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大兴安岭天然沼泽湿地生态系统碳储量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牟长城  王彪  卢慧翠  包旭  崔巍 《生态学报》2013,33(16):4956-4965
采用碳/氮分析仪测定法与标准木解析法,研究大兴安岭5种典型天然沼泽湿地(草丛沼泽、灌丛沼泽、毛赤杨沼泽、白桦沼泽和落叶松沼泽)的生态系统碳储量(植被和土壤)、净初级生产力、植被年净固碳量及其沿沼泽至森林方向过渡带水分环境梯度的分布格局,揭示其空间变异规律性,并定量评价寒温带5种典型天然沼泽湿地的碳储量与固碳能力及其长期碳汇作用。结果表明:①5种天然沼泽湿地的植被碳储量分布在(0.48±0.08)—(8.33±0.66)kgC/m2之间,沿过渡带环境梯度呈递增趋势;②土壤碳储量分布在(19.21±6.17)—(38.28±4.86)kgC/m2之间,沿过渡带环境梯度却呈递减趋势;③生态系统碳储量分布在(27.54±7.16)—(38.76±4.58)kgC/m2之间,沿过渡带环境梯度基本呈恒定分布规律性,且以湿地土壤碳储量占优势地位(69.8%—98.8%);④植被净初级生产力分布在(0.68±0.10)—(1.08±0.12)kg.m-.2a-1之间,毛赤杨沼泽最高,草丛沼泽、灌丛沼泽、白桦沼泽居中,落叶松沼泽最低,且总体上低于温带森林湿地而高于寒温带天然落叶松林;⑤植被年净固碳量分布在(0.32±0.09)—(0.51±0.06)kgC.m-.2a-1,毛赤杨沼泽最高(高于全球植被平均年净固碳量)、灌丛沼泽和白桦沼泽居中(达到或接近全球平均值)、草丛沼泽和落叶松沼泽最低(略低于全球平均值),故这5种沼泽湿地均属于碳汇功能相对较强的湿地植被类型。  相似文献   

郑瞳  牟长城  张毅  李娜娜 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6284-6294
运用相对生长方程与碳/氮分析方法,测定了我国温带张广才岭7种立地类型(阳坡上、中、下坡位和阴坡上、中、下坡位及谷地)天然白桦林的生态系统碳储量(植被与土壤)及植被净初级生产力与年净固碳量,揭示立地类型对温带天然白桦林生态系统碳库及其固碳能力的影响规律。结果表明:1白桦林植被碳储量((76.28±18.11)—(115.57±5.59)t C/hm~2)在阴、阳坡的上坡位和下坡位显著高于谷地35.1%—51.5%(P0.05),阴、阳坡中坡位高于谷地但差异性不显著(32.5%—33.6%,P0.05);2其土壤碳储量((81.53±6.15)—(181.90±21.62)t C/hm~2)在阳坡各坡位显著高于阴坡中、下部与谷地24.0%—123.1%(P0.05),阴坡上、中部显著高于阴坡下部和谷地36.0%—81.2%(P0.05);3其生态系统碳储量((174.57±20.27)—(282.96±17.92)t C/hm~2)在阳坡各坡位显著高于阴坡中、下坡位与谷地14.1%—62.1%(P0.05),阴坡上、中坡位显著高于阴坡下坡位与谷地19.5%—48.1%(P0.05);4其植被净初级生产力((6.98±1.60)—(9.59±0.69)t hm~(-2)a~(-1))在阴、阳坡上坡位显著高于阴坡中坡位34.2%—37.4%(P0.05),其他4个立地类型高于阴坡中坡位但差异性不显著(8.5%—20.6%,P0.05);5其年净固碳量((3.26±0.74)—(4.56±0.36)t C hm~(-2)a~(-1))在阳坡上坡位显著高于阴坡中坡位39.9%(P0.05),其他5个立地类型高于阴坡中坡位但差异性不显著(9.2%—30.4%,P0.05)。因此,张广才岭天然白桦林的生态系统碳储量及其固碳能力均存在着明显的立地分异规律性,故在评价与管理我国温带白桦林碳汇时应考虑立地类型影响。  相似文献   

