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环境问题是21世纪人类面临的最严重的挑战。随着现代工农业飞速发展,生态环境日益恶化,难降解污染物如新兴污染物逐渐显现,已成为制约社会经济可持续发展的重要因素。微生物具有强大的环境修复能力,但是其进化速度远不及新兴污染物出现的速度,亟需应用合成生物学的技术来解决这一难题。在充分认识难降解有机污染物微生物降解(途径)特性的基础上,利用我国丰富的微生物与基因资源,运用合成生物学的手段,定向设计和改造现有降解菌株,构建能够降解一种或多种污染物的工程菌株;同时针对复合型污染,如废水等,在建立典型有机污染物代谢、调控和抗逆相关基因元件的模块库基础上,引入人工菌群等策略,对生物系统进行理性设计和组装,构建典型环境污染物的高效降解菌群,可有效促进我国新兴污染物微生物分解代谢的研究,为环境修复的工程应用提供技术支持。  相似文献   

基于合成生物学的微生物制造在天然产物药物、生物能源、生物基化学品及生物传感器件的研究中发挥越来越重要的作用。本文系统地介绍了合成生物学研究领域的最新技术进展,包括DNA和染色体合成、新生物元件开发与元件库标准化、染色体工程与最小基因组技术、途径装配技术等,并阐述了合成生物学在微生物制造领域内所取得的突破和巨大的应用价值。  相似文献   

基因组装技术是合成生物学领域近年来发展起来的新型技术。它基于大规模基因组数据分析,发现新型的或隐藏的生物活性物质合成基因簇。利用基因组装技术,可提高或激活沉默的生物合成基因簇在微生物中的表达,从而合成潜在的、有价值的生物活性物质。本文旨在阐明最新的体内和体外基因组装技术的设计原理、关键策略及其应用。基因组装技术是合成生物学、代谢工程和功能基因组学研究的重要工具,对生物活性物质的高效生产及合成具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生物元件是合成生物学中的三大基本要素之一,是合成生物学的基石。现阶段,生物元件的挖掘、鉴定和改造仍然是合成生物学领域的重要研究方向之一。合成生物学与基因工程和代谢工程最显著的差别在于能够将大量的生物元件进行快速、随意的组装,而实现这一目标的前提是将生物元件标准化。目前,已经有大量基因组被解析,通过这些基因组数据库的注释与功能验证,并借助于各种生物信息学软件预测启动子、终止子、操纵了、转录因子和转录因子结合位点、核糖体结合位点以及蛋白质编码区等部件,为合成生物学提供丰富的生物元件信息资源。随着元基因组技术的兴起,大量未培养微生物中的基因和基因簇信息被解析,使得我们可以从占自然界中实际存在微生物总数99%的未知微生物中挖掘更多的生物元件。另外,生物元件可以从自然界分离出来,也可以对天然生物元件进行修饰、重组和改造后得到新的元件。酵母是异源蛋白表达的通用宿主和生物基产品生产的细胞工厂,但其本身可用的启动子非常有限,近年来各国学者在酵母启动子改造和文库构建方面做了很多工作,该文也将概述酵母启动子改造和在合成生物生物学研究领域中的应用方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

微生物降解持久性有机污染物的研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
持久性有机污染物(POPs)是伴随着人类工业化发展而产生的合成类污染物,具有高毒性、持久性、长迁移性和高生物富集性等特点,POPs污染物的微生物降解一直是环境科学与技术应用领域的研究热点。微生物降解技术修复POPs污染环境具有无二次污染、成本低、快速简便等优点,拥有广泛的应用前景。本文论述了各种POPs微生物分解代谢的最新研究进展,包括降解性微生物资源以及降解机制。此外,还讨论了计算生物学、合成生物学、基因组学等技术在POPs微生物降解中的潜力和应用,以期为环境中持久性有机污染物的修复提供参考。  相似文献   

