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中国四种角盲蝽的识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡奇  罗永明 《昆虫知识》1999,36(3):169-171
角盲蝽属Helopeltis(我国已有文献中又有称为“刺盲蝽属”者)昆虫是一类重要的害虫,属于半翅目盲蝽科(Miridae)单室盲蝽亚科(Bry-ocorinae)。此属为泛热带分布。目前已知在全世界为害经济作物约20多种;在国内除严重为害腰果外,还为害其它多种作物,如可可、咖啡、茶树备石榴、红毛榴莲、胡椒、洋蒲桃及芒果等[1,2],主要以成、若虫刺吸植物的嫩叶。嫩梢及幼果等,造成被害株叶片的腐坏、枯萎以及大小不同的产量损失,严重为害时,可造成绝收[3]。由于此类盲蝽在体色上常有种种变异,并略具…  相似文献   

两种防治措施下转Bt基因棉田绿盲蝽的发生与为害   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
2002年在河北省南皮县对2种防治措施下转Bt基因田绿盲蝽LyguslucorumMayre的发生与为害进行的系统调查表明,采用生物农药和低毒化学农药防治4次,Bt棉田绿盲蝽的发生为害较为严重,9月上旬发生高峰期种群密度为7.2头10株,显著高于防治指标,第2代绿盲蝽为害高峰期,叶片被害率为19.4%;采用当地棉农化学防治方法施用农药7次,Bt棉田绿盲蝽发生为害较轻,发生高峰期(8月中旬)种群密度为2.0头10株,第2代绿盲蝽为害高峰期,叶片被害率为4.8%。讨论指出绿盲蝽已成为转Bt基因棉生产中的重要问题,应加快绿盲蝽在转Bt基因棉田的生态调控研究。  相似文献   

可可锤盲蝽Helopeltis sp.是海南岛为害可可、腰果和胡椒等多种热带作物的重要害虫之一。本文对该虫的形态特征、生活习性及其发生与外界环境的关系都作了较详细的报道。该虫在海南岛1年发生8代,完成1个世代平均历期为45天。若虫共5龄,1龄若虫对温湿度敏感。该虫天敌已知有蜘蛛,螨类和寄生蜂。  相似文献   

棉花盲蝽产卵习性的调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
棉花盲蝽在我地发生的种类主要有绿盲蝽Lygus lucorum Meyer-D(?)r和中黑盲蝽Adelphocoris suturalis Jak,两种。常年6—9月份二代成虫大量从胡萝卜留种田及湖桑田、绿肥田内迁入棉花大田为害,在棉株上产卵重迭发生约3—5代。为了明确我地这两种盲蝽的产卵习性,我站在历年系统测报的基础上,于  相似文献   

【目的】探讨绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür)为害对枣树叶片光合作用的影响及其机制。【方法】以一年生冬枣Zizyphus jujuba cv.Dongzao和酸枣Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosa树叶片为试材,测定了绿盲蝽为害1,3,5和7 d时枣树叶片光合速率、气体交换、叶绿素荧光参数和叶绿素含量的变化。【结果】绿盲蝽为害3,5和7 d时冬枣叶片的净光合速率(net photosynthesis rate,Pn)较对照分别降低了55.83%,55.42%和59.61%;而酸枣叶片净光合速率仅在5和7 d时较对照分别降低了26.66%和27.34%。冬枣叶片的气孔导度被绿盲蝽为害3,5和7 d时较对照明显降低。冬枣叶片光合速率的下降与气孔导度(stomatal conductance,Gs)和总叶绿素含量的下降呈显著正相关,而酸枣叶片光合速率的下降仅与叶绿素含量显著正相关。绿盲蝽为害后冬枣和酸枣叶片的快速荧光诱导曲线受到显著影响。冬枣叶片的最大光化学效率(maximum photochemical efficiency,Fv/Fm)在绿盲蝽为害不同时间时相对于对照明显降低,而酸枣叶片没有受到明显的影响。绿盲蝽为害不同时间对冬枣和酸枣叶片的光系统Ⅱ放氧复合体(oxygen-evolving complex,OEC)以及光反应活性中心均造成了伤害,但酸枣受到的伤害程度明显低于冬枣。绿盲蝽为害5和7 d后冬枣叶片的光系统Ⅱ的电子传递活性降低,而酸枣叶片光系统Ⅱ的电子传递活性没有受到显著影响。绿盲蝽为害导致冬枣和酸枣叶片的电子传递的量子产额较对照明显降低,酸枣叶片中的降低幅度低于冬枣。【结论】绿盲蝽为害造成枣树叶片净光合速率明显降低,不同品种存在明显差异,冬枣叶片Pn降低程度明显高于酸枣。绿盲蝽为害后枣树叶片净光合速率的下降与叶绿素含量降低呈显著正相关。绿盲蝽为害影响了枣树叶片PSⅡ的结构和功能,导致供体侧的OEC受到伤害,光合作用PSⅡ反应中心失活,PSⅡ反应中心关闭程度增加,电子传递活性受到了抑制,其中酸枣叶片PSⅡ受到的影响明显低于冬枣叶片。  相似文献   

