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【目的】独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum是农林业害虫的重要天敌之一。本研究旨在明确黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其对寄生胁迫的行为响应,为农林业害虫生物防治提供基础依据。【方法】2018-2020年,在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区及周边区域使用根据公里网格方案(共计100个调查网格,网格大小为1 km2)设置的人工巢管调查了黄缘蜾蠃的产卵策略及其与寄生胁迫之间的关系。通过连续采集该蜂的筑巢巢管并饲养调查,我们详细记录了每根巢管的孵育室数量及其子代在巢管里的性比和被寄生情况,并测量了每根巢管的长度、内径和巢室结构特征。【结果】2018-2020年中,我们获得了黄缘蜾蠃筑巢的巢管达3 733根和孵育室9 269个,其中被寄生的孵育室达1 420个。黄缘蜾蠃在单根巢管内平均产2.50±1.25枚卵,构建非孵育室1.84±1.14个,其子代性比偏雄(雄∶雌=1.98∶1),并倾向于在巢管内端的孵育室产雌性卵,在外端的孵育室产雄性卵。结构方程模型分析结果显示,每根巢管的巢管内径和长度均显著地正影响孵育室数量,巢管长度也显著地正影响非孵育室数量,而孵育室数量和非孵育室数量均显著地负影响被寄生率。对子代在巢管内的性别排列模式进行meta分析表明,巢管最内端子代雌性数量显著高于最外端的,而巢管最内端孵育室的被寄生率显著低于最外端的。【结论】结果表明黄缘蜾蠃在寄生胁迫下通过在巢管内多产卵以降低被寄生风险,并可通过调节子代的性别分配模式以提高雌性子代的存活率,从而有助于提高其繁殖适合度。  相似文献   

蜾蠃亚科Eumeninae昆虫提供了重要的生态系统服务如传粉和生物防治。黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum筑巢在芦苇中,是一种重要的独栖性捕食昆虫。2015-2016年,本实验通过在江西省德兴市新岗山镇的BEF-China样地收集筑巢巢管,室内处理巢管并记录数据,旨在研究该蜂后代性别的分配。研究发现该蜂是实验地营巢独栖性蜂类的优势物种;在后代仅有雌性或雄性的巢管中,性别偏向雄性,雌雄比为0.27∶1,雄性数量远高于雌性,推测原因一是虽然放置的巢管直径是随机的,但是其中直径小于12 cm的巢管数量更多,二是巢箱附近黄缘蜾蠃可利用的资源较少;雄性的巢内平均个体数量高于雌性原因是雌性个体较大且所需的食物更多,占用了巢内更多的空间;在后代雌雄共有的巢管中,雌雄比接近为1∶1,略偏向雌性;随着巢管直径的增大,雌性比例有上升的趋势,但是巢管长度对雌性的影响不大;构建巢室时,后代性别的分配总是按照雌性在内,雄性在外的方式排列,这可能揭示了黄缘蜾蠃可以决定后代的性别分配。  相似文献   

【目的】凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken是我国北方果园重要的授粉昆虫,为明确人类管理措施对凹唇壁蜂种群动态的影响,本文主要探索人工巢管(芦苇管)的内径尺寸与凹唇壁蜂基本种群参数的关联,从而为维持凹唇壁蜂种群以传粉为目的扩繁确定最合适的巢管尺寸。【方法】通过在苹果园放置不同内径大小的巢管,收集凹唇壁蜂种群,进一步比较了3种不同内径尺寸(6、8、10 mm)的巢管中凹唇壁蜂蜂重、茧长、性比、寄生率和死亡率的差异。最后,综合以上结果评价了巢管内径尺寸对凹唇壁蜂种群参数的影响。【结果】(1)凹唇壁蜂具有雌雄体型性二型现象,雌蜂茧重是雄蜂的1.67倍,雌蜂茧长是雄蜂的1.15倍。(2)一定范围内增加巢管的内径可以显著增加凹唇壁蜂后代的性比(雌蜂比例)、蜂重和茧长。(3)凹唇壁蜂亲本对后代的投资随着巢管内径的增加而增加。【结论】凹唇壁蜂可根据外界筑巢条件的变化调整其对子代的亲本投资和性别分配比例。直径较小的巢管中,对应亲本所产后代偏向个体较小的雄性;直径较大的巢管中,对应亲本所产后代偏向个体较大的雌性。可获得的孔穴的尺寸能够通过影响凹唇壁蜂后代种群的体型和性比,进而影响当地壁蜂种群的结构和稳定性。因此,在半驯养独居蜂的繁育过程中,可以通过人工控制巢管内径尺寸,以筑巢直径8-10mm为最适合范围,来调整后代的蜂重、茧长、性比等,进而优化对半驯养独居蜂的种群管理。  相似文献   

