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王东丽  焦菊英  王宁  寇萌  徐海燕  于卫洁 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6743-6752
为明确黄土丘陵沟壑区植物种子库如何调控种子萌发来提高个体适合度,选择研究区7种具有种子库的主要物种为研究对象,以刚成熟和室内储存种子为对照,比较植冠宿存(5个宿存期)和土壤埋藏(5a埋藏期)对植物种子萌发特性的影响,探讨植冠种子库与土壤种子库储存下的种子萌发策略。结果表明:7种植物种子经过不同种子库储存后萌发特性表现出明显的种间差异,黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina)和水栒子(Cotoneaster multiflorus)种子萌发力表现为植冠宿存不变型、土壤储存增强型,土壤储存明显提高水栒子种子萌发速率;达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)和狼牙刺(Sophora davidii)种子萌发力表现为植冠宿存增强型、土壤储存减弱型,种子萌发历时表现为植冠宿存延长型,土壤种子库储存还可加快达乌里胡枝子萌发速率、缩短萌发历时;茭蒿(Artemisia giralaii)和铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmelinii),种子萌发率随植冠宿存时间先升高后降低,随土壤储存时间先降低后升高,土壤储存可推迟其萌发,铁杆蒿种子萌发速率在植冠与土壤储存后均加快;紫丁香(Syringa oblata)种子萌发率随植冠宿存先升高后降低,土壤储存明显加快其种子启动萌发与速率。在黄土丘陵沟壑区,植物种子经过植冠或土壤种子库储存,或增加、加快、提早萌发充分利用有利条件提高占据性,或减少、减缓、推迟萌发分摊不利条件的风险;而且该区植物植冠与土壤储存后种子萌发特性间的关系,体现各自适应环境与应对干扰的分工与协作策略,主要表现为:单一主导型和相辅相成型。  相似文献   

科学灌溉对植物种子生产具有重要意义。本研究以荒漠草原优良乡土植物沙芦草和牛枝子为对象,以充分灌溉为对照,探究不同生育时期亏缺灌溉对两种牧草种子生产和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明: 与对照相比,亏缺灌溉下两种植物土壤含水率下降,其中沙芦草土壤含水率下降主要发生在0~60 cm土层,牛枝子土壤水分下降未出现明显的分层现象。亏缺灌溉下沙芦草种子产量各构成因子差异均显著,开花期亏缺灌溉种子产量最高;牛枝子仅生殖枝数、小花数和荚果数差异显著,种子产量各处理差异不显著。相关分析显示,沙芦草种子产量与生殖枝数(r=0.776)、小穗数(r=0.717)呈显著正相关;牛枝子花序数与生殖枝数呈极显著负相关(r=-0.685),与小花数呈显著正相关(r=0.412)。与充分灌溉相比,亏缺灌溉下两种乡土植物种子生产耗水量减少,水分利用效率提高,其中,沙芦草开花期亏缺灌溉水分利用效率提高最多(32.9%);牛枝子分枝期亏缺灌溉提高最多(27.4%)。因此,适当亏缺灌溉可以提高两种植物水分利用效率。从水分利用效率和种子产量来看,干旱区沙芦草和牛枝子种子人工繁育时可采取亏缺灌溉,适宜亏缺的生育期分别为开花期和分枝期。  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰土壤种子库特征及其对幼苗的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)土壤种子库特征及其对紫茎泽兰种子的萌发、幼苗命运的影响, 在综合治理紫茎泽兰入侵危害及防止紫茎泽兰的继续扩散等方面有着重要的意义。该文在攀枝花紫茎泽兰入侵严重的地区, 通过采集果园、放牧灌丛以及禁牧灌丛3种不同生境紫茎泽兰土壤种子库的样本, 以说明不同干扰程度下紫茎泽兰种子在土壤中的分布状况。通过野外调查并结合盆栽实验, 初步研究了紫茎泽兰土壤种子库基本特征以及光照和种子在土壤中的埋藏深度等对紫茎泽兰幼苗的影响。结果表明: 1)果园、放牧灌丛和禁牧灌丛等3种干扰程度不同生境的深层种子量占总种子量的比例分别为56.44%、46.96%和24.86% (p=0.006), 这说明土壤深层种子量大小与干扰成正比, 干扰越大, 深层次紫茎泽兰种子量占总种子量的比重越大。2)播种在0、1和5 cm深度的种子萌发率分别为64.67%、22.67%和13.33%, 即种子埋藏越深, 萌发率越低, 不同层次种子萌发率差异极显著(p=0.00); 幼苗死亡率分别为27.95%、0和0, 表层种子萌发的幼苗有较高的死亡率, 而由埋藏在深层的种子萌发的幼苗没有死亡, 土壤表层发芽的幼苗与不同埋藏深度种子萌发的幼苗之间死亡率差异极显著(p=0.00)。3)在无遮蔽、半遮蔽和全遮蔽3种不同情况下, 紫茎泽兰幼苗的死亡率分别为72.15%、30.38%和4.87%, 定居率分别为6.66%、33.99%和46.67%, 即遮蔽程度越高, 死亡率越低, 定居率越高, 不同处理之间死亡率和定居率差异均极显著(p=0.00)。研究结果暗示, 强光可能是导致紫茎泽兰幼苗死亡的重要原因, 人类活动的干扰可能导致更多的紫茎泽兰种子进入土壤深层, 从而改变了紫茎泽兰土壤种子库的结构。由于土壤深层种子比表层种子具有更强的抵抗强光照射等不良环境因子影响的能力, 所萌发的幼苗成活率高, 表明其具有更高的繁殖效率, 因此人类活动干扰是紫茎泽兰入侵后难以根除的原因之一。  相似文献   