南疆棉田盲蝽类害虫种群数量动态   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
李号宾  吴孔明  徐遥  杨秀  姚举  汪飞 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):219-222
2002 ~2004年研究了南疆地区棉花盲蝽类害虫的发生和种群动态及棉花品种的影响。结果表明,危害棉花的盲蝽类害虫有牧草盲蝽Lygus pratensis(L.)和苜蓿盲蝽Adelphocoris lineolatus(Goeze) ,其中牧草盲蝽为主要为害种类,其数量占盲蝽类害虫的99.93 %。2002,2003和2004年,牧草盲蝽最高密度分别为56.0,105.3和53.7头/百株,而苜蓿盲蝽3年中最高密度<0.1头/百株。对转基因抗虫棉GK19(表达Cry1A杀虫蛋白)、SGK321(表达Cry1A/CpTI杀虫蛋白)和普通棉花泗棉3号、石远321的研究表明2种盲蝽在不同品种上的季节性数量动态没有显著性差别。  相似文献   

2005-2006年,采用田间接虫试验的方法,分别研究了江苏沿海棉区棉盲蝽优势种绿盲蝽和中黑盲蝽对Bt棉的为害与产量损失。结果表明,Bt棉田的被害株率和产量损失均随着接虫量的加大而增加,其对数相关均达极显著水平,直线相关也达显著至极显著水平;Bt棉田棉盲蝽的防治可以若虫数量与被害株率两项指标来把握,2种盲蝽混合种群第2、3、4代虫量推广防治指标分别为百株有2、3龄若虫5头、10头和20头上下;或被害株率依次为3%、8%和15%左右。  相似文献   

三种棉盲蝽研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
盲蝽是半翅目异翅亚目中最大的一科,全世界已知种在五千以上,约占半翅目(包括同翅亚目)总数的五分之一。食性相当复杂,在为害农作物种类中以棉盲蝽最为严重。中国棉虫记录中有盲蝽15种,世界棉虫记录中有棉盲蝽28种。根据我们几年来在河南、河北、陕西、山西、山东、湖南、湖北、江苏、浙江、江西、安徽等省棉区的调查,共得盲蝽17种,共中为害比较重的有7种。从1953年到1956年,我们选择了分布广和为害严重的 3种做了研究。这三种是:1)绿盲蝽Lygus lucorum Meyer-Dur;2)三点盲蝽Adelphocoristaeniophorus Reuter;3)苜蓿盲蝽Adelphocoris lineolatus( Goeze)。  相似文献   

<正> 1975—1983年在如皋薛窑及南通狼山等地对棉盲蝽的寄主植物及发生为害情况,进行了系统观察。寄主植物的调查,从早春越冬卵孵化后开始,用捕虫网在各种植物上普查盲蝽,每种植物网捕50—200网,发现盲蝽或被害症  相似文献   

柏立新  张永孝 《昆虫知识》1990,27(5):266-269
通过组建棉花单因素受盲蝽为害反应模拟模型、多因素复合受盲蝽为害反应模拟模型、棉花罩笼接盲蝽后受害反应模型与自然棉田盲蝽为害反应调查,计算各自的果实损失补偿平衡点值以比较它们的差异;并推得棉花蕾、幼铃、大铃受盲蝽为害反应的损失当量换算关系,为进一步应用棉花受害反应模拟模型于棉盲蝽治理优化决策打下基础。  相似文献   

