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元江自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在实地考察和标本采集鉴定的基础上,对云南省元江自然保护区种子植物的组成、分布区类型和区系特征等进行了分析.结果表明:保护区有种子植物166科835属2 080种,其中,裸子植物3科4属8种;被子植物166科835属2 072种;种子植物区系表现出热带向亚热带过渡,具有明显的热带性质;种子植物区系为东亚植物区系,隶属于中国一喜马拉雅植物亚区,起源上受热带亚洲植物区系影响很大;特有类型丰富,有东亚特有科3科,中国特有属5属,中国特有种647种.  相似文献   

海南岛吊罗山种子植物区系分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
吊罗山位于海南岛东南部 ,约 1 8°5 0′N,1 0 9°5 0′E,为北热带地区 ,其种子植物区系共有种子植物1 71科、846属、1 90 0种 (裸子植物 4科 5属 1 0种 ,被子植物 1 67科 841属 1 890种 )。区系分析表明 :(1 )地理成分以泛热带、热带成分占绝对优势 (非世界属总数的 84.2 9% ) ;(2 )纯热带成分不形成区系和植被的表征 ,许多泛热带、热带种类已接近其分布北限 ;山地成分表现出热带、亚热带 -温带成分相互渗透的特点 ;(3 )该区系在海南岛整体区系中占重要位置 ,特有现象较突出 ,有海南岛地区特有属 4个 ,其它中国特有属 6个 ;吊罗山包括邻近的陵水县有 2 3 7个海南岛地区特有种 ,占全部 5 3 6个海南特有种 (变种 )的 44.2 2 % ;吊罗山特有种 5 2个 ,占海南全部特有种的 9.7% ,这表明该区系在海南森林区系中具重要意义。  相似文献   

巴颜喀拉山地区位于青海省南部,北纬32°20′~35°15′,东经94°50′~101°45′,面积约84 000km2,海拔高程介于3 600m至5 369m之间。本地区拥有种子植物1 116种,分属于64科,295属。区系特征概述如下:1)对属的分布区类型的分析表明,本地区植物区系以北温带成分为主,仅有9个分布区从热带延伸到温带的热带属,且在本区所含种类极少或仅有1种。2)对种的分布区类型的分析表明,大多数种(不包括中国特有种)属于中亚成分和东亚成分,且多呈中亚-喜马拉雅-中国西南或中国-喜马拉雅分布式样。以此为据所得结论是,本地区的种以温带成分为优势,具高原、高山分布的特点。3)本区东南部的生态环境和区系成分的来源均不同于其余地区。东亚分布型及其变型中国-喜马拉雅的种聚集在东南部。这里被认为是那些来源于横断山和西秦岭的区系成分的一个通道。4)对中国特有种的分析表明,本区系与横断山区系和甘肃南部区系联系最为密切。5)在高山特化作用和高山生态因子的选择之下,本区植物获得了适应寒冷和干旱的特性。6)本区植物的耐寒性常常伴随着耐旱和耐湿的双重特性,植物的这些特性也反映在它们的地理分布上。7)本区的区系性质和特点与唐古特地区基本一致,因此本植物区系应视为唐古特区系的一部分。  相似文献   

广东新会维管植物区系的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
新会市位于广东省中南部 ,地理位置为北纬 2 2°0 5′4 3″~ 2 2°4 8′2 4″,东经 1 1 2°4 7′0 3″~ 1 1 3°1 5′2 4″,南濒南海 .该地区共有维管植物 1 6 98种 ,隶属于 2 0 9科 81 6属 ,其中蕨类植物 32科 5 4属 82种 ,种子植物 1 78科 76 2属1 6 1 6种 .区系地理学研究表明 :蕨类植物地理成分以热带亚热带分布属居多 ,达 2 6属 ,占蕨类总属数的 4 8.1 3% ,而且是以单种属或少种属占优势 .种子植物地理成分以泛热带、热带亚洲分布占绝对优势 ,全部热带成分已达78.0 9% ;其特征科主要有 :山矾科、冬青科、壳斗科、桑科、金缕梅科、山茶科、樟科、萝摩科、大戟科、蝶形花科、野牡丹科、茜草科等 ;中国特有属杉木属、穗花杉属、石笔木属、四药门花属、马蹄参属、天星藤属、大血藤属、刚毛药花属、台闽苣苔属、酸竹属及广东特有属绣球茜草属、异枝竹属等 .与邻近的香港、惠东古田、鼎湖山和黑石顶的植物区系比较其相似性很高 ,体现出南亚热带地区植物区系成分的过渡性及热带区系的渗透性  相似文献   

