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鸣叫是无尾两栖类声音通讯的重要环节之一。许多蛙类的鸣叫行为具有节律性,且受温度和湿度的影响。为研究红蹼树蛙(Rhacophorus rhodopus)的鸣声特征和鸣叫节律,2016年5—6月,采用录音机和指向性话筒,在野外录制了61只雄性红蹼树蛙的鸣声,并通过悬挂录音笔和自动温湿度记录仪研究其鸣叫节律(22 d)。结果发现:红蹼树蛙的鸣声分为单音节和多音节(音节数2~20;平均6.27±2.94)2种类型。与多音节鸣声的主频(2213.32±106.95 Hz)、音节时长(14.83±1.27 ms)和音节间隔(60.66±8.56 ms)相比,单音节鸣声的主频(2289.87±120.14 Hz)、音节时长(16.93±1.68 ms)和音节间隔(610.99±178.48ms)显著升高(P0.05),而2种鸣声的基频(单音节鸣声:212.51±21.63 Hz;多音节鸣声:225.39±26.80 Hz)无显著差异(P0.05)。红蹼树蛙每晚19:00至次日03:00具有鸣叫行为,22:00为高峰期。结果表明:红蹼树蛙主要通过改变鸣声的主频、音节时长、音节间隔以及音节数提高声音通讯效率。红蹼树蛙的鸣叫行为具有昼夜节律,且在一定程度上受温度和湿度的影响。  相似文献   

声音是动物信息传递的重要媒介之一,分析鸣声特征有利于理解蛙类的信息传递。受环境选择压力的影响,蛙类鸣叫行为节律具有物种差异性。为研究栖息在咸水-半咸水生境中的海陆蛙(Fejervarya cancrivora)的鸣声特征及鸣叫节律,2017年6—10月,采用录音机和指向性话筒在野外录制了24只海陆蛙的鸣声;通过悬挂录音笔和自动温湿度记录仪分析了鸣叫节律及其与环境温度和相对湿度的关系。结果表明:海陆蛙的鸣声由基本音、基本音的组合音和多音节鸣声组成,且具有调频现象;鸣叫行为开始于每天20:00—21:00,翌日5:00—6:00结束,鸣叫高峰期为2:00—4:00;鸣声数量与环境温度及相对湿度均无显著相关性(P0.05),每天当温度升高时(5:00—6:00),鸣叫行为结束;海陆蛙可能通过改变鸣声类型和调频的策略增加鸣声的复杂性,提高信息传递效率;该物种的鸣叫行为具有一定的日节律性,属于整晚鸣叫型;海陆蛙鸣叫行为开始和结束的时间可能受环境温度的影响,较高的相对湿度有利于声音的传播。  相似文献   

张方  陈潘  赵书仪 《动物学研究》2013,34(3):196-203
为了解同域分布的两种无尾两栖类动物武夷湍蛙(Amolops wuyiensis)和凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormotus)在高噪音环境下的求偶鸣声特征及其适应策略,该研究利用超声录音设备录制并分析了繁殖季节武夷湍蛙和凹耳蛙雄性个体在同一噪音环境下的求偶鸣声。结果显示,繁殖期武夷湍蛙在不同时段均能发出3~6个音节数不等的单一鸣声,每个音节由2~10个声脉冲组成,鸣声平均持续时间为2198.20ms,主频为2231.90Hz,信噪声强差为33.00dB,且鸣声不含超声组分,不具备超声通讯的基础。凹耳蛙在每天的18:00—21:00有集中鸣叫行为,鸣声平均持续时间为331.80ms,主频为6665.50Hz,信噪声强差为37.00dB,且鸣声谐波包含超声组分,与前人描述一致。经进一步分析发现,武夷湍蛙和凹耳蛙的鸣声主频和声强均高于背景噪音,噪音不会对其鸣声产生掩蔽作用。通过比较分析得知,武夷湍蛙鸣声主频率<凹耳蛙,推测其声信号传播距离相对后者更远,该蛙在噪音环境下有可能通过调整自身的发声策略(即采用多音节鸣叫声、增加鸣叫时长和鸣叫频次等)来完成种内通讯,并通过改变鸣声时长来体现雄性自身的品质,以便提高对雌性的吸引力。而相同噪音环境下的凹耳蛙则可能采用较为节约能量的方式提高声信号频率的通讯策略,完成种内竞争和交流。  相似文献   

