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了解杜鹃(Cuculus spp.)对不同宿主鸟类的巢寄生,是研究杜鹃与其宿主之间协同进化的重要基础资料。大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)分布遍及全国,且为同域分布,但两者之间的寄生现象尚未有过系统调查。2012年和2014年4~8月,对繁殖于吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇(34°58′44.18″N,126°13′26.83″E,海拔184 m)和海南岛的家燕种群进行调查,结果表明,吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇家燕种群的寄生率为2.4%(1/42),而在海南岛所调查的1 719个家燕巢未发现杜鹃寄生现象。同时在网络上搜集家燕巢寄生的报道案例,共记录到13巢家燕被大杜鹃寄生繁殖,均发生在北方的家燕种群。  相似文献   

正绿孔雀(Pavo muticus)在我国主要分布于云南省中部、南部及西部地区,国内关于其在野生状态下的繁殖生物学资料较为缺乏,仅郑作新(1979)、杨岚等(1995)对绿孔雀的巢与卵等有简单描述记录,但迄今为止,中国境内尚无确切的野外绿孔雀巢的影像资料发表。2017年5月20日,在元江上游绿汁江流域的楚雄市双柏县(23°25′55″N,101°11′13″E,海拔1 132 m)境内进行样线调查时惊飞绿孔雀,从而发现1处绿孔雀繁殖巢(图1、2)。该巢简陋,无明显边界,几乎无巢材,仅  相似文献   

柳鹏飞 《动物学杂志》2021,56(2):213-213
正2011年5月6日,在甘肃省平凉市崆峒区柳湖公园(35°32′46″N,106°40′10″E,海拔1 294 m)内发现乌鸫(Turdusmerula)繁殖巢一个,巢营于一高大柳树上,巢距地面高4.2m,巢中4只雏鸟即将出飞。2016年5月15日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县十八里铺村(35°61′02″N,106°06′91″E,海拔1 987 m)发现并记录到乌鸫雄性个体1只,生活环境为村庄。2018年5月25日,在该县黄家峡村(35°63′48″N,106°19′86″E,海拔223 0 m),  相似文献   

河北张家口康巴诺尔湖国家湿地公园遗鸥繁殖群新发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2014年4月14日在张家口市康保县康巴诺尔湖国家湿地公园(东经114°35′06″~114°36′32″,北纬41°49′05″~41°50′33″)发现遗鸥(Larus relictus)3 000余只。同年7月在湖边发现新繁殖的遗鸥幼鸟觅食。2015年4月底发现遗鸥在湖心岛筑巢产卵,同年6月采用国产大疆精灵3四轴航拍飞行器航拍法及样方法统计湖心岛遗鸥种群数量,共记录遗鸥成鸟2 100余只,806巢,出壳雏鸟2 080只。此次发现属于我国遗鸥繁殖地的新发现。  相似文献   

2013年4~7月,采用样方法和直接观察法,在陕西佛坪分别对黑喉歌鸲的巢址特征和繁殖生态进行了初步研究。结果发现:黑喉歌鸲更倾向选择向阳、林冠稀疏、距水源较近的针阔混交林或针叶林下,秦岭箭竹丛林缘陡坡上的天然土洞内筑巢;巢口向上呈杯状,由竹叶、枯草、苔藓等编制而成,内无铺垫物。巢外底部垫有枯叶、干草等。巢外径长(100.37±4.00)mm,巢外径宽,(97.08±5.22)mm,巢高(48.18±2.24)mm。巢内径长(68.62±1.69)mm,巢内径宽(64.81±0.74)mm,巢深(36.07±0.30)mm。窝卵数(5±0.00)枚,卵重(1.91±0.05)g,卵长径(18.37±0.08)mm,卵短径(13.95±0.15)mm。孵化期12 d~13 d,孵化率为60%(n= 10),巢雏成活率为50%(n= 6),育雏期11 d。雏鸟的体重、体长的生长符合Logistic曲线方程拟合。天敌的捕食是影响黑喉歌鸲繁殖成功率的主要因素。关键词:黑喉歌鸲;繁殖生态;巢址特征;陕西佛坪  相似文献   

