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在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科鹅耳枥属千金榆花序和花的形态发生过程。千金榆雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基和2个次级苞片;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成1个二心皮雌蕊;次级苞片远轴面发育快于近轴面,呈不均等的联合状;雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区,并分化形成3朵小花,小花无花被,位于两侧的小花分别有2枚雄蕊,位于中央的小花有4枚雄蕊,雄蕊共8枚,稀为10枚,该3朵小花为二歧聚伞状排列,其花基数应为2基数。  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下观察了桦木科(Betulaceae)铁木属花序和花的形态发生过程。结果显示,铁木雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成1对次级苞片和2个花原基,每个花原基分化出2个或3个心皮原基,形成二心皮或三心皮雌蕊,雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区,位于中央的花原基分区,分化形成5–6枚雄蕊原基,两侧的花原基分区,分别分化形成3–4枚雄蕊原基,雄蕊原基分化形成四药囊雄蕊。雄蕊原基纵裂,但花丝纵裂没有达到基部。  相似文献   

以弯齿盾果草不同发育时期的花芽为材料,在体视显微镜解剖观察的基础上使用扫描电镜对弯齿盾果草花序、花及果实的发育过程进行了观察。结果显示:(1)弯齿盾果草的花序是由最初的一个球形花序原基经过多次分裂形成的,且花序发生式样符合蝎尾状聚伞花序结构,而非通常所描述的镰状或螺状聚伞花序;花序发生过程中无单一主轴,花序轴是由侧枝连接而成,每一朵花原基有其对应的1枚苞片,下一花原基是从相邻的上一枚苞腋里发生,相邻两花原基交错互生。(2)花器官的发生是按照花萼原基、花冠原基、雄蕊原基和雌蕊原基的顺序发育,但雄蕊原基的花药部分发育速度要比花冠原基快,所以花器官的发育是按照花萼、雄蕊、花冠和雌蕊的顺序发育。(3)子房四深裂结构是由4个原基分别发育,而后相互靠拢而成。(4)小坚果表面的附属结构发生于子房发育后期,其背面的内外层突起分别是由生长较快的外部组织的边缘通过上部内缩和下部向外环状生长形成。  相似文献   

榛属(桦木科)花序及花的形态发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在扫描电镜下观察了桦木科榛属榛、毛榛和滇榛的花序和花的形态发生过程。榛属雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成二心皮雌蕊;雌蕊基部有2层花被原基,内层花被原基环状,外层花被发生于花原基近轴面和远轴面,近轴面和远轴面的花被不均等分化,外层花被发生早于内层花被。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出2枚次级苞片和4。6个雄蕊原基,形成4—6枚雄蕊,每个雄蕊具4个药囊,在雄蕊原基分化形成4药囊雄蕊过程中.出现雄蕊原基纵裂。并且花丝纵裂至基部。为进一步全面探讨桦木科属间系统演化关系提供了证据。  相似文献   

榛属 (桦木科) 花序及花的形态发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在扫描电镜下观察了桦木科榛属榛、毛榛和滇榛的花序和花的形态发生过程。榛属雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成二心皮雌蕊;雌蕊基部有2层花被原基,内层花被原基环状,外层花被发生于花原基近轴面和远轴面,近轴面和远轴面的花被不均等分化,外层花被发生早于内层花被。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出2枚次级苞片和4~6个雄蕊原基,形成4~6枚雄蕊,每个雄蕊具4个药囊,在雄蕊原基分化形成4药囊雄蕊过程中,出现雄蕊原基纵裂,并且花丝纵裂至基部。为进一步全面探讨桦木科属间系统演化关系提供了证据。  相似文献   