苦豆子种子休眠的形成及其解剖结构变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对不同水分生境下苦豆子种子休眠的形成过程及其发育过程中种皮解剖结构的变化进行了研究,结果显不:(1)苦豆子种子发育可分为3个典型阶段:即种子生长期、营养积累期和成熟期.(2)与干旱生境相比,湿润生境下种子千粒重较高,但其形成有生活力种子的时间较迟.(3)苦豆子种子休眠形成开始于种子营养积累期末,这一过程与种子含水量密切相关,当含水量下降至20%左右时,休眠率急剧增加,至含水量为10%左右,休眠率达100%.(4)种子的栅栏层细胞于生长期末形成,至营养积累期排列逐渐致密,与种子休眠开始形成时期相对应.研究表明,种子发育过程受生境水分状况影响,其休眠形成于种子脱水过程中,其中栅栏层的结构变化是导致种皮个透的重要原因.  相似文献   

不同环境条件对沙米种子萌发的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
用控制试验研究了沙米(Agriophyllum squarrosum)种子萌发对温度、水势和埋深的响应模式.结果显示,在人工模拟科尔沁沙地4月(5℃/20℃)、5月(10℃/30℃)和7月(20℃/40℃)的夜/昼土壤温度条件下,沙米种子的最终萌发率分别为86%、91%和96%,各温度处理的前3 d累计萌发率分别为14%、66%和32%.在5月温度条件下,种子萌发曲线为陡直的单峰状,其他两月呈多峰状.0 MPa水势下,沙米种子的总萌发率为50%,当水势低于-0.4 MPa时,发芽率小于10%.当种子的埋藏深度分别为0.5、1.0、2.0和4.0 cm时,出苗率分别为91%、78%、41%和22%,埋深达到8 cm时,没有种子出苗.研究表明,沙米种子在不同条件下萌发率差异显著,其萌发特征有利于种子在不适环境条件下减少种子库的无效损耗,而在环境条件适宜时快速萌发,提高幼苗存活机会,从而使沙米对流沙生境表现出良好适应能力.  相似文献   

