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梁宇  高玉葆 《植物学报》2000,17(1):52-59
本文从内生真菌的涵义和基本生物学特征出发,对国内外近二十年来关于内生真菌与植物关系的研究情况作了综述,主要包括内生真菌的检测、鉴定和转染,内生真菌对植物生长发育与抗逆性的影响,以及内生真菌在农业及其他相关领域的应用前景。文中提及作者近期开展的关于内生真菌对黑麦草抗旱性影响的研究课题及其初步进展。  相似文献   

植物内生真菌——一类应用前景广阔的资源微生物*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从内生真菌的基本生物学特征出发 ,着重对近年来关于植物内生真菌的生物学作用方面的研究情况进行了综述 ,主要包括内生真菌对植物生长发育及其抗逆性的促进作用、内生真菌与生物防治、内生真菌与抗癌药物的开发等。最后还对内生真菌在实际应用中存在的问题和可能采取的措施进行了总结。  相似文献   

植物内生真菌——一类应用前景广阔的资源微生物   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
从内生真菌的基本生物学特征出发,着重对近年来关于植物内生真菌的生物学作用方面的研究情况进行了综述,主要包括内生真菌对植物生长发育及其抗逆性的促进作用、内生真菌与生物防治、内生真菌与抗癌药物的开发等。最后还对内生真菌的实际应用中存在的问题和可能采取的提供进行了总结。  相似文献   

植物内生真菌---类应用前景广阔的资源微生物   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
从内生真菌的基本生物学特征出发,着重对近年来关于植物内生真菌的生物学作用方面的研究情况进行了综述,主要包括内生真菌对植物生长发育及其抗逆性的促进作用、内生真菌与生物防治、内生真菌与抗癌药物的开发等.最后还对内生真菌在实际应用中存在的问题和可能采取的措施进行了总结.  相似文献   

Epichloë内生真菌感染能够影响宿主植物的生长发育, 但关于内生真菌感染对宿主植物叶形状和叶面积的研究很少。该研究以羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)为实验材料, 采用长宽系数计算和扫描测定叶面积相结合的方法探究内生真菌种类和羽茅母本基因型对羽茅-内生真菌共生体叶形状和叶面积的影响。结果表明: 内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类和宿主母本基因型对反映叶形状的叶校正系数、叶片长度、宽度和长宽比均无显著影响, 经计算与验证, 确定了羽茅叶片的校正系数为0.594 9。采用该校正系数及叶长宽计算的叶面积与实测叶面积无显著差异, 且二者均未受到内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类或宿主植物母本基因型的显著影响。  相似文献   

Epichloë内生真菌感染能够影响宿主植物的生长发育, 但关于内生真菌感染对宿主植物叶形状和叶面积的研究很少。该研究以羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)为实验材料, 采用长宽系数计算和扫描测定叶面积相结合的方法探究内生真菌种类和羽茅母本基因型对羽茅-内生真菌共生体叶形状和叶面积的影响。结果表明: 内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类和宿主母本基因型对反映叶形状的叶校正系数、叶片长度、宽度和长宽比均无显著影响, 经计算与验证, 确定了羽茅叶片的校正系数为0.594 9。采用该校正系数及叶长宽计算的叶面积与实测叶面积无显著差异, 且二者均未受到内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类或宿主植物母本基因型的显著影响。  相似文献   

植物-内生真菌共生体对昆虫种群的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王学霞  杨民和  王国红 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5618-5626
植物内生真菌与植食性昆虫共用寄主植物作为食物、能量来源及栖息场所,三者之间的互作关系复杂多变,在生物种群控制、生物进化和植物生产中发挥重要作用.从植物-内生真菌共生体、内生真菌对植食性昆虫与多级营养层的影响,及内生真菌抗虫代谢产物等方面概括了内生真菌-植物-昆虫相互关系的研究进展,建议将植物内生真菌纳入植物生态学、昆虫生态学和作物病虫害控制的范畴内.  相似文献   

