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The 2nd Congress of the Paleobotanical Society of Palaeontological Society and the Paleobolanical symposium (1987) held from November 24th to 27th at Nanjing, Jiangsu. Present at the meeting were 86 Chinese paleobotanists and several students from research institutes, universities, colleges, natural historical museums and geological, coal- and petroleum-prospecting parties.  相似文献   

TheauthorconslstentlythlnkthatagreatdealofinfromationisIncludedintbescoreofstudent’sexamination,whichcanbeusedInthequantitativeanalysisofteachingandstudyingproblemsonmanyaspects.Soseveralstatlstlca!methodshavebeenusedInthestudyofteachingactivitybythea…  相似文献   

The distributions of many plant taxa in China at the present day indicate centres of floristic importance which may be ancient,and have evolutionary significance,or which may be only their latest locations in a Cenozoic history of migrations.This paper summarizes the present and Cenozoic distributions in China of the following taxa:Nitraria,Ephedra,Carya,Liquidamber,Pterocarya,Betulaceae.It is concluded that the centres of importance of the named genera are different now from what they were at some time in the Cenozoic past;each has accomplished major migrations and suffered significant extinctions during that period.The history of the Betulaceae is less clear but in principle soluble.  相似文献   

A comprehensive regression model was developed for estimating theaction pattern of three cellulase fractions (β-1,4-glucan cellobiohydrolase,endo-glucanase and cellobiase)in hydrolysis of cellulose.The effect of stru-cture feature of cellulose on hydrolysis can also be evaluated by using thismodel.The results suggested that this technique was suitable for estimatingthe action pattern of cellulase fractions in cellulose hydrolysis,especiallyin quantitative eluciation of the effect of each fraction,alone or in combin-ation of which.  相似文献   

Benson, P. C., Tarboton, W. R., Allan, D. G. & Dobbs, J. C. 1990. The breeding status of the Cape Vulture in the Transvaal during 1980–1985. Ostrich 61: 134–142.

Ten of the 11 extant Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres colonies in the Transvaal were censused using aerial and/or ground census techniques in the 1980–1985 breeding seasons. Minimum counts were obtained and best estimates of total numbers of “active nests” were determined using correction factors to compensate for incomplete photocoverage in the aerial technique and nest failures prior to the census dates. In 1985, the year when the most complete data were available, a minimum of 2741 and a best estimate of 2987 active nests were determined to be present in the Transvaal. At the large colonies, which were intensively monitored, breeding numbers did not fluctuate greatly from year to year, and it is thus estimated that about 3000 pairs of birds bred yearly in the Transvaal during the study period. Although the data indicate that the total numbers are greater than previously thought this is due to improved census techniques, rather than an increase in the population. Ninety-eight percent of breeding occurred at six colonies and 82% at three (Kransberg, Blouberg and Manutsa). The large colonies are associated with communal grazing (homelands) Private cattle and game farming and nature conservation areas, where the use of poison for predator control is minimal. The vulnerable status afforded the Cape Vulture in the South African Red Data Book—Birds (Brooke 1984) is justified because of the bird's disappearance from some breeding colonies, reduction in numbers at others and its vulnerability to poisoning.  相似文献   

To better understand zooplankton distribution and its relationship with the physical-chemical factors in middle Yangtze River, we collected 20 zooplankton samples from segments at Yichang, Jingzhou, Yueyang, Wuhan and Hukou in October, 2016. A total of 23 species that belong to 13 families and 14 genera were identified, among which 16 species belong to Rotifera, 4 to Copepoda and 3 to Cladocera. Among the five segments, the highest number of zooplankton species was detected at Hukou (9 species), while the lowest was at Yueyang (5 species). The average density at Wuhan (10.94±5.81) ind./L was higher than that at Hukou and the other segments. Rotifers (3.41±0.21) ind./L were dominant in the zooplanktonic community, and Keratella valga, Synchacta atylata and Keratella cochlearis were the dominant species. The average density of copepods (mainly nauplius) was (0.75±0.07) ind./L. Cladocera had the lowest average density. Similarly, the zooplankton biomass at Wuhan was also higher than that at Hukou and the other three segments. Comparing with studies at other segments of Yangtze River, we detected lower zooplankton diversity in our investigation. Spearman correlations indicated that the biomass and diversity of zooplankton were significantly and positively correlated (P<0.05) to chlorophyll a. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The high degree of success of barley as a “smother crop” generally has been attributed to physical competition for nutrients and water. However, it was found that even in the absence of such competition, barley still inhibits germination and growth. This occurred both in mixed cultures receiving adequate nutrients and water and in germination tests. Aqueous leachates of seeds and roots of barley caused similar inhibition of germination and growth, thereby indicating an inhibitory allelopathic substance. A specificity of reaction was found, with the greatest inhibition occurring with Stellaria media (L.) Cyr., less with Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), and no significant effect with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). A concentration effect and possible periodic production of the inhibitor were indicated. Living plants and aqueous leachates of living roots were more inhibitory than dead ones, thereby supporting the hypothesis of an active metabolic secretion of the allelopathic substance. Preliminary attempts to identify the active inhibitory components demonstrated the presence of alkaloids, with a much greater concentration of substance in the living than in the dead root leachates. The alkaloid, gramine, known to occur in barley, was found to have an inhibitory effect on the growth of Stellaria media and it is suspected as an active component of the root leachates. These results suggest that factors other than the previously assumed physical competition are involved in the mechanism of the “smother crop” barley.  相似文献   

