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The effects of gelling agent and abscisic acid on the morphogenetic response of seed-derived callus cultures of Poa pratensis L. were investigated. On medium solidified with Gelrite, the regeneration frequency of the calluses was twice as high as compared to agar-solidified medium. The average number of green shoots per regenerating callus was not influenced by the type of gelling agent used. When abscisic acid was added to the differentiation medium only, or to both the differentiation medium and the regeneration medium, the percentage of calluses with somatic embryos or embryo-like structures increased (up to 29.6%) as compared to the control (16.4%). The plant formation frequency, however, was not affected by abscisic acid.  相似文献   

The nutrient uptake of an embryogenic and of a non-embryogenic cell line of birch (Betula pendula Roth.) during cell growth and embryo production was studied in suspension culture. The embryogenic and non-embryogenic cell suspensions grew differently in the same medium. The non-embryogenic cell line started to grow without any lag period after the inoculation. It rapidly hydrolyzed sucrose in the medium to glucose and fructose and consumed the glucose as carbon source. The concentration of fructose in the medium decreased only after the depletion of glucose. The embryogenic cell line also rapidly hydrolyzed the sucrose to glucose and fructose, but the monosaccharides were consumed only after the embryos started to germinate after three weeks of culture. Both monosaccharides were then taken up at the same rate.  相似文献   

在拟南芥生态型LandsbergErecta体细胞胚胎发生体系的胚性愈伤组织中观察到2种类型的体细胞减数分裂现象。一种是体细胞染色体减数分组,其中,处于前期或中期的细胞染色体分为2个或2个以上的组。其共同特点是,染色体直接分开,未观察到纺锤体,从染色体的形态也看不出纺锤体的作用。染色体减数分组较多发生于多倍体细胞中。另一种类型是体细胞减数分裂,这种类型类似于大小孢子发生过程的减数分裂,如第一次分裂前期也有染色体的联会和配对。在脱分化培养基上的胚性愈伤组织中,单倍体细胞约占3%,四倍体细胞约占4%。经体细胞类减数分裂产生的细胞都发生染色体重组。  相似文献   

Summary Somatic meiosis-like reduction was observed in some cells of the embryogenic callus of Arabidopsis thaliana. Two types were identified. One type was somatic chromosome reductional grouping, in wich the chromesomes in a cell were separated direetly at either prophase or metaphase. Chromosome reductional grouping happened more frequently in polyploid cells, and the morphology of the chromosomes did not show the role of the spindle fibers. The other type was somatic meiosis which was analogous to the process of gametogenesis, characterized by the pairing and synapsis of homologous chromosomes. The roles of somatic meiosis-like reduction in somatic embryogenesis and somaclonal variations are discussed  相似文献   

松杉类植物体细胞胚发育机理的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物体细胞胚胎发生不仅可作为其繁育的重要手段,而且也是研究胚胎发育过程的一种重要模式系统.体细胞胚在形态和生理上的成熟,直接影响到植株的萌发和再生频率.本文综述了近年来国内外有关裸子植物中几种松杉类植物体细胞胚发育过程的研究报道,其中主要涉及培养基成分和脱落酸(ABA)对体细胞胚发育的影响,以及体细胞胚发育在细胞学、细胞程序性死亡、相关基因和蛋白质组学等方面的研究进展,并进一步讨论了松杉类植物体细胞胚的发育机理,以及体细胞胚在遗传转化系统中的作用.  相似文献   

植物体细胞胚发生过程中基因表达的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物体细胞胚胎发生是一个复杂的发育过程,研究者们通过分析植物体细胞胚发生过程中的基因表达或胚性组织和非胚性组织中基因的差异表达,获得了在体细胞胚发生过程不同时期表达的基因,并分析了这些基因在胚胎发生途径中可能的作用。综述了在植物体细胞胚发生过程中细胞周期相关基因、胁迫和激素应答相关基因、信号转导相关基因、晚期胚胎丰富蛋白基因及与体细胞胚发生相关的胞外蛋白基因表达的研究进展。  相似文献   

