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作者在1987-1991年间从东北地区收集和采集Septoria真菌标本221份,鉴定出Septoria 84种,其中2个新种:Septoria dioscorical Lu Guo-zhong et Bai Jin-kai和Septoria saposhinikoviae Lu Guo-zhong et Bai Jin-kai,以及13个国内新记录种. Septoria属真菌的产孢方式为全壁芽生合轴式(holoblastic sympodial)。  相似文献   

非编码的mRNA是近年发现的一类不含典型ORF的mRNA.目前已发现或克隆的这类基因主要有:H19基因,XIST基因,XLSIRT基因,His-1基因,bic基因,rox1和rox2基因等.它们与胚胎发育,肿瘤发生及X染色体失活密切相关.  相似文献   

郭文  郭华春 《西北植物学报》2013,33(12):2388-2394
对4种薯蓣属(Dioscorea)植物——小花盾叶薯蓣(D.sinoparviflora C.T.Ting.)、盾叶薯蓣(D.zingiberensis C.H Wright.)、黄独(D.bulbifera L.)和薯蓣(D.polystachya Turczaninow) 共22个植物类群的叶绿体psbA-trnH基因区进行PCR扩增并测序,获得了该区间的完整序列,小花盾叶薯蓣的psbA-trnH片段全长589~593 bp,盾叶薯蓣全长为575~599 bp,黄独全长为372 bp,薯蓣全长为355~368 bp。将所得序列用Bayesian推断其系统发育关系,结果发现psbA-trnH片段不能够完全区分4种薯蓣属植物种间和种内的各个分类群(不同产地),且不能区分盾叶薯蓣与小花盾叶薯蓣;推测薯蓣的演变过程可能与人工驯化有关,黄独与栽培薯蓣的亲缘关系较近,而与野生薯蓣的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

晏婷婷  刘展志  李光耀  吴敬 《微生物学报》2022,62(12):4918-4926
【目的】通过探究特异腐质霉角质酶-OMP25融合蛋白(HiC-OMP25)在不同大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)菌株中的表达情况、底物降解情况、热稳定性及宿主菌细胞膜通透性与细胞表面疏水性,揭示表达HiC-OMP25时不同宿主菌的差异性,并进一步提高HiC-OMP25在大肠杆菌中的表达量。【方法】分别在E.coli BL21(DE3)及E.coli C43(DE3)中表达HiC-OMP25,并测定其对对硝基苯丁酸酯(4-nitrophenol butyrate,pNPB)、聚丙烯酸乙酯(polyethyl acrylate,PEA)的降解效果、50℃稳定性;测定表达HiC-OMP25时宿主菌的细胞膜通透性及细胞表面疏水性变化;共表达伴侣蛋白提高HiC-OMP25在E.coli C43(DE3)中的表达量。【结果】HiC-OMP25在E.coli BL21(DE3)与E.coli C43(DE3)中均成功表达并降解pNPB,但前者对PEA的降解效果及50 ℃稳定性均低于后者。同时,表达HiC-OMP25显著增强了E.coli BL21(DE3)的细胞膜通透性及细胞表面疏水性。HiC-OMP25与巯基氧化酶(Erv1p)、二硫键异构酶(DsbC)在E.coli C43(DE3)中共表达时,其表达量为原始菌株的2.14倍,且对pNPB及PEA均有良好的降解效果。【结论】异源表达时,HiC-OMP25在E.coli C43(DE3)中正确折叠,而在E.coli BL21(DE3)中未完全正确折叠;通过共表达伴侣蛋白提高了HiC-OMP25在E.coli C43(DE3)中的表达量,为以后HiC-OMP25的工业化生产及应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻条斑病细菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola,Xooc)决定在非寄主植物上激发过敏反应(hypersensitive response)和在寄主水稻上具致病性(pathogenicity)的hrp基因簇是诱导表达的。为研究hrp基因的功能,利用hpa1和hrpX基因的启动子与gfp基因进行融合,构建了hrp基因诱导表达系统。绿色荧光蛋白表达揭示,Xoochrp基因在营养丰富的NB培养基上不能有效表达,在hrp诱导培养基XOM3上可有效表达。以hrpXhrpG突变体为参照,RT-PCR研究结果提示,Xooc野生型菌株hpa1基因在NB上不能有效表达,在XOM3培养基上可有效表达。相应地,hrpX突变体中hpa1基因不能被诱导表达,而在hrpG突变体中hpa1基因转录表达水平低于野生菌。研究结果还证实,水稻悬浮细胞能高效诱导Xoochrp基因表达。Xooc hrp基因诱导表达系统的建立为研究hrp基因功能、发掘T3SS效应分子以及开展Xooc致病性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

该文将铺地火炭母(Polygonum chinense L. var. procumbens Z. E. Zhao et J. R. Zhao)处理为火炭母原变种(Persicaria chinensis var. chinensis)的异名,并讨论了火炭母在命名上的问题,及其系统学位置。  相似文献   

