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江西野生大豆遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用48个SSR分子标记分析了192份采集于江西49个县(区)的野生大豆遗传多样性。结果表明,共扩增出等位基因343个,平均每对引物扩增出7.2个等位基因,平均基因遗传多样性指数0.7369,平均多态性信息含量(PIC)0.7060,表明江西野生大豆具有较为丰富的遗传多样性。不同纬度和不同海拔的野生大豆其遗传多样性不同,高纬度及低海拔地区野生大豆遗传多样性要高。192份野生大豆可聚类成三大类,聚类结果与地理来源较为一致。  相似文献   

采用RAMP分子标记技术对80份甘蔗种质(32份祖亲种、48份栽培品种或品系)的遗传基础进行了分析。从30对引物组合中筛选出4对多态性较强引物,构建了甘蔗80份种质的RAMP指纹图谱,这四对引物组合共扩增出84条带,其多态性为91.7%。80份种质的遗传相似系数变化范围在0.433~0.988,平均0.710。聚类分析表明,随着相似系数结合线的不同,可分别将参试的甘蔗种质从属间(甘蔗属与斑茅种)、野生种(割手密种、大茎野生种、印度种、中国种)与栽培种(热带种)间、栽培种与杂交栽培品种(或品系)间区别开来。各祖亲种与杂交栽培品种(或品系)的遗传相似性由大到小依次为热带种>印度种和中国种>大茎野生种>云南割手密种>其它割手密种>斑茅。另外,本试验首次利用RAMP标记,获得了部分热带种、野生种及斑茅种特异片段,并发现这些特异片段能不同程度地在具有其血缘的栽培种中得到传递。  相似文献   

基于SSR分子标记分析云南月季种质资源亲缘关系(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用简单重复序列SSR(simple sequence repeat)标记技术对48份月季种质资源(包括14份野生种、20份古老月季品种和14份栽培品种)的遗传多样性和亲缘关系进行了分析.结果表明,(1)18对SSR引物在18个SSR位点上共检测到160个等位基因,每一位点的等位基因变幅为6~13个,平均8.9个,材料间遗传相似系数变化范围为0.157 8~0.754 9,表明在分子水平上云南月季种质资源具有丰富的遗传多样性.(2)聚类分析结果显示,在相似系数为0.44处,可将 14个野生种明显分为6个组,这与植物形态学分类结果上基本一致;在遗传相似系数为0.40水平上将48份供试材料分为八大组群.(3)亲缘关系分析结果显示,5个野生种和所有古老月季品种与大多数栽培品种的亲缘关系较近.  相似文献   

该研究以16份甘蔗骨干亲本为参照,对29份云南甘蔗创新种质进行SSR指纹图谱构建和遗传多样性分析,以明确创新种质与16份亲本间的遗传基础和多样性水平。结果表明:6对引物共扩增出104条带,其中101条为多态性条带,多态性条带比例为97.25%;45份材料的遗传相似性系数为0.235 3~0.891 3,平均值为0.563 3;其中16份甘蔗骨干亲本的遗传相似性系数为0.301 6~0.755 6,甘蔗创新种质与甘蔗骨干亲本的特异条带比例为14∶1,涵盖了割手密、大茎野生种、斑茅和滇蔗茅等基因源。根据骨干亲本间的相似性系数范围,在相似性系数为0.43处,可将种质分为6大类群,亲缘关系相对较远,适宜作为种质间的杂交利用。通过引物区分效率分析,6对引物扩增的多态信息量为0.967 9~0.975 8,其中MSSCIR21引物区分效率最高,利用MSSCIR21和SMC1047HA引物组合构建了云南甘蔗创新种质标准指纹图谱,在相似性系数为0.85处即可区分所有种质,图谱的鉴别准确率为100%,每份资源都有唯一的指纹图谱,可将29份创新种质和16份骨干亲本区分鉴别出来。该研究能够为后续杂交利用、种质鉴定和知识产权保护提供依据。  相似文献   

