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本文利用引诱剂诱捕器,对香蕉假茎象甲Odoiporus longicollis (Oliver)成虫在蕉园中的活动高度、活动方向和活动节律进行研究,旨在明确该虫的田间活动规律,为其防控技术的研究与应用提供科学依据。结果表明,诱捕器的挂置高度对香蕉假茎象甲成虫的诱捕效果有一定影响,距地面160 cm的诱捕器所诱捕的成虫数量最大,而该高度是香蕉叶鞘及叶柄所处位置,说明成虫多在此处活动。而诱捕器的挂置方位对诱捕效果影响不大,挂设在东南西北四个方位的诱捕器的诱虫量差异不显著,说明香蕉假茎象甲成虫在蕉园活动时,对方向没有明显偏好。此外,在活动节律上,香蕉假茎象甲成虫多在傍晚至凌晨时分活动,16:00至翌日4:00的雌、雄虫诱虫量分别占全天雌、雄虫诱虫量的92%和96%。  相似文献   

[目的]评估黄胸蓟马Thrips hawaiiensis(Morgan)对不同颜色的行为响应,以期为黄胸蓟马的诱控技术提供科学依据。[方法]室内采用选择性试验,利用正六角体装置研究黄胸蓟马对不同颜色的敏感性和最佳波长的筛选;并在香蕉园内研究10种基本色粘虫板对黄胸蓟马的诱集效应,在此基础上进行嗜好色板不同悬挂高度(距离地面50、120、220 cm)、放置方式(平行、垂直于作物行)对黄胸蓟马的诱集效果比较。[结果]室内结果表明,蓝色对黄胸蓟马的诱集虫数显著高于其余颜色,且波长为480 nm的蓝色对黄胸蓟马吸引力最强;田间试验也发现深、浅蓝色诱虫板对黄胸蓟马诱集虫数较高,其次为黄色,均显著高于其余色板;色板悬挂高度、悬挂方式均能显著影响诱集效果,高度为220 cm下诱集虫数显著高于120 cm、50 cm;色板以平行于作物行悬挂时诱集虫数明显多于以垂直于作物行悬挂。[结论]可利用蓝板对黄胸蓟马种群进行监测与诱控技术的研发。  相似文献   

为明确黄胸蓟马Thrips hawaiiensis(Morgan)的种群生活史与生态学特点,本研究观测、比较不同食料上该虫的幼期各历期、存活率、成虫寿命和繁殖力差异,并组建生命表。结果表明,黄胸蓟马在取食香蕉花瓣时幼期各历期最短(卵期3.61 d,幼虫期3.27 d,预蛹期2.02 d,蛹期3.02 d)、雌成虫寿命最长(22.64 d)、繁殖力最高(单雌产一龄若虫数62.74头),表明黄胸蓟马在香蕉花瓣上比在茶叶、四季豆上具有更强的适应性。当用茶花粉,或在香蕉花瓣中添加茶花粉、蜂蜜水饲喂下,幼期发育历期显著缩短、繁殖力明显提高、成虫寿命有所延长,其中以香蕉花瓣添加茶花粉和蜂蜜水时影响作用最显著。种群生命表参数显示,黄胸蓟马在香蕉花瓣上的相关参数优于茶叶、四季豆,其净生殖率(R0)为36.2874、内禀增长率(rm)为0.1389、周限增长率(λ)为1.1490、平均世代周期(T)为25.8414 d、种群加倍时间(t)为4.9901 d;当共同添加花粉、蜂蜜水时生命表参数达最优,分别为R0=124.3853、rm=0.2645、λ=1.3028、T=25.1977 d、t=2.6204 d。本研究明确了黄胸蓟马在不同寄主和添加食物上的生物学特征,为阐明该虫的适应性机制、灾变规律和科学防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