双斑切叶蜂的筑巢习性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1170-1176
【目的】明确双斑切叶蜂Megachile leachella在沙地上的筑巢环境及筑巢特点,旨在当地利用人工巢管诱引其筑巢。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对双斑切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观察; 采用挖掘、测量方法对双斑切叶蜂巢内结构进行了观测;在室内对蜂茧在土中和指形管中的羽化情况进行了初步观测。【结果】双斑切叶蜂一般在废弃的泥墙或者沙地上蚂蚁等废弃的巢穴中筑巢,有时候它也在沙地上挖掘新巢筑巢。双斑切叶蜂用叶片构建巢室,一巢多室,各巢室首尾相接排列在巢中,筑完巢后用叶片将巢口封住。双斑切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取11~14片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮6~9次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在内蒙古毛乌素沙地,该蜂一年2代,第1代在6月中下旬羽化,第2代大约在7月下旬至8月上旬羽化,主要寄生性天敌有尖腹蜂Coelioxy sp.、青蜂Chrysis sp.。双斑切叶蜂能在指形管中羽化。【结论】双斑切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似,雌蜂可以用人工巢管进行诱集和驯化。  相似文献   

落巨福  刘强 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):971-977
2004-2005年在西鄂尔多斯地区,选择巢室数>300的沙漠石蜂Megachile(Chalicodoma)desertorum Morawitz巢区,通过标记巢室和雌蜂,在整个成蜂活动期连续对沙漠石蜂的筑巢习性和行为进行了观测研究.结果显示:该蜂一生一般能建8~12个巢室,优先利用未被破坏的旧巢.利用旧巢的过程为:...  相似文献   

蜾蠃(Eumeninae)是胡蜂科(Vespidae)中种类最丰富的一个亚科,已知204属3 800种,分布广泛、筑巢策略多样,其生活方式从绝大多数独居到极少数种类的原始社会性,对研究社会性昆虫演化具有重要价值。繁殖期筑巢是蜾蠃亚科物种生活史的重要阶段,也是子代繁殖成功的重要保障。按照其筑巢习性传统上可将蜾蠃亚科物种分为挖掘型、租住型和建造型3种类型。然而,蜾蠃亚科物种的筑巢在同种雌性中也具有很强的可塑性和建造不同类型的巢的习性。不论采用何种筑巢类型,蜾蠃亚科常用泥筑巢,也有一些种类用嚼碎的叶子或碎石子筑巢,甚至有少数种类会用植物材料或鸟粪等伪装巢。食物供应是蜾蠃筑巢过程中最大的精力和时间投资。大多数独居的蜾蠃是截断式为子代巢室内供应食物(将瘫痪的昆虫猎物作为幼虫的食物),一些具有原始社会行为的蜾蠃是渐进式供应,尤其是在猎物稀缺的情况下表现更明显。蜾蠃亚科主要捕猎鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)[尺蛾科(Geometridae)和卷蛾科(Tortricidae)]和鞘翅目(Coleoptera)[叶甲科(Chrysomelidae)和象鼻甲科(Curculionidae)]科幼虫,在农...  相似文献   