为了解粤糖系列甘蔗亲本遗传关系,提高粤糖系列甘蔗亲本的利用效率,本研究利用35个表型性状对106份粤糖系列甘蔗亲本和10份中国主栽甘蔗品种进行了遗传多样性、聚类分析等研究。结果表明,粤糖系列甘蔗亲本平均多样性信息指数、基因多样性指数分别为0.782±0.082、0.438±0.039,遗传多样性水平较高。叶片宽度和曝光后茎色多样性非常丰富。遗传相似性系数变幅在0.388~0.829,基于遗传相似性系数的聚类分析将参试材料分成2个大类群6个亚类群及5个亚亚类群。20世纪80年代粤糖亲本多样性指数最高,基于遗传距离的聚类分析将7个群体分为3个类群(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ),中国主栽甘蔗品种单独成为一个类群。以上结果为甘蔗遗传育种亲本的选择、杂交组合配制及核心种质构建提供帮助。  相似文献   

云南甘蔗品种表型性状的遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高云南甘蔗品种资源的利用效率,为甘蔗遗传育种亲本的选择、杂交组合配制提供理论指导,本研究从18个质量性状和5个数量性状对73份云南甘蔗品种和27份中国历年主栽甘蔗品种(不包括云南选育的主栽品种)的遗传变异、遗传多样性、聚类关系等开展了研究。结果表明:云南甘蔗品种芽形、曝光后节间颜色、曝光前节间颜色、芽沟和57号毛群的多样性十分丰富;而数量性状的遗传变异主要来自叶片宽度和株高;相似性系数和聚类分析表明品种的相似性处于中等水平,可分成2个大类群4个亚类群及20个小类群,主成份分析表明云南甘蔗品种和中国历年主栽品种可划分为3个明显的基因库,与聚类分析结果基本一致。  相似文献   

利用ISSR技术分析了河北承德大窝铺3个不同海拔、4个不同群落类型的油松天然种群的遗传多样性与遗传分化,探讨了天然油松种群遗传多样性与主要生态因子的关系.结果表明:天然油松种群具有较高的遗传多样性,13个筛选出的随机引物共检测出180个位点,总多态位点比率分别达到73.33%和91.11%.海拔影响油松种群的遗传多样性,中海拔( 1070~1130 m)高于高海拔(1230 ~1350 m)和低海拔(910 ~970 m)(多态位点比率分别为63.33%、51.67%和59.44%);群落类型与种群的基因组结构变异之间存在一定的内在联系.遗传变异多来自种群内部(分别为90.45%和75.22%),种群分化不明显;群落类型对天然油松种群间遗传变异和基因交流(Gst为0.248,Nm为1.517)的影响高于海拔对其影响(Gst为0.095,Nm为4.738).可以认为,群落类型对大窝铺天然油松种群遗传分化有较大影响.  相似文献   

为探明甘蔗原种和地方种的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,以期筛选出优良甘蔗种质和优良杂交亲本。该研究对18份甘蔗原种和地方种的14个数量性状进行了表型遗传多样性分析。结果表明:通过14个数量性状的变异系数(coefficient of variance,CV)和性状之间的相关分析,18份甘蔗原种和地方种的数量性状遗传变异主要来自甘蔗蔗糖分、单茎重、叶宽、茎径和纤维分;对14个数量性状进行主成分分析提取获得了4个主成分因子,分别命名为"品质因子"、"生长因子"、"成熟度因子"和"光合因子",主成分因子累积贡献率达83.482%;进一步通过对主成分因子开展综合评价分析,获得数量性状综合表型高于平均水平的10份材料,依次为Sampana→甜圪塔→合庆草甘蔗→桂林竹蔗→坦桑尼亚→芒戈→古芝蔗→大岛再来→托江红→春尼;聚类分析基于不同的遗传距离可将18份种质聚为5个类别,潜在的优良杂交组合是Sampana和甜圪塔或Sampana和合庆草甘蔗,表明在甘蔗遗传育种亲本选择上既要考虑各性状主要因子的互补,又要保持一定的遗传距离。该研究认为,在甘蔗育种工作中,利用因子分析法进行表型遗传多样性分析,将更加有助于亲本和杂交组合的选择。  相似文献   

