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低智儿童与正常儿童中氨基酸的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们对 30例低智儿童血清中TAU ,SER ,GLU ,GLY ,ALA ,VAL ,CYS ,MET ,ILE ,LEU ,TYR ,PHE ,TRP ,HIS ,ORN ,LYS ,ARG ,PRO ,18种游离氨基酸进行了测定。研究结果显示 :患儿血清中 11种游离氨基酸降低分别为 :TAU ,SER ,VAL ,MET ,ILE ,LEU ,TRY ,PHE ,ORN ,LYS ,TRP .氨基酸的失衡 ,儿童的蛋白质合成就将会受到严重的影响 ,因此将导致大脑的分化 ,发育受阻 ,引起智力低下。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450BM3催化正十六烷动力学计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞色素P450 BM3作为烷烃羟基化酶,能催化正链烷烃,已被广发研究和应用.利用动力学模拟软件对BM3酶与烷烃底物复合物进行构象、酶的活性位点以及结合能的预测,并通过模拟水以及离子环境下对复合物的影响,从能量及构象位移的角度阐述BM3酶与底物结合的机理,从而用分子动力学观点来解释细胞色素P450催化烷烃机理.用Auto dock等软件将BM3与十六烷对接,发现底物C16与铁原子间距为7.57 ?,并发现与底物结合的活性位点关键残基:ALA 330,ALA 74,SER 72,GLN 73,ALA328,LEU 188,LEU 437.经Gromacs动力学模拟步长为1 ns,温度在298 K,压力为常压1.0,复合物结合稳定.  相似文献   

蛋白质分子间相互作用与识别是当前生命科学研究的热点,分子对接方法是研究这一问题的有效手段.为了推进分子对接方法的发展,欧洲生物信息学中心组织了国际蛋白质复合物结构预测(CAPRI)竞赛.通过参加CAPRI竞赛,逐步摸索出了一套用于蛋白质复合物结构预测的集成蛋白质一蛋白质分子对接方法HoDock,它包括结合位点预测、初始复合物结构采集、精细复合物结构采集、结构成簇和打分排序以及最终复合物结构挑选等主要步骤.本文以最近的CAPRI Target 39为例,具体说明该方法的主要步骤和应用.该方法在CAPRI Target 39竞赛中取得了比较好的结果,预测结构Model 10是所有参赛小组提交的366个结构中仅有的3个正确结构之一,其配体均方根偏差(L_Rmsd)为0.25nm.在对接过程中,首先用理论预测和实验信息相结合的方法来寻找蛋白质结合位点残基,确认CAPRI Target 39A链的A31TRP和A191HIS,B链的B512ARG和B531ARG为可能结合位点残基.同时,用ZDock程序做不依赖结合位点的初步全局刚性对接.然后,根据结合位点信息进行初步局部刚性对接,从全局和局部对接中挑出了11个初始对接复合物结构.进而,用改进的Rosetta Dock程序做精细位置约束对接,并对每组对接中打分排序前200的结构进行成簇聚类.最后,综合分析打分、成簇和结合位点三方面的信息,得到10个蛋白质复合物结构.竞赛结果表明,A191HIS,B512ARG和B531ARG三个结合位点残基预测正确,提交的10个蛋白质复合物结构中有5个复合物受体一配体界面残基预测成功率较高.与其他参赛小组的对接结果比较,表明HoDock方法具有一定优势.这些结果说明我们提出的集成分子对接方法有助于提高蛋白质复合物结构预测的准确率.  相似文献   

在交联剂分子两端各有一个相同或不同的活性基团,它们能与蛋白质侧链上的氨基、巯基、羟基等形成共价交联.利用交联反应,可以测定寡聚蛋白质的亚基数量、研究蛋白质的高级结构、测量氨基酸残基间的距离及研究蛋白质间的相互作用.  相似文献   

固有无序蛋白质(intrinsically disordered proteins,IDPs)是天然条件下自身不能折叠为明确唯一的空间结构,却具有生物学功能的一类新发现的蛋白质.这类蛋白质的发现是对传统的"结构-功能"关系认识模式的挑战.本文首先总结了无序蛋白质的实验鉴定手段、预测方法、数据库;并介绍了无序蛋白质结构(包括一级结构、二级结构、结构域无序性及变构效应)和功能特征;然后重点总结了无序蛋白质在进化角度研究的进展,包括无序区域产生的进化机制、进化速率,蛋白无序性的进化在蛋白质功能进化及生物学复杂性增加等方面的重要作用;最后展望了无序蛋白质在医药方面的应用前景.本文对于深入认识无序蛋白质的形成机制、结构和功能特征及其潜在的临床应用前景具有重要意义.  相似文献   

