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为了探究生物结皮及下层土壤细菌群落多样性及结构在不同重金属污染水平下的差异及其影响因素,以宁夏东部工矿区和封育草地内广泛分布的两类生物结皮为研究对象,采用高通量测序技术,分析结皮层(A层)和结皮下层(B层)土壤细菌群落结构和多样性差异。采用相关分析、冗余分析探讨两个生境生物结皮各层次细菌群落与土壤环境因子的关系。结果表明:(1)相较于封育区,工矿区2类生物结皮对源自大气降尘的重金属元素具有更显著的表层富集作用,并表现出显著的种间差异:苔藓结皮>藻结皮。污染负荷指数评价结果显示:工矿区生物结皮各层次重金属污染程度更高,且均表现为A层污染程度高于B层。(2)两个生境的优势细菌门组成基本一致,均为放线菌门、变形菌门、酸杆菌门。受生物结皮类型、重金属污染程度的影响,细菌群落结构差异显著,主要表现为:工矿区藻结皮A、B层的α多样性指数均大于封育区,而苔藓结皮A、B层的细菌多样性指数高于封育区,丰富度指数低于封育区。主坐标分析结果显示,不同生境的生物结皮细菌群落结构差异明显,而同一生境的生物结皮细菌群落结构相似。重金属As、Pb、土壤黏粒含量和pH是影响生物结皮细菌群落结构的主要土壤环境因子...  相似文献   

沙地不同发育阶段的人工生物结皮对重金属的富集作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐杰  敖艳青  张璟霞  姚一平  高天云  骆洪 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7402-7410
生物结皮广泛存在于沙地生态系统,具有重要的生态功能.通过对位于库布齐沙漠腹地达拉特旗火力发电厂附近沙地中不同年代人工生物结皮及物理结皮中重金属含量的测定,旨在分析不同类型生物结皮及物理结皮在不同的发育阶段对重金属富集的影响和重金属污染的指示程度.通过分析和比较,得出以下结论:不同年代生物结皮和物理结皮各种重金属含量均表现为随着发育时间的增加而增加的趋势,生物结皮重金属含量多数类型表现为:Zn>Cr>Ni>Pb>Cu>As>Co>Cd>Hg的顺序关系,少数类型表现为:Cr>Zn>Ni>Pb>Cu>As>Co>Cd>Hg的顺序关系.通过单因素方差分析(ANOVA),不同年代藓结皮中各种元素差异显著性(P<0.05)明显低于藻结皮和物理结皮.相同年代生物结皮和物理结皮重金属含量都表现为同样地规律:藓结皮>藻结皮>物理结皮,表明相同背景条件下,藓结皮对各种重金属的富集能力明显比藻结皮和物理结皮的富集能力强.通过单因素方差分析(ANOVA),Hg和Ni元素含量在所有相同年代样地的生物结皮和物理结皮均无差异,Cr、Zn、Cu、Co元素含量均存在差异(P<0.05),但差异有的表现在藓结皮和藻结皮之间,而有的表现为藻结皮和物理结皮之间,而Pb、As、Cd元素含量则表现为有的年代有差异,有的年代无差异.通过污染因子CF值分析,藓结皮对污染的指示作用要明显比藻结皮和物理结皮敏感.同时生物结皮对于重金属的富集具有一定的选择性,像Hg、Ni、Zn、Cu、Pb、Co等元素生物结皮相对富集较少,而像Cr、Cd、As等元素相对富集较多.  相似文献   