为探明甘蔗原种和地方种的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,以期筛选出优良甘蔗种质和优良杂交亲本.该研究对18份甘蔗原种和地方种的14个数量性状进行了表型遗传多样性分析.结果表明:通过14个数量性状的变异系数(coefficient of variance,CV)和性状之间的相关分析,18份甘蔗原种和地方种的数量性状遗传变异主要来自甘蔗蔗糖分、单茎重、叶宽、茎径和纤维分;对14个数量性状进行主成分分析提取获得了4个主成分因子,分别命名为“品质因子”、“生长因子”、“成熟度因子”和“光合因子”,主成分因子累积贡献率达83.482%;进一步通过对主成分因子开展综合评价分析,获得数量性状综合表型高于平均水平的10份材料,依次为 Sampana→甜圪塔→合庆草甘蔗→桂林竹蔗→坦桑尼亚→芒戈→古芝蔗→大岛再来→托江红→春尼;聚类分析基于不同的遗传距离可将18份种质聚为5个类别,潜在的优良杂交组合是 Sampana 和甜圪塔或 Sampana 和合庆草甘蔗,表明在甘蔗遗传育种亲本选择上既要考虑各性状主要因子的互补,又要保持一定的遗传距离.该研究认为,在甘蔗育种工作中,利用因子分析法进行表型遗传多样性分析,将更加有助于亲本和杂交组合的选择.  相似文献   

甘薯近缘野生种的抗病性鉴定与新型种间杂种的获得   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了发掘甘薯近缘种抗茎线虫病、病毒病基因资源,改良栽培种抗性,拓宽甘薯遗传基础,本文利用田间自然病圃对30份甘薯近缘野生种进行抗茎线虫病鉴定,利用硝化纤维素膜-酶联免疫(NCM-ELISA)对20份野生种进行了抗病毒病筛选.以筛选到的抗性材料为父本、栽培种徐薯18为母本,采用生长调节剂处理方法进行种间杂交,结果得到8份高抗、10份抗茎线虫病野生种,5份高抗、8份抗病毒病材料;获得4个新型种间杂种.经过染色体计数和ISSR分子标记鉴定,证实了所得杂种的真实性.表明甘薯近缘野生材料中存在着栽培种所需要的抗性基因,通过有性杂交手段可以获得含野生种染色体组的种间杂种新类型,为渐渗野生抗性基因起到"桥梁"作用.  相似文献   

国内外割手密资源农艺性状表型遗传多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用表型性状变异分析和聚类分析,对国内外不同地理来源的456份割手密资源13个性状进行评价,初步了解其遗传多样性特点,为解决种质创新与品种改良遗传基础狭窄问题提供思路。结果表明,456份割手密在株高、叶长、叶宽、锤度等多个性状都表现出了极高的遗传变异,多样性指数介于0.97~7.92之间;对嵌纹病、眼点病的抗病性及对金龟子的抗虫性变异范围广;国内外不同地理来源的割手密群间的遗传变异较大,以云南割手密群体多样性最丰富。聚类分析结果表明,国内外割手密资源聚成三大不同类群,云南独自为一大类,国外割手密被归为第二大类,其他为第三大类。各类群在植株生长特性及锤度方面具有极显著差异。  相似文献   

11份割手密遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用10对多态性丰富的SSR引物,以国家甘蔗种质资源圃中保存的14份具有代表性的割手密为对照,对未收集过的云南地区11份割手密(Saccharum spontaneum L.)野生资源进行多样性分析。结果共扩增出233条DNA谱带,与对照相比,新采集材料的多态性条带为207条,其中14条为特有条带,多态性条带比率为0.89。遗传相似性系数和UPGMA聚类分析表明,新采集的材料并没有单独聚为一类,而是比较分散,在相似性系数为0.64处做切割线,参试材料可分为三个类群:第一类群主要由龙门割手密、河边村割手密和福建仙游1号组成;第二类群中包含19份材料,其中新采集的样品有上岗割手密、他拉割手密、安乐割手密、勐根割手密、芒美割手密、贺海割手密、回落割手密、里拉割手密和曼亨割手密,对照材料主要包含了云南、四川、越南、老挝、泰国地区的割手密,其共同特点是均分布在内陆地区;第三类群包括3个材料,分别是海南1号、海南92-2和广东化州割手密,其中不包含新采集的材料。而在相似性系数为0.654处作切割线又能将上述第二类群分为较细的三个亚群。由此可见,新采集的11份割手密资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,与已收集的资源相比,具有一定的差异性。说明依靠云南高山峡谷等立体气候特点,分布着遗传差异显著的割手密无性系。  相似文献   