合成生物学使能技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
作为一门拥有巨大潜力的新兴工程学科,合成生物学的发展主要得益于各种使能技术(enabling technology)的创新开发与应用.从基本功能元件的构建与标准化,到高通量的微芯片基因合成技术与各种尺度(从bp至Mb)的DNA拼接组装方法,再到强大的基因组编辑工具,在过去十几年里合成生物学使能技术取得了长足的进步.同时,新颖的使能技术也为遗传学、癌症治疗、疾病监测以及生物制造等领域提供了优秀的研究工具,促进了多个学科的发展.如果将这些使能技术作为"配件工具",那么相对应的"主体设备"——底盘细胞也因工具的不断创新得到了快速发展.微生物最小基因组的分析以及对基因组的连续删简优化,为构建一个具有可预测、可控制表型的优良底盘细胞奠定了基础.为促进基于细胞疗法的人类疾病治疗,哺乳动物细胞作为底盘细胞也正在开发中.本文对合成生物学使能技术的最新发展进行了深入总结和梳理,探讨了这些使能技术在合成生物学乃至整个生命科学研究中的应用及其重要意义.  相似文献   

水平基因转移是不同于垂直基因转移的遗传物质的交流方式.在污染环境这一特异生态环境中,降解基因的水平转移有着独特的功能与作用.研究环境中污染物降解基因在微生物间的水平转移,更深入地了解微生物种群适应污染环境的机理,对于评价污染物的环境毒理、生物可降解性以及污染环境的可修复潜力具有重要参考价值.在污染物生物修复实践中,可以通过调控降解基因的水平转移,增强污染环境中微生物的降解能力,更有效地发挥生物修复作用.文章将对环境中细菌间基因交流的机制,污染物降解基因的水平转移对微生物适应污染环境的机理、水平基因转移对代谢途径的进化及其对污染物生物修复作用的影响等方面的研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的发展,基因敲除技术越来越广泛地应用于动植物、微生物领域,成为研究生物基因功能最有力的工具之一。基因敲除技术在改造动植物、微生物基因组、研究发育生物学、鉴定新基因新功能、育种以及医疗领域都有应用价值。针对微生物方面,对实现基因敲除的各种原理方法,RecA系统同源重组法, Red系统同源重组法,基于自杀载体的同源重组法,基于温敏型质粒的同源重组法, CRISPR/Cas系统介导的基因敲除方法进行了总结,比较各自的优缺点,并提供一些成功案例以及各种方法相关的发明专利,以期对了解基因敲除技术的方法与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

陈国强 《生物工程学报》2013,29(8):1041-1043
合成生物学目前在全球得到迅猛发展。在此专刊中,综述了一些相关技术在合成生物学领域的进展,其中有:链霉菌无痕敲除方法、基因合成技术、DNA组装新方法、最小化基因组的方法及分析、合成生物系统的组合优化。也讨论了应用合成生物学策略优化光合蓝细菌底盘、产溶剂梭菌分子遗传操作技术、蛋白质预算(Protein budget)作为合成生物学的成本标尺。最后,用几个例子说明了合成生物学的应用,包括复杂天然产物合成人工生物系统的设计与构建、微生物木糖代谢途径改造制备生物基化学品以及构建酿酒酵母工程菌合成香紫苏醇。  相似文献   

现代生物化工主要以廉价可再生资源为底物生产高附加值的精细化学品、大宗化学品、药品及营养品。合成生物学研究是生物化工领域的重要发展方向和支撑体系之一,是在功能基因组学、计算生物学和系统生物学等基础上,将工程化理念应用在生物学中,定向创造新型生物产品和生物过程整体优化的新的研究方向。合成生物学发展十几年以来,创造出了很多强有力的工具被应用于微生物、植物及动物的研究。以微生物生产芳香族氨基酸及其衍生物为主要内容,系统的综述合成生物学在以微生物生产高附加值产物方面的研究进展。  相似文献   