为探究大气降尘重金属污染对矿区周边不同类型生物结皮细菌群落结构的影响,利用高通量测序技术分析位于宁东能源化工基地典型火电厂周边的3类生物结皮(藻结皮ZB、混生结皮HB、苔藓结皮TB)和对照(CK,裸土)的细菌丰度和群落结构,并探讨了影响细菌群落结构的环境因子。结果表明: 不同类型生物结皮的理化性质和重金属含量存在差异,且由于生物结皮对大气降尘重金属的富集作用造成各类结皮均达重度污染级别。在相对丰度排名前10的优势细菌门中,芽单胞菌门、蓝细菌门在不同类型生物结皮之间差异显著。细菌群落α多样性由高到低排序依次为CK>TB>HB>ZB。非度量多维排序(NMDS)结果显示,裸土细菌群落与其他3种生物结皮存在明显差异。相关性分析表明,生物结皮演替对细菌群落组成具有显著影响,细菌多样性和组成与pH、养分、重金属含量等密切相关。放线菌门、绿弯菌门相对丰度与pH值呈显著正相关关系,而与全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、Pb、Zn、Cd均呈显著负相关关系;冗余分析结果表明,TN、pH、TP、有机碳(SOC)是影响3种生物结皮细菌群落α多样性以及一些优势菌群相对丰度的主要土壤环境因子,而重金属Pb、Zn、Cd是影响细菌群落结构的主要重金属元素,对细菌群落数量和多样性有抑制或刺激作用。说明pH、重金属和养分是影响结皮细菌群落组成的关键因子。总体而言,长期的重金属富集作用会对生物结皮的细菌多样性和群落组成产生影响。  相似文献   

自然条件下生物结皮是藻、藓及地衣等结皮类型以不同比例组成的混合群落,显著影响土壤养分含量,目前混合生物结皮对土壤养分的影响与其群落结构的关系尚不清楚,限制了混合生物结皮土壤养分的评估。为此,研究通过测定单一组成的藻结皮、藓结皮以及80%藻+20%藓、60%藻+40%藓、40%藻+60%藓和20%藻+80%藓4个不同藻藓比例的混合生物结皮土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、速效磷、铵态氮和硝态氮含量,研究了混合生物结皮土壤养分与其群落结构之间的关联。结果显示:(1)藓结皮层土壤有机碳、全氮、速效磷、铵态氮和硝态氮含量显著高于藻结皮,分别高出166.4%、77.2%、55.1%、56.2%和42.2%。(2)藻藓混合生物结皮土壤有机碳、全氮、速效磷和铵态氮含量与组成和盖度等结构特征有关,可以通过单一类型生物结皮土壤养分含量与盖度加权预测混合生物结皮土壤养分储量。(3)混合生物结皮土壤有机碳、全氮、速效磷和铵态氮储量实测值(x)与预测值(y)拟合的线性函数分别为y=0.97x、y=0.96x、y=1.18x和y=0.92x。(4)混合生物结皮对全磷和硝态氮含量的影响与群落结构无关。生物结皮对下层0—5 ...  相似文献   

生物结皮对铜尾矿废弃地土壤微生物量及酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
生物结皮是铜尾矿废弃地自然原生演替的最初阶段.本研究以铜陵杨山冲铜尾矿库和铜官山新铜尾矿库为对象,采用熏蒸浸提和化学分析法研究了两尾矿库不同类型生物结皮下土壤微生物量C、N及脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶、碱性磷酸酶和脲酶活性.结果表明:铜尾矿废弃地上的生物结皮能够显著提高表层尾矿中的微生物量和土壤酶活性,其中藻类结皮对土壤微生物量C、N的影响高于藓-藻混合结皮,藓类结皮的影响最小;随着土壤生物结皮类型的变化,土壤微生物区系也随之变化;各类生物结皮下表层尾矿中土壤酶活性无显著差异.相关分析表明,碱性磷酸酶活性与土壤微生物量、脱氢酶和脲酶活性呈显著正相关,但与土壤pH呈显著负相关.此外,藓类植物假根能够显著提高藓类结皮假根层的微生物量和酶活性.  相似文献   

生物结皮是土壤表面具有光合活性的致密复合层,是土-气界面CO2通量的影响因子之一.本文采用改进的Li-8100土壤碳通量测量系统,研究了黄土丘陵区退耕地上不同演替阶段生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的影响.结果表明:光照条件下,生物结皮土壤CO2通量较除去生物结皮显著下降,其中藻结皮和藓结皮分别下降了92%和305%;生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的降低程度与其生物组成和生物量有关,深色藻结皮和藓结皮土壤CO2通量较裸地分别降低了141%和484%.生物结皮土壤CO2通量的日变化呈降低-升高-降低的趋势,而裸地CO2通量日变化趋势为单峰曲线,藻结皮、藓结皮的碳吸收峰值分别出现在8:00和9:00前后,其CO2通量分别为0.13和-1.02 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1;藻结皮24 h CO2通量排放总量较裸地增加7.7%,而藓结皮减少了29.6%.生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的影响显著,在评价退耕地土壤碳循环时,应考虑生物结皮的影响.  相似文献   