中国朱鹮就地保护和易地保护取得的成果使朱鹮分布区的扩大成为可能。2013年6月3日,在陕西汉阴县龙垭镇凤柳村(32°58′N,108°31′E,海拔526 m)发现一对朱鹮(H12♀和B747♂)营巢繁殖,成功出飞3只幼鸟。2014年1月12日,我们又在该地的青泥河畔发现8只朱鹮的越冬觅食群体。其中包括上述繁殖配对及其3只后代、1只来自洋县野生种群的个体(J41)以及2只无法识别身份的个体。同年5月该繁殖配对成功出飞幼鸟4只。自2011年之后,宁陕朱鹮再引入种群的个体与洋县野生个体形成配对,说明两个种群之间存在基因交流。汉阴朱鹮新分布的发现表明,陕西宁陕朱鹮再引入项目的实施增加了朱鹮野生种群(源种群)向秦岭东部地区扩散的速度,还将有利于朱鹮再引入种群(卫星种群)的建立。  相似文献   

郝光  崔萍  杨陈  崔鹏  王杰 《动物学杂志》2016,51(5):923-924
正金雕(Aquila chrysaetos)是寿命较长的大型猛禽,广布于古北区、新北区以及北非、西亚和印度的部分地区(Orta et al.2016)。巢通常营造于偏远、安静的地方,置于高大乔木顶部的枝杈上或悬崖峭壁的凹陷处。金雕为我国Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,在中国脊椎动物红色名录中被列为极危物种(蒋志刚等2016),繁殖记述较少(徐中辉等1988,侯功周等1993,邱富才等1998,隋金玲等2008,赵序茅等2013)。2015年4月13日和2016年4月21日在四川省万源市太平镇项家坪(32°7′18″N,108°7′28″E,海拔1 360 m),  相似文献   

北红尾鸲(Phoenicurus auroreus)是一种分布广泛的小型雀形目鸟类,主要分布于南亚东北部,东南亚北部、东亚及俄罗斯等地区,我国东北、华北、华中至西南等地也均有分布,是重要的食虫益鸟。为探究北红尾鸲巢址选择的影响因素,找到影响北红尾鸲繁殖成功率的主要巢址因子,于2017年4—7月,在辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区开展系统研究。共发现北红尾鸲自然巢44个,其中29巢繁殖成功,15巢繁殖失败。北红尾鸲主要筑巢于石墙缝、空心砖墙缝及废旧电表箱中。巢址参数的主成分分析结果表明:巢口因子(27.738%)、巢位因子(14.195%)、光照因子(12.145%)、人为干扰因子(10.440%)、安全因子(9.266%)和隐蔽因子(7.187%)是影响北红尾鸲巢址选择的重要因子。采用二元逻辑斯蒂回归分析繁殖成功巢与失败巢参数发现,成功巢的巢口最大高度显著小于失败巢(P=0.047),且其距顶的距离更近(P=0.043)。多元线性回归分析表明,巢上方盖度对繁殖成功率有极显著影响(t=2.883,P=0.009)。总的来说,北红尾鸲虽偏爱筑巢于人为干扰较大的村庄房屋附近,但较小的巢口能有效避免巢捕食者的捕食,更近的距顶距离和更大的巢上方盖度能有效降低巢上方的可视程度和降水等不利因素的影响,从而提高繁殖成功率。  相似文献   

越冬地东方白鹳繁殖生物学的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,陆续在长江中下游越冬地发现东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)繁殖个体。为了了解该种在当地的繁殖对策和种群现状,2004-2006年在安庆市望江县武昌湖地区(116°51.15′-116°49.47′E,30°19.53′-30°19.79′N)对东方白鹳的繁殖生物学进行了研究。东方白鹳在当地开始营巢时间不一致,最早为2月5日,而受干扰的繁殖个体则延至5月6日。观察到的巢全在高压线塔上,巢高34.6±0.8m(n=11),巢间距908.8±1039.4m(n=6)。产卵期最早开始于2月11日,最晚6月21日,窝卵数4.2±0.4(4-5)枚(n=6)。育雏期71.0±16.1d(n=3),日育雏5.1±2.6(n=38),雏鸟离巢时间最早6月14日,最晚9月20日。2004和2005年东方白鹳在该地区共营巢8窝,产卵25枚,孵出雏鸟9只,出飞7只。繁殖失败5巢,其中,人工干扰造成4巢失败,高压电击毁1巢。繁殖不同时期,亲鸟的觅食、休息、警戒、取材、翻卵、育雏、交配、在巢、视野外行为时间分配差异显著,而飞翔、行走、理羽、击喙、整巢和其它行为差异不显著。雏鸟在发育的不同时期,觅食、飞翔、休息、整巢、在巢、行走、视野外行为时间分配差异显著,理羽、警戒、击喙和其它行为差异不显著  相似文献   

