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鹭科鸟类分类及系统学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于鹭科鸟类的生态学,形态学,羽毛角蛋白凝胶电泳,scnDNA杂交及线粒体Cytb序列分析等研究,对鹭科鸟类的分类学及系统学研究现状进行综述,提出了鹭科鸟类分类中目前存在争议的问题及系统学研究中的不足。  相似文献   

内蒙古乌海市鸟类区系特征及群落结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
乔旭  杨贵生  张乐  邢璞  李敏 《动物学杂志》2011,46(2):126-136
2009年4月至2010年3月对内蒙古乌海市的鸟类区系及群落结构进行了调查研究。共记录到鸟类132种,隶属于17目37科。其中留鸟26种,夏候鸟71种,旅鸟27种,冬候鸟8种。繁殖鸟有97种,其中古北界鸟类有83种,占繁殖鸟类种数的85.6%。研究发现不同季节、不同生境中的鸟类群落特征差异较大。春季的鸟类多样性指数和均匀度指数均最高;湿地的鸟类多样性指数最高。本文基于研究结果提出了对乌海市鸟类及其生存环境的保护建议。  相似文献   

漫谈中国古鸟类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯连海 《化石》2000,(2):23-24
借世界第五届古鸟类及进化会议即将在北京召开之机 ,向广大古生物爱好者 ,特别是目前众多热爱古鸟类化石的读者 ,简要介绍我国研究古鸟类的历史及主要成果、它们在鸟类演化中的意义 ,或许是有益的。中国鸟类化石的研究始于1895年 ,但在1932年以前均为外国学者所报道 ,实际是一种半殖民地性质的掠夺 ,他们采集的化石全带出国外了 ,1932年首次由我国古脊椎动物学奠基人、中国科学院学部委员(院士)、著名古生物学家杨钟健先生报道北京周口店一白肩雕头骨化石 ,其后他又多次报道鸵鸟蛋化石。新中国建立后 ,我国古鸟类的研究才获得…  相似文献   

中国鸟类环志的现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1鸟类环志的意义鸟类环志是根据标记个体研究鸟类生活史、种群动态,特别是研究鸟类运动的一种研究方法,即在鸟类集中的地点(繁殖地、越冬地或迁徙中途停歇地)捕捉鸟类,将带有国家环志中心通讯地址和唯一编号的特殊金属环或彩色塑料环固定在鸟的小腿或跗跖上,然后在...  相似文献   

舟山海岛冬季鸟类研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
朱曦  周元庆  杨春江 《动物学杂志》1991,26(1):35-39,56
本文报道了舟山群岛及嵊泗列岛计21个岛屿冬季鸟类的组成与密度,记录鸟类12目27科114种,较前人记录增加57种。属于中日候鸟保护协定鸟类56种;食虫鸟类18种。  相似文献   

鸟类用于环境监测的意义及研究进展   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
对鸟类应用于环境监测的历史和研究方法进行了简要回顾,在种群,种团,群落三个层次上对鸟类用于环境监测的意义进行了综述评述,并对其研究方向予以展望。  相似文献   

天津地区主要资源鸟类调查   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
天津地区主要资源鸟类同芦苇变化有着密切的关系,由于芦苇地及其芦苇收购数量的变化,认为芦苇是影响本地区主要资源鸟类资源很重要的因素之一。 主要资源鸟类在本地区有明显的季节性和地域性,因此在迁徙期鸟类的数量比较多,特别是鸭科一类鸟类,调查主要资源鸟类共有34种,分别隶属于二目、二科。  相似文献   

长江流域鸟类的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对长江流域范围内有关动物调查报告和研究资料进行全面、系统地收集和整理,建立了鸟类分布数据库,初步查明在长江流域分布的鸟类共有762种,隶属20目、66科、291属,约占全国鸟类种数的61.2%。其中拥有中国特有鸟及主要分布鸟类72种,国家一级重点保护动物26种,国家二级重点保护动物92种。  相似文献   