云南元江芒果园桔小实蝇成虫日活动规律及空间分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶文丰  李林  孙来亮  肖春  董文霞 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5199-5207
利用甲基丁香酚引诱剂和黄板对桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis成虫日活动规律及飞行高度进行了研究,同时根据多种聚集度指标对桔小实蝇成虫的空间分布格局进行了分析。结果表明:元江县挂果期芒果园内桔小实蝇日活动量高峰出现在10:00、16:00左右,活动量低谷出现在8:00、14:00和19:00左右,日间温湿度与其日活动量之间无线性相关关系;成虫飞行高度随时间变化,受降雨影响,雌雄成虫飞行高度存在差异。上午、中午成虫多近地飞行,午后多在1.5 m以上高度飞行,降雨导致成虫飞行活动量大幅减退,多分布于1.5 m以上枝叶附近。株高8 m的3a芒果树4 m高度处黄板捕获虫量最大,其次是2 m高处,6m以上虫量较少。雄性成虫在芒果园中呈聚集分布,原因之一是其自身的聚集行为;雌虫空间分布不均,主要呈聚集分布,少数部分为均匀分布,其聚集由环境因素造成。  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是我国重要的果树害虫,本文利用室内饲养观察、室外田间模拟、果园采集饲养等方法系统研究了梨小食心虫成虫的性比及日羽化节律;并利用性诱剂、糖醋液、黑光灯等诱集梨小食心虫成虫,研究了梨小食心虫成虫的活动规律。结果表明:1、田间采集调查表明,梨小食心虫成虫雌雄比例为1∶1.143,室内饲养雌雄比例为1∶1.708。2、梨小食心虫成虫羽化时间主要集中在4:00—10:00,其中以6:00—8:00羽化率最高;梨小食心虫在室外羽化时间比室内推迟2 h左右,室外梨小食心虫比室内普遍晚4 d羽化,这可能与室外温度和光照条件有关;雌虫羽化较雄虫早12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.11.7,主要在早晨及上午羽化,雌虫较雄虫先羽化;在果园活动时间主要为晚上20:00—22:00。本结果可为梨小食心虫的田间性诱剂监测和诱捕、迷向防治提供指导。  相似文献   

【目的】本文全面评估了香蕉黄胸蓟马Thrips hawaiiensis田间种群对杀虫剂的抗性水平,旨在为更科学合理地防治该虫提供依据。【方法】室内采用叶管药膜法(TIBS),分别在2013、2015年监测了昌江、澄迈、临高、东方4个地区香蕉黄胸蓟马田间种群对10种杀虫剂的抗性水平。【结果】从2013—2015年,总体上海南香蕉黄胸蓟马田间种群对大多数杀虫剂的敏感性均有不同程度的下降,但仍处于敏感状态。其中,香蕉黄胸蓟马田间种群对传统药剂甲维盐、毒死蜱和高效氯氰菊酯,及新型杀虫剂乙基多杀菌素、溴氰虫酰胺和螺虫乙酯均保持较敏感状态(抗性倍数<5)。但监测的所有田间种群(昌江、澄迈、临高、东方)均对啶虫脒均已产生了中等水平抗性(抗性倍数分别为15.19、11.19、17.46、13.58倍);对阿维菌素均产生了低水平抗性(抗性倍数分别为9.06、8.95、13.35、6.57倍);另外,东方种群对多杀菌素、吡虫啉,以及临高种群对吡虫啉均产生了低水平抗性(抗性倍数分别为7.11、7.48、8.28倍)。【结论】因此,建议在香蕉同一生长季节应避免重复使用或限用啶虫脒和阿维菌素,应注意与其它药剂的混用、轮用,以延缓香蕉黄胸蓟马抗药性的发展。  相似文献   

为研究和分析黄淮海玉米区玉米蓟马种群动态,掌握其发生规律,同时为玉米田蓟马发生的预测预报及防治提供一定依据。在玉米田间蓟马发生时期采用5点取样,调查记录蓟马发生种类及数量,分析玉米田蓟马种群动态及空间分布型。结果表明玉米田间蓟马种类主要为黄呆蓟马Anaphothrips obscurus Müller、禾花蓟马Franklinielle tenuicornis Uzel和稻单管蓟马Haplothrips aculeatus Fabriecius;不同时期优势种不同,春玉米上禾花蓟马在苗期所占比例为67.8%,是玉米苗期蓟马优势种,为主要防治对象;6月下旬至7月上旬,黄呆蓟马和稻管单蓟马占总蓟马数比例为47.7%和42.7%,二者为优势种;7月中旬,稻单管蓟马所占为61.1%,为优势种,在夏玉米上有相似趋势。种群消长动态呈随时间上升到达高峰期然后下降的斜坡形,在春玉米上蓟马发生高峰在6月下旬,在夏玉米上发生高峰期在8月中旬。通过多种聚集度指标分析判定了玉米蓟马各时期田间分布型均属于一般负二项型聚集分布,其聚集原因是由蓟马生物学特性所致。  相似文献   