章平  金莹  张方 《动物学杂志》2018,53(6):841-848
2017年4月17日,在黄山浮溪完整地记录了2只雄性凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormotus)之间争夺领地的打斗过程、争斗鸣声以及其中一只蛙打斗后的鸣声,并用摄像机记录了此行为的过程。争斗大约持续了8 min,并产生了一个胜利者和一个失败者。实验共录了胜利蛙的争斗鸣声17声,打斗后鸣声7声,失败蛙的争斗鸣声6声,其中两只蛙同时鸣叫了1声。随后通过Praat语音软件获取鸣声的时域参数和频谱参数,并利用T检验来判断两只蛙争斗鸣声参数是否具有显著差异,以及胜利蛙打斗时与打斗后的鸣声参数是否具有显著差异。对两只蛙争斗鸣声的时域和频谱参数分析发现,胜利蛙以多音节鸣叫为主,其平均基频(8 150 ± 1 305)Hz、最大基频(9 741 ± 1 283)Hz、最小基频(5 809 ± 1 139)Hz以及最大最小基频差(3 932 ± 1 122)Hz都高于失败蛙,尤其是平均基频和最大基频(P < 0.05),而最小基频以及最大最小基频差二者差异并不显著(P > 0.05),但是胜利蛙的主频却要略低于失败蛙(P > 0.05);失败蛙的鸣声中非线性片段时长占总时长的百分比更大,甚至超过50%。将胜利蛙的争斗鸣声与打斗后鸣声进行比较,发现总时长、非线性片段时长和平均基频在争斗后都有明显减小(P < 0.05),最大基频、最小基频有略微减小(P > 0.05),而音节间隔时间占总时间的百分比和大小基频差都有所增大(P > 0.05),这可能是为了在争斗过程中更快地击退对手。因此,推测胜利蛙获取胜利的原因可能是因为其具有较高的鸣叫率以及较低的主频。本文描述了雄性凹耳蛙争斗过程中的鸣声特征,可对凹耳蛙雄性之间的竞争过程有更进一步的了解。  相似文献   

噪音环境下花臭蛙求偶鸣声特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2012年7月份,在黄山浮溪地区利用超声录音设备录制并分析了繁殖季节雄性花臭蛙(Odorrana schmackeri)个体的求偶鸣声。观察发现花臭蛙繁殖活动主要集中在7月中旬,繁殖高峰期活动无昼夜规律,全天均可见求偶鸣叫及抱对产卵等行为,并且多在浅水滩处活动。花臭蛙鸣声根据音节数和声谱特征可分为4种类型:即单音节音、婴儿音、双音节音和多音节断奏音,其中,单音节音、双音节音和婴儿音较为常见。利用Selena软件给出4种声音的语图以及各自对应的能谱图,利用Sound Analysis pro v1.2对单音节音、双音节音和婴儿音的鸣声特征参数进行定量分析,分析的声音参数包括鸣叫持续时间、音节数、音节持续时间、音节间隔、主频、脉冲率等。结果表明,花臭蛙鸣声的主频范围为1.8~4.5 k Hz(n=65)。鸣声不包括超声组分,主频峰值(3.1±0.7)k Hz,与前人电生理实验所得花臭蛙听觉敏感峰值一致,说明花臭蛙主要在这一频段进行通讯。对3种常见鸣叫音声音参数的单因素方差分析结果表明,双音节音与单音节音和婴儿音在声音持续时间上存在显著性差异(P0.01),双音节音和单音节音在第二谐波声强上也具有显著性差异(P=0.01)。花臭蛙的双音节音在3种常见鸣叫音中具有最长的持续时间,为(99.5±8.4)ms,故推测,双音节音为花臭蛙繁殖期主要求偶鸣声,并通过其鸣声时长的变化来体现自身品质的好坏。  相似文献   

