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本文描述的放射虫化石新材料发现于藏南桑单林剖面中部灰绿色硅质岩和硅质泥岩层段,共计21属33种,含5个未定种。通过与北大西洋和南太平洋古新世放射虫化石带进行对比,该放射虫动物群可归为晚古新世RP6 Bekoma campechensis带和RP7 Bekoma bidartensis带,时代为Selandian期至Thanetian晚期。综合剖面岩相、构造特征和已报道的放射虫化石组合,本文认为桑单林剖面是一套构造成因的混杂堆积,可能代表了新特提斯洋俯冲和后期印度-欧亚板块碰撞过程中形成的增生杂岩系。区域上,仲巴-萨嘎-江孜一带发现的晚古新世放射虫动物群和海相玄武岩表明,在晚古新世最晚期(大约56 Ma),西藏南部还存在着较大规模的深海沉积。  相似文献   

20世纪中国古生代放射虫研究取得三方面成绩:1.研究地域涉及全国大部分省区。除东北三省、河北、山西、山东、海南、台湾外,古生代放射虫巳在我国19个省区发现。时代从晚寒武世至晚二叠世长兴期;2.研究领域逐步扩大,确立了三种不同的放射虫岩相类型,洋盆相区以广西钦州板城最为典型,从晚泥盆世弗拉斯期-晚二叠世长兴早期共建立18个化石带;岛孤相区以云南西部昌宁-孟连地体作代表,从中泥盆世吉维持期-晚二叠世长兴期发育12个化石带;台盆相区以苏皖地区中二叠世孤峰组放射虫研究得较好,建立3个化石带,这些放射虫化石带,与洋盆相区,岛弧相区同时代的带基本上相似和相同;3.中国4条主要蛇绿岩带都发现了放射虫硅质岩和放射虫动物群。这对蛇绿岩带的形成时代和板块碰撞时间和确定提供了有力的证据。最后,文中还提出了新世纪里我国古生代放射虫研究的方向。  相似文献   

广西东南部钦州地区早石炭世放射虫化石   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
广西钦州地区的板城石夹水库首次发现早石炭世杜内期和维宪期放射虫化石,计10属14种(亚种)和5未定种,其中有1新属(Guangxitrisphaera)和2新种(G.wanyaoensis和Pylentonemabanchensensis),它们分属于Albaillella paradoxa组合带和A.cartalla组合带。这些化石可以同西欧和北美两个同名化石组合带对比。  相似文献   

中国广西钦州地区和云南西部昌宁—孟连地区的层状硅质岩地层中发育丰富的石炭—二叠纪放射虫生物群,据此建立了22个连续的放射虫化石带。从晚石炭世至晚二叠世长兴期,日本西南区出现的Pseudoalbaillella nodosa带至Neoalbaillella optima带共15个放射虫生物带可与中国同期发育的17个放射虫生物带对比,代表泛大洋(Panthalassa)沉积的部分日本地体和代表古特提斯洋(Palaeo-Tethys)沉积的中国部分构造单元,无论在放射虫生物类群组分还是在化石生物带构成方面都非常相似。晚石炭世—二叠纪放射虫生物地层学资料证实,该时期地球上的两个大洋(泛大洋和特提斯洋)没有明显的分化,可能属于同一大洋体系———古特提斯洋。  相似文献   

本文系统描述了产自泽当金鲁乡鲁巴垂附近5块硅质岩样品中保存较好的放射虫化石,共20属26种(含未定种),包括Becus triangulocentrum Dumitrica,Cecrops septemporatus(Parona),Cryptamphorella conara(Foreman),Dicerosaturnalis dicranacanthos(Squinabol),Eucyrtidiellum pyramis(Aita),Hiscocapsa verbeeki(Tan),H.uterculus(Parona),Holocryptocanium barbui Dumitrica,Praeconosphaera sphaeroconus(Rüst)和Tethysetta boesii(Parona)等重要分子。通过与西特提斯地区放射虫化石带的对比,可确定这些放射虫化石组合相当于UAZone 13—UAZone 22带,其时代为晚侏罗世提塘晚期—早白垩世阿普特期。有关雅鲁藏布江缝合带东段蛇绿岩体中的放射虫化石目前只有零星的报道,尚缺乏系统的研究。本文所发现的放射虫化石组合可为雅鲁藏布江缝合带东段泽当蛇绿岩体的时限提供重要的时代依据。  相似文献   

