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生境变化对集合种群系统生态效应的影响   总被引:26,自引:15,他引:11  
林振山 《生态学报》2003,23(3):480-485
通过大量的数值模拟发现 :生境恢复或扩展将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为奇数种群强 -偶数种群弱 ,同时集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速扩张、发展为更为强大的最优势种。而当生境遭受到破坏 (毁坏 ) ,集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速地伦为最弱者。如果栖息地的毁坏率大于集合种群优势种对栖息地的占有率 ,不仅集合种群里的优势种群将不可避免地灭绝 ,伴随最优秀种群走向灭绝的种群依次还有第二、第三、第四强等的种群。同时 ,将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为偶数种群强 -奇数种群弱。  相似文献   

秦岭细鳞鲑(野生种群)是国家Ⅱ级重点保护水生野生动物。为了揭示野生种群与人工养殖种群的性状差异,科学区分秦岭细鳞鲑野生种群与人工养殖种群,本实验探究了秦岭细鳞鲑野生种群和人工养殖种群肌肉营养成分的差异。结果表明:野生种群和人工养殖种群的肌肉一般营养成分占比、脂肪酸组成及含量、矿物质和微量元素含量等均存在显著差异,而氨基酸组成及含量总体上无显著差异;野生种群肌肉中水分、粗蛋白和粗灰分含量显著高于人工养殖种群(P<0.05),粗脂肪含量显著低于人工养殖种种群(P<0.05);C12:0仅在野生种群中被检测到,野生种群饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸含量显著低于人工养殖种群(P<0.05),K、Na、Ca、Mg、P、Zn含量显著高于人工养殖种群(P<0.05)。综上,肌肉脂肪酸组成及含量、矿物质和微量元素含量差异较大,可作为野生种群与人工养殖种群鉴定的依据,为秦岭细鳞鲑的保护与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

通过维普中文期刊网和英文ScienceDirect数据库有关种群、种群生态和种群行为文献的查询,发现文献的发表量很不平衡,种群研究文献的年增长率远大于种群生态和种群行为。英文文献中关于种群行为研究的文献增长率高于种群生态,而中文文献正好相反。  相似文献   

种群密度对高原鼠兔类固醇激素水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究于2003 年在野外条件下,通过比较不同密度种群间高原鼠兔的种群增长、4 种类固醇激素水平和肾上腺重量的变化,探讨种群密度与其内分泌水平间的相互关系。结果表明,在最高密度的种群内高原鼠兔种群密度增长最大,在最低密度种群内种群密度增长最小。繁殖盛期时高密度种群内雄性高原鼠兔血浆皮质酮水平显著高于低密度种群内个体,肾上腺重量在不同密度种群间也有显著差异,而血浆雌二醇、睾酮、皮质醇水平均未表现出种群密度间的显著变化。整个繁殖期内,高密度和低密度种群间高原鼠兔的皮质酮水平和肾上腺重量呈现不一致的季节变化模式,高密度种群内繁殖盛期和中期显著高于其它繁殖时期,低密度种群内则无明显变化。不同密度种群内高原鼠兔的雌二醇、睾酮、皮质醇水平的季节性变化具有相似的模式。本研究结果表明,在当前种群密度相对较低的自然情况下,高种群密度不能使高原鼠兔产生强烈的社群应激,从而限制其种群增长。  相似文献   

生境变化对集合种群系统生态效的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林振山 《生态学报》2003,23(3):480-485
通过大量的数值模拟发现:生境恢复或扩展将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为奇数种群强-偶数种群弱,同时集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速扩张,发展为更为强大的最优势种,而当生境遭受到破坏(毁坏),集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速地伦为最弱者,如果栖息地的毁坏率大于集合种群优势种对栖息地的占有率,不仅集合种群里的优势种群将不可避免地灭绝,伴随最优秀种群走向灭绝的种群依次还有第二、第三、第四强等的种群。同时将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为偶数种群强-奇数种群弱。  相似文献   