圆蟾舌蛙鸣声特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究体型较小的蛙类的鸣声特征,2012年7~8月,采用录音机和指向性话筒,在野外录制51只雄性圆蟾舌蛙(Phrynoglossus martensii)鸣声并对应测量了录音个体的体重、体长及头宽等体征数据。雄性圆蟾舌蛙的体重为(1.26±0.55)g,体长为(21.04±2.57)mm,头宽为(6.76±0.75)mm。该种蛙可发出广告鸣声和争斗鸣声。广告鸣声为单音节鸣叫,主频(3 782.25±167.78)Hz,3 100~4 349 Hz;基频(1 519.69±70.60)Hz,1 057~1 765 Hz。广告鸣声主频和基频均与体重、体长、头宽呈显著负相关,而音节间隔与体重和头宽呈正相关(相关性分析)。争斗鸣声主频(3 752.64±174.47)Hz,(3 304~4 081)Hz;基频(1 674.88±79.88)Hz,1 367~1 870 Hz。与广告鸣声相比,争斗鸣声的基频显著增高(t=﹣5.374,df=56,P0.001),音节时长和音节间隔显著降低(P0.05),而主频在两种鸣声类型中无显著差异(t=0.436,df=56,P=0.665)(独立样本T检验)。结果表明,作为体型较小的蛙类,体型影响了圆蟾舌蛙的鸣声结构和类型。  相似文献   

棘胸蛙求偶鸣声与温度有关但与体大小无关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸣声被认为是鉴别蛙类物种最有效的特征之一,但受许多因素影响。为了研究环境因素和身体大小与雄性棘胸蛙鸣声特征的关系,在人工仿生态养殖条件下测量环境温度和体温以及蛙体的大小(体重、体长),并通过个体定位,录制繁殖期中雄性棘胸蛙的求偶鸣声,分析鸣叫参数。结果表明,棘胸蛙雄性鸣声特征测量参数与体重、体长无相关性,而鸣声特征中的鸣叫时长、音节时长与环境温度、水温、体温、泄殖腔温度存在负相关性。研究结果提示在开展棘胸蛙鸣声学研究时应注意温度对其的影响。  相似文献   

大多数无尾两栖类的配偶选择依赖声音通讯。为吸引雌性,雄性可通过增加音节数量或鸣声复杂性的方式提升鸣声吸引力。工作记忆是指在进行复杂认知活动时对过去短时间内接收到的信息进行处理和储存的一种记忆程序。目前,大多数无尾两栖类鸣声通讯研究侧重于揭示鸣声信号的功能,但关于工作记忆对雌性配偶选择的影响及其在复杂求偶信号进化过程中的作用的研究十分匮乏。本研究以锯腿原指树蛙(Kurixalus odontotarsus)为实验对象,利用趋声性实验测试雌性对不同复杂程度鸣声信号的工作记忆。雄性锯腿原指树蛙的鸣声主要包含A音节("呱"音)和B音节("啾"音),两类音节可以组成不同复杂程度的鸣声,如简单的广告鸣叫5A、复杂的组合鸣叫5A2B和5A5B。实验过程中为雌蛙播放不同复杂程度的鸣声刺激对(5A vs. 5A2B及5A vs. 5A5B),然后进行不同时长安静处理(0 s、5 s、10 s、15 s和30 s)。若安静处理后大部分雌蛙仍选择之前播放复杂鸣声的音箱,则认为此次安静处理时长在雌性对复杂鸣声的工作记忆范围内。实验数据通过广义估计方程(GEE)和精确二项分布检验进行统计分析。研究结果表明,相较于5A,雌性对组合鸣叫5A2B的工作记忆大约有15 s,对5A5B的工作记忆大约有10 s;而组间比较结果表明,雌性对于5A2B和5A5B的工作记忆没有显著性差异。因此,本研究认为复杂鸣声信号会通过工作记忆影响雌性的行为决策,且工作记忆对复杂鸣声信号进化的影响可能具有物种特异性。  相似文献   

