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木论喀斯特林区翠柏群落学特征的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
广西木论喀斯特林区,位于我国中亚热带南缘。据600m2翠柏群落样方调查结果:有维管束植物76种,隶51科69属,其中单种的属占89.9%。植物区系以热带分布区类型为主,占总属数(不含世界分布)的71.0%,温带分布占25.8%,但群落的种类组成是以亚热带成分占优势,按Rarnkiaer生活型分类系统,高位芽植物占82.9%,地面芽植物占15.8%,一年生植物占1.3%,缺少地上芽和地下芽植物;从生理角度分析,叶级以小型叶(包括微型和鳞型叶)为主,占59.2%;叶型以单叶占的比例最大,为86.8%,群落结构可分为乔、灌、草三层,其中乔木层又可分出二个亚层。对该群落各乔木种群的大小结构分析,显示出翠柏群落是相对稳定性较大的群落。  相似文献   

东北岩高兰(Empetrum nigrum L.var.aponicum K.Koch)为岩高兰科(Empetraceae)岩高兰属植物。全科3属9种,本属共6种,分布于北温及北极地区。我国仅有一变种,数量极少,仅分布在我国的大兴安岭北部林区,是国家重点保护植物。一、形态特征常绿匍匐状小灌木,高20~50厘米,可达1米余;分枝多而稠密,红褐色。叶细小,线形,互生,长3~5毫米,宽1~1.5毫米,先端钝,边缘略反卷,叶上面无毛,干后具皱纹,有光泽;无柄;无托叶。花雌雄异株或同株,小形,腋生;无花瓣;萼片花瓣状,暗红  相似文献   

云南易门翠柏和黄彬的群落调查及保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家二级保护植物翠柏(Calocedrus macroleqis Kurz)和黄杉(Pseudotsugaa sinensis Dode),仅在云南易门有较大面积的纯林分布,是很有保护价值的2个树种和相应的2个森林群落,现已成为全国唯一的翠柏和黄杉自然保护区。本文从群落特征、区系和种群分布格局的角度,首次较全面地分析了翠柏和黄杉极需保护的重要性。结果表明翠柏幼苗的耐阴性及黄杉幼苗的喜光性都是其分布范围受限制的主要原因之一;根据化石资料得出翠柏可能起源于滇中南;从分析群落中种子植物属的分布区类型得出翠柏的分布地生境比黄杉更趋于热带性。这些研究为翠柏及黄杉的就地保护和迁地保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   

杉科与松科在形态上的主要不同处在于:杉科的球果中种鳞与苞鳞是合生的,或至少仅先端分离,其余部分均合生,有时种鳞极小或苞鳞退化了;而松科的种鳞与苞鳞分离,仅基部合生。从属的数目说,杉科与松科相同,也有10属,但种数比松科少得多,只有16种。我国有杉科植物5属7种...  相似文献   

祝正银   《广西植物》2000,20(4):323-324
一年生草本,高17~27cm;根具主根与少数须根.茎近四棱形,通常不分枝或有时基部具分枝,直立或近直立,节间长.基础生叶早落,倒披针形,长7~10mm,宽1.5mm,先端钝,基础部渐狭成柄状;茎生叶4~5对,卵圆形或宽卵形,长7~12mm,宽4~10mm,先端浑圆或钝,基部截形或近圆形,不合生,两面三刀面主脉明显,叶柄不明显.  相似文献   

报道了采自中国广西乐业县大石围天坑群洞穴藓类植物中国新记录种——莫氏疣壶藓Gymnostomiella monodii P.de la Varde(丛藓科Pottiaceae)。该种的主要识别特征是:植物体细小;叶中上部边缘多具齿突,先端具短锐尖;叶中上部细胞一般具0~1(~2)个乳突状疣;芽胞棒槌状。中国目前分布的疣壶藓属植物共3种和2变种,并提供分种检索表。  相似文献   