棉田十一星瓢虫种群动态及空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间系统调查,对棉田十一星瓢虫CoccinellaundecimpanctataL.种群动态及空间分布方面进行研究,探明捕食性天敌十一星瓢虫各虫态在南疆棉区的种群消长趋势,分析表明该虫4种虫态在棉田中均为聚集分布,成虫、幼虫和蛹的聚集原因主要是由棉蚜密度等引起,而其卵的聚集主要是由于其习性及环境因素引起。  相似文献   

蓟马是芒果的重要害虫,研究其在田间的时空分布旨在探讨成虫在栖息地的迁移规律。试验于2016年1月7日-8月9日在海南省儋州市中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所芒果种质圃进行。以黄色和蓝色粘虫板进行诱捕取样,点算粘虫板上蓟马个体数,以地学统计学方法研究蓟马的时空分布动态。试验期间蓟马种群在寄主植物集中开花期有一明显高峰;其半变异函数在种群密度高时多为高斯模型,密度低时为线性模型;在调查范围内,空间格局在密度高时为聚集分布、密度较低时为中度聚集分布、密度低时为均匀分布或随机分布;种群密度高时,空间异质性是由空间自相关引起。密度等值线图清楚地反映出蓟马分布随寄主植物花期的变化而变化,呈现出受寄主植物花吸引,当一种寄主谢花后迅速向其它开花寄主转移的变动特征。表明蓟马的空间分布受其种群密度影响,其种群密度及转移扩散在很大程度上受寄主植物花期的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】评估比较黄胸蓟马Thrips hawaiiensis(Morgan)乙基多杀菌素中等抗性种群与敏感种群的生物学特性,进一步明确黄胸蓟马对乙基多杀菌素的抗性规律及抗性风险,以阐明该虫的灾变规律并为其科学防治提供理论依据。【方法】采用群体淘汰法获得黄胸蓟马乙基多杀菌素中抗种群,并与实验室敏感种群比较,观察记录其种群生物学特征;组建抗性、敏感种群生命表,并计算种群相对适合度(Rf)。【结果】与敏感种群比较,黄胸蓟马中度抗乙基多杀菌素种群的幼期各历期均有不同程度延长,雌雄成虫寿命均显著缩短,且繁殖力明显降低。敏感种群的内禀增长率(r=0.1753)和周限增长率(λ=1.1916)均高于抗性种群(r=0.1554,λ=1.1681),表明乙基多杀菌素产生中等抗药性降低了黄胸蓟马种群的适合度,使得该种群增殖能力减弱。中抗乙基多杀菌素种群的净生殖率(R_0)(44.12)低于敏感种群的R0(56.96)。中度抗乙基多杀菌素种群的平均世代周期(T=24.37 d)显著长于敏感种群(T=23.06 d)。以两种群的内禀增长率(r)计算得到的中度抗性种群的相对适合度(Rf)=0.886。【结论】本研究明确了黄胸蓟马中度抗乙基多杀菌素种群繁殖力、种群增长受到抑制,具有生存劣势;但未来仍需长期追踪该抗性的演化。本研究同时指出以内禀增长率计算相对适合度的合理性。此外,本研究将存活率进行Weibull分布拟合,虽然决定系数很高,但拟合曲线仍有许多待商榷之处,需谨慎使用。  相似文献   

