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香菇数量性状的因子分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
因子分析结果表明,22个香菇菌株16个数量性状可分为弱相关的5个主因子,其方差积累贡献率为85.71%。按照主因子所包含的性状及其所反映的生物学含义,可把5个主因子命名并按方差贡献大小顺序排列为:F5,菇形因子;F1,菌柄因子;F3,营养生长因子;F2,生殖生长因子;F4,转色因子。从主因子出发进行香菇育种,可以加大目标性状的针对性和提高选择效率。  相似文献   

^60Coγ射线辐射大杯香菇诱变效应的主成分分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
采用主成分分析法对60Coγ射线辐射大杯香菇的诱变效应进行了研究.从10项性状指标中提取出5个诱变效应主成分,累积方差贡献率为91.85%.根据主成分对原性状的综合能力,进行生物学意义分析,5个主成分可分别解释为农艺性状与酶学效应因子,增重效应因子,盖增大效应因子,粗壮效应因子和盖厚度效应因子.并建立了主成分方程,结合辐射育种实际情况,认为第1主成分较全面反应了辐射育种目标,为期望诱变效应,是大杯香菇诱变育种的主要参考性状组合.各处理组的第1、2、3、4、5主成分值计算结果表明,1.25 kGy处理组的第1主成分最大为3.18,远高于其它处理组,为较适宜的辐射剂量.  相似文献   

对大杯香菇中20个(品种和辐射选育新株系)的蛋白质营养价值6项评价指标进行了遗传变异分析、相关性分析和主成分分析.结果表明,变异系数最大的为氨基酸比值系数分,达到22.70%;其次为氨基酸评分,变异系数为18.08%;其它变异系数较小分别为化学评分、生物价、营养指数和必需氨基酸指数为4.18%、3.76%、3.37%和...  相似文献   

水稻器官干物质运转特性的因子分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对33个水稻品种(组合)5个器官的干物质转运率和移动率(共10个性状)进行了因子分析,结果表明,5个器官的干物质运转特性均可自成主因子,均具有重要作用,主因子1为茎杆运转因子,主因子2为叶片运转因子,主因子3为功能叶片运转因子,主因子4为功能叶外其它叶片运转因子,主因子5为叶鞘运转因子.除主因子1具有较大的方差贡献外,其余主因子方差贡献接近.杂交F1比常规品种具有更大的主因子l得分,部分常规品种也具有较高的主因子l得分,可作为亲本加以利用.  相似文献   

湖南辣椒地方品种资源的因子分析及数量分类   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文对40个湖南辣椒地方品种进行因子分析,并将其分为7大类.结果表明,数量分类的结果基本上反映辣椒品种间的遗传差异,符合实际情况.当主因子的特征值累计贡献率大于75%时,主因子值就能基本反映原来性状的遗传特征.果重、果数和株型是辣椒品种主因子的重要影响变量.Promax斜交旋转后的主因子比方差极大正交旋转后的主因子更能代表品种遗传特性.比较不同的系统聚类方法,类平均法能较好适合辣椒品种的数量分类.  相似文献   

应用因子分析法研究茎瘤芥(榨菜)性状间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用因子分析法可把23份茎瘤芥品种资源的15个数量性状集约在5个主因子上,采用正交因子和斜交因子模型分析了性状间的遗传作用关系,并探讨了各因子间的关系及其生物学意义。  相似文献   

应用多元统计成分分析法,对不同剂量60Coγ射线辐射大杯香菇诱发的蛋白质营养价值的6个主要营养指标进行了相关及主成分分析.结果表明,大杯香菇的大部分营养指标间存在极显著或显著相关.主成分分析显示,可将原6个营养指标综合为2个主成分,其累积贡献率可达96.20%.根据主成分对原性状的综合能力,进行营养价值分析,2个主成分可分别解释为生物价和必需氨基酸指数效应因子和营养指数效应因子,并建立了主成分方程,各处理组的主成分得分、综合得分计算排序第一为1.25 kGy处理组,所以为较适宜的辐射剂量.  相似文献   

