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<正>百里香是唇形科(Labiatae)百里香属(Thymus)植物的统称,其属名源于希腊语thymos(上香、供奉之意)。该属植物为多年生小灌木或半灌木,因其植株在花期具有强烈芳香气味而得名。在希腊神话中,百里香是斯巴达王后海伦的泪滴,为战死的爱人特洛伊王子而流。伤心的泪水增加了战士们继续战斗的勇气,后来百里香  相似文献   

百里香(Thymus mongolicus)草原是以唇形科小半灌木百里香为建群种的草原类型。该文以编写《中国植被志》为契机, 结合2015-2017年生长季野外调查数据和文献资料, 对中国百里香草原的分布、生态特征、群落特征和分类等进行了总结。结果表明: (1)百里香草原主要分布于辽河上游西拉木伦河流域的黄土丘陵、河北西北部坝上高原、阴山山脉两翼低山丘陵、鄂尔多斯高原东部和黄土高原北部, 常分布在水蚀风蚀强烈的黄土丘陵和砾石质化基质的坡地。(2)根据91个样地记录统计, 百里香草原组成物种较丰富, 有种子植物167种, 隶属于34科101属, 以菊科、豆科和禾本科为主; 其中有8种半灌木和小半灌木, 112种多年生杂类草; 水分生态类型以典型旱生植物(58种)和中旱生植物(45种)为主; 区系地理成分以东古北极成分(70种)和东亚成分(46种)为主。(3)根据生活型和优势度, 百里香草原可以划分为百里香、半灌木/小半灌木群丛组, 百里香群丛组, 百里香、丛生禾草群丛组, 百里香、根茎禾草群丛组, 百里香、薹草群丛组, 百里香、杂类草群丛组, 共计6个群丛组28个群丛。  相似文献   

百里香(Thymus mongolicus)草原是以唇形科小半灌木百里香为建群种的草原类型。该文以编写《中国植被志》为契机, 结合2015-2017年生长季野外调查数据和文献资料, 对中国百里香草原的分布、生态特征、群落特征和分类等进行了总结。结果表明: (1)百里香草原主要分布于辽河上游西拉木伦河流域的黄土丘陵、河北西北部坝上高原、阴山山脉两翼低山丘陵、鄂尔多斯高原东部和黄土高原北部, 常分布在水蚀风蚀强烈的黄土丘陵和砾石质化基质的坡地。(2)根据91个样地记录统计, 百里香草原组成物种较丰富, 有种子植物167种, 隶属于34科101属, 以菊科、豆科和禾本科为主; 其中有8种半灌木和小半灌木, 112种多年生杂类草; 水分生态类型以典型旱生植物(58种)和中旱生植物(45种)为主; 区系地理成分以东古北极成分(70种)和东亚成分(46种)为主。(3)根据生活型和优势度, 百里香草原可以划分为百里香、半灌木/小半灌木群丛组, 百里香群丛组, 百里香、丛生禾草群丛组, 百里香、根茎禾草群丛组, 百里香、薹草群丛组, 百里香、杂类草群丛组, 共计6个群丛组28个群丛。  相似文献   

以银斑百里香种子为试材,比较了不同浓度的NAA和2,4-D与6-BA对百里香愈伤组织诱导效果的影响。结果表明:NAA在0.15(mg/L)和2,4-D在0.9(mg/L)是诱导银斑百里香种子产生愈伤组织的最佳浓度;MS+NAA(0.15mg/L)+6-BA(0.6mg/L)和MS+2,4-D(0.9mg/L)+6-BA(0.6mg/L)诱导的效果最佳,建立了百里香愈伤组织培养的实验体系。  相似文献   

百里香芳香油的提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
百里香(Thymus quinquecostatus),唇形科多年生灌木状芳香草本植物,大量分布于我国辽宁、山东、河北、山西、陕西等省的低山丘陵阴坡地带。百里香除供药用外,其茎叶还含有一定量的芳香油,所以,为重要的香料植物。如能将其芳香油进行提取利用,为百里香这种野生香料植物的利用开辟一条新的途径。我们利用生长于河北昌黎山坡地带百里香的茎叶,进行了芳香油提取工艺的探索,并初步确定了其较适宜的提取工艺。利用百里香茎叶提取芳香油的工艺,主  相似文献   

一、名称及植物学 (一)百里香是古代祭祀祈祷用的一种香料百里香属的拉丁名是Thymus。thym在希腊字是thymos=thymon,thyo是上香、供奉的意思,或许因为它是祭坛上焚烧的一种植物香料。thymele,是献祭地方的地名。 (二)百里香和地椒这两个名字是通用的  相似文献   

