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重组抗凝蛋白-新蛭素的原核表达研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:重组新蛭素(EH)是在抗凝蛋白水蛭素的氨基末端添加3个氨基酸(EPR)的衍生物,以往EH的表达工艺沿用水蛭素的酵母表达工艺,生产周期长、目标蛋白表达效率相对较低。而水蛭素类的蛋白在大肠杆菌中往往以包涵体形式表达,后期的分离纯化收率较低,无法适应产业化。为了提高EH的生产效率,探索了EH在大肠杆菌中的可溶性表达。方法:首先通过PCR的方法获得eh的c DNA,PCR产物连接入原核表达载体p ET-22或p ET-24中获得重组表达质粒,将重组表达质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)或BL21(ply Ss),获得重组工程菌BL21(DE3)-p ET-24-eh,BL21(DE3)-p ET-22-eh,BL21(ply Ss)-p ET-22-eh。重组工程菌进行IPTG诱导,SDS-PAGE和Western blot鉴定表达产物。结果:EH在3个重组工程菌中均可实现可溶性表达。表达水平较高的为BL21(DE3)-p ET-24-eh工程菌;之后通过优化诱导温度,时间,诱导剂浓度、诱导前菌种密度,确定最佳条件为:37℃,诱导6h,IPTG浓度为0.4μmol/L,诱导前菌种密度在OD600=1左右。诱导产物经分离纯化,其纯度可达96.93%。最后通过蛋白含量测定及抗凝活性检测,确定表达的EH蛋白本身无抗凝活性,被FXa裂解后可以释放出水蛭素的抗凝活性。结论:实现了EH在大肠杆菌中的可溶性表达,表达周期短,有望提高EH的生产效率,为EH的产业化奠定了基础,也为水蛭素类产品的生产提供了新的工艺途径。  相似文献   

重组葡激酶和水蛭素融合蛋白的血栓靶向性机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解释以凝血因子Xa(FXa)的识别序列为连接肽的葡激酶和水蛭素的融合蛋白(命名为SFH)在体内的强溶栓和低出血的特征,研究分析了SFH的两个血栓靶向性作用机理.首先采用ELISA和免疫组化的方法在体外分析了由水蛭素游离的C末端赋予的SFH对血栓的靶向性,结果显示SFH对凝血酶和富含凝血酶的血栓具有更高的亲和力.为阐明SFH抗凝活性在血栓部位的靶向性释放,构建表达了仅在水蛭素N末端连接FXa识别序列的水蛭素衍生物(命名为FH).体外试验结果表明完整的FH无抗凝活性,在体内FH可以发挥抗栓作用,且出血副作用较低,这些结果说明FXa的识别序列可以封闭水蛭素的抗凝活性,在体内FH可以由于FXa的成功裂解而释放其抗凝活性,且其抗凝活性可能仅局限于血栓局部.这就间接说明了SFH的抗凝活性可以在血栓局部进行靶向性释放.以上两个血栓靶向性作用机理是SFH在体内发挥更高溶栓效率和降低出血副作用的重要机制.  相似文献   

新型水蛭素嵌合抗栓剂的构建表达与功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水蛭素(Hirudin,HV)作为新一代抗凝剂,它是目前已知最强的天然凝血酶抑制剂,并有望在临床上完全取代肝素。虽然水蛭素有许多优点,但出血倾向是其在临床应用上的主要副作用。目前尚没有好的解决办法。针对水蛭素在临床应用中所出现的这个问题,依据血栓形成的生理生化机制,构建出了含FXa识别序列水蛭素嵌合抗栓剂,来降低水蛭素在非血栓部位的活性从而减小出血的危险。小鼠尾部血栓模型实验表明:此新型嵌合抗栓剂能在不减少水蛭素抗凝血活性的同时,又能大幅度地降低出血副作用。具有非常重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

因子Xa抑制剂研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
因子X位于内外源性凝血途径的交汇处,其活性形式因子Xa(FXa)与因子Va、Ca^2 、PF3一起激活凝血酶原,产生凝血酶,触发凝血级连发应的发生。由于其在凝血途径中的重要位置,FXa抑制剂成为抗凝治疗新药开发中很有吸引力的靶位点。  相似文献   

