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植物激素对离体再生的调控及其在南瓜上的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离体再生涉及植物激素信号应答,细胞分化、脱分化获得组织器官发生以及细胞再分裂形成特定的器官原基和分生组织等过程。激素调控是影响植物离体再生的重要因素。一些关键的启动子元件和转录因子在激素应答信号的检测和转导过程中起着重要作用,激素的控制对象通常是使细胞的形态和代谢发生转变的决定性基因,以转录因子和表观遗传因子为主,它们共同完成对全基因组基因表达的重排,实现细胞命运的转变。该文对植物离体再生中激素的诱导、应答模式和信号转导以及植物器官发生和体细胞胚胎发生过程激素的分子调控进行了综述,并概述了近年来国内外有关南瓜离体再生过程激素作用的研究,旨在为提高南瓜属作物的离体再生率提供新思路。  相似文献   

R-Ras属于小分子G蛋白Ras超家族,在细胞信号转导通路中起着分子开关的作用,具有调控细胞黏附、促进细胞凋亡、抑制细胞运动、调节细胞形态等多种生物学功能。R-Ras和Ras家族的其他成员一样,结合GTP时处于激活状态,即信号通路开启状态,能够与下游因子相互作用;通过上游信号的调节及其下游效应物,将胞外信号转导到胞内,调节细胞的相关生物学功能。最近的研究提示R-Ras与乳腺癌等肿瘤的发生具有相关性,对其深入研究有可能为肿瘤发生机制的阐明提供分子基础。我们对R-Ras介导的细胞信号转导通路及其生物学功能进行简要综述。  相似文献   

沉默DNA-PKcs对细胞信号转导相关基因转录的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用RNA干扰技术构建DNA-PKcs表达抑制细胞模型,探讨DNA-PKcs对HeLa细胞信号转导相关基因表达的调控作用.通过观察细胞对辐射及顺铂的敏感性,鉴定细胞表型变化.用寡核苷酸芯片检测细胞信号转导相关基因的转录谱,并用RT-PCR方法和SEAP检测系统进一步验证基因的表达变化.所筛选出的DNA-PKcs表达抑制细胞对辐射及顺铂的敏感性升高,15个与细胞信号转导相关的基因表达升高,其中7个是与干扰素信号转导反应相关的基因.8个表达下降,包括有细胞增殖分化相关基因,如NFAT.RT-PCR检测结果与芯片结果相一致,利用SEAT报告系统检测,进一步证实NFAT转录活性下调.实验结果表明,DNA-PKcs除了参与DNA修复外,还调控细胞信号转导相关基因的表达,而且大多与细胞增殖分化相关.  相似文献   

宿主细胞应答病毒感染的细胞信号转导研究新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
机体如何识别以及清除入侵的病毒一直是分子免疫学研究的重点.早期的研究揭示,病毒的入侵可诱导表达大量的IFNβ,PKR等抗病毒蛋白分子.这些蛋白质分子通过多种方式造成被侵染细胞表现出特殊的状态或迅速凋亡,从而控制病毒的复制和传播,同时诱导产生大量细胞因子和趋化因子等,启动适应性免疫反应的进程.但是,该领域研究的一个重要瓶颈是对于病毒与宿主细胞相互作用的最早期信号事件了解甚微.近几年的研究工作在先天性免疫系统如何识别早期病毒的入侵方面取得了重大进展.TLR3和RIG-I/MDA5细胞信号转导通路,是最近发现的宿主细胞识别与应答病毒的重要调节机制.它们利用不同的细胞信号转导机制诱导先天性免疫反应,主要参与脊椎动物细胞识别和清除RNA病毒的原发抗感染过程,是机体先天免疫系统的一种重要反应机制,直接影响后续适应性免疫系统的作用.就这些细胞信号转导通路在先天性免疫应答中的研究进展做了概述与展望.  相似文献   