四川白坡山自然保护区冬季鸟类群落调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨彪  冉江洪  蔡国  曾宗永 《四川动物》2006,25(3):509-515
2003年12月对四川白坡山自然保护区的鸟类群落的种类和数量进行了调查,实际发现鸟类151种,结合历史文献23种,保护区鸟类共有174种,隶属于12目41科。保护区有国家级重点保护鸟类14种,四川省保护鸟类2种,我国特有鸟类5种。保护区鸟类区系以东洋界成分为主。利用多样性指数分析了不同群落的鸟类多样性,结果表明:地处1300~2600 m的中山云南松及其混交林群落鸟类多样性最高,原因是该群落中生境类型丰富多样。  相似文献   

动物贸易是生物多样性丧失的重要原因,在物种的繁殖期进行捕捉和贸易对种群更是不利。为分析和评价贵阳本地鸟类在繁殖期间的生存现状和保护需求,于2014年3—6月调查了贵阳市油榨街花鸟市场上被交易的鸟类。共记录到114种当地鸟类,种数超过贵阳当地鸟类总数的50%,其中7种为保护物种。用于"斗鸟"的灰喉鸦雀Paradoxornis alphonsianus被交易的数量最高,画眉Garrulax canornus、红嘴相思鸟Leiothrix lutea、暗绿绣眼鸟Zosterops japonicas、红尾水鸲Rhyacornis fuliginosus和黄喉鹀Emberiza elegans等数量次之。接近80%的陆栖或半陆栖的鸟类及其雏鸟在繁殖期间都面临着很高的被捕捉风险。除了开展人工繁育,还建议开展野生鸟类的性别识别和性比研究,以减少野生雌鸟的损失和评价鸟类物种保护的优先性,同时加大宣传,将笼养鸟类者发展为支持鸟类研究和保护的重要力量。  相似文献   

张俊霞  张超 《蛛形学报》2003,12(1):14-17
本文对我国两种盗蛛:马蹄潮蛛Hygropoda hippocrepiforma Wang,1993和带形盗蛛Pisaura zonaformis Wang,1993的分类地位进行了修订。研究结果表明,马蹄溯蛛Hygropoda hippocrepiforma Wang,1993为长肢溯蛛Hygropoda higenaga(Kishida,1936)的新异名,移带形盗蛛Pisaura zonaformis Wang ,1993到东洋蛛属Polyboea,该属亦为我国新记录属。  相似文献   

《DNA research》2005,12(6):455-456
Abe, T. 281 Akiyama, K. 247 Amagai, N. 191 Amanchy, R. 79 Aotsuka, S. 117 Ara, T. 291 Arifuzzaman, M. 291 Asamizu, E. 301 Bachmair, A. 69 Bachvaroff, T.R. 151 Behmanesh, M. 39 César Ulian, E. 27 Chakrabarti, J. 235 Chandran, S. 79 Chatterjee, S. 91 Chen, Y. 103 Coenye, T. 221 Costantine, M. 203 Das, S. 91, 235 Da Silva, A.M. 27 de Bragança Pereira, C.A. 27 Deguchi, H. 429 Delabar, J.-M. 203 Delwiche,  相似文献   

亚洲蝮属两种的种下分类研究(蛇亚目:蝮亚科)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对分布在辽东半岛和山东半岛的“黑眉”蝮蛇,依据Mayr(1953)两个样本间平均数比较的亚种划分的经典方法,进行分类学研究,辽东半岛半蛇岛蝮应为:蛇岛蝮千山亚种Gloydius shedaoensis qianshanensis ssp;nov.山东半岛产岩栖蝮为:岩栖蝮长岛亚种Gloydius saxatilis changdaoensis ssp;nov.。  相似文献   

