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The evolution of infanticide by males has often been explained by the sexual selection hypothesis, which posits that infanticide improves male reproductive success by shortening the interbirth intervals of the mothers of the killed offspring. In Carnivora, however, the fitness advantages assumed in this hypothesis have been shown in only a few species, and it has been argued that male infanticide may be nonadaptive in pinniped carnivores. According to the sexual selection hypothesis, male infanticide is expected to be more prevalent in species in which males are subjected to stronger sexual selection through intrasexual competition over mates. We examined a phylogenetically corrected relationship between male infanticide and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) as a measure of the intensity of sexual selection in carnivores. Our analyses failed to detect a significant association between the occurrence of male infanticide and SSD across carnivores, although they showed that, among fissipeds (typically terrestrial carnivores), males in species with stronger male-biased SSD are significantly more likely to commit infanticide. This suggests that the evolution of male infanticide is correlated with intense sexual selection in fissipeds. In pinnipeds (Odobenidae, Otariidae, and Phocidae), there was no significant association between male infanticide and SSD. Assuming that SSD represents the intensity of sexual selection on males, this result is consistent with the argument that infanticide by male pinnipeds is not a sexually selected behaviour.  相似文献   

Women often experience novel food aversions and cravings during pregnancy. These appetite changes have been hypothesized to work alongside cultural strategies as adaptive responses to the challenges posed by pregnancy (e.g., maternal immune suppression). Here, we report a study that assessed whether data from an indigenous population in Fiji are consistent with the predictions of this hypothesis. We found that aversions focus predominantly on foods expected to exacerbate the challenges of pregnancy. Cravings focus on foods that provide calories and micronutrients while posing few threats to mothers and fetuses. We also found that women who experience aversions to specific foods are more likely to crave foods that meet nutritional needs similar to those provided by the aversive foods. These findings are in line with the predictions of the hypothesis. This adds further weight to the argument that appetite changes may function in parallel with cultural mechanisms to solve pregnancy challenges.  相似文献   

Whether the changes brought about by sexual selection are, on the whole, congruent or incongruent with the changes favored by natural selection is a fundamentally important question in evolutionary biology. Although a number of theoretical models have assumed that sexual selection reinforces natural selection [1, 2], others assume these forces are in opposition [3-5]. Empirical results have been mixed (see reviews in [1, 6-8]) and the reasons for the differences among studies are unclear. Variable outcomes are expected if populations differ in their evolutionary histories and therefore harbor different amounts and types of segregating genetic variation. Here, we constructed populations of Drosophila melanogaster that differed in this regard to directly test this hypothesis. In well-adapted populations, sexually successful males sired unfit daughters, indicating sexual and natural selection are in conflict. However, in populations containing an influx of maladaptive alleles, attractive males sired offspring of high fitness, suggesting that sexual selection reinforces natural selection. Taken together, these results emphasize the importance of evolutionary history on the outcome of sexual selection. Consequently, studies based on laboratory populations, cultured for prolonged periods under homogeneous conditions, may provide a skewed perspective on the relationship between sexual and natural selection.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying evolutionary changes in sexual dimorphism have long been of interest to biologists. A striking gradient in sexual dichromatism exists among songbirds in North America, including the wood-warblers (Parulidae): males are generally more colourful than females at northern latitudes, while the sexes are similarly ornamented at lower latitudes. We use phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis to test three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses for the evolution of sexual dichromatism among wood-warblers. The first two hypotheses focus on the loss of female coloration with the evolution of migration, either owing to the costs imposed by visual predators during migration, or owing to the relaxation of selection for female social signalling at higher latitudes. The third hypothesis focuses on whether sexual dichromatism evolved owing to changes in male ornamentation as the strength of sexual selection increases with breeding latitude. To test these hypotheses, we compared sexual dichromatism to three variables: the presence of migration, migration distance, and breeding latitude. We found that the presence of migration and migration distance were both positively correlated with sexual dichromatism, but models including breeding latitude alone were not strongly supported. Ancestral state reconstruction supports the hypothesis that the ancestral wood-warblers were monochromatic, with both colourful males and females. Combined, these results are consistent with the hypotheses that the evolution of migration is associated with the relaxation of selection for social signalling among females and that there are increased predatory costs along longer migratory routes for colourful females. These results suggest that loss of female ornamentation can be a driver of sexual dichromatism and that social or natural selection may be a stronger contributor to variation in dichromatism than sexual selection.  相似文献   

