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过去的研究发现大肠杆菌表达的戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)衣壳蛋白ORF2的aa394-606片段NE2可以形成同源多聚体,并具有良好的免疫保护性,但纯化后的免疫原性较弱。这里表达了3个NE2蛋白的N端延伸突变体,发现对应于ORF2 aa368_606的重组蛋白HEV239在体外可以形成颗粒性抗原。HEV 239抗原颗粒与戊肝患者血清反应性良好,对中和性单克隆抗体8C11的反应性与NE2抗原相当,而对另一中和性单克隆抗体8H3的反应性较NE2抗原有显著提高,表明HEV 239抗原颗粒具有比NE2更好的抗原性。纯化后的HEV 239抗原颗粒直径约为15~30nm。铝佐剂吸附的HEV 239免疫Balb/c小鼠的半数有效剂量(ED50)在0.08~0.25μg之间,而同样以铝佐剂吸附的NE2抗原60μg剂量免疫的抗体阳转率仅25%,表明HEV 239抗原颗粒具有更好的免疫原性。  相似文献   

为了探讨戊型肝炎病毒衣壳蛋白同源二聚体形成的关键区域和相互作用结构域,以及二聚体形成与主要天然中和表位的形成之间的关系,通过末端缺失、定点突变技术研究戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)ORF2的aa394-aa606片段NE2的聚合现象,发现其C端的aa597-aa602(AVAVLA)疏水区是该片段同源聚合的核心区域,提高该区域氨基酸的亲水性将妨碍聚合现象的发生;半胱氨酸化学交联实验表明NE2形成同源二聚体时,aa597在空间位置上相接近,处于可生成化学键的距离,提示所处区域为疏水聚合的作用结构域;通过Blast程序估算核心区域的天然突变率,发现其疏水性高度保守;N端缺失实验表明,至少65个氨基酸既不影响同源聚合也不直接参与主要的天然中和表位的形成,但可协助中和表位构象的形成,而这种协助作用可被ORF2的末端肽段所代替。Aa597-aa602(AVAVLA)疏水区为戊肝病毒衣壳组装的第一步骤的核心区域,并与重要的天然中和表位的形成直接相关,从而为戊肝病毒疫苗的研究提供更详细的信息。  相似文献   

经SDS-PAGE银染色分析表明,重组人α1型干扰素基因在大肠杆菌中的表达产物rHuIFN-α1分子中含有巯基,易形成分子聚合体。等电聚焦电泳(IEF)的银染色结果揭示了其多种等电点的分子形式。双向电泳证明,每种等电点的rHuIFN-α1都可形成自身的聚合体。初步讨论了rHuIFN-α1的分子聚合体和多种等电点体的形成原因。  相似文献   

目的探讨影响恶性疟原虫合子/动合子表面25蛋白(25 k Da Plasmodium falciparum sexual stage protein,Pfs25)偶联的因素,优化Pfs25蛋白的偶联反应条件,制备具有免疫原性的Pfs25纯化聚体蛋白。方法通过对偶联反应时Pfs25蛋白浓度、偶联反应的酸碱度、不同的缓冲液及偶联试剂添加方式的探索,考察不同反应条件对Pfs25蛋白偶联的影响。凝胶过滤层析纯化Pfs25偶联反应产物,双抗体夹心ELISA和SDS-PAGE对凝胶柱洗脱液进行检测,Western blot检测纯化的Pfs25聚体蛋白。结果 Pfs25蛋白偶联反应选择1/15 mol/L Na_2HPO_4-KH_2PO_4为偶联缓冲液,反应体系在pH 5.6~6.0时偶联效果更好,而Pfs25蛋白反应质量浓度为25 mg/m L时可获得最佳的Pfs25偶联效率(68.67%),凝胶过滤层析法获得Pfs25聚体蛋白,经双抗体夹心ELISA和Western blot检测,形成的Pfs25聚体蛋白保持了与Pfs25蛋白相同的抗体结合能力。结论优化了Pfs25蛋白最佳偶联反应条件,获得具有免疫原性的Pfs25纯化聚体蛋白。在形成Pfs25聚体中,以二聚体(Pfs25)2为主要形式,兼有少量三聚体(Pfs25)3和四聚体(Pfs25)4。  相似文献   