杜鹃花属的研究(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灌木,高1.5-3米。小枝适度地纤细,当年生者紫色,有鳞斑,约长4-5厘米,直径1-1.5毫米,一年生以上者淡黄色或褐色,无鳞斑。冬芽长圆锥状,鳞片覆瓦状排列,早落。叶薄纸质,狭窄或长圆状椭圆形,先端渐尖或近于钝尖状锐尖,基部楔形或钝形,长4.5-5厘米,宽1.2-2厘米,上面深绿色,有稀疏的鳞斑,下面淡绿色,有鳞斑,彼此间的距离,为其直径的2-3倍,中脉在上而略四陷,在下面稍凸起,侧脉不发育;叶柄有稀疏的鳞斑,长6-8毫米。  相似文献   

王毅  王晨晨  周旭  毕玮  杨宇明  王娟 《广西植物》2015,35(2):282-284
隔距兰属(Cleisostoma Bl.)是兰科植物中较大的一个属,约有100种,广泛分布于热带、亚热带地区。中国约有16种,其中4种为特有。该文报道了该属一中国新记录——二齿叶隔距兰[Cleisostoma aspersum(Rchb.f.)Garay],并提供描述和照片,目前该种仅见于云南。与近缘种类相比,本种具有以下鉴别特征:叶齿状二裂;唇瓣中裂片肥厚,前缘钝;蕊喙圆锥状,先端歪斜;药帽喙状等。在花部形态上,该种与Cleisostoma discolor Lindl.相似,然而后者的唇瓣中裂片明显较薄,匙状方形,并且具有啮齿状边缘,易于区别。  相似文献   

前言多穗柯Lithocarpus polystachyus(wall.)Rehd.属壳斗科,常绿乔木,俗称甜茶。叶互生,叶片革质,卵状披针形至近椭圆形,长12~20厘米,宽5~8厘米,先端渐尖或长渐尖,基部楔形全缘,上面深绿色,下面粉绿色,被灰白色鳞粃比,叶中含有丰富的棕色素。该植物分布于我国长江以南各省(区)海拔400米以上的低山密林中,呈野生状态,资源丰富,主要集中于江西、广西及湖南等省,安徽、福建、广东、海南、云南、贵州、四川等省也有生长。印度、泰国也有分布。该植物萌发力强,每年舂、秋可摘嫩叶两次,即使成年树被砍伐后,又可在根部萌发新的植株,此特性为开发利用提供了有利条件。据文献报  相似文献   

采用正相硅胶、MCI、反相RP-18和半制备液相等色谱技术,对柏科翠柏属植物翠柏(Calocedrus macrolepis)中的二萜类成分及其抗炎活性进行了研究。结果表明:从中共分离得到8个二萜类化合物,分别鉴定为8-hydroxy-labda-13(16),14-dien-19-yl trans-coumarate(1)、trans-communal(2)、trans-communic acid(3)、pinusolidic acid(4)、isocupressic acid(5)、fokihodgin F(6)、acetylisocupressic acid(7)、15,16-dihydroxy-labda-8(17),13(E)-dien-19-oic acid(8)。化合物1~8均为首次从该植物中分离得到。化合物7对LPS诱导的RAW264.7巨噬细胞释放NO具有显著的抑制作用,其IC50值为9.31μmol·L~(-1)。  相似文献   

蔷薇科是云南种子植物区系中的第5大科,有41属456种,其属种分别占我国蔷薇科的74.5%和52.2%.云南蔷薇科植物的区系物征:1)云南蔷薇科属种十分丰富,分别占国产属的3/4和种的一半以上;而且该科植物中原始的、中间过渡的和进化的类群在云南均有分布.2)区系地理成份相当复杂,以包括北温带和东亚等分布类型为主的温带成分占优势.3)蔷薇科在云南的地理分布为5个区.该科植物在滇西、滇西北区种类最为丰富,占总种数的65.7%,其次是中部高原区、滇东南区及滇南和滇西南区较少,滇东北区最少.云南是蔷薇科植物的一个现代分布中心和分化中心之一.  相似文献   