秦岭植物区系的性质、特点和起源   总被引:67,自引:2,他引:65  
秦岭是中国长江和黄河两大水系的分水岭,位于北纬32°5′至34°45′;东经104°30′至115°52′,最高峰达3767m。该山区是我国温带植物区系最丰实的地区之一,约有种子植物3124种,隶属于158科,892属。包括热带属220属,温带属563属,和中国特有属39属。根据该山区植物区系中各大科、主要植物群落优势种和组成种类的温带性质以及温带属在整个植物区系中的主导地位。该山区的植物区系和植被具有明显的温带性特点。特有种和非特有种的分析结果表明,该山区植物区系的特点还表现在高度特有性和以中国-日本森林植物区系为主体方面。 根据古植物学资料分析,秦岭地区植物区系的起源时间不会晚于晚白垩纪;植物群落的主要成份可能以原地生长的种类为主;秦岭及其邻近古老山区,不仅对自身的植物区系和植被具有较大的发生意义,而且对东亚植物区系具有始生性质。  相似文献   

华中地区藤本种子植物区系的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以湖南和湖北两省为代表对华中地区藤本种子植物的区系进行了研究。本区共有藤本种子植物62科175属838种,其中土著种类有60科159属784种。在科、属、种的水平上对藤本种子植物区系特性进行了较深入的统计和分析,并对本区藤本种子植物与邻近地区的关系、本区内的藤本种子植物的地带性分异进行了探讨。统计表明,本区藤本种子植物种数占该区种子植物总种数的11%,且61.7%的种类主要集中在30种以上的大科中;热带分布型明显多于温带分布型;泛热带、热带亚洲、东亚(中国)特有和东亚—北美间断分布科属比较集中,其中许多属为古老成分;本区藤本种子植物特有成分丰富,计有东亚特有科1科、中国特有属6属、中国特有种507种(其中华中地区特有种35种)。通过研究认为:本区藤本种子植物具有种类丰富、分布类型多样、特有成分较多、区系较古老的特点;与本区的全部种子植物区系相比,藤本种子植物区系的热带性更强,具有明显的热带亲缘性,并与喜马拉雅及中国西南有较强的地理渊源。  相似文献   

云南昭通北部地区种子植物区系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2006年实地采集的4500余号标本,从科、属、种水平对昭通北部地区种子植物区系特征和性质进行了分析.结果表明:(1)该地区种子植物种类丰富,成分复杂,有159科640属1864种.(2)种子植物区系表现出明显的温带性质.北温带分布属127属,泛热带分布属99属,东亚分布属93属,热带亚洲分布属54属,4种类型共占总属数的60,94%,是该区种子植物区系主要来源.(3)该区植物区系较之滇中高原的小百草岭更近于华中植物区系的梵净山,应隶属于中国-日本植物亚区之华中区系,而与云南的大部分地区明显不同.(4)该区有中国特有科1科珙桐科,东亚特有科10科、中国特有属27属、中国特有种1063种,特有种的比例高达57%.丰富的特有成分,表明该区植物区系的古老性和独特性.该区植物区系具有深刻的热带亚洲的历史背景,而现代植物区系总体上已经是东亚植物区系中的华中植物区系性质.  相似文献   

广东阳春鹅凰嶂自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
鹅凰嶂自然保护区位于广东省阳春市境内 (1 1 1°2 1′2 9″~ 1 1 1°3 6′0 3″E ,2 1°5 0′3 6″~ 2 1°5 8′40″N) ,为北热带地区。计有维管植物 2 1 0科 75 4属 1 5 80种 (包括亚种与变型 ) ,其中种子植物有 1 72科 681属 1 44 8种。研究分析和讨论了本区主要植被类型、种子植物区系及珍稀濒危植物 ,其种子植物区系特征是 :种类组成比较丰富 ,地理成分复杂 ,联系广泛 ,以热带成分占绝对优势 ,是典型的热带北缘区系性质 ;植被类型以山地雨林为主 ;区系起源古老 ,原始类群丰富 ;特有性比较高 ,珍稀濒危植物明显。建议对一些濒危物种采取有效的保护措施。  相似文献   