竹类植物种群生态学研究进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王微  陶建平  宋利霞  冉春燕   《广西植物》2006,26(4):412-417
综述了竹类种群生理生态学、种群动态、繁殖特性、无性系种群特征等几个方面的研究进展,概括了群落水平上竹类种群对森林更新的影响。并从竹类种群克隆多样性与微进化、生长适应机理、开花机制,以及竹类种群与林窗更新等四个方面展望未来竹类种群生态学研究的重点和主要趋势。  相似文献   

水稻和茭白是二化螟的两种主要寄主植物。经过长期的适应进化,二化螟已分化出水稻种群和茭白种群。国内外的大量研究表明,二化螟水稻种群和茭白种群在形态特征、交配行为、寄主选择性、寄主适应性、田间种群动态、越冬生物学、生理生化及遗传多样性等方面均存在一定差异。二化螟水稻种群和茭白种群的发生期差异、交配节律差异和交配后配子不亲合等可能造成了寄主种群的部分生殖隔离。目前认为,二化螟两寄主种群间仍存在基因交流,处于物种形成的早期阶段,但尚需从寄主种群鉴定、表型差异区分和种群间生殖隔离机制等方面开展深入研究来进一步明确,为理解昆虫同域物种形成机制提供参考。  相似文献   

对生化他感作用的种群生态学意义,包括种群动态、种群关系、种群进化的影响,作了概述。  相似文献   

中国水域江豚颅骨的地理变异   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
高安利  周开亚 《兽类学报》1995,15(3):161-169
本文根据144号江豚骨骼标本(其中长江种群标本40号,黄海种群标本59号,南海种群标本45号),选用42项颅骨测量变量,研究了颅骨在各地理种群之间的差异。t-检验和协方差分析表明:长江江豚成体的颅基长比较小。南海种群吻长小于其它两个种群,而吻宽则最大,长江种群次之,黄海种群最小。黄海种群的前颌骨宽、颧宽、眶前突最大宽和眶后突最大宽比其它两个种群的小。黄海种群的上颌齿较多,而南海种群则下颌齿较多,长  相似文献   

密度因素在布氏田鼠种群调节中的作用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对布氏田鼠栖息密度不同的种群同时进行取样,研究密度因素对布氏田鼠种群发展的调节作用。结果表明,在高密度区布氏田鼠种群繁殖强度受到抑制,雌鼠怀孕率、雄鼠睾丸下降率、贮精囊肥大率和睾丸长度都小于低密度种群。高密度种群繁殖季节结束时间早于低密度种群,幼鼠肥满度较小,性成熟速度较慢,种群年龄结构中,幼年鼠所占比例小于低密度种群。这些都是导致高密度种群增长速度减慢的因素。  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in indoor air quality for a better quality environment both at home and at work because many people spend at least 80% of their time indoors. The aim of our study was to evaluate the indoor concentration of airborne bacteria and fungi in a University auditorium, in an office of public buildings and in an apartment in the presence and in absence of building's occupants, building materials and furnishings. The concentrations of airborne bacteria and fungi were determined using a Surface Air System (SAS). In presence of people and furnishings the average air concentrations of bacteria (University auditorium: 925-1225 CFU m(-3); office: 493 CFU m(-3); apartment: 92-182 CFU m(-3)) were higher than in absence (respectively: 190-315 CFU m(-3); 126 CFU m(-3); 66-80 CFU m(-3)). The average air concentrations fungal were higher in presence of people and furnishings (University auditorium: 1256-1769 CFU m(-3); office: 858 CFU m(-3); apartment: 147-297 CFU m(-3)) than in absence (respectively: 301-431 CFU m(-3); 224 CFU m(-3); 102-132 CFU m(-3)). The obtained data can be considered as a step to identify acceptable levels for bioaerosols in common indoor environments.  相似文献   