Changes in cryotolerance, sedimented cell volume and dry weight were determined during a 21-day culture period for embryogenic suspension cultures of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). Maximum cryotolerance was obtained for both species when the cultures were harvested in the phase of stationary growth in terms of dry weight. For P. abies, the culture period that resulted in maximum cryotolerance was similar to the culture period that resulted in maximum formation of mature embryos after 10 weeks of maturation. The initial cell density of the P. abies cultures is an important factor in affecting regrowth after cryopreservation and it was found that adjustment of the sedimented cell volume to 50% (v/v) resulted in maximum regrowth. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

 Indirect somatic embryogenesis was induced on leaf explants of greenhouse-grown Helianthus maximiliani plants. Leaves of the regenerated plants were used as starting explants for the induction of direct somatic embryogenesis. Another cycle of somatic embryogenesis was induced on the leaves of regenerated plants. In both cases, leaf explants were cultured on media containing different auxin/cytokinin ratios. The auxin/cytokinin ratio had an influence on the intensity of embryo formation, germination and the capability to regenerate plants. Somatic embryogenesis was generally more intensive on the medium with lower concentrations of 6-benzylamino-purine. Further, the percentage of regenerated plants was higher when embryos were induced on high-cytokinin, low-auxin medium. Secondary somatic embryogenesis was induced on embryos by culture in liquid hormone-free medium. Similar to direct embryogenesis the efficiency of secondary embryogenesis depended on the medium used for the induction of the primary embryos. In contrast to the mostly low frequencies of conversion of secondary embryos into plants that has been observed in other species, the percentage of regenerated plants from secondary embryos of H. maximiliani was quite high, although slightly lower than that obtained in primary embryos. Received: 28 March 2000 / Revision received: 1 September 2000 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

用4℃低温预处理未成熟的水曲柳种子0-30d,取出种子内的合子胚为外植体诱导体胚发生,研究低温预处理影响体胚发生的结果表明:低温预处理过的外植体其体胚发生总数和子叶胚发生数均低于未作低温预处理的;随着预处理时间的延长,畸形胚发生数和发生比率与总的体胚发生数和发生率的变化趋势基本相同;处理20d的正常胚发生数和发生比率的绝对数虽然很低,但远高于不作低温预处理的。说明4℃低温预处理对水曲柳体胚发生没有促进作用,对畸形胚的发生也不能控制,总的来讲,适当的低温处理有一定的改善正常体胚发生的潜力。  相似文献   

吴丽芳  魏晓梅 《广西植物》2019,39(8):1107-1114
该研究以蔗糖、麦芽糖、山梨醇及PEG(6000)为渗透剂,探讨了不同渗透剂对白刺花体细胞胚发育、胚成熟及萌发的影响。结果表明:白刺花下胚轴形成的胚性愈伤组织接种至MS+2,4-D 0.2 mg·L~(-1)+NAA 1.0 mg·L~(-1)+6-BA 2.0 mg·L~(-1)+TDZ 1.0 mg·L~(-1)+蔗糖40 g·L~(-1)+谷氨酰胺100 mg·L~(-1)+植物凝胶3g·L~(-1)的培养基上,体细胞胚发生率高达66. 21%,总胚数为79个; 7%蔗糖可使体细胞胚成熟率高达64.36%,同时也可提高多子叶畸形胚形成; 2%麦芽糖+2%山梨醇+4%蔗糖组合使体细胞胚成熟率最高达88.89%,畸形胚比例最低; 30 g·L~(-1)PEG培养时,体细胞成熟率最高,为82.35%;鱼雷期的体细胞胚最合适转接,可使体胚萌发率达90.58%,复合糖上培养得到的成熟体细胞胚生根率最高,为87.47%。这为实现白刺花体细胞胚育苗奠定了理论基础,并提供了可行的方案。  相似文献   