Although sexual selection is typically considered the predominant force driving the evolution of ritualized sexual behaviours, natural selection may also play an important and often underappreciated role. The use of green aromatic plants among nesting birds has been interpreted as a component of extended phenotype that evolved either via natural selection due to potential sanitary functions or via sexual selection as a signal of male attractiveness. Here, we compared both hypotheses using comparative methods in starlings, a group where this behaviour is widespread. We found that the use of green plants was positively related to male‐biased size dimorphism and that it was most likely to occur among cavity‐nesting species. These results suggest that this behaviour is likely favoured by sexual selection, but also related to its sanitary use in response to higher parasite loads in cavities. We speculate that the use of green plants in starlings may be facilitated by cavity nesting and was subsequently co‐opted as a sexual signal by males. Our results represent an example of how an extended phenotypic component of males becomes sexually selected by females. Thus, both natural selection and sexual selection are necessary to fully understand the evolution of ritualized behaviours involved in courtship.  相似文献   

Global warming has led to earlier spring arrival of migratory birds, but the extent of this advancement varies greatly among species, and it remains uncertain to what degree these changes are phenotypically plastic responses or microevolutionary adaptations to changing environmental conditions. We suggest that sexual selection could help to understand this variation, since early spring arrival of males is favoured by female choice. Climate change could weaken the strength of natural selection opposing sexual selection for early migration, which would predict greatest advancement in species with stronger female choice. We test this hypothesis comparatively by investigating the degree of long-term change in spring passage at two ringing stations in northern Europe in relation to a synthetic estimate of the strength of female choice, composed of degree of extra-pair paternity, relative testes size and degree of sexually dichromatic plumage colouration. We found that species with a stronger index of sexual selection have indeed advanced their date of spring passage to a greater extent. This relationship was stronger for the changes in the median passage date of the whole population than for changes in the timing of first-arriving individuals, suggesting that selection has not only acted on protandrous males. These results suggest that sexual selection may have an impact on the responses of organisms to climate change, and knowledge of a species' mating system might help to inform attempts at predicting these.  相似文献   

Population-level comparative analyses can link microevolutionary processes within populations to macroevolutionary patterns of diversification. We used the comparative method to study the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) among populations of side-blotched lizards ( Uta stansburiana ) . Uta stansburiana is polymorphic for different male mating and female life-history strategies in some populations, but monomorphic in others. We tested whether intrasexual selection among males, fecundity selection on females, and the presence of polymorphic strategies affected levels of SSD. We first resolved a phylogeny for 41 populations across the range of the species and documented a substantial regional structure. Our intraspecific data had significant phylogenetic signal, and correcting for phylogeny using independent contrasts had large effects on our results. Polymorphic populations had male-biased SSD and changes in male body size, levels of tail breaks, and SSD consistent with the intrasexual selection hypothesis. Monomorphic populations had changes in female size, clutch size, and SSD consistent with the fecundity selection hypothesis. Fecundity selection is a likely cause of some monomorphic populations having no SSD or female-biased SSD. Our results suggest that changes in mating strategies are associated with phenotypic diversification and multiple evolutionary forces can shape SSD.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are limited by selection against those traits in other fitness components, such as survival. Thus, sexual selection favouring large size in males should be balanced by higher mortality of larger males. However, evidence from red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) indicates that large males survive better than small males. A survival advantage to large size could result from males migrating north in early spring, when harsh weather favours large size for energetic reasons. From this hypothesis we predicted that, among species, sex differences in body size should be correlated with sex differences in timing of spring migration. The earlier males migrate relative to females, the larger they should be relative to females. We tested this prediction using a comparative analysis of data collected from 30 species of passerine birds captured on migration. After controlling for social mating system, we found that sexual size dimorphism and difference in arrival dates of males and females were significantly positively correlated. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for survival ability promotes sexual size dimorphism (SSD), rather than opposes SSD as is the conventional view. If both natural selection and sexual selection favour large adult males, then limits to male size must be imposed before males become adults.  相似文献   