小分子热休克蛋白是种类最多的热休克蛋白家族 ,它们均以寡聚体的形式存在 .研究表明 ,来自结核杆菌的小分子热休克蛋白Hsp16 3是以 3个三聚体的形式存在的九聚体 .为了探讨Hsp16 3体外组装过程中的亚基相互作用和识别 ,利用野生型Hsp16 3及其L12 2A突变体蛋白为模型 ,采用高效液相分子筛层析、非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和脲梯度凝胶电泳等方法进行研究 .结果表明 ,Hsp16 3在体外能自发地再组装成九聚体 .12 2位的亮氨酸残基对Hsp16 3体外再组装过程中的亚基相互作用有重要的影响 ,并且在Hsp16 3的组装过程中 ,亚基之间的相互识别是高度灵敏和特异的 ,野生型蛋白的亚基和L12 2A突变体蛋白的亚基并不能形成杂合体 ,只有完全相同的亚基才能组装成九聚体  相似文献   

基底神经节中多巴胺和腺苷受体二聚化及其药理学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙万春  朱兴族 《生命科学》2004,16(4):193-199
近年来,大量研究发现G蛋白偶联受体不仅以单体形式,而且以同源或异源二聚体形式存在。腺苷A1受体和多巴胺D1受体以及腺苷A2a受体和多巴胺D2受体分别共存于基底神经节中纹状体向黑质和脚内核投射的神经元以及纹状体向苍白球投射的神经元内。A1/D1、A2a/D2受体形成受体异聚复合体构成了受体一受体之间相互作用的分子基础。腺苷和多巴胺受体之间在细胞水平以及行为水平上拮抗性的相互作用为其在帕金森病、精神分裂症、舞蹈病和药物依赖等疾病的治疗上提供了新的靶向。  相似文献   

构建了霍乱毒素B亚单位(choleratoxinBsubunit,CTB)与胰岛素(insulin)B链的融合基因CTB-INSB,将该融合基因克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体pET-30a(+)中,获得重组质粒pETCIB;并将该质粒转入大肠杆菌菌株BL21(DE3)中;重组菌株经IPTG诱导后的表达产物经15%SDS-PAGE分析表明可以表达融合蛋白,其分子量约为15.4kDa,且主要以包涵体形式存在,约占全菌蛋白的30%。含CTB-INSB重组蛋白的包涵体经变性和复性后,可在体外自组装成五聚体结构。Westernblotting分析结果显示CTB-INSB可分别被霍乱毒素的抗体和胰岛素的抗体识别,表明该蛋白具有霍乱毒素B亚单位与胰岛素的双重抗原性。同时GM1-ELISA分析结果表明CTB-INSB在体外可与神经节苷脂GM1(monosialoganglioside)特异结合,进一步证实了它能够形成类似CTB五聚体的高级结构,具有生物活性。  相似文献   

以人工设计的,不含半胱氨氨酸残基的三元蛋白,六聚和八聚鲑鱼降钙素融合蛋白和人尿激酶原等不同半胱氨酸残基含量的外源蛋白质为例,利用大肠杆菌硫氧还蛋白还原酶基因缺陷菌GH980(DE3 trxB^-),探索把以包涵体形式表达的外源蛋白质变为可溶性表达的可能性及其规律。研究表明:由于硫氧还蛋白还原酶基因的缺陷所引超的细胞质氧化还原态势的变化,使一些在普通大肠杆菌宿主中以包涵 形式表达,含有半胱氨酸残基的重组蛋白,在GJ980中能在一定程度上以可溶性蛋白质形式表达;不含有半胱氨酸残基的重组蛋白在GJ980中仍以包涵体形式表达,推测重组蛋白在GJ980细胞质中形成二硫键对其正确构象的形成具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

分子伴侣Hsp40是一种以二聚体的形式调控非天然多肽折叠的热激蛋白。本文通过拉伸分子动力学研究了酵母Hsp40家族成员Ydj1p二聚体中β14-β15与domain-Ⅲ的分离过程,深入探讨了影响Ydj1p二聚体稳定性的重要残基和相互作用力。研究表明,残基Thr366、Asp368、Cys370、Leu372和Phe375在Ydj1P二聚体的形成过程中发挥着重要的作用。其中,β14-β15中的残基Thr366和Asp368分别通过与domain-Ⅲ内的残基Asp291、Trp292和Trp292、Lys294之间形成的氢键,Asp368通过与domain-Ⅲ内的残基Lys314形成盐桥,Cys370、Leu372和Phe375则是通过与domain-Ⅲ形成疏水作用力来稳定Ydj1p二聚体结构。  相似文献   