毛舞花姜花器官的发生与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过扫描电镜观察了毛舞花姜(Globba barthei Gagne p.)的花序及花器官的发生与发育。3枚萼片原基首先于花顶连续发生,随后花顶的中心凹陷形成环状原基,环状原基进一步分化形成三枚花瓣—雄蕊共同原基,并在花顶的中心形成花杯。共同原基分化形成花瓣和三枚内轮雄蕊,紧接着外轮雄蕊在花杯的顶点发生。远轴的两枚内轮雄蕊延伸生长并相互融合形成了唇瓣,近轴的一枚形成了可育雄蕊;近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊发育形成了成熟花结构中的侧生退化雄蕊,而远轴的一枚缺失。近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊原基起始的同时,3枚心皮原基也在中心花杯的内侧发生而后与外轮雄蕊相间排列。对毛舞花姜花序的发生和发育的观察发现,在花序轴的头几片初级苞片中产生的是珠芽原基而非蝎尾状小花序原基,其形态特征类似于早期的蝎尾状小花序原基,由此推测珠芽很可能是蝎尾状小花序的变异。  相似文献   

单歧聚伞花序是指分枝从苞片腋内生出且每级分枝只有1个的聚伞花序,现有资料表明,单歧聚伞花序有螺状聚伞花序、蝎尾状聚伞花序、扇状聚伞花序和镰状聚伞花序4种类型。基于文献和紫草亚科花序发育观察研究进一步阐述这4种单歧聚伞花序的概念及结构,以澄清目前一些教材和植物志等对单歧聚伞花序类型及其概念中存在的混淆现象和错误认识。  相似文献   

桤木属花序和花的形态发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科Betulaceae桤木属Alnus花序和花的形态发生过程,为桦木科属级鉴定提供了微形态学依据.实验材料为东北桤木A.mandshurica和辽东桤木A.sibirica,其雌花序均为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成:每个小花序外具1枚初级苞片、2枚次级苞片、2枚三级苞片,内有2朵花.每个花具1个二心皮合生雌蕊,雌蕊具二叉分枝的长柱状花柱.每个小花序的2个二心皮合生雌蕊的定位方式为相互垂直.东北桤木的雌花序由芽鳞包被越冬,而辽东桤木的雌花序裸露越冬.东北桤木和辽东桤木的雄花序亦为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成.每个小花序外被1枚初级苞片、2枚次级苞片、2枚三级苞片,内有3朵花.先形成的2枚次级苞片和后形成的2枚三级苞片均来源于小花序原基.3个花原基中.位于中间的比两侧的分化要早.每个花具4枚被片和4枚雄蕊,每个雄蕊具4个药囊.花的被片比雄蕊发育得早,均由花原基发育而成.东北桤木和辽东桤木的雄花序均裸露越冬.  相似文献   

以北京东灵山胭脂花自然分布地野生群体中2年生以上植株为研究对象,于2008~2010年连续3年观测了野生胭脂花的年生长发育进程,并采用石蜡切片法制片,通过普通光学显微镜和体视显微镜观察了胭脂花花芽分化和花序发育的过程,以探明野生胭脂花生长发育和花芽分化的规律,为人工栽培胭脂花提供依据。结果显示:(1)胭脂花的年生长发育进程可分为萌芽期、营养生长期、开花期、果实发育期、果熟期、花芽分化期和休眠期等7个阶段;5~9月为胭脂花的生长季,生长环境凉爽,日平均气温为5℃~20℃。(2)胭脂花花芽分化期为7月中下旬~9月上旬,历时约2个月,整个过程包括未分化期、花芽原基分化期、小花原基分化期和小花分化期;花序上的小花由外向内逐渐形成并发育,雌雄蕊的发育从8月中下旬开始到9月上中旬结束;花序发育完全的胭脂花植株进入休眠期,经过当年10月份至来年4月份的低温阶段翌年开花。胭脂花花芽分化进程和外部形态密切相关,可根据植株的外部形态特征快速判定花序发育状况。  相似文献   

庙台械的花序为有限花序,由一顶花和6—9枝侧花枝组成,属圆锥状聚伞花序。一个花序共有14—29朵花,包括两性花、雄花和无性花三类花。根据花在花序上着生的位置,可分为三级。7月初,花序原基形成,在花序轴伸长的同时,侧面形成侧花枝轴原基。花序的顶花最早进行个体发育,随后是侧花枝顶花;侧花枝上同一级花的发育顺序则是从花序的下面向上进行。花器官发生时,花萼原基最先形成,然后是花瓣、雄蕊、心皮和胚珠。  相似文献   