对大杯香菇辐射选育新株系的各类氨基酸总量进行了遗传主成分分析。结果表明,变异系数最大的为硫氨基酸总量,达到13.39%;其次为儿童氨基酸总量,变异系数为7.00%;其它变异系数较小分别为甜味氨基酸总量、芳香族氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸总量、支链氨基酸总量和鲜味氨基酸总量为5.69%、5.64%、5.19%、5.24%和5.06%;在相关性上,鲜味氨基酸总量与甜味氨基酸总量、支链氨基酸总量、芳香族氨基酸总量、儿童氨基酸总量和必需氨基酸总量是呈极显著和显著的正相关,甜味氨基酸总量与支链氨基酸总量、儿童氨基酸总量和芳香族氨基酸总量呈极显著和显著的正相关,硫氨基酸总量与儿童氨基酸总量呈极显著负相关,与必需氨基酸总量是呈极显著正相关;支链氨基酸总量与芳香族氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸总量是呈极显著,与儿童氨基酸总量呈显著正相关;芳香族氨基酸总量与儿童氨基酸总量和必需氨基酸总量是呈极显著和显著的正相关;主成分分析结果表明,前4个特征根在7个特征根中累计贡献率达97.14%,也就是前4个主成分对变异的贡献率达96.07%。在各类氨基酸总量指标选择上,首先对变异大的各类氨基酸总量进行选择是及其重要的。在辐射选育新株系选择时,应注意选择大杯香菇中硫氨基酸总量高的新株系。  相似文献   

以福州地区栽培多年的30个墨兰品种为材料,对其植株高、花色、瓣型等20个观赏性状进行测定和观察,分析墨兰品种观赏性状的变异范围、性状间的相关性以及主成分因子,并利用主成分分析法对30个墨兰品种的观赏价值进行评价。结果表明,不同品种间的16个数量性状均存在不同程度的变异,花部形态存在较大差异,叶片形态和数量变异小;4个质量性状中,花色和叶艺的遗传多样性较高。叶部形态和花部形态的观赏性状间存在显著相关性。20个观赏性状指标可以分为7个主成分因子,分别为株高因子、瓣型因子、花色因子、叶片数因子、花径因子、叶宽因子和叶艺因子,7个主成分因子的方差贡献率累计达全部性状信息的87.35%。通过计算30个品种的重要主成分值并对其进行排序,筛选出4个观赏性状优良的品种,分别为‘白墨’、‘宝山爪’、‘龙梅’和‘金华山’。  相似文献   

小豆品种形态特征研究及综合评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对30个小豆品种的11个形态性状进行了因子分析及聚类分析。结果表明,11个形态性状的变异系数在5.66%~26.38%之间,最大的为主茎分枝,最小的为荚长;将11个形态性状简化成生育期因子、单株荚数因子和粒重因子3个相互独立的主因子,这3个主因子提供了原始性状81.574%的信息;经综合评价优劣排序,来源于唐山本地的2个品种排在前2位,来自东北的材料位居最后;经聚类分析,30个小豆品种划分为4大类群,类群的划分与材料的地理来源有着密切的联系。因此在育种过程中,应把主茎分枝、单株荚数和生育后期作为首要目标性状进行选择,同时兼顾百粒重、株高等性状,选育出综合性状优良的新种质。  相似文献   

The dentinal growth of mandibular molars of mice could be determined by genetic and environmental factors as are other quantitative characters, such as crown size and craniofacial size. To study the relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to dentinal growth, a partial diallel cross was carried out by the mating of one pair from each of six strains of mice. In each F1 offspring, the total amount of dentinal formation in the first molar of the right mandible was quantified as a volume by the time-marking method, using nitrilotri-acetate lead with the computerized image scanning system, and then analyzed by a quantitative genetic method. The result obtained was as follows: In either sex, both additive genetic and nonadditive genetic variance components of the accumulative volume of dentinal formation in the first molar were relatively large throughout the experimental period, while the environmental variance component was much smaller. Thus it could be concluded that the genetic factor contributed more to the whole process of dentinal growth in the first molar rather than the environmental one in this F1 population.  相似文献   