Calocedrus rupestris Aver., H.T. Nguyen & L.K. Phan was described in 2008 based on some morphological characters that were not sufficiently significant to discriminate it as a species distinct from C. macrolepis Kurz. We applied a new approach to resolve these conflicting views by using sequence data from DNA (ITS) to elucidate phylogenetic relationships between the two species. Analyses of a partial ITS1 sequence in 5 individuals of 2 subpopulations of C. macrolepis and 18 individuals of 8 subpopulations of C. rupestris collected in Vietnam were done. Molecular characterization of the two species showed its low divergence with the lack of autapomorphic characters. In addition, the ITS1 partial sequences of some C. rupestris individuals were identical with C. macrolepis. Due to the less distinctive morphology between C. rupestris and C. macrolepis, the divergence between them does not exceed the interspecific levels, and therefore, C. rupestris could not be regarded as an independent species in relation to C. macrolepis but only as one of its varieties, C. macrolepis var. rupestris (Aver., H.T. Nguyen & L.K. Phan) L.K. Phan, Long K. Phan & Aver.  相似文献   

The genus Calocedrus Kurz is characterized by flattened branches covered with decussate and dimorphic leaves. In this study, we describe fossil foliage of Calocedrus discovered in the Shangcun Formation (early Oligocene) of the Maoming Basin, South China. The fossils have wedge‐shaped branchlet segments and scale‐like strongly dimorphic leaves, similar to the fossil species Calocedrus lantenoisi (Laurent) Tao. There have been no detailed studies of the morphological features and cuticle structures of C. lantenoisi. Therefore, a newly emended diagnosis of the species C. lantenoisi is given based on a detailed study of leaf morphology and cuticular characters exhibited by the Maoming fossils. This is one of the earliest fossil records of Calocedrus in the world, providing additional evidence for the early biogeographic history of this genus and supporting the inference that eastern Asian Calocedrus is primitive among all the living species. The extant species of Calocedrus are mainly distributed in mountainous regions. On the basis of the “nearest living relative” analysis, we propose that the Maoming Basin was adjacent to a mountainous region during the early Oligocene.  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Calocedrus is among the genera with a typical eastern Asian-western North American disjunct distribution today. The origin of its modern distribution pattern can be better understood by examining its fossil record. ? Methods: The present article reports for the first time a new fossil species of this genus based on compressed material from the Oligocene Ningming Formation of Guangxi, South China, in its present major distribution area in eastern Asia. ? Key Results: Calocedrus huashanensis sp. nov. is most similar to the two extant eastern Asian species, C. macrolepis and C. formosana, in gross morphology of foliage shoots and bears a close resemblance to the latter in cuticle structure. It shows a general similarity to the North American fossil representatives of the genus in alternately branched foliage shoots but is clearly different from the European Paleogene species characterized by oppositely branched leafy shoots. ? Conclusions: This discovery provides new evidence for the floristic exchange of this genus between eastern Asia and North America before the Oligocene (most likely in the Eocene), presumably via the Bering land bridge. The flattened leafy shoots and dimorphic leaves with thin cuticle, open stomatal pits, and shallowly sunken guard cells of the present fossils suggest a rather humid climate during the Oligocene in the Ningming area, South China.  相似文献   