长木蜂的筑巢和采粉贮粮行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过研究长木蜂Xylocopa tranquebarorum筑巢和贮粮行为, 为进一步查明独栖性蜂类行为特点、开发新的蜂类资源提供依据。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对长木蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观察, 用游标卡尺对巢口大小进行测量, 采用室内解剖巢室对长木蜂贮蜂粮的大小和数量进行观测。【结果】长木蜂主要在竹子上筑巢, 偶尔也发现在芦苇上筑巢。最喜欢选择竹节直径1.2~2.5 cm的孝顺竹Bambusa multiplex和刚竹属 Phyllostachys的竹种上筑巢。其筑巢过程为:雌蜂寻找合适的筑巢地点, 咬巢口, 清理巢室, 采集花粉蜜制作蜂粮, 在蜂粮上产卵, 制作巢室隔板。筑巢地点主要位于离旧巢1 m以内的位置。雌蜂啃咬巢口平均用时(292±29)min, 制作一块蜂粮需采集粉蜜22~40次, 采集粉蜜平均用时(17.31±0.52)min/次, 携粉蜜回巢滞留时间平均为(16.45±1.08)min/次;巢中卸落粉蜜平均用时为(15.29±1.03)min/次, 一生贮蜂粮平均6块左右;蜂粮近长方形, 长12~18 mm, 宽6~10 mm, 平均重量(0.7140±0.0269)g。【结论】长木蜂雌蜂不同个体之间筑巢行为相似, 而采集粉蜜的次数和贮蜂粮所用时间均有显著差异。  相似文献   

【目的】研究绒木蜂亚属赤足木蜂Xylocopa rufipes Smith的形态特征和筑巢行为,为进一步保护和管理木蜂资源提供理论依据。【方法】采用网捕法采集赤足木蜂成虫;采用目测、拍照等方法记录赤足木蜂在不同地区的筑巢场所和筑巢基质;用游标卡尺测量赤足木蜂的形态指标和巢室结构指标;采用破坏巢室法和野外巢口观察法测定赤足木蜂的巢内行为。【结果】赤足木蜂雌雄形态区别明显。雌蜂后足胫节胫基板的二叉状分支是其所属的绒木蜂亚属区别其他木蜂的主要特征。赤足木蜂筑巢场所为旧房屋的木桁梁、临时木棚架的木梁或柴火堆,筑巢基质主要为干枯的杉木、泡桐和杨木等。巢建筑有不分枝型和分枝型两种类型,分别占26.09%和73.91%。巢口近圆形,从巢口向内挖掘的主隧道相对于木材纹理呈现一定弧度的夹角(锐角);每巢有1~10个分支隧道,每个分支隧道内巢室数为1~8个,平均3.63±2.08个。巢室长度为10.66±21.98 mm,平均为15.37±0.22 mm;巢室直径为9.79±14.40 mm,平均为12.33±1.08 mm;巢室隔板厚度为1.87±8.31 mm,平均为5.09±0.13 mm。解剖巢室法观察到每个巢内居住着0~6头繁殖后代的雌蜂(n=13巢),平均2.08±1.61头。观察雌蜂进出巢口的数量,发现每个巢室内居住有1~5头繁殖雌蜂(n=23巢),平均2.48±1.24头。【结论】同一种群的赤足木蜂具有独栖性到社会性生活的社会多态性。  相似文献   

海切叶蜂的筑巢和访花行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1247-1254
【目的】研究毛乌素沙地重要野生传粉昆虫海切叶蜂Megachile maritima的筑巢和访花行为对保护其栖息环境具有重要意义。【方法】采用目测及拍照等方法对海切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观测;以2 m×2 m 样方的方式观测海切叶蜂的访花频率、单花停留时间及日活动规律等访花行为,其中日活动规律每天连续观测,共观测7天。【结果】海切叶蜂在沙土中筑巢,每巢只有一个巢室,其筑巢过程为:寻找合适的筑巢地点,挖巢,构建巢室,采集蜂粮,产卵,封住巢室,筑完一个巢。它连续筑完一个巢大约需要9 h。海切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取26~29片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮11~12次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的平均访花频率分别为(13.23±6.49)朵/min和(16.72±4.84)朵/min,平均单花停留时间分别为(3.08±2.48)s和(2.49±1.31)s。晴天,海切叶蜂在12:00~14:00期间活动较活跃。【结论】海切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似。该蜂在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的访花过程、访花频率及单花停留时间具有显著的差异。  相似文献   

凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken是我国早春果园重要的野生传粉昆虫,具有重要的农业价值.本研究分别在山东烟台、江西赣州和重庆沙坪坝地区利用人工放养滞育状态下的凹唇壁蜂成虫,并通过野外观察和室内解剖该蜂的筑巢巢管,系统研究了该蜂的筑巢习性、访花行为、日活动规律和生活史等营巢生物学及相关生物学特性.结果表明...  相似文献   

Host plants are used by herbivorous insects as feeding or nesting resources. In wood‐boring insects, host plants features may impose selective forces leading to phenotypic differentiation on traits related to nest construction. Carpenter bees build their nests in dead stems or dry twigs of shrubs and trees; thus, mandibles are essential for the nesting process, and the nest is required for egg laying and offspring survival. We explored the shape and intensity of natural selection on phenotypic variation on three size measures of the bees (intertegular width, wing length, and mandible area) and two nest architecture measures (tunnel length and diameter) on bees using the native species Chusquea quila (Poaceae), and the alloctonous species Rubus ulmifolius (Rosaceae), in central Chile. Our results showed significant and positive linear selection gradients for tunnel length on both hosts, indicating that bees building long nests have more offspring. Bees with broader mandibles show greater fitness on C. quila but not on R. ulmifolius. Considering that C. quila represents a selective force on mandible area, we hypothesized a high adaptive value of this trait, resulting in higher fitness values when nesting on this host, despite its wood is denser and hence more difficult to be bored.  相似文献   

Parental care is a behavior that increases the growth and survival of offspring, often at a cost to the parents' own survival and/or future reproduction. In this study, we focused on nest guarding, which is one of the most important types of extended parental care; we studied this behavior in two solitary bee species of the genus Ceratina with social ancestors. We performed the experiment of removing the laying female, who usually guards the nest after completing its provisioning, to test the effects of nest guarding on the offspring survival and nest fate. By dissecting natural nests, we found that Ceratina cucurbitina females always guarded their offspring until the offspring reached adulthood. In addition, the females of this species were able to crawl across the nest partitions and inspect the offspring in the brood cells. In contrast, several Ceratina chalybea females guarded their nests until the offspring reached adulthood, but others closed the nest entrance with a plug and deserted the nest. Nests with a low number of provisioned cells were more likely to be plugged and abandoned than nests with a higher number of cells. The female removal experiment had a significantly negative effect on offspring survival in both species. These nests frequently failed due to the attacks of natural enemies (e.g., ants, chalcidoid wasps, and other competing Ceratina bees). Increased offspring survival is the most important benefit of the guarding strategy. The abandonment of a potentially unsuccessful brood might constitute a benefit of the nest plugging behavior. The facultative nest desertion strategy is a derived behavior in the studied bees and constitutes an example of an evolutionary reduction in the extent of parental care.  相似文献   

We tested some predictions of parental investment theory by studying the aggressive behaviour of colonial nesting chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) against human intruders into their nesting territories. We tested for differences in the aggressive behaviour of penguins according to offspring age (eggs vs. chicks), offspring number, nest location in the colonies (central vs. peripheral) and sex. Offspring age was the main factor influencing nest defence, although nest location and sex were also important. Chicks were defended more strongly than eggs, in accordance with changes in the reproductive value of offspring, and this increase in aggressiveness was not related to revisitation of the same individuals. The level of aggression of penguins breeding in central sites was higher than that of peripheral birds, a difference that could be due to the lower residual reproductive value of central-nesting, probably older, birds. The stronger aggressiveness of males could be due to a combination of factors related to sexual selection and life-history traits. Offspring number did not affect the level of nest defence.  相似文献   