The understanding of how environmental factors and agricultural practices affect population dynamics of insect pests is necessary for pest management. Here, we provide insight into the ecology of the banana rind thrips Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by collecting and analysing a spatiotemporal database of population estimates in Martinique (West French Indies). We assessed the influence of climatic variables (which were rainfall and temperature) and biotic variables (which were banana and three weed species) on the adult thrips abundance for different components of the banana plant (sucker, mother plant and bunch) and evaluated the effect of thrips abundance and standard bunch covers on damages. The abundance of thrips on the sucker, the mother plant, and the bunch was significantly related to the abundance on neighbouring banana plants, and spatial autocorrelation indicated that E. brevisetis dispersed for only short distances. The number of thrips on the mother plant and on the bunch was positively related to the number of thrips on the sucker, suggesting that the thrips may disperse from the sucker to the mother plant and then to the bunch. The abundance of thrips on the sucker increased with sucker height and was positively correlated with the mean daily rainfall during the 17 days before sampling; the length of that period might correspond with the time required for an individual to complete its life cycle. Covered bunches had 98% fewer thrips than non‐covered bunches, and the damage caused by thrips was linearly related to the number of thrips present between the 2nd and 4th week after flowering. Finally, we found that the presence of Alocasia cucullata, Dieffenbachia seguine and Peperomia pellucida is significantly related with a decrease in thrips abundance on banana plants, suggesting the use of these weeds as potential trap plants.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of larval and adult thrips (Thysanoptera) was studied on mango panicles, Mangifera indica L., on Penang Island, Malaysia, during two consecutive mango flowering seasons from December 2008 to March 2009 and from August to September 2009. Larval and adult thrips were sampled from mango panicles using the carbon dioxide (CO2) collection technique weekly in treated and untreated orchards. Seasonal abundance and dispersion pattern of thrips were investigated on weed host plants in the treated orchard between June 2008 and March 2009. Spatiotemporal dynamics of larvae and adults was analyzed using Taylor’s Power Law (TPL), Lloyd’s Index (LI), and Green’s Index (GI). Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) was the dominant thrips species recovered from mango panicles and weeds in the treated orchard, whereas Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood) was the most abundant species captured in the untreated orchard. Thrips adults and larvae analyzed via dispersion indices were found to be aggregated in mango panicles in both orchards. The value of the aggregation index (b) of TPL for the total number of adult thrips was significantly higher in the treated orchard than in the untreated orchard, whereas slopes of TPL for the total number of larval thrips did not differ significantly between treated and untreated orchards. All adult thrips species were distributed regularly on the weed plants; however, their larvae were aggregated. It is concluded that pesticide treatment caused adult thrips to become more aggregated on mango panicles, hiding in flower parts that were less exposed to the chemicals.  相似文献   

Thrips are one of the insect pests of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) in the major production areas of astringent persimmon in Korea. We surveyed astringent persimmon orchards in the Damyang, Sangju and Cheongdo regions of Korea to determine thrips species composition and abundance. Orchards sprayed with either organic or conventional pesticides were sampled over the course of one flowering season, using yellow sticky traps to determine if this is a suitable method for monitoring thrips populations, and to determine thrips species composition and abundance. Eight thrips species were captured on yellow sticky traps in both the tree canopy and ground cover: Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima, Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), F. intonsa (Trybom), Thrips tabaci (Lindeman), T. hawaiiensis (Morgan), T. coloratus (Schmutz) and T. palmi (Karny). In all regions, F. occidentalis and F. intonsa dominated in both organic and conventional orchards. S. dorsalis, F. occidentalis, F. intonsa and T. hawaiiensis were found in persimmon flowers, with S. dorsalis the dominant thrips. Significantly more S. dorsalis were captured from flowers in the lower and middle canopy than in flowers from the upper canopy. Fruit damage was also significantly higher in fruit from the lower canopy than in fruit from the middle and upper canopy.  相似文献   