通过对多刺绿绒蒿种子透水性和浸提物活性的测定及流水、600mg/L GA、100mg/L IAA、150mg/L PEG、800 g/mL GA和0.5 mmol/L SA浸泡后进行发芽实验,探讨种子休眠机理和破眠方法。结果表明:多刺绿绒蒿种子吸水符合一般种子吸水规律,说明其种皮对种子吸水无阻碍作用;GA和SA处理极显著提高了多刺绿绒蒿种子的发芽率(P0.01),说明生理休眠是种子萌发的因素之一。多刺绿绒蒿水提物对小麦和白菜种子萌发的抑制作用极显著高于对照组和醇提液处理组,说明多刺绿绒蒿种子中所含抑制物主要为水溶性成分;种子水提物在浓度为0.04~0.20 g/mL时具有很强的抑制活性,均对小麦、白菜和多刺绿绒蒿种子萌发和生长产生抑制作用,以及流水浸泡可以提高多刺绿绒蒿种子发芽率,表明种子内源抑物是影响其休眠的另一因素。不同处理均可打破种子休眠,显著提高种子发芽率,其中600 g/mL GA浸泡24h黑暗培养下种子发芽率和发芽势均显著高于其他处理(P0.05)。多刺绿绒蒿种子中存在活性较强的内源抑制物,且多为水溶性成分,具有一定的生理休眠特性。  相似文献   

该文研究了野外条件下不同深度的沙埋对沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响,以及温室条件下种子大小对不同深度沙埋后的种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响。结果表明,沙埋深度显著影响沙鞭的种子萌发率、幼苗出土率和种子休眠率。沙子表面的种子不能萌发。2 cm的浅层沙埋时的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率最高,1 cm 沙埋的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率次之。沙埋深度超过2 cm之后,沙鞭的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率与沙埋深度呈负相关。2 cm的种子休眠率最低。从2 ~12 cm,种子休眠率随着沙埋深度的增加而增加。在幼苗能够出土的深度(1~6 cm),幼苗首次出土所需的时间随着沙埋深度的增加而延长。种子大小对沙鞭的种子萌发率没有显著影响。但是在深层沙埋(6 cm)时,与小种子相比,大种子产生的幼苗的出土率较高。从2~6 cm,大种子形成的幼苗的茎长度都较长。  相似文献   

应用自然萌发法和物理筛选法相结合的方法,调查了地中海沿岸沙丘三种微生境土壤总种子库和永久种子库特征,用功能群的方法分析了微生境之间的土壤总种子库和永久土壤种子库的组成和结构差异,也分析了主要物种土壤种子库的微生境分布格局,分析了种子大小和土壤种子库中的种子永久性关系.发现地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,即使在相同的微生境内,土壤种子库的分布也不是均匀的,甚至具有很大的差异;微生境对总的土壤种子库和各功能群的土壤种子库的分布格局具有显著的影响,开阔地区域具有最大的种子密度,而灌丛下和路径具有较小的种子密度;在永久土壤种子库中,豆科类植物种子在休眠种子中占有最大的比例,约为76%,而一年生和多年生禾草未发现休眠种子,豆类、伞形科类、多年生阔草、菊科类、一年生阔叶草和十字花科类等种子在土壤中的永久性比例依次下降,分别为50%、46%、41%、6%、6%和1%,微生境影响各功能群种子在土壤中的永久性.微生境显著影响大部分主要物种的土壤种子库分布;种子大小与其在土壤中的永久性为正相关,即大种子具有较高的永久性,小种子具有较低的永久性.  相似文献   

植物种子休眠的原因及休眠的多形性   总被引:73,自引:3,他引:70  
概述了植物种子休眠的原因及种子休眠的多形性。种壳障碍、胚形态发育不全和生理后熟以及种子中含有化学抑制剂都可导致种子休眠。根据不同的分类标准可将种子休眠可分成不同类型,但通常将休眠分为外源休眠、内源休眠和综合休眠。影响休眠的因素是复杂的,植物种类不同,休眠特性不同;同种植物的种子,来源于不同居群和植株,在不同时期采集,位于母株不同位置,其休眠有可能不同;甚至同一果实中的不同种子,休眠特性都会有差异。影响休眠性状表达的基因既有核基因,又有质基因,休眠通常表现为一种受多基因控制的数量性状。种子休眠的多形性有利于调节种子萌发的时空分布。  相似文献   