李娜  牟长城  王彪  张妍  马莉 《生态学报》2017,37(9):2880-2893
采用静态箱-气相色谱法与相对生长方程法,同步测定小兴安岭7种天然沼泽湿地(草丛沼泽-C、灌丛沼泽-G、毛赤杨沼泽-M、白桦沼泽-B、落叶松苔草沼泽-L-T、落叶松藓类沼泽-L-X、落叶松泥炭藓沼泽-L-N)的土壤呼吸(CO_2、CH_4)净碳排放量、植被年净固碳量,并依据生态系统净碳收支平衡,揭示温带天然沼泽湿地的碳源/汇作用规律。结果表明:(1)7种天然沼泽CH_4年通量(0.006—7.756 mg m~(-2)h~(-1))呈M(高于其他类型1.0—1291.7倍,P0.05)C、G、B(高于针叶林沼泽17.7—649.0倍,P0.05)针叶林沼泽变化趋势,其季节动态存在3种类型(C、G单峰型、M、B多峰型及针叶林沼泽排放与吸收交替型);(2)其CO_2年通量(157.40—231.06 mg m~(-2)h~(-1))呈G(高于森林沼泽28.7%—46.8%,P0.05)C(高于森林沼泽7.4%—22.5%,P0.05)森林沼泽的变化趋势,其季节动态存在2种类型(C、G、L-X和L-N双峰型和M、B、L-T单峰型);(3)C、G、M、B、L-N CH_4排放仅受0—40 cm不同土壤层温度所控制;7种天然沼泽土壤CO_2排放均受气温及0—40 cm不同土壤层温度所控制,但B、L-X、L-N受温度与水位综合控制;(4)其植被年净固碳量((2.05±0.09)—(6.75±0.27)t C hm-2a-1)呈C(高于其他类型65.4%—229.3%,P0.05)G、B、L-T、L-X、L-N(高于M 80.0%—99.0%,P0.05)M变化趋势;(5)7种天然沼泽的碳源/汇(-2.32—2.09 t C hm-2a-1)作用不同,C、B和L-N为碳吸收汇(C强汇、B和L-N弱汇),M、G、L-T和L-X则为碳排放源(M、G强源、L-T和L-X弱源)。因此,温带小兴安岭草丛沼泽为碳强汇、灌丛沼泽为碳强源、森林沼泽基本维持碳平衡(除M外)。  相似文献   

湖南省森林植被碳储量、碳密度动态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用湖南省4次(1983—1987年、1990—1995年、2003—2004年和2009年)森林资源清查数据,采用材积源-生物量法,结合湖南省现有森林植被主要树种碳含量实测数据,研究近20多年来湖南省森林植被碳储量、碳密度的动态特征。结果表明:从1987年到2009年,湖南省乔木林植被碳汇为66.40×106tC,碳密度提高了5.65 tC/hm~2,阔叶林碳汇最大(48.43×10~6tC),其次是杉木林(9.54×10~6tC)和松木林(6.68×10~6tC),各乔木林植被碳密度波动较大;除过熟林外,各龄组乔木林均为碳汇,中龄林碳汇最大,幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林植被碳密度依次提高了4.75、4.09、0.83 tC/hm~2,成熟林、过熟林分别下降了6.87、13.88 tC/hm~2;天然林、人工林植被碳汇分别为41.01×10~6tC、25.39×10~6tC,碳密度分别提高了7.19、4.91 tC/hm~2。湖南省森林植被(包括疏林)碳汇为84.87×10~6tC,乔木林碳汇最大,其次是竹林,分别占湖南省森林植被碳汇的78.24%和33.31%,碳密度提高了6.24 tC/hm~2,各森林类型植被碳储量随其面积变化而变化。表明近20多年来,湖南省乔木林植被单位面积储碳能力明显提高,天然林在湖南省乔木林植被碳储量占有重要地位。  相似文献   

