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多倍化是植物物种形成与多样化的重要原动力。研究植物特别是一些重要经济作物和园艺植物多倍体的起源与进化,不仅对于揭示多倍体形成过程中性状变异的分子机制具有重要意义,而且可为植物遗传资源的保护与利用提供理论和技术支持。作为连接基因组序列片段到染色体组的桥梁,荧光原位杂交技术长期被广泛用来研究多倍体形成与进化过程中相关特异基因或序列的表达定位、外源染色体检测和鉴定、基因组结构变异等科学问题。因此,在简单介绍荧光原位杂交技术发展历史和植物多倍体主要类型的基础上,主要总结了荧光原位杂交技术在植物多倍体起源与进化相关研究上的应用。  相似文献   

多倍体化在植物进化的历史过程中频繁发生,对新物种的形成产生了很大影响。伴随着多倍体化,植物在基因组和基因表达上发生了复杂的变化,包括染色体数目变化、染色体重组、基因沉默、基因的非加性表达和表观遗传等变化。该文对多倍体化引起的这些变化及其相应的机理进行了综述,以期为了解多倍体化中植物新表型的产生机理和在进化中的意义提供参考。  相似文献   

浅析植物多倍体现象   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
浅析植物多倍体现象沈显生(安徽教育学院生物系,230061)生物体内染色体数目的变化是以染色体组为单位进行增减。当生物体内的染色体组数达到3组或3组以上者,称为多倍体。多倍体是高等植物染色体进化中的一个显著特征。在蕨类植物中多倍体可能高达50%,被子...  相似文献   

植物多倍体研究的回顾与展望   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
多倍化是促进植物进化的重要力量。多倍体主要是通过未减数配子融合,体细胞染色体加倍以及多精受精三种方式起源的。其中,不减数配子是多倍体形成的主要机制。三倍体可能在四倍体的进化中起了重要作用。过去认为多倍体只能是进化的死胡同,现在发现很多多倍体类群都是多元起源的而不是单元起源的。当多倍体形成后,基因组中的重复基因大部分保持原有的功能,也有相当比例的基因发生基因沉默。多倍体通常表现出不存在于二倍体祖先的表型,并且超出了其祖先的分布范围,因为在多倍体中发生了很多基因表达的变化。主要从多倍体的起源、影响多倍体发生的因素及多倍体基因组的进化等方面回顾并展望多倍体的研究。  相似文献   

植物多倍体基因组的形成与进化   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
杨继 《植物分类学报》2001,39(4):357-371
多倍化是植物进化变异的自然现象,也是促进植物发生进化改变的重要力量。在被子植物中,约 70%的种类在进化史中曾发生过一次或多次多倍化的过程。目前的研究结果表明,自然界绝大多数多倍体是通过未减数配子的融合而形成的,并且很多多倍体种是通过多次独立的多倍化过程而重复发生的。由多倍化所导致的重复基因在多倍体基因组中可能有三种不同的命运,即:保持原有的功能、基因沉默或分化并执行新的功能。多倍化以后,重复基因组的进化动态则主要表现在染色体重排和“染色体二倍化”、不同基因组之间的相互渗透、以及核-质之间的相互作用等方面。  相似文献   

中国苹果属植物染色体数目报告   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文观察了中国苹果属植物17个种22个材料的染色体数目。观察结果指出,多倍体在全部研究材料中占44.6%,其中有些种因材料来源不同,其倍数性各异。本结果可供我国苹果遗传育种参考。  相似文献   

山茶属植物的染色体数目和核型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李光涛  梁涛   《广西植物》1990,10(2):127-137+191
本文对已报道的(包括作者的研究)山茶属植物的染色体数目和核型作一简单的讨论,结合地理分布情况,提出由二倍体向多倍体进化可能是山茶属植物进化的一个重要途径。山茶属植物的核型多为Stebbins核型分类的“2A”型,表明山茶属植物是一个较原始的种系。本文中12种的染色体数目和2种的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

简要介绍了植物减数分裂染色体配对研究。综述了减数分裂染色体配对研究在鉴定异源易位系、确定多倍体物种类型、分析物种间亲缘关系和物种的染色体组来源及探讨杂种不育的细胞遗传学机制等诸多方面的应用进展。分析了影响染色体配对的主要因素, 如配对控制体系、遗传背景和外界环境条件等,并展望了染色体配对研究与其他技术结合在染色体组分析中的应用前景。  相似文献   