生物结皮是土壤表面具有光合活性的致密复合层,是土 气界面CO2通量的影响因子之一.本文采用改进的Li-8100土壤碳通量测量系统,研究了黄土丘陵区退耕地上不同演替阶段生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的影响.结果表明: 光照条件下,生物结皮土壤CO2通量较除去生物结皮显著下降,其中藻结皮和藓结皮分别下降了92%和305%;生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的降低程度与其生物组成和生物量有关,深色藻结皮和藓结皮土壤CO2通量较裸地分别降低了141%和484%.生物结皮土壤CO2通量的日变化呈降低-升高-降低的趋势,而裸地CO2通量日变化趋势为单峰曲线,藻结皮、藓结皮的碳吸收峰值分别出现在8:00和9:00前后,其CO2通量分别为0.13和-1.02 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1;藻结皮24 h CO2通量排放总量较裸地增加7.7%,而藓结皮减少了29.6%.生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的影响显著,在评价退耕地土壤碳循环时,应考虑生物结皮的影响.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同类型生物结皮下的土壤生态化学计量特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物结皮在土壤养分累积和循环中起着重要作用.本研究以黄土丘陵区浅色藻结皮、深色藻结皮、藻藓混合结皮、藓结皮、地衣结皮和普通念珠藻结皮6类典型生物结皮为对象,分析不同类型生物结皮土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其化学计量学特征,研究不同类型生物结皮对土壤养分的影响.结果表明:不同类型生物结皮土壤C、N、P、C/N、C/P、N/P差异显著;生物结皮层C、N、P、C/N、C/P、N/P均显著高于0~10 cm土层土壤.6类生物结皮土壤C、N含量均随土层加深而下降,P含量受土层深度影响较小.对于生物结皮层,藓结皮C、N、P含量分别为27.07、2.42、0.67 g·kg^-1,显著高于其他类型生物结皮.念珠藻结皮的0~2 cm土层土壤C、N、P、C/N、C/P、N/P显著高于其他类型生物结皮.  相似文献   

增加地表粗糙度是生物结皮影响干旱和半干旱地区地表水文与土壤侵蚀过程的重要途径。本文针对黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区典型小流域,使用链条法测定了裸沙、物理结皮以及不同发育阶段生物结皮(藻、藻-藓混生、藓)的地表粗糙度,比较了不同地形(坡度和坡向)和土壤条件(土壤类型和含水量)下生物结皮地表粗糙度的差异,分析了生物结皮对地表粗糙度特征的影响及其与地形因素和土壤属性的相关关系。结果表明:与裸沙相比,随着物理结皮、藻结皮以及藻-藓混生结皮的相继发育,地表粗糙度由0.67持续增加至16.76(F=194.31,P0.01);各发育阶段中,藻-藓混生结皮的地表粗糙度最高,为无结皮土壤的25倍,但由藻-藓混生结皮发育至藓结皮后地表粗糙度骤减了52.7%(仍大于裸沙和物理结皮);生物结皮的地表粗糙度在10°~30°坡度范围内差异不显著,但在30°~40°坡度下其地表粗糙度显著增加(F=10.05,P0.01),增加幅度达25.5%;且阳坡藓结皮的地表粗糙度显著高于阴坡(t=-5.70,P0.01),为阴坡的1.3倍;生物结皮的地表粗糙度随含水量变化波动较为剧烈,任意含水量下黄绵土上发育的藓结皮的地表粗糙度均高于风沙土上发育的藓结皮(F=187.16,P0.01),前者平均为后者的2.1倍;黄绵土上藓结皮的地表粗糙度与有机质含量呈显著负相关(r=-0.998,P=0.04),而与其他土壤属性的相关性不显著。综上,黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区生物结皮的发育显著增加了地表粗糙度,其关键影响因素是生物结皮的发育阶段以及坡度和坡向。  相似文献   