Bumblebees and other eusocial bees offer a unique opportunity to analyze the evolution of body size differences between sexes. The workers, being sterile females, are not subject to selection for reproductive function and thus provide a natural control for parsing the effects of selection on reproductive function (i.e., sexual and fecundity selection) from other natural selection. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we explored the allometric relationships among queens, males, and workers in 70 species of bumblebees (Bombus sp.). We found hyperallometry in thorax width for males relative to workers, indicating greater evolutionary divergence of body size in males than in sterile females. This is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for reproductive function, most probably sexual selection, has caused divergence in male size among species. The slope for males on workers was significantly steeper than that for queens on workers and the latter did not depart from isometry, providing further evidence of greater evolutionary divergence in male size than female size, and no evidence that reproductive selection has accelerated divergence of females. We did not detect significant hyperallometry when male size was regressed directly on queen size and our results thus add the genus Bombus to the increasing list of clades that have female-larger sexual size dimorphism and do not conform to Rensch's rule when analyzed according to standard methodology. Nevertheless, by using worker size as a common control, we were able to demonstrate that bumblee species do show the evolutionary pattern underlying Rensch's rule, that being correlated evolution of body size in males and females, but with greater evolutionary divergence in males.  相似文献   

We experimentally manipulated the strength of selection in the field on red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to test hypotheses about contrasting selective forces that favor either large or small males in sexually size dimorphic birds. Selander (1972) argued that sexual selection favors larger males, while survival selection eventually stabilizes male size because larger males do not survive as well as smaller males during harsh winters. Searcy (1979a) proposed instead that sexual selection may be self limiting: male size might be stabilized not by overwinter mortality, but by breeding-season sexual selection that favors smaller males. Under conditions of energetic stress, smaller males should be able to display more and thus achieve higher reproductive success. Using feeders that provisioned males or females but not both, we produced conditions that mimicked the extremes of natural conditions. We found experimental support for the hypothesis that when food is abundant, sexual selection favors larger males. But even under conditions of severe energetic stress, smaller males did not gain larger harems, as the self-limiting hypothesis predicted. Larger males were more energetically stressed than smaller males, but in ways that affected their future reproductive output rather than their current reproductive performance. Stressed males that returned had smaller wings and tails than those that did not return; among returning stressed males, relative harem sizes were inversely related to wing and tail length. Thus, male body size may be stabilized not by survival costs during the non-breeding season, nor by energetic costs during the breeding season, but by costs of future reproduction that larger males pay for their increased breeding-season effort.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the risk for fetal growth inhibition among gastroschisis-afflicted fetuses is heightened among younger gravidas (teen mothers). METHOD: This was a retrospective cohort study on live-born infants with isolated gastroschisis delivered in New York State from 1983 through 1999. We compared infants of mature (>20 years) mothers with those of younger (<20 years) mothers with respect to the following indices of fetal morbidity outcomes: low birth weight and very low birth weight, preterm and very pre-term, and small for gestational age. We used adjusted odds ratios to approximate relative risks. RESULTS: A total of 368 infants with isolated gastroschisis were analyzed. The two groups differed in terms of mean gestational age at delivery [Mean + standard deviation(SD) for infants with gastroschisis born to mature mothers = 37.2 weeks +/- 2.8 versus 36.3 weeks + 3.6 for those of teenage mothers(p = 0.01)], as well as mean birth weight [mean birth weight +/- SD for infants with gastroschisis born to mature mothers = 2562.4 grams +548.8 versus 2367.9 grams +/- 645.2 for those of younger mothers (p = 0.004)]. Infants of teen mothers were about twice as likely to be of low birth weight (OR = 1.70; 95% CI = 1.05-2.77) and about three times as likely to be born very preterm when compared to those of mature mothers (OR = 2.80; 95% Cl = 1.02-8.00). No significant differences were observed with respect to very low birth weight, pre-term and small for gestational age. CONCLUSION: Low maternal age appears to be a risk factor for low birth weight and very preterm birth among gastroschisis-affected fetuses. This information is potentially useful for planning by care providers and in counseling affected parents.  相似文献   

We tested the fertilization insurance hypothesis of human twinning, which suggests that twin births should be seen as an unadaptive consequence of polyovulation compensating for high spontaneous abortion rates in humans. Females with high incidence of polyovulation were predicted to benefit by becoming pregnant more rapidly and by having a higher likelihood of successful pregnancy than other females. As a disadvantage, polyovulating mothers should be more prone to presumably maladaptive twin deliveries. We studied birth intervals of twin and singleton mothers living in pre-industrial Finland by using demographic records of local churches. The analysis revealed that, contrary to the prediction of the fertilization insurance hypothesis, polyovulating females did not display shorter intervals between deliveries. Therefore, if the tendency towards polyovulation and therefore occasional twin births in humans is adaptive and maintained by natural selection, other benefits should be evident.  相似文献   