广东省乐昌县植物区系的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶华谷  张桂才  邹滨   《广西植物》1992,12(4):372-380
本文通过对乐昌县维管束植物科属的分析研究,试图探讨本区系的基本组成、特征与分布,为研究广东植物区系,乃至中国植物区系提供基本资料。 乐昌县地处广东的最北部,地理位置位于北纬24°57′—25°31′,东经112°51′—113°34′之间,面积达239100 ha。 区内有维管束植物1603种(包括变种及变型),分隶205科,781属。其中蕨类植物37科,75属,147种;裸子植物8科,14属,18种;被子植物160科,692属,1438种。 从科的分析表明,本区系的表征科由猕猴桃科、安息香科、山矾科、茶科、木兰科、壳斗科、冬青科、水龙骨科等组成。 根据属的现代地理分布,本区与世界各部分有不同程度的联系,其中以泛热带、北温带、东亚、热带亚州的成分最多,而地中海、温带亚洲、旧世界则很少联系。 与邻近地区比较,与湘南联系最高,其次是广西大瑶山,黑石顶低一些。  相似文献   

在对广东荷包岛植被全面踏查的基础上,结合其植物区系成分及组成特征分析,对该区系特点进行了系统研究。结果显示,该岛共有维管束植物135科370属541种,其中,蕨类植物22科28属40种,种子植物113科342属501种;野生种子植物共有465种,栽培植物共有36种。在属级水平上,荷包岛植物区系以热带成分占绝对优势,热带性质属占野生植物非世界广布属的87.80%;在种级水平上,中国特有种74种,占非世界总种数的15.91%。泛热带分布、旧世界热带分布、热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布、热带亚洲分布4种分布类型构成了该植物区系的主体。将荷包岛与我国东南沿海其他岛屿(澳门、香港东平洲岛、浙江舟山群岛、上海崇明岛)的植物区系进行比较发现,该岛植物区系表现出更强的热带性质,与澳门植物区系性质最为接近。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Chiapas Highlands, a tropical mountain region where traditional agricultural practices have resulted in a mosaic landscape of forest fragments embedded in a matrix of secondary vegetation and crop fields. The question addressed was how may woody species richness be affected by forest fragment attributes derived from traditional land-use patterns. Species inventories of total woody species, canopy and understorey trees, and shrubs were obtained in 22 forest fragments (5 ha). Multiple regression analyses were applied to examine the effects of size, matrix, isolation and shape of the forest fragments on richness of these species guilds. Fragment size was correlated with shape (r = 0.75) and isolation (r = –0.69), and isolation was correlated with shape (r = –0.75). Total species richness, and number of shrubs and understorey trees in fragments were related to isolation; moreover, additive effects of fragment shape were found for shrubs. The number of canopy species was not related to any fragment variable. Matrix did not help to explain species richness, possibly due to the landscape structure created by the traditional land-use patterns. In addition to size and isolation, we point out the need of considering shape and matrix as additional fragmentation attributes, along with social and economic factors, if we are ever going to be successful in our management and conservation actions.  相似文献   

湖北恩施地区蕨类植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蕨类植物是森林植被中草本层的重要组成部分,对森林的生长发育有重大影响。本研究在搜集文献、野外调查和采集标本的基础上,对湖北恩施地区蕨类植物区系成分及特点进行研究。结果显示:(1)恩施地区蕨类植物共有39科96属380种,其中中国特有种106种;该地区蕨类植物起源古老,物种分化水平较高,优势科属明显、物种丰富、组成多样,是蕨类植物物种多样性的典型代表地区之一。(2)该地区稀子蕨属、荚果蕨属、黔蕨属和骨牌蕨属种类齐全、分布广泛,是这些属的分化和分布中心。(3)该地区蕨类植物生活类型齐全,以土生为主(占81.36%)。(4)恩施地区在中国蕨类植物地理区系中占有重要地位,该地区蕨类植物科属以泛热带区系成分相对较多,总体偏热带区系成分;物种以温带亚洲、东亚和中国特有分布型为主(占60.79%),具有显著的亚热带性质。(5)恩施蕨类植物区系与其他地区联系广泛,过渡性比较明显,尤其与四川地区联系紧密。  相似文献   