Many of the flowers produeed bv a plant fail to mature seeds despite effective pollination. The role of inflorescence architecture governing patterns of abortion in plants has been underestimated. 1 he inflorescence of Echium vulgare L. comprises a raceme bearing lateral inflorescences, each of which is cymosc. Within each cyme, there is a correlation between the proximity of a flower to the main axis and its order of flowering; and (lie probability of it maturing seeds. These findings appear to result from a decrease in the availability of maternal resources as the flowering period progresses. No relationship could be shown between the position of the cyme on the main inflorescence and the number of seeds set per flower although position was correlated with the length of the cyme, the number of (lowers and the length of the subtending bract. The mctamcric units of E. vulgare appear to function largely independently in their assimilation of resources. Larger cymes not only bear more flowers, but also draw on a larger area of photosynthetic tissue for resources. This hypothesis is supported by the removal of the bract or of part of the cyme at the onset of flowering; cymes without bracts mature fewer ovules than controls while decapitated cymes mature a greater proportion of ovules.  相似文献   

CUNNELL  G. J. 《Annals of botany》1961,25(2):224-240
This paper records the form variation of 750 inflorescencesof Ranunculus bulbosus L. collected randomly from each of twolarge colonies growing on permanent grassland. Each inflorescence has a terminal flower, 1–4 bracts onthe main axis and up to 8 flowers borne on cymes subtended bythese bracts. Over 75 per cent, of each sample consists of inflorecenceswith 2 or 3 bracts on the main axis and 2–4 flowers. Thenumber of flowers increases with the number of bracts on themain axis and evidence is given that the 4-bract 9-floweredinflorescence may be nearly the largest and most complex thatcan be produced under these conditions. The distribution of flowers in the axillary cymes is such thatthe inflorescences tend to be radially symmetrical and pyramidalin form. This is so even thought with increase in the numberof bracts on the main axis the proportion of axillary flowersdecreases in the lowest cyme and increases in the cyme above. It is considered that the form and size of the inflorescencecan be related to the vigour of the plant and to the mechanicaland nutritional problems involved. A comparison of the varioustypes of inflorescences found probably reflects the developmentalsequence of flower production. It also indicates that thereis competition between certain potential flower positions asthe inflorescence develops.  相似文献   

为了揭示植物花的空间布局与开花动态的调节机制以及避免同株异花传粉的生态学策略,该研究对铁破锣[Beesia calthifolia (Maxim.) Ulbr.]花序形态结构、开花动态和传粉生物学进行了观察分析。结果表明:(1)铁破锣花序结构设计巧妙,由3朵花组成一个聚伞花序单元并依次排列在主花序轴上,且花序轴上聚伞花序之间距离较远。(2)铁破锣通过单个聚伞花序顶花先开,通常只有6~8朵聚伞花序的顶花同时开放,而且总状花序从基部到顶部逐次开放,从而使得大量聚集单花的花序达到尽量少开花。(3)铁破锣花白色,花粉是访花昆虫的仅有诱物,纤细巴蚜蝇(Baccha maculata)是铁破锣的主要传粉昆虫,这种昆虫能够以花丝为着力点取食花粉,通常在一个花序上取食一朵单花后很快飞向另外一个花序的花。研究认为,铁破锣花序的空间设计和开花的时间序列动态减少了昆虫访问同株异花的可能性。  相似文献   