生物土壤结皮对雨滴动能的响应及削减作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Qin NQ  Zhao YG 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2259-2264
在野外调查采样的基础上,采用单滴雨滴法研究了黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区不同类型生物结皮对雨滴动能的响应及削减作用.结果表明:生物结皮对雨滴动能的响应与其生物组成密切相关,击穿1 cm厚浅色藻结皮和80%盖度藓结皮的累积雨滴动能分别为0.99 J和75.56 J;相同组成的生物结皮对雨滴动能的响应与其生物量有关,生物量越大,击穿生物结皮所需累积雨滴动能越大;当藻结皮叶绿素a含量(表征藻结皮生物量)从3.32 μg·g-1增至3.73 μg·g-1时,对应的雨滴动能则由0.99 J增至2.17 J;当藓结皮的生物量从2.03 g·dm-2升至4.73 g·dm-2时,其对应的雨滴动能由6.08 J增至75.56 J;生物结皮演替过程中对雨滴动能的响应呈“S”形曲线变化.不同生物量的藻结皮对雨滴动能耐受能力的差异不显著;随单位面积苔藓生物量的增加,藓结皮对雨滴动能的耐受能力显著增加.藓结皮对雨滴动能的耐受能力在生物量2.03~4.73 g·dm-2之间呈线性增加;当藓结皮平均生物量达3.70 g·dm-2时,可以抗击62.03 J的雨滴动能.生物结皮对雨滴动能有显著的削弱作用,且这种削弱作用随着生物量的增加而增加.  相似文献   

The input of heavy metals by atmospheric deposition to forested watersheds substantially decreased during the last decades in many areas. The goal of our study was to identify the present sinks and sources of metals and factors influencing metal mobility at the catchment and soil profile scale. We determined concentrations and fluxes of Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni in precipitation, litterfall, soil solutions (Oi, Oe, Oa horizon percolates, 20 and 90?cm soil depth) and runoff in a forest ecosystem in NE-Bavaria, Germany for 1?year. The metal concentrations in solutions were mostly <10???g?l?1 beside Zn (<1200???g?l?1). The present total deposition was estimated at 1.0, 560, 30, 1.2 and 10.4?g?ha?1?year?1 for Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni, respectively. The mass balance (total deposition minus runoff) at the catchment scale indicated actual retention of Zn, Cu and Ni, but an almost balanced budget for Cr and Cd. Considering the soil profile scale, the Oi horizon still acted as a sink, whereas the Oe and Oa horizons were presently sources for all metals. The solid?Csolution partitioning coefficients indicated higher mobility of Cd and Zn than of Cu, Cr and Ni in forest soils. In the mineral soil horizons, Kd values derived from field measurements were substantially larger than those predicted with empirical regression equations from Sauv?? et al. (Environ Sci Technol 34:1125?C1131, 2000; Environ Sci Technol 37:5191?C5196, 2003). The mineral soil acted as a sink for all metals beside Cd. Dissolved organic C and pH influenced the metal mobility, as indicated by significant correlations to metal concentrations in Oa percolates and runoff. The solid?Csolution partitioning coefficients indicated higher mobility of Cd and Zn than of Cu, Cr and Ni in forest soils. Overall, the decreased deposition rates have obviously induced a source function of the Oe and Oa horizon for metals. Consequently, mobilization of metals from forest floor during heavy rain events and near surface flow conditions may lead to elevated concentrations in runoff.  相似文献   

生物结皮作为荒漠地表的重要覆被类型, 在荒漠生态系统的氮素循环中扮演重要角色。融雪期为古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮的复苏和生长提供了充足的水分, 也成为该沙漠氮素固定和转化的重要时期, 但该时期生物结皮如何影响驱动氨氧化转化的微生物群落动态尚未明确。因此, 我们利用荧光定量PCR (fluorescent quantitative PCR, qPCR)方法分析融雪期生物结皮与去除结皮不同土层(0-2, 2-5, 5-10和10-20 cm)氨氧化菌群丰度特征, 结合潜在硝化速率和土壤理化参数, 探究融雪期生物结皮对荒漠土壤氮素转化作用。结果表明: 氨氧化古菌(ammonia-oxidizing archaea, AOA)是古尔班通古特沙漠土壤优势氨氧化菌, 生物结皮对0-2 cm层土壤中AOA、氨氧化细菌(ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, AOB) amoA基因丰度具有显著抑制作用(P < 0.01), 对10-20 cm层土壤中AOA amoA基因丰度具有显著促进作用(P < 0.01)。冗余分析(redundancy analysis, RDA)表明, AOA、AOB amoA基因丰度主要受土壤含水量和铵态氮含量的影响, 占总条件效应的54.90%。氨氧化速率分析发现, 去除生物结皮显著降低古尔班通古特沙漠土壤硝化作用潜力(P < 0.001), 证实生物结皮对荒漠土壤氮素转化具有重要的调控作用。综上所述, 古尔班通古特沙漠氨氧化微生物的分布规律受环境因子调控, 特别是生物结皮可以通过调节土壤含水量和铵态氮含量影响AOA和AOB的空间生态位分化, 促进沙漠土壤的硝化作用。  相似文献   