2005年4—12月在四川老君山自然保护区,通过计算机声谱分析技术,对四川山鹧鸪(Arborophila rufipectus)雄性的鸣声行为特征进行了研究,其结果表明,雄性单音节鸣声出现在啼叫、保护领域和求偶中,这些鸣声持续时间差异明显,主峰值差异不明显;雄性双音节鸣声出现在啼叫、保护领域、竞争雌体和求偶中,这些鸣声第一音节时间、第二音节时间、音节间隔时间和主峰值差异极显著,全句时间差异不明显;雄性多音节鸣声出现在保护领域、警戒和惊吓中。雄性亚成体多音节鸣声出现在惊吓和警戒中;雄性成体和亚成体警戒鸣叫的音节持续时间、音节间隔时间和主峰值差异均不明显,全句持续时间差异明显;雄性亚成体和雄性成体的惊吓鸣叫音节持续时间、音节间隔时间、全句持续时间和主峰值差异均不明显。四川山鹧鸪表现出的各种鸣声行为是为了保护配偶和防止天敌,使该种群更好地繁衍。  相似文献   

我国12种无尾类的鸣叫特征参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了1 2种无尾类的求偶鸣叫特征参数,包括角蟾科(Megophryidae) 2种:峨眉角蟾(Megophrysomeimontis)、高山掌突蟾(Leptolalaxalpinus) ;雨蛙科(Hylidae) 2种:华西雨蛙(Hylaannectans)、秦岭雨蛙(H .tsinlingensis) ;树蛙科(Rhacophoridae) 5种:斑腿树蛙(Rhacophorusmegacephalus)、无声囊树蛙(R .mutus) ,宝兴树蛙(R .dugritei)、经甫树蛙(R .chenfui)、锯腿小树蛙(Philautusodontotarsus) ;蛙科(Ranidae)2种:弹琴水蛙(Hylaranaadenopleura)、沼水蛙(H .guentheri) ;姬蛙科(Microhylidae) 1种:花姬蛙(Microhylapulchra)。特征参数包括:(时域)时长和(频域)基频、主能峰、共振峰等9个。与已有的描述作了对比,发现差别较小,并简单讨论了差别出现的原因。此外,对同域分布且繁殖时间重叠的两个近缘种———宝兴树蛙和经甫树蛙的鸣叫比较发现,二者声音的9个参数除了音节间隔之外,差异都极其显著(P <0 0 0 1 ,α=0 0 5 ,two tailedtest) ,它们的鸣叫有显著差异。  相似文献   

In anurans, vocalization is the primary communication form and acoustic parameters are influenced by climatic conditions, but also by social contexts. We investigated calling site use and within-individual variation of acoustic parameters throughout the night in the gladiator-frog Hypsiboas goianus. We expected that large males would call closer to the water and at higher perches to avoid dehydration and maximize sound propagation. Furthermore, we tested the prediction that males would emit more aggressive calls early in the night and more advertisement calls late at night. Male size was not correlated with either distance from the water or perch height. However, as expected, males of H. goianus adopted a calling strategy that consisted of emitting more aggressive calls early in the night and more advertisement calls later in the night. Furthermore, repetition rate and interval between notes of the aggressive calls and repetition rate of the advertisement calls showed within-individual variation throughout the night that agreed with our expectations. The calling strategy of H. goianus is probably related to the establishment of calling sites early in the night and an investment in female attraction in the middle of the night when males’ aggressive interactions have faded away, or due to habituation increasing the males’ aggressive thresholds. This is the first study investigating within-individual patterns of acoustic parameters of calls throughout the night for anurans.  相似文献   

