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采用流水法研究了在温度(20.7±0.55)℃下体重和时间节律对俄罗斯鲟(Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt)幼鱼耗氧率和窒息点的影响。结果表明,俄罗斯鲟的耗氧率、窒息点与体重负相关,耗氧量与体重正相关。俄罗斯鲟体重(1.39±0.24)g时平均耗氧率为(0.51±0.06)mg/h.g,平均耗氧量为(0.68±0.03)mg/h.ind;体重(3.16±0.22)g时,平均耗氧率为(0.35±0.04)mg/h.g,平均耗氧量为(0.97±0.10)mg/h.ind;体重(6.20±0.36)g时平均耗氧率为(0.28±0.04)mg/h.g,平均耗氧量为(1.46±0.33)mg/h.ind。3种规格俄罗斯鲟的窒息点分别为2.38、2.35和1.98 mg/L。  相似文献   

红尾副鳅耗氧率和窒息点的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用封闭流水式装置测定了红尾副鳅的耗氧率变化及窒息点。结果表明,红尾副鳅耗氧率随着体重的增加而减小,红尾副鳅其耗氧率昼夜变化差异显著(P<0.05)。在水温14.0℃时,平均体重4.0 g的红尾副鳅的平均耗氧率为0.1659 mg/(g·h),日平均耗氧率为0.1389 mg/(g·h),夜间其平均耗氧率为0.1930 mg/(g·h);平均体重为7.9 g的红尾副鳅的平均耗氧率为0.1175 mg/(g·h),日平均耗氧率为0.1099 mg/(g·h),夜间其平均耗氧率为0.1251 mg/(g·h);平均体重9.5 g的红尾副鳅平均耗氧率为0.0534 mg/(g·h),日平均耗氧率为0.0509 mg/(g·h),夜间平均耗氧率为0.0559mg/(g·h),窒息点为1.137 mg/L。本研究表明红尾副鳅为耗氧率和窒息点较高的鱼类。  相似文献   

瓦氏黄颡鱼与黄颡鱼的耗氧率及窒息点   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
在平均水温25℃条件下,测得平均体重10.0 g的瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)及平均体重12.6g的黄颡鱼(P.fulvidraco)耗氧率分别为0.21和0.23 mg/g.h,窒息点分别为0.91和0.75 mg/L;平均体重75.8 g的瓦氏黄颡鱼及平均体重85.4 g的黄颡鱼耗氧率分别为0.16和0.12 mg/g.h,窒息点分别为0.77和0.54 mg/L。分析表明,瓦氏黄颡鱼的耗氧率和窒息点都高于黄颡鱼。  相似文献   

黄鳝气呼吸代谢的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了黄鳝气呼吸状态下 ,2 5~ 2 7℃时的能量代谢情况。结果 ,表明平均耗氧率为 6 3 6 4mg/kg·h ,平均耗氧量 2 .81mg/尾·h ,体重与耗氧量之间的直线回归方程为 y =1.32 +0 .0 3x ;个体越大 ,耗氧量越大 ,个体越小 ,耗氧率越高。同时发现 ,黄鳝的耗氧率随环境温度变化及昼夜节律交替而变化。  相似文献   

厚颌鲂和圆口铜鱼耗氧率与窒息点的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用封闭静水式装置测定了体重2.3-4.7g厚颌鲂幼鱼的耗氧率和窒息点,用封闭静水式和封闭流水式装置测定了体重9.9-55.1g圆口铜鱼的耗氧率和窒息点。结果表明:在15-27℃条件下,厚颌鲂的耗氧率随着温度的升高而升高,耗氧率与水温呈线性关系;在水温24.8℃时厚颌鲂的窒息点为(0.91±0.08)mg/L。在水温23-27℃、封闭静水实验条件下,圆口铜鱼的耗氧率随体重增加而降低,两者呈指数关系;圆口铜鱼耗氧率昼夜变化明显,夜间耗氧率大于白天,推测圆口铜鱼夜间活动较多。在水温24.5-26.0℃条件下,体重21.8-46.3g圆口铜鱼的窒息点变幅较小,平均(1.14±0.23)mg/L。研究表明两种鱼都为耗氧率和窒息点较高的鱼类。    相似文献   

信阳桃花水母对几种生态因子胁迫的耐受反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在不同温度、盐度、pH等因子胁迫条件下,研究观察了信阳桃花水母(Craspedacusta sowerbyi xinyangensis)的生活状态、形态变化及存活等耐受反应,并测定了信阳桃花水母在不同温度下的耗氧率和最低耐氧能力.结果表明,信阳桃花水母的最适生活温度范围为15 ℃~25 ℃,pH为6.0~8.2.信阳桃花水母对盐度耐受力差,盐度为2时,仅能存活96 h;但具有较强的耐低氧能力,20 ℃时窒息点为026 mg·L-1,平均耗氧量和平均耗氧率随温度的升高而升高.  相似文献   