城市绿化竹子生态适应性评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对城市绿化竹种要求,选择生长和抗性指标,用集对分析方法,分析和评价华安竹种园200个丛生竹和散混生竹种(或变种)生态适应性,结果表明:丛生竹种中,黄竹、小叶琴丝竹、糯竹、花竹、乡土竹、妈竹、青竿竹、泰竹等在华安生态适应性好,银丝大眼竹、孟竹、大绿竹、麻竹、白节勒竹、撑篙竹、石角竹、大木竹、小刺竹、勃氏甜龙竹、鱼肚腩竹等竹种生态适应性较差,其它竹种适应性中等.而散混生竹种中,衢县苦竹、实心竹、南平倭竹、矮若竹、乌哺鸡竹、毛竹、高节竹、红哺鸡竹、毛环水竹、斑苦竹、满山爆竹、斑箨茶秆竹等竹种适应性较好;缅甸方竹、四季竹、玉山竹篌竹、花毛竹、金镶玉竹等竹种适应性较差,其它竹种适应性中等.  相似文献   

A taxonomic treatment of the genus Ptyssiglottis including Ancylacanthus, Hallieracantha, Oreothyrsus , and Polytrema is given. The phylogeny is briefly dealt with. Leaf morphology, inflorescence morphology and pollen morphology yield important characters. The distribution of selected characters is mapped. The distribution of all species is mapped. Eight new species are published viz. P. campanulata, P. decurrens, P. fusca, P. glandulifera, P. longisepala, P. mucronata, P. pubescens , and P. stamino-difera . Fifteen new combinations are made viz. P. caudata, P. creaghii, P. cuprea, P. cyrtandroides, P. dulcamarioides, P. fastidiosa, P. glabrisepala, P. granulata, P. nigrescens, P. peranthera, P. psychotriifolia, P. pubisepala, P. salicifolia, P. sanguinolenta , and P. undulata .  相似文献   

Summary Serum immunoglobulin concentration and skin reactivity to at least three recall antigens were determined in 210 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Immunoglobulin concentration was normal in the great majority of the patients. Skin tests were negative in 50 of 210 cases (24%). No relationship could be demonstrated between skin reactivity, age, time since diagnosis, WBC, lymphocyte count, and splenectomy. Prior antileukemic therapy was a major factor in determining the response to skin tests.S. Tura (Chairman) and M. Baccarani (Secretary), Cattedra di Ematologia dell'Università e Servizio di Ematologia dell'Ospedale S. Orsola, Bologna; G. de Sandre, G. Perona, G. Cetto, G. Pizzolo, Istituto di Patologia Medica e Cattedra di Ematologia dell'Università, Verona; P. Rambotti, B. Falini, Clinica Medica dell'Università, Perugia; T. Chisesi, G. Capnist, Divisione di Ematologia, Ospedale Civile, Vicenza; A. Cajozzo, P. Citarella, Cattedra di Ematologia dell'Università, Palermo; G. Broccia, Sezione di Ematologia, Ospedale Armando Businco, Cagliari; V. Liso, G. Troccoli, Clinica Medica II dell'Università, Bari; L. Bruzzese, G. Nappi, A. Abbadessa, Clinica Medica (I Facoltà) dell'Università, Napoli; A. Porcellini, C. Delfini, Divisione di Ematologia, Ospedali Riuniti, Pesaro; E. Cacciola, R. Giustolisi, R. Musso, V. Raimondi, Cattedra di Ematologia dell'Università, Catania; G. Torlontano, L. Geraci, Cattedra di Ematologia dell'Università, Chieti, e Divisione di Ematologia, Ospedale Civile, Pescara; F. Mandelli, G. Mariani, B. Monarca, N. Petti, Cattedra di Ematologia dell'Università, Roma; R. di Guglielmo, A. Miliani, Clinica Medica dell'Università, Firenze; C. Bernasconi, M. Lazzarino, G. Castelli, Divisione di Ematologia, Ospedale S. Matteo, Pavia; A. Alberti, S. Magro, Servizio di Ematologia, Ospedale Generale Regionale, Catanzaro; A. Neri, P. Iacopino, Divisione di Ematologia, Ospedali Riuniti, Reggio Calabria; R. Delsignore, M. C. Baroni, Istituto di Patologia Medica dell'Universita, Parma; E. Bajetta, S. Monfardini, Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milano; S. Tognella, Istituto Scientifico di Medicina Interna, Cattedra di Clinica Medica 2R, Università, Genova.  相似文献   