自动录音机是一种低成本、高效、可以在较长时间和较大空间范围内对物种的活动进行有效监测的设备。2019年4至6月,在北京小龙门地区(40°00′ N,115°26′ E)褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)、勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)和环颈雉(Phasianus colchicus)的栖息地内布设了songmeter自动录音机,对三种雉类的鸣声进行为期2个月的连续收集。利用Kaleidoscope软件(Wildlife Acoustics公司,美国),对不同雉类鸣声进行了人工辅助的机器学习和自动识别,从录制的22 536 h录音数据中提取了褐马鸡、勺鸡和环颈雉的鸣声。优化鸣声提取的时频参数后,勺鸡鸣声提取的正确率为73.32%,探测率为52.91%;环颈雉鸣声提取的正确率为89.32%,探测率为67.36%;褐马鸡鸣声提取的正确率较低,仅为8.69%,探测率为58.54%。结合三种雉类的繁殖资料,揭示了三种雉类的鸣声节律:褐马鸡和环颈雉有早晚两个鸣叫高峰期,但高峰时段不尽相同,勺鸡只存在鸣叫早高峰;褐马鸡、勺鸡和环颈雉在交配期、孵卵前期具有一个鸣叫高峰。  相似文献   

Across a wide range of temperatures established in the laboratory, we tape–recorded the advertisement calls of 76 freshly caught Hyla labialis males from three elevationally separated populations in the Eastern Andes of Colombia. Each male was tested once at a single temperature and returned to his capture site after measurement of his snout–vent length. We measured and averaged three characteristics of five to ten successive calls for each individual: number of pulses per call, pulse repetition rate, and call duration. We found that calling activity occurred within temperature ranges that overlapped among frogs from different elevations, but widened and shifted downward with increasing altitude of origin. Males from all sites called at temperatures higher, but not lower, than those naturally occurring during their nightly activity period. No decline in vocal performance was apparent when frogs extended their calling activity into the range of high temperatures selected for basking. Both snout–vent length and temperature affected pulse repetition rate and call duration, while the number of pulses per call was temperature–independent. Compared to the smaller males from lower elevations, the larger, high–mountain males had calls with significandy more pulses, a lower pulse repetition rate, and longer duration. Within each population, rising temperatures caused pulse repetition rate to increase and call duration to decrease significantly, whereas the number of pulses per call remained unchanged. Pulse repetition rate of highland males was the factor least affected by temperature, and it was less sensitive to night temperatures than to day temperatures. This, together with their capacity to call at low temperatures, suggests that highland frog calls are cold adapted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In Holomelina lamae Freeman daily eclosion of adults is gated, with males emerging before females. By advancing the onset of photophase and by delaying the onset of scotophase, it was demonstrated that lights-on acts as the main phase-setting cue for calling. Few females call on the day they eclose. Calling is initiated c. 9 h after the onset of photophase in 2-day-old females, and shifts to earlier times in older females. The duration of calling also increases with age. That calling is controlled by an endogenous circadian clock is indicated by its persistence in continuous light (LL) and dark (DD). In LL calling is dampened rapidly, but a single scotophase re-entrains the rhythm. Decreases in temperature advance the onset of calling and the mean hour of calling, while increases in temperature delay both. However, the magnitudes of such phase-shifts depended upon hour of the photoperiod. Moreover, cooling and heating appears to exert both transient and long-term effects on the calling rhythm. An 8 h period at a reduced temperature in LL induces calling in females whose calling is dampened, and entrains the calling rhythm. Females maintained in DD from second instar larvae to the adult stage exhibit a circadian calling rhythm set by eclosion.  相似文献   