NF-κBp50参与IL-4在THP-1细胞中诱导DC-SIGN的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树突状细胞表面特异的胞间黏附分子3捕获非整合素(DC-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin,DC-SIGN)是树突状细胞表面特异的蛋白,在抗原呈递过程中起关键作用.这种特异性的表达和DC-SIGN的调节机制有关.到目前为止,DC-SIGN表达调控的机制还不是很清楚.IL-4是诱导DC-SIGN表达的最重要的细胞因子之一,而NF-κB是调控细胞信号转导的一个重要调控因子,两者都和DC-SIGN的表达调节相关.研究了IL-4和NF-κB对DC-SIGN启动子活性、对DC-SIGN表达的影响以及IL-4和NF-κB之间相互作用的关系.发现:DC-SIGN启动子中NF-κB位点缺失可以使DC-SIGN启动子活性下降大约50%,NF-κBp50可以促进DC-SIGN在THP-1细胞的表达,IL-在THP-1细胞诱导DC-SIGN表达的同时,也促进了NF-κBp50的表达.这些结果显示,在THP-1细胞中NF-κBp50参与IL-4诱导的DC-SIGN表达.  相似文献   

金黄色葡萄球菌的侵袭和侵袭后过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘挺  管远志 《微生物与感染》2002,25(2):18-19,22
金黄色葡萄球菌粘附宿主细胞后,与宿主细胞受体发生反应,激发宿主的跨膜信号传递和细胞骨架重排,从而进入细胞。进入宿主细胞的金黄色葡萄球菌可以在胞内存活,并且繁殖,胞内存活的金黄色葡萄球菌可诱导细胞发生凋亡。在金黄色葡萄球菌的侵袭和侵袭后过程中,毒力调节因子Agr和Sar起了调节作用。  相似文献   

Pyk2介导的细胞信号通路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酪氨酸蛋白激酶在细胞信号传递过程中起重要作用,由酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶和酪氨酸蛋白激酶协同控制的酪氨酸的磷酸化是细胞生长、分化、凋亡、黏附和迁移等生理过程的重要调节机制。酪氨酸蛋白激酶Pyk2是黏着斑激酶家族成员,能被包括整合素在内的多种细胞外信号激活,参与多条信号通路的传递,在细胞信号转导过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

NGAL蛋白诱导食管癌细胞发生自噬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以往研究证明,中性粒细胞明胶酶相关载脂蛋白NGAL(neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin)与食管癌密切相关,改变NGAL表达能够对癌细胞的形态结构产生明显影响,但确切的作用机制不明.在酵母细胞中表达NGAL蛋白,柱层析分离纯化.筛选NGALR(NGAL receptor)高表达与弱表达的人食管癌细胞系EC1.71和EC109作为实验细胞模型.5-FAM标记NGAL蛋白,加入到细胞培养上清中,对比研究NGAL蛋白入胞情况、细胞形态学改变、细胞自噬体产生、自噬相关基因表达、细胞内铁离子与铁蛋白水平以及相关细胞信号转导激酶的活性等.结果表明,NGAL蛋白可经由内吞途径进入食管癌细胞发挥作用,致使细胞发生典型的自噬性形态结构变化,自噬体大量产生,自噬相关基因的表达发生相应变化,ERK被激活,但细胞内的铁离子与铁蛋白未受明显影响.上述结果提示,诱导细胞发生自噬是外源性NGAL蛋白经由内吞途径进入食管癌细胞发挥作用的机制之一,与NGAL蛋白跨膜转铁未见直接关联,而ERK信号转导途径可能参与了这一过程.  相似文献   

肿瘤转移是一个多阶段、多途径、涉及多基因及其信号通路变化的一系列复杂过程。了解肿瘤转移相关基因的信号传导通路以及对肿瘤转移的作用机制,为寻找抑制肿瘤转移的关键靶点具有重要的意义。Ezrin高表达与肿瘤转移密切相关,它可通过改变肿瘤细胞极性及细胞运动、调节肿瘤细胞间黏附及细胞与细胞外基质黏附、参与肿瘤细胞内信号转导而影响恶性肿瘤转移。Ezrin过度表达可以破坏正常细胞内信号传递网络的平衡,其中主要涉及的为细胞信号转导相关分子(Rho)及受体酪氨酸蛋白激酶等信号传导途径。Ezrin借助于细胞内错综复杂的信号转导网络调控细胞的形态构成、黏附、吞噬、运动、血管形成等一系列的生物学过程,最终实现肿瘤细胞的侵袭和转移。本文就Ezrin蛋白的信号转导通路及其对肿瘤转移作用的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