Summary A prospective randomized trial compared the administration of intrapleural plus intravenous Corynebacterium parvum (C. parvum) versus placebo in patients with resected Stage I and Stage II non-small cell bronchogenic carcinoma. Treatment consisted of 7 mg C. parvum injected into the pleural space and 7 mg C. parvum intravenously once between days 6 and 12 postoperatively and 7 mg intravenously every 3rd month during the 1st year. Intrapleural administration of 35 cc of saline served as the placebo and the flush after intrapleural C. parvum.Of the 303 patients entered into this study, 286 were evaluable, with an average follow-up time of 3.5 years. More complications, especially fever, were observed in patients receiving C. parvum. A fever greater than 38 °C was observed in 9% of the patients assigned to placebo and 76% of the patients assigned to C. parvum. There was no significant difference between the treatments with respect to disease-free interval or survival.M. Kaufmann, J. Stjernswärd**, A. Zimmermann (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Bern Branch); K. Stanley**, M. Isley, M. Zelen (Frontier Science & Tech. Research Foundation, Brookline, MA, USA); C. Mouritzen, P. Paulsen, U. Henriques (Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and Institute of Pathology, Kommunehospital, Aarhus, Denmark); N. Konietzko, W. Maassen, W. Hartung, W. Wierich (Ruhrland Clinic, Essen-Heidhausen, and Pathology Institute, Ruhr-University, Bochum, FRG); P. Oehl (Innere Klinik und Poliklinik Tumorforschung, Essen, FRG); J. Vogt-Moykopf, H. Toomes, W. Hofmann (Rohrbach Hospital, Clinic for Thoracic Medicine and Pathology Institute, Heidelberg, FRG); F. Krause, R. Rios, R. Spanel (Klinik Löwenstein, Löwenstein, and Pathology Institute, Ulm, FRG); J. Orel, B. Hrabar, D. Ferluga, T. Rott (University Medical Center, Thoracic Surgery and Pathology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia); H. A. Rostad, J. R. Vale, P. Lexow (Rikshospital, Oslo, Norway); S. Hagen, S. Birkeland (Ulleval Hospital, Oslo, Norway); T. Harbitz, R. Nissen-Meyer (Aker Hospital, Oslo, Norway); E. Aspevik, H. Engedal, A. Mykin (Haukeland Hospital, Bergen, Norway); V. O. Björk, L. Rodriguez, K. Böök, J. Willems (Karolinska Sjukhuset, Thoracic Surgical Clinic and Pathology Department, Stockholm, Sweden); E. Grädel, J. Hasse, P. Dalquen (Kantonsspital, Dept of Surgery, Div. of Cardiac & Thoracic Surgery & Pathology Institute, Basel, Switzerland); L. Eckmann, K. Hänni, K. Zimmermann (Tiefenauspital Surg. Clinic, Univ. of Bern, Switzerland); B. Nachbur, H. U. Würsten, H. Cottier, A. Zimmermann (Inselspital Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surg. and Pathology Institute, Bern, Switzerland); W. Maurer, M. Kaufmann (Bürgerspital, Surgical Department, Solothurn, Switzerland); H. Denck, E. Zwintz, St. Wuketich (Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien-Lainz, I. Chir. Dept., and Path. Inst., Vienna, Austria); N. Pridun, H. Hackl (Pulmonologisches Zentrum der Stadt Wien, and Path. Inst., Vienna, Austria); E. Moritz, W. Schlick, H. Holzner (II. Chir. University Clinic and Path. Inst., Vienna, Austria); K. Karrer (Institute for Cancer Research, Vienna, Austria); R. G. Crispen (ITR-Biomedical Research, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA); D. S. Freestone, R. Bomford, M. T. Scott, T. Priestman, L. Toy (The Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, England)** Present address: Cancer Unit, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Offprint requests to: K. Stanley, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Inselspital, CH-3010 Bern, SwitzerlandLudwig Lung Cancer Study Group:  相似文献   