Abstract  The fruit spotting bug, Amblypelta lutescens lutescens, is one of the principal insect pests of cashews in Australia. Its population dynamics were studied using field observations and long-term monitoring to find suitable management methods. Observations of bugs reared in netting bags showed a sequence of change in bug-damage symptoms after 12 h and up to 3 d. Field observations revealed that adults preferred to feed and rest on the shady side of the tree. The number of bugs observed accounted for only 17–35% of the total variability in the number of damaged shoots, suggesting that the number of flushing shoots (leaf, flower or young nuts) with fresh damage symptoms was a more reliable parameter for determining the presence and level of activity of bugs than was a direct estimate of the number of bugs. The green tree ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (F), was the most important factor regulating bug populations. When predation was excluded as a factor, the number of flushing shoots and maximum temperature accounted for 80% of the total variability in the bug damage. Green tree ants should be considered as an important biological control agent for fruit spotting bug, and monitoring should be commenced when cashew trees start to flush (using damaged shoots as indicator).  相似文献   

Damage caused by southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.), to macadamia nuts, Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche, is normally determined after nuts are harvested and processed, which may be many months after damage occurred in the field. We developed a method using ruthenium red dye to stain stink bug feeding probes and indirectly assess feeding activity in macadamia nuts. By using the staining method, feeding probes were easily detected on the husk, shell, and kernel. Husk probing was highly correlated (0.80-0.90) with feeding and damage to the kernel. Failure rate to detect kernel damage from stained husk probes was generally <6%. The staining method was equally effective for immature and mature nuts; therefore, N. viridula feeding activity can be monitored throughout the season to evaluate pest management tactics and forecast outbreak populations.  相似文献   

Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula, Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is a pest of macadamia nuts, causing pitting to kernels by feeding. In spite of its pest status, many aspects of the ecology of this insect in macadamia orchards are poorly understood. This study analyzes long-term N. viridula damage to macadamia nuts and investigates the extent to which damage to nuts occurs in the tree canopy, prior to nut-drop. We show that there are distinct seasonal peaks in damage detected after harvest and that, over six years of data collection, mean damage levels were fairly low, albeit with spikes in damage levels recorded. Sampling nuts at peak harvest periods from different strata in the trees and from the ground showed that incidence of damaged nuts within the canopy was typically half as high as on the fallen nuts. Damage to fallen nuts may have occurred prior to nut-drop, and continued to accumulate after nut-drop. These results show that management of N. viridula within macadamia canopies, as opposed to only on fallen nuts, is important. A sampling procedure and predictive model for estimating late-season damage based on early-season damage samples is provided. The model uses January and March damage measurements (based on samples with set level of accuracy), mean temperature and month of the year for which damage is predicted. Early-season damage of 6-10% predicts late-season damage levels that should justify N. viridula suppression based on the nominal threshold (13% damage) used by kernel processors to reject nuts based on damage.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(3):101947
This study investigated the influence of an nC24 mineral oil (MO) on some biological characteristics of a mosquito bug, Helopeltis theivora, reared on cashew under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Aqueous emulsions of the oil were applied as sprays to eggs at four daily intervals after oviposition to assess impacts on egg hatch, and to cashew seedlings to assess adult longevity and female fecundity reared on the plants. Field applications were also carried out to assess the impacts of sprays on populations of the bug in a cashew orchard. The results of the laboratory study indicated that 1% (v/v) of the MO application reduced egg hatch when applied to eggs on cashew seedlings, in separate treatments, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days after oviposition (DAO). Egg mortality showed a negative linear correlation with egg maturity (DAO). The pre-oviposition period of adult females placed on sprayed cashew seedling, after deposits of 1% (v/v) sprays dried, was significantly prolonged. The longevity of males and females on dry oil-spray deposits was lower than on seedlings sprayed with water. The fecundity of females was also lower. Field sprays significantly reduced populations of the bug on mature cashew trees. Mixtures of MO and abamectin were more effective than oil alone. The results of the study indicate that mineral oils can be used to suppress populations of H. theivora in cashew plantations.  相似文献   