  • Intraspecific variations in pollen morphological traits are poorly studied. Interspecific variations are often associated with pollination systems and pollinator types. Altitudinal environmental changes, which can influence local pollinator assemblages, provide opportunities to explore differentiation in pollen traits of a single species over short distances. The aim of this study is to examine intraspecific variations in pollen traits of an insect-pollinated shrub, Weigela hortensis (Caprifoliaceae), along an altitudinal gradient.
  • Pollen spine phenotypes (length, number and density), pollen diameter, lipid mass (pollenkitt) around pollen grains, pollen production per flower and pollinator assemblages were compared at four sites at different altitudes.
  • Spine length and the spine length/diameter ratio of pollen grains were greater at higher altitudes but not correlated with flower or plant size. Spine number and density increased as flower size increased, and pollen lipid mass decreased as plant size increased. Bees were the predominant pollinators at low-altitude sites whereas flies, specifically Oligoneura spp. (Acroceridae), increased in relative abundance with increasing altitude.
  • The results of this study suggest that the increase in spine length with altitude was the result of selection favouring longer spines at higher-altitude sites and/or shorter spines at lower-altitude sites. The altitudinal variation in selection pressure on spine length could reflect changes in local pollinator assemblages with altitude.

A vast literature suggests that maternal factors and egg incubation conditions have substantial effects on offspring phenotypes in oviparous species. However, many studies that evaluate these effects have relied on experimental conditions that are rarely, if ever, encountered under natural conditions. To address this issue, we evaluated relationships among maternal factors, natural nest conditions, egg development in the field, and the resultant offspring phenotypes in a lizard with temperature-dependent sex determination, the jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus, Agamidae). Many, but not all, of the relationships shown in our field-based study corroborate results from laboratory-based experiments. Offspring body size was affected primarily by egg size at oviposition, as well as by water uptake by eggs, rather than by environmental variables measured within the nest. Date of oviposition was related to offspring growth rate and body size prior to the onset of winter; this relationship is likely mediated through an influence on the timing of hatching. Nest temperature generated substantial variation in egg survival; nests that experienced higher temperatures and higher thermal fluctuations suffered relatively high egg mortality. Contrary to results from laboratory incubation, however, nest temperature did not predict offspring sex ratios. Hence, although many results from this field study corroborate those from the laboratory, caution is needed when extrapolating laboratory-incubation results to field conditions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of maternal effects in evolution, and knowledge of links among nest site choice, timing of nesting, offspring sex, and reproductive success in animals with environmental sex determination, these attributes have not been rigorously studied in a combined and natural context. To address this need we studied the relationships between three maternal traits (nest site choice, lay date, and nest depth) and two fitness‐related attributes of offspring (hatchling sex and embryonic survival) in the riverine turtle Carettochelys insculpta, a species with temperature‐dependent sex determination, for four years. Predation and flooding were the major sources of embryonic mortality in 191 nests. Embryonic survival was influenced by both lay date and nest site choice: in one year when nesting began later than average, nests laid later and at lower elevations were destroyed by early wet season river rises. In other years early nesting precluded flood mortality. However, turtles did not nest at the highest available elevations, and a field experiment confirmed that turtles were constrained to nest at lower elevations where they could construct a nest chamber. The principal determinant of hatchling sex in 140 nests was lay date, which in turn was apparently related to the magnitude of the previous wet season(s). Clutches laid earlier in the season (a female's first clutch) produced mainly males, while later clutches (her second clutch) yielded mostly females, due to seasonal increases in air temperatures. Accordingly, later nesting produced female‐biased hatchling sex ratios in 1996, while earlier nesting resulted in sex ratios near unity in the other years. However, all‐female nests were more likely to be flooded than mixed‐sex or all‐male nests in years when nesting was late. In conclusion, we found evidence that the position of two maternal trait distributions (elevation of the nest site and lay date), associated with the reproductive strategy of C. insculpta, reflect a combination of natural selection, physical constraints, and phenotypic plasticity. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 1–16.  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest that in changing environments natural selection on two traits, maternal nesting behaviour and pivotal temperatures (those that divide the sexes) is important for maintaining viable offspring sex ratios in species with environmental sex determination (ESD). Empirical evidence, however, is lacking. In this paper, we provide such evidence from a study of clinal variation in four sex-determining traits (maternal nesting behaviour, pivotal temperatures, nesting phenology, and nest depth) in Physignathus lesueurii, a wide-ranging ESD lizard inhabiting eastern Australia. Despite marked differences in air and soil temperatures across our five study sites spanning 19° latitude and 1200 m in elevation, nest temperatures did not differ significantly among sites. Lizards compensated for climatic differences chiefly by selecting more open nest sites with higher incident radiation at cooler sites. Clinal variation in the onset of nesting also compensated for climatic differences, but to a lesser extent. There was no evidence of compensation through pivotal temperatures or nest depth. More broadly, our results extend to the egg stage the life history prediction that behaviour is the chief compensatory mechanism for climatic differences experienced by species spanning environmental extremes. Furthermore, our study was unique in revealing that nest site choice influenced mainly the daily range in nest temperatures, rather than mean temperatures, in a shallow-nesting reptile. Finally, indirect evidence suggests that the cue used by nesting lizards was radiation or temperature (through basking or assessing substrate temperatures), not visual detection of canopy openness. We conclude that maternal nesting behaviour and nesting phenology are traits subject to sex ratio selection in P. lesueurii, and thus, must be considered among the repertoire of ESD species for responding to climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract The jacky dragon, Amphibolurus muricatus (White, ex Shaw 1790) is a medium sized agamid lizard from the southeast of Australia. Laboratory incubation trials show that this species possesses temperature‐dependent sex determination. Both high and low incubation temperatures produced all female offspring, while varying proportions of males hatched at intermediate temperatures. Females may lay several clutches containing from three to nine eggs during the spring and summer. We report the first field nest temperature recordings for a squamate reptile with temperature‐dependent sex determination. Hatchling sex is determined by nest temperatures that are due to the combination of daily and seasonal weather conditions, together with maternal nest site selection. Over the prolonged egg‐laying season, mean nest temperatures steadily increase. This suggests that hatchling sex is best predicted by the date of egg laying, and that sex ratios from field nests will vary over the course of the breeding season. Lizards hatching from eggs laid in the spring (October) experience a longer growing season and should reach a larger body size by the beginning of their first reproductive season, compared to lizards from eggs laid in late summer (February). Adult male A. muricatus attain a greater maximum body size and have relatively larger heads than females, possibly as a consequence of sexual selection due to male‐male competition for territories and mates. If reproductive success in males increases with larger body size, then early hatching males may obtain a greater fitness benefit as adults, compared to males that hatch in late summer. We hypothesize that early season nests should produce male‐biased sex ratios, and that this provides an adaptive explanation for temperature‐dependent sex determination in A. muricatus.  相似文献   