以采自宁夏六盘山区的辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)种子为材料,研究了不同土壤埋藏深度(0、30和50 cm)和埋藏时间(2、4、6、8、10和12周)对种子萌发的影响,以探索辽东栎种子的安全贮藏条件和长期贮藏潜力,为辽东栎的种苗繁育和退化辽东栎灌丛及次生林的恢复实践提供参考.结果表明,尽管土壤埋藏处理前期(2周)种子萌发受到抑制,但随着埋藏时间的延长,萌发率提高,萌发速率加快,且萌发指数和活力指数均呈波动性增大趋势,埋藏12周后,30和50 cm埋深处理种子的萌发率分别为90.1%和96.8%.种子霉烂率表现为随埋藏深度的增加而提高的趋势,且各埋深处理种子的霉烂率随埋藏时间的延长而提高.种子埋藏2周后,开始出现自动萌发现象;埋藏12周后,30和50 cm埋深处理种子的自动萌发率分别为24.5%和43.0%.  相似文献   

Aims Seed dormancy and the soil seed bank are crucial to plant regeneration strategy, especially in semiarid ecosystems with unpredictable precipitation. The aim of this study was to investigate how seed dormancy is controlled by environmental factors and how it is correlated with the soil seed bank and regeneration of the perennial legume Oxytropis racemosa, a dominant perennial herb in Mu Us Sandland of semiarid China.Methods Germination and imbibition experiments on fresh intact and scarified seeds of O. racemosa were used to identify physical dormancy (PY) in seeds of this species. Soil seed bank dynamics, timing of seedling emergence and the fate of buried seeds in the natural habitat were investigated.Important findings PY was broken by mechanical scarification or wet heat/ice water cycles but not solely by dry heat or wet heat treatment. The soil seed bank exhibited seasonal changes in the number of seeds, which was highest in September and lowest in July. Seeds buried at different sand depths gradually lost dormancy; 20–42% of the seeds remained dormant after 20 months of burial. Dormancy break occurs gradually throughout the year. Our results indicate that O. racemosa exhibits hardcoatedness heterogeneity that spreads germination of a seed cohort between seasons and years in the semiarid environment, where the amount of precipitation during the growing season is highly variable.  相似文献   

Studying seed dormancy and its consequent effect can provide important information for vegetation restoration and management. The present study investigated seed dormancy, seedling emergence and seed survival in the soil seed bank of Stipa bungeana, a grass species used in restoration of degraded land on the Loess Plateau in northwest China. Dormancy of fresh seeds was determined by incubation of seeds over a range of temperatures in both light and dark. Seed germination was evaluated after mechanical removal of palea and lemma (hulls), chemical scarification and dry storage. Fresh and one-year-stored seeds were sown in the field, and seedling emergence was monitored weekly for 8 weeks. Furthermore, seeds were buried at different soil depths, and then retrieved every 1 or 2 months to determine seed dormancy and seed viability in the laboratory. Fresh seeds (caryopses enclosed by palea and lemma) had non-deep physiological dormancy. Removal of palea and lemma, chemical scarification, dry storage (afterripening), gibberellin (GA3) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) significantly improved germination. Dormancy was completely released by removal of the hulls, but seeds on which hulls were put back to their original position germinated to only 46%. Pretreatment of seeds with a 30% NaOH solution for 60 min increased germination from 25% to 82%. Speed of seedling emergence from fresh seeds was significantly lower than that of seeds stored for 1 year. However, final percentage of seedling emergence did not differ significantly for seeds sown at depths of 0 and 1 cm. Most fresh seeds of S. bungeana buried in the field in early July either had germinated or lost viability by September. All seeds buried at a depth of 5 cm had lost viability after 5 months, whereas 12% and 4% seeds of those sown on the soil surface were viable after 5 and 12 months, respectively.  相似文献   