Prx1是一种高等生物体内广泛表达的抗氧化酶,在细胞处于不同的氧化状态时,能够以二聚体和十聚体两种不同的形式存在。该蛋白不仅能起到抗氧化和调节H2O2介导的信号转导作用,同时还能发挥分子伴侣的功能,通过细胞信号网络,直接或间接地参与体内多种与氧化相关的生理病理过程,发挥体内氧化还原调节器的重要作用。  相似文献   

在大肠杆菌中表达的一段戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)结构蛋白NE2,纯化后以弗氏佐剂,按0d,10d,30d的方案10μg/针的剂量免疫3只恒河猴,在第2周抗体阳转,第6周时1只滴度达1∶100 000,另2只滴度1∶20 000,此时以106 PCR滴度的HEV病毒粪悬液攻击。对照组3只均出现血清转氨酶(ALT)升高,抗体阳转,粪便持续排毒1月以上;疫苗组无一发病,未检出非疫苗来源的抗体,其中1只始终未检出粪便排毒,另2只仅出现短暂排毒。以一份NE2免疫后猴血清(滴度1∶20 000)与103 PCR滴度的病毒混匀后感染2只恒河猴,结果对照组2只均持续排毒3周以上,抗体阳转,1只ALT明显升高;而抗体中和组2只猴始终未检出粪便排毒,抗NE2抗体缓慢下降,ALT正常。这些结果表明NE2具有良好的免疫原性和免疫保护性,有可能成为有效的戊肝疫苗。  相似文献   

以识别戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)构象依赖性中和表位的单克隆抗体8C11、8H3作为固相筛选分子,对噬菌体随机7肽库进行4轮筛选后,随机挑取单克隆噬菌体进行测序。合成优势7肽序列基因,将其插入HBcAg-AA78-83位置之中,进行原核表达,所获重组蛋白经蛋白印迹实验证实可与相应单抗结合,电镜下可见重组蛋白能形成与HBcAg相似的类病毒颗粒。化学合成单抗8H3筛选出的优势7肽,所获7肽经生物传感器结合实验证实与单抗8H3结合。这些结果提示用噬菌体7肽库可以筛选出部分模拟构象性表位的短肽,为亚单位疫苗的研制提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) epidemic in Southeast Asia has been largely due to the emergence of clade E (HIV-1E). It has been suggested that HIV-1E is derived from a recombinant lineage of subtype A (HIV-1A) and subtype E, with multiple breakpoints along the E genome. We obtained complete genome sequences of clade E viruses from Thailand (93TH057 and 93TH065) and from the Central African Republic (90CF11697 and 90CF4071), increasing the total number of HIV-1E complete genome sequences available to seven. Phylogenetic analysis of complete genomes showed that subtypes A and E are themselves monophyletic, although together they also form a larger monophyletic group. The apparent phylogenetic incongruence at different regions of the genome that was previously taken as evidence of recombination is shown to be not statistically significant. Furthermore, simulations indicate that bootscanning and pairwise distance results, previously used as evidence for recombination, can be misleading, particularly when there are differences in substitution or evolutionary rates across the genomes of different subtypes. Taken jointly, our analyses suggest that there is inadequate support for the hypothesis that subtype E variants are derived from a recombinant lineage. In contrast, many other HIV strains claimed to have a recombinant origin, including viruses for which only a single parental strain was employed for analysis, do indeed satisfy the statistical criteria we propose. Thus, while intersubtype recombinant HIV strains are indeed circulating, the criteria for assigning a recombinant origin to viral structures should include statistical testing of alternative hypotheses to avoid inappropriate assignments that would obscure the true evolutionary properties of these viruses.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of cyanophycin granule polypeptides is catalyzed by cyanophycin synthetase, CphA. In this study, the role of the C-terminal region of CphA from Nostoc ellipsosporum NE1, CphA(NE1), was analyzed using a tailor-made C-terminus truncated library. The expression level of truncated CphA(NE1) in E. coli depended on the stop codons that were used. The expression vector that had the amber stop codon TAG produced more than twice amount of CphA(NE1) as a vector that contained the ochre codon TAA. CphA(NE1DeltaC45), which was truncated up to 45 amino acids at its C-terminus, retained full enzymatic activity and produced polymers. However, the removal of one additional amino acid, Glu(856), resulted in complete inactivation of CphA(NE1DeltaC46). Replacement of Glu(856) by valine or alanine confirmed the importance of this residue for the activity of CphA(NE1), as it resulted in the complete inactivation of the enzyme. In addition, thermostability analysis revealed a dramatic decrease in the thermostability of CphA(NE1) after removal of the region from Leu(867) to Leu(870). The gel filtration analysis showed that CphA(NE1Delta46C) still formed a dimer form even its enzyme activity was lost completely. These results suggest that Glu(856) is critical for CphA(NE1) catalytic activity and that the predicted alpha-helical region that ranges from Val(858) to Leu(870) is important for the thermostability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The Western blot procedure has been adapted to detect the reassembly of a two-subunit glycoprotein, urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), directly on the nitrocellulose. This glycoprotein is composed of two nonidentical subunits, alpha and beta. A simple procedure using immunoblotting has been developed to detect reassembly of the monomers to dimer. Three monoclonal antibodies were required for the development of this method: A109, which binds the alpha subunit or hCG; B105, which binds the beta subunit or hCG; and B107, specific for the intact hCG dimer. The alpha subunit and beta subunit of hCG were each electrophoresed and transferred to nitrocellulose, and the transfer was then incubated with the appropriate complementary subunit; reassembly of the dimer was determined by the binding of the monoclonal antibody B107. Evidence that the reassembly occurs directly on the nitrocellulose comes from the fact that B107 immunoreactivity is detected at the molecular weight position of the subunit and not at the dimer molecular weight. A genetically expressed recombinant form of the alpha subunit was also tested for its ability to recombine with the opposite subunit to produce the dimer. The recombinant alpha subunit was determined to have additional carbohydrate which interfered with the binding of the beta subunit. N-Glycanase digestion of the recombinant alpha subunit produced a form which, when incubated with the beta subunit, did recombine on the nitrocellulose and could be recognized by B107.  相似文献   