The Balkan Peninsula is recognized as an important centre of plant diversity. Despite the fact that Croatia contains more than 50% of all Balkan species of vascular flora, the knowledge of the spatial distribution, α-diversity and relation to the conservation efforts have never been summarized and presented. A spatial analysis was performed on several data-sets containing a number of records and a number of species per grid cell. Results show that the Croatian flora consists of 4507 species and 1159 subspecies. The residuals around the linear regression used as a measure of the species richness indicate that Croatia had the highest residual value among the 40 European countries sampled and highest stress on the biodiversity value of the Apennine, the Iberian and the Balkan peninsulas. On the basis of half a million findings and their spatial distributions, we observed that within one grid cell (35 km2) 542 species could be expected. A number of records based on the herbarium specimens, literature and field observation and related spatial distribution were discussed. The spatial distribution of α-diversity indicates that the national hot spots were more consistent with the important plant areas network than with the network of officially protected areas.  相似文献   

Aim Estimates of endemic and non‐endemic native vascular plant species in each of the three Western Australian Botanical Provinces were made by East in 1912 and Beard in 1969. The present paper contains an updated assessment of species endemism in the State. Location Western Australia comprises one third of the continental Australian land mass. It extends from 13° to 35° S and 113° to 129° W. Methods Western Australia is recognized as having three Botanical Provinces (Northern, Eremaean and South‐West) each divided into a number of Botanical Districts. Updated statistics for number of species and species endemism in each Province are based on the Census of Western Australian Plants data base at the Western Australian Herbarium ( Western Australian Herbarium, 1998 onwards). Results The number of known species in Western Australia has risen steadily over the years but reputed endemism has declined in the Northern and Eremaean Provinces where cross‐continental floras are common. Only the isolated South‐West Province retains high rates of endemism (79%). Main conclusions With 5710 native species, the South‐West Province contains about the same number as the California Floristic Province which has a similar area. The Italian mediterranean zone also contains about this number but in a smaller area, while the much smaller Cape Floristic Region has almost twice as many native species. The percentage of endemic species is highest at the Cape, somewhat less in south‐western Australia and less again in California. Italy, at 12.5%, has the lowest value. Apart from Italy, it is usual for endemism to reach high values in the largest plant families. In Western Australia, these mainly include woody sclerophyll shrubs and herbaceous perennials with special adaptations to environmental conditions. While those life forms are prominent in the Cape, that region differs in the great importance of herbaceous families and succulents, both of which are virtually absent from Western Australia. In California and Italy, most endemics are in families of annual, herbaceous perennial and soft shrub plants. It is suggested that the dominant factor shaping the South‐West Province flora is the extreme poverty of the area’s soils, a feature that emphasizes sclerophylly, favours habitat specialization and ensures relatively many local endemic species.  相似文献   

系统收集了我国125个地区的藓类植物区系资料,统计了种和属在这些地区的分布频度。以藓类种数超过100的73个地区为研究对象,以科所含的种数为指标,应用除趋势对应分析和模糊均值聚类基础上的主坐标排序,对我国藓类植物区系的区域分化特点进行了定量分析。结果显示,随着分布频度增加,种和属数均呈指数式下降,绝大部分的种和属仅在极少数地区有记录。根据藓类植物的区系组成,73个地区可分成5组:第1组涉及华东、华中和西南的12个地区;第2组包括西北、华北为主的16个地区;第3组为人为干扰强烈的长三角等15个地区;第4组包括以华南为主的热带、南亚热带区域的19个山地;第5组包括西北、东北和西南的11个温带或高海拔山地。研究结果表明我国藓类区系报道在种类鉴定中可能存在比较普遍的误定现象,从而造成绝大部分种类局限于狭窄地理区域的假象。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地种子植物区系分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对地处内蒙古中部农牧交错地带的浑善达克沙地种子植物科的组成特征和区系地理成分进行了分析,并与内蒙古植物区系进行比较.结果表明,浑善达克沙地种子植物种类相对丰富,共有种子植物1191种,隶属于402属84科.植物区系地理成分多样,而且以温带成分为主,在诸多温带成分中北温带分布型的种数占有较高的百分比,菊科和禾本科在本区系中所占的比例最大,该区系植物属种趋向于分布大科的特点,这反映出浑善达克沙地植物的分布与本地区的气候带相适应,地带性植被具有温带草原与荒漠的特征;该区种子植物的优势科也分属于各类成分,具有集中分布于大科的特点,大部分为世界广布成分;植物区系成分起源古老,区系地理成分复杂且具有过渡性;同时该植物区系具有明显的脆弱性.  相似文献   