多倍化(polyploidization)是指细胞核中的染色体组发生加倍并以可遗传的方式传递至后代的现象.虽然已有研究揭示多倍化事件普遍出现于被子植物各类群的进化过程中,但其对物种多样化与基因组进化的作用始终都处于争论之中.近年来随着基因组测序的革命性进步与多种组学和分子生物学技术的应用,植物多倍化与多倍体基因组进化领域的研究已取得多方面的重要进展.本文首先系统地介绍了植物多倍化的研究历史、多倍体分类系统以及该领域目前存在的主要学术争论.在此基础上,侧重从染色体数目与结构、DNA和组蛋白表观遗传修饰以及RNA和蛋白质表达等多个层次,对在多倍体小麦、油菜与棉花等模式作物中所取得的研究成果进行了较详细的概括.期望本文通过对最新研究成果的总结与未来研究展望,进一步增进对多倍化在植物物种多样性形成与基因组进化过程中重要作用的理解,促进我国植物多倍化研究领域的发展.  相似文献   

植物减数分裂染色体配对与染色体组分析的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
简要介绍了植物减数分裂染色体配对研究.综述了减数分裂染色体配对研究在鉴定异源易位系、确定多倍体物种类型、分析物种间亲缘关系和物种的染色体组来源及探讨杂种不育的细胞遗传学机制等诸多方面的应用进展.分析了影响染色体配对的主要因素,如配对控制体系、遗传背景和外界环境条件等,并展望了染色体配对研究与其他技术结合在染色体组分析中的应用前景.  相似文献   

Bento M  Gustafson JP  Viegas W  Silva M 《Génome》2011,54(3):175-183
Polyploidization is one of the major driving forces in plant evolution and is extremely relevant to speciation and diversity creation. Polyploidization leads to a myriad of genetic and epigenetic alterations that ultimately generate plants and species with increased genome plasticity. Polyploids are the result of the fusion of two or more genomes into the same nucleus and can be classified as allopolyploids (different genomes) or autopolyploids (same genome). Triticeae synthetic allopolyploid species are excellent models to study polyploids evolution, particularly the wheat-rye hybrid triticale, which includes various ploidy levels and genome combinations. In this review, we reanalyze data concerning genomic analysis of octoploid and hexaploid triticale and different synthetic wheat hybrids, in comparison with other polyploid species. This analysis reveals high levels of genomic restructuring events in triticale and wheat hybrids, namely major parental band disappearance and the appearance of novel bands. Furthermore, the data shows that restructuring depends on parental genomes, ploidy level, and sequence type (repetitive, low copy, and (or) coding); is markedly different after wide hybridization or genome doubling; and affects preferentially the larger parental genome. The shared role of genetic and epigenetic modifications in parental genome size homogenization, diploidization establishment, and stabilization of polyploid species is discussed.  相似文献   

Polyploidy, an important factor in eukaryotic evolution, is especially abundant in angiosperms, where it often acts in concert with hybridization to produce allopolyploids. The application of molecular phylogenetic techniques has identified the origins of numerous allopolyploids, but little is known on genomic and chromosomal consequences of allopolyploidization, despite their important role in conferring divergence of allopolyploids from their parental species. Here, using several plastid and nuclear sequence markers, we clarify the origin of tetra- and hexaploids in a group of American daisies, allowing characterization of genome dynamics in polyploids compared to their diploid ancestors. All polyploid species are allopolyploids. Among the four diploid gene pools, the propensity for allopolyploidization is unevenly distributed phylogenetically with a few species apparently more prone to participate, but the underlying causes remain unclear. Polyploid genomes are characterized by differential loss of ribosomal DNA loci (5S and 35S rDNA), known hotspots of chromosomal evolution, but show genome size additivity, suggesting limited changes beyond those affecting rDNA loci or the presence of processes counterbalancing genome reduction. Patterns of rDNA sequence conversion and provenance of the lost loci are highly idiosyncratic and differ even between allopolyploids of identical parentage, indicating that allopolyploids deriving from the same lower-ploid parental species can follow different evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

序列消除与异源多倍体植物基因组的进化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经杂交后多倍化形成的异源多倍体植物,被认为在其形成的早期阶段经历了DNA序列消除过程。发生消除的序列既涉及到高拷贝的序列也有低拷贝的序列,而且大多数情况下倾向于消除来自其中一个亲本的序列。序列消除的模式因基因组组成和物种的不同而有差异,并且可能受到细胞质的影响。尽管序列消除的分子机制还不是很清楚,但很多证据已表明非同源染色体之间的互作不是主要的原因。目前认为,序列消除增加了非同源染色体之间的差异,为多倍化后在减数分裂过程中快速恢复二倍化的染色体配对模式提供了物质基础,这样更有利于多倍体在自然界快速稳定。  相似文献   



