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采用体质测量法以天津汉族正常者310例(女性231例, 男性79例)为对照, 分析天津汉族抑郁症患者202例(女性140例, 男性62例)的皮纹特征。经统计学分析, 结果显示: 抑郁症患者组双手a-b嵴线数、小鱼际及各指间区真实花纹出现率较正常组无显著性差异; 指端斗形纹出现率增加(P<0.01); 掌部a-b嵴线数波动不对称性(FA值)增加(P<0.01)、atd角偏大(P<0.01)、桥贯型及皱褶掌出现率增加(P<0.01)等可能是抑郁症患者的主要皮纹特征。  相似文献   

冠心病患者数量皮纹学特征波动性不对称的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了宁夏汉族男性256例(正常: 128例; 冠心病患者: 128例) 双手数量皮纹学特征及其波动性不对称, 比较了其均值的差异性。结果表明: 1)冠心病患者组与正常对照组相比较, 指纹嵴线数、指纹总嵴线数及a-b嵴线数均值均低于正常对照组; 2)冠心病患者组双手atd角及a-b间距均值均高于对照组, 双手atd角表现为显著增高(P<0.05), 右手a-b嵴线数均值表现为患者组低于对照组, 有显著性差异(P<0.01); 3)冠心病患者组数量皮纹性状波动性不对称水平与对照组在FAⅡ(a-b嵴线数, P<0.01)及FAⅤ(atd角, P<0.05)两项上表现出显著增高; 冠心病患者组a-b嵴线数FA分布在|R-L|≥7组显著增高(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

高尔  达泰  陈祖芬 《人类学学报》1986,5(3):299-300
本文测量了耳聋患者的a-b,a-d和td纹嵴数,并比较了各个患者的皮纹学差异。资料收集自印度Punjabi Khatri和Arora地区的208名家族性遗传性耳聋者,其中男性118名;女性90名,对照组228名Punjabi地区正常人,其中男性128名,女性100名,本研究表明,与对照组相比,耳聋组的‘a-b’,‘a-b’和‘td’纹嵴数偏低。  相似文献   

台湾原住民噶玛兰人肤纹学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国台湾噶玛兰人的肤纹参数, 样本包括50名男性和50名女性. 研究的项目有: 指纹总嵴线数(TFRC)、指三角a和b间嵴线数(a-b RC)、手掌轴三角t到指三角a和d角度(atd)、轴三角t百分距离(tPD)、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、指三角等. 还分析了同名指指纹对应的情况, 见到非随机组合的现象. 对台湾原住民(高山族)噶玛兰人的肤纹进行了详尽的调查, 为人类学、遗传学和医学研究提供了较完整的资料.  相似文献   

第1期百色六怀山旧石器遗址发掘简报…………………………裴树文,陈福友,张乐等(1)长兴县发现的旧石器………………………………………………………………徐新民(16)洛南盆地的大型石刀………………………………………………………………王社江(26)有关北京猿人生存环境的探讨…………………………………………张乐,汤卓炜(34)中国克木人的体质特征……………………………………郑连斌,陆舜华,陈媛媛等(45)贵州王卡苗族体质人类学研究……………………………余跃生,陆玉炯,罗载刚等(54)精神分裂症患者皮纹a-b嵴线数波动性不对称的研究…………  相似文献   

与胃癌相关的几个量化掌褶纹特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对几个与胃癌的发生具有相关性的掌褶纹特征量进行了提取, 并与对照组进行了对比, 用统计学t检验的方法分析后发现,胃癌患者双手手掌掌褶纹的ATD角、左右手三线与掌宽夹角及左右手a-b嵴线数(a-bRc)与正常对照组之间均存在统计学意义上的差异, 这些结论为后期构建与胃癌的发生具有相关性的皮纹特征量化指标体系提供了依据,也为临床对早期胃癌患者的筛查提供了皮纹学方面的支持。  相似文献   

裕固族皮纹学初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文研究了甘肃裕固族青少年儿童346人的皮纹学特征,报道了斗、箕、弓各型指纹的频率,指纹指数,总指嵴数,a-b嵴数,通关手出现率,掌纹真实花样等8项皮纹学参数和主线止区的分布比例。并作了性别、手别、族别及人种间的比较。结果表明,裕固族既具有蒙古人种的皮纹特征,也有一些白种人的皮纹特点,这可能暗示着裕固族有白种人的血统。  相似文献   