Structure of inflorescence and its variation were organographically and ontogenetically studied inLespedeza cuneata (Dum.-Cours.) G. Don. An axillary inflorescence of the species forms a compound inflorescence which is composed of three or four component inflorescences. Each component inflorescence bears four (rarely six), three, two, or one flowers. Based on the arrangement of inflorescence phyllomes, the component inflorescence with four flowers is interpreted as a pseudoraceme bearing two shortened lateral shoots (partial inflorescences) each of which has two flowers. The component inflorescence with one flower appears to be terminated by the flower and to compose the cyme. Organographic observations revealed that the terminally located flower is not truly terminal, but axillary in origin. Ontogenetic observations showed that the apices of component inflorescence and partial inflorescence exist in early developmental stages in spite of variation in the form of component inflorescence. The terminally located flower in the cyme-like inflorescence was thus demonstrated to be laterally borne on the partial inflorescence axis. The component inflorescence composing the cyme-like one inL. cuneata is a reduced form in the number of partial inflorescences and of flowers from the pseudoraceme. The cyme-like inflorescence inL. cuneata resembles the inflorescence ofKummerowia.  相似文献   

Pseudoracemes in papilionoid legumes: their nature, development, and variation. Cymelike partial inflorescences called fascicles have been reported in the inflorescences of several papilionoid tribes. The total inflorescence is termed a ‘pseudoraceme’ because of the multiple flowers in each bract axil. Pseudoraceme development has been studied in 22 taxa in five papilionoid tribes (Abreae, Desmodieae, Millcttieae, Phaseoleae and Psoraleeae). Two to twelve flowers occur per bract axil among various taxa, with three the most common number.Pongamia pinnata and Clitoris fairchildiana have only two flowers per axil; Vigna radiata, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Apios americana have four to five commonly, and Dioclea aff.ucayalina and Abrus precalorius have up to 12. The ‘fascicle’ usually consists of a triad of three flowers; each triad resembles a dichasial cyme in that the middle flower appears terminal. The middle flower however is subtended by a bract on the abaxial side, so that the middle flower is technically lateral. When the first-order axis elongates, each triad may either remain intact or be separated by axis intervalS. Many variations on the basic triad pattern occur in the species studied: 1.one or two flowers may develop while others that are initiated remain suppressed; 2. Additional flowers may be produced that replicate the first triad; 3. Additional flowers may form medianly only, on the abaxial side. The second-order inflorescence axis which has produced the three flowers persists to produce more flowers in replication of the triad pattern in several taxa (Apios americana, Vigna radiata, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Dioclea aff.ucayalina). In Butea monosperma the second-order inflorescence apex produces subsequent flowers (after the triad) in a helix. In Erylhrina perrieri, there is no indication of a persistent second-order inflorescence apex after the central flower; such a condition could be interpreted as a cyme, except for the abaxial subtending bract. The triad in Psoralea pinnata is a true cyme; the middle flower lacks a subtending bract other than that subtending the entire fascicle. Developmentally, the difference between a cyme and an early-determinate raceme (as in the triad type of pseudoraceme) is rather slight. Comparison of the types of inflorescences described here may indicate how the transition may have occurred between racemes and cymes in the evolution of legumes.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the reproductive structure of buckwheat and the impact of light conditions on flowering time and duration have been investigated using the variety 'La Harpe'. Inflorescences were initiated acropetally, in leaf axils, by the shoot apical meristem until its arrest of functioning which was accompanied by the abortion of the last inflorescence produced. The buckwheat inflorescence is a compound raceme that produces laterally flowered cymose clusters, the number of which was affected by the position of the inflorescence along the main stem. Similarly, the number of flowers in a lateral cluster was dependent on the inflorescence's position on the stem. The development of each inflorescence was stopped as its meristem stopped functioning and, in a situation reminiscent of the shoot apical meristem, the latest initiated cyme aborted. The development of each cyme was also terminated with the abortion of a few young flowers. The variety 'La Harpe' is a facultative short-day plant: the number of nodes generated before the initiation of the first inflorescence and the number of days from sowing to macroscopic appearance of this inflorescence were reduced in 8 h days as compared with 16 h days. The number of inflorescences, and thus flowering duration, was also strongly reduced by short days. It was unaffected by light irradiance in 8 h days while, in 16 h days, it was prolonged when light intensity was increased, suggesting the interaction of two different mechanisms for its regulation. Buckwheat is a distylous species, but inflorescence structure and flowering behaviour were not affected by floral morph.  相似文献   