正作者在山西进行野外调查期间,曾在不同地区多次发现灰头鸫(Turdus rubrocanus)的活动。2016年12月至2017年8月在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区利用红外相机进行野生动物调查期间,在两个地点(38°46′38.16″N,111°54′51.33″E,海拔2 237 m;38°46′39.54″N,111°54′54.39″E,海拔2 298 m)拍摄到灰头鸫的照片及视频,拍摄  相似文献   

2007~2009年在黑龙江中南部地区对绿翅鸭(Anas crecca)繁殖生态习性进行了观察。绿翅鸭在黑龙江属夏候鸟,每年3月末4月初迁来,10月上旬迁离,所观察的4对绿翅鸭居留期约6个月。迁来时成群停留在湖泊及江的冰面上,开江以后散去,繁殖期间,绿翅鸭的配偶关系为一雄一雌,巢址多选择离水域较近的草丛或灌木丛中,所观察的4巢,巢都比较简单,筑巢时间为(5.5±1.0)d(n=4)。巢筑成后的(3.25±0.50)d开始产卵。每窝70~12枚不等,平均(9.80±2.21)枚(n=4)。卵重平均(28.70±0.72)g(n=39),最后一枚卵产出后(2.50±0.577)d(n=4),开始孵卵,孵卵期约为22~26 d不等,平均孵卵期为(24.25±1.17)d(n=4),平均孵化率为79.5%±29.98%。幼鸟为早成鸟,育雏期为(29.75±1.70)d。  相似文献   

Morphology of Swift Tern Thalasseus bergii bergii eggs was examined on Robben Island, South Africa. A recently formed colony was found abandoned en masse, probably following human disturbance, and 146 freshly laid eggs were collected. The mean±SD nest density was 7±2.5 nests m?2 and 3% of nests contained two eggs. Eggs ranged in shape from oval to pyriform and displayed black markings (blotched, streaked, scrawled or speckled) overlaying the eggs’ colour. The mean length and width of a sample of 105 eggs was 62.2?mm (56.3–66.9?mm) and 42.3?mm (39.8–45.3?mm), respectively. All collected eggs were weighed and the mean mass was 57.9±3.72?g. Estimated volume of eggs was calculated to be 56.3±3.74 cm3. This is the first report of mass measurements obtained from freshly laid eggs Swift Tern eggs and provides insight on egg morphology, for which knowledge is limited for this species.  相似文献   

Investigating the reproductive ecology of naturalized species provides insights into the role of the source population's characteristics vs. post‐release adaptation that influence the success of introduction programmes. Introduced and naturalized Mallards Anas platyrhynchos are widely established in New Zealand (NZ), but little is known regarding their reproductive ecology. We evaluated the nesting ecology of female Mallards at two study sites in NZ (Southland and Waikato) in 2014–15. We radiotagged 241 pre‐breeding females with abdominal‐implant transmitters and measured breeding incidence, nesting chronology and re‐nesting propensity. We monitored 271 nests to evaluate nest survival, clutch and egg size, egg hatchability and partial clutch depredation. Breeding incidence averaged (mean ± se) 0.91 ± 0.03, clutch size averaged 9.9 ± 0.1 eggs, 94 ± 2% of eggs hatched in successful nests, partial depredation affected 6 ± 1% of eggs in clutches that were not fully destroyed by predators, and re‐nesting propensity following failure of nests or broods was 0.50 ± 0.003. Nesting season (first nest initiated to last nest hatched) lasted 4.5 months and mean initiation date of first detected nest attempts was 28 August ± 3.3 days. Smaller females were less likely to nest, but older, larger or better condition females nested earlier, re‐nested more often and laid larger clutches than did younger, smaller or poorer condition females. Younger females in Southland had higher nest survival; cumulative nest survival ranged from 0.25 ± 0.007 for adult females in Waikato to 0.50 ± 0.007 for yearling females in Southland. Compared with Mallards in their native range, the nesting season in NZ was longer, clutches and eggs were larger, and nest survival was generally greater. Different predators and climate, introgression with native heterospecifics and/or the sedentary nature of Mallards in NZ may have contributed to these differences.  相似文献   