中国延边朝鲜族手皮纹研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文观察研究了400例(男200例;女200例)中国延边地区朝鲜族手的皮纹。调查分析了指纹类型、指嵴纹计数与总数、a-b嵴纹、掌纹真实花样百分率、掌纹类型、atd角等项系数。进行了不同性别、不同民族和人种间的差异性比较。结果表明朝鲜族手皮纹有一定的特征。  相似文献   

本文采用随机整体抽样的方法分析了先天性心脏病患者129例(男性59例, 女性70例) 和正常对照人群133例(男性69例, 女性64例) 13项皮纹波动不对称性(Fluctuating asymmetry, FA)的分布特征。结果表明: (1)先天性心脏病患者组与正常对照组在13项皮纹波动不对称性指标中均未出现显著性别差异; (2)先天性心脏病患者组与正常对照组在FAⅥ(P<0.05)和FAⅦ(P<0.01)两项有显著性差异, 表现为患者组明显增高, 提示先天性心脏病患者在胚胎发育早期易受到环境因素影响, 具有较高的发育不稳定性。  相似文献   

本文通过对28个汉族家族共230人的指纹进行捺印、编号、测量、统计分析, 研究亲子代之间指纹的总嵴线数、各指位嵴线数、a-b嵴线数以及atd角之间的关系, 计算它们之间的相关系数以及回归方程,分析家族指纹的遗传性。  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry of paired morphological structures is regarded as a measure of developmental stability. To test whether poorly canalized individuals are highly sensitive to postnatal environmental influence, we accepted the exogenous disease low-back pain as an example of such sensitivity. Asymmetry of the palmar a-b ridge count was examined in 217 males suffering from low-back pain against 300 healthy controls. Low-back pain patients showed significantly higher values of asymmetry indices indicating lower developmental stability. The results suggest that dermatoglyphic asymmetry can mark phenotypes weakly adapted to postnatal stress.  相似文献   

Quantitative Fluctuating (FA) and Directional asymmetry (DA) of dermatoglyphics on digito-palmar complex were analyzed in a group of 111 patients (males: 61, females: 50) with schizophrenia (SZ), and compared to an ethnically matched phenotypically healthy control (males: 60, females: 60) through MANOVA, ANOVA and canonical Discriminant analyses. With few exceptions, asymmetries are higher among patients, and this is more prominent in FA than DA. Statistically significant differences were observed between patient and control groups, especially in males. In both sexes, FA of combined dermatoglyphic traits (e.g. total finger ridge count, total palmar pattern ridge count) are found to be a strong discriminator between the two groups with a correct classification of over 83% probability.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was calculated for nine paired morphometric characters in a randombred population of house mice in order to assess the effects of age, sex, and phenotypical extremeness. FA did not significantly vary between sexes for any of the characters, and age proved to be significant only for innominate length. Additionally, FA values in high extreme individuals and low extreme individuals were compared to those for intermediate individuals to discover whether extreme individuals showed increased fluctuating asymmetry (decreased developmental stability) due to increased levels of homozygosity. Differences in fluctuating asymmetry magnitudes were found between the groups, although the extreme individuals did not consistently show increased fluctuating asymmetry and FA differences also showed no significant association with the level of heritability of each character. Potential reasons for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is defined as random deviations from bilateral symmetry of the body. Thus, its magnitude is often used to evaluate developmental homeostasis. In this study we evaluate the following hypotheses: 1) FA of dermatoglyphic traits has a significant genetic component; 2) prenatal maternal environment (PME) has a significant effect on the FA of dermatoglyphic traits in developmentally healthy individuals; and 3) genetic or environmental factors affect FA on organismal or systemic levels. Therefore, their effect is better seen in composite scores of FA rather than in FA indices for single traits. We analyzed 15 dermatoglyphic traits from 140 pairs of monozygous twins, 120 pairs of dizygous twins, and 106 pairs of mothers and daughters. All individuals were developmentally healthy. The influence of genetic and environmental factors on FA was evaluated by analysis of variance and regression analysis. For a majority of the traits in our study, FA showed significant but weak heritabilities, with values falling within the 0.20-0.35 range. None of the traits taken separately demonstrated the effect of PME on FA to be significantly greater than zero. The composite score of FA tended to have greater heritability values than individual traits. One of them, obtained in principal components analysis, showed a significant PME effect, supporting the hypothesis that FA is a systemic property.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry was studied in cleft lip propositi and their normal sibs and parents. The traits examined were a-b ridge counts and fingerprint patterns. Propositi with a family history of this congenital malformation and their normal sibs and parents were significantly different from the controls for this type of asymmetry. Propositi without a family history and their normal sibs and parents were similar to the controls. These results support the hypothesis that familial and sporadic cases of congenital cleft lip are different entities and give evidence for a genetic mechanism in the parents and sibs of the familial cases that may account for this congenital disorder and, concomitantly, increased fluctuating asymmetry.  相似文献   