Bioremediation is a better alternative and widely accepted approach used for efficient degradation of environmental pollutants released from industries, urban and agricultural activities due to its eco-friendly nature. Systems biology helps in the identification of new genes, proteins, metabolites, and metabolic pathways involved in bioremediation. Such information can be used for designing synthetic microbial communities that can degrade multiple recalcitrant pollutants simultaneously. This review gives a brief insight into various systems biology tools towards providing a greater understanding of microbial behaviour and improving the way of bioremediation. These techniques alone or in combination, provide a way to understand and improve the genetic potential of microorganisms to remediate various environmental contaminants efficiently. Further, this review also describes the successful employment of synthetic microbial consortium in the bioremediation. Moreover, In-silico tools are also described to analyse the data obtained through different laboratory experiments as well to predict the behaviour of microbial consortium towards the pollutants using different databases.  相似文献   

The emerging field of synthetic biology holds tremendous potential for developing novel drugs to treat various human conditions. The current study discusses the scope of synthetic biology for human therapeutics via microbial approach. In this context, synthetic biology aims at designing, engineering and building new microbial synthetic cells that do not pre-exist in nature as well as re-engineer existing microbes for synthesis of therapeutic products. It is expected that the construction of novel microbial genetic circuitry for human therapeutics will greatly benefit from the data generated by ??omics?? approaches and multidisciplinary nature of synthetic biology. Development of novel antimicrobial drugs and vaccines by engineering microbial systems are a promising area of research in the field of synthetic biology for human theragnostics. Expression of plant based medicinal compounds in the microbial system using synthetic biology tools is another avenue dealt in the present study. Additionally, the study suggest that the traditional medicinal knowledge can do value addition for developing novel drugs in the microbial systems using synthetic biology tools. The presented work envisions the success of synthetic biology for human therapeutics via microbial approach in a holistic manner. Keeping this in view, various legal and socio-ethical concerns emerging from the use of synthetic biology via microbial approach such as patenting, biosafety and biosecurity issues have been touched upon in the later sections.  相似文献   

A key challenge for domesticating alternative cultivable microorganisms with biotechnological potential lies in the development of innovative technologies. Within this framework, a myriad of genetic tools has flourished, allowing the design and manipulation of complex synthetic circuits and genomes to become the general rule in many laboratories rather than the exception. More recently, with the development of novel technologies such as DNA automated synthesis/sequencing and powerful computational tools, molecular biology has entered the synthetic biology era. In the beginning, most of these technologies were established in traditional microbial models (known as chassis in the synthetic biology framework) such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, enabling fast advances in the field and the validation of fundamental proofs of concept. However, it soon became clear that these organisms, although extremely useful for prototyping many genetic tools, were not ideal for a wide range of biotechnological tasks due to intrinsic limitations in their molecular/physiological properties. Over the last decade, researchers have been facing the great challenge of shifting from these model systems to non-conventional chassis with endogenous capacities for dealing with specific tasks. The key to address these issues includes the generation of narrow and broad host plasmid-based molecular tools and the development of novel methods for engineering genomes through homologous recombination systems, CRISPR/Cas9 and other alternative methods. Here, we address the most recent advances in plasmid-based tools for the construction of novel cell factories, including a guide for helping with “build-your-own” microbial host.  相似文献   

