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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic inflammatory autoimmune disorder wherein the contributory role of oxidative stress has been established in the synovial fluid. As availability of synovial fluid is limited, this study aimed to evaluate in the peripheral blood of patients with RA, the relationship if any, between the extent of oxidative stress in terms of generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in neutrophils, plasma NADPH oxidase and myeloperoxidase activity with markers of oxidative damage, circulating cytokines and disease activity score (DAS28). In patients with RA, neutrophils in peripheral blood demonstrated an enhanced generation of ROS, coupled with depletion of free radical scavenging activity. Furthermore, the NADPH oxidase and myeloperoxidase activity was enhanced as were markers of damage. There was a positive correlation between the DAS 28 and generation of ROS, NADPH oxidase and myeloperoxidase activity as also with oxidative stress mediated protein carbonylation. Patients with RA demonstrated an increase in proinflammatory (IL-17, IL-23, and IFN-γ) and some anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-5, and TGF-β) cytokines. Although the levels of IL-17 correlated positively with generation of ROS, myeloperoxidase, markers of protein damage and DAS28, IL-23 correlated positively only with protein damage, and negatively with free radical scavenging activity. Importantly, incubation of neutrophils from healthy donors with plasma or SF from patients with RA translated into an enhanced generation of ROS, along with an elevation of intracellular proinflammatory cytokines. Taken together, in patients with RA, circulating neutrophils mediated a shift in the oxidant/antioxidant balance favouring the former, which translated into protein damage and contributed towards disease progression.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11):894-904

Chronic alcohol consumption is a well-known risk factor for liver disease, which represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The pathological process of alcohol-induced liver disease is characterized by a broad spectrum of morphological changes ranging from steatosis with minimal injury to more advanced liver damage, including steato-hepatitis and fibrosis/cirrhosis. Experimental and clinical studies increasingly show that the oxidative damage induced by ethanol contribute in many ways to the pathogenesis of alcohol hepatotoxicity. This article describes the contribution of oxidative mechanisms to liver damage by alcohol.  相似文献   

Vitiligo is an autoimmune depigmenting skin disease characterised by loss of melanocytes wherein oxidative stress is proposed to be the initial triggering factor with subsequent immune dysregulation. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship, if any, between the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), markers of oxidative damage and circulating cytokines in patients with active vitiligo. The generation of ROS in erythrocytes and neutrophils was significantly higher in patients with active vitiligo than healthy controls. Alongside, markers of oxidative stress-mediated damage namely lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and protein carbonylation were evaluated. Patients with active vitiligo demonstrated increased lipid and DNA damage but minimal protein damage. There was a significant decline in the free radical scavenging capacity of active vitiligo cases. A positive correlation existed between baseline levels of ROS and lipid peroxidation as also DNA damage. Patients with active vitiligo demonstrated an increase in several proinflammatory (IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IFN-γ and IL-8) and some anti-inflammatory/immunoregulatory (IL-5 and IL-10) cytokines. Importantly, the levels of IFN-γ and IL-10 consistently correlated with the generation of ROS, markers of damage and their free radical scavenging capacity. Taken together, patients with active vitiligo demonstrated an enhanced generation of ROS in erythrocytes and neutrophils which mediated lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and coupled with a decline in their antioxidant capacity created a pro-oxidant milieu that favoured tissue damage and potential generation of neoantigens, accounting for disease progression.  相似文献   

Free radical scavenging effects of the cellular protein extracts from two strains of Deinococcus radiodurans and Escherichia coli against O2-, H2O2 and *OH were investigated by chemiluminescence (CL) methods. The cellular protein extracts of D. radiodurans R1 and KD8301 showed higher scavenging effects on O2- than that of E. coli. D. radiodurans R1 and KD8301 also strongly scavenged H2O2 with an EC50 (50% effective concentration) of 0.12 and 0.2 mg/mL, respectively, compared to that of E. coli (EC50 = 3.56 mg/mL). The two strains of D. radiodurans were effective in scavenging *OH generated by the Fenton reaction, with EC50 of 0.059 and 0.1 mg/mL, respectively, compared to that of E. coli (EC50 > 1 mg/mL). Results from the chemiluminescence assay of *OH-induced DNA damage and the plasmid pUC18 DNA double-strand break (DSB) model in vitro showed that D. radiodurans had remarkably inhibitory effect on the *OH-induced oxidative damage of DNA. The scavenging effects of D. radiodurans on reactive oxygen species (ROS) played an important role in the response to oxidation stress and preventing against DNA oxidative damage, and may be attributed to intracellular scavenging proteins, including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways organize a great constitution network that regulates several physiological processes, like cell growth, differentiation, and apoptotic cell death. Due to the crucial importance of this signaling pathway, dysregulation of the MAPK signaling cascades is involved in the pathogenesis of various human cancer types. Oxidative stress and DNA damage are two important factors which in common lead to carcinogenesis through dysregulation of this signaling pathway. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a common subproduct of oxidative energy metabolism and are considered to be a significant physiological modulator of several intracellular signaling pathways including the MAPK pathway. Studies demonstrated that the MAP kinases extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 and p38 were activated in response to oxidative stress. In addition, DNA damage is a partly common circumstance in cell life and may result in mutation, cancer, and even cell death. Recently, accumulating evidence illustrated that the MEK/ERK pathway is associated with the suitable performance of cellular DNA damage response (DDR), the main pathway of tumor suppression. During DDR, the MEK/ERK pathway is regularly activated, which contributes to the appropriate activation of DDR checkpoints to inhibit cell division. Therefore, the aim of this review is to comprehensively discuss the critical function of MAPK signaling in oxidative stress, DNA damage, and cancer progression.  相似文献   