An updated inventory of the vascular flora alien to Italy, providing details on the occurrence at regional level, is presented. The checklist includes 1597 species, subspecies, and hybrids, distributed in 725 genera and 152 families; 2 taxa are lycophytes, 11 ferns and fern allies, 33 gymnosperms, and 1551 angiosperms. 157 taxa are archaeophytes and 1440 neophytes. The alien taxa currently established in Italy are 791 (570 naturalized and 221 invasive), while 705 taxa are casual aliens, 4 are not assessed, 7 are of unknown regional distribution, 47 have not been confirmed in recent times, 3 are considered extinct or possibly extinct in the country, and 40 are doubtfully occurring in Italy. This checklist allows to establish an up-to-date number (9792) of taxa constituting the whole (native and alien) Italian flora.  相似文献   

Taxonomie and biological aspects of endemism and Red Data Book status were studied amongst the limestone endemics of the lowland fynbos in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Of the 110 limestone endemics, 1.8% are widely distributed in the Cape Floristic Region and 56.4% are regional endemics. Relative to flora of non-limestone lowland fynbos (n=538 species), the families which were overrepresented in terms of limestone endemics included the Ericaceae, Fabaceae, Polygalaceae, Rutaceae and Sterculiaceae. The Restionaceae was the only underrepresented family. The local limestone endemics were not significantly different from regional endemics in terms of their biological attributes. An analysis of the frequency of the biological traits associated with the limestone-endemic flora established a biological profile for a limestone endemic: a dwarf-to-low shrub with soil-stored seeds which are ant or wind dispersed. In terms of the species richness of limestone endemics, the De Hoop Nature Reserve was the hotspot within the region. Relative to the total species richness, the Hagelkraal and Stilbaai areas contained higher-than-predicted numbers of rare species. These areas require urgent attention if the unique floral diversity associated with limestone substrata within the Bredasdorp-Riversdale centre of endemism is to be conserved.  相似文献   

The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is one of the most plant-species-rich regions in the world. It is also a warm temperate region and hypothetically should have high gall-insect species richness, making it interesting to investigate the relationship between the insects of the region and the rich flora. The relationship between gall-insect species richness (GSR) and plant richness was investigated for the Fynbos and for representatives of vegetation of the whole CFR. Samples (of up to 600 plants per transect for Fynbos) of woody shrubs were investigated for the presence of galls. The species richness of these insects was quantified, as well as plant species richness for each transect. GSR for Fynbos was compared to global figures for GSR. Fynbos harboured significantly more gall-insect species than other CFR vegetation types. GSR was positively correlated with CFR plant richness. GSR also closely tracked plant richness in Fynbos. GSR was not significantly influenced by other variables (elevation and aspect), suggesting that plant richness per se was an important factor in generating GSR. Fynbos GSR is comparable to other sclerophyllous regions of high GSR globally, corroborating that this vegetation type is conducive to gall-insect diversification. There is likely to be a high percentage of gall-insect endemism in the Fynbos, as might be expected from the high host fidelity of this insect group. Received: 22 September 1997 / Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

三峡大老岭植物区系的垂直梯度分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为探讨山地植物区系构成特征及其垂直梯度的生态意义,根据对三峡大老岭地区植被垂直样带 调查获得的植物区系资料,分析了该地区植物区系成分构成的基本特征及其随海拔梯度的变化趋势,寻找了区系平衡点的位置;并利用聚类方法分析了山地气候垂直分异对区系成分构成的影响。结果表明:①大老岭植物区系具有温带性质,但仍反映了与热带区系的历史联系,有强烈的区域性;②属的分布区类型可归为热带分布、温带分布、地中海—中亚中心和东亚中心4组,各组区系成分的垂直梯度特征不同;热带、亚热带成分与温带成分的平衡点大致位于海拔650m;③区系成分构成和属的物种数量构成的聚类分析结果一致显示了植物区系构成与山地气候和植被垂直带相对应的格局。  相似文献   

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