】使用含5种重金属离子(铅、镉、锌、铜、镍)的4种培养基进行抗性菌株筛选,通过形态学特征和16S rRNA基因序列进行鉴定,采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer,ICP-OES)检测分离株对重金属离子的去除情况。【结果】4种分离培养基中,TSA是抗重金属菌株筛选的最适培养基,共筛选出16株抗重金属菌,其中4株抗Pb菌、4株抗Cd菌、4株抗Zn菌、3株抗Cu菌和1株抗Ni菌,其抗性分别高达3 000、800、600、300和400mg/L,16株菌中以芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)数量最多。在初始浓度为700mg/L Pb2+下,菌株Pb6的去除率高达92.48%,菌株Pb11、Pb3和Pb9的去除率分别为27.70%、40.37%和58.88%;在200mg/L Cd2+...  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination represents an important environmental issue due to the toxic effects of metals on different organisms. Filamentous fungi play an important impact in the bioremediation of heavy metal-contaminated wastewater and soil. The purpose of this investigation was to observe fungal uptake behavior toward heavy metal. For this aim Trichoderma asperellum TS141 and T. harzianum TS103 at growth period were screened for their tolerance and uptake capability of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) at different concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/L) in PDB media (potato dextrose broth as a complex medium). Results showed that both fungi were able to survive at the maximum concentration of 200 mg/L of the heavy metals, and remove them. T. asperellum had a better uptake capacity for Cd compared to Pb and Ni in the highest metal concentration in media. Maximum removal efficiency of Pb (68.4%) at 100 mg/L and Ni (78%) at 200 mg/L was performed by T. asperellum. For Cd, the highest removal efficiency (82.1%) was recorded by T. harzianum at 200 mg/L Cd in aqueous solution. The uptake of Cd was highly dependent on pH of solution than Pb and Ni so that the optimal pH of Cd uptake was 9 for T. asperellum and 4 for T. harzianum. Also, optimal temperature was 35°C for Cd and Pb uptake in both fungi, whereas for Ni uptake was 30 and 35°C in T. harzianum and T. asperellum, respectively. We propose that T. asperellum TS141 and T. harzianum TS103 can be used as a bioremediation agent for metal remediation from wastewater and heavy metal-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Discharge of heavy metals from metal processing industries is known to have adverse effects on the environment. Conventional treatment technologies for removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution are not economical and generate huge quantity of toxic chemical sludge. Biosorption of heavy metals by metabolically inactive non-living biomass of microbial or plant origin is an innovative and alternative technology for removal of these pollutants from aqueous solution. Due to unique chemical composition biomass sequesters metal ions by forming metal complexes from solution and obviates the necessity to maintain special growth-supporting conditions. Biomass of Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum, Rhizopus nigricans, Ascophyllum nodosum, Sargassum natans, Chlorella fusca, Oscillatoria anguistissima, Bacillus firmus and Streptomyces sp. have highest metal adsorption capacities ranging from 5 to 641 mg g(-1) mainly for Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni. Biomass generated as a by-product of fermentative processes offers great potential for adopting an economical metal-recovery system. The purpose of this paper is to review the available information on various attributes of utilization of microbial and plant derived biomass and explores the possibility of exploiting them for heavy metal remediation.  相似文献   

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