周文昌  牟长城  刘夏  顾韩 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6387-6395
火干扰在湿地生态系统中起着重要的作用,尽管湿地占全球陆地生态系统很小一部分,却是陆地生态系统一个重要的碳汇。然而关于火干扰对我国小兴安岭森林沼泽生态系统土壤碳库影响的研究鲜有报道。因此选取两种森林沼泽典型地段进行土壤取样,研究火干扰对小兴安岭白桦(Betula platyphylla)沼泽和落叶松(Larix gmelinii)-苔草(Carex schmidtii)沼泽地表凋落物和土壤碳储量(0—50 cm)的影响。研究结果表明:①重度火烧使得白桦沼泽地表凋落物量和碳储量降低了36.36%(0.50 kg/m2)和35.52%(0.23 kg C/m2),而轻度火烧无显著影响;轻度火烧和重度火烧落叶松-苔草沼泽地表凋落物量和碳储量分别减少了45.32%(0.99 kg/m2)和44.66%(0.42 kg C/m2)、50.42%(1.10 kg/m2)和49.71%(0.47 kg C/m2);②白桦沼泽和落叶松-苔草沼泽两者对照样地、轻度火烧样地、重度火烧样地的土壤碳储量(0—50 cm)分别为(23.55±6.34)kg C/m2、(18.50±8.16)kg C/m2、(32.50±7.22)kg C/m2和(20.89±2.59)kg C/m2、(23.52±16.03)kg C/m2、(21.75±6.60)kg C/m2,然而火干扰对两种森林沼泽土壤碳储量(0—50 cm)影响不显著。研究结果可为我国东北开展森林湿地计划火烧和碳管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

高纬度和高海拔区为气候变化敏感区,该区域湿地碳循环与气候反馈关系倍受关注。为探究在全球变暖背景下高海拔区沼泽湿地碳源/汇功能是否发生了转化,以长白山高海拔区沿水分环境梯度分布的5种沼泽类型(草丛沼泽-C、灌丛沼泽-G、落叶松泥炭藓沼泽-LN、落叶松藓类沼泽-LX、落叶松苔草沼泽-LT)为对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法和相对生长方程法,同步测定各沼泽类型全年尺度上的土壤异养呼吸碳排放量(CO2和CH4)、植被年净固碳量及相关环境因子(温度、水位和土壤有机碳等),并依据生态系统净碳收支平衡,量化各沼泽类型的碳源/汇作用,揭示其沿水分环境梯度变化规律及形成机制。结果表明:(1)5种沼泽类型土壤CO2年均通量((97.68±8.64)—(291.01±18.31)mg m-2 h-1)沿水分环境梯度呈阶梯式递增规律性(环境梯度上部生境地段的落叶松苔草沼泽和落叶松藓类沼泽最高,中部生境地段的落叶松泥炭藓沼泽和灌丛沼泽居中,草丛沼泽最低);(2)CH4年均通量((-0....  相似文献   