秦岭细鳞鲑栖息地环境特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究秦岭细鳞鲑(Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis)的栖息地环境选择偏好,对陕西陇县秦岭细鳞鲑国家级自然保护区和甘肃秦州珍稀水生野生动物国家级自然保护区内25个样点进行了鱼类采样和生境测量。共采集到130尾秦岭细鳞鲑样本,样点的平均分布密度为(0.10±0.07)尾/m,两个保护区内秦岭细鳞鲑的密度存在显著性差异(P < 0.05)。与秦岭细鳞鲑密度分布呈正相关的因子依次为坡度、跌水区密度、海拔、粗糙度、遮蔽度、底栖动物生物量和流速,与密度呈负相关的环境因子依次为河宽、水深和溶氧。冗余性分析(RDA)筛选了坡度、粗糙度、遮蔽度、海拔和跌水区5个关键环境因子。基于关键环境因子的实测值建立了栖息地适合度曲线,秦岭细鳞鲑分布的最适坡度范围为5%-10%,海拔分布范围为1500-2000 m,粗糙度范围0.3-0.4;跌水区密度范围12-18个/100 m,遮蔽度在0.5以上。  相似文献   

在水温(14.5±0.5)℃条件下,测定了平均体重(26.5±2.0)g(n=260)溪红点鲑(Salvelinus fontinalus)饱食和空腹状态下的耗氧率及排氨率.实验组共测定了260尾个体,空腹状态下标准耗氧率和标准排氨率分别为(175.00±8.49)mg/kg·h及(2.91±0.40)mg/kg·h;饱食后耗氧率和排氨率变化趋势均呈现迅速上升,到达最大值后再缓慢下降,然后恢复到初始水平,最大值分别为(375.93±9.73)mg/kg·h和(16.01±0.37)mg/kg·h,最大值出现时间分别为饱食后(6.0±0.3)h和(7.0±0.5)h,饱食后耗氧率和排氨率发生改变的持续时间分别为(23.0±1.5)h及(23.0±2.0)h,耗氧总增量和排氨总增量分别为(2641±137)mg及(164±10)mg.结果显示,溪红点鲑饱食排氨率的变化过程与其饱食耗氧率的特殊动力作用(SDA)具有类似的特征,表明二者在能量代谢机制上相互关联,溪红点鲑的SDA总耗能的18.8%±1.2%由蛋白质分解代谢所提供.  相似文献   

在密封式流水呼吸室内,对厚颌鲂Megalobrama pellegrini幼鱼在pH值分别为5.5、6.0、6.5、7.0、7.5、8.0和8.5试验用水条件下的耗氧率进行了测定.结果 显示:厚颌鲂幼鱼耗氧率存在明显的昼夜变化,白天高于晚上,下午高于上午,夜间变化不大.不同pH值的平均耗氧率为0.7135 mg/g · h,平均耗氧率最高是在pH7.5时,为0.8665 mg/g · h,平均耗氧率最低是在pH5.5时,为0.5397 mg/g · h.在密封式呼吸室内测定pH值在5.5、6.0、6.5、7.0、7.5、8.0和8.5试验用水条件下的厚颌鲂幼鱼的窒息点,分别为1.3920、1.3067、1.1547、1.0683、1.0933、1.1733和1.2331 mg/L,平均窒息点为1.2008 mg/L.  相似文献   

为探究体重、盐度和温度对不同规格的虎斑乌贼(Sepia pharaonis)幼体耗氧率、排氨率以及其窒息点的影响。采用单因子试验设计和密闭静水法, 对不同体重下(0.212、0.385、0.476、0.597、0.754和0.946 g)虎斑乌贼幼体的耗氧率和排氨率, 以及不同体重(0.476、0.673、1.341、3.873和4.205 g)幼体的窒息点进行了测定, 同时研究了不同盐度(19‰、22‰、25‰、28‰和31‰)和温度(18、21、24、27和30℃)对不同规格[A: 体重(0.366±0.042) g, B: 体重(0.556±0.038) g, C: 体重(0.844±0.051) g]的虎斑乌贼幼体耗氧率(RO)和排氨率(RN)的影响。结果表明: (1)虎斑乌贼幼体体重对耗氧率和排氨率均影响显著(P<0.05)。随着幼体体重的增长, 耗氧率和排氨率显著下降, 个体越小耗氧率和排氨率越大; (2)盐度对幼体的耗氧率和排氨率有显著影响(P<0.05), 均随着盐度的增加呈先下降后上升的趋势, 其中, A规格和B规格的幼体在盐度25‰时, 耗氧率和排氨率显著低于盐度19‰、22‰和31‰时的3个试验组(P<0.05), 而与盐度28‰时无显著差异(P>0.05); C规格幼体的耗氧率在盐度28‰时显著低于盐度19‰组(P<0.05), 而排氨率在盐度25‰时显著低于盐度19‰和31‰两组(P<0.05)。盐度对A规格幼体的氧氮比(O/N)值有显著影响(P<0.05), 而对B规格和C规格的幼体无显著影响(P>0.05)。(3)温度对不同规格幼体的耗氧率和排氨率有显著影响(P<0.05), 均随温度的增长, 呈先上升后下降的趋势。其中, A规格和C规格幼体的耗氧率在27℃时, 显著高于18和30℃两组(P<0.05), B规格的在水温24℃时显著高于18和30℃(P<0.05); A规格和B规格幼体的排氨率分别在24和27℃时, 显著高于其他温度组(P<0.05), C规格的在温度27℃时, 显著高于18和30℃两组(P<0.05); 温度对A规格幼体的O/N值有显著影响(P<0.05), 而对B规格和C规格的幼体无显著影响(P>0.05)。(4)虎斑乌贼幼体的窒息点为0.84—1.62 mg/L, 随着体重的增加而逐渐降低。  相似文献   