Distant hybridization can result genome duplication and allopolyploid formation which may play a significant role in the origin and evolution of many plant species. It is unclear how the two or more divergent genomes coordinate in one nucleus with a single parental cytoplasm within allopolyploids. We used cytological and molecular methods to investigate the genetic and epigenetic instabilities associated with the process of distant hybridization and allopolyploid formation, measuring changes in chromosome number and DNA methylation across multiple generations.  相似文献   

Polyploidy, the duplication of entire genomes, plays a major role in plant evolution. In allopolyploids, genome duplication is associated with hybridization between two or more divergent genomes. Successive hybridization and polyploidization events can build up species complexes of allopolyploids with complicated network-like histories, and the evolutionary history of many plant groups cannot be adequately represented by phylogenetic trees because of such reticulate events. The history of complex genome mergings within a high-polyploid species complex in the genus Cerastium (Caryophyllaceae) is here untangled by the use of a network algorithm and noncoding sequences of a low-copy number gene. The resulting network illustrates how hybridization and polyploidization have acted as key evolutionary processes in creating a plant group where high-level allopolyploids clearly outnumber extant parental genomes.  相似文献   

Previous work showed a strong tendency for genomes from twodifferent parents to be spatially separated in cell nuclei ofseveral man-made F1 hybrids between grass species. An importantquestion therefore is whether similar nonrandom genome dispositionoccurs in wild species. Milium montianum Parl. (2n = 22) isa naturally occurring allopolyploid grass combining two geneticallydissimilar chromosome sets (V and M genomes), each originatingfrom a different ancestral species. These two ancestral genomeswere easily discriminated as all V genome chromosomes were largerthan all M genome chromosomes. In two-dimensional spread preparations,the V genome derived from M. vernale Bieb. (2n = 8), and theM genome (of different but uncertain origin) showed a highlysignificant tendency to lie apart. Generally, the V chromosomestended to surround the M chromosomes in both mitotic and meioticnuclei suggesting that this arrangement persists throughoutplant development. Such nuclear organization is probably undergenetic control and may facilitate some independent behaviourof ancestral genomes in allopolyploids. Indeed it may play asignificant role in plant evolution and speciation, especiallyif different intranuclear positions (e.g. central or peripheral)are correlated with preferential phenotypic expression of ancestralgenes. Milium montianum Parl., Gramineae, allopolyploid, spatial chromosome disposition, ancestral genome separation, plant speciation and evolution  相似文献   

?Premise of the study: Hybridization and polyploidization (allopolyploidy) are ubiquitous in the evolution of plants, but tracing the origins and subsequent evolution of the constituent genomes of allopolyploids has been challenging. Genome doubling greatly complicates genetic analyses, and this has long hindered investigation in that most allopolyploid species are "nonmodel" organisms. However, recent advances in sequencing and genomics technologies now provide unprecedented opportunities to analyze numerous genetic markers in multiple individuals in any organism. ?Methods: Here we review the application of next-generation sequencing technologies to the study of three aspects of allopolyploid genome evolution: duplicated gene loss and expression in two recently formed Tragopogon allopolyploids, intergenomic interactions and chromosomal evolution in Tragopogon miscellus, and repetitive DNA evolution in Nicotiana allopolyploids. ?Key results: For the first time, we can explore on a genomic scale the evolutionary processes that are ongoing in natural allopolyploids and not be restricted to well-studied crops and genetic models. ?Conclusions: These approaches can be easily and inexpensively applied to many other plant species-making any evolutionarily provocative system a new "model" system.  相似文献   

Advances in plant chromosome identification and cytogenetic techniques   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent developments that improve our ability to distinguish slightly diverged genomes from each other, as well as to distinguish each of the nonhomologous chromosomes within a genome, add a new dimension to the study of plant genomics. Differences in repetitive sequences among different species have been used to develop multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization techniques that can define the components of allopolyploids in detail and reveal introgression between species. Bacterial artificial chromosome probes and repetitive sequence arrays have been used to distinguish each of the nonhomologous somatic chromosomes within a species. Such karyotype analysis opens new avenues for the study of chromosomal variation and behavior, as well as for the localization of individual genes and transgenes to genomic position.  相似文献   

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