元江干热河谷稀树灌草丛植被碳储量及净初级生产力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稀树灌草丛作为干热河谷区特殊的植被类型,其碳储量等一直缺乏必要的研究。以元江干热河谷稀树灌草丛植被为对象,利用典型样地法研究该区稀树灌草丛植被的碳储量与净初级生产力。结果表明:元江稀树灌草丛植被的碳储量为32.13 t C/hm~2,其中乔木、灌木和草本各层次的碳储量为26.70、4.04、1.40 t C/hm~2,分别占到总碳储量的83.02%、12.57%、4.4%。乔木层中地上部分碳储量占到66.70%。另外,元江稀树灌草丛的净初级生产力为3.88 t C hm~(-2)a~(-1),其中林分的净初级生产力为1.90 t C hm~(-2)a~(-1),凋落物量为1.98 t C hm~(-2)a~(-1);林下植被层对林分净初级生产力的贡献达到了46.92%。说明元江稀树灌草丛具有较高的碳储量和碳汇能力。结果为稀树灌草丛碳循环及碳汇功能研究提供了基础,同时也为干热河谷区植被的保育与可持续经营提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为科学评价植被恢复促进沙漠化逆转对碳氮储量的影响,以流动沙地、半固定沙地、油蒿固定沙地、柠条固定沙地、沙柳固定沙地5个阶段荒漠生态系统为研究对象,采用时空替代法分析植被恢复过程中荒漠生态系统碳氮储量及分配格局。结果表明:不同恢复阶段碳氮储量均表现为:流动沙地(3320.97 kg C/hm~2、346.69 kg N/hm~2)半固定沙地(4371.46 kg C/hm~2、435.95 kg N/hm~2)油蒿固定沙地(6096.50 kg C/hm~2、513.76 kg N/hm~2)柠条固定沙地(9556.80 kg C/hm~2、926.31 kg N/hm~2)沙柳固定沙地(19488.54 kg C/hm~2、982.11 kg N/hm~2)。植被层碳氮储量均呈现随植被恢复逐渐增加的趋势,除流动沙地外,其他阶段碳氮储量均以灌木层为主,占比分别为66.65%—91.41%和52.94%—93.39%,草本和凋落物占比较小。灌木各器官生物量及碳储量分配均为:茎根叶,氮储量分配无明显规律,草本各器官生物量及碳氮储量分配均为地上部分高于地下部分。土壤层是荒漠生态系统碳氮储量的主体,碳储量占比为68.64%—99.62%,氮储量占比为89.26%—99.89%,同样呈现随植被恢复逐渐增加的趋势。碳氮储量随土层加深逐渐降低,具有明显的表层富集特征,且随植被恢复过程富集性显著加强。这说明人工建植促进植被演替实现沙漠化逆转可以显著增强荒漠生态系统的碳氮固存能力。  相似文献   

川西亚高山不同森林生态系统碳氮储量及其分配格局   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘顺  罗达  刘千里  张利  杨洪国  史作民 《生态学报》2017,37(4):1074-1083
森林采伐和恢复是影响森林碳氮储量的重要因素。以川西亚高山岷江冷杉原始林、粗枝云杉阔叶林、天然次生林和粗枝云杉人工林为研究对象,采用样地调查和生物量实测的方法,研究了不同森林生态系统各组分碳、氮储量及其分配特征。结果表明岷江冷杉原始林、粗枝云杉阔叶林、天然次生林和粗枝云杉人工林生态系统碳储量分别为611.18、252.31、363.07 tC/hm~2和239.06 tC/hm~2;氮储量分别为16.44、12.11、15.48 tN/hm~2和8.92 tN/hm~2。恢复林分与原始林碳储量在土壤—植被的分配格局发生了变化,而氮储量未发生变化。岷江冷杉原始林以植被碳储量为主,恢复林分以土壤为主,氮储量均以土壤为主。乔木层碳储量分别占生态系统总储量的56.65%、17.63%、13.57%和22.05%,土壤层(0—80 cm)分别占32.03%、69.87%、76.20%和72.12%;土壤层氮储量占生态系统总储量的76.80%—92.58%。植物残体碳氮储量分别占生态系统总储量的4.40%—9.83%和2.94%—7.08%,林下植被所占比例最小。空间格局上,岷江冷杉原始林植被部分具有较高的碳储量,应进行保护。3种恢复林分具有较高的碳汇潜力,且地上/地下碳储量较低,表明其碳汇潜力尤其表现在地上部分。天然次生林利于土壤有机碳的积累,而人工林乔木层碳储量较高。  相似文献   