2012年6月至8月期间,在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区发现3巢酒红朱雀(Carpodacus vinaceus).巢呈碗状,筑于小云杉(Picea asperata)或小灌木上,距地面高1.5~1.9 m.卵的大小为(21.06 ±0.59)mm ×(14.81±0.26)mm,重(2.32±0.08)g(n =6).雌鸟单独孵卵,雌雄共同育雏,孵卵期约14 d,育雏期约13 d.  相似文献   

Numerous methods have been proposed to indirectly detect conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) in birds. Egg morphology has been suggested as a predictor of parasitism, assuming that variation in egg size is greater among females than within females. Here we use microsatellite data to assess the use of egg morphology to detect CBP in a sample of black brant Branta bernicla nigricans nests. We attempted to repeat a previously demonstrated technique using cluster analysis and maximum Euclidean distance (MED) to detect parasitized nests within black brant. Additionally we attempted a new technique based on a discriminant function analysis of egg morphology in an attempt to detect brood parasitic eggs. When detecting parasitized nests using egg morphology, the cluster analysis revealed that the MED between the two most dissimilar eggs in each nest was significantly greater for parasitized nests than for non‐parasitized nests (1.62±0.06 and 1.43±0.08, respectively). The extent of overlap in sizes of eggs between parasitized and non‐parasitized nests, however, was such that we were unable to effectively identify parasitized nests. In most cases for each parasitized nest correctly identified, 3 non‐parasitized nests were incorrectly identified as parasitic. When we attempted to detect parasitic eggs we found that parasitic eggs were more different from the expected egg volume than host eggs: mean absolute residual volume of parasitic eggs=2.59±5.79 cm3 while that for host eggs=1.82±2.14 cm3. Overall, we found that the discriminant function analysis was moderately effective in determining whether eggs belonged to the host female using a resubstitution technique (error rate=9.71%) or a jackknife technique (error rate=6.12%). Additionally, we found a higher but moderate error rate when using an independent data set to validate the function (error rate=14.07%). In both cases, however, parasitic eggs accounted for most of the error and were not correctly classified 75%, 70% and 100% of the time respectively. We suggest when developing a predictive function for detecting conspecific brood parasitism based on egg morphology that an appropriate technique be used to validate the function, particularly those techniques that utilize unambiguous identifiers such as molecular and protein fingerprinting techniques.  相似文献   

Provisioning regimes and growth of Light-mantled Sooty Albatrosses (LMSA) (Phoebetria palpebrata) were investigated on subantarctic Macquarie Island using an automatic tracking system and automatic weighing nests. The nests were deployed under five chicks in the post-brood provisioning period in 2000 and 2001. Adults typically utilised a cyclical foraging strategy consisting of a long foraging trip followed by three to four shorter trips. Chicks received an average (±SE) of 37.5±2.3 kg of food in the post-brood provisioning period and were fed every 1.6±0.1 days with a mean meal size of 520±10 g. Chicks grew at a rate of 61.3±1.0 g day-1 to a peak mass of 4.4±0.1 kg. Mean chick fledging mass was 3.0±0.1 kg. LMSA on Macquarie Island fed their chicks more frequently and showed a lower mean trip duration than conspecifics at South Georgia, which is likely related to proximity of productive Antarctic shelf waters, differences in prey availability and competition with other Procellariiformes.  相似文献   