Quantitative dermatoglyphic characters of fingers and palms of 61 male patients with fra-X-syndrome and 20 female heterozygote carriers were analysed and compared with the data from 84 male and 90 female normal individuals. Univariate and multivariate analysis of the data led to the following conclusions: 1. The fra-X-syndrome patients show higher ridge count and higher MLI value (increased transversality of the main lines), and lower a-b ridge counts than the controls. In addition to this, differences are observed also for the diversity and asymmetry measures. 2. Discriminant analysis as applied to the sexes separately, showed that 75% of males can be correctly classified in their group. However, the percent of correctly classified females is lower than the males; it is 70% (fra-X female) ad 64.4% (control female). 3. D2-matrix and the comparison of TFR C values support the hypothesis of X-chromosomal doses effect on the dermatoglyphics.  相似文献   

Palmar dermatoglyphic prints were taken of 261 dyslexics (173 males and 88 females) and compared against those of 707 controls (372 males and 335 females). Dyslexics of both sexes were found to exhibit greater complexity in terms of ridge count and pattern location than controls, particularly on the left hand. Specifically, both male and female dyslexics exhibited higher left a-b counts, wider atd angles on both palms, and higher frequencies of pattern in left interdigital area IV. Additionally, male dyslexics also had higher right a-b counts and greater frequency of pattern in the left hypothenar area. Dyslexics of both sexes were also found to have more distally located axial triradii, and investigation of bilateral asymmetry found dyslexics to exhibit more directional asymmetry than controls in the variable of a-b count, with the left value for both groups being greater than the right. It was concluded that the study evidenced strong support for the hypothesis that some causative factor relating to the development of dyslexia is operating during the time period in which dermatoglyphic features are formed. The relevance of these findings in terms of the Geschwind hypothesis and the possible importance of prenatal testosterone are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study is carried out to evaluate the effect of chromosomal morbidity (82% are 47XXY and in the remaining cases there is the extra X and/or Y) in the males with Klinefelter’s syndrome, based on dermatoglyphic traits and indices of diversity and asymmetry. The main objectives of the present study is to find dermatoglyphic traits and fluctuating asymmetry indices which could be “marker traits” and could indicate the degree of developmental instability of the organism. The sample of males with Klinefelter’s syndrome (N=171) was collected in the Institute of Human Genetics of Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel, by Professor Bat-Miriam Katznelson during 20 years, between 1968–1988. All patients were confirmed by chromosomal examination. The finger and palm prints were collected with the aid of pads manufactured by Lamedco Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A. Interpretation of the prints was according to Cummins and Midlo (1961) and Penrose (1968) and included identification of patterns, ridge counts and the measurements of distances sum of and angles in the palms. 79 dermatoglyphic variables for every patient: 28 continuous traits, 9 discrete traits, 11 indices of intra-individual diversity, 15 indices of directional asymmetry and 16 indices of fluctuating asymmetry were estimated. The problem of asymmetry, fluctuating and directional and of intraindividual diversity of quantitative dermatoglyphic traits is reviewed here as well as illustrated by data obtained on a sample of healthy control group of Jews from Israel. In this first part of our paper we will discuss the data on individual dermatoglyphic traits on digits and palms. The second part will be dedicated to multivariate analysis in order to compare between Klinefelter’s syndrome and control healthy individuals based on quantitative dermatoglyphic traits and indices of diversity and asymmetry.  相似文献   

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