蛋白质-核酸复合物界面氨基酸与核苷酸偏好性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质-核酸相互作用机制到目前还不是很清楚,尤其是蛋白质与RNA的相互作用。目前,可得到的蛋白质-核酸复合物结构数据不断增多,作者收集了Protein Data Bank数据库中所有的蛋白质-核酸复合物结构数据,对复合物中结合残基和结合核苷酸的偏好性进行了统计分析。发现:1)不同功能的蛋白质-核酸复合物间的结合残基数量存在显著差异;2)在蛋白 质-DNA和蛋白质-RNA复合物界面,碱性氨基酸都是最受欢迎的;3)氨基酸的极性大小及方向在决定它是否与RNA分子进行结合时起到重要的作用,同时发现氨基酸侧链形成的空间位阻会影响氨基酸残基与RNA分子的相互作用;4)随着定义结合残基距离阈值的增大,其氨基酸使用的特异性降低,而受欢迎与不受欢迎的氨基酸种类均没有变化。  相似文献   

一般的蛋白质对接程序能够提供大量的待选构象,但其中仅含有少量的正确构象。现在对接的主要工作在于如何从这些大量构象中挑出正确构象。我们先前的研究工作证明蛋白质界面比非界面表面具有更高的能量。在这里,我们使用由chen等人提出的一个用于检验、设计对接程序的蛋白质复合物标准库中的非抗原-抗体复合物,将侧链能量运用到对接中,并比较了侧链能量和残基配对倾向性、残基组成倾向性、残基保守性在对接中的表现。单独使用这四项的正确构象的平均百排分位排序分别为:38.6±19.6、26.3±20.8、22.7±16.6和37.8±26.1,但是对于个别蛋白,侧链能量的表现要优于其它的三个参数。我们将四个参数综合起来考虑,发展了一个新的打分函数,平均百排分位排序为22.2±7.8,并且提高了筛选效率。  相似文献   

金属酶通过其极性氨基酸残基侧链所形成的共价键去锚定金属离子,目前鲜有报道替换金属绑定位点本身是否影响原有酶催化性能.以来源于Thermoanaerobacter brockii的锌离子依赖型醇脱氢酶TbSADH为研究对象,对其绑定锌离子的3个氨基酸残基位点Cys37、His59及Asp150进行序列保守性分析并构建突变...  相似文献   

人群中流行的H1N1病毒按其来源可分为两类:人感染的猪H1N1病毒与人类季节性H1N1流感病毒。这两类病毒在流行频率、易感性和致病性等方面存在明显差异。文章收集了1918~2009年间17株人感染的猪甲型H1N1毒株以及21株季节性H1N1毒株,通过序列比对、氨基酸残基保守性分析及3D结构对比等生物信息学方法,揭示造成这两类病毒流行病学和感染性差异的机制。研究发现这两类病毒HA蛋白的进化路径并不相同,且两者具有不同的突变特征,人感染的猪H1N1病毒中,Ca1、Ca2、Sa和Sb四个位点均较为保守,仅Cb位点的突变较快;季节性H1N1病毒仅有Ca1位点较为保守,其他四个抗原性位点均具有较快的突变速率,且较多的突变为新类型的氨基酸。另外,对受体结合位点的研究也显示,这两类病毒的该区域存在5个氨基酸水平的差异(ALA138SER、GLN192LYS、GLN196HIS、ALA198GLU和ALA227GLU),这些位点的差异使得人感染的猪H1N1流感病毒比人类季节性H1N1病毒的易感性更强。这些研究结果可为阐明两类H1N1流感病毒感染性及致病性差异提供更多的信息,并有助于进一步认识H1N1流感病毒的进化机制。  相似文献   

Kunitz 型丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂结构与功能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蛋白酶抑制剂在酶学及蛋白质的结构与功能关系研究中有重要意义,Kunitz型丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂是其中最重要的,也是研究最广泛的蛋白酶抑制剂之一.该类蛋白酶抑制剂三维结构高度保守:由一个明显的疏水核心、三对高度保守的二硫键桥、三链β-折叠和一个N端3 10螺旋及一个C端α-螺旋组成.3对二硫键对分子空间结构的稳定起着非常重要的作用.这一类型抑制剂有5个主要的活性位点:P1、P1’、P3、P3’、P4,它们都位于一个溶剂暴露的环上.P1位点是抑制作用的关键活性位点,抑制剂的专一性由P1位点氨基酸残基的性质决定;P1’位点氨基酸残基的侧链大小对抑制剂.酶的结合常数有很大影响,用大的侧链残基取代会导致结合常数降低;P4位点残基被取代经常产生负效应,会导致活性区域环的构象发生很大改变,从而影响酶与抑制剂的结合.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are crucial players in various cellular activities. Several experimental and computational analyses have been conducted to study structural pliability and functional potential of IDPs. In spite of active research in past few decades, what induces structural disorder in IDPs and how is still elusive. Many studies testify that sequential and spatial neighbours often play important roles in determining structural and functional behaviour of proteins. Considering this fact, we assessed sequence neighbours of intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) to understand if they have any role to play in inducing structural flexibility in IDPs. Our analysis includes 97% eukaryotic IDPs and 3% from bacteria and viruses. Physicochemical and structural parameters including amino acid propensity, hydrophobicity, secondary structure propensity, relative solvent accessibility, B-factor and atomic packing density are used to characterise the neighbouring residues of IDRs (NRIs). We show that NRIs exhibit a unique nature, which makes them stand out from both ordered and disordered residues. They show correlative occurrences of residue pairs like Ser-Thr and Gln-Asn, indicating their tendency to avoid strong biases of order or disorder promoting amino acids. We also find differential preferences of amino acids between N- and C-terminal neighbours, which might indicate a plausible directional effect on the dynamics of adjacent IDRs. We designed an efficient prediction tool using Random Forest to distinguish the NRIs from the ordered residues. Our findings will contribute to understand the behaviour of IDPs, and may provide potential lead in deciphering the role of IDRs in protein folding and assembly.  相似文献   