小鼠骨保护素配基胞外片段的表达、纯化及生物活性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨保护素配基(OPGL)是调节破骨细胞分化和成熟的核心细胞因子。由小鼠骨组织提取总RNA,RTPCR扩增得到小鼠OPGL胞外片段(sOPGL)cDNA,以特定策略克隆人表达载体pET-42a( ),以便使未来表达产物的融合标签序列能够完全被因子Xa切除。重组载体在大肠杆菌中诱导表达可获得高水平的47kD产物,Western blotting证实它可被OPGL抗体识别。经Glutathione-sepharose 4B亲和层析,除融合蛋白外,还有一约30 kD蛋白与层析柱发生了特异性亲和。该30kD蛋白可被GST-IGF-I多克隆抗体识别,但不能被OPGL抗体识别,提示它的产生乃由于融合蛋白在融合位点附近发生裂解。融合蛋白经Xa因子裂解和进一步纯化,得到分子量约17.5kD的sOPGL。生物活性分析证明,重组sOPGL可以促进OLC的生成,并呈现剂量依赖关系。  相似文献   

根据所测定的中国产家蚕CBM1和CBM2 cDNA序列,设计成熟肽的特异性引物,将此基因与凝血因子Xa(FXa)的切割序列以PCR方法连接起来,克隆至pGEX—KG表达质粒中。该载体为改进的GST融合表达质粒,所携带的6个Gly有助于提高FXa的切割效率。克隆得到的融合载体在大肠杆菌JM109中扩增和筛选。经DNA测序,证实为含有正确序列的乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—NCBM1(pKG—FXa—NCBM1)、非乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—CBM1(pKG—FXa—CBM1)和乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—NCBM2(pKG—FXa—NCBM2)、非乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—CBM2(pKG—FXa—CBM2)。将该载体在BL21中诱导表达,得到GST-FXa切割位点NCBM1、CBM1、NCBM2、CBM2等4种融合蛋白。经SDS—PAGE,考马斯亮兰染色后,Lab—Work扫描,其表达产物达到15%~20%,每升培养液平均可得20mg融合蛋白。菌体总蛋白经GST-亲和层析柱得到纯的GST—FXa—NCBM1、GST—FXa—CBM1、GST—FXa—NCBM2、GST—FXa—CBM2融合蛋白,再经FXa酶切后,透析过柱得到重组的NCBM1和CBM1。平板抑菌试验证明,4种融合蛋白均有明显的生物学活性,且没有显著的差异。  相似文献   

一种抗菌肽和aFGF融合蛋白的构建和表达   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用PCR技术扩增出带有凝血酶Xa因子切割位点的天蚕素蜂毒素杂合肽和aFGF的融合基因,插入大肠杆菌表达载体pET-3c中,构建出表达质粒pET-aF-CM,并转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中,氨苄青霉素抗性筛选重组转化子。IPTG诱导4h后,以包涵体形式表达的融合蛋白约占菌体总蛋白的17%。将包涵体溶解后透析复性,并利用肝素亲和层析纯化,得到电泳纯的融合蛋白。Western blot分析表明,该蛋白能与aFGF抗体产生免疫反应。MTT法检测显示,融合蛋白具有促3T3Bal/b细胞分裂活性,其比活为1.471×106IU/mg。利用凝血酶Xa因子裂解融合蛋白,可以获得抗菌肽和含凝血酶Xa因子裂解序列的aFGF蛋白。分子筛回收含杂合抗菌肽,抑菌活性检测表明其对大肠杆菌K12D31具有明显抑菌活性。微量稀释法检测结果表明,回收的抗菌肽对大肠杆菌DH5α、大肠杆菌K12D31、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和绿脓杆菌的MIC分别达6.25μg/ml、10μg/ml、2.5μg/ml、1.25μg/ml、0.625μg/ml和5μg/ml。  相似文献   

目的:通过对毕赤酵母中试发酵工艺的改进,建立一种简便可行的重组低出血抗凝蛋白(EH)的中试发酵工艺,为EH蛋白的放大生产研究奠定基础。方法:首先通过摇瓶培养绘测毕赤酵母工程菌的生长曲线,然后根据生长曲线,将对数生长期的菌种经过两级摇瓶培养放大后,直接接种到500 L的发酵罐中放大培养,通过发酵液的D600nm值、溶氧值(DO2)及菌体湿重动态监测细菌的生长状态,并用流加甲醇的方法诱导表达目的蛋白;表达上清经超滤、两步离子交换层析纯化获得目的蛋白;用非还原型SDS-PAGE和HPLC检测目的蛋白的纯度;用SDS-PAGE和质谱方法分析目的蛋白的相对分子质量;用Western印迹验证目的蛋白;用凝块法检测目的蛋白的抗凝活性。结果:发酵结束时,上清中蛋白含量达1.41 g/L,经后期分离纯化,得到约21 g EH蛋白,SDS-PAGE分析可见EH蛋白在还原状态下表观相对分子质量约为13.2×103±0.2×103,质谱分析相对分子质量约为7.3×103±0.73×103;Western印迹表明检测条带为目的蛋白,能被抗水蛭素抗体特异性结合;非还原型SDS-PAGE和HPLC测得EH蛋白的纯度均高于95%;凝块法检测EH蛋白的抗凝比活性为512~1024 ATU/mg。结论:建立了一条简便可行的EH蛋白的中试放大发酵生产工艺。  相似文献   