鬼臼类植物内生真菌的分离及其抗癌活性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对三属四种鬼臼类植物地下茎内生真菌的分离,发现鬼臼类植物地下茎中内生真菌的物种类型极其丰富,主要分布在地下茎的表皮层和维管组织中,来源于外界环境.通过对包括鬼臼类植物在内的7种植物内生真菌的抗癌活性测定,发现内生真菌的抗癌活性与宿主有密切有关系,鬼臼类植物地下茎内生真菌含有较高比例的抗癌活性菌株.宿主种类、地理位置都会影响内生真菌的分布,进而影响活性菌株出现的频率.通过对所有鬼臼类植物地下茎内生真菌次生代谢产物的深入分析,并没有发现产生鬼臼毒素的内生真菌,鬼臼类植物地下茎内生真菌的抗癌活性成分是独立产生的.  相似文献   

该研究比较了摩西球囊霉(Glmous mosseae)和幼套球囊霉(Glmous etunicatum)两种丛枝菌根真菌和内生真菌单独及混合接种对羊草(Leymus chinensis)生长的影响。结果表明,内生真菌对2种菌根真菌的侵染均无显著影响,内生真菌可极显著增加羊草的分蘖数、地上生物量、总生物量。内生真菌与菌根真菌之间的相互作用因菌根真菌种类而不同,幼套球囊霉对宿主植物生长无明显影响且和内生真菌之间也无明显的相互作用;单独接种摩西球囊霉显著增加羊草的地上、地下和总生物量,当其与内生真菌共同存在时,二者之间存在一定的拮抗作用。冗余分析结果表明,在内生真菌-AM真菌-羊草共生体中,内生真菌对宿主植物生长的影响最大,摩西球囊霉对宿主植物生长也有一定的贡献,幼套球囊霉对宿主植物生长无明显影响。  相似文献   

Epichloë内生真菌感染能够影响宿主植物的种内和种间竞争力, 但目前关于内生真菌感染对宿主植物所在群落多样性和生产力影响的研究较少。该研究以感染(E+)和不感染(E-)内生真菌的羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)及其原生境中常见的5种植物构建人工群落, 探究在不同养分水平和刈割条件下内生真菌对宿主植物群落的影响。结果表明: 内生真菌对宿主植物群落多样性的影响同刈割与否有关。在无刈割条件下, 内生真菌感染对宿主群落多样性无显著影响; 在刈割条件下, 内生真菌感染显著增加了宿主群落的多样性, 其原因在于内生真菌感染显著增加了群落中多度较小的冰草(Agropyron cristatum)和大针茅(Stipa grandis)等的多度, 而显著降低了优势种羊草(Leymus chinensis)的多度。内生真菌感染对群落生产力未见显著影响。研究发现养分添加对内生真菌作用的影响只出现在宿主植物水平, 而对宿主植物所在群落未产生显著影响, 内生真菌对宿主羽茅的促进作用只出现在养分添加条件下。  相似文献   

Twelve wild, endophyte-infected populations of perennial ryegrass were tested for resistance against artificial infection of Drechslera siccans and Fusarium spp. Plants with identified endophyte presence (E+), together with plants free from endophytes (E−), were inoculated with serious turf grass pathogens: D. siccans (cause of brown blight) and a mixture of Fusarium species (cause of Fusarium blight). For both diseases, the positive effect of endophyte presence on plant resistance was observed. In the case of a few ecotypes, endophyte infection increased resistance against both diseases, which is of practical importance for disease control.  相似文献   

Aims The leaves of almost all terrestrial plant species are colonized by endophytic fungi. Compared to agronomic grasses, which usually harbor few endophytes, native grasses generally possess greater endophyte species diversity. Existing studies examining endophyte effects on natural grasses under competition normally considered the infection status (infected or uninfected), and rarely considered endophyte species.  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes: common host plant symbionts but uncommon mutualists   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Fungal endophytes are extremely common and highly diverse microorganismsthat live within plant tissues, but usually remain asymptomatic.Endophytes traditionally have been considered plant mutualists,mainly by reducing herbivory via production of mycotoxins, suchas alkaloids. However, the vast majority of endophytes, especiallyhorizontally-transmitted ones commonly found in woody plants,apparently have little or no effect on herbivores. For the systemic,vertically-transmitted endophytes of grasses, mutualistic interactionsvia increased resistance to herbivores and pathogens are morecommon, as predicted by evolutionary theory. However, even inthese obligate symbioses, endophytes are often neutral or evenpathogenic to the host grass, depending on endophyte and plantgenotype and environmental conditions. We present a graphical model based upon variation in nitrogenflux in the host plant. Nitrogen is a common currency in endophyte/hostand plant/herbivore interactions in terms of limitations tohost plant growth, enhanced uptake by endophytes, demand forsynthesis of nitrogen-rich alkaloids, and herbivore preferenceand performance. Our graphical model predicts that low alkaloid-producingendophytes should persist in populations when soil nutrientsand herbivory are low. Alternatively, high alkaloid endophytesare favored under increasing herbivory and increasing soil nitrogen,at least to some point. At very high soil nitrogen levels, uninfectedplants may be favored over either type of infected plants. Thesepredictions are supported by patterns of infection and alkaloidproduction in nature, as well by a manipulative field experiment.However, plant genotype and other environmental factors, suchas available water, interact with the presence of the endophyteto influence host plant performance.  相似文献   