藏南泽当雅鲁藏布缝合带中的三叠纪放射虫   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
西藏南部泽当西金鲁村附近发现的一套硅质岩含有两个放射虫化石组合:Capnuchosphaera triassica组合和Pseudostylosphaera nazaroui组合。这些放射虫化石可以同中三叠世拉丁期至晚三叠世卡尼期放射虫动物群对比,这套硅质岩为一外为岩体,包括在由高劈理化泥岩组成的混杂岩基质中,这是雅鲁藏布江缝合带三叠纪放射虫的首次报道。  相似文献   

南莫溪结合带位于老挝北部万象地区,是黎府缝合带的重要组成部分。本文结合区域地质调查开展剖面工作,采集了硅质岩样品进行放射虫化石鉴定,共鉴定出放射虫9属29种,包括中–晚泥盆世放射虫Radiobisphaera rozanovi,Trilonchevetusta和晚泥盆世放射虫Heleniforerobustum,以及晚泥盆世放射虫属种Triloncheminax (Hinde)等。建立了中–晚泥盆世Radiobisphaera rozanovi-Stigmosphaerostylus pusilla组合带、晚泥盆世Trilonche minax延限带和早石炭世Albaillella paradoxa-Archocyrtium riedeli组合带,探讨了南莫溪结合带的构造古地理特征。该成果进一步丰富了老挝北部黎府缝合带的古生物化石组成特征,对研究南莫溪结合带的演化历史具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

汗吉尕组是新疆中天山温泉小区中泥盆统的一个地层单元,为海相碎屑岩夹火山碎屑岩沉积。过去在灰岩团块和灰岩砾石中发现较为丰富的中泥盆世珊瑚和腕足类化石。这次,我们在该组上部地层硅质岩透镜体中首次发现晚泥盆世弗拉晚期的放射虫Helenifore robustum动物群。对于温泉地区该组地层的时代归属,我们认为:由于已发现的中泥盆世珊瑚、腕足类化石主要产于灰岩砾石或外来块体中,因此,这些化石的时代并不代表该组形成的时代;而产于硅质岩透镜体中的晚泥盆世弗拉晚期的放射虫化石很可能代表该组的年代。全文共描述放射虫5属11种,归属3目4科。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江缝合带是青藏高原上最年轻的一条缝合带,位于青藏高原南端,记录了随着印度大陆向北漂移并最终与欧亚大陆碰撞而消亡的新特提斯洋的演化历史。藏南地区的硅质地层呈东西向断断续续延伸达数千公里,分布于缝合带蛇绿岩南北两侧和特提斯喜马拉雅沉积区。在这些硅质岩地层中发现的放射虫时代从中三叠世安尼期至晚古新世坦尼特期,揭示了特提斯海盆从中三叠世开始,至早白垩世发展为成熟大洋,然后在晚古新世之后闭合的演化过程。不过,目前还欠缺阿普特阶之后到古新世早期的含放射虫深海沉积的确切证据。已报道的晚白垩世的放射虫时代以及萨嘎附近含古新世放射虫地层的时代和构造属性仍存在很大争议。缝合带南北两侧已报道的中-晚三叠世、早-中侏罗世和晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期的放射虫化石均来自于混杂岩中的硅质岩岩块。硅质泥岩和碎屑岩代表了新特提斯洋由远洋环境逐渐到达俯冲边界的重要阶段。目前硅质泥岩基质和碎屑岩中放射虫的研究并未引起足够重视。加强放射虫动物群的全球对比,尤其是东西特提斯洋放射虫动物群的对比,在藏南地区展开系统的高精度的放射虫生物地层研究对完善放射虫化石分带、阐明新特提斯洋的演化、分析特提斯洋俯冲过程和限定印度-欧亚大陆碰撞时限等都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

华南乐平统放射虫生物地层学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Albaillella分子的地层分布为基础,华南地区晚二叠世地层中已经建立5个放射虫化石带,自下而上分别为:Albaillella cavitata带、Albaillella levis带、Albaillella excelsa带、Albaillella triangularis带和Albail-lella yaoi带.Albaillella cavitata带地层范围相当于牙形石Clarkina postbitteri postbitteri带至Clarkina guang-yuanensis带的底部,其下伏放射虫化石Follicucullus bipartitus-Follicucullus charveti带的地质时代为中二叠世.Albaillella triangulaHs带层位相当于牙形石Clarkina postwangi带,Albaillella yaoi带与牙形石Clarkina yini带相当.华南晚二叠世放射虫动物群演化明显分为两个阶段:第一个繁盛期始于中二叠统上部,延续到A.cavita-ta带下部,以Follicucullus的丰富和多样化为特征;第二个繁盛期出现在A.levis带至A.yaoi带之间,以Albail-lella和Neoalbaillella的鼎盛为特征.  相似文献   