hhlim基因表达产物的亚细胞定位及其在细胞肥大中的意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
hhlim是从胎儿心脏中新近分离和克隆得到的与心脏发生相关的基因,其表达产物作为转录因子参与多种基因的转录调控和细胞的发育与分化过程.用细胞转染方法将外源性hhlim基因导入处于分化过程中的小鼠成肌细胞C2C12,发现该基因强制性表达可使C2C12细胞体积明显增大.RT-PCR和蛋白质印迹结果表明,hhlim促细胞肥大与诱导α-肌动蛋白(α-actin)过表达及重新启动胚胎基因BNP表达有关.用绿色荧光蛋白-hhlim融合蛋白表达载体转染处于分化过程的C2C12细胞,发现转染不同时间,表达产物的亚细胞定位发生动态变化,表现为先在胞核和胞质中均有分布,而后定位于胞质的变化规律.应用免疫共沉淀证实,hhlim在胞质中以与α-actin 相互缔合的方式存在.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis is a complex developmental process that offers great potential for plant propagation. Although many studies have shown that the generation of embryonic cells from somatic cells is accompanied by the synthesis of RNA and DNA and by elevated enzymatic activity, the mechanism of the onset of somatic embryogenesis is not well understood. cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to evaluate the gene expression pattern in embryogenic and non-embryogenic of the inbred maize line H99 during the process of embryogenesis. We identified a total of 101 candidate genes associated with the formation of maize embryonic calli. Based on the sequence analysis, these genes included 53 functionally-annotated TDFs involved in such processes as energy production and conversion, cell division and signal transduction, suggesting that somatic embryogenesis undergoes a complex process. Two full-length cDNA sequences, encoding KHCP (kinesin heavy chain like protein) and TypA (tyrosine phosphorylation protein A), and partial sequences, encoding ARF-GEP (guanine nucleotide-exchange protein of ADP ribosylation factor) homologs, were isolated from embryonic calli of maize and named ZmKHCP, ZmTypA and ZmARF-GEP, respectively. Finally, the real-time qRT-PCR results showed that the expression levels of the three genes were significantly higher in the embryonic calli than the non-embryonic calli. Thus, this study provides important clues to understanding the induction of somatic embryogenesis in maize. The candidate genes associated with the formation of embryonic calli may offer additional insights into the mechanism of somatic embryogenesis, and further research on the three candidate genes may determine their role in increasing the rate of induction of embryonic calli, which may aid in the development of cultivars through transgenic breeding.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis is a notable illustration of plant totipotency and involves reprogramming of development in somatic cells toward the embryogenic pathway. Auxins are key components as their exogenous application recuperates the embryogenic potential of the mitotically quiescent somatic cells. In order to unravel the molecular basis of somatic embryogenesis, cDNA library was made from the regeneration proficient wheat leaf base segments treated with auxin. In total, 1440 clones were sequenced and among these 1,196 good quality sequences were assembled into 270 contigs and 425 were singletons. By reverse northern analysis, a total of 57 clones were found to be upregulated during somatic embryogenesis, 64 during 2,4-D treatment, and 170 were common to 2,4-D treatment and somatic embryogenesis. A substantial number of genes involved in hormone response, signal transduction cascades, defense, anti-oxidation, programmed cell death/senescence and cell division were identified and characterized partially. Analysis of data of select genes suggests that the induction phase of somatic embryogenesis is accompanied by the expression of genes that may also be involved in zygotic embryogenesis. The developmental reprogramming process may in fact involve multiple cellular pathways and unfolding of as yet unknown molecular events. Thus, an interaction network draft using bioinformatics and system biology strategy was constructed. The outcome of a systematic and comprehensive analysis of somatic embryogenesis associated interactome in a monocot leaf base system is presented. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