2016年3~6月,在广西西南部龙州县弄岗村(22°26′35.20′′~22°30′46.90′′N,106°57′46.35′′~107°03′32.99′′E),通过野外观察和自动温度记录仪相结合的方法对褐翅鸦鹃(Centropus sinensis)的孵卵行为与节律进行了研究。结果表明,1)褐翅鸦鹃边筑巢边产卵,每2 d产1枚卵,卵长径和短径分别为(36.11±0.42)mm和(28.46±0.38)mm,卵重(16.35±0.51)g(n=44枚)。窝卵数3~5枚,孵卵期为(16.75±1.65)d(n=4巢),孵化率为45.45%(n=44枚)。孵卵期与窝卵数之间无显著相关性(r=0.865,P0.05);2)白天双亲共同参与孵卵,夜晚则由其中1只负责。夜间亲鸟的在巢时间从19时左右持续至翌日晨6时左右;3)亲鸟采取离巢次数少和离巢时间长的孵卵策略。亲鸟日活动时间在700 min以上(n=45 d),日离巢次数为(8.82±0.34)次(n=45 d),平均每次离巢持续时间为(52.91±2.35)min(n=397次),每次离巢持续时间与环境温度呈显著负相关关系(r=﹣0.113,P0.05);4)巢内平均孵卵温度为(31.7±0.3)℃(n=4巢),随孵卵天数增加而增加,并与环境温度(最高温r=0.566,最低温r=0.537,平均温r=0.706,P0.01)和日活动时间正相关(r=0.506,P0.01);5)有延迟孵卵行为。延迟孵卵期间夜晚巢内最低温是22.1℃。在桂西南北热带气候环境中,高的环境温度是保障褐翅鸦鹃孵卵成功的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

热带鸟类的生活史进化策略与温带鸟类的不同,而迄今国内对热带鸟类的研究却非常缺乏,红耳鹎(Pycnonotus jocosus)在我国北热带地区分布广泛,是较为理想的研究对象。2010年至2014年春夏季,对北热带石灰岩地区红耳鹎的繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。采用系统搜寻法并根据亲鸟行为寻巢,应用方差分析和主成分分析对相关数据进行处理。结果显示,红耳鹎的产卵期集中在4月中旬至5月下旬,喜筑巢于灌木和人工种植的苹婆(Sterculia nobilis)树。平均窝卵数为(3.4±0.5)枚(3~4枚),卵重(2.59±0.29)g,卵大小(21.10±1.73)mm×(15.35±1.50)mm(n=31)。总的繁殖成功率为36.16%,繁殖失败的主要原因是天敌捕食、弃巢和人为干扰。一年繁殖一次和较低的繁殖成功率是研究地的红耳鹎有较大窝卵数的主要原因。红耳鹎在巢址选择时主要考虑避雨因子、避敌因子和灌木因子。  相似文献   

Capsule Great Bittern breeding phenology can be estimated from egg and chick biometrics.

Aims To estimate egg or chick ages in order to back-calculate egg-laying dates.

Methods Bittern nests were searched for in six French and three Belarussian sites between 1999 and 2004. Eggs and chicks were measured at each visit. By using a subsample of nests with known egg-laying (or hatching) dates, regression equations are determined using egg density and tarsus length in order to estimate, respectively, egg and chick ages. Additionally in Belarus, the ‘water test’ was used to estimate the incubation stage of the clutch.

Results A total of 141 Bittern nests were found. Egg density decreased linearly from 1.063 at laying to 0.915 the day before hatching. A regression equation therefore allows estimation of egg age from its density. A scale was also constructed to estimate egg age from its position in water, and the accuracy of the two methods is compared. Chick growth rates were similar between the two countries. Before the age of 25 days, chicks are best aged by tarsus length compared to other measurements (weight, bill length). No data were available after that age because chicks were no longer found on nests.

Conclusions Egg-laying date can be estimated to within ±3 days using egg density, and to within ±5 days, using the ‘water test’. Tarsus length can be used until the age of 25 days to age chicks to within ±2 days. These simple measurements provide efficient and accurate methods to record the breeding calendar of this endangered species.  相似文献   

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