刘领  王艳芳  悦飞雪  李冬  赵威 《生态学报》2019,39(3):864-873
利用1994—1998年、1999—2003年、2004—2008年、2009—2013年河南省4期森林资源清查数据,运用生物量转换因子连续函数法和平均生物量法,估算了1998—2013年河南省森林植被的碳储量和碳密度变化。研究结果表明,河南省森林植被碳储量由1998年的45.57 Tg增加到2013年的107.98 Tg,年均碳汇量为4.16 Tg/a。乔木林碳储量和碳密度分别由1998年的33.54 Tg和22.39 Mg/hm~2增加到2013年的97.11 Tg和31.80 Mg/hm~2。乔木林碳储量在所有植被类型中占主体,4个森林清查时期乔木林碳储量占森林植被总碳储量的比例分别为73.60%、79.22%、85.63%和89.93%。2013年森林清查时,乔木林中杨树和栎类碳储量最大,分别占总碳储量的37.61%和25.22%,各龄组乔木林碳密度大小顺序依次为成熟林近熟林中龄林过熟林幼龄林。阔叶林面积、碳储量、碳密度均高于针叶林,阔叶林是河南省森林碳汇的主要贡献者。人工林面积、碳储量、碳密度增加幅度都要高于天然林,人工林碳储量由1998年的9.62 Tg增加到2013年的55.67 Tg,占乔木林碳储量总增量的77.15%,人工林碳密度由1998年的17.86 Mg/hm~2提高到2013年的32.01 Mg/hm~2,人工林在河南省森林碳汇中逐步发挥重要的作用,逐渐成为河南省森林碳汇的主体,随着人工林生长为具有较高碳密度的成熟林,河南省乔木林将具有较大的碳汇潜力。  相似文献   

王兴昌  王传宽 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4241-4256
全球气候变化与森林生态系统碳循环息息相关,定量评估森林碳收支是生态系统与全球变化研究的重要任务。30年来森林生态系统碳循环研究已经取得了长足的进展,但全球和区域森林碳收支仍然存在很大的不确定性。这一方面与森林生态系统本身的复杂性有关,另一方面也与具体研究方法有关。评述了森林生态系统碳循环的基本概念和主要野外测定方法,为我国森林生态系统碳循环研究提供可参考的方法论。从生态系统碳浓度、密度、通量、分配和周转5个方面回顾了碳循环相关概念,指出碳浓度和碳储量是对碳库的静态描述,而碳通量和碳周转是对碳库的动态描述。净初级生产力是测量最普遍的碳通量组分,但大多数情况下因忽略了一些细节而被系统低估。普遍使用的净生态系统生产力,由于没有包含非CO2形式的水文、气象和干扰过程产生的碳通量,通常情况下高于生态系统净碳累积速率。在详细介绍碳通量组分的基础上,改进了森林生态系统碳循环的概念模型。重点讨论了碳通量的3种地面实测方法:测树学方法、箱法和涡度协方差法,并指出了其注意事项和不确定性来源。针对当前碳循环研究的突出问题,建议从4个方面减小碳循环测定的不确定性:(1)恰当运用生物量方程估算乔木生物量;(2)尽可能全面测定生态系统碳组分;(3)给出碳通量估算值的不确定性;(4)多种途径交互验证。  相似文献   

Carbon cycling processes in ecosystems are generally believed to be well understood. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and other essential elements are chemically converted from inorganic to organic compounds primarily in the process of photosynthesis. Secondary metabolic processes cycle carbon in and among organisms and carbon is ultimately released back to the environment as CO2 by respiratory processes. Unfortunately, our understanding of this cycle was determined under the assumption that the primary inorganic form of C (CO2 in the atmosphere) was relatively constant. With the emerging concensus that atmospheric carbon concentration is increasing, we must now reassess our understanding of the carbon cycle. How will plants, animals and decomposers respond to a doubling of carbon supply? Will biological productivity be accelerated? If plant productivity increases will a predictable percentage of the increase be accumulated as increased standing crop? Or, is it possible that doubling the availability of CO2 will increase metabolic activity at all trophic levels resulting in no net increase in system standing crop? The purpose of this paper is to review evidence for physiological and growth responses of plants to carbon dioxide enhancement. Essentially no research has been completed on the ecological aspects of these questions. From this review, I conclude that accurate predictions of future ecosystem responses to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are not possible without additional understanding of physiological and ecological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Changes in carbon storage and fluxes in a chronosequence of ponderosa pine   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
Forest development following stand‐replacing disturbance influences a variety of ecosystem processes including carbon exchange with the atmosphere. On a series of ponderosa pine (Pinius ponderosa var. Laws.) stands ranging from 9 to> 300 years in central Oregon, USA, we used biological measurements to estimate carbon storage in vegetation and soil pools, net primary productivity (NPP) and net ecosystem productivity (NEP) to examine variation with stand age. Measurements were made on plots representing four age classes with three replications: initiation (I, 9–23 years), young (Y, 56–89 years), mature (M, 95–106 years), and old (O, 190–316 years) stands typical of the forest type in the region. Net ecosystem productivity was lowest in the I stands (?124 g C m?2 yr?1), moderate in Y stands (118 g C m?2 yr?1), highest in M stands (170 g C m?2 yr?1), and low in the O stands (35 g C m?2 yr?1). Net primary productivity followed similar trends, but did not decline as much in the O stands. The ratio of fine root to foliage carbon was highest in the I stands, which is likely necessary for establishment in the semiarid environment, where forests are subject to drought during the growing season (300–800 mm precipitation per year). Carbon storage in live mass was the highest in the O stands (mean 17.6 kg C m?2). Total ecosystem carbon storage and the fraction of ecosystem carbon in aboveground wood mass increased rapidly until 150–200 years, and did not decline in older stands. Forest inventory data on 950 ponderosa pine plots in Oregon show that the greatest proportion of plots exist in stands ~ 100 years old, indicating that a majority of stands are approaching maximum carbon storage and net carbon uptake. Our data suggests that NEP averages ~ 70 g C m?2 year?1 for ponderosa pine forests in Oregon. About 85% of the total carbon storage in biomass on the survey plots exists in stands greater than 100 years, which has implications for managing forests for carbon sequestration. To investigate variation in carbon storage and fluxes with disturbance, simulation with process models requires a dynamic parameterization for biomass allocation that depends on stand age, and should include a representation of competition between multiple plant functional types for space, water, and nutrients.  相似文献   