水稻体细胞杂交研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻是世界重要的粮食作物,全世界约有120个国家种植水稻。水稻的近缘或远缘种具有一些优良性状,如抗病、抗虫、抗逆等。将这些性状导入水稻,是科学家们所希望的,但因用普通杂交方法存在交配系统的不亲和性等难题而进展不大。随着组织培养技术的发展,特别是植物原生质体培养技术的日趋成熟,使得人类能够在细胞水平通过体细胞杂交方法实现遗传信息的重组。  相似文献   

棉花体细胞胚发生机理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉花是一种较难通过体细胞胚发生完成植株再生的作物,而体细胞胚发生是限制棉花基因工程和细胞工程得以广泛应用的主要因素.研究者从不同角度探讨了棉花体细胞胚发生机理并取得了很大的进展,为棉花的遗传转化提供了重要的技术支持,同时成功建立了一些棉花植株再生体系.本文分别从基因型限制、胚胎学、生理生化变化、分子机理等方面阐述了近年来棉花体细胞发生机制的研究进展,并讨论了本研究领域目前存在的主要问题及相应对策.  相似文献   

Embryogenic suspension cultures of celery (Apium graveolens L.) were established from petiole and leaf callus. Suspensions were routinely subcultured in a maintenance medium (with 2.3 M 2,4-D and 0.88 M BA). Somatic embryogenesis occurred in this medium, but was considerably improved in a regeneration medium (2.3 M kinetin, without 2,4-D). Cultures thus maintained, contained embryogenic clumps, aggregated somatic embryos, and few free-floating singular somatic embryos. Addition of mannitol (3–4% w/v) prevented cell lysis, greatly increased the number of singular somatic embryos, improved their normal differentiation, and accelerated torpedo embryo development. Experiments to reveal the nature of the mannitol effect demonstrated that the decreased osmotic potential was an important factor, but not the only one: iso-molar solutions of sucrose alone were not as effective. The mannitol effect could be manifested after a short (2–3 days) exposure period, suggesting a trigger (induction) mechanism. Several pathways of somatic embryogenesis in celery and its regulation by subculturing, with the addition of mannitol, are outlined. Cultures thus maintained resulted in a high rate of normal somatic embryogenesis and production of normal transplantable celery plants.  相似文献   

橡胶树自根幼态无性系是20世纪70年代末培育的新型种植材料,集中了实生苗和芽接苗的优点,具有生长快、产量高、茎干圆锥度大的特点,极有可能取代芽接苗成为第3代种植材料.内珠被培养是获得自根幼态无性系的重要手段,可经初级体胚发生或持续体胚发生再生植株.初级体胚/微繁植株长势好、产量高,但再生频率低;持续体胚发生再生频率高,但体胚/微繁植株变异、感病、产量低.利用持续体胚发生体系进行了超低温保存和遗传转化研究,均取得了成功.  相似文献   