The fire avoidance hypothesis proposes that a benefit of seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory) is to protect seeds from being killed during fire and to facilitate post‐fire germination of seeds that require heat shock to break their physical dormancy. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of fire and seed burial by a predominant seed‐dispersing ant, Rhytidoponera metallica (subfamily: Ectatomminae) on germination levels of three ant‐dispersed legume species (Pultenaea daphnoides, Acacia myrtifolia and Acacia pycnantha). Experimental burial of seeds within aluminium cans at a site prior to being burnt and at an adjacent unburnt site showed that fire increased germination levels, particularly for seeds buried at 1‐ and 2‐cm deep and that overall, germination levels differed among the three plant species. To quantify seed burial depths and post‐fire germination levels facilitated by R. metallica ants, seeds were fed to colonies prior to fire at the burnt and unburnt sites. Of the seeds buried within nests that were recovered, between 45% and 75% occurred within the upper 6 cm of the soil profile, although unexpectedly, greater percentages of seeds were recovered from the upper 0–2 cm of nests in the unburnt site compared with nests in the burnt site. Germination levels of buried seeds associated with R. metallica nests ranged from 21.2% to 29.5% in the burnt site compared with 3.1–14.8% in the unburnt site. While increased seed germination levels were associated with R. metallica nests following fire, most seeds were buried at depths below those where optimal temperatures for breaking seed dormancy occurred during the fire. We suggest that R. metallica ants may provide fire avoidance benefits to myrmecochorous seeds by burying them at a range of depths within a potential germination zone defined by intra‐ and inter‐fire variation in levels of soil heating.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Seed longevity and persistence in soil seed banks may be especially important for population persistence in ecosystems where opportunities for seedling establishment and disturbance are unpredictable. The fire regime, an important driver of population dynamics in sagebrush steppe ecosystems, has been altered by exotic annual grass invasion. Soil seed banks may play an active role in postfire recovery of the foundation shrub Artemisia tridentata, yet conditions under which seeds persist are largely unknown. ? Methods: We investigated seed longevity of two Artemisia tridentata subspecies in situ by retrieving seed bags that were placed at varying depths over a 2 yr period. We also sampled naturally dispersed seeds in litter and soil immediately after seed dispersal and before flowering in subsequent seasons to estimate seed persistence. ? Key results: After 24 mo, seeds buried at least 3 cm below the soil surface retained 30-40% viability whereas viability of seeds on the surface and under litter declined to 0 and < 11%, respectively. The density of naturally dispersed seeds in the seed bank was highly heterogeneous both spatially and temporally, and attrition varied significantly by region. ? Conclusions: Our study suggests that Artemisia tridentata has the potential to form a short-term soil seed bank that persists longer than has been commonly assumed, and that burial is necessary for seed longevity. Use of seeding techniques that promote burial of some seeds to aid in formation of a soil seed bank may increase restoration potential.  相似文献   

Seeds of seven dune species were collected from sand dunes of Lakes Erie and Huron and buried to various depths in a natural sand dune habitat along Lake Huron. The seed samples were then retrieved after varying lengths of time and examined for their germinability and dormancy. Results showed that buried seeds remained viable for at least 2.5 years and had the potential to form a persistent seed bank. Seed banks were larger and longer lasting at greater depths of burial than those at shallow burial depths. The results suggested that failure to verify the existence of effective seed banks in previous studies may be due to insufficient number of samples, shallow sample depth, local population variations, and fruiting events. Several species also possessed a temporary, aboveground seed reserve formed by retention of a small proportion of viable seeds on the previous year's inflorescences. In some species, seeds retained aboveground were dormant and thus capable of forming a persistent seed bank when they entered the soil.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Formation of seed banks and dormancy cycling are well known in annual species, but not in woody species. In this study it was hypothesized that the long-lived halophytic cold desert shrub Kalidium gracile has a seed bank and dormancy cycling, which help restrict germination to a favourable time for seedling survival.


Fresh seeds were buried in November 2009 and exhumed and tested for germination monthly from May 2010 to December 2011 over a range of temperatures and salinities. Germination recovery and viability were determined after exposure to salinity and water stress. Seedling emergence and dynamics of the soil seed bank were investigated in the field.