旨在大肠杆菌中可溶表达重组人神经生长因子(Recombinant humanβnerve growth factor,rhβNGF),并对表达产物进行分离纯化和生物学活性鉴定。成功扩增h NGFβ亚基基因,将其克隆入pMAL-c2X表达载体,构建了hβNGF-MBP的大肠杆菌表达体系并进行诱导表达,表达产物经纯化后以Factor Xa酶切去除麦牙糖结合蛋白(MBP),Western blot鉴定后以TF-1细胞法检测生物学活性。结果显示,pMAL-c2X-hβNGF经酶切和测序证实构建正确,25℃、180 r/min、0.5 mmol/L IPTG诱导下可溶表达hβNGF-MBP融合蛋白。hβNGF-MBP经Factor Xa酶切后可去除MBP标签,SDS-PAGE分析纯化的hβNGF位于13 k D左右,纯度可达95%。Western blot鉴定为hβNGF,结果表明,比活约为1×10~6 U/mg。在大肠杆菌中成功可溶表达hβNGF,并具有较高的生物学活性。  相似文献   

唐诚业  秦琴  颜正飞  吴敬 《微生物学报》2021,61(5):1200-1210
【目的】旨在分离、筛选并鉴定具有大米蛋白降解作用的菌株及其关键蛋白酶,为高效制备大米寡肽提供制备酶及最优制备条件。【方法】以"水解圈"为评价指标,从粮食仓库附近土壤筛选获得具有降解大米蛋白能力的菌株;通过16S rRNA序列分析确定菌株归属;利用单因素实验获得最佳氮源并初步分析酶学性质;利用HPLC检测寡肽得率,并对制备条件进一步优化。【结果】经鉴定具有大米蛋白降解作用的菌株为沙雷氏菌(Serratia sp. JWG-D15),以大米蛋白为氮源培养菌株JWG-D15,蛋白酶So PRO产量最高,其最适温度40℃,最适pH 8.0;在加酶量20 U/mg,大米蛋白浓度40 mg/mL,40℃,4 h条件下寡肽得率最高72.38%。【结论】以大米蛋白为氮源培养菌株JWG-D15,蛋白酶So PRO产量最高;蛋白酶So PRO制得的大米寡肽,其得率是目前行业最高。本研究既丰富了大米寡肽的制备用酶的种类,又为深入大米寡肽产业化提供一定理论基础。  相似文献   

Copolymers of N,N-diethylacrylamide and N-acryloylphthalimide with lower critical solution temperature (LCST) were synthesized by radical copolymerization. Polymeric systems with antithrombin activity and LCST were prepared via a reaction of amino groups of hirudin with phthalimide groups of the copolymers. On increasing hirudin content, LCST of the polymeric systems increased. The antithrombin activity of polymeric systems obtained by hirudin immobilization on copolymer carriers was inversely related to the content of the copolymer, amounting to 6% of the activity of native hirudin.  相似文献   

Copolymers of N,N-diethylacrylamide and N-acryloylphthalimide with a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) were synthesized by radical copolymerization. Polymeric systems with antithrombin activity and an LCST were prepared via a reaction of amino groups of hirudin with phthalimide groups of the copolymers. On increasing hirudin content, the LCST of the polymeric systems increased. The antithrombin activity of polymeric systems obtained by hirudin immobilization on copolymer carriers was inversely related to the content of the copolymer, amounting to 6% of the activity of native hirudin.  相似文献   

Hirudin is a specific polypeptide thrombin inhibitor consisting of 65 amino acids that is produced by the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. We describe a rapid method for the purification of hirudin from a leech extract. Crude hirudin, purchased from a commercial source, was first fractionated on a DEAE-HPLC column using a salt gradient. Hirudin activity was monitored by inhibition of the thrombin-mediated hydrolysis of a synthetic substrate H-D-Phenylalanyl-Pipecolyl-Arginine-p-Nitroanilide. The fractions containing antithrombin activity were pooled and further purified by reverse-phase HPLC. The homogeneity of purified hirudin was confirmed by a single amino-terminal sequence for 43 residues with Val-Val as the first two amino acids. Residue 33 was Asn rather than Asp as reported previously.  相似文献   