The degree of genetic determination of 25 quantitative dermatoglyphic characteristics has been studied on family: twin material: 45 pairs of MZ and 75 single-sex DZ twins; and 53 single-sex "parent-child" pairs. Approximating formulae were used to estimate main components of phenotypic variance due to additive interaction of genetic factors, to non-linear effects (intralocus dominance) and to the effect of total-familiar and random environmental factors. All the finger dermatoglyphic characteristics studied had a high degree of genetic determination (G greater than 0,80), and for most of them the contribution into the large variance of intralocus dominance effects was comparable with that of additive gene interaction, included in the determination of these characters. There are some palm dermatoglyphic characteristics ("ad" distance "cd" comb counting, "bad", "adt" and "cda" angles), which degree of genetic determination is low (G less than 0,35). At least ten quantitative finger and palm dermatogliphic characteristics with a high degree of genetic determination can be used for special studies in frames of multidimentional genetical analysis, including determination of twin zygosity type. Earlier described "indices" (using twin data) of relative role of genetic and environment factors in the determination of populational variability of quantitative characters are considered. None of them is shown to be a reliable estimate of the coefficient of genetic character determination. The use of these indices in practical studies can result in wrong conclusions on the degree and the character of genetic determination of quantitative characters.  相似文献   

对广东省南雄、和平两地银杏(GinkgobilobaL.)的物候特征进行了观测和分析,探讨了南雄银杏花期及果实成熟期与气候因子的定量关系。研究表明,影响南雄银杏花期的主要气候因子是当年2月份的平均气温,影响果实成熟期的主要气候因子是花期至成熟期的积温。  相似文献   

Tooth size is determined by genetic and environmental factors like other quantitative characters such as body weight and body height. However, the degree of the relative contribution of both factors to the determination of tooth size has not been well clarified. In order to study the genetic and environmental factors affecting tooth size, we carried out a diallel cross mating by the cohabitation of pairs of males and females among 10 strains of rats. The bucco-lingual widths of the first, second, and third molars of the right mandible were measured in each offspring of F1 population. The body weight was also measured as a parameter that might indicate systemic growth factor in connection with tooth development. The quantitative genetic analysis was performed based on Wearden's model (Heredity 19:669-680, 1964). As a result, the size of the first and the second molars was more significantly controlled by genetic effect than maternal effect, while maternal effect could not be ignored for the size of the third molar in addition to genetic effect. The genetic effect on body weight became greater with age, while the maternal effect showed its maximum influence upon the body weight around the weaning. It is concluded that the size of the molar teeth beginning to develop in the uterus and to be calcified just after birth was mainly controlled by genetic factor, and that the size of the molar teeth beginning to develop approximately after birth was mainly controlled by maternal effect affecting body weight at the same period.  相似文献   

不同绿豆突变体主要农艺性状的多元遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对12个绿豆突变体的10个主要农艺性状进行了相关分析、主成份分析及聚类分析.分析结果表明:10个主要农艺性状的变异系数为16.01%(单株荚数)~3.64%(荚宽).相关分析表明单株荚数与单株产量呈极显著的正相关;百粒重与单株产量呈显著的负相关;生育期与单株产量呈极显著的负相关.主成分分析结果表明前4个主成分(产量构成因子、单荚粒数因子、株型因子和荚宽因子)对变异的贡献率达87.45%;聚类分析后把12个绿豆突变体分为5类,各类之间单株产量差异明显.在绿豆突变体的选择中只有把不同性状综合考虑进去,才能够真正选择出性状优良的突变体.  相似文献   

18 quantitative finger and palmar dermatoglyphic traits were analyzed with the aim of determining genetic effects and common familial environmental influences on a large (358 nuclear pedigrees) number of twins (MZ and DZ). Genetic analysis based on principal factors includes variance and bivariate variance decomposition analysis. Especially, Factor 1 (digital pattern size) is remarkable, due to its degree of universality. The results of genetic analysis revealed all three extracted factors have significant proportion of additive genetic variance (93.5% to 72.9%). The main results of bivariate variance decomposition analysis appears significant correlation in residual variance between digital pattern size factor (Factor 1) versus finger pattern intensity factor (Factor 4), and palmar main lines factor (Factor 2) verses a-b ridge count (Factor 3), but there was no significant correlation in the genetic variance of factors.  相似文献   

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