15-Lipoxygenase-2 protein has been reported to play an important role in normal development of prostate, lung, skin, and cornea tissues. It behaves as a suppressor of prostate cancer development by restricting cell cycle progression and implicating a possible protective role against tumor formation. On the basis of the above report, we selected 15-LOX-2 protein to study the structural classification and functional relationship with associated protein network at computational level. Sequence alignment and protein functional study shows that it contains a highly conserved LOX motif. PLAT domain with PF01477 and LH2 domain with PF00305 were successfully observed. Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (PDB ID: 3O8Y) was selected as a template with 42% identity. 3D structure was successfully predicted and verified. Qualitative analysis suggests that the predicted model was reliable and stable with best quality. Quantitative study shows that the model contained expected volume and area with best resolution. Predicted and best evaluated model has been successfully deposited to PMDB database with PMDB ID PM0078035. Active site identification revealed GLU(369), ALA(370), LEU(371), THR(372), HIS(373), LEU(374), HIS(376), SER(377), HIS(378), THR(385), LEU(389), HIS(394), PHE(399), LYS(400), LEU(401), ILE(403) and PRO(404) residues may play a major role during protein-protein, protein-drug and protein-cofactor interactions. STRING database result indicated that IL (4), GPX (2 and 4), PPARG, PTGS (1 and 2), CYP (2J2, 2C8, 4A11 and 2B6), PLA (2G2A, 2G4A, 2G1B and 2G6) and A LOX (5, 15, 12 and 12B) members from their respective gene families have network based functional association with 15-LOX-2.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a Gram positive, acid-fast bacteria belonging to genus Mycobacterium, is the leading causative agent of most cases of tuberculosis. The pathogenicity of the bacteria is enhanced by its developed DNA repair mechanism which consists of machineries such as nucleotide excision repair. Nucleotide excision repair consists of excinuclease protein UvrABC endonuclease, multi-enzymatic complex which carries out repair of damaged DNA in sequential manner. UvrC protein is a part of this complex and thus helps to repair the damaged DNA of M. tuberculosis. Hence, structural bioinformatics study of UvrC protein from M. tuberculosis was carried out using homology modeling and molecular docking techniques. Assessment of the reliability of the homology model was carried out by predicting its secondary structure along with its model validation. The predicted structure was docked with the ATP and the interacting amino acid residues of UvrC protein with the ATP were found to be TRP539, PHE89, GLU536, ILE402 and ARG575. The binding of UvrC protein with the DNA showed two different domains. The residues from domain I of the protein VAL526, THR524 and LEU521 interact with the DNA whereas, amino acids interacting from the domain II of the UvrC protein included ARG597, GLU595, GLY594 and GLY592 residues. This predicted model could be useful to design new inhibitors of UvrC enzyme to prevent pathogenesis of Mycobacterium and so the tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Summary The fibrinopeptides A and B from gorilla, organgutan and siamang have been characterized, thereby completing a study of all six extant hominoids. The gorilla peptides were identical with the corresponding fibrinopeptides previously reported for human and chimpanzee. The orangutan peptide A was also identical with the human-chimpanzee-gorilla type A, but its fibrinopeptide B had two amino acid differences. The siamang A peptide differed from the others in one of its sixteen residues, but its peptide B was identical with the orangutan B. A cladogram based on the fibrinopeptide sequences of all six hominoids indicates that five amino acid replacements and one deletion can account for the evolution of present day sequences. It was also possible to deduce the amino acid sequence of the fibrinopeptides of the common ancestor of Old World monkeys and hominoids.Abbreviations Used PITC phenylisothiocyanate - DNS dimethylaminonaphthalene sulfonyl- - PCA pyrrolidone carboxylic acid - ASP aspartic acid - ASN asparagine - THR threonine - SER serine - GLU glutamic acid - GLN glutamine - GLY glycine - ALA alanine - VAL valine, ILE isoleucine - LEU leucine - PHE phenylalanine Supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (GB 7332) and the National Institutes of Health (GM-17, 702 and HE-12, 759).  相似文献   