Anticoagulant activity of synthetic hirudin peptides   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Synthetic peptides based on the COOH-terminal 21 residues of hirudin were prepared in order to 1) evaluate the role of this segment in hirudin action toward thrombin, 2) define the shortest peptide derivative with anticoagulant activity, and 3) investigate the role of tyrosine sulfation in the peptides' inhibitory activities. A hirudin derivative of 20 amino acids, Hir45-64 (derived from residues 45-64 of the hirudin polypeptide), was found to effect a dose-dependent increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of normal human plasma but to have no measurable inhibitory activity toward thrombin cleavage of a tripeptidyl p-nitroanilide substrate. Anticoagulant activity in hirudin derivatives was comparable in peptides of 20, 16, and 12 residues truncated from the NH2 terminus. Additional truncated peptides prepared by synthesis and carboxypeptidase treatment reveal that the minimal sequence of a hirudin peptide fragment with maximal anticoagulant activity is contained within the sequence: NH2-Asn-Gly-Asp-Phe-Glu-Glu-Ile-Pro-Glu-Glu-Tyr-Leu-COOH. The 12-residue derivative thus identified was reacted with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide in the presence of sulfuric acid to yield a Tyr-sulfated peptide, S-Hir53-64. By comparison to unsulfated peptide, S-Hir53-64 was found to contain a specific inhibitory activity enhanced by one order of magnitude toward increase in APTT and to effect a dose-dependent increase in thrombin time of normal human plasma to yield a 4-fold increase in thrombin time with 2.5 micrograms/ml peptide using 0.8 units/ml alpha-thrombin. Comparison of S-Hir53-64 to hirudin in thrombin time and APTT assays reveals a 50-fold difference in molar specific activities toward inhibition of thrombin. Comparison of antithrombin activities of S-Hir53-64 using a variety of animal thrombins demonstrates greatest inhibitory activity toward murine, rat, and human enzymes and a 10-fold reduced activity toward bovine thrombin.  相似文献   

构建并表达兼有溶栓和抗凝活性、减少出血副作用的人组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)和水蛭素(HV2)的融合蛋白。通过提取总RNA和RT-PCR获得t-PA基因,与HV2基因通过活化凝血因子X(Fxa)识别序列(IEGR)的对应碱基序列连接构成融合蛋白基因,融合蛋白基因经pGEM-T、pIC9克隆至表达载体pIC9K上,电转导入毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)GS115。转化子摇瓶内甲醇诱导表达。纤维蛋白平板溶圈法和纤维蛋白凝块法分别检测溶栓和抗凝活性。琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果显示克隆的t-PA基因片段大小为1700bp,序列测定结果表明其35位氨基酸由文献报道的精氨酸突变为色氨酸。限制性酶切和PCR鉴定结果均表明融合蛋白基因已克隆入表达载体和宿主菌。甲醇利用实验、G418抗性筛选获得多拷贝甲醇利用快型克隆。甲醇诱导表达产物具有纤溶活性并可被抗t-PA抗体抑制。完整融合蛋白无抗凝活性,但以Fxa裂解后可释放抗凝活性。同时,融合蛋白以单链和双链两种形式存在。融合蛋白在血栓部位特有的Fxa作用下靶向释放抗凝活性,具有溶栓抗凝双功能,有望降低临床出血副作用。  相似文献   

本文报导了化学合成的水蛭素基因在酵母细胞中得到表达,井能分泌水蛭素到胞外。将该菌株培养物的上清液经硫酸铵沉淀和Sephadex G-50过滤后,用DEAE-SephadexA-25进行阴离子交换层析,进而用HPLC反相层析,得到表达产物重组水蛭素。经SDS-PAGE,氨基酸序列分析,抗凝血酶活力分析及血浆滴定实验等方法鉴定,证明该基因表达产物与天然水蛭素HV_2相同。  相似文献   

嵌合水蛭肽的构建与活性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
血管成形术或动脉粥样斑块破裂等因素所致血管壁损伤而引起的血栓形成过程中 ,血小板的激活和凝血酶的形成起着关键作用 .因此 ,抗血小板和抗凝是治疗血栓的两个重要方面 .血小板膜糖蛋白GPⅡb Ⅲa受体拮抗剂 ,如含Arg Gly Asp(RGD)序列的多肽 ,在临床上已显示了良好的抗血小板  相似文献   