Weaver ants, Oecophylla spp., provide adequate protection to crops against insect pests when their populations are high and stable. A study was conducted in a cashew field in Tanzania from November 2012 to October 2014 to determine temporal abundance of O. longinoda. We determined (i) the number of shoots with O. longinoda in a tree (established fortnightly) monitored at four cardinal points of a tree, using 1 m2 wooden quadrats, (ii) the percentage of branches with ant trails per tree per month and (iii) the number of visible ant nests within the tree canopy per month. Furthermore, we assessed the association of weather and phenology with O. longinoda populations. More weaver ant populations were recorded during reproductive and vegetative phases of cashew. We recorded significant positive associations between rainfall and temperature with the number of shoots with O. longinoda (p < .001), as well as relative humidity with the number of nests (p < .001). The percentage of shoots with O. longinoda was significantly associated with cashew growth phases. Rainfall and temperature negatively affected the number of nests. Consideration of cashew phenology and weather parameters can greatly enhance successful weaver ant augmentation strategies.  相似文献   

Complex and flexible food processing was a key element for the evolutionary success of hominins, enlarging the range of exploitable foods while enabling occupation of new habitats. Only a few primate species crack open encased food by using percussive tools and/or avoid physical contact with irritant compounds by removing the structures containing them. We describe, for the first time, how a population of bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) accesses the nutritious kernel of cashew nuts avoiding the caustic chemicals protecting it. Two processing strategies, namely rubbing/piercing and stone tool use, are used according to maturity of the nuts. The frequency of cashew nuts processing increases with capuchin age, and the same set of processing strategies appears to be absent in other capuchin populations, making cashew nuts processing an excellent candidate for social transmission. Am. J. Primatol. 75:387‐393, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tool use in humans can be optional, that is, the same person can use different tools or no tool to achieve a given goal. Strategies to reach the same goal may differ across individuals and cultures and at the intra‐individual level. This is the first experimental study at the intra‐individual level on the optional use of a tool in wild nonhuman primates. We investigated optional tool use by wild bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus) of Fazenda Boa Vista (FBV; Piauí, Brazil). These monkeys habitually succeed in cracking open the mesocarp of dry cashew nuts (Anacardium spp.) by pounding them with stones and/or by biting. We assessed whether availability of a stone and resistance of the nut affected capuchins' choice to pound or to bite the nuts and their rates of success. Sixteen capuchins (1–16 years) received small and large dry cashew nuts by an anvil together with a stone (Stone condition) or without a stone (No‐Stone condition). In the Stone conditions, subjects used it to crack the nut in 89.1% (large nuts) and 90.1% (small nut) of the trials. Nut size significantly affected the number of strikes used to open it. Availability of the stone significantly increased the average percent of success. In the No‐Stone conditions, monkeys searched for and used other percussors to crack the nuts in 54% of trials. In all conditions, age affects percentage of success and number of strikes to reach success. We argue that exclusive use of stones in other sites may be due to the higher abundance of stones at these sites compared with FBV. Since capuchins opened cashews with a tool 1–2 years earlier than they succeed at cracking more resistant palm nuts, we suggest that success at opening cashew nuts with percussors may support the monkeys' persistent efforts to crack palm nuts.  相似文献   

Cashew nut trees are consistently ant-visited throughout the year, with the ants attracted to a large number of extrafloral nectaries on the leaves, inflorescences, flowers, and developing nuts. The commercial production of cashew nut, for example, in India, Brazil, and east Africa, consistently applies pesticides, especially insecticides, in large monoculture plantings. Each year prophylactic spraying begins with the first flush of new leaves, continues through flowering, ending at about mid-nut development. We surveyed for ant diversity in sprayed and unsprayed cashew monocultures of various sizes and ages in Sri Lanka, India, and Malaysia to document the ant-cashew relationship and to explore the potential of ants replacing chemical pesticides in insect control. Using for-profit, commercial-size plantations as examples, we present information that cashew has a strong potential for arthropod-dependent protection from pests and suggest important habitat considerations for encouraging ants within cashew plantings.  相似文献   

The cashew tree, native to Brazil was introduced into India in the 16th century for the purpose of checking erosion on the coasts. India is a world leader in the production and export of cashew nuts, while cultivation of this crop in the western hemisphere has remained negligible. Present demand far exceeds the supply. New developments in processing methods and machinery, and new uses for by-products, particularly cashew shell oil, have stimulated cashew culture in East Africa and Brazil and should give impetus to establishment of this lucrative crop on a commercial basis in other tropical areas.  相似文献   

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