饲喂重组鸡白细胞介素18蛋白增加肉仔鸡体重的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经口服途径给肉仔鸡饲喂重组鸡白细胞介素 1 8(ChIL -1 8)蛋白,观察其在正常饲养条件下和人工感染鸡传染性支气管炎病毒 (IBV)时对肉仔鸡的影响。将 84只肉仔鸡随机分为 2组:正常称重组和IBV接种组。 2组肉仔鸡再随机各分为 3个亚组,分别每隔 5d各口服 1次PBS、细菌蛋白和重组ChIL -1 8蛋白。正常称重组每亚组 8只,每次口服前称重。IBV接种试验组每亚组 2 0只,在 30日龄时滴鼻接种IBVM41株并每隔 5d称重 1次。各亚组试验鸡分别在正压隔离器中饲养。结果表明,饲喂重组ChIL- 1 8蛋白的试验亚组肉仔鸡体重总增重量明显高于饲喂PBS和细菌蛋白的对照亚组;IBV接种试验组肉仔鸡在人工感染IBVM41株后,饲喂重组ChIL 1 8亚组的发病率和死亡率明显低于饲喂PBS和细菌蛋白亚组,而且后 2个亚组肉仔鸡临床症状也较饲喂重组ChIL- 1 8试验亚组明显。结果初步显示,饲喂重组ChIL -1 8融合蛋白能够增加肉仔鸡体重并可增强肉仔鸡对IBV感染的抵抗能力。  相似文献   