The role of dinB gene in the appearing of antibiotics resistance was studied. Plasmid containing multi-copy dinB gene was transfected into E. coli to create an overexpression. The strains carrying multi-copies of dinB gene demonstrate a significant survival advantage over the wild strain. In vitro experiment, the dinB-overexpressed strain evolved resistance within 8 hours, while wild strain could not.In vivo experiment with mice model infected with dinB-overexpressed strain, resistant clones emerged significantly earlier and demonstrated significant higher level of resistance than those infected with the wild control strain. The results showed that dinB gene made a contribution in the appearing of the antibiotics resistance and has a potential as a target for prevention from the appearing of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

石杨  汪梦婷  靳雨璠  于月  张旭  李家豪  姜南  李斌  陈稷  黄进 《广西植物》2022,42(11):1822-1829
多蛋白桥联因子1(multi protein bridging factor 1, MBF1)在植物应对逆境胁迫中起着重要的作用,而对于水稻中MBF1是否参与重金属胁迫响应机制目前尚未见相关报道。为了揭示水稻MBF1家族与重金属胁迫的相关性及其潜在作用机制,该研究利用PCR技术克隆水稻OsMBF1c基因的全长编码序列,通过生物信息学对基因功能进行分析和预测,并通过实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)分析其在镉(Cd)胁迫下的表达特征。结果表明:(1)OsMBF1c的全长编码序列为468 bp,共编码155个氨基酸,相对分子量为16.154 kDa。(2)OsMBF1c与大麦TdMBF1a.1亲缘关系最近,具有光、厌氧等环境因子诱导相关的顺式调节元件。(3)重金属Cd可诱导OsMBF1c表达且在时间上和组织中的表达水平具有特异性,100 μmol·L-1 Cd 处理1 h 后,地上部分OsMBF1c表达量明显上调,为对照组的7倍; 100 μmol·L-1 Cd 胁迫处理6 h后,根部OsMBF1c表达量上调为对照组的3倍。该研究结果进一步完善了非生物胁迫下MBF1家族的生物学功能研究。  相似文献   

ARF(alternative reading frame)作为INK4a/ARF的β转录产物,能够稳定p53, 诱导细胞周期阻断或凋亡.利用高表达p14ARF的人黑色素瘤细胞模型,探讨了ARF抑制细胞增殖的分子作用机理.研究发现p14ARF高表达能将细胞周期阻断在G1和G2期, p53, p21cip1和p27kip1蛋白水平明显增强, 而p-ERK1/2,CyclinD1和CyclinE蛋白水平下降, 明显抑制细胞生长. 提示p14ARF能通过ERK(extracellular signal-regulated kinase)信号通路相互协调作用抑制A375细胞增殖.  相似文献   

极长链多不饱和脂肪酸(very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids,VLC-PUFAs)是哺乳动物视网膜、睾丸等极少数组织中特有的脂肪酸,其生物合成的关键酶为极长链脂肪酸延长酶4(very long chain fatty acid elongase 4,Elovl4)。建立组织特异性敲除Elovl4基因的动物模型有利于深入研究VLC-PUFAs的生物学功能,因此,本研究基于Cre/loxP系统,先分别构建了Stra8-Cre小鼠和Elovl4 floxed小鼠,通过杂交获得(Elovl4[flox/+],Stra8-Cre)杂合子基因敲除小鼠,再选择雌鼠与Elovl4 floxed纯合子雄鼠即Elovl4 [flox/flox]雄鼠杂交,通过基因型鉴定筛选获得(Elovl4[flox/flox], Stra8-Cre)纯合子小鼠。利用RT-PCR、qRT-PCR、Western blotting、免疫组化和免疫荧光检测Elovl4在睾丸组织中的敲除效率,结果表明,无论是杂合子还是纯合子基因敲除小鼠,其睾丸组织中Elovl4的表达在mRNA及蛋白水平显著下调,但其他组织未受影响。本研究成功构建了睾丸组织特异性敲除Elovl4基因小鼠,为后续研究VLC-PUFAs对雄性小鼠生殖功能的影响及相关分子机制提供可靠的动物模型。  相似文献   

James L. Luteyn 《Brittonia》2001,53(3):437-446
Satyria ventricosa andVaccinium monteverdense from Panama and Costa Rica, respectively, are described and illustrated.Gonocalyx megabracteolatus andVaccinium talamancense are new combinations. Relationships of the new species are discussed. Keys are provided for the entire genusGonocalyx, and forSatyria in Mesoamerica.
Resumen  Se describenSatyria ventricosa yVaccinium monteverdense de Panamá y Costa Rica, respectivamente, con sus ilustraciones. Se hace una nueva combinación deGonocalyx megabracteolatus yVaccinium talamancense. También se discuten las relaciones entre las nuevas especies. Se incluyen claves para el género completoGonocalyx y para el géneroSatyria en Mesoamérica.