Summary A detailed revision of the zoogonid subfamily Lepidophyllinae is presented, using morphological characters discussed in an earlier paper. Twelve genera and 50 species are treated in detail with keys and cladograms to genera and species. The genera and species covered are: Lepidophyllum steenstrupi, L. appyi, L. armatum, L. brachycladium, L. cameroni, L. pleuronectini, L. pyriforme, L. schantaricum, Urinatrema hispidum, U. hirudinacea, Panopula cavernossa, P. bridgeri, P. spinosa, Limnoderetrema minutum (Manter, 1954) [formerly Deretrema] n.g. (in freshwater fishes; genital pore at oral sucker or pharynx level), n. comb., Brachyenteron peristedioni, B. acropomatis, B. campbelli, B. doederleiniae, B. magnibursatum, B. parexocoeti, B. pycnorganum, Steganodermatoides kergeleni, S. agassizi, S. allocytti, S. maceri, Neosteganoderma glandulosum, N. infundibulum, Proctophantastes abyssorum, P. gillissi, Deretrema (Deretrema) fusillus, D. (D.) cholaeum, D. (D.) pacificum, D. (Spinoderetrema) plotosi, D. (S.) acutum, D. (S.) fellis, D. (S.) ovale, D.(S.) sebastodis, D. (Luxitrema) philippinensis, D. plagiorchis, Pseudochetosoma salmonicola, Overstreetia sodwanaensis, Steganoderma (Steganoderma) formosum, S. (S.) atherinae, S. (Lecithostaphylus) retroflexum, S. (L.) depauperati (Yamaguti, 1970) n. comb., S. (L.) hemirhamphi, S. (L.) nitens, S. (L.) parexocoeti, S. macrophallos, S. oviformis. Most zoogonids were found to exhibit some level of predilection for a particular piscine host group, but little general information on the zoogeography of the group was discovered. Ultrastructural evidence is presented suggesting that the membranous egg-capsule of the zoogonines shows vestiges of the three layers of a normal tanned egg-shell.  相似文献   

The isoquinoline alkaloids protopine, cryptopine, sinactine, stylopine, bicuculline, adlumine, parfumine, fumariline, fumarophycine, fumaritine, dihydrofumariline, parfumidine and dihydrosanguinarine have been determined and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in Fumaria agraria, F. bastardii, F. capreolata, F. sepium, F. densiflora, F. faurei, F. officinalis subsp. officinalis, F. parviflora, F. petteri subsp. calcarata and F. macrosepala. The chemotaxonomic significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

A. Kondili, D. Nibouche, K. Adamyan, K. Huber, H. Ector, I. Masic, R. Tarnovska, M. Ivanusa, V. Staněk, J. Videbæk, M. Hamed, A. Laucevicius, P. Mustonen, J-Y. Artigou, A. Cohen, M. Rogava, M. Böhm, E. Fleck, G. Heusch, R. Klawki, P. Vardas, C. Stefanadis, J. Tenczer, M. Chiariello, J. Elias, H. Benjelloun, O. Rødevand, P. Ku?akowski, E. Apetrei, V.A. Lusov, R.G. Oganov, V. Obradovic MD, G. Kamensky, M.F. Kenda, C. Höglund, T.F. Lüscher, R. Lerch, M. Jokhadar, H. Haouala, V. Sansoy, V. Shumakov, A. Timmis  相似文献   

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