Porter DJ  Short SA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(38):11788-11800
The catalytically active form of monofunctional yeast orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase was a dimer (E(2)). The dimer equilibrium dissociation constant was 0.25 microM in 0.01 M MOPS Na(+) at pH 7.2. The bimolecular rate constant for dimer formation was 1.56 microM(-1) s(-1). The dimeric form of the enzyme was stabilized by NaCl such that the enzyme was E(2) in 100 mM NaCl at all concentrations of enzyme tested. The kinetics of binding of OMP to E(2) was governed by two ionizations (pK(1) = 6.1 and pK(2) = 7.7). From studies with substrate analogues, the higher pK was assigned to a group on the enzyme that interacted with the pyrimidinyl moiety. The value of the lower pK was dependent on the substrate analogue, which suggested that it was not exclusively the result of ionization of the phosphoryl moiety. During the decarboxylation of OMP, the fluorescence of E(2) was quenched over 20%. The enzymatic species with reduced fluorescence was a catalytically competent intermediate that had kinetic properties consistent with it being the initial enzyme-substrate complex. The stoichiometry for binding of OMP to E(2) was one OMP per enzyme monomer. The value of the first-order rate constant for conversion of the enzyme-substrate complex to free enzyme (36 s(-1)) calculated from a single turnover experiment ([E] > [S]) was slightly greater than the value of k(cat), 20 s(-1) (corrected for stoichiometry), calculated from steady-state data. In the single turnover experiments, the enzyme was E(2)*S, whereas in the steady-state turnover the experiment enzyme was E(2)*S(2). The similarity of these values suggested that the subunits were catalytically independent such that E(2)*S(2) could be treated as E*S and that conversion of the enzyme-substrate complex to E was k(cat). Kinetic data for the approach to the steady-state with OMP and E(2) yield a bimolecular association rate complex of 62 microM(-1) s(-1)and a dissociation rate constant for E*S of 60 s(-1). The commitment to catalysis was 0.25. By monitoring the effect of carbonic anhydrase on [H(+)] changes during a single turnover experiment, the initial product of the decarboxylation reaction was shown to be CO(2) not HCO(3-). UMP was released from the enzyme concomitantly with CO(2) during the conversion of E*S to E. Furthermore, the enzyme removed an enzyme equivalent of H(+) from solvent during this step of the reaction. The bimolecular rate constants for association of 6-AzaUMP and 8-AzaXMP, substrate analogues with markedly different nucleobases, had association rate constants of 112 and 130 microM(-1) s(-1), respectively. These results suggested that the nucleobase did not contribute significantly to the success of formation of the initial enzyme-substrate complex.  相似文献   

Plasmids were constructed which contain both attP and attB DNA segments derived from the insertion sites of the lysogenic bacteriophage HP1 and its host, Haemophilus influenzae. Similar plasmids containing the two junction segments (attL and attR regions) between the phage genome and the lysogenic host chromosome were also prepared. The formation of recombinant dimer plasmids was observed when attP-attB plasmids were propagated in Escherichia coli HB101 (recA), while plasmids containing the junction segments did not form recombinant dimers. Deletion of the phage DNA segment adjacent to the attP site from the attP-attB constructions eliminated detectable recombination, suggesting that this sequence contains the gene encoding the HP1 integrase. No plasmid recombination was observed in strains of E. coli defective in integration host factor. This suggests that integration host factor is important in the expression or activity of the system which produces the site-specific recombination of sequences derived from HP1 and H. influenzae. Further, it suggests that a protein functionally analogous to E. coli integration host factor may be present in H. influenzae.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is often used as a surrogate model in molecular studies of the closely related hepatitis C virus. In this report we have examined the effect of the inhibition of glycosylation on the survival and maturation of CSFV. Viral glycoproteins (E(rns), E1, E2) form biologically active complexes - homo- and heterodimers, which are indispensable for viral life cycle. Those complexes are highly N-glycosylated. We studied the influence of N-glycosylation on dimer formation using E(rns) and E2 glycoproteins produced in insect cells after infection with recombinant baculoviruses. The glycoproteins were efficiently synthesized in insect cells, had similar molecular masses and formed dimers like their natural counterparts. Surprisingly, the addition of tunicamycin (an antibiotic which blocks early steps of glycosylation) to insect cell culture blocked not only dimer formation but it also led to an almost complete disappearance of E2 even in monomeric form. Tunicamycin did not exert a similar effect on the synthesis and formation of E(rns) dimers; the dimers were still formed, which suggests that E(rns) glycan chains are not necessary for dimer formation. We have also found that very low doses of tunicamycin (much lower than those used for blocking N-glycosylation) drastically reduced CSFV spread in SK6 (swine kidney) cell culture and the virus yield. These facts indicate that N-glycosylation inhibitors structurally similar to tunicamycin may be potential therapeutics for the inhibition of the spread of CSFV and related viruses.  相似文献   

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