Yan A  Jernigan RL 《Proteins》2005,61(3):513-522
An angle Omega is defined to serve as a metric for global side-chain orientations, which reflects the orientation of the side chain relative to the radial vector from the center of the protein to an amino acid. The side-chain orientations of buried residues exhibit characteristically different orientations than do exposed residues, in both monomeric and dimeric structures. Overall, buried side chains point mostly inward, whereas surface side chains tend to point outward from the surface. This difference in behavior also correlates well with the residue hydrophobicity; so a global side-chain orientation can be viewed as a direct structural manifestation of hydrophobicity. When various solvent-accessible layers are considered, the behavior is relatively continuous between centrally located and exposed residues. In the case of interfacial residues between subunits, there are statistically significant differences between exposed residues and interface residues for ALA, ARG, ASN, ASP, GLU, HIS, LYS, THR, VAL, MET, PRO, and overall the interface residues have an increased tendency to point inward. Presumably, these substantial differences in orientations of side chains may be a manifestation of hydrophobic forces.  相似文献   

The structures of protein antigen-antibody (Ag-Ab) interfaces contain information about how Ab recognize Ag as well as how Ag are folded to present surfaces for Ag recognition. As such, the Ab surface holds information about Ag folding that resides with the Ab-Ag interface residues and how they interact. In order to gain insight into the nature of such interactions, a data set comprised of 53 non-redundant 3D structures of Ag-Ab complexes was analyzed. We assessed the physical and biochemical features of the Ag-Ab interfaces and the degree to which favored interactions exist between amino acid residues on the corresponding interface surfaces. Amino acid compositional analysis of the interfaces confirmed the dominance of TYR in the Ab paratope-containing surface (PCS), with almost two fold greater abundance than any other residue. Additionally TYR had a much higher than expected presence in the PCS compared to the surface of the whole antibody (defined as the occurrence propensity), along with aromatics PHE, TRP, and to a lesser degree HIS and ILE. In the Ag epitope-containing surface (ECS), there were slightly increased occurrence propensities of TRP and TYR relative to the whole Ag surface, implying an increased significance over the compositionally most abundant LYS>ASN>GLU>ASP>ARG. This examination encompasses a large, diverse set of unique Ag-Ab crystal structures that help explain the biological range and specificity of Ag-Ab interactions. This analysis may also provide a measure of the significance of individual amino acid residues in phage display analysis of Ag binding.  相似文献   

The structures of protein antigen-antibody (Ag-Ab) interfaces contain information about how Ab recognize Ag as well as how Ag are folded to present surfaces for Ag recognition. As such, the Ab surface holds information about Ag folding that resides with the Ab-Ag interface residues and how they interact. In order to gain insight into the nature of such interactions, a data set comprised of 53 non-redundant 3D structures of Ag-Ab complexes was analyzed. We assessed the physical and biochemical features of the Ag-Ab interfaces and the degree to which favored interactions exist between amino acid residues on the corresponding interface surfaces. Amino acid compositional analysis of the interfaces confirmed the dominance of TYR in the Ab paratope-containing surface (PCS), with almost two fold greater abundance than any other residue. Additionally TYR had a much higher than expected presence in the PCS compared to the surface of the whole antibody (defined as the occurrence propensity), along with aromatics PHE, TRP, and to a lesser degree HIS and ILE. In the Ag epitope-containing surface (ECS), there were slightly increased occurrence propensities of TRP and TYR relative to the whole Ag surface, implying an increased significance over the compositionally most abundant LYS > ASN > GLU > ASP > ARG. This examination encompasses a large, diverse set of unique Ag-Ab crystal structures that help explain the biological range and specificity of Ag-Ab interactions. This analysis may also provide a measure of the significance of individual amino acid residues in phage display analysis of Ag binding.  相似文献   

The urinary excretion and serum concentration of amino acids were studied in 62 healthy individuals aged 15 to 70 years. In elderly subjects (61-70 years), it was found that renal amino acid clearance per 100 ml GFR (fractional excretion, FE) rose significantly in the following amino acids: CYS, VAL, MET, ILE and LEU. Since the serum concentrations of these amino acids showed no significant changes, but the GFR was reduced, it can be concluded that the raised FE of these amino acids was due to a decrease in their effective tubular reabsorption. A significant correlation was found between FENa and FE of most amino acids including those mentioned above. The findings support the assumption that changes in tubular Na+ transport probably participate in the changes of tubular amino acid transport in elderly individuals.  相似文献   

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