Anurans emit advertisement calls with the purpose of attracting mates and repelling conspecific competitors. The evolution of call traits is expected to be associated with the evolution of anatomical and behavioural traits due to the physics of call emission and transmission. The evolution of vocalizations might imply trade‐offs with other energetically costly behaviours, such as parental care. Here, we investigated the association between body size, calling site, parental care and call properties (call duration, number of notes, peak frequency, frequency bandwidth and call structure) of the advertisement calls of glassfrogs (Centrolenidae)—a family of Neotropical, leaf‐dwelling anurans—using phylogenetic comparative methods. We also explored the tempo and mode of evolution of these traits and compared them with those of three morphological traits associated with body size, locomotion and feeding. We generated and compiled acoustic data for 72 glassfrog species (46% of total species richness), including representatives of all genera. We found that almost all acoustic traits have significant, but generally modest, phylogenetic signal. Peak frequency of calls is significantly associated with body size, whereas call structure is significantly associated with calling site and paternal care. Thus, the evolution of body size, calling site and paternal care could constrain call evolution. The estimated disparity of acoustic traits was larger than that of morphological traits and the peak in disparity of acoustic traits generally occurred later in the evolution of glassfrogs, indicating a historically recent outset of the acoustic divergence in this clade.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity rhythms were examined by using an actograph with infra-red photo-electric switches for two species of wrasses, (Halichoeres tenuispinnis andPteragogus flagellifera) under various light conditions. InH. tenuispinnis, the locomotor activity of almost all fish under light-dark cycle regimen (LD12:12; 06:00–18:00 light, 18:00–06:00 dark) commenced somewhat earlier than the beginning of light period and continued till somewhat earlier than the beginning of the dark period. This species clearly showed free-running activity rhythms under both constant illumination (LL) and constant darkness (DD). Therefore,H. tenuispinnis appeared to have a circadian rhythm. The length of the circadian period ranged from 23 hr. 30 min. to 23 hr. 44 min. under LL, and was from 23 hr. 39 min. to 24 hr. 18 min. under DD. On the other hand, the locomotor activity ofP. flagellifera occurred mostly in the light period under LD 12:12. The activity of this species continued through LL, but was greatly suppressed in DD, so that none of the fish had any activity rhythm in both constant conditions. It was known from field observations thatH. tenuispinnis burrowed and lay in sandy bottoms, whileP. flagellifera hid and rested in bases of seagrasses and shallow crevices of rocks during the night. In the present two wrasses, it seemed that the above-mentioned difference of noctural behavior was closely related to the intensity of the endogenous factor in the activity rhythm.  相似文献   

2016年3~6月,在广西西南部龙州县弄岗村(22°26′35.20′′~22°30′46.90′′N,106°57′46.35′′~107°03′32.99′′E),通过野外观察和自动温度记录仪相结合的方法对褐翅鸦鹃(Centropus sinensis)的孵卵行为与节律进行了研究。结果表明,1)褐翅鸦鹃边筑巢边产卵,每2 d产1枚卵,卵长径和短径分别为(36.11±0.42)mm和(28.46±0.38)mm,卵重(16.35±0.51)g(n=44枚)。窝卵数3~5枚,孵卵期为(16.75±1.65)d(n=4巢),孵化率为45.45%(n=44枚)。孵卵期与窝卵数之间无显著相关性(r=0.865,P0.05);2)白天双亲共同参与孵卵,夜晚则由其中1只负责。夜间亲鸟的在巢时间从19时左右持续至翌日晨6时左右;3)亲鸟采取离巢次数少和离巢时间长的孵卵策略。亲鸟日活动时间在700 min以上(n=45 d),日离巢次数为(8.82±0.34)次(n=45 d),平均每次离巢持续时间为(52.91±2.35)min(n=397次),每次离巢持续时间与环境温度呈显著负相关关系(r=﹣0.113,P0.05);4)巢内平均孵卵温度为(31.7±0.3)℃(n=4巢),随孵卵天数增加而增加,并与环境温度(最高温r=0.566,最低温r=0.537,平均温r=0.706,P0.01)和日活动时间正相关(r=0.506,P0.01);5)有延迟孵卵行为。延迟孵卵期间夜晚巢内最低温是22.1℃。在桂西南北热带气候环境中,高的环境温度是保障褐翅鸦鹃孵卵成功的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