Two molecular marker technologies, random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) and simple sequence repeats (SSR), were used to determine genetic diversity of 27 accessions of the wild barley Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum. 19 primer combinations were used to generate RAMP fragments and 16 SSR loci were analysed. A high level of polymorphism was found with both kind of markers as revealed by the mean polymorphism information content (PIC) values obtained: 0.838 and 0.855 for RAMP and SSR, respectively. Genetic dissimilarities between genotypes were estimated from RAMP and SSR data. A lack of correlation was found between both sets of data. This was reflected in the two dendrograms obtained which presented accessions clustered differently. The results suggest that both sets of markers reveal genetic variation induced by different mechanisms. The dendrogram produced from the RAMP dissimilarity estimates showed most of the groups related to the geographic origin of the accessions.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) diversity was found within and among populations (245 accessions total) of wild barley, Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. spontaneum Koch from Israel and Iran. Three polymorphic restriction sites (HindIII, EcoRI, BclI) which define three distinct cpDNA lineages were detected. One lineage is common to populations in the Hule Valley and Kinneret of northern Israel, and in Iran. The second lineage is found predominantly in the Lower Jordan Valley and Negev. The distribution of the third lineage is scattered but widespread throughout Israel. Sixty two accessions of cultivated barleys, H. vulgare L., were found, with two exceptions, to belong to just one cpDNA lineage of wild barley, indicating that the cpDNA of cultivated barley is less variable than its wild ancestor. These results demonstrate the need for assessing intraspecific cpDNA variability prior to choosing single accessions for phylogenetic constructions at the species level and higher.  相似文献   

The complex polyploid genomes of three Saccharum species have been aligned with the compact diploid genome of Sorghum (2n = 2x = 20). A set of 428 DNA probes from different Poaceae (grasses) detected 2460 loci in F1 progeny of the crosses Saccharum officinarum Green German x S. spontaneum IND 81-146, and S. spontaneum PIN 84-1 x S. officinarum Muntok Java. Thirty-one DNA probes detected 226 loci in S. officinarum LA Purple x S. robustum Molokai 5829. Genetic maps of the six Saccharum genotypes, including up to 72 linkage groups, were assembled into "homologous groups" based on parallel arrangements of duplicated loci. About 84% of the loci mapped by 242 common probes were homologous between Saccharum and Sorghum. Only one interchromosomal and two intrachromosomal rearrangements differentiated both S. officinarum and S. spontaneum from Sorghum, but 11 additional cases of chromosome structural polymorphism were found within Saccharum. Diploidization was advanced in S. robustum, incipient in S. officinarum, and absent in S. spontaneum, consistent with biogeographic data suggesting that S. robustum is the ancestor of S. officinarum, but raising new questions about the antiquity of S. spontaneum. The densely mapped Sorghum genome will be a valuable tool in ongoing molecular analysis of the complex Saccharum genome.  相似文献   

Andigena potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. andigena Hawkes) (2n = 4x = 48) are native farmer-selected important cultivars that form a primary gene pool of the common potato (Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. tuberosum). The genetic diversity of 185 Andigena accessions and 6 Chilean native potatoes (S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) was studied using chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) microsatellites and nuclear DNA (nDNA) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. Andigena potatoes had 14 ctDNA haplotypes and showed higher variability in the central Andes, particularly in Bolivia, whereas those in the northern regions of the distribution area were remarkably uniform with A1 ctDNA and Chilean subsp. tuberosum with T ctDNA. Most of 123 clearly scored RFLP bands using 30 single-copy probes were randomly distributed throughout the distribution area and proved the same gene pool shared among these widely collected accessions. Nevertheless, the geographic trend of the nDNA differentiation from north to south along the Andes and the correlated differentiation between nDNA and ctDNA (r = 0.120) could also be revealed by canonical variates analysis. These results suggest that the genetic diversity in Andigena was brought about primarily from cultivated diploid species but considerably modified through sexual polyploidization and intervarietal and (or) introgressive hybridization and long-distance dispersal of seed tubers by humans.  相似文献   