广西岩溶植被植物区系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对数十年来广西植物研究所对广西岩溶植被全面调查积累的资料进行分析研究 ,结果表明 :( 1 )广西岩溶植被的植物区系成分有 1 75科 662属 1 5 0 0种 ,其中 6科 1 71属 83 4种为岩溶植被专有 ;( 2 )广西岩溶植被的区系成分以番荔枝科、椴树科、大戟科、苏木科、榆科、鼠李科、楝科、无患子科、漆树科等为主 ,与岩溶植被区系关系密切的科或乔木层优势科一般是落叶种类多或藤本种类多的科 ,如果优势科多数种类或优势种类是常绿的 ,这些种类不是热带植物区系成分 ,就是一类硬叶阔叶或针叶的亚热带种类 ;( 3 )岩溶植被植物区系组成为地域性但带有明显的地带性烙印 ;( 4 )广西岩溶植被区系成分以热带成分为主 ,温带成分为辅 ,62 2属种子植物 ,热带分布占 76.2 1 % ,温带分布占 2 1 .1 3 % ,中国特有占 2 .66% ;( 5 )组成山顶矮林的区系成分比较固定 ,乔木种类主要有 :乌冈栎、铁屎米、山胶木 (假水石梓 )、圆叶乌桕、铜钱树、化香树、广东松、翠柏等 ;( 6)与广西酸性土植被比较 ,岩溶植被植物区系中蕨类植物、裸子植物、双子叶植物以及单子叶植物 ,无论是科属组成 ,还是种的组成 ,均没有酸性土植被植物区系占的比例高 ,另外 ,与组成酸性土植被乔木层优势科的关系也很疏远  相似文献   

Several silicified ovulate cones from the late middle Miocene (Barstovian) represent a new species, Picea wolfei Crabtree. This is the second species of Picea for which structurally preserved seed cones are known to be reported from the Tertiary. The cones are 5.0–8.0 cm long and 1.5–2.0 cm at their greatest diameter. Ovuliferous scales are inserted helically around the cone axis and are recurved at their point of divergence. Each scale is broadly obovate to spatulate with a rounded apex and bore two seeds adaxially. The bract subtending the scale is 4.5–7.3 mm long and is fused to the scale for 1.4–2.0 mm. Each bract has an inflated keel-like base which projects abaxially between the seeds of adjacent scales. The fossil cones superficially resemble those of the extant Picea breweriana, yet differ from them anatomically. The new species also resembles Picea lahontense, a fossil compression from the Miocene Trout Creek Flora of south-central Oregon, but the different modes of preservation preclude meaningful comparison. Picea diettertiana, the only structurally preserved fossil cone of this genus previously described, is quite dissimilar in that it lacks a sclerotic pith.  相似文献   

In this study, the anti-termitic activities of 11 essential oils from three species of coniferous tree against Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki were investigated using direct contact application. Results demonstrated that at the dosage of 10 mg/g, the heartwood and sapwood essential oils of Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana and Cryptomeria japonica and the leaf essential oil of Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana had 100% mortality after 5 d of test. Among the tested essential oils, the heartwood essential oil of C. macrolepis var. formosana killed all termites after 1 d of test, with an LC(50) value of 2.6 mg/g, exhibiting the strongest termiticidal property. The termiticidal effect of heartwood essential oil was due to its toxicity and its repellent action.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of the endangered species Calocedrus macrolepis. We examined flower phenology and morphology, spatial distribution of male and female cones, pollen viability, variation in pollen density around the crown, and the pollination process. Calocedrus macrolepis is monoecious with unisexual flowers on the same branches. Pollen‐shed from male cones occurred from early September to mid‐February, whereas the female cones were receptive from mid‐September to mid‐March. The inconsistency of flowering periods between male and female cones within populations and among individuals extended the pollination period. There was a layered distribution pattern of male and female cones in the crown, with more male cones in the lower layer and more female cones in the upper layer. This resulted in different selfing and outcrossing rates at various locations. The pollen of C. macrolepis lack airbags, and consequently, it was dispersed within only 10 m of the mother tree. The short pollen dispersal distance could restrict gene flow among different geographical populations. Calocedrus macrolepis is endangered because of its high degree of selfing and inbreeding resulting from its monoecious characteristics and the short distance of pollen spread. These factors may result in a population decline.  相似文献   

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