In order to study the antigenic phenotype of different hemopoietic cells, we used a series of monoclonal antibodies to investigate normal bone marrow in a standard immunofluorescence assay. The antibodies detected the following antigens: HLA-ABC, beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m), HLA-DR (Ia), a lymphocyte subset and specific antigen (T and B) HuLy-m2, m3, T lymphocyte antigen (HuLy-m1), lymphocyte T200 antigen (HuLy-m4), a viral-associated antigen (HuLy-m5), and platelet-specific glycoproteins IIb-IIIa (HuPl-m1). The following results were obtained: (a) normoblasts were weakly HLA-ABC+, beta 2m+ and Ia-; all other lymphocyte and platelet antigens were not detected. (b) Myeloid cells at all stages of differentiation (promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, and neutrophils) were HLA-ABC+; beta 2m+; HuLy-m1-, m2-, m3+/- (20%), m4+, m5+/- (20%); HuPl-m1-; in addition, promyelocytes and myelocytes were Ia+ but neutrophils and metamyelocytes were Ia-. (c) Lymphocytes were HLA-ABC+, beta 2m+, Ia+/- (20-30%), HuLy-m1+/- (40-50%), m2+/- (60-70%), m3+, m4+, m5+; Pl-m1-. (d) Platelets and megakaryocytes were HLA-ABC+; beta 2m+; Ia-; HuLy-m1+-, m2-, m3-, m4-, m5-, HuPl-m1+, and the putative "megakaryocyte precursors" were HuPl-m1+, Ia-, HuLy-m1-. The different cell types in bone marrow could readily be distinguished, particularly cells of the myeloid series (Ia and HuLy-m4, m5), lymphocytes (Ia and HuLy-m1, m2, m3), and platelets and their precursor cells (HuPl-m1). This simple method of defining cellular phenotypes in bone marrow has demonstrated the practicality of using monoclonal antibodies to identify marrow cells and should be of diagnostic value.  相似文献   

The objective of this experimental work was to examine the efficiency of giant reed (Arundo donax L.), as a source of biomass production and as a biofiltering device for sewage effluents. Two giant reed populations were cultivated in a closed gravel hydroponic system, where pig's waste was used as a nutrient solution. The results showed that stem biomass production varied from 12 to 23 kg DM m(-2) yr(-1), more than the ordinary production in the soil. According to stem analysis, for the first two years, there was an average infiltration rate of 31 g m(-2) yr(-1) total N, 7.5 g m(-2) yr(-1) total P, 18.8 g m(-2) yr(-1) K, 2.1 g m(-2) yr(-1) Ca, 2.1 g m(-2) yr(-1) Mg, 0.27 g m(-2) yr(-1) Fe, 0.02 g m(-2) yr(-1) Mn, 0.14 g m(-2) yr(-1) Zn and 0.08 g m(-2) yr(-1) Cu. During the third year, when a nutrient solution with added P was used, the average infiltration rate for most elements increased by 46% and for P by 169%.  相似文献   

香根草是能够长期适应三峡水库消落带生境的少数物种之一。虽然国内对香根草的引种栽培和研究已有几十年的历史,但是对香根草在三峡库区消落带长期水陆周期性变化条件下的生态适应对策还知之甚少。为此,以2008年在三峡水库巫山段消落带建立的香根草引种栽培试验示范基地为研究平台,在2016年对海拔166—169 m、169—172 m和172—175 m区段的香根草的形态性状、生物量及其分配特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)海拔166—169 m香根草的分蘖株数、平均株高、节间数量、节间长度、叶片数/分蘖株、叶片数/丛、叶片长等各指标值均低于海拔169—172 m和海拔172—175 m,海拔166—169 m与其它海拔区段的节间数量差异显著(P<0.05);(2)海拔166—169 m香根草的根系数量最少,但根系长度最长;(3)海拔166—169 m无节间的香根草株数最多,且与海拔172—175 m和海拔169—172 m差异显著(P<0.05);(4)不同海拔区段香根草的总生物量大小表现为海拔172—175 m>海拔169—172 m>海拔166—169 m,且海拔166—...  相似文献   