浙江省野生蜡梅花部形态变异及其与环境因子的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜会聪  蒋雅婷  田敏  张莹  王彩霞 《生态学报》2018,38(16):5800-5809
以浙江省蜡梅自然分布区的5个居群为研究对象,采用巢式方差分析、主成分分析、相关分析、聚类分析等多种分析方法,探究蜡梅花部的形态变异及其与环境因子相关性以及居群间和居群内的表型多样性。结果表明:蜡梅花部性状中除雄蕊长度、雌蕊数、雌蕊长度、内被片数以外,其他12个性状在居群间均有极显著差异。胚珠数的平均变异系数最大,花冠内径的平均变异系数最小,各性状的平均变异系数为15.03%(10.81%—23.38%)。五尖山的表型多样性最丰富,碧东山居群最小,种群间平均表型分化系数为44.38%(1.57%—89.62%),种群内变异大于种群间变异,种群内变异是花部变异的主要来源。主成分分析显示花冠直径、花冠内径、花筒深度和中被片长对种群变异起主要贡献作用。花部多数性状间存在显著或极显著的相关关系,生态因子中花部性状与土壤酸度相关性最大,土壤中花部性状与大量元素相关性最大,微量元素次之,中量元素最小。通过UPGMA聚类分析可以将5个种群分成两组。浙江省野生蜡梅花部形态存在丰富的变异和多样性,花部部分性状与土壤中钙、铁、铜含量和海拔有显著或极显著相关关系。  相似文献   

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