The expression of morphological differences between the castes of social bees is triggered by dietary regimes that differentially activate nutrient-sensing pathways and the endocrine system, resulting in differential gene expression during larval development. In the honey bee, Apis mellifera, mitochondrial activity in the larval fat body has been postulated as a link that integrates nutrient-sensing via hypoxia signaling. To understand regulatory mechanisms in this link, we measured reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, oxidative damage to proteins, the cellular redox environment, and the expression of genes encoding antioxidant factors in the fat body of queen and worker larvae. Despite higher mean H2O2 levels in queens, there were no differences in ROS-mediated protein carboxylation levels between the two castes. This can be explained by their higher expression of antioxidant genes (MnSOD, CuZnSOD, catalase, and Gst1) and the lower ratio between reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG). In worker larvae, the GSG/GSSH ratio is elevated and antioxidant gene expression is delayed. Hence, the higher ROS production resulting from the higher respiratory metabolism in queen larvae is effectively counterbalanced by the up-regulation of antioxidant genes, avoiding oxidative damage. In contrast, the delay in antioxidant gene expression in worker larvae may explain their endogenous hypoxia response.  相似文献   

The incidence of bladder conditions such as overactive bladder syndrome and its associated urinary incontinence is highly prevalent in the elderly. However, the mechanisms underlying these disorders are unclear. Studies suggest that the urothelium forms a ‘sensory network’ with the underlying innervation, alterations in which, could compromise bladder function. As the accumulation of reactive oxygen species can cause functional alterations with age, the aim of this study was to investigate whether oxidative stress alters urothelial sensory signalling and whether the mechanism underlying the effect of oxidative stress on the urothelium plays a role in aging. Five‐month‐old(young) and 24‐month‐old (aged) mice were used. H2O2, used to induce oxidative stress, resulted in an increase in bladder afferent nerve activity and urothelial intracellular calcium in preparations from young mice. These functional changes were concurrent with upregulation of TRPM8 in the urothelium. Moreover, application of a TRPM8 antagonist significantly attenuated the H2O2‐induced calcium responses. Interestingly, an upregulation of TRPM8 was also found in the urothelium from aged mice, where high oxidative stress levels were observed, together with a greater calcium response to the TRPM8 agonist WS12. Furthermore, these calcium responses were attenuated by pretreatment with the antioxidant N‐acetyl‐cysteine. This study shows that oxidative stress affects urothelial function involving a TRPM8‐mediated mechanism and these effects may have important implications for aging. These data provide an insight into the possible mechanisms by which oxidative stress causes physiological alterations in the bladder, which may also occur in other organs susceptible to aging.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite (PON, ONOO(-)), formed by nitric oxide synthase-generated nitric oxide radical ( NO) and superoxide radical (O(2) (-)), is a crucial player in post-traumatic oxidative damage. In the present study, we determined the spatial and temporal characteristics of PON-derived oxidative damage after a moderate contusion injury in rats. Our results showed that 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), a specific marker for PON, rapidly accumulated at early time points (1 and 3 h) and a significant increase compared with sham rats was sustained to 1 week after injury. Additionally, there was a coincident and maintained increase in the levels of protein oxidation-related protein carbonyl and lipid peroxidation-derived 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE). The peak increases of 3-NT and 4-HNE were observed at 24 h post-injury. In our immunohistochemical results, the co-localization of 3-NT and 4-HNE results indicates that PON is involved in lipid peroxidative as well as protein nitrative damage. One of the consequences of oxidative damage is an exacerbation of intracellular calcium overload, which activates the cysteine protease calpain leading to the degradation of several cellular targets including cytoskeletal protein (alpha-spectrin). Western blot analysis of alpha-spectrin breakdown products showed that the 145-kDa fragments of alpha-spectrin, which are specifically generated by calpain, were significantly increased as soon as 1 h following injury although the peak increase did not occur until 72 h post-injury. The later activation of calpain is most likely linked to PON-mediated secondary oxidative impairment of calcium homeostasis. Scavengers of PON, or its derived free radical species, may provide an improved antioxidant neuroprotective approach for the treatment of post-traumatic oxidative damage in the injured spinal cord.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(9):1070-1084

In addition to serving as the power house of mammalian cells, mitochondria are crucial for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis in response to physiological or environmental changes. Several lines of evidence suggest that posttranslational modification (PTM) of proteins plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the bioenergetic function of mitochondria. Among them, reversible lysine acetylation of mitochondrial proteins has been established as one of the key mechanisms in cellular response to energy demand by modulating the flux of a number of key metabolic pathways. In this article, we focus on the role of Sirt3-mediated deacetylation in: (1) flexibility of energy metabolism, (2) activation of antioxidant defense, and (3) maintenance of cellular redox status in response to dietary challenge and oxidative stress. We suggest that oxidative stress-elicited down-regulation of Sirt3 plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes, cardiac hypotrophy, mitochondrial diseases, and age-related diseases. Besides, the physiological role of newly identified lysine acylation mediated by Sirt5 and its biochemical effects on oxidative metabolism are also discussed. Moreover, we have integrated the regulatory function of several protein kinases that are involved in the phosphorylation of mitochondrial enzymes during oxidative stress. Finally, the functional consequence of the synergistic regulation through diverse protein modifications is emphasized on the maintenance of the bioenergetic homeostasis and metabolic adaptation of the animal and human cells. Together, we have provided an updated review of PTM in mitochondrial biology and their implications in aging and human diseases through an intricate regulation of energy metabolism under oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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