The plant hormone salicylic acid (SA) is recognized as an effective defence against biotrophic pathogens, but its role as regulator of beneficial plant symbionts has received little attention. We studied the relationship between the SA hormone and leaf fungal endophytes on herbivore defences in symbiotic grasses. We hypothesize that the SA exposure suppresses the endophyte reducing the fungal‐produced alkaloids. Because of the role that alkaloids play in anti‐herbivore defences, any reduction in their production should make host plants more susceptible to herbivores. Lolium multiflorum plants symbiotic and nonsymbiotic with the endophyte Epichloë occultans were exposed to SA followed by a challenge with the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi. We measured the level of plant resistance to aphids, and the defences conferred by endophytes and host plants. Symbiotic plants had lower concentrations of SA than did the nonsymbiotic counterparts. Consistent with our prediction, the hormonal treatment reduced the concentration of loline alkaloids (i.e., N‐formyllolines and N‐acetylnorlolines) and consequently decreased the endophyte‐conferred resistance against aphids. Our study highlights the importance of the interaction between the plant immune system and endophytes for the stability of the defensive mutualism. Our results indicate that the SA plays a critical role in regulating the endophyte‐conferred resistance against herbivores.  相似文献   

The relationship between vertically transmitted asexual fungal grass endophytes and their hosts is considered to be mutualistic. Results from agronomic field support this line of reasoning but recent studies have shown more variable results in natural systems. We investigated how high and low nutrient and water treatments affected biomass allocation patterns of endophyte‐infected and uninfected Festuca pratensis and F. rubra in greenhouse experiments over two growing seasons. Irrespective of infection status, both grass species showed improved performance on highly fertilized and watered soils. However, infected F. pratensis plants produced larger tillers than endophyte‐free plants on soil low in nutrients and water in the first growing season, although they (E+) otherwise showed decreased performance on nutrient‐poor soil. In low nutrient and water conditions, endophyte‐infected plants produced less tillers and had lower total biomass compared to uninfected plants, and displayed a negative phenotypic correlation between seed production and vegetative growth. The latter indicates costs of reproduction when the plant shares common resources with the fungal endophyte. However, endophyte infection status (E+, E?) interacted significantly with the soil fertilisation in terms of plant growth, having a stronger positive effect on growth in infected F. pratensis plants. In F. rubra, endophyte‐infected plants showed higher vegetative growth in fertilized and watered soils compared to uninfected plants. However, infected plants tended to produce fewer inflorescences. This had no effect on seed production, perhaps because seed production was partly replaced by asexual pseudovivipary. Contrary to the general assumption in the literature that fungal endophytes are plant mutualists, these findings suggest that the costs of endophytes may outweigh their benefits in resource limited conditions. However, the costs of endophyte infections appear to differ among the grass species studied; costs of endophytes were mainly detected in F. pratensis under low nutrient conditions. We propose that differences in response to endophyte infection in these species may depend on the differences in life‐history strategies and environmental requirements of these two fescue and fungal species and may change during the life span of the plant.  相似文献   