The capacity of individual branches to store water and fix carbon can have profound effects on inflorescence size and architecture, thus on floral display, pollination, and fecundity. Mixed regression was used to investigate the relation between branch length, a proxy for plant resources, and floral display of Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo), a woody, candelabraform shrub of wide distribution in arid North America. Long branches produced three times as many flowers as short branches, regardless of overall plant size. Long branches also had more complex panicles with more cymes and cyme types than short branches; thus, branch length also influenced inflorescence architecture. Within panicles, increasing the number of cymes by one unit added about two flowers, whereas increasing the number of cyme types by one unit added about 21 flowers. Because flower production is mediated by branch length, and because most plants have branches of various lengths, the floral display of individual plants necessarily encompasses a wide range of inflorescence size and structure.  相似文献   

陈松河 《植物研究》2009,29(5):620-622
《中国植物志》第九卷第一分册及其它的相关文献均无关于竹亚科簕竹属吊罗坭竹花的描述或记录,本文作者采集制作了该竹子繁殖器官标本,并分别用中文和拉丁文对其进行了描述,其主要特征:花枝长70~170 cm;花序为总状花序或简单的圆锥花序;花序轴粗,节明显;小穗含4~5朵小花;小穗无柄;小穗轴节间无毛,呈棒状;颖2,膜质;外稃长或等于内稃;鳞被2;雄蕊6;子房卵形;柱头3,呈毛刷状;颖果未见。花期2~3月。花标本采自厦门市园林植物园。  相似文献   

徐申林  刘文哲 《植物生态学报》2011,35(12):1290-1299
 花序内性别表达和性别分配的差异在被子植物中非常普遍。常见的变化模式是: 在顺次开放的花序内, 从早开的花到晚开的花, 生殖结构大小和数量依次减少, 晚开的花偏向雄性。通常认为资源竞争和位置效应是形成这种差异的主要原因。在喜树(Camptotheca acuminata)的聚伞花序内, 早开的头状花序在花序直径、小花直径、短雄蕊长度、坐果率、果序重量等方面与晚开的头状花序差异显著。通过去除喜树聚伞花序一级或一级和二级头状花序来控制花序内的资源分配, 从而分析影
响喜树花序内花性状、性别分配及生殖能力的主要因子。结果显示, 去除部分头状花序后, 剩余头状花序的花序直径、小花直径明显增加, 短雄蕊长度明显缩短, 位置间差异消失; 而坐果率、果序重量的位置间差异依然显著。表明资源限制对花序直径、小花直径和短雄蕊长度等影响显著, 而坐果率和果序重量受位置效应影响明显。喜树雄全同株的性别分配可能是对特定生殖状况和资源状况适应的结果。  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum species are recalcitrant in tissue culture, and no explant from mature plants has been successfully mass propagated in vitro. This study was aimed at inducing shoots and regenerating plants from the flowering plants of a sequentially flowering Paphiopedilum Deperle and a single floral Paphiopedilum Armeni White. By using cross-sectioned flower buds (FBs), we found that in both species, only sections that contained the base tissue of FBs were able to produce shoots and plants. We have also found that sections of FBs between 1.5 and 3.0 cm from Paphiopedilum Deperle were able to produce shoots, but only sections of FBs >2.5 cm from Paphiopedilum Armeni White were regenerable. Our microscopic observations revealed that the small bract at the FB base harbored a new miniature FB, which further harbored a primitive FB with dome-shaped meristem-like tissues that presumably led to the plant induction. The reiteration of this pattern resulted in a scorpioid cyme inflorescence architecture in the multifloral Paphiopedilum species, and its failure to reiterate resulted in a single flower. The induction rates were 57–75%, and all plants survived in a greenhouse. This method is potentially applicable for the micropropagation and conservation of slipper orchids.  相似文献   

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