Key Results

Seeds of K. gracile had a soil seed bank of 7030 seeds m−2 at the beginning of the growing season. About 72 % of the seeds were depleted from the soil seed bank during a growing season, and only 1·4 % of them gave rise to seedlings that germinated early enough to reach a stage of growth at which they could survive to overwinter. About 28 % of the seeds became part of a persistent soil seed bank. Buried seeds exhibited an annual non-dormancy/conditional dormancy (ND/CD) cycle, and germination varied in sensitivity to salinity during the cycle. Dormancy cycling is coordinated with seasonal environmental conditions in such a way that the seeds germinate in summer, when there is sufficient precipitation for seedling establishment.


Kalidium gracile has three life history traits that help ensure persistence at a site: a polycarpic perennial life cycle, a persistent seed bank and dormancy cycling. The annual ND/CD cycle in seeds of K. gracile contributes to seedling establishment of this species in the unpredictable desert environment and to maintenance of a persistent soil seed bank. This is the first report of a seed dormancy cycle in a cold desert shrub.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Parkinsonia aculeata (Caesalpinaceae) is a perennial legume with seeds that have hard-seeded (physical) dormancy and are potentially very long-lived. Seed dormancy is a characteristic that can both help maximize the probability of seedling establishment and spread the risk of recruitment failure across years (bet-hedging). In this study, dormancy-release patterns are described across the diverse environments in which this species occurs in order to test whether wet heat (incubation under wet, warm-to-hot, conditions) alone can explain those patterns, and in order to determine the likely ecological role of physical dormancy across this species distribution.


A seed burial trial was conducted across the full environmental distribution of P. aculeata in Australia (arid to wet-dry tropics, uplands to wetlands, soil surface to 10 cm deep).

Key Results

Wet heat explained the pattern of dormancy release across all environments. Most seeds stored in the laboratory remained dormant throughout the trial (at least 84 %). Dormancy release was quickest for seeds buried during the wet season at relatively high rainfall, upland sites (only 3 % of seeds remained dormant after 35 d). The longest-lived seeds were in wetlands (9 % remained dormant after almost 4 years) and on the soil surface (57 % after 2 years). There was no consistent correlation between increased aridity and rate of dormancy release.


The results suggest that physical dormancy in P. aculeata is a mechanism for maximizing seedling establishment rather than a bet-hedging strategy. However, seed persistence can occur in environmental refuges where dormancy-release cues are weak and conditions for germination and establishment are poor (e.g. under dense vegetation or in more arid micro-environments) or unsuitable (e.g. when seeds are inundated or on the soil surface). Risks of recruitment failure in suboptimal environments could therefore be reduced by inter-year fluctuations in microclimate or seed movement.Key words: Bet-hedging, dormancy-release mechanisms, environmental refuges, legume, Parkinsonia aculeata, physical dormancy, seed bank persistence, seed burial depth, seed dormancy, tropical wetlands, wet heat, variable environment  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hard-seeded (physical) dormancy is common among plants, yet mechanisms for dormancy release are poorly understood, especially in the tropics. The following questions are asked: (a) whether dormancy release in seed banks of the tropical shrub Parkinsonia aculeata (Caesalpiniaceae) is determined by wet heat (incubation under wet, warm to hot, conditions); and (b) whether its effect is modified by microclimate. METHODS: A seed burial trial was conducted in the wet-dry tropics (northern Australia) to compare dormancy release across different habitats (open, artificial cover, ground cover and canopy cover), burial depths (0, 3 and 20 cm) and burial durations (2, 6 and 14 weeks). Results were compared with predictions using a laboratory-derived relationship between wet heat and dormancy release, and microclimate data collected during the trial. KEY RESULTS: Wet heat (defined as the soil temperature above which seeds were exposed to field capacity or higher for a cumulative total of 24 h) was 43.6 degrees C in the 0 cm open treatment, and decreased with increasing shade and depth to 29.5 degrees C at 20 cm under canopy cover. The dormancy release model showed that wet heat was a good predictor of the proportion of seeds remaining dormant. Furthermore, dormancy release was particularly sensitive to wet heat across the temperature range encountered across treatments. This resulted in a 16-fold difference in dormancy levels between open (<5 % of seeds still dormant) and covered (82 %) microhabitats. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that wet heat is the principal dormancy release mechanism for P. aculeata when conditions are hot and wet. They also highlight the potential importance of microclimate in driving the population dynamics of such species.  相似文献   