Inactivation due to cleavage of Factor Va (FVa) at Arg 506 by activated protein C (APC) helps to downregulate blood coagulation. To identify potential functional roles of amino acids near Arg 506, synthetic overlapping pentadecapeptides comprising FVa heavy chain residues 481-525 were tested for their ability to inhibit prothrombin activation by prothrombinase complexes [Factor Xa (FXa):FVa:phospholipids:Ca2+]. The most potent inhibition was observed for peptide VP493 (residues 493-506), with 50% inhibition at 2.5 microM. VP493 also inhibited FXa in plasma in FXa-1-stage clotting assays by 50% at 3 microM. When the C-terminal carboxamide group of VP493 was replaced by a carboxyl group, most prothrombinase inhibitory activity was lost. VP493 preincubated with FXa inhibited prothrombinase with a pattern of mixed inhibition. Homologous peptides from Factor VIII sequences did not inhibit prothrombinase. Affinity-purified antibodies to VP493 inhibited prothrombinase activity and prolonged FXa-1-stage clotting times. VP493 also blocked the ability of protein S to inhibit prothrombinase independently of APC. Immobilized VP493 bound specifically with similar affinity to both FXa and protein S (Kd approximately 40 nM), but did not measurably bind prothrombin or APC. These studies suggest that FVa residues 493-506 contribute to binding sites for both FXa and protein S, providing a rationale for the ability of protein S to negate the protective effect of FXa toward APC cleavage of FVa. Possible loss of this FVa binding site for FXa due to cleavage at Arg 506 by APC may help explain why this cleavage causes 40% decrease in FVa activity and facilitates inactivation of FVa.  相似文献   

在纯乙酸溶剂中,以乙酸酐酰化消旋酪氨酸,消旋温度为90℃,L-酪氨酸和乙酸酐的摩尔比为12,每消旋1gL-酪氨酸时,溶剂乙酸的用量为5mL,效果较好。同样的方法应用于L-脯氨酸,L-苏氨酸,L-缬氨酸,L-赖氨酸,L-半胱氨酸等氨基酸,消旋率均可达到100%。  相似文献   

Rezaie AR  He X 《Biochemistry》2000,39(7):1817-1825
The nature of residue 225 on a consensus loop in serine proteases determines whether a protease can bind Na(+). Serine proteases with a Pro at this position are unable to bind Na(+), but those with a Tyr or Phe can bind Na(+). Factor Xa (FXa), the serine protease of the prothrombinase complex, contains a Tyr at this position. Na(+) is also known to stimulate the amidolytic activity of FXa toward cleavage of small synthetic substrates, but the role of Na(+) in the prothrombinase complex has not been investigated. In this study, we engineered a Gla-domainless form of FX (GDFX) in which residue Tyr(225) was replaced with a Pro. We found that Na(+) stimulated the cleavage rate of chromogenic substrates by FXa or GDFXa approximately 8-24-fold with apparent dissociation constants [K(d(app))] of 37 and 182 mM in the presence and absence of Ca(2+), respectively. In contrast, Na(+) minimally affected the cleavage rate of these substrates by the mutant, and no K(d(app)) for Na(+) binding to the mutant could be estimated. Unlike the wild-type enzyme, the reactivity of the mutant with antithrombin was independent of Na(+) and impaired approximately 32-fold. Ca(2+) improved the reactivity of the mutant with antithrombin approximately 5-fold. Affinity of the mutant for binding to factor Va was weakened and its ability to activate prothrombin was severely impaired. Further studies with the wild-type prothrombinase complex revealed that FXa binds to factor Va with a similar K(d(app)) of 1. 1-1.8 nM in the presence of Na(+), K(+), Li(+), Ch(+), and Tris(+) and that the catalytic efficiency of prothrombinase is enhanced less than 1.5-fold by the specific effect of Na(+) in the reaction buffer. These results suggest that (1) the loop including residue 225 (225-loop) is a Na(+) binding site in FXa, (2) the Na(+)- and Ca(2+)-binding loops of FXa are allosterically linked, and (3) the Tyr conformer of the 225-loop is critical for factor Xa function; however, both Na(+)-bound and Na(+)-free forms of factor Xa in the prothrombinase complex can efficiently activate prothrombin.  相似文献   

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