Curcumin is the yellow pigment of turmeric that interacts irreversibly forming an adduct with thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), an enzyme responsible for redox control of cell and defence against oxidative stress. Docking at both the active sites of TrxR was performed to compare the potency of three naturally occurring curcuminoids, namely curcumin, demethoxy curcumin and bis-demethoxy curcumin. Results show that active sites of TrxR occur at the junction of E and F chains. Volume and area of both cavities is predicted. It has been concluded by distance mapping of the most active conformations that Se atom of catalytic residue SeCYS498, is at a distance of 3.56 from C13 of demethoxy curcumin at the E chain active site, whereas C13 carbon atom forms adduct with Se atom of SeCys 498. We report that at least one methoxy group in curcuminoids is necessary for interation with catalytic residues of thioredoxin. Pharmacophore of both active sites of the TrxR receptor for curcumin and demethoxy curcumin molecules has been drawn and proposed for design and synthesis of most probable potent antiproliferative synthetic drugs.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,In December 2019, a novel human coronavirus caused an epidemic of severe pneumonia(Coronavirus Disease 2019,COVID-19) in Wuhan, Hubei, China(Wu et al. 2020; Zhu et al. 2020). So far, this virus has spread to all areas of China and even to other countries. The epidemic has caused 67,102 confirmed infections with 1526 fatal cases  相似文献   

The young pistils in the melanthioid tribes, Hewardieae, Petrosavieae and Tricyrteae, are uniformly tricarpellate and syncarpous. They lack raphide idioblasts. All are multiovulate, with bitegmic ovules. The Petrosavieae are marked by the presence of septal glands and incomplete syncarpy. Tepals and stamens adhere to the ovary in the Hewardieae and the Petrosavieae but not in the Tricyrteae. Two vascular bundles occur in the stamens of the Hewartlieae and Tricyrtis latifolia. Ventral bundles in the upper part of the ovary of the Hewardieae are continuous with compound septal bundles and placental bundles in the lower part. Putative ventral bundles occur in the alternate position in the Tricyrteae and putative placental bundles in the opposite. position in the Petrosavieae. The dichtomously branched stigma in each carpel of the Tricyrteae is supplied by a bifurcated dorsal bundle.  相似文献   

Some closely related members of the monocotyledonous familiesAlismataceae, Liliaceae, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae andAraceae with variable modes of pollination (insect- and wind-pollination) were studied in relation to the ultrastructure of pollenkitt and exine (amount, consistency and distribution of pollenkitt on the surface of pollen grains). The character syndromes of pollen cementing in entomophilous, anemophilous and intermediate (ambophilous or amphiphilous) monocotyledons are the same in principal as in dicotyledons. Comparing present with former results one can summarize: 1) The pollenkitt is always produced in the same manner by the anther tapetum in all angiosperm sub-classes. 2) The variable stickiness of entomophilous and anemophilous pollen always depends on the particular distribution and consistency of the pollenkitt, but not its amount on the pollen surface. 3) The mostly dry and powdery pollen of anemophilous plants always contains a variable amount of inactive pollenkitt in its exine cavities. 4) A step-by step change of the pollen cementing syndrome can be observed from entomophily towards anemophily. 5) From the omnipresence of pollenkitt in all wind-pollinated angiosperms studied one can conclude that the ancestors of anemophilous angiosperms probably have been zoophilous (i.e. entomophilous) throughout.

正Dear Editor,Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), known as canine parainfluenza virus in the veterinary field, is a negative-sense,nonsegmented, single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the Paramyxoviridae family (Chen 2018). The virus was first reported in primary monkey kidney cells in 1954 (Hsiung1972), then it has been frequently discovered in various  相似文献   

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