We studied the vocal communication of Hyla ebraccata in central Panama. The advertisement call of this species consists of a pulsed buzz-like primary note which may be given alone or followed by 1–4 secondary click notes. Primary notes are highly stereotyped, showing little variation within or0 among individuals in dominant frequency, duration, pulse repetition rate or rise time. Males calling in isolation give mostly single-note calls. They respond to playbacks of conspecific calls by increasing calling rates and the proportion of multi-note calls, and by giving synchronized calls 140–200 ms after the stimulus begins. Responses to conspecific advertisement calls are usually given immediately after the primary note of the leading call, but the primary note of the response often overlaps with the click notes of the leading call. Experiments with synthetic signals showed that males synchronize to any type of sound of the appropriate frequency (3 kHz), regardless of the fine structure of the stimulus. Playbacks of synthetic calls of variable duration showed that males do not synchronize well to calls less than 150 ms long, but they do to longer calls (200–600 ms). The variance in response latency increased with increasing stimulus duration, but modal response times remained at around 140–200 ms. Similar results were obtained in experiments withsynthetic calls having a variable number of click notes. Males showed no tendency to increase the number of click notes in their calls in response to increasing stimulus duration or increasing number of clicks in the stimulus. Females preferred three-note to one-note calls in two-choice playback experiments, whether these were presented in alternation, or with the one-note call leading and the three-note call following. Females showed no preference for leader or follower calls when both were one-note. When two-note calls were presented with the primary note of the follower overlapping the click note of the leader, females went to calls in which click notes were not obscured. Our results indicate that male H. ebraccata respond to other males in a chorus in ways which enhance their ability to attract mates.  相似文献   

As in many anurans, males of the totally aquatic species, Xenopus laevis, advertise their sexual receptivity using vocalizations. Unusually for anurans, X. laevis females also advertise producing a fertility call that results in courtship duets between partners. Although all X. laevis calls consist of repetitive click trains, male and female calls exhibit sex-specific acoustic features that might convey sexual identity. We tested the significance of the carrier frequency and the temporal pattern of calls using underwater playback experiments in which modified calls were used to evoke vocal responses in males. Since males respond differently to male and female calls, the modification of a key component of sexual identity in calls should change the male's response. We found that a female-like slow call rhythm triggers more vocal activity than a male-like fast rhythm. A call containing both a female-like temporal pattern and a female-like carrier frequency elicits higher levels of courtship display than either feature alone. In contrast, a male-like temporal pattern is sufficient to trigger typical male-male encounter vocalizations regardless of spectral cues. Thus, our evidence supports a role for temporal acoustic cues in sexual identity recognition and for spectral acoustic cues in conveying female attractiveness in X. laevis.  相似文献   

采用快速瑞氏-姬姆萨(Wright’s-Giemsa’s)染色法对斑腿泛树蛙(Polypedates megacephalus)和沼水蛙(Hylarana guentheri)的外周血细胞进行观察,并与北部湾棱皮树蛙(Theloderma corticale)已有的数据进行了比较。结果显示,三种蛙的血细胞均由红细胞、白细胞和血栓细胞组成,三种蛙的血细胞在形态结构上具有一定的共性,但在形态大小、数量上差异显著。沼水蛙的红细胞长径和短径均显著大于其余两种,分别为(23.56±2.78)μm和(14.25±1.62)μm;3种蛙的嗜中性粒细胞和小淋巴细胞在大小上没有明显差别,但北部湾棱皮树蛙的嗜酸性粒细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞的长径、短径均显著大于其他两种蛙。北部湾棱皮树蛙的红细胞数量显著少于其余两者,为(24.33±9.46)×104/mm3;斑腿泛树蛙白细胞数量显著少于其余两种蛙,为(1.40±0.40)×104/mm3。这些差异的产生可能与其生活环境以及生活习性有关。  相似文献   

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