Alkane distribution patterns were determined in the epicuticular wax of the leaves of 13 species and a hybrid fromEricaceae and one species ofEmpetrum (Empetraceae). As chemotaxonomic indicators, the results are of limited use only. The most uniform genus wasRhododendron, the most heterogeneousVaccinium. The dominant effect of genetic over environmental factors was apparent in most cases.  相似文献   

对中国杜鹃花科特有种:臭越橘(Vaccinium foetidissimum H. Lév. & Vaniot)的花部形态特征进行了描述。基于新补充的花部特征,讨论了该种与其相似种的区别。  相似文献   

Hymenoscyphus ericae survived in liquid media containing up to 500 g/ml iron (Fe), Mycorrhizal seedlings of Vaccinium macrocarpon showed higher yields and lower shoot Fe levels and exhibited less severe toxicity symptoms than nonmycorrhizal seedlings.  相似文献   

Phenetic analyses of 218 OTUs belonging toVaccinium sectionMyrtillus and scored for 13 characters generated five robust clusters.Vaccinium parvifolium is the most distinct cluster, followed by the “myrtillus-scoparium” complex, thenV. membranaceum, V. caespitosum, and the “ovalifolium-deliciosum” complex. Biosystematic studies suggest that the five clusters comprise seven taxa that possess many of the properties that define biological species. Indeed, the recognition of the seven taxa as species is supported by cytological, phenological, biogeographical and ecological as well as chemical data. A detailed taxonomic treatment for all these taxa is presented.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in vanadate sensitive plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied in a period from February to August in northern Finland. The plasma membrane isolation was performed by sucrose gradient centrifugation, and the H+-ATPase activity was assayed by spectrophotometrical determination of released inorganic phosphate. The studied species showed seasonal changes from high winter to low spring activity, indicating probable physiological changes between hardened and dehardened tissue. ATPase activity of bilberry peaked up at the beginning of the growth period, obviously due to active phloem loading of photosynthates.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient in vitro shoot propagation method for Vaccinium cylindraceum Smith by axillary bud proliferation was developed in this study. Cultures of V. cylindraceum were established on a Zimmerman and Broome medium supplemented with increasing concentrations of N 6-[2-isopentyl] adenine (2-iP), using nodal and shoot-tip explants from three different islands. Best shoot production was obtained when nodal segments were cultured in the medium supplemented with 12.3 and 24.6 μM 2-iP. Shoots were rooted in vitro in the same media without 2-iP and cultured ex vitro in Jiffy 7? pellets. About 99% of the rooted plants survived.  相似文献   

Gene transfer methods were established for cell suspension cultures of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), ohelo (Vaccinium pahalae) and carrot (Daucus carota, two lines) using micro-projectile bombardment. Several parameters were studied (particle size/type, helium pressure, stage height, DNA concentration, pre-culture period) to determine which significantly affected transformation efficiency. All the physical parameters influenced transient gene expression, with particle size and type having the greatest effect. Cell culture age also affected transformation efficiency in all cell lines. Nuclear DNA conformation (relaxation) as measured by flow cytometry showed no change associated with culture age or transformation efficiency. Agrobacterium-based methods were also tested and in most experiments produced no GUS-expressing loci. Microprojectile bombardment will now be used to study anthocyanin biosynthesis in cell cultures as an alternative source of natural food colourants.  相似文献   

The distribution and survival of Ixodes scapularis and Amblyomma americanum were studied in deciduous and coniferous wooded habitats and in open habitats on Fire Island, New York, USA. The survival of nymphal I. scapularis in field enclosures was greater in forests than in open habitats, suggesting that greater survival contributes to the higher tick population in the woods. The nymphs of each species were more common in deciduous thickets (predominantly Aronia arbutifolia and Vaccinium corynbosum) than in coniferous woods (mostly Pinus rigida) in most but not all years. Larval I. scapularis were more common in coniferous sites in 1994, while the same ticks, as nymphs, were more common in deciduous sites in 1995. The survival of the nymphs was not consistently greater in either the deciduous or coniferous woods. Therefore, factors other than nymphal survival (e.g. larval overwintering survival and tick movement on hosts) probably influenced the relative nymph abundance in different forest types. Overall, the survival of A. americanum was far higher than that of I. scapularis.  相似文献   

J. Kummerow 《Plant and Soil》1983,71(1-3):395-399
Summary Individual shoots of the shrubsLedum palustre L.,Vaccinium uliginosum L., andBetula nana L. were severed from their parent plants beneath the moss surface in an Alaskan tussock tundra. These shoots remained one year in their original position in peat moss cushions without further disturbance. After this period fine root dry weight, fine root surface area, leaf dry weight, and leaf area of these shoots were measured and compared with equivalent values from unsevered control shoots. Dry weight ratios of fine roots/leaves were similar in cut and control shoots, with the exception ofB. nana. The fine root surface/leaf area ratios showed significant differences between control and cut shoots except inL. palustre. Without tedious rootlet extractions it should be possible to estimate fine root surface area from leaf area ofL. palustre.  相似文献   

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