Genital coevolution is a pervasive phenomenon as changes in one sex tend to impose fitness consequences on the other, generating sexual conflict. Sexual conflict is often thought to cause stronger selection on males due to the Darwin–Bateman's anisogamy paradigm. However, recent studies have demonstrated that female genitalia may be equally elaborated and perform diverse extra‐copulatory functions. These characteristics suggest that female genitals can also be primary targets of selection, especially where natural selection acts on female‐exclusive functions such as oviposition. Here, we test this hypothesis in a statistical phylogenetic framework across the whole beetle (Coleoptera) phylogeny, investigating whether coevolution of specific genital traits may be triggered by changes in females. We focus on traits of the proctiger, which composes part of the male terminalia and the female ovipositor. Our results present a comprehensive case of male–female genital coevolution and provide solid statistical evidence for a female‐initiated coevolutionary process where the vast majority of evolutionary transitions in males have occurred only after changes in females. We corroborate the hypothesis that female traits may change independently and elicit counter‐adaptations in males. Furthermore, by showing a consistent pattern across the phylogeny of the most diverse group of animals, our results suggest that this female‐driven dynamics may persist through long time scales.  相似文献   

The kin selection hypothesis posits that male androphilia (male sexual attraction to adult males) evolved because androphilic males invest more in kin, thereby enhancing inclusive fitness. Increased kin-directed altruism has been repeatedly documented among a population of transgendered androphilic males, but never among androphilic males in other cultures who adopt gender identities as men. Thus, the kin selection hypothesis may be viable if male androphilia was expressed in the transgendered form in the ancestral past. Using the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS), we examined 46 societies in which male androphilia was expressed in the transgendered form (transgendered societies) and 146 comparison societies (non-transgendered societies). We analyzed SCCS variables pertaining to ancestral sociocultural conditions, access to kin, and societal reactions to homosexuality. Our results show that ancestral sociocultural conditions and bilateral and double descent systems were more common in transgendered than in non-transgendered societies. Across the entire sample, descent systems and residence patterns that would presumably facilitate increased access to kin were associated with the presence of ancestral sociocultural conditions. Among transgendered societies, negative societal attitudes toward homosexuality were unlikely. We conclude that the ancestral human sociocultural environment was likely conducive to the expression of the transgendered form of male androphilia. Descent systems, residence patterns, and societal reactions to homosexuality likely facilitated investments in kin by transgendered males. Given that contemporary transgendered male androphiles appear to exhibit elevated kin-directed altruism, these findings further indicate the viability of the kin selection hypothesis.  相似文献   

In breeding systems characterized by scramble competition among males, theory predicts that the efficient location of mating partners is more important to males than to females as a component of mating success. We experimentally tested in the laboratory the hypothesis that breeding male long-toed salamanders ( Ambystoma macrodactylum columbianum ), which scramble for mating opportunities, are better able to recognize and locate potential mates than are breeding females. Males were more likely to enter traps containing females than empty traps or traps containing males. Traps containing sponges soiled by females were more likely to attract males than traps containing clean (control) sponges, suggesting that chemical cues may be sufficient for mate location by males. Females were no more likely to enter traps containing males than empty traps. Our results are consistent with the theoretical prediction that selection has been stronger on male long-toed salamanders than on females in the context of capacity for recognizing and locating potential mating partners.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of sexual and natural selection to evolution of sexual ornaments has rarely been quantified under natural conditions. In this study we used a long-term dataset of house sparrows in which parents and offspring were matched genetically to estimate the within- and across-sex genetic basis for variation and covariation among morphological traits. By applying two-sex multivariate "animal models" to estimate genetic parameters, we estimated evolutionary changes in a male sexual ornament, badge size, from the contribution of direct and indirect selection on correlated traits within males and females, after accounting for overlapping generations and age-structure. Indirect natural selection on genetically correlated traits in males and females was the major force causing evolutionary change in the male ornament. Thus, natural selection on female morphology may cause indirect evolutionary changes in male ornaments. We observed however no directional phenotypic change in the ornament size of one-year-old males during the study period. On the other hand, changes were recorded in other morphological characters of both sexes. Our analyses of evolutionary dynamics in sexual characters require application of appropriate two-sex models to account for how selection on correlated traits in both sexes affects the evolutionary outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