为探究百里精油抗氧化能力及其潜在的保肝作用,通过测定百里香精油对DPPH自由基、ABTS自由基的清除能力,确定百里香精油的体外抗氧化能力。同时建立硫代乙酰胺(TAA)急性小鼠肝损伤模型,通过测定小鼠的肝脏指数,血清中谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性和肝脏中苯二醛(MDA)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性来评价百里香精油的保肝效果。结果表明,百里香精油具有良好的体外抗氧化活性及对硫代乙酰胺诱导的肝损伤小鼠的保护效果,其中高剂量精油对小鼠肝损伤的保护效果显著(P0.01)。本文旨在为百里香精油作为天然植物源保肝药物的研究与开发奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

基于生态位理论的典型草原铁杆蒿种群化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用改进的Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数,研究了典型草原草地建群种与优势种之间的生态竞争关系;并利用建群种(铁杆蒿)茎叶浸提液对不同优势种的化感种子进行发芽试验,分析铁杆蒿的化感潜力及其在封育草地中的生态地位.结果表明:封育草地中,本氏针茅的生态位最宽(0.99),其次为百里香(0.94)、铁杆蒿(0.82)和大针茅(0.76),赖草最窄(0.73);铁杆蒿与本氏针茅、本氏针茅与百里香、百里香与大针茅、铁杆蒿与百里香之间的生态位重叠值分别为0.90、0.95、0.94和0.86.不同浓度的铁杆蒿浸提液对植物的化感作用强度不同,表现为“低促高抑”.铁杆蒿浸提液对本氏针茅幼苗根系生长的化感促进作用要强于百里香,而对百里香幼苗芽生长的抑制作用要强于本氏针茅.甲醇浸提液的化感作用要强于水浸提液.铁杆蒿、本氏针茅、百里香和大针茅之间高的生态位重叠,说明该草地群落将继续向本氏针茅群落演替,铁杆蒿群落仅是一个重要的过渡演替阶段.铁杆蒿的化感作用在其中担负着驱动力的角色.  相似文献   

部分百里香属植物分子系统学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用ITS序列分析和ISSR分子标记技术,对中国野生百里香(5个种2个变种)及国外百里香(2个种)共计20份材料进行了属内种间及种下水平的系统发育和亲缘关系研究.结果表明:(1)ITS序列的系统发育树能较好地说明百里香属种间亲缘关系,地椒、地椒亚洲变种、百里香和Thymus serpyllum共同聚为一组,Bootstrap支持率为96%,表现为较近的亲缘关系;(2)基于ITS序列的系统发育树和ISSR多态性标记的聚类分析均将地椒怀远居群和地椒展毛变种兴凯居群聚为单独的一组,表现出与其它供试材料间较为明显的遗传差异;(3)ISSR遗传多态性分析将地椒、地椒亚洲变种和百里香很好的聚类;种下居群间的聚类则体现了与地理分布之间一定的相关性.将本实验结果与野外考查及形态学比较相结合,可以得出以下结论:地椒、地椒亚洲变种和百里香三者之间属于近缘种,并与国外的T.serpyllum种间有很近的亲缘关系;支持《黑龙江植物志》将地椒展毛变种兴凯居群列为单独的一个种;地椒怀远居群在遗传背景及分布生境上有很大的特殊性,对其在百里香属植物中的系统地位仍需进一步研究确定.  相似文献   

以1/2MS为基本培养基,分别用蔗糖、NO3-/NH4+、苯丙氨酸、谷氨酸和酪氨酸诱导培养百里香组培苗30d,以及茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)、水杨酸(SA)和壳聚糖诱导培养百里香20、30和40d组培苗植株0~120h,在不同的时间点测定其苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性,以探讨诱导子对增殖百里香中PAL活性的影响。结果显示:以1/2MS为基本培养基,碳氮源调控30d后,百里香组培株的PAL活性以蔗糖浓度为2%、NO3-/NH4+比例为2∶1时最高;前体调控添加0.6mmol/L苯丙氨酸、0.8mmol/L谷氨酸和0.4mmol/L酪氨酸处理的百里香组培苗的PAL活性最高,分别为相应对照的126.3%、150.6%和153.9%。培养20d和30d植株的PAL活性均以1.0mmol/L MeJA、100mg/L SA和200mg/L壳聚糖诱导处理的最高,分别为相应对照的610.3%、788.1%、592.5%以及402.4%、541.2%、400.1%;而40d植株经0.5mmol/L MeJA、100mg/L SA和200mg/L壳聚糖诱导的PAL活性最高,分别为对照的390.2%、377.1%和413.4%。可见,在不同时期添加不同的诱导子对百里香再生植株中PAL活性有显著影响,且不同材料和诱导子存在各自适宜的诱导浓度和最佳诱导时间。  相似文献   