Temperature fluctuations may influence the behaviour of insects. Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips hawaiiensis are sympatric pests on flower and vegetable host plants in China. This study evaluated the influence of constant (23.0°C) and fluctuating temperatures (average of 23.0°C) on the population development of these two species. The results showed that both of these pests showed faster development and higher fecundity at a constant temperature than at fluctuating temperatures when fed on Rosa rugosa flowers, and F. occidentalis showed faster development and higher fecundity than T. hawaiiensis under both conditions. Under the constant and fluctuating temperatures, the development times from egg to adult were 9.57 and 10.62 day for F. occidentalis and 10.71 and 11.82 day for T. hawaiiensis, respectively. The total numbers of first instar nymph produced were 103.08 and 86.32 by F. occidentalis, 86.96 and 73.32 by T. hawaiiensis, under the constant and fluctuating temperatures, respectively, and a higher intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) (0.173 and 0.160) and R0 (46.31 and 36.86) were obtained in F. occidentalis compared with T. hawaiiensis (rm for 0.154 and 0.141 and R0 for 34.46 and 27.81, respectively). Our results indicate that the constant temperature had a positive effect on the population development of both F. occidentalis and T. hawaiiensis. Furthermore, F. occidentalis showed a stronger adaptability over T. hawaiiensis at both constant and fluctuating temperatures, according to its faster development and higher fecundity. These results may contribute to the better understanding of the biology of different thrip species, especially the interspecific competition between invasive and native thrips under the changing environment. These findings also provide basic data for the thrip pests control by using fluctuating temperatures.  相似文献   

We studied the capacity of one species of predator to control two major pests of greenhouse crops, Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)) and the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)). In such a one-predator–two-prey system, indirect interactions can occur between the two pest species, such as apparent competition and apparent mutualism. Whereas apparent competition is desired because it brings pest levels down, apparent mutualism is not, because it does the opposite. Because apparent competition and apparent mutualism occurs at different time scales, it is important to investigate the effects of a shared natural enemy on biological control on a time scale relevant for crop growth. We evaluated the control efficacy of the predatory mites Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) and Euseius ovalis (Evans) in cucumber crops in greenhouse compartments with only thrips, only whiteflies or both herbivorous insects together. Each of the two predators controlled thrips, but A. swirskii reduced thrips densities the most. There was no effect of the presence of whiteflies on thrips densities. Whitefly control by each of the two predators in absence of thrips was not sufficient, yet better with E. ovalis. However, whitefly densities in presence of thrips were reduced dramatically, especially by A. swirskii. The densities of predators were up to 15 times higher in presence of both pests than in the single-pest treatments. Laboratory experiments with A. swirskii suggest that this is due to a higher juvenile survival and developmental rate on a mixed diet. Hence, better control may be achieved not only because of apparent competition, but also through a positive effect of mixed diets on predator population growth. This latter phenomenon deserves more attention in experimental and theoretical work on biological control and apparent competition.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is a serious pest that prefers fresh fruits and is native to Southeast Asia. In our study, apple cider vinegar bait traps were used to capture and monitor the population dynamics of this native pest in Wuhu City, China, from May/June 2017 to May 2018. The research was conducted at 15 locations in two fruit orchards in Wuhu. Traps caught more adults in general in a Meiling blueberry orchard than in a Xicun mixed orchard, and the highest trap counts occurred near harvest time (October). Females had more mature eggs from September to November, and the number of mature eggs declined thereafter. We found several non-crop hosts, which can provide food and reproductive resources for D. suzukii and are common in forests and field margins. By comparing the number of captured adults in the Meiling and Xicun orchards, we found that blueberry was preferred by D. suzukii among the fruits in our search. Fruit ripening times differed among crops; therefore, fly populations moved between crop and non-crop habitats during the year or had varying population dynamics on different crops in different seasons. The D. suzukii population and the number of mature eggs decreased in summer and winter but increased in spring and autumn. Drosophila suzukii had higher survival rates with blueberry than those with other fruits, and D. suzukii could use four non-crop species growing around the orchards as host plants.  相似文献   

1. Indirect interactions between populations of different prey species mediated by a shared predator population are known to affect prey dynamics. 2. Depending on the temporal and spatial scale, these indirect interactions may result in positive (apparent mutualism), neutral or negative effects (apparent competition) of the prey on each other's densities. Although there is ample evidence for the latter, evidence for apparent mutualism is scarce. 3. The effectiveness of using one species of predator for biological control of more than one pest species depends on the occurrence of such positive or negative effects. 4. We used an experimental system consisting of the two prey species Western flower thrips (Franklineilla occidentalis Pergande) and greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood) and a shared predator, the phytoseiid mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias‐Henriot. We released all three species on the same plant and studied their dynamics and distribution along rows of plants. 5. We expected that the more mobile prey species (thrips) would escape temporarily in the presence of the other prey species (whitefly) by dispersing from plants with the predator. The predator was expected to disperse slower in the presence of two prey species because of the higher availability of food. 6. Evidence was found for slower dispersal of predators and short‐term escape of thrips from predation when whiteflies were present, thus confirming the occurrence of short‐term apparent mutualism. 7. The apparent mutualism resulted in a cascade to the first trophic level: a higher proportion of fruits was damaged by thrips in the presence of whiteflies. 8. We conclude that apparent mutualism can be an important phenomenon in population dynamics, and can significantly affect biological control of pest species that share a natural enemy.  相似文献   

Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara was discovered attacking avocados in California, USA, in 1996. Host plant surveys in California indicated that S. perseae has a highly restricted host range with larvae being found only on avocados, while adults were collected from 11 different plant species. As part of a management program for this pest, a “classical” biological control program was initiated and foreign exploration was conducted to delineate the home range of S. perseae, to survey for associated natural enemies and inventory other species of phytophagous thrips on avocados grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Brazil. Foreign exploration efforts indicate that S. perseae occurs on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1500 m) from Uruapan in Mexico south to areas around Guatemala City in Guatemala. In Costa Rica, S. perseae is replaced by an undescribed congener as the dominant phytophagous thrips on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1300 m). No species of Scirtothrips were found on avocados in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, or Brazil. In total, 2136 phytophagous thrips were collected and identified, representing over 47 identified species from at least 19 genera. The significance of these species records is discussed. Of collected material 4% were potential thrips biological control agents. Natural enemies were dominated by six genera of predatory thrips (Aeolothrips, Aleurodothrips, Franklinothrips, Leptothrips, Scolothrips, and Karnyothrips). One genus each of parasitoid (Ceranisus) and predatory mite (Balaustium) were found. Based on the results of our sampling techniques, prospects for the importation of thrips natural enemies for use in a “classical” biological control program in California against S. perseae are not promising.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that pest species diversity enhances biological pest control with generalist predators, we studied the dynamics of three major pest species on greenhouse cucumber: Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), and two-spotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch in combination with the predator species Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot. When spider mites infested plants prior to predator release, predatory mites were not capable of controlling spider mite populations in the absence of other pest species. A laboratory experiment showed that predators were hindered by the webbing of spider mites. In a greenhouse experiment, spider mite leaf damage was lower in the presence of thrips and predators than in the presence of whiteflies and predators, but damage was lowest in the presence of thrips, whiteflies and predators. Whitefly control was also improved in the presence of thrips. The lower levels of spider mite leaf damage probably resulted from (1) a strong numerical response of the predator (up to 50 times higher densities) when a second and third pest species were present in addition to spider mites, and (2) from A. swirskii attacking mobile spider mite stages outside or near the edges of the spider mite webbing. Interactions of spider mites with thrips and whiteflies might also result in suppression of spider mites. However, when predators were released prior to spider mite infestations in the absence of other pest species, but with pollen as food for the predators, we found increased suppression of spider mites with increased numbers of predators released, confirming the role of predators in spider mite control. Thus, our study provides evidence that diversity of pest species can enhance biological control through increased predator densities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1255-1263
Thrips constitute several families of slender insects with fringed wings and unique asymmetrical mouthparts. They have become globally important pests, infesting a variety of agriculturally important crops. Species of thrips are difficult to identify due to their small size and similarities in morphology. Recently, in addition to morphology, both molecular and non-molecular taxonomic tools have been used to identify species differences. Insect cuticular hydrocarbons have been widely used in chemotaxonomy. In this study, a Thermal Separation Probe was used to identify the cuticular hydrocarbons of Frankliniella occidentalis, Frankliniella intonsa, Thrips palmi, Thrips hawaiiensis, Haplothrips chinensis and Gynaikothrips ficorum. We analyzed the hydrocarbon composition of adults in all 6 species, and in the larvae of F. occidentalis, T. hawaiiensis and T. palmi. The results showed that the composition of cuticular hydrocarbons differed between species. All 6 species of adults and 3 species of larvae were easily distinguishable by quantitative analysis of hydrocarbon profiles. These results provide a possible method for the identification of thrips.  相似文献   

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