The costs of walking (Cw) and running (Cr) were measured on 10 runners on a treadmill inclined between -0.45 to +0.45 at different speeds. The minimum Cw was 1.64 +/- 0.50 J. kg(-1). m(-1) at a 1.0 +/- 0.3 m/s speed on the level. It increased on positive slopes, attained 17.33 +/- 1.11 J. kg(-1). m(-1) at +0.45, and was reduced to 0.81 +/- 0.37 J. kg(-1). m(-1) at -0.10. At steeper slopes, it increased to reach 3.46 +/- 0.95 J. kg(-1). m(-1) at -0.45. Cr was 3.40 +/- 0.24 J. kg(-1). m(-1) on the level, independent of speed. It increased on positive slopes, attained 18.93 +/- 1.74 J. kg(-1). m(-1) at +0.45, and was reduced to 1.73 +/- 0.36 J. kg(-1). m(-1) at -0.20. At steeper slopes, it increased to reach 3.92 +/- 0.81 J. kg(-1). m(-1) at -0.45. The mechanical efficiencies of walking and running above +0.15 and below -0.15 attained those of concentric and eccentric muscular contraction, respectively. The optimum gradients for mountain paths approximated 0.20-0.30 for both gaits. Downhill, Cr was some 40% lower than reported in the literature for sedentary subjects. The estimated maximum running speeds on positive gradients corresponded to those adopted in uphill races; on negative gradients they were well above those attained in downhill competitions.  相似文献   

Motility of spermatozoa from shovelnose sturgeon and paddlefish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spermatozoa in the seminal plasma from shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus and paddlefish Polyodon spathula were immotile with only a few spontaneously motile spermatozoa for 5-10 and 10-20 s, respectively. Spermatozoa of shovelnose sturgeon were observed to be 100% motile immediately after sperm dilution in 10 m m NaCl and 20 m m Tris-HCl, pH 8.5. The duration of mass progressive movement was 2-3 min; and 1 to 5% of spermatozoa remain active after 360 s (P<0.01). Spermatozoa of paddlefish demonstrated the best motility 10 s after dilution in 10 m m NaCl with 20 m m Tris-HCl, pH 8.5. The duration of mass progressive movement was 2-3 min and 1 to 5% of spermatozoa remained active after 370 s ( p <0.01). The spermatozoa of shovelnose sturgeon and paddlefish were motile in a range of osmotic pressure from 0 to 100 mosmol kg−1 and 0 to 120 mosmol kg−1, respectively. The best results with short-term storage of sperm from shovelnose sturgeon and paddlefish were observed in 100 m m glucose + 20 m m Tris-HCl, pH 8.5 and 150 m m glucose + 20 m m Tris-HCl, pH 8.5.  相似文献   

根据福建山地的气候生态特征和茶树生物学特性,以茶树安全生育的气象指标、茶叶产量形成的热量指标和优质茶形成的关键气象因子为原则,运用气温场计算方程上机计算,结果是:(1)大叶种茶树:闽西南海拔400~560m,闽中海拔200~400m为最适宜带;闽西南海拔600~874m,闽中和闽东北海拔200~600m为适宜带。(2)中、小叶种茶树:闽西南海拔600~874m,闽中、闽东北海拔200~600m为最适宜带;闽西南海拔1200m,闽中海拔1100m,闽北、闽东北海拔600~900m为适宜带;闽西南海拔1500~1700m,闽中海拔1200~1500m,闽北、闽东北海拔950~1200m为次适宜带。据此,作者提出科学开发福建山地,发展茶叶的三条配套技术措施。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Crassolabium, Crassolabium persicumsp. n., collected from Arasbaran rangelands of Iran, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its body 1.92-2.40 mm long, lip region offset by constriction and 17-19 μm wide, odontostyle 16-19 μm long with aperture occupying less than one-third (27-30%) its length, neck 428-690 μm long, pharyngeal expansion 369-390 μm long or occupying 54-56% of total neck length, female genital system amphidelphic, uterus bipartite and 162-218 μm long or 2.3-3.5 times as long as body diameter, pars refringens vaginae well developed, V = 54-57.5, vulva longitudinal, prerectum bearing a blind sac, tail conical with rounded tip to conoid (25-36 μm, c=60-69, c'=0.5-0.9), spicules 68-72 μm long, precloacal pair of supplements far (22-27 μm) from cloacal aperture, and 13-17 shortly spaced ventromedian supplements with hiatus. The new taxon is compared in depth to its relatives in Crassolabium as well as other similar species of Aporcelaimellus and Amblydorylaimus.  相似文献   