云南哀牢山缝合带由于长期未找到晚石炭世至二叠纪深海环境的化石及沉积地层记录,对哀牢山古特提斯盆地演化历史存在着不同认识。文中报道了采自云南墨江坝留地区上三叠统歪古村组底砾岩中的早石炭世和中二叠世放射虫化石,所有放射虫化石发现于4件燧石质砾石中,共计11属9种和7未定种及1属种未定放射虫。其中,3件砾石含有Albaillella deflandrei Gourmelon,Albaillella sinuosa Won and Seo等早石炭世放射虫化石组合,另1件砾石含有Pseudoalbaillella spp.,Quadricaulis scalae Caridroit and De Wever,Cauletella sp.和Ishigaum sp.等中二叠世放射虫化石组合。由此表明,哀牢山缝合带存在着早石炭世和中二叠世深海盆地沉积地层记录,哀牢山深海盆地应该在中二叠世之后封闭。该成果为探讨哀牢山古特提斯盆地演化提供了放射虫古生物学证据,进而说明哀牢山缝合带与金沙江缝合带一样,也存在石炭纪和二叠纪深水洋盆沉积地层记录,指示其演化历史是相同的。  相似文献   

Middle-Late Devonian Radiolarians are recorded for the first time in the southern Ural Mountains in Bashkortostan, in a section of Kariukmas Mountain (Upper Eifelian) and on the southern slope of Argagan Mountain (Middle Frasnian). The new Late Eifelian assemblage is composed of 17 species of 11 genera, and Middle Frasnian radiolarians comprise 13 species of 7 genera of spherical, discoidal, pylomate, and spiny radiolarians. A new species, Primaritripus kariukmasensis, sp. nov., is described. The prevalence of discoidal forms in the oryctocenosis suggests shallow marine conditions in the Late Eifelian and Middle Frasnian basins. Two new biostratons, the Upper Eifelian beds with Primaritripus kariukmasensis and Middle Frasnian beds with Primaritripus chuvashovi, are established based on radiolarians.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the integrated study of dinocysts and diatoms from the Kamyshin Formation, Dyupa Gully section. The Kamyshin Formation is shown to have been formed in the Late Thanetian-initial Eocene and to include the IETM interval. The Dyupa Gully section is comprised of the deposits of two transgressive-regressive cycles. The section is comprehensively characterized by micropaleontological finds (dinocysts, radiolarians, and diatoms) and proposed as a key section of the Middle Volga Region.  相似文献   

滇西南孟连曼信地区早石炭世磷结核中的放射虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇西南昌宁-孟连构造带下石炭统平掌组火山岩之硅质岩夹层中,存在大量结核,X衍射分析证明,这些结核全部为磷结核。其中一块磷结核经分析,获得放射虫化石7属9种(其中包括一未定种):Albaillella paradoxa Deflandre,Archocyrtium sp.,Robotium validum Cheng,Triaenosphaera sicarius Deflandre,Entactinia herculea Foreman,Entactinia parva Won,Astroentactinia multispinosa(Won),Entactinosphaera inusitata Foreman,Entactiosphaera palimbola Foreman,均属杜内期中期Albaillella paradoxa带。这些磷结核应该沉积在上升洋流形成的洋岛环境,而不是裂谷中。  相似文献   

Guadalupian–Lopingian sedimentary rocks are widely distributed in accretionary complexes in Japan, but the Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary (G–LB) is not well documented from these pelagic sediments. To identify the G–LB and to better correlate an extinction event that occurred around the Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary, we examined the conodont biostratigraphy from a Permian pelagic chert sequence in the Gujo-hachiman section, Gifu, southwest Japan. Age-diagnostic conodonts, including Clarkina postbitteri postbitteri, were found in this section. The biostratigraphic occurrences of these age-diagnostic conodonts can pinpoint the “G–L transitional zone” in the Gujo-hachiman section by comparison with well-studied sections from south China, including the GSSP section. The transitional zone was recognized by the first occurrence horizons of both Clarkina postbitteri hongshuiensis and C. p. postbitteri. The G–LB has been placed at or above the first occurrence horizon of the radiolarians Albaillella yamakitai or Albaillella cavitata in previous studies from China and Japan. We detected the first occurrence horizon of A. yamakitai below the base of the “G–L transitional zone,” in the Upper Capitanian. The conodont biostratigraphy is consistent with the radiolarian biostratigraphy in this section, which can be correlated to relevant sections in China.  相似文献   