王欣禹  周勇  任安芝  高玉葆 《生态学报》2014,34(23):6789-6796
以感染内生真菌的天然禾草羊草为实验材料,通过体外纯培养条件下的内生真菌、感染内生真菌的离体叶片和在体叶片对3种病原菌的抑菌实验,以探讨内生真菌对宿主植物羊草在抗病性方面的贡献。结果表明:体外纯培养条件下,分离自羊草的内生真菌Epichlobromicola对新月弯孢(Curvularia lunata)、根腐离蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)和枝孢霉(Cladosporium sp.)这3种病原菌都具有抑制作用,抑菌率分别达56.22%,46.93%和45.15%,且内生真菌培养滤液可以有效抑制这3种病原菌的孢子萌发,平均萌发率分别为30.4%,15.7%和16.4%;宿主植物叶片在离体条件下,内生真菌感染可以有效降低羊草叶片受C.lunata和C.sp.侵染后的病斑数或病斑长度,但对B.sorokiniana不起作用,甚至提高了叶片的病斑数及病斑长度,而离体叶片提取液对不同病原菌均有不同程度的抑制作用;在体条件下,内生真菌均可以通过降低叶片病斑数来增强羊草植株对这3种病原菌的抗性。由此看来,内生真菌E.bromicola对宿主植物羊草在抗病原菌侵染方面有一定的增益作用。  相似文献   

Neotyphodium endophytes in introduced agronomic grasses are well known to increase resistance to herbivores, but little is known of interactions between Neotyphodium endophytes and herbivores in native grass populations. We investigated whether endophytes mediate plant-herbivore interactions in a native grass species, Festuca arizonica in the southwestern United States, in two ways. First, to test the prediction that the presence and frequency of endophyte-infected (E+) plants should increase with increasing herbivory, we determined endophyte frequencies over a 4-year period in six natural Arizona fescue populations. We compared Neotyphodium frequency among plants growing inside and outside long-term vertebrate grazing exclosures. Second, we experimentally tested the effects of Neotyphodium infection, plant clone, and soil nutrients on plant resistance to the native grasshopper Xanthippus corallipes. Contrary to predictions based upon the hypothesis that endophytes increase herbivore resistance, levels of infection did not increase in plants subjected to grazing outside of exclosures relative to ungrazed plants within exclosures. Instead, endophyte frequencies tended to be greater inside the exclosures, where long-term vertebrate grazing was reduced. The grasshopper bioassay experiment corroborated these long-term patterns. Survival of grasshoppers did not differ between infected (E+) and uninfected (E–) plants. Instead, mean relative growth rate of grasshoppers was higher on E+ grasses than on E– ones. Growth performance of newly hatched grasshopper nymphs varied among host plant clones, although two of six clones accounted for most of this variation. Our results suggest that Neotyphodium-grass-herbivore interactions may be much more variable in natural communities than predicted by studies of agronomically important Neotyphodium-grass associations, and herbivory is not always the driving selective force in endophyte-grass ecology and evolution. Thus, alternative hypotheses are necessary to explain the wide distribution and variable frequencies of endophytes in natural plant populations. Received: 15 February 1999 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

自然环境中内生菌定殖于植物体内,对宿主植物产生多种有益效应,但是内生菌定殖情况难以检测,相关研究不够深入系统。目前在该领域使用较为广泛的检测技术包括:荧光标记、抗生素标记、荧光定量PCR和高通量测序等。内生菌通过孔隙伤口和降解细胞壁等方式侵染植物,通过种子垂直传递核心内生菌。对植物内生菌定殖的侵染方式、定殖方法和检测技术进行了归纳和整理,介绍了内生菌多种侵染和迁移途径,总结了目前内生菌定殖在生物防治、促进植物生长和污染修复等方面的功能,综述了多种检测方式在应用中的特点,以期为内生菌定殖植物的相关研究及其应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Many plants support symbiotic microbes, such as endophytic fungi, that can alter interactions with herbivores. Most endophyte research has focused on agronomically important species, with less known about the ecological roles of native endophytes in native plants. In particular, whether genetic variation among endophyte symbionts affects herbivores of plant hosts remains unresolved for most native endophytes. Here, we investigate the importance of native isolates of the endophyte Epichlo? elymi in affecting herbivory of the native grass host, Elymus hystrix. Experimental fungal isolate-plant genotype combinations and endophyte-free control plants were grown in a common garden and exposed to natural arthropod herbivory. Fungal isolates differed in their effects on two types of herbivory, chewing and scraping. Isolates exhibiting greater sexual reproduction were associated with greater herbivore damage than primarily asexual isolates. Endophyte infection also altered patterns of herbivory within plants, with stroma-bearing tillers experiencing up to 30% greater damage than nonstroma-bearing tillers. Results suggest that intraspecific genetic variation in endophytes, like plant genetic variation, can have important 'bottom-up' effects on herbivores in native systems.  相似文献   

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