Constant progress in genetic engineering has given rise to a number of promising areas of research that facilitated the expansion of industrial biotechnology. The field of metabolic engineering, which utilizes genetic tools to manipulate microbial metabolism to enhance the production of compounds of interest, has had a particularly strong impact by providing new platforms for chemical production. Recent developments in synthetic biology promise to expand the metabolic engineering toolbox further by creating novel biological components for pathway design. The present review addresses some of the recent advances in synthetic biology and how these have the potential to affect metabolic engineering in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While S. cerevisiae for years has been a robust industrial organism and the target of multiple metabolic engineering trials, its potential for synthetic biology has remained relatively unexplored and further research in this field could strongly contribute to industrial biotechnology. This review also addresses are general considerations for pathway design, ranging from individual components to regulatory systems, overall pathway considerations and whole-organism engineering, with an emphasis on potential contributions of synthetic biology to these areas. Some examples of applications for yeast synthetic biology and metabolic engineering are also discussed.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is a recently emerging field that applies engineering formalisms to design and construct new biological parts, devices, and systems for novel functions or life forms that do not exist in nature. Synthetic biology relies on and shares tools from genetic engineering, bioengineering, systems biology and many other engineering disciplines. It is also different from these subjects, in both insights and approach. Applications of synthetic biology have great potential for novel contributions to established fields and for offering opportunities to answer fundamentally new biological questions. This article does not aim at a thorough survey of the literature and detailing progress in all different directions. Instead, it is intended to communicate a way of thinking for synthetic biology in which basic functional elements are defined and assembled into living systems or biomaterials with new properties and behaviors. Four major application areas with a common theme are discussed and a procedure (or "protocol") for a standard synthetic biology work is suggested.  相似文献   

随着工业化进程不断加快,重金属污染日益加剧,尤其是水体的重金属污染,已严重威胁人类健康,迫切需要进行有效的污染修复。相比传统物理和化学修复,生物修复具有绿色环保和可持续性的特点。因为微生物生长繁殖迅速、生物被膜具有动态可调节和环境适应性好等特点,使其能更好耐受胁迫环境,在环境修复中有重要作用。合成生物学改造微生物及生物被膜用于环境污染生物修复近年兴起,成为未来重要的发展方向。主要概述了重金属污染的微生物修复机理和方法,结合可编程微生物被膜的最新研究成果,重点介绍了合成生物学改造微生物及生物被膜的分类与功能应用,以及在重金属铅、汞和镉等污染修复中的研究进展,讨论了重金属污染生物修复的发展方向。  相似文献   

Synthetic Biology is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field that is primarily built upon foundational advances in molecular biology combined with engineering design principles such as modularity and interoperability. The field considers living systems as programmable at the genetic level and has been defined by the development of new platform technologies and methodological advances. A key concept driving the field is the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle which provides a systematic framework for building new biological systems. One major application area for synthetic biology is biosynthetic pathway engineering that requires the modular assembly of different genetic regulatory elements and biosynthetic enzymes. In this review we provide an overview of modular DNA assembly and describe and compare the plethora of in vitro and in vivo assembly methods for combinatorial pathway engineering. Considerations for part design and methods for enzyme balancing are also presented, and we briefly discuss alternatives to intracellular pathway assembly including microbial consortia and cell-free systems for biosynthesis. Finally, we describe computational tools and automation for pathway design and assembly and argue that a deeper understanding of the many different variables of genetic design, pathway regulation and cellular metabolism will allow more predictive pathway design and engineering.  相似文献   

Bioremediation is a process that uses microorganisms or their enzymes to remove pollutants from the environment. Generally, bioremediation technologies can be classified as in situ or ex situ. In situ bioremediation involves treating the contaminated material at the site while ex situ involves the removal of the contaminated material to be treated elsewhere. Like so much else in biology, the ease and availability of genomic data has created a new level of understanding this system. Bioremediation capabilities of the microbial population can be analyzed; not only by physiological parameters, but also by the use of genomic tools, and efficient remediation strategies can be planned. PCR and DNA- or oligonucleotide-based microarray technology is a powerful functional genomics tool that allows researchers to view the physiology of a living cell from a comprehensive and dynamic molecular perspective. This paper explores the use of such tools in bioremediation process.  相似文献   

合成生物学旨在建立一套完整的工程理论和方法,通过设计和组装基本生物学元件,更为有效地实现复杂生物系统的设计,并使其完成可编程的生物学功能。近年来随着可编程基因组元件的出现,特别是CRISPR和CRISPRi技术平台的建立和完善,使得合成生物学进入了一个全新发展的时期。本文重点综述CRISPR等基因组编辑和调控技术,其在构建可编程生物学元件和复杂基因线路的应用以及合成生物学在医学中(称为医学合成生物学)的发展前景。  相似文献   

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