Thymus mongolicus steppe was a vegetation formation dominated by typical dwarf semi-shrub of Lamiaceae. Based on the previous literatures and primary plot data sampled during the growing seasons from 2015 to 2017, the distribution, ecological features, community characteristics and classification of Thymus mongolicus steppe were summarized. (1) Thymus mongolicus steppe is mainly distributed on the loess hills of Xar Moron River Watershed, Bashang region in the northwest of Hebei Province, the hills surrounding the Yinshan Mountains, the east part of Erdos Plateau and the northern Loess Plateau. This formation occurrs mainly on the stony slopes or loess hills with severe soil erosion. (2) In total, 167 seed plant species belonging to 101 genera of 34 families were recorded in the 91 sample sites, and families of Compositae, Leguminosae and Gramineae played crucial roles in the species composition. Eight of these families were semi-shrub and dwarf semi-shrub species, and 112 were perennial forb species. Typical xerophytes (58 species) and Meso-xerophytes (45 species) account for more than half part of all species. Eight geographic elements were involved. East Palaearctic (70 species) and East Asia (46 species) were the two major floristic elements. (3) Based on life form and dominance of species in the community, the formation was classified into 6 association groups (Thymus mongolicus, dwarf shrubs/dwarf semi-shurbs association group; Thymus mongolicus association group; Thymus mongolicus, bunchgrasses association group; Thymus mongolicus, rhizomatous grasses association group; Thymus mongolicus, Carex association group; Thymus mongolicus, forbs association group), consisting of 28 associations. © Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology.  相似文献   

AIMS: Thymus species are wild species mostly found in the arid lands of Portugal. Possible antimicrobial properties of Thymus essential oils have been investigated. The chemical composition of the essential oils and the antimicrobial activity of Thymus mastichina (L) L. subsp. mastichina, T. camphoratus and T. lotocephalus from different regions of Portugal were analysed. METHODS AND RESULTS: Hydrodistillation was used to isolate the essential oils and the chemical analyses were performed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC coupled to mass spectrometry. The antimicrobial activity was tested by the disc agar diffusion technique against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus. Pure linalool, 1,8-cineole and a mixture (1 : 1) of these compounds were included. Linalool, 1,8-cineole or linalool/1,8-cineole and linalool/1,8-cineole/linalyl acetate were the major components of the essential oils, depending on the species or sampling place. The essential oils isolated from the Thymus species studied demonstrated antimicrobial activity but the micro-organisms tested had significantly different sensitivities. CONCLUSIONS: The antimicrobial activity of essential oils may be related to more than one component. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Portuguese endemic species of Thymus can be used for essential oil production for food spoilage control, cosmetics and pharmaceutical use. Further studies will be required to elucidate the cell targets of the essential oil components.  相似文献   

Essential oils and their components are becoming increasingly popular as naturally occurring antimicrobial agents. In this work the chemical composition and the antimicrobial properties of Thymus essential oils and of their main components were determined. Three essential oils obtained from different species of Thymus growing wild in Sardinia and a commercial sample of Thymus capitatus oil were analysed. The essential oil components were identified by GC/MS analysis. The antimicrobial activity of the oils and components was determined against a panel of standard reference strains and multiple strains of food-derived spoilage and pathogenic bacteria, using a broth microdilution method. The GC/MS analysis showed that the major constituents of the oils were monoterpene hydrocarbons and phenolic monoterpenes, but the concentration of these compounds varied greatly among the oils examined. The results of the antimicrobial assay showed that essential oils extracted from Sardinian Thymus species have an antimicrobial activity comparable to the one observed in other thyme oils. It seems also confirmed that the antimicrobial properties of thyme essential oils are mainly related to their high phenolic content. Among the single compounds tested carvacrol and thymol turned out to be the most efficient against both reference strains and food-derived bacteria. The results of this study confirmed the possibility of using thyme essential oils or some of their components in food systems to prevent the growth of foodborne bacteria and extend the shelf-life of processed foods.  相似文献   

四种植物粘液繁殖体粘液的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对百里香(Thymus serpyllum)、平车前(Plantago depressa)、盐生车前(P.maritima)、野亚麻(Linum stelleroides)进行了粘液繁殖体粘液情况比较.以在水浸和浇水条件下植物种子粘沙量的多少衡量粘液量.结果表明,对于不同浸水时间处理,野亚麻和平车前未表现明显差异,盐生车前和百里香有随浸泡时间加长而粘液溶出量增多的趋势.对于不同浇水量处理,4种植物均有随浇水量增多而粘液增多的倾向.浸泡80min后,盐生车前种子的粘液粘沙使重量达原重的60多倍,平车前种子达原重的10倍左右,百里香和野亚麻种子达原重的4~6倍左右.浇水8mm后,盐生车前种子的粘液粘沙使重量达原重的20多倍,平车前种子达原重的6~10倍左右,百里香和野亚麻种子达原重的2~7倍左右.将各种处理平均,得到各种植物粘沙种子百分率为:野亚麻67.7%,百里香94.5%,平车前97.7%,盐生车前99.5%.  相似文献   