A method for the establishment and proliferation of developmentally stable, embryogenic suspension cultures in pecan is described, and the growth and development of cultures characterized. Suspension cultures were generated from somatic embryos derived from zygotic embryo cotyledon explants induced on a solidified medium with naphthaleneacetic acid. Cultures were repetitively embryogenic and proliferated in growth-regulator-free medium. The suspensions consisted of a mixture of globular stage embryo-aggregates, freely suspended globular embryos and pre-globular stage embryo masses. Culture growth and proembryo production were evaluated with respect to several liquid media and pH conditions. Significant differences in growth and productivity were observed between cultures. Pre-globular stage embryo masses collected on filter paper and overlaid on solidified medium continued ontological development and converted into plants. Thus a method has been developed for pecan suspension culture, which presents a major improvement in embryogenic tissue culture within the Juglandaceae. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Energy investment in reproduction and somatic growth was investigated for summer spawners of the Argentinean shortfin squid Illex argentinus in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Sampled squids were examined for morphometry and intensity of feeding behavior associated with reproductive maturation. Residuals generated from length‐weight relationships were analyzed to determine patterns of energy allocation between somatic and reproductive growth. Both females and males showed similar rates of increase for eviscerated body mass and digestive gland mass relative to mantle length, but the rate of increase for total reproductive organ weight relative to mantle length in females was three times that of males. For females, condition of somatic tissues deteriorated until the mature stage, but somatic condition improved after the onset of maturity. In males, there was no correlation between somatic condition and phases of reproductive maturity. Reproductive investment decreased as sexual maturation progressed for both females and males, with the lowest investment occurring at the functionally mature stage. Residual analysis indicated that female reproductive development was at the expense of body muscle growth during the immature and maturing stages, but energy invested in reproduction after onset of maturity was probably met by food intake. However, in males both reproductive maturation and somatic growth proceeded concurrently so that energy allocated to reproduction was related to food intake throughout the process of maturation. For both males and females, there was little evidence of trade‐offs between the digestive gland and reproductive growth, as no significant correlation was found between dorsal mantle length‐digestive gland weight residuals. The role of the digestive gland as an energy reserve for gonadal growth should be reconsidered. Additionally, feeding intensity by both males and females decreased after the onset of sexual maturity, but feeding never stopped completely, even during spawning.  相似文献   

Culture conditions for plant regeneration in immature zygotic embryo-derived embryogenic cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) Little Bright Eye are described. Immature zygotic embryos formed off-white, friable calluses at a frequency of 20% on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 4.52 µM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) after 8 weeks of culture. After a second subculture using MS basal medium at 4-week intervals, off-white friable calluses formed a small quantity of yellowish, compact embryogenic calluses. Upon transfer to MS basal medium, embryogenic calluses gave rise to numerous somatic embryos. Cell suspension cultures were established with embryogenic calluses using liquid MS medium supplemented with 4.52 µM 2,4-D. Embryogenic cell clumps from cell suspension cultures developed into plantlets at a frequency of 56.7% when plated onto MS basal medium. Plantlets were transplanted to potting soil and grown to maturity in a growth chamber.  相似文献   

温度对枳椇次生胚发生和植株再生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在含有2,4-D的培养基上所诱导和增殖的枳棋体细胞胚只能形成无再生能力的畸形胚。通过次生胚发生途径可以在不加植物生长调节物质的培养基诱导出发育正常的体细胞胚,子叶期胚的次生胚诱导能力高于早期体胚。相对高的温度(30℃)有利于次生胚的诱导,相对低的温度(20℃)更有利于次生胚的发育、植株再生和移栽成活。  相似文献   

以欧石楠茎段为外植体,研究其体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生。对影响茎段不定芽分化及胚性愈伤组织诱导的主导因子进行比较分析,并研究其体胚萌发、生根及移栽;同时,采用树脂切片法对茎段脱分化产生胚性愈伤组织及体胚发育过程进行组织细胞学观察。结果表明,接种在1/2WPM基本培养基上的茎段,胚性愈伤组织诱导率为88.7%,显著高于其他处理,不定芽诱导率可达90.6%,平均分化倍数为3.6个,平均分化苗高3.82cm;体细胞经过成熟培养后。在添加1.0mg·L-1 ZT和0.3mg·L-1 IBA的1/2WPM培养基上萌发,萌发的体胚在I/2WPM附加0.2mg·L-1 NAA和0.3mg·L-1 IBA的培养基上形成完整的体胚苗植株,体胚苗生根率达到87.4%,经炼苗后移栽到蛭石:珍珠岩=3:1(V/V)的栽培基质中,成活率可达63.7%。在显微镜下可观察到球形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚;体细胞胚以间接方式发生,表现为愈伤组织外层细胞直接发生和愈伤组织组织内部细胞发生。  相似文献   

综述了国内外对刺五加体细胞胚发生研究的现状。分别对刺五加体细胞胚发生方式、体细胞胚发育相关生理生化变化(包括生长素极性运输、DNA甲基化和代谢途径调控)、体细胞胚生物反应器培养的研究现状进行了评述。  相似文献   

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