The macro-kinetic behavior of phenol removal from a synthetic exhaust gas was investigated theoretically as well as experimentally by means of two identical continuously operating laboratory-scale biological filter bed columns. A mixture of peat and glass beads was used as filter material. After sterilization it was inoculated with a pure strain of Pseudomonas putida, as employed in previous experimental studies. To determine the influence of the superficial gas flow rate on biofilter performance and to evaluate the phenol concentration profiles along the column, two series of continuous tests were carried out varying either the inlet phenol concentration, up to 1650 mg . m(-3), or the superficial gas flow rate, from 30 to 460 m(3) . m(-2) . h(-1). The elimination capacity of the biofilter is proved by a maximum volumetric phenol removal rate of 0.73 kg . m(-3) . h(-1). The experimental results are consistent with a biofilm model incorporating first-order substrate elimination kinetics. The model may be considered a useful tool in scaling-up a biofiltration system. Furthermore, the deodorization capacity of the biofilter was investigated, at inlet phenol concentrations up to 280 mg . m(-3) and superficial gas flow rates ranging from 30 to 92 m(3) . m(-2) . h(-1). The deodorization of the gas was achieved at a maximum inlet phenol concentration of about 255 mg . m(-3), operating at a superficial gas flow rate of 30 m(3) . m(-2) . h(-1). (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and organic loading rate on the rate of methane production from acidic petrochemical wastewater without neutralization was investigated by continuously feeding an anaerobic upflow fixed-film reactor. The temperatures selected for the studies were 25, 37, 45 and 55 degrees C. Organic loading rate (OLR) for each temperature was varied from 3.6 to 21.7 kg COD m(-3) d(-1). Best performance with respect to COD and BOD reduction, total gas production and methane yield was obtained with the reactor operating at 37 degrees C. OLR could be increased to a maximum of 21.7 kg COD m(-3) d(-1) with 90-95% COD and BOD reduction and methane yield of 0.450 m3 kg(-1) COD d(-1) added. The reactor operating at 55 degrees C gave the highest methane yield of 0.666 m3 kg(-1) COD d(-1) at an OLR of 6 kg COD m(-3) d(-1). This decreased to 0.110 m3 kg(-1) COD d(-1) when the OLR was increased to 18.1 kg COD m(-3) d(-1). The reactor operating at 45 degrees C gave a maximum methane yield of 0.416 m3 kg(-1) COD d(-1) added at an OLR of 6 kg COD m(-3) d(-1). On further increasing the OLR to 9 kg COD m(-3) d(-1), COD reduction was 89%, however, methane yield decreased to 0.333 m3 kg(-1) COD d(-1) added. The highest methane yield of 0.333 m3 kg(-1) COD d(-1) added at an OLR of 6 kg COD m(-3) d(-1) was obtained with reactors operating at 25 degrees C. These studies indicate potential rates of methane production from acidic petrochemical wastewater under different temperatures. This provides a guideline for various kinetic analyses and economic evaluation of the potential feasibility of fermenting acidic wastewater to methane.  相似文献   

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