In this study, the volatile oil yield (Clevenger), volatile oil (VO) composition (Gas Chromatography), phenolic contents (UV-VIS Spectrophotometer), antioxidant activities (UV-VIS Spectrophotometer) and secondary metabolite content (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) of 11 Thymus praecox subspecies were evaluated. The most detected chemical class were oxygenated monoterpenes (55.18–86.1 %) in investigated samples. In the present study rosmarinic acid, isoquercitrin, gallocatechin and thymol could be detected in high amounts. The min. and max. content values of Flora/Field Samples were 1543.241 and 890.3-1425.3 for rosmarinic acid, 139.44-287.894 and 129.9-312.2 for thymol, 38.619-121.424 and 26.3-112.9 for gallocatechin as mg/g DW. Principal Component Analysis was used to differentiate Thymus praecox species regarding volatile oil composition and secondary metabolite content. The results demonstrated that T. praecox collected from the Rize flora and cultivated afterwards showed variability based on investigated characteristics. Finally, the Thymus praecox samples displaying high bioactive compounds present useful information for further investigations and applications.  相似文献   

Thymus samius, a rare species endemic to the island of Samos (East Aegean, Greece), has been considered to be of possible hybrid origin, with Thymus cilicicus, Thymus parnassicus or Thymus zygioides as putative parents. Morphologically it also resembles Thymus atticus. In order to evaluate any possible chemotaxonomic relationships indicated by the qualitative and/or quantitative differentiation of volatile compounds, the essential oils of T. samius, T. parnassicus and T. atticus were analyzed and the oils of T. cilicicus and T. zygioides were used for comparison. T. atticus presents considerable variation in chemical constituents, with all Greek populations being poor in thymol/carvacrol and rich in (E)-nerolidol, germacrene D, (E)-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, 1,8-cineole, α-pinene and camphene, depending on the sample. T. parnassicus shows remarkable qualitative stability in its volatile constituents, and all its populations have a similar profile with (E)-caryophyllene being the most prominent compound. T. samius is characterized by the presence of germacrene D and β-bisabolene, which constitute almost half its oil percentage. This species is also characterized by a low amount of monoterpenes; the latter exist in a considerable percentage in the related species. Our results indicate that T. samius does not show similarity or intermediacy in chemical compounds with any given couple of T. atticus, T. parnassicus, T. cilicicus, or T. zygioides.  相似文献   

地椒叶精油化学成分的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The chemistry of the essential oil of Thymus praecox Opiz ssp. arcticus (E. Durand) Jalas from Greenland was studied with the intention of comparing it with the results obtained earlier from Icelandic material. All the 17 samples collected at different localities of South–West Greenland were found to contain linalyl acetate as main component besides some sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and some oxygenated sesquiterpenes. The variable content of the sesquiterpene alcohols, nerolidol and hedycaryol in the essential oil gave reason to define four different chemotypes. The pattern of the chemotype characterizing compounds was identical with that of four of the seven chemotypes found earlier to be the most widely distributed in Iceland, namely chemotypes B, C, D, and F. No correlation between the occurrence of a certain type and special environmental conditions was found. That the essential oil chemistry and the appearance of polychemism in the Greenland Thymus plants accords so well with that of the Icelandic ones, indicates that the distance of nearly 300 km between Iceland and Greenland has not led to locally limited "chemical races" within Thymus praecox ssp. arcticus. These findings are contrary to the results obtained in some Mediterranean Thymus species.  相似文献   

Low protein diets initiated at wearning in Balb/c mice cause a rapid and profound reduction in thymus weight and cellularity. Thymus weight falls to less than that of involuted thymus of adult mice and remains depressed for as long as diets are fed. Although most peripheral T cell functions do not appear to be depressed, suppressor cell activity was not as vigorous in deprived animals despite the presence of functional suppressor populations. Thymus growth was reinitiated promptly when high protein diets were fed to deprived animals. Thymus regeneration appeared to be due to both a resident population of stem cells which persisted in the thymus through the period of deprivation and a second, probably bone-marrow derived, population of stem cells. It is suggested that in normal mice the synchronized growth of the first population produces the characteristic innate growth pattern of the thymus. This is superimposed on the growth of the second population which continuously seeds the thymus and is constantly replaced. Protein deprivation severely restricts the growth of the first and second population, but both maintain their capacity for growth during long periods of protein restriction.  相似文献   

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