Sunflower(Heliantlusan)7llusL.)isanimportantoileredcropinChiest.Sunflowerbreedersusuallyneedtotv:~l~atemanyagronol:liccharacterssuchasseedquality,adaptability?resistancetostressesandseedyieldfortheobjectiyeexttnlinationofdifferentgenotypesintermsofcornlllerclaIyalug.However,tileco171plice.1edIntoracticnbetxt=eentllesctraitshavefrequently-causedinconvenienceintiledocision--makingstages.Factoranalysiswb,sproposedasa1,lultivaridtenletllodforsolvingthisproblemandwasexpecLcdtoreflectthenaturealld…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Man has always regarded nature as his Mother, the source of beauty, the symbol of eternity, the embodiment of truth, the master of all art and the basis of his material life. He regards landscapes as ideal places for studying, visiting, relaxation and the appreciation of Nature.  相似文献   

ReviseddiagnoaisCraniumcompressedanteroposteriorlyandhighvertical1y.Superiortuskslargeandstraight,nolowerincisors'Ridge-platesprogressiveIymulti-plyingfromsixtoelevenintheintermediateteeth,fromninetofifteenandhaIfilltheposteriormolars.Thereisamediancleftoritsvestigesintheanteriorridge-platesoftheprimitivespecies.Conesrapidlysubdividingbybinaryorternary.fissionintomultipleconelets(8-l2).Ridge-plateselevatingfrombrachyodonttosubhypsodont.Cementdevelopingintheval1eys.RemarksSarwar(l977)propose…  相似文献   

We generally reviewed the distributions and potential risks of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River based on recent studies. The distribution of heavy metals varied significantly with locations and types of mediums, and contents of some metals exceeded the limits in food. The contents of PAHs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were in line with those in the lower reaches. Low molecular weight PAHs were predominant in surface water, while high molecular weight PAHs were predominant in sediments, indicating low molecular PAHs may pose greater risks to aquatic ecosystems. DEHP and DBP were the predominant monomers of PAEs in surface water and sediments, and BBP and DBP ranked first and second respectively in fish bodies. The results of risk assessment also indicated that monomers such as DBP and DnBP had greater risk than DEHP. Over all, heavy metals and organic pollutants were widely distributed in the aquatic environment in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, which may pose potential risks to the ecosystem. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

BCR/ABL oncogenic tyrosine kinase is responsible for the pathogenesis of Philadelphia chromosome-positive human leukemia and is generated by a specific reciprocal chromosome translocation, t(9;22)(q34-;q11+). We examined the role of DNA repair in therapeutic drug resistance to idarubicin in the murine pro-B lymphoid cell line BaF3 and its BCR/ABL -transformed clone. These cells can be used as models of human leukemias. The MTT assay revealed that BCR/ABL -transformed cells displayed resistance to idarubicin in the range 0.3-0.5 microm, compared with the control BaF3 cells. Idarubicin at 0.3 and 1 microm induced DNA damage in the form of strand-breaks and/or alkali labile sites in both transformed and control cells in comet assays. The BCR/ABL -transformed cells needed only 60 min to remove damage to their DNA, whereas controls took 120 min. We hypothesize that this observed increase in the efficacy of repair in BCR/ABL- positive cells is involved in their resistance to idarubicin.  相似文献   

Tianjinia, Shaozengia and Bohaicythere, the three new types of early Tertiarl non-marine ostracodes found in the Bohai Gulf, belong to Tianjininae Gong (subfam. nov.), Phacocyprinae Hou et Cai, 1978 and Limnocytherinae Klie,1938  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the distribution factors and enrichment coefficients between soil and plant parts by studying the accumulation and distribution of selenium (Se) in the roots and shoots of different plants. The plants (9 samples of Euphorbia macroclada, 5 samples of Verbascum cheiranthifolium, 8 samples of Astragalus gummifer) and their associated soil samples were collected from the Keban mining area. The roots and the shoots of these plants, together with the associated soils, were analyzed by ICP-MS. The mean Se value of the contaminated surface soils was found to be two to five times higher than those of previously studied uncontaminated surface soils. Se concentrations of the plant parts were lower than those in their associated alkaline soils, where the plants were grown, except for in the shoots of A. gummifer. Mean Se concentrations in the roots of E. macroclada, V. cheiranthifolium, and A. gummifer were 0.82, 0.22, and 0.47 mg kg?1 on a dry weight basis, respectively, while Se concentrations were 0.29, 0.26, and 2.66 mg kg?1 in the shoots on a dry weight basis, respectively. The enrichment coefficients and the distribution factors of those plants were lower than 1, except for the distribution factors of V. cheiranthifolium and A. gummifer plants. Thus, it appeared that the shoots of these plants could make them efficient bioaccumulator plants for Se because of high distribution factors and enrichment coefficients. Due to such factors, they can also be used to clean or rehabilitate soils and areas contaminated with Se.  相似文献   

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