植物钙信号系统与体细胞胚发生   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
施小龙  邢更妹  汪丽虹  王亚馥 《生命科学》2002,14(5):302-304,271
植物细胞离体培养中的体细胞胚发生受多种内外因素的调控,其中激素对细胞分化,发育和形态建成起着关键的作用。大量研究表明,在激素的作用过程中,Ca^2 信号系统可能是重要的介导者之一。Ca^2 和CaM在植物合子胚和体细胞胚发生中都具有重要作用,其作用机理可能是植物激素通过Ca^2 第二信号系统直接或间接地调控基因表达而实现的。  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis involves different molecular events including differential gene expression and various signal transduction pathways. One of the genes identified in early somatic embryogenesis is S OMATIC E MBRYOGENESIS R ECEPTOR-like K INASE (SERK). Cocos nucifera (L.) is one of the most recalcitrant species for in vitro regeneration, achieved so far only through somatic embryogenesis, although just a few embryos could be obtained from a single explant. In order to increase efficiency of this process we need to understand it better. Therefore, the purpose of the present work was to determine if an ortholog of the SERK gene is present in the coconut genome, isolate it and analyze its expression during somatic embryogenesis. The results showed the occurrence of a SERK ortholog referred to as CnSERK. Predicted sequence analysis showed that CnSERK encodes a SERK protein with the domains reported in the SERK proteins in other species. These domains consist of a signal peptide, a leucine zipper domain, five LRR, the Serine-Proline-Proline domain, which is a distinctive domain of the SERK proteins, a single transmembrane domain, the kinase domain with 11 subdomains and the C terminal region. Analysis of its expression showed that it could be detected in embryogenic tissues before embryo development could be observed. In contrast it was not detected or at lower levels in non-embryogenic tissues, thus suggesting that CnSERK expression is associated with induction of somatic embryogenesis and that it could be a potential marker of cells competent to form somatic embryos in coconut tissues cultured in vitro.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis requires auxin and establishment of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). WUSCHEL ( WUS ) is critical for stem cell fate determination in the SAM of higher plants. However, regulation of WUS expression by auxin during somatic embryogenesis is poorly understood. Here, we show that expression of several regulatory genes important in zygotic embryogenesis were up-regulated during somatic embryogenesis of Arabidopsis. Interestingly, WUS expression was induced within the embryonic callus at a time when somatic embryos could not be identified morphologically or molecularly. Correct WUS expression, regulated by a defined critical level of exogenous auxin, is essential for somatic embryo induction. Furthermore, it was found that auxin gradients were established in specific regions that could then give rise to somatic embryos. The establishment of auxin gradients was correlated with the induced WUS expression. Moreover, the auxin gradients appear to activate PIN1 polar localization within the embryonic callus. Polarized PIN1 is probably responsible for the observed polar auxin transport and auxin accumulation in the SAM and somatic embryo. Suppression of WUS and PIN1 indicated that both genes are necessary for embryo induction through their regulation of downstream gene expression. Our results reveal that establishment of auxin gradients and PIN1-mediated polar auxin transport are essential for WUS induction and somatic embryogenesis. This study sheds new light on how auxin regulates stem cell formation during somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Various aspects of somatic embryogenesis in carrot suspension cultures were reviewed on the basis of results obtained in our laboratory. We have established high-frequency and synchronous somatic embryogenesis systems needed for biochemical and molecular analysis. Using these systems, four phases of somatic embryogenesis were identified. The importance of expression of polarities in these phases, particularly from single cells to embryogenic cell clusters, in determining somatic embryogenesis, is emphasized. At the molecular level, genes expressed during somatic embryogenesis were described, and they were classified into three categories: (1) genes involved in cell division, (2) genes involved in organ formation and (3) genes specific for the process of somatic embryogenesis. From the results obtained, it is concluded that discrete developmental phases in carrot somatic embryogenesis are characterized by distinct biochemical and molecular events, but much remains to be understood.  相似文献   

Carrot (Daucus carota) somatic embryogenesis has been extensively used as an experimental system for studying embryogenesis. In maturing zygotic embryos, abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in acquisition of desiccation tolerance and dormancy. On the other hand, somatic embryos contain low levels of endogenous ABA and show desiccation intolerance and lack dormancy, but tolerance and dormancy can be induced by exogenous application of ABA. In ABA-treated carrot embryos, some ABA-inducible genes are expressed. We isolated the Daucus carota bZIP1 (DcBZ1) gene encoding a G-box binding factor-type basic region/leucine zipper (GBF-type bZIP) factor from carrot somatic embryos. The expression of DcBZ1 was detected in embryogenic cells, non-embryogenic cells, somatic embryos, developing seeds, seedlings, and true leaves. Notably, higher expression was detected in embryogenic cells, true leaves, and seedlings. The expression of DcBZ1 increased in seedlings and true leaves after ABA treatment, whereas expression was not affected by differences in light conditions. During the development of zygotic and somatic embryos, increased expression of DcBZ1 was commonly detected in the later phase of development. The recombinant DcBZ1 protein showed specific binding activity to the two ABA-responsive element-like motifs (motif X and motif Y) in the promoter region of the carrot ABA-inducible gene according to results from an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Our findings suggest that the carrot GBF-type bZIP factor, DcBZ1, is involved in ABA signal transduction in embryogenesis and other vegetative tissues.  相似文献   

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