Energy derived from second generation perennial energy crops is projected to play an increasingly important role in the decarbonization of the energy sector. Such energy crops are expected to deliver net greenhouse gas emissions reductions through fossil fuel displacement and have potential for increasing soil carbon (C) storage. Despite this, few empirical studies have quantified the ecosystem‐level C balance of energy crops and the evidence base to inform energy policy remains limited. Here, the temporal dynamics and magnitude of net ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange (NEE) were quantified at a mature short rotation coppice (SRC) willow plantation in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, under commercial growing conditions. Eddy covariance flux observations of NEE were performed over a four‐year production cycle and combined with biomass yield data to estimate the net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) of the SRC. The magnitude of annual NEE ranged from ?147 ± 70 to ?502 ± 84 g CO2‐C m?2 year?1 with the magnitude of annual CO2 capture increasing over the production cycle. Defoliation during an unexpected outbreak of willow leaf beetle impacted gross ecosystem production, ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem exchange during the second growth season. The NECB was ?87 ± 303 g CO2‐C m?2 for the complete production cycle after accounting for C export at harvest (1,183 g C m?2), and was approximately CO2‐C neutral (?21 g CO2‐C m?2 year?1) when annualized. The results of this study are consistent with studies of soil organic C which have shown limited changes following conversion to SRC willow. In the context of global decarbonization, the study indicates that the primary benefit of SRC willow production at the site is through displacement of fossil fuel emissions.  相似文献   

Estimates of carbon leaching losses from different land use systems are few and their contribution to the net ecosystem carbon balance is uncertain. We investigated leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and dissolved methane (CH4), at forests, grasslands, and croplands across Europe. Biogenic contributions to DIC were estimated by means of its δ13C signature. Leaching of biogenic DIC was 8.3±4.9 g m?2 yr?1 for forests, 24.1±7.2 g m?2 yr?1 for grasslands, and 14.6±4.8 g m?2 yr?1 for croplands. DOC leaching equalled 3.5±1.3 g m?2 yr?1 for forests, 5.3±2.0 g m?2 yr?1 for grasslands, and 4.1±1.3 g m?2 yr?1 for croplands. The average flux of total biogenic carbon across land use systems was 19.4±4.0 g C m?2 yr?1. Production of DOC in topsoils was positively related to their C/N ratio and DOC retention in subsoils was inversely related to the ratio of organic carbon to iron plus aluminium (hydr)oxides. Partial pressures of CO2 in soil air and soil pH determined DIC concentrations and fluxes, but soil solutions were often supersaturated with DIC relative to soil air CO2. Leaching losses of biogenic carbon (DOC plus biogenic DIC) from grasslands equalled 5–98% (median: 22%) of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) plus carbon inputs with fertilization minus carbon removal with harvest. Carbon leaching increased the net losses from cropland soils by 24–105% (median: 25%). For the majority of forest sites, leaching hardly affected actual net ecosystem carbon balances because of the small solubility of CO2 in acidic forest soil solutions and large NEE. Leaching of CH4 proved to be insignificant compared with other fluxes of carbon. Overall, our results show that leaching losses are particularly important for the carbon balance of agricultural systems.  相似文献   