In the breeding system of Pacific salmon, females compete for oviposition territories, and males compete to fertilize eggs. The natural selection in females and sexual selection in males likely has been responsible for their elaborate breeding morphologies and the dimorphism between the sexes. We quantified direct-selection intensities during breeding on mature coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), measured for seven phenotypic characters, including three secondary sexual characters. Wild and sea-ranched hatchery coho were used to enhance the range of phenotypes over which selection could be examined. The fish were allowed to breed in experimental arenas where we could quantify components of breeding success as well as estimate overall breeding success. We found that without competition, natural selection acts only on female body size for increased egg production; there is no detectable selection on males for the phenotypic distribution we used. Under competition, the opportunity for selection increased sixfold among females. Natural selection favored female body size and caudal-peduncle (tail) depth. Increased body size meant increased egg production and access to nesting territories. The caudal peduncle, used in burst swimming and nest digging, influenced both successful egg deposition and nest survival. Increasing density increased competition among females, though it did not significantly intensify natural selection on their characters. In males, competition increased the opportunity for selection 52-fold, which was nine times greater than for females. Sexual selection favored male body size and hooked snout length, both characters directly influencing male access to spawning opportunities. Selection on male body size was also affected significantly by breeding density. The ability of large males to control access to spawning females decreased at higher densities reflecting an increase in the operational sex ratio. Further, the relative success of small males, which could sneak access to spawning females, appeared to increase as that of intermediate-sized males decreased. Such disruptive selection may be responsible for the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics in salmon.  相似文献   

Our experiment revealed the existence of significant variation in mating success in a salamander species in which males do not provide courtship feeding, nest sites, or parental care. Differences in mating success were based on natural variation among adult males and females, rather than on traits of an artificially selected set of potential mates. Courtship encounters deliberately involved only one male and one female, thus eliminating the potentially confounding effects of male-male competition and variations in mate encounter rate. Even after eliminating these effects and random error, some females were more likely than others to elicit spermatophore deposition by a male, and some males were more likely than others to inseminate a female. Such variation among individuals represents an opportunity for sexual selection to act on phenotypic characters that affect mating success. We advocate the use of a factorial experimental design to analyze sexual selection. This approach permits the statistical evaluation of separate male and female effects, interaction between these effects, and random effects. Designs which combine the evaluations of mating success and courtship behaviors could estimate the force of sexual selection on behavior.  相似文献   

Although the killing of dependent infants by adult males is a widespread phenomenon among primates, its causes and consequences still remain hotly debated. According to the sexual selection hypothesis, infanticidal males will gain a reproductive advantage provided that only unrelated infants are killed and that the males increase their chances of siring the next infants. Alternatively, the social pathology hypothesis interprets infanticide as a result of crowded living conditions and, thus, as not providing any advantage. Based on DNA analyses of wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) we present the first evidence that male attackers were not related to their infant victims. Furthermore, in all cases the presumed killers were the likely fathers of the subsequent infants. Our data, therefore, strongly support the sexual selection hypothesis interpreting infanticide as an evolved, adaptive male reproductive tactic.  相似文献   

Despite intense interest in mate choice, relatively little isknown about how individuals sample prospective mates. Indeed,a key issue is whether females sample males or simply matewith the first male encountered. We investigated mate samplingby female barking treefrogs (Hyla gratiosa). Females choosingmates in natural choruses did not move between males but insteadmated with the first male they approached closely. Most femalesmated with the male closest to them at the start of their mate-choiceprocess, and females were more likely to mate with the closest male when the distance to other males was large. These observationsare consistent with the hypothesis that females do not samplepotential mates but instead mate with the first male they distinguishfrom the rest of the chorus. To test this initial detectionhypothesis, we conducted a playback experiment in which weoffered females a choice between two calls, one of which was detectable above the background chorus sound at the female'srelease point, and one of which became detectable only as femalesmoved toward the initially detectable call. Females did notprefer the initially detectable call, thus ruling out the initialdetection hypothesis and implicating sampling of potentialmates by females. Based on the behavior of females in natural choruses, we hypothesize that females approach the chorus, moveto locations where they are able to detect the calls of severalmales simultaneously, and choose a mate from among these malesat some distance from the males. Such simultaneous samplingmay be common in lekking and chorusing species, which havebeen the subjects of many studies of sexual selection.  相似文献   

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