How much seed remains in the soil after a fire?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil seed banks that persist after a fire are important in fire-prone habitats as they minimise the risk of decline or local extinction in plants, should the fire-free interval be less than the primary juvenile periods of the species. In two common woody plant genera (Acacia and Grevillea) in southeastern Australia, we examined the size and location of the residual seed bank after fire across areas of varying seedling densities at three locations in comparison to the distribution of seeds in the soil at an unburnt site. We found viable dormant seeds remaining in the soil after fire (evidence of residual soil seed bank). A significantly lower proportion of seeds remained in the top 5 cm of soil than at 5–10 cm or 10–15 cm soil depths, independent of seedling density or plant genus. This was due to greater germination, and possibly some seed mortality, near the soil surface. Reduced germination below 5 cm was probably due to the reduced efficacy of the fire cues that break seed dormancy, a declining ability of seeds to emerge successfully from such depths, and the lower abundance of seeds in the soil at such depths. The magnitude of the residual seed bank was similar across 0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 cm soil depths in Acacia suaveolens. For two Grevillea species, most residual seeds were at 0–5 and 5–10 cm. The residual soil seed bank in the top 10 cm of soil after fire varied across sites with estimates of 0, 19 and 27% in G. speciosa and 23, 35, and 55% in A. suaveolens. At two sites, both species had similar residual seed bank sizes, while at a third, there were large differences between the species (0–55%). The observed patterns imply that the fire-related cues that break seed dormancy generally declined with soil depth. For Acacia, seed dormancy is broken by heat shock, a fire-cue that declines with soil depth. Some 250 species (approx 15% of the fire-prone flora) in the region are thought to have dormancy broken by heat shock. For Grevillea, where seed dormancy is broken by the interaction of smoke and heat shock, at two sites, we suggest three possibilities: (i) the smoke cue declined with soil depth; (ii) both heat and smoke are obligatory for breaking seed dormancy; or (iii) the cues may be independent and additive and below the zone of soil heating, only a proportion of available seeds had dormancy broken by smoke alone. At a third site (no residual seed bank detected) the smoke cue was predicted not to have declined with soil depth. Up to 900 species (just under half the fire-prone flora) in the study region are thought to have seed dormancy broken by the interaction of heat and smoke during the passage of a fire.  相似文献   

Agriophyllum squarrosum Moq. is a dominant annual on sand dunes in the arid regions of central Asia. A high percentage of seeds is retained on dead plants which become covered by moving sand, but little is known about the ecological significance of burial of canopy-stored seeds. We investigated the size and dynamics of the buried canopy-stored seed bank and effects of burial on seed germination. In March (during the windy season), May (beginning of the germination season), and July (middle of the growing season), the number of seeds per square meter in sample plots in the dunes was 623, 223 and 22, respectively, with 54.6, 30.6 and 12.9% of the total seeds retained on buried plant canopies. In a controlled experiment, more seedlings emerged from released (dispersed) than from canopy-stored seeds when burial depth was the same. No viable ungerminated released seeds were found, but 45–80% of the ungerminated canopy-stored seeds were viable. In general, with an increase in applied water germination of released seeds buried at a depth of 1 or 2 cm and of canopy-stored seeds buried at 1 cm increased, but regardless of watering regime few or no released seeds at 4 cm or canopy-stored seeds at 2 or 4 cm germinated. Significantly more seedlings emerged from plants buried in a horizontal than in a vertical position. Seedlings originating from buried canopy-stored seeds on an active dune accounted for only 5.4% of the total seedlings emerging, and most of them emerged later than those from released seeds. Thus, seed release is more effectively postponed in buried than in exposed canopies, and burial of canopy-stored seeds is a mechanism that helps regulate seed germination and seedling emergence of A. squarrosum on active dunes.  相似文献   

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