Kim C  Robertson JS  Paterson AH 《Génome》2011,54(9):727-737
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) breeders in the early 20th century made remarkable progress in increasing yield and disease resistance by crossing Saccharum spontaneum L., a wild relative, to Saccharum officinarum L., a traditional cultivar. Modern sugarcane cultivars have approximately 71%-83% of their chromosomes originating from S. officinarum, approximately 10%-21% from S. spontaneum, and approximately 2%-13% recombinant or translocated chromosomes. In the present work, C(0)t-based cloning and sequencing (CBCS) was implemented to further explore highly repetitive DNA and to seek species-specific repeated DNA in both S. officinarum and S. spontaneum. For putatively species-specific sequences, overlappping oligonucleotide probes (overgos) were designed and hybridized to BAC filters from the interspecific hybrid sugarcane cultivar 'R570' to try to deduce parental origins of BAC clones. We inferred that 12?967 BACs putatively originated from S. officinarum and 5117 BACs from S. spontaneum. Another 1103 BACs were hybridized by both species-specific overgos, too many to account for by conventional recombination, thus suggesting ectopic recombination and (or) translocation of DNA elements. Constructing a low C(0)t library is useful to collect highly repeated DNA sequences and to search for potentially species-specific molecular markers, especially among recently diverged species. Even in the absence of repeat families that are species-specific in their entirety, the identification of localized variations within consensus sequences, coupled with the site specificity of short synthetic overgos, permits researchers to monitor species-specific or species-enriched variants.  相似文献   

Q Zhang  G P Yang  X Dai  J Z Sun 《Génome》1994,37(4):631-638
This study was conducted to address some of the issues concerning the possible significance of Tibet in the origin and evolution of cultivated barley. A total of 1757 barley accessions from Tibet, including 1496 entries of Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare (HV), 229 entries of the six-rowed wild barley H. vulgare ssp. agriocrithon (HA), and 32 entries of the two-rowed wild barley H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum (HS), were assayed for allozymes at four esterase loci. A subsample of 491 accessions was surveyed for spacer-length polymorphism at two ribosomal DNA loci. Genetic variation is extensive in these barley groups, and the amount of genetic diversity in cultivated barley of this region is comparable with that of cultivated barley worldwide. The level of genetic variation of HA is significantly lower than the other two barley groups, and there is also substantial heterogeneity in the level of polymorphism among different agrigeographical subregions. However, little genetic differentiation was detected among the three barley groups (HV, HA, and HS), as well as among different agrigeographical subregions. Comparison of the results from this and previous studies indicated a strong differentiation between Oriental and Occidental barley, thus favoring the hypothesis of a diphyletic origin of cultivated barley.  相似文献   

【目的】了解云南居民区鼠类寄生蚤的群落结构和空间分布特征。【方法】根据云南不同经纬度、 海拔等自然环境条件, 于2007年4月-2012年11月, 选取云南17个县(市) 居民区作为样区, 系统开展鼠类体外寄生蚤的调查, 运用群落结构指标对居民区鼠类寄生蚤的群落特征和沿环境梯度的空间分布进行研究。【结果】结果显示: 在调查的17个县(市)室内共检获鼠类体外寄生蚤521头, 隶属4科7亚科9属12种。居民区寄生蚤的纬度和垂直分布类似, 低纬度和低海拔范围的种类相对较少, 印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤是室内寄生蚤的优势种。相对纬度和海拔较高的区域, 居民区寄生蚤种类增多, 但优势种不突出; 在经度水平分布上, 蚤种类于99°~101°E经度带形成一个高峰, 室内寄生的优势种印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤几乎在所有经度带都可见到分布, 显示了较宽的生态幅。另外, 居民区寄生蚤物种丰富度和多样性指数水平分布(纬度)和垂直分布呈现为单峰格局, 总体显示随着纬度和海拔的升高, 先升高后降低的分布特征, 而在另一个水平分布(经度), 则呈现由西向东呈递减的趋势。【结论】研究认为, 云南居民区蚤类的空间分布表现为独特的地理区域特征, 气候环境、 森林植被和人类生活生产方式通过影响蚤类栖息生境来影响蚤类的分布。  相似文献   

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