From siliceous shales (Lower Carboniferous, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge), in direct neighborhood to a bed of allodapic limestone, the following fluontized radiolarian fauna has been extracted by chemical transformation of originally calcified skeletons:Albaillella cartalla, Latentifistula turgida, Eostylodktya cf. eccentrica, Tetragregnon sycamorensis sycamorensis, Belowea variabilis, Callela? hexactinia, Entactinia tortispina and Entactinia variospina. The limestone bed has been dated by calcareous foraminifera as being mid Visean in age (V 2b-3a, Cf 5-foraminiferal zone). The diagenetic calcification took place after the selective dissolution of the skeletons and was in itself not selective.  相似文献   

Within the Late Cretaceous mélange complex of the Izmir-Ankara suture zone in central Sakarya area, north-western Turkey, a megablock with radiolarian cherts associated with basaltic pillow lavas has been dated by radiolarians. The studied radiolarian assemblage and conodonts yielded an early Late Carnian age. This age is the oldest obtained from the chert blocks all along the suture belt and has important implications for the rifting/opening age of the Izmir-Ankara branch of the Tethys ocean in north-western Turkey. Based on this new data, it is concluded that during the Late Triassic the Izmir-Ankara seaway was connected to the other Tethyan oceanic branches and deep enough to provide chert sedimentation and exchange radiolarians with the main open oceans. It is further suggested that the long-lasting misinterpretation of a Liassic rifting/opening of the Izmir-Ankara ocean should be revised.  相似文献   

Late Emsian-Early Eifelian radiolarians from the southern Ural Mountains are recorded and described for the first time. They come from the Kamennaya Gora section on the Tanalyk River near the town of Buribay, Bashkiria. The new Late Emsian-Early Eifelian radiolarian assemblage consists of 20 species of 11 genera of spherical, discoidal, spindle-shaped, pylomate, and spiny radiolarians. Four new species, i.e., Entactinia rostriformis sp. nov., Palaeodiscaleksus tumefactus sp. nov., Primaritripus buribayensis sp. nov., and P. chuvashovi sp. nov., are described. The diagnosis of the genus Primaritripus Afanasieva, 2000 is amended. The fact that the oryctocenosis is dominated by discoidal radiolarians suggests that, in the Late Emsian-Early Eifelian, the area under study was occupied by a relatively shallow marine basin. Based on radiolarians, a new Upper Emsian-Lower Eifelian biostraton, beds with Primaritripus buribayensis-Entactinia rostriformis, is established. The history of the study of Early Devonian radiolarians is considered.  相似文献   

Radiolarians provide age constraints for many previously undated terranes in the New England Orogen (NEO), a tectonic collage developed along the eastern margin of Australia.Djungati terrane, the age range of which was previously unknown, contains two distinctive siliceous sedimentary lithofacies. The oldest is a thick sequence of red, ribbon-bedded cherts which probably accumulated in a deep ocean-floor setting far from land. Middle Silurian through Late Devonian radiolarians have been recovered from these cherts. Green tuffaceous cherts which contain a latest Devonian (Famennian) radiolarian fauna depositionally overlie the lower red ribbon-bedded chert sequence. These cherts are intercalated with volcaniclastic sediments and the fauna which they contain can be used to constrain the timing of accretion of older rocks into a subduction complex.Anaiwan terrane, which was also previously undated, contains thin ribbon-bedded cherts which are depositionally overlain by tuffaceous chert, siliceous siltstones and volcaniclastic sediments. Latest Devonian (?late Famennian) and Early Carboniferous radiolarians have been recovered from these cherts and tuffaceous siltstones.Radiolarians also occur in fine-grained siliceous sediments of the Yarrimie Formation, part of the Gamilaroi terrane. These radiolarians are of Late Devonian (Frasnian) affinity and their presence indicates that blocks of limestone, which contain Givetian conodonts and corals and were previously thought to indicate the age of the Yarrimie Formation, are allochthonous.  相似文献   

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