该文利用野外实际调查数据对四川西北部亚高山云杉(Picea asperata)天然林碳密度、净生产量、碳贮量及其分布进行了分析,结果表明,在调查区域,云杉天然林分平均生物量为230.37×103 kg·hm-2,其中乔木层为212.77×103 kg·hm-2,占林分生物量的92.30%。云杉天然林生态系统各组分的平均碳密度为树干57.85%,树皮47.12%,树枝51.22%,树叶48.27%和树根52.39%,灌木层平均碳密度49.91%,草本层平均碳密度46.34%,地被层平均碳密度43.21%,枯落物层平均碳密度39.44%,土壤碳密度平均值为1.41%,随土层深度增加各层次土壤碳密度逐渐减少。云杉林平均生态系统总碳贮量为273.79×103 kg·hm-2,其中乔木层109.30×103 kg·hm-2,占云杉林生态系统总碳贮量的39.92%,灌木层5.69×103 kg·hm-2,占2.08%,草本层1.26×103 kg·hm-2,占0.46%,地被物层0.60×103 kg·hm-2,占0.22%,枯落物层0.83×103 kg·hm-2,占0.30%,林内土壤(0~100 cm)碳贮量为156.11×103 kg·hm-2,占57.01%。云杉林的碳库分布序列为土壤(0~100 cm)>乔木层>灌木层>草本层>枯落物层>地被物层。云杉天然林分平均净生产总量为6 838.5 kg·hm-2·a-1,碳素年总净固量平均为3 584.98 kg·hm-2·a-1,其中乔木层净生产量为4 676 kg·hm-2·a-1,占林分总量的68.38%,碳素年平均固定量2 552.99 kg·hm-2·a-1,占林分总量的71.21%。  相似文献   

The dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) cycle in a softwater lake was studied using natural variations of the stable isotopes of carbon,12C and13C. During summer stratification there was a progressive decrease in epilimnion DIC concentration with a concomitant increase in 13CDIC), due to preferential uptake of12C by phytoplankton and a change in the dominant CO2 source from inflow andin situ oxidation to invasion from the atmosphere. There was an increase in hypolimnion DIC concentration throughout summer with a concomitant general decrease in 13CDIC from oxidation of the isotopically light particulate organic carbon that sank down through the thermocline from the epilimnion.Mass balance calculations of DI12C and DI13C in the epilimnion for the summer (June 23–September 25) yield a mean rate of net conversion of DIC to organic carbon (Corg) of 430 ± 150 moles d-1 (6.5 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1. Net CO2 invasion from the atmosphere was 420 ± 120 moles d-1 (6.2 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1) with an exchange coefficient of 0.6 ± 0.3m d-1. These results imply that at least for the summer months the phytoplankton obtained about 90% of their carbon from atmosphere CO2. About 50% of CO2 invasion and conversion to Corg for the summer occurred during a two week interval in mid-summer.DIC concentration increased in the hypolimnion at a rate of 350 ± 70 moles DIC d-1 during summer stratification. The amount of DIC added to the hypolimnion was equivalent to 75 ± 20% of net conversion of DIC to Corg in the euphotic zone over spring and summer implying rapid degradation of POC in the hypolimnion. The 13C of DIC added to the deep water (-22.) was too heavy to have been derived from oxidation of particulate organic carbon alone. About 20% of the added DIC must have diffused from hypolimnetic sediments where relatively heavy CO2 (-7) was produced by a combination of POC oxidation and as a by-product of methanogenesis.  相似文献   

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