王爱霞  方炎明 《广西植物》2017,37(4):470-477
该研究选取杭州市2个污染区常见的6种绿化树种叶片作为材料,以清洁区为对照,采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法,测定受试树种叶内及对应样点降尘、土壤中Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn的含量,分析叶片的吸污能力以及重金属含量与土壤、降尘的相关性。结果表明:(1)污染区树种重金属含量明显高于对照区,绿化树种对环境重金属污染物有一定的吸收能力,重金属含量在不同的树种中具有明显差异;所测树种叶内Zn含量最大,Pb次之,Cd最小,指示能力则以枸骨(Ilex cornuta)对Cd和Pb、圆柏(Juniperus chinensis)对Cu、茶花(Camellia japonica)对Ni、广玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora)对Zn为最强。(2)3个样点树种叶片与对应样点土壤、降尘中重金属元素含量的相关性分析和回归分析表明,叶片重金属含量与土壤重金属含量的相关性较小,而与降尘呈显著正相关。因此,绿化树种叶片作为空气重金属污染的累积器和监测器是科学合理的,且上述4种树种对杭州市空气中6种重金属污染的指示作用具有一定参考价值,可作为监测城市空气质量的特型树种。该研究结果为减少城市空气重金属污染提供了科学依据和理论支持。  相似文献   

城市地表灰尘中重金属的来源、暴露特征及其环境效应   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
方凤满  林跃胜  王海东  谢宏芳 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7301-7310
地表灰尘是城市环境重金属的“源”、“汇”载体,与环境质量和人类健康有着密切关系.分析了城市地表灰尘重金属污染研究的意义,综述了国内外城市地表灰尘重金属地球化学行为研究进展,包括地表灰尘重金属来源、暴露特征及其影响因素分析、环境效应等方面.提出应加强时间序列及小尺度微观研究;地理因素对地表灰尘中重金属暴露特征、环境效应的影响机理研究.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to prove suitability of some microbiological tests for determination of the degree of soil pollution by copper industry. The microbiological tests reveal sensitivity to metal compounds present in dusts emitted by smelters. The sensitivity of the selected strains to the dust present in the agar medium and soil has been determined and 30 strains, of which 50% reacted to the presence of 1--2 g of the dust in medium, were recommended for the tests. The tests showed accumulation of heavy metals contained in the dust mainly in the upper soil horizons and the highest pollution with the dust approximately 800 m away from the emitor in northeastern direction, which is the direction of prevailing winds of that area. The results obtained are in accordance with theoretical assumption as well as with the literature based on chemical analyses of polluted soil.  相似文献   

城市住宅区是人类活动的重要场所,与居民的日常生活紧密相关。为了解沈阳市住宅区小区与街道灰尘中重金属污染的空间分布,采集了不同住宅区小区与街道的灰尘样品,分析了灰尘中重金属的含量,并使用富集因子和地累积指数评估了其污染程度。结果表明,沈阳市灰尘中重金属Cr、Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn的平均含量均超过辽宁省表层土壤元素背景值。单因素方差分析表明,街道灰尘中重金属Cu、Fe、Mn和Zn的空间分布具有显著性差异,而小区灰尘中重金属Cd、Cr、Fe、Mn和Pb在空间上具有显著性差异。重金属Cd、Zn和Pb的平均污染水平较高,其中小区内Cd和Zn的污染程度高于街道。沈阳市不同方位住宅区灰尘中重金属的污染水平介于轻度污染至中度污染之间。  相似文献   

Limited studies have been conducted on atmospheric dust pollution due to high cost of instrumental monitoring and difficulties in associated sampling methods. In this study, the possibility of using leaves of plane tree (Platanus orientalis L.) as a bioindicator of atmospheric pollution was evaluated by determining the composition of heavy elements in both the tree leaves and the atmospheric dust. Plane tree leaves were sampled monthly for 7 consecutive months (May to Nov.; T1–T7) from 21 different sites in the city of Isfahan, central Iran. Atmospheric dust samples were also collected from the same sites on glass trays simultaneously, except for T1. Concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were determined in both the washed (WL) and unwashed leaves (UL) as well as in the atmospheric dust samples. Elemental concentrations in the dust samples deposited on the leaves were determined by subtracting metal concentrations in UL from those in WL. Significant amounts of heavy metals were detected in UL taken from all sites at all the sampling times except for T7 before which time a heavy rain had fallen. Statistically significant correlations were found between the heavy metal concentrations in the atmospheric dust and the dust deposited on the leaves (UL–WL) except for Pb in T4 and T5 sampling times. The spatial distribution maps of heavy metal concentrations in atmospheric dust followed almost the same pattern as those in plant leaf dust. The results showed that plane tree leaves have a great potential for use as an indicator of air pollution for all the heavy metals investigated except for Pb. This passive dust sampling and pollution accumulating method appears to be an easy, inexpensive, and accessible approach for the detection of atmospheric heavy metals.  相似文献   

High-throughput 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA sequencing were performed to study the changes of soil microbial diversity and community structure under different heavy metal pollution levels in Chengxian lead–zinc mining area, Gansu Province. In this study, we characterized the main physicochemical properties, multiple heavy metal pollution, and microbial community structure of the soil in the tailings. The results show that the soil near the tailings pond was alkaline, barren and the heavy metals were seriously polluted. The microbial diversity and richness of S1 and S2 sites were significantly lower than that of CK2 site (P < 0·05), indicating that the heavy metal pollution could change the physicochemical properties and microbial community structure in soil. Among 97 identified core operating taxa of fungal communities, Ascomycota, Teguta and Basidiomycota were dominant at the phylum level, while among 1523 identified core operating taxa of bacterial communities, Actinomycota was dominant at the phylum level. In addition, the redundancy analysis and Spearman correlation analysis showed that the physicochemical properties and the heavy metal concentration had significant effects on the composition and distribution of soil microbial community. The basic characteristics of soil physicochemical properties, multiple heavy metal pollution and microbial community structure in the tailings were revealed, hoping to provide a basis for ecological rehabilitation of tailings by revealing the variance rule of microbial community diversity in the future.  相似文献   

Ling Li  Xuyu Yan  Juan Li  Yashan Tian  Pan Ren 《Phyton》2021,90(1):35-50
Heavy metal-contaminated soil is one of the major environmental pollution problems of agricultural production and human health in the world. Remediation of heavy metals in soil is one of the most popular research subjects. Different remediation strategies have been reported to remove heavy metals from contaminated soil, among which phytoremediation is the most important one. Compared with other major crops, cotton shows the strongest and most widespread resistance to abiotic stresses, such as heavy metals. Although heavy metal stress adversely affects the growth and development of cotton, cotton possesses a set of sophisticated stress-resistance strategies. As the main product of cotton is nonedible fibers, which have a large biomass and strong heavy metal absorption and enrichment capacities, cotton is an ideal crop to restore heavy metal-contaminated soils and has unique advantages in terms of both ecological and economic benefits, with great application prospects. In this review, based on domestic and foreign research results in recent years, the effects of heavy metals on cotton growth and product quality were analyzed, the heavy metal absorption, accumulation, translocation and enrichment characteristics of cotton plants were summarized, and the adaptation and tolerance mechanisms of cotton to heavy metals were explored. Furthermore, the view that cotton is an effective crop to remediate heavy metal pollution in farmland soil has been proposed, and popularization and application suggestions for planting cotton to repair heavy metal pollution have been put forward to provide a reference for the comprehensive evaluation of the economic feasibility of cotton to repair heavy metal pollution in farmland soil.  相似文献   

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